#MSP Hack
seethinglikeme · 2 years
i wanna hack msp but idk how 😔
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berestweys · 9 months
since 2022, after watching kinnporsche twice that summer and losing my marbles, i've fallen into a deep well of thai tv.
shout out to love in the air, bad buddy, and cutie pie, my 2nd, 3rd, & 4th bls watched in the fall of 2022. they were all so delightful (in very different ways) that i simply had to keep going.
in 2023 i watched 24 thai dramas: mostly bl's but 1 notable gl gap the series (and another tiny gl if you count zero photography with inkpa my beloveds), and two shows that are neither (mama gogo and the warp effect should be on everyone's watch list! so great!) i have never in my life watched this much television.
my favorite of 2023 is definitely my school president. there was a lot of competition (wedding plan! moonlight chicken! so many more omg) but msp is the only one i rewatched immediately. the chinzhilla babies stole every inch of my heart. it couldn't be anyone but them.
last twilight is still ongoing so i'm going to count it as 2024, and since it hasn't finished i can't say for certain it will end as beautifully as it started (i think it will. i hope it will.). it is currently rearranging every molecule in my body 24/7. i think it's going to be one of my favorite shows ever heyyyyyyyyy. I'M SERIOUS I AM VIBRATING
also currently watching cherry magic with taynew and it is completely adorable. my dash is soaked to the gills with the sign and pit babe, though i'm not watching either show. it's entertaining to watch them both in gifs (every pit babe post i see hacks another week off my life though. lord.)
2024 is off with a bang.
it's pretty funny that so many of us started watching thai bl's because of kinnporsche, looking for more of ~that~, because as it turns out there is no other show like kp, and yet i am completely hooked. i think i've seen enough of them at this point that i have a feel for the rhythms of the genre, though my watchlist is tiny in comparison to a lot of the blogs i follow. i love it and i have loved learning more about thai language, culture, & politics.
it's been a wild fun time, and i'm thankful to everyone i follow, including my handful of mutuals who have given me recs, made gorgeous gifsets & vids, written fic, & thrown some of the best and most hilarious tags in any fandom i've been in. you're all fantastic!!!
happy new year and let's keep collecting blorbos
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wikipediaweekly · 2 years
Cyber Safe and Sound: Proven Strategies for Protecting Your Business and Personal Data
In today's digital age, cyber security is more important than ever. With so much of our personal and business information being stored online, it's crucial to take steps to protect ourselves from cyber attacks. These attacks can range from simple email scams to sophisticated hacking attempts and can result in the loss of sensitive information, financial loss, and even reputational damage. In this blog post, we'll explore some proven strategies for keeping yourself and your business cyber safe and sound. We'll cover everything from basic security measures to advanced techniques, so whether you're a business owner or an individual, you'll learn something new. So, let's dive in and start protecting ourselves in the digital world!
One of the most basic but effective strategies for protecting your business and personal data is to use strong, unique passwords. This may seem like common sense, but many people still use easily guessable passwords such as "12345" or "password". When creating a password, it's important to use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, and to avoid using personal information such as your name or birthdate. Additionally, you should consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords for you.
Another key strategy is to keep your software and devices up to date. This includes everything from your operating system to your web browsers and apps. Software updates often include important security patches and bug fixes, so it's essential to install them as soon as they become available. Additionally, you should ensure that your anti-virus and firewall software is up to date and active at all times.
In addition to these basic strategies, you can also take more advanced measures to protect your data. One option is to use encryption to secure sensitive information. This can be done at the file or disk level, and essentially makes it impossible for anyone to read the data without the correct key. Another advanced strategy is to use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection and protect against hackers and snoops.
For businesses, it's also important to have a comprehensive security plan in place. This should include regular security assessments, employee training, and incident response procedures. It's also a good idea to have dedicated IT staff to manage your organization's security systems. Additionally, you should consider investing in a professional security service, such as a managed service provider (MSP) or security-as-a-service (SaaS) provider, to help safeguard your networks and data.
Finally, a robust Backup and Disaster recovery plan will go a long way to mitigate the risk of data loss due to any possible events, including cyber attacks. Backup copies of all your important data should be kept in a secure location, like cloud storage, and those copies should be regularly updated.
In conclusion, the key to protecting your business and personal data is a multi-layered approach, implementing basic and advanced strategies, stay informed, and being proactive with the latest cyber threats. Regularly reviewing and testing your security protocols will help to ensure that your data remains safe and secure.
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vrisik · 1 year
did msp get hacked lmao??
