#Maddison Montgomery imagines
bonniebird · 3 years
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Imagines: All my imagines for Maddison Montgomery
Oneshots: All my Oneshots for Maddison Montgomery
Prompts: All my Prompts for Maddison Montgomery
+   Shh. I’m googling sex spells ~ Halloween prompt
- Requested by: Anon
- Maddison Montgomery x Reader
- Summary: Madison is desperate for someone to have some fun with her on Halloween
+  “Why are you at my Christmas party?”
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- Maddison Montgomery x Reader
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+  “I know delusion when I see it in the mirror.”
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- Maddison Montgomery x Reader
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+  “Something’s out of whack”
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Gifsets: All my Gifsets for Maddison Montgomery
Madison Montgomery
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littletayyswriting · 3 years
Title: Last Chance Surprise (3/3)
Author: LittleTayy
Rating: Mature
Characters: Addison Montgomery, Mark Sloan, Callie Torres, Derek Shepherd
Summary: The casual sex Mark and Addison had been engaging in before the no sex bet causes some unexpected results. Set during Season 3. AU. Canon Divergence. Maddison.
AN: There are semi detailed descriptions of labor and childbirth in the back half of this chapter. Just a little forewarning for those that might be uncomfortable reading that. 
Read On: AO3 or ff.net
Last Chance Surprise
~all that joy can bring~
They want to throw you a baby shower and it's the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard. Callie is insistent and to your surprise, so is Miranda. But you shake your head, the idea is absurd to you; you don't have enough friends here in Seattle for that to work, you think. If they throw you a baby shower, it'll just be you three and maybe Mark because you are most certainly not inviting any of those Goddamn interns (residents, you correct yourself but that'll take some getting used to). You don't know anyone else well enough to even think about asking them to celebrate your child and you'd thought you'd put a definitive end to the whole idea.
Except, you're turning into your driveway, well Mark is because at 27 weeks your belly has expanded greatly, and see several cars in front of your house. A quick, confused glance in Mark's direction and you can tell straight away something is going on. He pulls to a stop and you have to resist the urge to glare.
"Mark…" you start, voice wary but firm.
He simply turns to look at you and grins. "Now, Red. Don't get upset," he starts but you groan, cutting him off.
"What have you done?" You ask, voice sounding almost like a whine.
"Nothing!" He defends himself quickly, shaking his head. "But you know, Callie was very insistent...and Bailey kind of scares me," he tells you, dramatically playing up a little shiver.
You close your eyes and pout for a moment at his words. You'd said no to a baby shower and you'd thought they'd dropped it. But you suppose you should have known better; neither woman has ever let you get away with much since you've known them. You sigh then, opening your eyes and resolve to not be too mad at them; even though you're incredibly uncomfortable right now.
"Fine. Who exactly did they invite? Because if I see one intern," you ask threateningly. You know Bailey's interns are no longer technically interns but you can't help still thinking of them like they are.
"Nope. No interns or first year residents," Mark assures you, reaching over to give your hand a squeeze. "Although I think they did recruit Stevens to do some baking or something? I don't know," he tells you with a shrug. You simply roll your eyes because you're not surprised he doesn't know the details.
"Okay. But who else is here? Cause there's a few more cars then just Callie and Miranda…"
"Oh! Right. Callie, Miranda and Adele, obviously. They made me get in touch with your East Coast friends. So Savvy is here and I invited Nancy and Amy. Nancy came but I don't know if Amy did. And Naomi Bennett. Did you know her and Sam are divorced now too? She did not sound happy to hear from me..."
"Nancy actually came?" You ask, surprised most by the mention of her name. You kept in touch but you didn't think she'd come to your baby shower. She'd been very disappointed in you after her last trip to Seattle and you'd thought you'd ruined your relationship with her. You're even more surprised Mark is still in contact with her. Then again, the Shepherd women have always had a particular soft spot for Mark.
"Yeah," he nods, chuckling a little. "And they wanted to invite Bizzy. But don't worry, I told them I'd handle it. I didn't actually invite her, I wasn't sure if you'd uh...even told Bizzy and the Captain about the divorce yet. Let alone the baby, so," he tells you and you can't help but smile a little.
You had in fact notified Bizzy and the Captain of your divorce. But you had not informed them of your pregnancy. It isn't that you are ashamed, because you aren't, it's just that you don't quite know how to tell them you're pregnant by the man you'd cheated on your husband with. You have no doubt your mother would call it unseemly; it's what you'd been afraid of the first time. And you hadn't wanted to let it infect you with this pregnancy. You're happy and the baby is wanted, that's all that matters right now. You weren't ready for Bizzy to ruin that.
"Thank you," you breathe, giving him a small smile. You took a deep breath and made your way out of the car, deciding you should probably go in and face whatever monstrosity of a party your Seattle friends have decided to throw you. You're glad at least, that the party Mark's described, seems to be a small event. Even if this wasn't a surprise, you don't think you'd have wanted something big; you're in your seventh month of pregnancy and you're feeling more uncomfortable by the day.
Mark just grins, following you out of the car. He reaches out to grab your hand, pulling your body as close to his as your stomach allows. His arms wrap around you and he presses a kiss to your temple and you sigh into his chest. "If you really don't want a baby shower, I can get rid of them?" he suggests lightly, his tone is teasing but you know he would absolutely do it if you asked him too. You shake your head though.
"No, it's okay," you whisper against his shoulder before pulling back to look him in the eyes. "I just needed a moment to complain. It is very sweet, really. I just...didn't want them to go to all that trouble."
