lovelybeardeddragon · 7 years
Shovel Talks
Lena is basically the best boss ever, and her employees can get a little overprotective of their boss. As a result, Kara has some weird and uncomfortable conversations with Lena's employees.
Kara gets the shovel talk multiple times even though she's not dating anyone.
Read here on ao3
Kara lets out a sigh a relief, finally finishing the last-minute assignment Snapper had given her, which made her late to her lunch with Lena.
Kara sends one more text to Lena, telling her yet again how sorry she is for being late for their lunch.
She about to fly over when she sees that Lena replied.
No worries. My driver will be there to pick you up soon. Wouldn’t want you to have to take the bus. ;) Is there anything you want me to order for you?
Kara flushes at the winking face, remembering her gaffe, almost revealing to Lena that she was Supergirl. She corrected herself, but now Lena thinks she always has to takes the bus and constantly offers her one of her drivers, saying that taking the bus isn’t safe in case someone sees her, and then winks.
The wink always distracts her enough that she forgets to ask why having someone see her on the bus is unsafe, and by then, Lena has already texted one of her drivers when and where to pick Kara up.
Just order anything you want and think I’ll like. I trust you. Just order a lot. I’m starving.
“Miss Danvers?” Kara looks and sees Lena’s driver parked at the curb right in front of her.
“Steve, I told you to call me Kara.”
Steve has been Lena’s main driver for several years and is always the driver Lena sends to pick up Kara.
“Alright Kara.” The driver replies, as he opens the car door to let Kara in.
“Thank you for picking me up, Steve.” Kara says once she’s in the car.
“It’s no problem. It’s my job, and Miss Luthor more than adequately pays me for it.” Steve says, shooting Kara a smile through the rearview mirror.
Throughout the entire drive, Steve keeps look back at Kara through the rearview mirror as his hands fidget on the steering wheel. As soon as he opens his mouth as if to say something, he shakes his head lightly and lets out a quiet sigh that Kara probably wouldn’t be able to pick up on if it wasn’t for her super hearing.
Finally, the drivers steels his composure for several seconds before opening his mouth.
“You know. Miss Luthor has been a wonderful person to work for. She pays me double what my old employer did and always lets me take days off when one of my kids is sick.” Steve pauses as if trying to figure out what next to say, and then continues in a softer tone. “Miss Luthor is a good person. Better than what most people give her credit for. Do you know what I’m trying to say Miss Danvers?”
“Yeah. Lena is amazing.” Kara replies while nodding fervently in agreement, yet entirely sure the purpose behind the driver’s declaration. Nevertheless, Kara’s is always happy to give Lena some well-deserved praises.
“I’m glad Miss Luthor has someone like you in her life. Miss Luthor has too many people in her life that aren’t there for the right reasons.” Steve’s tone suddenly becoming serious again. “I’m glad you’re not one of those people.”
“I’m not.”
“Good. Because those people are trash.” Steve’s states bluntly. The venom in the voice of the usually amiable man surprises Kara. “Oh look. We’re here.”
“Lena! I’m so sorry I’m late!” Kara exclaims, attracting the attention of several of the costumers in the fancy sushi restaurant. Kara slows down her steps and flushes at the disruption she just caused. Lena’s amused smile makes her feel a little better though.
“Don’t worry about it Kara. I hope you are satisfied with what I ordered.” Lena says gesturing at the table full of sushi assortments. “I order the family sized sushi platter. It’s supposed to feed five. But if that is inadequate we can always order more.”
Kara mouth waters at all the food in front of her. Lena is well acquainted with how much Kara can eat and has never questioned it. It’s also beneficial that Lena can easily afford Kara’s appetite. Even though Kara has tried to offer to pay for her portion, Lena always waves her off and says, “I’m a billionaire, Kara. What else am I going to use all this money on.”
Eventually Kara stopped trying, enjoying being spoiled by her friend. She tries to make up for it by bringing Lena snacks and take out when she knows Lena is working late.
“This should be more than enough.” Kara replies, already shoving a salmon avocado roll into her mouth. “Mmmmm. This is sooo good.”
Kara flushes at the unholy sound she just made and the fact that Lena was watching her intently with one of her perfect eyebrows slightly raised while lightly biting her bottom lip.
Seeming taking pity on the flustered girl in front of her, Lena finally breaks eye contact and delicately takes a yellow tail roll for herself, allowing Kara’s face to return to normal color.