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ericvanderburg · 15 days
Headline-Stealing Hacks Involving AI-Based Voice Chatbots & Automated MSPs
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cyberhoot · 7 months
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b2bcybersecurity · 8 months
Die gefährlichste Malware im November: Formbook Platz 1
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Die häufigste Malware im November 2023 ist der Infostealer Formbook und die am häufigsten angegriffene Branche ist ISP/MSP. Command Injection Over HTTP war die am häufigsten ausgenutzte Schwachstelle. Check Point Software Technologies hat seinen globalen Bedrohungsindex für November 2023 veröffentlicht: Top-Malware in Deutschland Der erste Platz in Deutschland wurde von Formbook erreicht. Formbook ist ein Infostealer, der auf das Betriebssystem Windows abzielt und erstmals 2016 entdeckt wurde. Er wird in Hacker-Underground-Foren als Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) vermarktet, da er über leistungsfähige Umgehungstechniken verfügt und relativ preiswert ist. Neu hinzu kommt Fakeupdates. Auf Platz 3 steht Nanocore. *Die Pfeile beziehen sich auf die Veränderung der Rangfolge im Vergleich zum Vormonat. 1. ↑ Formbook - Formbook ist ein Infostealer, der auf das Windows-Betriebssystem abzielt und erstmals im Jahr 2016 entdeckt wurde. Er wird in Underground-Hacking-Foren als Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) vermarktet, da er starke Umgehungstechniken und einen relativ niedrigen Preis hat. Formbook sammelt Anmeldeinformationen von verschiedenen Webbrowsern, sammelt Screenshots, überwacht und protokolliert Tastatureingaben und kann Dateien auf Anweisung von seinem C&C herunterladen und ausführen. 2. ↑ Fakeupdates – Fakeupdates (auch bekannt als SocGholish) ist ein in JavaScript geschriebener Downloader, der die Nutzdaten auf die Festplatte speichert, bevor er sie ausführt. Durch Fakeupdates kam es zu weiteren Infektionen durch zahlreiche zusätzliche Malware wie GootLoader, Dridex, NetSupport, DoppelPaymer und AZORult. 3. ↓ Nanocore – Nanocore ist ein Fernzugriffs-Trojaner (RAT), der auf Benutzer von Windows-Betriebssystemen zielt und erstmals 2013 beobachtet wurde. Alle Versionen des RAT enthalten grundlegende Plugins und Funktionen, wie Bildschirmaufnahmen, Krypto-Währungs-Mining, Fernsteuerung des Desktops und Diebstahl von Webcam-Sitzungen. Top 3 Schwachstellen Im vergangenen Monat war Command Injection Over HTTP die am häufigsten ausgenutzte Schwachstelle, von der 45 Prozent der Unternehmen weltweit betroffen waren, gefolgt von Web Servers Malicious URL Directory Traversal mit 42 Prozent der Unternehmen weltweit. An dritter Stelle lag Zyxel ZyWALL Command Injection (CVE-2023-28771) mit einer weltweiten Auswirkung von 41 Prozent. 1. ↑ Command Injection Over HTTP (CVE-2021-43936, CVE-2022-24086) - Eine Command Injection over HTTP-Schwachstelle wurde gemeldet. Ein entfernter Angreifer kann dieses Problem ausnutzen, indem er eine speziell gestaltete Anfrage an das Opfer sendet. Bei erfolgreicher Ausnutzung könnte ein Angreifer beliebigen Code auf dem Zielrechner ausführen. 2. ↑ Web Server Malicious URL Directory Traversal (CVE-2010-4598,CVE-2011-2474,CVE-2014-0130,CVE-2014-0780,CVE-2015-0666,CVE-2015-4068,CVE-2015-7254,CVE-2016-4523,CVE-2016-8530,CVE-2017-11512,CVE-2018-3948,CVE-2018-3949,CVE-2019-18952,CVE-2020-5410,CVE-2020-8260) - Es existiert eine Directory Traversal-Schwachstelle auf verschiedenen Webservern. Die Sicherheitsanfälligkeit ist auf einen Eingabevalidierungsfehler in einem Webserver zurückzuführen, der die URL für die Verzeichnisüberquerungsmuster nicht ordnungsgemäß bereinigt. Eine erfolgreiche Ausnutzung erlaubt es nicht authentifizierten Angreifern, beliebige Dateien auf dem verwundbaren Server offenzulegen oder darauf zuzugreifen. 3. ↓ Zyxel ZyWALL Command Injection (CVE-2023-28771) - In Zyxel ZyWALL besteht eine Schwachstelle für Command Injection. Wenn diese Schwachstelle erfolgreich ausgenutzt wird, können entfernte Angreifer beliebige Betriebssystembefehle auf dem betroffenen System ausführen. Top 3 Mobile Malware Anubis war auch im vergangenen Monat die am häufigsten verbreitete mobile Malware, gefolgt von AhMyth und diesmal SpinOk. 1. ↔ Anubis – Anubis ist eine Banking-Trojaner-Malware, die für Android-Mobiltelefone entwickelt wurde. Seit seiner ersten Entdeckung hat er zusätzliche Funktionen erhalten, darunter Remote-Access-Trojaner (RAT), Keylogger, Audio-Aufnahmefunktionen und verschiedene Ransomware-Funktionen. Er wurde in Hunderten von verschiedenen Anwendungen im Google Store entdeckt. 