Mark doesn't say anything, just nods his head and hums in agreement. You let him take your hand and lead you towards your house. There's a little porch out the front and as you glance in the front window, you can see that your front room has been taken over. You sigh a little but follow Mark along into the house.
Though you've been reluctant about a baby shower, your hormones decide to flair up as you see the group of women sitting in your living room. The last two years have been such a whirlwind of change, you'd never expected this at all. Two years ago you'd still been married, fighting an ever growing attraction to Mark, living in New York and the possibility of children any time soon had seemed out of reach. Now though, you realise, you wouldn't ask for a different life.
There are tears welling up in your eyes and they only grow when Nancy, and Amy who Mark hadn't been sure would make it, spring up to greet you quickly. They move faster than any of the other women in the room and you can only put it down to years of practice at Shepherd family gatherings. Nancy gets to you first, she'd been the closer of the two, and wraps you in a hug, grinning at you.
"Look at you! You're so...pregnant. You look great Addie," Nancy tells you enthusiastically. She looks genuinely happy for you and you give her hands a squeeze. She's the only one in New York that had known how you'd longed for a child and you're sure this isn't how either of you ever expected it to happen.
"Move Nance!" Amy pushes her way into the embrace, hugging you tightly. "I can't believe you let him knock you up," she laughs, grinning widely and shaking her head as she glanced between you and Mark. You've always had a soft spot for Amelia and you'd thought you'd ruined your relationship with her when she'd caught you and Mark in a rather compromising position. It was not long before the night Derek walked in on you both but Amelia's never uttered a word.
You roll your eyes but you're grinning.
"What can I say? I'm very persuasive," Mark chimes in then and you scoff; as do Nancy and Amelia.
"Sweet talker," you tease, giving him a playful smile. You focus your attention back on your two favorite Shepherd sisters then. "Thank you both for coming. You...really didn't have to," you tell them softly, glancing between them both almost sheepishly.
"No need to thank us. In fact, I was starting to think you'd forgotten about us. Now, I know things were messy with you and Derek, but I still care for you. And you know Mark's basically a surrogate brother. You don't have to completely cut off contact," Nancy informs you, throwing a grin Mark's way. You shake your head at her words, knowing she is at least sincere about them; you're not sure if Liz or Kathleen would feel the same way. You also wonder if Derek knows two of his sisters are in town, you imagine that'd be an awkward conversation.
"Yeah. You're still my sister Addison. Even if my idiot brother divorced you," Amelia spits out, rather loudly. She never did have a very good filter. You simply shake your head at her.
"Alright ladies. I'll leave you all to it," Mark announces, grinning at the room full of women. He turns to you then, giving you a kiss. "Text me if you need rescuing, okay?" He whispers against your lips and you nod, grinning happily up at him.
"Don't worry. I will," you whisper back. "I'm curious how this bunch will mix," you add with a giggle, winking playfully then as you push him away.
He gets the message, winking and waving as he leaves. You watch him go and for a moment you wonder where he'll be off to. He doesn't really have any friends here in Seattle and you know he and Derek haven't fixed anything yet either. You frown a little when you realise most of the people he knows in Seattle are currently in your living room and you hate the thought of sending him off on his own. Maybe he'll go to the hospital but you don't like that idea much, but at least he'd keep himself busy. You resolve yourself to talk to him about his friendship status that night. As you've found out recently, it's important to have friends.
The baby shower is fun and it goes well. You mix and mingle with your small group of friends, especially Savvy and Naomi. You haven't talked to either of them in a while and you do feel bad about that. It's just that there was so much going on in your life since your move to Seattle. You're also pleased to find out that Amelia, as she informs you that's what she likes to be called, is clean and sober and finishing out her residency. You're impressed and happy for her.
Eventually though the shower winds down and they all leave. It was fun and everyone got along, though you're surprised by that. There were a lot of conflicting personalities in the room. Miranda and Callie leave first. The others, your connections to the East Coast insist on a brunch before they all have to fly off back home. Amelia wrinkles her nose at the suggestion and you love Naomi, but she doesn't seem all that keen on the idea either. So you figure brunch tomorrow will just be you, Savvy and Nancy - you're okay with that.
Just as they're leaving, Mark comes back. You can't help but raise an eyebrow at his seemingly perfect timing. You chat with Savvy for a moment more, your blonde friend extracting a promise from you to come visit New York when the baby is born. You agree, even as your attention is drawn to the little conversation Mark and Nancy seem to be having. You can't help but be curious. You wonder if Nancy is passing along a message from Carolyn Shepherd; the woman had never particularly taken a shine to you but you hope you haven't damaged Mark's relationship with her. She's the only mother figure he's ever known.
You want to ask him about it once both Savvy and Nancy are gone. You're waving them off in their rental cars from the front porch, feeling and looking very much like some kind of Rockwell painting. But you refrain. You think it's probably better to let Mark come talk to you about it himself, if he wants to. You know he doesn't have to tell you everything, especially about his feelings on the Shepherd family but you hope he knows you're there and willing to listen if he wants to. You'd never admit it to him, because he'd only tell you not to, but you worry about him sometimes. You don't think his whole life should just be you and the baby.
Derek is leaning against the nurse's station, a chart in his hands, as you make your way down the hall. You're returning a chart, popping it in the pile and letting yourself lean against the desk a little to rest. You're 33 weeks and four days pregnant and still working and still wearing your ridiculous heels. Both Mark and Dr. Trevino have tried to reason with you about the heels but so far you haven't given an inch, after all, your feet used to hurt all the time anyway. You're not about to admit how good it feels when you get to wear your sneakers during surgery. Not to them at least.