“I had an interesting conversation with Steve on the way here.” Kara brings up, trying to move past the charged moment.
“Oh? What was the topic of conversation?”
“You actually. He thinks highly of you.”
“Employees are easy to keep satisfied as long as you pay them enough. I wish that gaining the favor of the rest of the world was just as easy”
“I don’t think it is just that though. I’m not the only person who can see how good you are and how hard you work at making a positive impact on the world.” Kara smiles, not wanting to allow Lena to brush this off with modesty and self-deprecation. “You’re incredible Lena. People are going to notice.”
“You must be Kara.” Kara looks up and sees an older woman that she doesn’t recognize at all.
Lena had to cancel on their lunch at the last minute today, so Kara was currently in the L Corp cafeteria, deciding to try it out since she was already at L-corp.
“Yeah…” Kara replies slowly, trying to remember if she knew this woman.
“I’m Edith, the head cook of the cafeteria.” She said while reaching her hand out for Kara to shake. “I see you enjoyed my cooking.” She adds, gesturing at the large amount of empty plates surrounding Kara at the moment.
“Yes. It was delicious.” Kara replies with a wide grin. She’s still not sure how this woman knows her name, but the food was wonderful.
“Everyone in this building knows who you are Kara. Miss Luthor doesn’t get many frequent non-work related visitors.” Edith states, probably sensing Kara’s confusion. “Especially not ones that come so late at night and get full access to her at all times.”
Kara eyes widen at the fact that people have been gossiping about her and Lena.
“You know, I’ve known Miss Luthor for quite some time. I was her father’s secretary for years before he passed. I watched her grow up.” The older woman smiles fondly.
Kara suddenly remembers Lena mentioning this woman. One of the first nights she visited Lena in her office to bring her food, she found that Lena already had a bowl of stew and a salad. Lena explained that the L Corp’s chef is a family friend and would sometimes bring her food when it was obvious she hadn’t eaten all day.
“When her brother took over the company, he fired me, but when Lena became CEO, she found me again.” Edith continues, jostling Kara from her thoughts. “She remembered how much I loved to cook. I would always make things for Mr. Luthor to bring back to his kids. So, when she decided to have a cafeteria inside the company building, she offered me the job.”
“Lena mentioned that a family friend was the chef.”
“Family friend. I guess you could call me that. Even though I absolutely despise most of her family. You see, I don’t take kindly to people who cause Miss Luthor pain.” The chef fixing Kara with a steely look and fiddling with a knife that seemingly suddenly appeared in her hand.
“Um… What… How….”
“I should probably head back to the kitchen. Goodbye Miss Danvers.” Edith walks away, leaving Kara with her mouth gaping and a shiver down her spine. Did she just get threatened?
“Kara, what’s going on?” Alex asks, voice filled with concern.
Kara was currently having dinner with Alex, Maggie, and Winn, and had been staring at her container of pot stickers for several minutes now. The fact that she was not currently stuffing face was very out of character and troubling.
“Nothing… It’s just… I think I may have got threatened by one of Lena’s employees today.”
“What do you mean, you think you got threatened. Who threatened you?!” Alex asks, immediately standing up like she was ready to fight whoever it was until Maggie places a soothing hand on her arm.
“I think you’re going to need to explain further.”
Kara recounts what happened earlier that day, also including her conversation with Lena’s driver too because that was strange as well.
When she’s done, Alex is noticeable less anxious, but that is replaced with a knowing and amused look on her face, as well as Maggie’s and Winn’s, that Kara isn’t sure if she likes that better.
“Kara, you got the shovel talk.” Alex finally says since the other two seem like they were going to burst out laughing.
“The shovel talk?!” Kara all but squawks.
“Yeah. You know, what you give the new significant other of someone you care about. What you tried to give me when I first started to date your sister.”
“I know what a shovel talk is. But Lena and I aren’t… Are we?”
“Either way, some of her employees seem to think you two are.” Winn finally composed enough to speak. Kara is not enjoying how entertaining her friends are finding this.
This isn’t funny. This is serious. People think that… Kara’s face reddens at what Lena’s employees must be thinking when they see her visiting late at night. What they probably think Lena and her are doing in that office. What Kara wants Lena to do with her in that office. On that couch, or Lena’s desk, or…
“So, what are you planning to do?” Alex asks, ripping Kara from her thoughts. Thoughts that she really shouldn’t be having in the presence of other people.