2. ↔ AhMyth - A AhMyth ist ein Remote-Access-Trojaner (RAT), der im Jahr 2017 entdeckt wurde. Er wird über Android-Apps verbreitet, die in App-Stores und auf verschiedenen Websites zu finden sind. Wenn ein Nutzer eine dieser infizierten Apps installiert, kann die Malware sensible Informationen vom Gerät sammeln und Aktionen wie Keylogging, das Erstellen von Screenshots, das Versenden von SMS-Nachrichten und das Aktivieren der Kamera durchführen, was in der Regel zum Diebstahl sensibler Informationen genutzt wird. 3. ↑ SpinOk - SpinOk ist ein Android-Softwaremodul, das wie ein Spionageprogramm funktioniert. Es sammelt Informationen über auf Geräten gespeicherte Dateien und kann diese an böswillige Bedrohungsakteure weiterleiten. Das Schadmodul wurde in mehr als 100 Android-Apps gefunden und bis Mai 2023 mehr als 421.000.000 Mal heruntergeladen. Top 3 der angegriffenen Branchen und Bereiche in Deutschland 1. ↑ ISP/MSP 2. ↔ Gesundheitswesen 3. ↑Einzelhandel/Großhandel Der Global Threat Impact Index und die ThreatCloud Map von Check Point basieren auf der ThreatCloud Intelligence von Check Point. ThreatCloud bietet Echtzeit-Bedrohungsdaten, die von Hunderten von Millionen Sensoren weltweit über Netzwerke, Endpunkte und Mobiltelefone abgeleitet werden. Angereichert wird diese Intelligenz mit KI-basierten Engines und exklusiven Forschungsdaten von Check Point Research, der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilung von Check Point Software Technologies.     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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securetech · 11 months
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Shielding Your Business: Email Security in San Antonio - Secure Tech
When it comes to business communication, emails sit front and center. However, as a primary means of communication, email is also a prime target for malicious people. This leads to business email compromise, malware attacks and phishing scams. Fortunately, with email security that San Antonio businesses can trust, you can easily protect your organization from these threats.
If you want to understand how you can protect your business from email vulnerabilities, here is a quick overview of email security practices.
Email storage Encryption is the process of converting data into code to protect against unauthorized access. When used for email, encryption protects the information being exchanged between the sender and the recipient. As a result, only those authorized to read the email can access it via their login information. IT professionals like a managed service provider (MSP) can easily set up email encryption for your business.
Spam filtering Spam emails are one of the most annoying things for any website owner. But they go beyond unwanted advertising. Instead, spam emails may even contain attempts to trick your employees, hack your network, or steal sensitive information. That’s where you can set up spam filtering with the help of IT experts. With this solution, you can prevent most spam emails from reaching your organization’s inbox. This provides a more reliable process for email security that San Antonio businesses can rely on.
Practice of Practice If you manage remote teams or field employees, they can access their email via an external network. You can set up other authentication mechanisms to prevent malicious people from taking advantage of this fact. This is accompanied by a two-factor authentication (2FA), which validates multiple entry attempts. With the help of IT consulting experts, you can easily set up 2FA channels.
professional skills and training Your employees are your strongest shield and weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity. For example, if your employees aren’t trained in basic cybersecurity practices, they can easily fall prey to scam emails. Conversely, if you educate your employees about these issues, they can stay away from these threats. As a result, this vigilance also reinforces other email security practices that San Antonio businesses use to improve their security.
Cybersecurity solutions Using advanced antivirus and anti-malware software goes a long way in improving email security. For example, if your employees mistakenly click on a malicious link in an email, these tools can often block suspicious websites. Similarly, if a team member inadvertently downloads harmful software, this solution can immediately protect your network from further threats. Your IT experts can install and update these tools for better email security.
Email Security San Antonio: Contact SecureTech today At SecureTech, we specialize in maintaining cybersecurity standards for businesses of all sizes. No matter how many emails your organization exchanges on a daily basis, we can help you maintain comprehensive communication security.
Contact SecureTech today to schedule a hands-on consultation on email security.