You can feel Derek watching you as you reach for another chart, one hand on your stomach where your daughter is kicking at your insides and the other gliding a pen over the pages. You try to ignore it but then you glance up and your eyes catch his and his expression is unreadable to you. It catches you by surprise, really. You've known him for so long, you never thought there'd come a time when you didn't know what he was thinking or feeling. But you suppose your relationships with him; romantic, sexual or platonic have come to an end. Even though you had thought you two could be friends, his distaste for your relationship, your pregnancy and for the father of your child, has proven otherwise.
"Are you okay?" He asks and you try not to show your surprise. He's barely talked to you in months, not since he realised that you and Mark were having a baby together. His eyes gesture towards the hand resting on your stomach.
"I'm fine," you say, as your daughter kicks inside you. "She's just kicking. She's very active," you tell him softly, if a little warily.
Derek just nods, going back to his own chart and you to yours. It's awkward and you can't focus now, stealing quick glances at your ex-husband. You'd never confronted him about what he'd said when you overheard him and Meredith arguing in the stairwell. You have a feeling he wouldn't take kindly to it. But you still feel the need to try and talk to him in some way, clear the air.
"Are you ever going to forgive us?" you blurt out huffily, before you can really register what you're saying. You look up at him now, standing straight and meeting his eyes. You choose to ignore the doctors and nurses milling about around you.
You watch him as he sighs, his jaw clenching and he brings a hand up to run through his hair. He doesn't look at you and frankly, that pisses you off. He's ignoring you and you hated when he did that when you were married and you hate it even more so now.
"Derek. Are you?" you pester sharply.
"No," you hear him say softly and you feel as if all the air inside your body has left you. "I don't think I can Addison," and he's looking at you now and you don't know what to say. Somewhere deep inside you, you hadn't actually expected him to say no. But the look on his face tells you he's serious.
"What?" you blurt out breathlessly. You're stunned and you know your mouth is hanging open and oh no...you can feel the tears forming in your eyes.
You watch him as he shakes his head and closes the chart with a loud slap. He pushes it away and returns his pen to the pocket on his white coat before turning to look at you seriously. He looks hurt and you're pretty sure you look the same.
"You both hurt me in such an inexplicable way Addison," Derek starts, his voice thick with emotion. You're surprised by that; he's been so cold and closed off to you both for months now. "Maybe I could have forgiven you both separately. But not...I can't. Not when you're together. Not when you're having a child together Addison. Not when the last 16 years of my life suddenly feel like a lie."
"No. No! Addison. I'm not in love with you anymore but seeing you have his child? It's too damn much. Anybody else, you could be having anyone else's child but you're not. You're choosing to have his and...he was my best friend Addison. I just can't."
"He can still be your best friend Derek. He misses you," you try desperately, basically pleading with him now as he takes a step back from the desk.
You watch as he shakes his head sadly. "No, he can't. Not while you're having his child," he whispers, pain and sadness so evident on his face.
He turns around quickly then, turning his back on you as he makes his way down the hall. You stand there at the nurses station, tears streaming down your face now, feeling more pathetic than you ever have in your life.
Mark can tell there's something wrong and you know you should confide in him but this is about Derek and you don't want him to be angry or upset either. Though, you are surprised the gossip hasn't reached him yet that Derek made you cry in the middle of the surgical floor. There were plenty of witnesses around and you know the nurses' gossip network works fast.
Or maybe he does know and he's just giving you the chance to let you tell him yourself. Either way, you can see he wants to comfort you or help you in some way and you just can't let him do that. You had been trying to pave the way for a reconciliation between him and Derek but that apparently is not going to happen if what Derek said is true. And that is why you don't want to tell him because the last thing in the world you want to do is hurt Mark.
"Addie, babe," he says, reaching out a hand to grab yours. You have the instinct to pull away but don't because really, you do want some kind of comfort. You take a moment, breathing in deep and exhaling slowly before turning to look him in the eyes. Immediately you can tell that he doesn't know about what happened with Derek because there is only concern in his eyes and not the anger or hurt you expect would be there if he knew. "Tough day?"
His question makes you tear up a little and you truly curse the hormones running amok through your body. You nod a little and let him wrap you in a hug. He feels so strong and warm and his hand is rubbing up and down your back so soothingly you never want it to end. But you know you have to tell him about what happened.
"I...I tried to talk to Derek," you whisper out after a long moment in his arms. You pull back now, still wrapped up in each other, but now you're looking in his eyes. And the hope you see in them breaks your heart just a little bit more.
"Yeah?" Mark replies and you can tell he's trying to play it off cool and not sound eager. You hate this and you hate yourself for tearing them apart.
You shake your head. "He's still so angry Mark… I don't think he's going to forgive us," you tell him softly, gently.
But Mark frowns and shakes his head. He's still got so much hope that his relationship with Derek can be fixed. "He'll get over it. He has to eventually… He's still my best friend."
Your lips are pressed together and oh god you don't want to do this. But the false hope is going to tear Mark apart. The tears are back again.
"I don't think he will Mark. He said...he said as long as I was having your baby...he'd never forgive us," you manage to hiccup the words out, a hand pulling from his to wipe at your tears. "Damn it," you curse, shaking your head. This wasn't supposed to be about you. "I can't believe I'm crying again," you groan.
"Again?" You hear Mark say gently and you can't look at him as you nod. You realise a moment too late that there's an edge to his voice. You look at him quickly and you frown at his expression. He looks angry; the anger masking the hurt no doubt. "Derek made you cry?" He bites out and you go to shake your head because you don't know how he's jumped to that conclusion.