“Lena.” Maggie and Winn both reply at the same time, followed with a high five between them and a displeased look from Alex.
“I know where you live.” Jess says seemingly randomly one day as Kara is waiting outside Lena’s office, waiting for her to be done with her call with some investors so they could have dinner together.
Kara looks up in waiting for Jess to go on so she could understand why that statement is relevant. She’s just here to wait for Lena so they can go to their pottery making class.
“I manage Lena’s contacts and address book. I found your apartment building and room number and I have it saved on my phone.” Jess continues, offering no other explanations.
“Why… What—“
“I also have a friend that works for Wildlife Control.” Jess continues, completely ignoring Kara’s sounds of confusion. “He also owns me a favor.”
“Jess what are—“
“The point I’m trying to make is that I am very much capable of filling your apartment with rabid raccoons if you ever give me the reason to. So, if you ever hurt Miss Luthor, I will make you regret it.”
Oh Rao.
“I would never hurt Lena. I care—.”
“And if I find out you’re dating her just to get the exclusive scoops and get ahead in your career, I’ll—“
“I would never do that. Lena so much more important to me than improving my career.” Kara blurts out adamantly, upset that anyone would insinuate such a thing. “Also… Um… Lena and I aren’t dating.”
Kara can see from Jess’s incredulous stare that she doesn’t believe her.
“Not that I don’t want to date Lena. I do. I would love to. Lena is incredible. We’re just not… you know…” Kara ends her rambling with a series of hand motions that have no meaning.
“But you two go on dates, regularly. She filled your office with flowers. You two stay in her office late at night doing god knows what.”
Kara blushes profusely for probably the tenth time this week at what Jess just said, especially the last part, reminding her of her previous fantasies and knowing how close they were to what Lena’s employees thought they were doing in Lena’s office.
“That does make it sound like we’re in a relationship. But we aren’t. I promise. Does everyone think that we are... you know… dating?”
“Yeah. You are pretty was obvious. We just figured that you two were trying to keep it private, but we need to know that you can be trusted.”
“I promise you. I care about Lena a lot, and I would never jeopardize her trust in me.”
“That’s not enough.”
“What do you mean. What more do you want?”
“Do you love her?”
“I… We’re not dating!”
Kara’s voice raises with every reply as Jess’s voice remains deadly calm.
“So, that’s a no.”
“We’re not together!”
“You don’t love her then.”
“No! I mean yes! I do love her! I would love for you all to be correct and to actually be in a romantic relationship with her. But we’re not!” Kara shouts in frustration before her voice dampens with uncertainty and doubt. “I don’t even know if she likes me back.”
“Why don’t you ask her?”
Kara turns around to see Lena leaning against her office door, not knowing how Lena came out of her office without her hearing her. Then, she realises how loud she was being and she sees that Lena wasn’t the only person to overhear her declaration, seeing with here x-ray vision that in the other room was almost a dozen of Lena’s employees plastered up against the wooden door.
“Do you… maybe… want to have dinner with me?” Kara finally stammers out after a long pause of silence, slightly uncomfortable with the large audience.
“Like we’re about to do right now?” Lena replies teasingly.
“No. Like a date and not a friend date, an actual date. Because I like you. I like like you as more than a friend. And we could do stuff we don’t usually do, like hold hands or kiss… Not that I’m expecting you to let me kiss you on our first date. But that… you know… could be an option. I doesn’t have to be tonight since this was supposed to be a friend date, and you probably want time to think about it, and I probably shouldn’t have asked you out to a romance dinner minutes before we go out to friend dinner.” Kara rambles on without taking a breath.
“Kara.” Lena interrupts, finally taking pity on her frazzled friend. “I would love to have dinner with you tonight.”
Lena gently grabs her hand and leads her now speechless date out of the room and toward the elevator so they can go to a “romance dinner”.
“Miss Danvers.” Jess calls out as the elevator door is closing. “Remember. Rabid Raccoons.”
Kara swallows nervously and gives Jess a small nod in reply.
“Rabid raccoons?” Lena asks as she gently squeezes Kara hand.
“Don’t worry about it.” Kara smiles back. “Your employees just really care about you, and I’m glad you have people like that here.”
She would gladly listen to every single one of L-corps employees give her the shovel talk if she got to continue holding Lena hand like this.
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