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ipmcomputers · 1 year
Reinforcing Cybersecurity Habits & the Dark Web
As an MSP it is crucial to continually emphasize to your clients the importance of understanding the dark web. It is important to educate what it is and how it plays a role in their business’s security. By taking proactive steps to protect them from data breaches with a comprehensive approach that addresses all of the facets of cyber risk. Understanding the Dark Web Because this is a hidden area, it provides anonymity to its users and serves as a marketplace for cybercriminals to trade stolen data, malware, hacking tools, and other illegal goods and services. It is important to convey to your clients that the dark web poses a significant threat to their business’s security and reputation. The Consequences of Data Breaches Data breaches have become alarmingly frequent and can have severe consequences for businesses. Stolen data can include sensitive customer information, trade secrets, financial records, and login credentials. When data ends up on the dark web, it exposes businesses to various risks, including identity theft, financial fraud, regulatory fines, litigation, and damage to brand reputation. The Role of MSPs You are in a unique position to guide your clients in their cybersecurity journey. By providing them with the knowledge and tools necessary to combat the threats posed by the dark web, you can empower them to protect their valuable data assets effectively. Here are a few ways that you can educate your clients: Security Awareness Training: Educate your clients’ employees about the dangers of the dark web and teach them best practices for identifying and avoiding potential threats. Breach Secure Now provides engaging and interactive training modules that raise awareness and promote a security-conscious culture within organizations. Dark Web Monitoring: Monitor for compromised client data. By proactively identifying stolen credentials, you can alert your clients to potential breaches and prompt them to take immediate action to mitigate the risk. Vulnerability Assessments: Regularly assess your clients’ networks and systems for potential vulnerabilities that could make them attractive targets for cybercriminals. This helps identify weaknesses in infrastructure and provides recommendations for strengthening security. Incident Response Planning: Help your clients prepare for the worst-case scenario by assisting them in developing a well-thought-out incident response plan. Together, we can build a more secure digital future and ensure that the dark web remains a distant and ineffective threat. You can play a pivotal role in protecting your clients’ businesses from the potentially devastating consequences of data breaches. This month our BSN partner-exclusive Marketing Toolkit focuses on the Dark Web and creating awareness for your clients – reach out today to become a partner! The post Reinforcing Cybersecurity Habits & the Dark Web appeared first on Breach Secure Now!. The post Reinforcing Cybersecurity Habits & the Dark Web appeared first on IPM Computers LLC. from https://www.ipmcomputers.com/
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uplevelsystemsblogs · 2 years
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bolew14023 · 2 years
Managed Service Providers in the USA: Streamlining Business Operations
In today's fast-paced business landscape, it is crucial for companies to stay ahead of the game. With increasing competition and constantly evolving technology, businesses need to streamline their operations and focus on their core competencies to remain profitable. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are the perfect solution for businesses looking to achieve this goal.
MSPs are third-party service providers that offer a range of IT services to businesses, including cloud computing, cybersecurity, network management, and data backup and recovery. These services are delivered through a managed service model, where the MSP takes full responsibility for the maintenance and management of the client's IT infrastructure.
One of the biggest advantages of working with an MSP is the cost savings that come with it. MSPs offer a subscription-based model, which means that businesses only pay for the services they need, when they need them. This eliminates the need for businesses to invest in expensive hardware, software, and IT staff, which can be a significant drain on resources.
Another advantage of working with an MSP is the expertise they bring to the table. MSPs employ highly skilled professionals who have years of experience working with a range of clients across different industries. This expertise allows them to identify potential issues before they become problems, and proactively address them before they cause any disruption to the client's operations.
MSPs also offer round-the-clock support, which means that businesses can access their services at any time of the day or night. This is particularly important for businesses that operate on a 24/7 basis, as any downtime can result in lost revenue and damage to the company's reputation.
In addition to these benefits, MSPs also offer a range of other services that can help businesses stay ahead of the competition. For example, MSPs can help businesses develop and implement a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to protect against cyber threats such as hacking, phishing, and malware. They can also help businesses migrate to the cloud, which can significantly improve productivity, flexibility, and scalability.
The demand for Managed service providers in usa is growing rapidly, as more and more businesses recognize the benefits they offer. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global MSP market is expected to grow from $223.0 billion in 2020 to $329.1 billion by 2025, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.0% during the forecast period.
In conclusion, MSPs are an essential part of the modern business landscape. They offer a range of IT services that can help businesses streamline their operations, reduce costs, and stay ahead of the competition. With their expertise, round-the-clock support, and focus on delivering value to their clients, MSPs are the perfect partners for businesses looking to achieve their goals and grow their bottom line.
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lancomtechnz · 2 years
Guidelines For Choosing The Best Cloud Computing Consulting Services
Cloud computing is one of the most powerful technologies that modern businesses can use. It allows them to store their data in a secure, centralized location and access it from anywhere. However, cloud computing Auckland isn't a simple process. 
There are many things you need to consider before jumping into your next project with this type of platform—and they don't stop with just choosing the right vendor or service provider. If you're looking for tips on how to choose an MSP that can deliver high-quality cloud services, then keep reading!
Consider experience
Consider experience. If you are looking for an IT support Auckland company that offers cloud computing services, you should look for one that has a proven track record in this industry. You may want to consider the number of years they have been providing services to their clients and how many clients they have served over the years.