"Mark!" You start but he's already up and off the sofa and heading for the door. He slams it open and has taken off down the hallway by the time you've even managed to push yourself up off the sofa. You hate that getting up and down takes so much time for you now. Before you were pregnant you'd been able to keep relative pace with Mark. Now you're just slow.
You don't know where he's gone but you know he's looking for Derek. It didn't take a genius to figure that out. You waddle as gracefully out of your office as you can, hoping your boyfriend doesn't do anything stupid by the time you find him.
You're at home and you're alone and you haven't seen Mark since your office. You'd intended to find him but then you'd been called into emergency surgery that took hours and by the time you were out you were exhausted. That usually wouldn't stop you from looking for the man but being pregnant has taken its toll on you. So you simply head home and hope he'll come home soon.
It was getting late by the time Mark eventually showed up at home. You're on the couch, watching some rerun of an old sitcom when he makes his way inside. You hadn't been able to sleep, not knowing where he was or how he was doing. Watching him, you try to determine if he's drunk or not.
He strips off his leather jacket and makes his way towards you. His eyes are a little glassy but his coordination is still good. So he mustn't be drunk you decide, just a little buzzed. And it's only when he's sitting down and you can see his face properly that you notice the bruise on his cheek.
"Mark…" you start carefully, unsure about what you want to say. You think he should talk about it but you're not even sure he'll want to.
"I'm sorry I'm home so late," is all he says, moving to wrap his arms around you. He snuggles into you and you let him, a hand moving to rub up and down his back. "I love you Addison. I love you and our baby girl so much. Don't ever forget that, okay? I'll always, always want you both."
Your heart breaks for your lover at his soft words. You realise now that whatever happened between him and Derek earlier has truly shaken him. You can only imagine what nasty things Derek had said.
You press a kiss to the top of his head. "I know you do. I love you too. Our daughter knows how much you love her too. We're your family Mark. We'll always be yours. No matter what," you promise him, holding him tight.
There's nothing more important to you than Mark and your daughter now.
You're 40 weeks and five days pregnant and you want this baby out now. Oh, you know all the lines; babies come when they want to. You can't schedule a baby. It's placating bullshit and you will not hear of it. You have half a mind to go to the hospital and induce yourself.
The baby is happy and healthy and strong and she should've come five days ago. You're not even feeling any mild contractions and your damn cervix is still closed. Your daughter it seems is in no rush to leave you and you absolutely blame her Sloan side for that. It was in fact a Sloan that put you in this position to begin with and when you'd told Mark that, he'd smirked and replied that you hadn't seemed to mind the positions he put you in before.
You'd thrown a shoe at him and he'd been banished to the downstairs study for that.
Now you're slowly making your way downstairs and towards the study because you want your daughter out of you. You've tried multiple labor inducing 'remedies' over the last couple days and there's one you've still yet to try, one that you know Mark is pretty exceptional at. Not that you would ever tell him that; his ego does not need any more stroking. Finally you reach the bottom of the stairs and you're already dreading having to make your way back up them but for now, you've got a plan to see through.
"Mark," you call out, heading for the study and hoping he's still in there. You can't really blame him from hiding from you lately. You know your mood swings haven't been pleasant, especially once Richard had forced you into maternity leave. At least if you were working, you might've jostled your child into making an appearance in the world by now. As it is though, you're stuck at home all barefoot and over pregnant like some kind of domestic nightmare.
"Uh, yeah?" He replies after a moment, head popping out of the kitchen.
You frown a little, waddling his way. "What're you doing?" You ask curiously as you make it into the large kitchen.
"Making a snack!" He exclaims rather goofily, sweeping his hand towards the bench top filled with food. You raise an eyebrow because his snacks look more like he's just been foraging around in the fridge for whatever was in there. "Want something?" He asks carefully, because he knows you've been snappy lately and he'd rather not cause another shoe throwing scene like earlier.
"Yep," you say with a nod, looking him straight in the eyes. "I want you to have sex with me."
The words are blunt and to the point and you can't help but smirk at the way Mark freezes.
"Have sex with me. I need this baby out," you whine, waving a hand low and gesturing between both your genitals.
"What? We've tried everything else. Please Mark? If anyone can fuck me into labor, you can," you whine, hoping the ego stroking will do the trick. It usually does. Unfortunately, he's just looking at you kind of dumbly.
He shakes his head then, smirking in amusement and disbelief. It is not his trademark smirk though and you already know this isn't going to go the way you want it to. "That has got to be the least unsexy thing you've ever said to me," Mark tells you lightly, his snacks now forgotten.
You frown and pout and hate yourself for it. "So? I didn't think asking you to fuck me always had to be sexy," you complained. Your arms cross and you huff. "Besides, I'm stupidly pregnant. Nothing about that is sexy anyway," you tell him, the whine clear in your voice.
You're already moving towards the sturdy dining room table. It's just at the right height for you to slowly and carefully lift yourself on top of it. You're wearing a dress and you'd taken your underwear off upstairs. You're ready to go, if only you could convince him to fuck you.
"Addison…" he says your name in such a way that makes you want to groan. Here you are offering yourself up for sex and for once he doesn't want to. It's ridiculous.
You intend to ignore the extenuating circumstance of being overly pregnant. Because really, he put the baby in you, surely he can help you get her out. As far as you're concerned it seems only fair.
"Mark," you reply in the same tone of voice, glaring at him.
He makes his way closer to you, stopping between your open thighs and resting his hands on your knees. He looks hesitant but you can see his resolve weakening.
