urprettylittlething · 13 days
Hiii, I have a scenario opinion in my mind. After a few days, our little kitty became upset because she wanted to go outside and play with butterflies or puppies. So they couldn't stand seeing her like this, so they decided to walk her around. they take her to a park that has puppies and butterflies. She plays with them cutely and tries to catch a butterfly as they watch her. She was so cute...
After they went home, little kitty tried to reach them on their cheek cutely, putting her small hands on Gojo's knee while she was on tiptoe. But when she couldn't reach him (she is too short lol) Her eyes fill with tears
You are loved <3
Thank you so much for this ask ml! <3 This is such a cute ideaaa omg I just had to write some little headcanon thingy for it!! I actually had a different version of this in my notes app ready to be edited but I lost it earlier today in some kind of glitch, so I had to write it all over again :,) so I apologise if it's not my best, but it's such a cute idea how could I not write something <333 and thank you so much :,) you are very loved as well <3
warnings - fluff, mentions of rules, collar and leash but very brief, not used in a weird way, more like they don't want her running off kind of way
♡ I imagine that Kitty had been sulking for a few days, her ears flattened and her tail all curled and droopy
♡ Geto would be the first person to notice, of course
♡ A few days before, they had finally let Kitty watch some tv programs with them, the only deal was that they would both be there the whole time and be able to monitor what she watches
♡ That whole thing was going smoothly for a while, until Geto was in the kitchen fixing up a snack and Gojo had 'quickly' scurried off to the bathroom
♡ That meant Kitty was alone with the tv for a short while, and it just so happened that the tv program had rolled over to the next one
♡ A nature documentary, about butterflies
♡ And like at the start of every documentary it starts showing clips of loads of butterflies, some swarms and some singular, zooming in on their beautiful patterns and filming them perched on flowers and leaves
♡ One of the boys eventually came back in time to turn it off before it could really begin but not before she had seen those first few clips, leaving her to deflate at being denied what she wanted to watch
♡ Geto had eventually told Gojo about how sad kitty had been recently
♡ The both of them piecing together that it was probably from the TV incident from a few days ago
♡ So they spend the next few weeks discussing ideas and going back and forth with each other before finally settling on an agreement
♡ When they told Kitty for the first time that was she able to go outside, only for a short while if it would help cheer her up, she was over the moon
♡ Her ears instantly perked up, tail swishing from side to side in her euphoria
♡ While she was rubbing her head all over their chests and purring the loudest they think they've ever heard, they explained the rules that she has to follow
♡ She was to be kept on collar and leash
♡ She was not to stray further than the lead would allow her from them
♡ She is to listen to everything they say when they say it because her safety, her life, depends on it
♡ Kitty was just happy to be able to go outside so she agreed wholeheartedly
♡ The plan was that Gojo would be the one to teleport them all there, to avoid any car travelling or Kitty seeing anything she shouldn't
♡ When they arrive it's to a beautiful spot in the middle of some forest, a big patch of open land filled with wild plants and flowers, honey bees buzzing back and forth in search for nectar, birds chirping and searching for food to feed their young, and the butterflies
♡ Fluttering about and perched on stems and petals
♡ The two boys stood back and let her explore
♡ She looked radiant basking in the sunlight and chasing after butterflies, in the hopes of being able to hold one
♡ Her happiness almost contagious in the way they were admiring her, smiles on their faces
♡ It wasn't long before a little tug on her leash brought her back to them and they headed back home
♡ It had only been about 10 or 15 minutes that she spent outside but it could have easily been the best day of her life
♡ The two of them gently praised her, petting her ears and calling her a good girl for listening to them so well and following their rules
♡ She tried her hardest to reach up on her tiptoes, trying to give them each little kisses to show her happiness to them since she just couldn't find the words 
♡ They both shared a chuckle when she couldn't quite reach, a small pout appearing on her lips until they each bent down one after the other
♡ She immediately perked up again, covering both their faces in little kisses and nuzzling into their chests with a content purr
♡ An eventful day for Kitty that ended with them all sandwiched in bed for a nice long and peaceful nap
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