Look at their awards and certifications. Look at what other companies in your industry say about them. If you find any positive reviews on sites like Yelp or Google Reviews, go ahead and read them because those can be helpful in making decisions as well!
Quality of customer service
It’s also important to consider the quality of customer service you can expect from your cloud computing consultant. The best consultants offer 24/7 support and are easy to reach via phone, email, or live chat.
You should also be able to find reviews for their services online so that you know what other customers have experienced with the company in the past.
If you have any specific technical questions about cloud computing or how it works, then it may be worth asking if they offer free consultations so that you can better understand what kind of person will be helping manage your business’s needs for this type of technology.
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Available resources
It's important to know how much experience and training the consultant has. The best consultants will have years of experience in their field, as well as certifications that prove they're up-to-date on all the latest practices. 
If a consultant doesn't appear to be well-qualified, you should ask more questions about their background and even consider getting a second opinion from someone else.
Adherence to industry standards
In the world of computer programming, there are many standards. These are used to ensure that the work is done correctly and ensures the quality of your product. Standards also help with security, ensuring that your data and programs do not become corrupted or hacked into by unauthorized users.
Standards are also important for interoperability, meaning they allow different products from different companies to work together seamlessly.
This is especially important when it comes to cloud computing services because these services usually involve multiple applications running on servers located in various locations around the world; if these applications don't use standard protocols for communicating with each other (for instance), then they may not be able to work together as intended and could cause some problems in your workflow!
When you choose a cloud computing Auckland consulting service, it’s important to consider several factors. The first is experience; your company should have been in business for at least three years and have an established track record of success. 
Next up is customer service, which can be crucial when things go wrong with your software or hardware deployment. Finally, you should look for a company that has access to all the necessary resources (including developers) as well as adheres strictly to industry standards.
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Benefits of Cloud-Managed Services
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Cloud-managed services are an increasingly popular way to provide IT, computing, and cloud-based services. Cloud managed services can help businesses achieve a number of benefits that they wouldn't be able to achieve on their own. These include cost savings, scalability, resilience and availability, flexibility and agility as well as security and compliance with accessibility speed of deployment optimized operations support for the software lifecycle enabling connected economy Enabling the Connected Economy. Lets know the top benefits of cloud managed services.
Cost Savings
The cost savings that Cloud Managed Services provide are numerous. When you compare the cost of capitalized IT infrastructure to a cloud-managed service, you will see a significant reduction in your capital expenditure and operational expenditure. This translates into reduced cost of ownership, which means that you have more money to invest in other areas of your business or even pay off debt if needed.
Additionally, by using a managed service provider (MSP) who can manage all aspects of your IT infrastructure as well as handle day-to-day operations for you, it allows them to focus on other parts of their business that require attention from an MSP like contract management or hosting websites for clients which could otherwise be overlooked due to those responsibilities being handled by internal staff members who may not possess all the skills necessary when dealing with complex situations involving multiple clients simultaneously over prolonged periods of time - something which would be impossible if left up solely within one department alone!
Cloud-managed services are scalable. This means that you can scale up or down the number of instances in your cloud environment, depending on demand and other factors. You also have the ability to grow horizontally: adding more resources without having to physically expand your physical infrastructure.
And finally, Cloud Managed Services is able to scale vertically as well—meaning they can be scaled up in terms of processing power instead of just adding more users at one time (which would mean having fewer servers).
Resilience & Availability
The cloud is resilient, and it's easy to see why. When you use a cloud-based service provider, you're not responsible for installing software or hardware on your own servers. You don't need to worry about network latency or power outages affecting your business; instead, you can just focus on running the company's operations in the most efficient way possible.
Cloud providers can also offer high availability by using multiple data centers around the world so that if one site goes down (or gets hacked), there will still be another location available for customers who need backup services quickly. This means that if something happens at one location (or even two sites), there's another option waiting in line behind yours—and this gives businesses peace of mind knowing they won't have any downtime issues caused by outages anywhere else in their network!
Some companies may already have plans with their current hosting provider but want something better than what they currently have available; however this doesn't mean those same people should stop looking around either because there are plenty more options out there too like Amazon Web Services which offer increased security standards along with other benefits such as scalability & failover capabilities meaning those aforementioned problems aren't required anymore."
Flexibility & Agility
Flexibility and agility are key to a successful business. Cloud services can help you be more flexible and agile, which means your company will be able to respond more quickly to changes in your business environment as well as customer needs.
When it comes down to it, cloud computing has many benefits that make it an attractive choice for both small businesses and large enterprises alike:
Security & Compliance
Compliance with data protection legislation: With cloud-managed services, you can avoid the costs associated with compliance and regulatory requirements. You will also reduce your risk of non-compliance by reducing the number of physical facilities that need to be maintained.