"Please Mark? I don't want to have to be induced. But I want to meet her already. You're just helping. It doesn't even affect her. Just...poke around down there a little," you tell him, pleading with him really.
You enjoyed being pregnant. You never expected you'd be so desperate to not be anymore.
The laugh surprises you. You hadn't been paying attention to him until you heard his laugh and you frown. It's a full blown, belly laugh and you can't help but be confused as you look at his face.
"What are you laughing at?" You ask a little defensively.
Mark catches his breath, his face still tinged pink at the sudden outburst. He's smiling though, rather happily and he steps closer.
"Just the situation. This was not how I was expecting my afternoon to go after the shoe throwing this morning," he teases lightly.
You simply huff in response. It figures he'd be laughing at you.
You're caught off guard by his kiss though. It's passionate and sweet and you can feel his hands moving up your thighs. You're starting to think the dining room table was not a sensible choice but it's too late to change location now.
"If you really want me to...I'll try to fuck you into labor," Mark says with a snort. You roll your eyes, already regretting your choice of words from earlier. You should've known he'd use them against you.
Instead of replying, you simply lean back and let him get to work.
You're pouting. It's been four hours since you and Mark had sex and you're pretty sure nothing has happened. You were counting on Mark's sex powers to put you into labor. And he wasn't even around to try it again.
He'd been called in on an emergency burns case not long after you'd had sex. He worried about leaving you on your own but you'd convinced him to go. You hadn't felt so much as a twinge from the sex; the orgasms he'd given you hadn't even relaxed you for that long either.
You're still so very pregnant and you love your baby girl, really you do. But you need her out of your body. You need to meet her and hold her and kiss her sweet little head. The very idea of you getting to hold your child seems almost impossible to you at the moment - at this point you're pretty sure you're going to be pregnant forever.
Tomorrow though. Tomorrow you will go into the hospital and you will be induced. You've decided it. There's a sharp jab to your insides and you rest your hand over the spot, rubbing a small circle. It seems your daughter isn't too fond of the idea but you don't care; you're going to hold her, physically, in your arms within the next two days. If you don't you fear you might just lose your mind.
You are so uncomfortable it's not funny anymore. The dining table sex was definitely a bad idea, the way your back is cramping every so often is just proof. Either that, or you're getting old and you don't really want to think about that. You're still in your thirties, no matter how close to 40 you actually are.
The back cramps start to worry you when they become more frequent and more painful. It's taken you longer than you'd care to admit that they're actually contractions. Your water hasn't broken yet though and you can't imagine you're very dilated either; not when the contractions are still so far apart. In your expert opinion, and it is expert, you've got some time before you need to be in a hospital.
So, you head upstairs to make sure your bag is packed and so is the baby's. The contractions are still far enough apart that you can get things done between them; like tidy up the bedroom. It's not even that messy but you need something to distract you, to focus on so that it's not just all about the oncoming pain.
By the time your water breaks though, it's been a few hours and Mark still isn't home. The pain is a little sharper now and a little closer together. You don't think you should be driving yourself to the hospital. You have a quick shower and pull on a comfortable maternity dress you've been favoring, knowing you'll have to take it off anyway. The pain intensifies and you're going to have to call someone.
You search through your contacts but Mark is in surgery and so is Callie. Miranda is assisting Mark and Richard isn't able to get away from the board and Adele is out of town. You're starting to think you need more friends in Seattle. You're trying to keep calm but you really should be on your way to the hospital by now and so you dial a number you didn't think you'd have to use.
It's ringing and you consider for a moment that Derek may not pick up. Oh God, the thought occurs that you might actually have to call one of the interns; Karev or Stevens. Even Yang or O'Malley. You'd even suck it up and call Meredith Grey if you had too.
He picked up! "What do you want Addison?" His tone is full of bite and you wince a little. You already know he's not going to be happy about this.
"I'm in labor," you start but he cuts you off.
"Congratulations," he spits out and his tone doesn't sound congratulatory at all. But you do not have time to dwell on his petty aggressiveness.
"Shut up Derek!" You snap, then hiss a little as a contraction hits. That was the most painful one yet. "I'm in labor and I'm home alone. I can't drive myself to the hospital and no one else is available. I...I need your help. Please Derek?" You're not begging but sincerely asking for his help.
There must've been something in your tone of voice because after a beat he speaks.
"Alright. I'll...I'll be there soon. What's your address?"
You rattle it off. It hadn't even occurred to you that he didn't know where you and Mark lived. That he'd never been to the house. It's ridiculous, of course, considering he hadn't wanted anything to do with the both of you for months now. Still, somewhere in the back of your mind you just assumed he knew. After all those years together, it's odd now to think you're no longer a part of each other's lives.
A contraction hits sharply and all thoughts are gone.
You focus on your breathing and when it's done, you pick up your bags and your phone and slowly and carefully make your way down the stairs. You lock up the house and wait outside on the porch. It's not long after you sit down that Derek pulls up and jumps out of the car; he looks worried and you're surprised.
"Are you okay?" He asks and though his tone is gruff, you can sense the underlying worry that permeates his words.
You're in the middle of saying yes when a contraction sweeps over you and you groan. The pain is getting worse with every few contractions. Instead of saying anything else, he hops up the few porch steps and grabs your bags, ushering you towards the car. You always assumed he'd be with you while you were in labor, you'd just never imagined it'd be with another man's child.
By the time you get to the hospital the contractions are close to ten minutes apart. You were trying to time them but you know it hasn't been accurate. Derek helps you out of the car then and into the hospital; for a moment you curse the fact that you'd chosen to have the baby at Seattle Grace. Especially when you see the looks on the faces of the nurses and other doctors as you pass by. You wonder, mildly, who'll be winning the bet on when the baby is born.
