#Marlboro 100s Gals!
sf-re-post-heaven · 2 months
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The ninth installment of a new series just for a morsel of somewhat regularly-scheduled "fresh" content for SF (Re-Post) Heaven! Along the lines of the defunct Photo of The Day on our old network! And this photo pays homage to BFFs who are learning the joys of becoming regular Newport 100s Gals! Better than Marlboros, right, ladies?
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SFers' Dream! / Real World's Nightmare!
No. 9 in the summertime debuting Series!
(Photo credit: library/vault/archives of SF (Re-Post) Heaven!)
They are what we live for over here in the Greater SF World Community scene. Sure that many of us will adore this photograph and worship our Smoking Honeys. On the other hand, among the vast majority of folks who are not afflicted with the Smoking Fetish, those who are in the immensely more populated affiliation with non-smokers (former smokers and never-smokers included) . . . our N-S friends . . . this picture is frowned upon. “What a shame,” nearly all of them will say. “Why are such beautiful young ladies smoking cigarettes? Didn't they learn about the ill effects of cigarettes in school just a few years ago? Why weren't they paying attention? They should've been!”
We'll supply the answer gladly! Because they look that much more sexy, gorgeous, mature and desirable as cigarette smokers! And they embrace that attitude. And it fits their lifestyles and they love it. Ask them to quit while they're drunk, then duck! "Can you light-up our cigarettes," they'll say in trying to seduce you after exhaling a huge plume in your face! And you'd be able to resist? Yeah, right!
Dual-Media Single-Post, 10-Pack Megapost!
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Disclaimer: “Smoking is injurious to health. We do not promote smoking as a habit for those who are non-smokers. Some women smoke cigarettes and truly know how appealing they look while doing so. We wish all women smokers would quit their habits one day soon. Let's get healthier, ladies!” ⏤ King of SF Aficionados web-master/web producer (SF Deity!)
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mcribel · 5 years
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( ella purnell + 18 + muse 05 ) isn’t that maribel sawyer over there? i heard SHE joined faction one after they got back to west ham. it’s funny, ‘cause they were only on the service trip to do something kind. hopefully they fit in there – they’re TENDERHEARTED, but also BIDDABLE. oh, i’m sure they’ll be fine. ( james, she/they, 20, EST )
hello it’s me again !! i have really bad uuuhhhh self control so i brought in this sweetie !!
a e s t h e t i c s
handwritten letters and ink-stained hands, vintage magnifying glasses and worn oxfords, knee-high socks and scraped knees, ribbons in hair and turtlenecks underneath dresses, dried flowers and locked up diaries, suede skirts and oversized cardigans, hot tea and cold coffee, flinching at loud noises, loud voices, record scratches and stumbles, stuttering words and beet-red faces, bitten nails and awkward stances, blankets laid out in the sun and the smell of newspapers.
general info !!
full name: maribel ottoline sawyer
nickname(s): mari, bell, lottie b/c middle name, etc. etc. just sawyer sometimes idk
b.o.d. - june 1st, 18 yrs old
label(s): the marionette, the demure, the obsequious, the allegiant, etc.
height: like 5′3″
hometown: duluth, minnesota
sexuality: ??? ??? ?????
stats TBD but her pinterest is HERE !
biography !!
born the middle child to a man in the air force and a woman whose passions laid among writing diet cookbooks and recording cooking DVDs, maribel was never anything extraordinary.
after all, her elder sister had a voice made for broadway, and her younger brother was writing sonnets before he’d hit middle school. and maribel was just maribel, another girl with middle child syndrome
her household was typical, conservative all-american, strict no matter where they moved. curfew before 9pm and family dinner every sunday, mandatory; better not miss out on those vegetables or you’ll be sitting there for hours. grounded for grades below their expected. the usual.
there wasn’t anything particularly interesting in her life for the longest time. she was just another shy girl who moved to school to school, quiet and seated in the very back of class, as if that’d allow her the coverage to remain unseen.
she couldn’t color in the lines, or follow the lines, or draw a straight line, the kind of gal who opened her mouth at the wrong time, whose voice got washed away by another’s interrupting. she got picked on at most schools, due to her size and her stumbling words, and she’d let it happen for the most part. always the wannabe, trying to be who she wasn’t.
it hadn’t helped that her mother was some sort of ... health food guru, a woman obsessed with image and the epitome of health - her practices were often forced upon maribel, especially, beginning in a long, difficult relationship with food.
by the time she was a freshmen in high school, her parents had divorced and, for a brief moment, mari thought she could finally settle down somewhere and become a normal teenager. this was until, of course, her mother enrolled her in a boarding school in nevada.
with her sister graduated and her brother still in middle school, mari was left alone in a strange school; the only constant being the cliques that surrounded herself and the money they waved around, as if it were nothing.
the only time she was ever really approached was because of her knack with forgery, a talent picked up after hours of mimicking others’ handwriting, an attempt to change every single part of her into someone likable.
often stayed in the computer labs during lunch and free periods, firstly because she’d never been allowed to have a computer at home (rots yr brain!) and secondly because she’d gotten into programming, and it was something she could actually ... see herself doing, potentially.