Reduced cost of compliance: Cloud-managed services provide a flexible solution for managing security and privacy, which means that you can move more quickly from one stage in the process to another without needing to invest in additional infrastructure or staff. This helps ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), FISMA (Federal Information System Management Act) or other similar frameworks already in place at your organization today or tomorrow!
Access to your data from anywhere. Cloud-managed services allow you to access your data from any device, location, or time of day. You can also access it remotely if needed.
Easy access to all of the information stored in your system via mobile apps (iOS, Android) or desktop applications (Windows).
Speed of Deployment
Speed of deployment is important for all types of businesses. For new businesses, speed is critical because they need to get off the ground quickly and begin generating revenue. For existing companies that have been operating for some time, faster deployment means that users can get access to new features and functionality quickly so they don't miss out on any opportunities or competition.
For customers who want to access services from a variety of vendors across different industries (such as banking), cloud management tools allow them to manage IT resources across multiple suppliers without having to worry about managing each one individually. This means lower costs down the road as well!
Optimized Operations
Cloud-managed services can help your business achieve optimizing operations. Allowing you to:
Reduce time to market by provisioning resources when and where they're needed, rather than having them pre-provisioned in a centralized location.
Improve customer experience by providing instant access to IT resources on demand, rather than waiting for scheduled maintenance windows or custom requests from employees who may have forgotten about the importance of their work.
Support for the Software Lifecycle
Cloud-managed services are designed to support the software lifecycle, which consists of four stages: creation, deployment and development; maintenance and retirement.
The cloud-managed services can support all these stages at once using features such as continuous integration (CI), DevOps automation tools like Ansible or Puppet or containers. You can also use it in conjunction with a provider’s own CI/CD pipeline to orchestrate multiple environments across multiple clouds at once.
Enabling the Connected Economy
Cloud-managed services are used to connect different devices, people and businesses. This allows them to be used in the connected economy, which refers to an economy where every person has access to a device that provides them with information about their surroundings and allows them to interact with other people or businesses.
Using cloud-managed services can help businesses connect with customers through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, as well as computers that may not have Internet access at home. Cloud-based services also allow organizations with limited resources access new markets because they don't have their own servers or bandwidth costs associated with running their own servers themselves.
Managed cloud services providers can offer a number of benefits
Cloud managed solutions can save you money.
You'll be able to scale your business faster than you could with on-premises hardware and software, which means more profit for your company.
With Cloud managed solutions in California, you'll also have the ability to be more agile and flexible as new technologies emerge in the market place. This will allow you to keep up with changes in customer needs, while also making sure that your existing systems continue working reliably when new ones are introduced into the mix (this is what we call "customer agility").
Finally, it's important for security purposes that all data stays within its intended boundaries—especially sensitive information such as financial records or personal health data—and this is where cloud managed services come into play: they ensure that only authorized users have access rights over which type of information should be shared between them (e.g., password-protected folders).
In summary, cloud-managed services are a great way to cut costs and improve productivity. They also offer a number of other benefits such as scalability, resiliency and availability, flexibility and agility as well as security and compliance. Cloud-based solutions can also help organizations reduce their IT footprint while simultaneously improving their efficiency.
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ericvanderburg · 10 months
The hack of MSP provider CTS potentially impacted hundreds of UK law firms
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9summits · 2 years
Common Cyber Security Mistakes You Should Not Repeat In 2023
Have you got any mail from Pinchy Spider or Dark Halo? Because, we are pretty much sure you would not respond to the Nigerian orphan boy asking for medical donation, but these names are no safe either. 
These aren't the names of fictional superheroes from a Marvel or comic book; rather, they refer to recent hacks that have cost firms a lot of money in addition to downtime, compliance fines, lost customer confidence, negative ratings, and stolen data. Almost 73 percent of managed service providers indicated that at least one client had a security incident in the previous year in 2021, according to the experts at ConnectWise. As a result, this year's budget for cybersecurity has increased by 12.1 percent on average for MSPs and their clients.
You will be on the road to digital peace of mind if you can avoid some of the most typical cybersecurity business blunders. The experts of cyber security services can help you with customised solutions to safeguard your online assets. Let’s find out the most common mistakes you can avoid next year is you have the cyber security solutions installed - 
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Believing it won’t happen to you
Don't believe that just because you run a small business, you are immune to cyber risks. Small firms are frequently the subject of more potent and sophisticated cyberthreats. Making an assault strategy is one of the safest steps you can take. Your system's shortcomings and vulnerabilities will start to become apparent. To secure your technology and data security, make a plan with the cyber security software in case an attack occurs and choose reputable data backup management before any issues exist.