"Page Mark!" You hiss out the moment you see Karev on your way up to maternity. He looks surprised but then nods, giving you a grin and a thumbs up.
Derek for his part is still with you until they situate you into a private room. After all you are the Head of OB/GYN and Neonatal; you'd even handpicked your birthing team. An OB Fellow you trust comes in then, to check you over while you wait for Dr. Trevino to arrive.
As soon as your legs are up in the stirrups though, you shoot a glance at Derek, still standing by the door. "Thank you, Derek. Really! But you can go now," you tell him, giving him a genuine and grateful smile.
Your gaze turns back to the fellow then as she checks you over. You're about to ask how dilated you are when you hear a clamor at the door. You turn and grin widely as you finally see Mark, still in his dark blue scrubs. You don't think you've ever been happier to see him.
"Addie!" He exclaims, coming to your side as Derek slips out of the room, forgotten.
You reach out for him as a contraction overtakes you and you hiss, your body tense as the pain washes through you. As soon as you feel his hand in yours, you're squeezing as the contraction goes on. They're definitely lasting longer now and coming faster. You're not even worried about the OB Fellow between your legs anymore.
The contraction passes and you're able to think clearly once again. You try to keep your breathing somewhat normal because hyperventilating at this point would not be helpful. At all.
"Dr. Montgomery, Addison," the Fellow starts, catching your attention. You look down at her expectantly. "You're only 5cm dilated at the moment, okay? It may still be a while. Someone will be in to monitor you periodically and Dr. Trevino is on her way," the Fellow tells you and you grin.
"Thank you," you tell her sincerely as you shift your legs down from the stirrups. Your back is aching and you want nothing more then to get up and off your back. You sit there for a moment, Mark shifting to sit just beside you, a hand moving to massage your lower back.
"You're in labor," Mark states almost giddily and you don't have to look at him to know that he's probably got a giant goofy smile on his face.
"Finally," you reply, shifting slowly off the bed so that you're standing now. It feels better, to be standing even if you feel huge and sore.
You're standing in front of him now, a silly smile on your own face as it hits you that you're finally in labor and you're finally going to get to meet your little girl. Excitement bubbles up inside you.
"So...I guess I really did fuck you into labor, huh?" Mark teases, eyes sparkling as he laughs and you can't help but laugh along with him. You knew the moment the words left your mouth that he was never going to let you live them down.
Your laugh however is cut off by a gasp as a contraction rolls through your body. You feel like there's something cinching around your whole body and you lurch forward a little, reaching out to steady yourself on his arms. He's holding you by your elbows and you're doing everything you can to breathe through the contraction and you'd never realised how hard it could be to breathe when you're in pain.
"You okay Adds?" Mark asks and the glare you give him is enough to make him wince. "Right. Sorry. Stupid question," he murmurs, shaking his head. He's still got a hold on you though and you lean forward as much as you can to rest your head against his shoulder once the contraction has passed.
You're being monitored and you know it won't be too long before another contraction hits. He keeps one hand steadying you as the other moves around your body, his fingertips massaging into your back and you sigh in appreciation. It feels good for the moment.
"Can you help me into a gown?" you ask him quietly, once you're alone. Nurses have been flitting in and out of the room until now. You think you might just ban any interns or first year residents from even stepping foot on this floor; you wonder if you could get Richard to agree to that. You are his favorite after all.
"Yeah," Mark replies with a nod, slowly moving out of your grip.
Instead of standing, you decide to walk a little around the room. You find it helps if you're moving around and really, you shouldn't be surprised by that. You've seen enough laboring pregnant women in your time that you've seen pretty much every trick in the book to help get through labor.
Mark lays the hospital gown across the bed and you grimace a little. You know it's easier to wear it but you can't help but hate the idea of actually putting the flimsy gown on and being seen in it. Your vanity takes hold for a moment and you can't believe that other people, people you work with, are going to see you in this state. Hell, you're not happy that Mark is going to see you in this state either; there is nothing attractive about being in labor.
"Need help taking that off, babe?" Mark asks, gesturing to the dress you're wearing as you walk slowly around the room. You look down at it and realise you probably won't be able to lift it up and off yourself.
"Yes. Thanks," you murmur, nodding at him. You make your way to the bed and let him take the hem of the dress and lift it up and off. Your lips are pressed together, hating that he's seeing your body like this, even as he helps you into the gown tying the back closed.
And then your hand is grasping at his as a contraction hits. You're squeezing tightly and Mark's got a hand on your waist, keeping you steady as you try and breathe through it. Your brows are furrowed together and somehow, this contraction feels worse than any of the others you've had so far. You're gasping through the tail end of it when the door opens and you're ready to yell at whoever it is, until Dr. Trevino comes into sight.
"Alright Addison. Once you're ready, I'm going to need you back up on the bed so I can check you. Okay?" Dr. Trevino tells you calmly, giving you a serene smile that you kind of hate. She's snapping on gloves when you finally move to sit up on the bed, Mark helping you and as soon as your legs are in the stirrups, you grab at the sleeve of his scrubs and tug him backwards.
"What was that for?" Mark complains good-naturedly, frowning at you a little.
"You are forbidden from going any further then my waist. Do you hear me?" You snap at him but you are deadly serious. You know exactly what your vagina is going to look like and you will not have him seeing that. "I don't want you seeing me...down there," you insist.
And then Mark, the absolute idiot that he is, has the audacity to laugh at you.