Forgetting the basics
It's simple to begin thinking that the minor points pounded into technology safety discussions don't actually matter. Do you really need to create a unique password for each safe login and update them all frequently without using the same one twice? Why not limit yourself to one and make a note of it so you never forget? Both internal and external dangers will be minimised by practises like password security and only granting access when necessary. Make sure to lock down any company equipment and deny access to departed staff.
Having Untrained staff
Training every staff how to avoid internet threats like phishing scams and hazardous links may seem redundant, but doing so might save your company a lot of trouble. Both internal and external staff members should receive frequent training on safe procedures from the experts of one of the top cyber security companies such as clicking carefully, protecting against stolen devices, and acting immediately after an attack. Because infiltration has become more sophisticated and legitimate over time, it is not difficult to fool the untrained, unwary eye.
Trying to manage everything on your own
Sometimes, even the costliest antivirus software on the market is insufficient, and creating a cybersecurity strategy on your own won't produce entirely secure outcomes. If you want to completely safeguard your data, work with IT service providers who have the specialised knowledge, resources, and abilities to help you create a strong security policy and employee awareness plan. Cutting shortcuts here is not the best idea.
Not making the investment in proper monitoring services
Smaller companies frequently employ outdated systems with unpatched flaws. Cybercriminals have discovered easy targets since they still have very valuable data. Many small businesses choose to rely on technology rather than spend money on 24/7 monitoring systems, and many have suffered the price. By keeping an eye out for potential dangers, constantly updating the system, and being prepared to deal with security lapses as they occur, you can protect your data.
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Website: https://ninesummitstech.com/
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b2bcybersecurity · 1 year
Qbot bleibt Top Malware
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Die Qbot-Kampagne, die im letzten Monat auftrat, verwendet eine neue Übertragungsmethode, bei der den Zielpersonen eine E-Mail samt Anhang geschickt wird, der geschützte PDF-Dateien enthält. Sobald diese heruntergeladen sind, wird die Qbot-Malware auf dem Gerät installiert. Die Forscher stellten fest, dass der Malspam in mehreren Sprachen versendet wurde, was bedeutet, dass Organisationen weltweit angegriffen werden können. Im vergangenen Monat kehrte auch Mirai zurück, eine der beliebtesten IoT-Malwares. Forscher entdeckten, dass Mirai eine neue Zero-Day-Schwachstelle (CVE-2023-1380) ausnutzt, um TP-Link-Router anzugreifen und sie zu seinem Botnet hinzuzufügen, das für einige der meistverteilten DDoS-Angriffe aller Zeiten genutzt wurde. Diese jüngste Kampagne folgt auf einen umfassenden Bericht von Check Point Research (CPR) über die Verbreitung von IOT-Angriffen. Software-Dienstleister im Visier Eine Veränderung gab es auch bei den von Cyberangriffen betroffenen Branchen in Deutschland: Zwar nicht auf dem ersten Platz, denn dort verbleibt der meistattackierte Bereich der Einzel- und Großhandel. Die ISP/MSP (Software-Dienstleister) rücken jedoch auf den zweiten Platz vor, während das Gesundheitswesen im April auf Platz 3 der meistattackierten Sektoren rutschte. Angriffe auf Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens sind gut dokumentiert, und einige Länder sind weiterhin ständigen Angriffen ausgesetzt. Die Branche ist nach wie vor ein lukratives Ziel für Hacker, da sie dadurch potenziell Zugang zu vertraulichen Patientendaten und Zahlungsinformationen erhalten. Dies könnte Auswirkungen auf Pharmaunternehmen haben, da es zu undichten Stellen bei klinischen Versuchen oder neuen Medikamenten und Geräten führen könnte. „Cyberkriminelle arbeiten ständig an neuen Methoden zur Umgehung von Beschränkungen, und diese Kampagnen sind ein weiterer Beweis dafür, wie sich Malware anpasst, um zu überleben. Die erneute Kampagne von Qbot erinnert uns daran, wie wichtig es ist, eine umfassende Cybersicherheit einzurichten und den Ursprung und die Absicht einer E-Mail mit der gebotenen Sorgfalt zu prüfen“, sagt Maya Horowitz, VP Research bei Check Point Software. Top-Malware in Deutschland *Die Pfeile beziehen sich auf die Veränderung der Rangfolge im Vergleich zum Vormonat. 