"It's not like I've never seen your vagina before babe," he tells you and the urge to hit him has truly never been so strong.
"I'm serious Mark!" you snap, glaring up at him. "You take one glance between my legs and I will kill you," you threaten him slowly, your words clearly enunciated so he could understand. It must've worked because he frowns but nods his head.
"Alright, alright. I'll stay up here. No peeking. Got it," Mark responds, shifting so he's looking more at your face and his back is towards your legs.
"You're still only at 5cm Addison," Dr. Trevino speaks up from between your legs, standing up from the stool she'd been sitting on. "It may be a while yet. This is your first birth, you know this can last a long time," she tells you as she moves to check the machine monitoring your contractions. An eyebrow raises though as she looks over the results. "Your contractions seem to be coming closer together though. So hopefully you'll start dilating faster. Until then though, you'll just have to wait. Do you want any pain relief? We've got the nitrous oxide if the pain is getting to be too much, now."
You shake your head though. The pain is bad but you don't think it's bad enough for pain medication just yet. You're sincerely hoping the pain doesn't get too much worse because you really don't want to have to get an epidural. You hope the nitrous oxide will be enough, even though it's a fairly uncommon pain relief method.
"Not yet. I think I'm okay…" you tell her, giving her a smile. You chuckle a little. "I'll let you know when I need it though. Don't worry."
Dr. Trevino simply grins and nods as she heads out the door.
It's been four and a half hours and you feel like crying. The last time Dr. Trevino checked you, you were at 7cm and though that's good, the pain has ratcheted up even more since then. You're doubled over, forearms leaning on the bed, hands clasped together tightly as you suck in as much nitrous oxide as you can - a contraction rippling through you.
"Oh fuck," you groan, tugging the inhaler from your mouth and dropping it on the bed beside you.
Mark is beside you in an instant, large warm hand rubbing circles on your lower back, fingertips massaging at your taut skin and you have to admit that it feels good. Your hair has been pulled up into a messy, haphazard bun on the top of your head but a few strands of hair have escaped their confines, you push them back, letting your head rest on your hand for a moment. The time between contractions is getting smaller and your ability to keep moving is slowly waning too. You know Mark wants to ask you if you're okay but after the last time you'd snapped at him, you know he's keeping his mouth decidedly shut. You're thankful.
You're trying to breathe normally and then another contraction hits you. A whole minute earlier then expected and you don't even realise you're rocking backwards and forwards, tears falling from your eyes. It's too late for an epidural now and you're starting to regret a little that you chose not to have one. But this may be your only child and you're going to get to experience everything. The thought kind of terrifies you.
"Get...Trevino," you gasp out, once the contraction ends. You feel Mark moving away from you and you clamp a hand around his wrist. "Not you," you snap and you can't help the irrational anger that shoots through you.
Instead a nurse goes and Mark helps you manoeuvre up onto the bed so that Dr. Trevino can check you once again. Your legs are in the stirrups and your arm is flung over your face as a bout of nausea sweeps through you. God, you really don't want to be sick right now.
"Check me," you order and in any other circumstance, your tone would not be so gruff. But you've been in labor for something like 12 hours now and you just want your baby out of you.
Dr. Trevino smiles at you calmly, snapping on her gloves as she settles on the stool at the other end of the bed. "Okay, let's have a look. Oh. You're at 9cm now Addison. That's good. Just a little bit longer and you'll be ready to start pushing," Dr. Trevino states cheerfully. And you can't help but wonder if this is how you sound to laboring mothers and whether they hate you as much as you're currently hating Dr. Trevino.
You can feel a contraction coming and grasp around for the nitrous, sucking in as much as you can before the pain rips through you. You close your eyes, squeezing your hands tightly as you try to breathe through the pain. Mark is right beside you, stroking your hair and you can't even manage to swat him away. Dr. Trevino is still in the room, checking over the monitors but for a moment, it was like she didn't even exist, that's how much pain you were in.
The urge to bear down comes over you when your next contraction hits but you frown because you know you're not ready yet. They're only 3 minutes apart now but you know you're not fully dilated yet, Dr. Trevino had told you… "I want to push!" you gasp out worriedly, catching Dr. Trevino's attention.
You struggle to push yourself up into a sitting position as Dr. Trevino takes a seat. Mark is pressed against your side, keeping you as upright as you can go. Dr. Trevino checks you again and shakes her head.
"You're still only 9cm Addison. Don't push yet, okay? Do your breathing through it," she instructs you and you know that. Logically. But you're not 100% sure you'll be able to follow through with it.
You nod but really, you're not sure if you can comply.
Through contractions and puffs of nitrous oxide time seems to move fast then because before you know it, though it's been about half an hour, Dr. Trevino announces that you're finally at 10cm. She's far too joyful in your opinion; when all you can feel is tired and pain.
"Alright Addison, on your next contraction, you're going to have to push. Understand?" Dr. Trevino tells you and you can barely respond. Mark slips onto the bed behind you, bracketing your body solidly. You grasp at one of his hands, you don't even know which one, as a contraction shoots through you and you start to push.
It's the oddest sensation and the pain is so intense you think you might just pass out. You know you're squeezing the hell out of his hand but you can barely comprehend it as a grunt escapes you. The contraction passes and you sink back against his body; he's still holding you up, just like he always has. Now, he's doing it so you can bring his child into the world.
You barely have time to suck in the nitrous before another contraction comes - sharper and longer and you're pretty sure you're screaming now. You're pushing and you can barely hear anything over the sounds that you're making. You're sobbing when the contraction finally passes, tears and sweat mingling down your cheeks.