1. ↔ Qbot – Qbot, auch bekannt als Qakbot, ist ein Banking-Trojaner, der erstmals 2008 auftauchte. Er wurde entwickelt, um die Bankdaten und Tastatureingaben eines Benutzers zu stehlen. Qbot wird häufig über Spam-E-Mails verbreitet und verwendet mehrere Anti-VM-, Anti-Debugging- und Anti-Sandbox-Techniken, um die Analyse zu erschweren und die Erkennung zu umgehen. 2. ↑ NanoCore – NanoCore ist ein Fernzugriffs-Trojaner, der auf Benutzer von Windows-Betriebssystemen abzielt und erstmals 2013 in freier Wildbahn beobachtet wurde. Alle Versionen des RAT enthalten grundlegende Plugins und Funktionen wie Bildschirmaufnahmen, Kryptowährungs-Mining, Fernsteuerung des Desktops und Diebstahl von Webcam-Sitzungen. 3. ↑ AgentTesla – AgentTesla ist ein hochentwickeltes RAT, das als Keylogger und Passwort-Dieb fungiert und seit 2014 aktiv ist. AgentTesla kann die Tastatureingaben und die Zwischenablage des Opfers überwachen und sammeln, Screenshots aufzeichnen und Anmeldeinformationen für eine Vielzahl von Software, die auf dem Computer des Opfers installiert ist, exfiltrieren (einschließlich Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox und Microsoft Outlook E-Mail-Client). AgentTesla wird auf verschiedenen Online-Märkten und Hacking-Foren verkauft. Top 3 Schwachstellen Im vergangenen Monat war Web Servers Malicious URL Directory Traversal die am häufigsten ausgenutzte Schwachstelle, von der 48 Prozent der Unternehmen weltweit betroffen waren, gefolgt von Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution mit 44 Prozent und HTTP Headers Remote Code Execution mit einer weltweiten Auswirkung von 43 Prozent. ↑ Web Servers Malicious URL Directory Traversal - Auf verschiedenen Webservern gibt es eine Schwachstelle bei der Durchquerung von Verzeichnissen. Die Schwachstelle ist auf einen Eingabevalidierungsfehler in einem Webserver zurückzuführen, der die URI für die Verzeichnisüberquerungsmuster nicht richtig bereinigt. Eine erfolgreiche Ausnutzung erlaubt es nicht-authentifizierten Angreifern, beliebige Dateien auf dem verwundbaren Server offenzulegen oder darauf zuzugreifen. ↓ Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (CVE-2021-44228) - Es gibt eine Schwachstelle in Apache Log4j, die die Ausführung von entferntem Code ermöglicht. Die erfolgreiche Ausnutzung dieser Schwachstelle könnte einem entfernten Angreifer die Ausführung von beliebigem Code auf dem betroffenen System ermöglichen. ↓ HTTP Headers Remote Code Execution (CVE-2020-10826, CVE-2020-10827, CVE-2020-10828, CVE-2020-13756) - HTTP-Header erlauben es dem Client und dem Server, zusätzliche Informationen mit einer HTTP-Anfrage zu übermitteln. Ein entfernter Angreifer kann einen verwundbaren HTTP-Header verwenden, um beliebigen Code auf dem Rechner des Opfers auszuführen. Top 3 Mobile Malware Im letzten Monat war Ahmyth die am weitesten verbreitete mobile Malware, gefolgt von Anubis und Hiddad. 1. ↔ AhMyth – AhMyth ist ein Remote Access Trojaner (RAT), der 2017 entdeckt wurde. Er wird über Android-Apps verbreitet, die in App-Stores und auf verschiedenen Websites zu finden sind. Wenn ein Benutzer eine dieser infizierten Apps installiert, kann die Malware sensible Informationen vom Gerät sammeln und Aktionen wie Keylogging, das Erstellen von Screenshots, das Senden von SMS-Nachrichten und das Aktivieren der Kamera durchführen. ↔ Anubis – Anubis ist ein Banking-Trojaner, der für Android-Handys entwickelt wurde. Seit seiner ersten Entdeckung hat er zusätzliche Funktionen erhalten, darunter Remote-Access-Trojaner (RAT), Keylogger- und Audioaufzeichnungsfunktionen sowie verschiedene Ransomware-Funktionen. Er wurde in Hunderten von verschiedenen Anwendungen im Google Store entdeckt. ↔ Hiddad - Hiddad ist eine Android-Malware, die legitime Apps neu verpackt und sie dann in einem Drittanbieter-Store veröffentlicht. Ihre Hauptfunktion ist die Anzeige von Werbung, sie kann aber auch Zugang zu wichtigen Sicherheitsdetails des Betriebssystems erhalten. Angegriffene Branchen in Deutschland 1. ↔ Einzelhandel/Großhandel (Retail/Wholesale) 2. ↑ IT-Service Provider/Managed Service Provider (ISP/MSP) 3. ↓ Bildung/Forschung (Education/Research) Der Global Threat Impact Index und die ThreatCloud Map von Check Point basieren auf der ThreatCloud Intelligence von Check Point. ThreatCloud bietet Echtzeit-Bedrohungsdaten, die von Hunderten von Millionen Sensoren weltweit über Netzwerke, Endpunkte und Mobiltelefone abgeleitet werden. Angereichert wird diese Intelligenz mit KI-basierten Engines und exklusiven Forschungsdaten von Check Point Research, der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilung von Check Point Software Technologies.     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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