"You're doing so, so good Red. I know it hurts, but you gotta keep going," Mark is whispering to you, encouraging and you shake your head tearily, still sobbing from the pain.
"Oh, fuck off," you gasp out just as another contraction hits.
Your hand tightens around his as you cry out. You rock forward, pushing just as Dr. Trevino is telling you to. It sounds like she's a million miles away.
"Look at me Addison. You're almost there," Dr. Trevino calls to you and you open your eyes, making eye contact with her. And suddenly you're back in place, feeling absolutely everything. "On your next contraction, I need a big push okay?" she tells you and you realise you can feel the baby. You have an instinct to reach down and feel her but you know she's not there, just yet.
The next contraction comes and you're screaming again, pushing as hard as you can through the pain. You're bracing yourself against Mark's body as you do so.
Dr. Trevino is smiling. "I can see baby's head," she announces as you smile. You lean forward, reaching an elegant hand down to feel for yourself. Dr. Trevino guides your hand and then you feel it, your baby girl's head, it's slimy but she's so close.
"Alright, big push Addison. Then her head will be out," Dr. Trevino tells you and you nod.
The next contraction comes quickly and you're pushing, gasping through the pain and holding Mark's hands tightly. "And her head's out!" Dr. Trevino announces, "Another push Addison, as hard as you can."
"I can't...I can't," you sob, even as your body contracts and you push down. All you can feel is pain, it's radiating throughout your whole body.
"Yes you can. Come on Addie. One more push and we'll have our baby girl," Mark is telling you and all you can do is cry and push and you can't believe women have continued to do this throughout time.
With one last strangled sob and push you feel your baby finally slip out of you. You gasp, eyes opening, though bleary with tears you see Dr. Trevino holding your daughter. It seems like forever and then your daughter starts crying and you lean forward, reaching for her. Dr. Trevino hands her over and you cuddle her close against your bare chest, you don't know when you'd untied your gown but you don't even care.
Your daughter is here and she's perfect and all you can do is cry.
All you can do is gaze at her as the nurses clean her up. She's still in your arms and you can feel Mark behind you and when you turn to look at him he's got tears in his eyes too. "Addie," he murmurs, "she's perfect. Thank you."
And you're both just staring at the baby as she roots around and starts to suckle at a nipple. You gasp a little at the sensation, surprised that she took to it so easily. You're tired and sore but in that moment, with your baby at your breast and Mark at your back, everything feels so perfect.
"Do you want to cut the cord Dad?" Dr. Trevino asks and you can feel Mark nod eagerly. He shifts a little, so he has better access and cuts the cord with ease.
You were so focused on your daughter you'd barely noticed what was happening around you. She's fallen asleep now though and you know it's time she gets checked over. You don't want to part from her though and your lip trembles as a nurse comes to take her. Dr. Trevino must notice and gives you a soft smile.
"You know she's just getting checked over and recorded, don't worry. We'll have her back in your arms soon."
"I know," you breathe and you do but that doesn't mean your emotions aren't playing on you.
Your daughter has been apart of the world for several hours now and you and Mark still haven't stopped marvelling at her. At 8 pounds and 4 ounces, she was on the larger end of the average scale and you're not surprised. You nor Mark are particularly small people.
You're in your own private room and it's just been you, Mark, the baby and Dr. Trevino there. You hadn't wanted any visitors yet, something you know must be hard considering you've had your baby in the hospital where you both work. But you haven't named her yet and you don't want to introduce her until you do.
A name though keeps escaping you. You can only seem to focus on watching her, Mark too. She's got all ten fingers and all ten toes and brilliant dark blue eyes and the cutest little mouth and the Sloan nose and a dusting of dark red hair on her head. She's perfect and you can't quite believe you and Mark have created her. It's all so surreal. And you know you need to name her but you just want it to be the three of you for a few moments longer.
"She's perfect Addie," Mark whispers to you as he cradles her in his arms. He's got his shirt off, leaving him in only his scrub pants, rocking her beside your bedside; the skin to skin contact had really stuck out to him.
Watching him watch your daughter, holding her so gently and carefully, sends warmth through your body. You're so utterly in love with him; even more so watching him with your daughter. He's going to be a wonderful father.
"She is and she needs a name…" you murmur, leaning back in the bed, content to watch the man and his daughter. You can't help but think that the only place safer then your arms are his for your baby girl.
"We had a shortlist didn't we?" he murmurs back, glancing up at you briefly before his gaze drops back down to the baby in his arms.
You nod. "We did," you reply, a name from the shortlist ringing clear through your mind. "What about Kendall? Kendall Montgomery Sloan," you suggest and the name sounds right.
Mark hums, moving to sit down on the bed beside you, handing off your daughter to you carefully. "Kendall Klaudine Montgomery Sloan," Mark echoes back and you raise an eyebrow at the added name.
"It was my grandmother's name. On my mother's side," Mark explains with a shrug and you nod back. It's a perfect name and you think it fits her wonderfully.
"Perfect. That's your name Kendall," you whisper to your daughter and you both laugh as she gurgles in response, eyes opening wide to stare at you both. "I think she likes it," you say lightly, grinning up at Mark.
"I think she definitely does," he murmurs, nodding. "I love you both so much Addison," he tells you, pressing a light kiss to your forehead. You smile at him, leaning into his side a little as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. He leans forward and presses a light kiss to Kendall's forehead too, her little face squishing up adorably at the contact.
"I love you both too,' you say and it's true. You've never, in your life, felt so much love as you do now for Mark and your daughter. For you, right now, everything is absolutely perfect.
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