was alone in this until her sophomore year, when the next new kid found their way into the computer lab; the loser zone, the land of outcasts. this individual, despite their quirks and oddities, became maribel’s first genuine friend. they were a little too into conspiracies and mysteries, but that was alright.
soon enough, it started to rub off onto maribel, as well, who’d always been observant but not the kind of gal to put it to use. they became a tiny pair of investigators, p.i.’s without the certification, investigating petty school drama that was usually written on the inside of a bathroom stall.
essentially a less impressive nancy drew / scooby doo gang / veronica mars duo.
surprisingly ! beginning junior year, maribel got involved with the weed and underaged drinking and whatnot b/c her like, very best friend was doing it and she wanted to be...impressive, i guess?
so then they became stoner detectives. about halfway thru their junior year is when things got uuhh ... complicated.
one night they were just, y’know, getting high and other typical teenager things. and then someone started talking about aliens, and then area 51, and then they both became increasingly aware that they were living in nevada and Not Too Far from the airbase.
long story short, they attempted to break into area 51. they got caught, got charged with trespassing and had to be bailed out of county jail, maribel’s dad almost lost his job, and her best friend disappeared without a trace almost immediately afterwards. spooky shit !
this is when her mother packed up and moved them to west ham, kansas ! it was for a ~fresh start~ but really was just a way to keep her eye on maribel.
i mean, god, for the rest of her junior year maribel was miserable. she was a student at west ham high but like ... god, she hardly spoke to anyone. drug tested every week, essentially on some sort of form of house arrest.
wasn’t really allowed to get a job during this either ! so she made money by anonymously creating and selling fake I.D.’s b/c like ... yolo, y’know? why not?
her mental health deteriorated during this and by the summer before her senior year she was getting help for an eating disorder. she was essentially gone the entire summer, but like ... doubt anybody noticed tbh !
by the time senior year rolled around, maribel was in a better place and was like ... determined not to fall into a bad headspace again. her anxiety’s still pretty strong but ! she’s trying !
uuh started working for the school newspaper as a help column under a fake name b/c ! this was her way of branching out and getting to know students w/o actually doing it lmao.
took a few of her classes online so she could leave school earlier, just b/c it was a major source of anxiety for her and like ... she couldn’t eat alone in the bathroom again. her mom was a little less ... restrictive, so maribel got a job.
or well ... she got a lot of jobs. maribel, being maribel, can hardly keep a job b/c she usually ends up fucking up real badly in an almost comical manner and getting fired.
on the otherhand, she had earned herself a partial scholarship and was debating over majoring in computer science or investigative journalism (her parents were very disapproving of her doing computer science, however, so she was likely to be forced into journalism) ... until the trip.
she went as a simple act of kindness, y’know, to give back to the community that she hardly knew.
and now here we are !! joining faction one b/c she knows of everybody there and they’re all her age and like ... she can’t be on her own or she’d actually die lmao so !
personality !!
god ... she’s awkward. like just, straight up awkward. she’s real bad at talking to others.
always tripping and stumbling over her words, and occasionally her own two feet. she’s constantly jittery and just like ... fidgety b/c she’s usually nervous. touch her hand. it’s shaking. why? she doesn’t know !
however maribel is like ... very very very nice. tries really hard to be kind to everybody and tries really hard 2 be a good pal to whoever makes their way into her life.
sorta kinda like ... adjusts her personality 2 match whoever she’s talking to b/c she wants to be likable. oh, you smoke marlboros? me too ! proceeds to cough a lung after inhaling one (1) cigarette. that sort of shit.
used to smoke a lot of weed but ! didn’t really do it that much in recent months. might increase now that her mom isn’t around but you never know. uuhh the rare times that she does drink it’s like ... a complete flip in her personality. becomes ms. extrovert, a flirt of flirts. but that’s very rare.
very hesitant with befriending people even tho she ! desperately wants friends ! she’s just a little untrusting ... a little worrisome ... believes she’s cursed to be a friendless loser for the rest of her life. so she’s definitely like .. a try hard too.
i mean like i don’t think ‘no’ is in her vocabulary ! she’ll do anything if u ask and like .. sound like u really want it. really just is seeking approval whenever possible.
squeaks like a mouse :/
rambles ! when she’s nervous ! and apologizes a lot.
she’s just like ... insecure and doesn’t expect anybody 2 remember her from anything jskdfg
easily bends to other’s will, easily manipulative / easy 2 step on / etc. etc.
she does smile and like ... laughs a lot tho ! b/c she tries rly hard to come off as like happy and optimistic and like ... not having deep-rooted issues with herself. 
she’s a good kid, just a lil plain jane. can’t talk for shit but has given good written advice b4. is good w/ math n numbers but not much anything else.
she is really observant !! doesn’t rly use it to her advantage tho :/ she just makes mental notes ... writes shit in her diary b/c she 100% keeps n writes in her diary daily. 
sort of lies abt herself too ! like it’s nothing serious but like ... she doesn’t rly want others to know how lame she is sdifkg
can be ... ditzy , lacking common sense, a little naive ... just wants everything to be okay :(
loves vintage stuff ! owns p much only vintage stuff ! also listens 2 like ... records exclusively like the dork she is. like soft indie pop and other shit.
has probably cried 2 mitski but like ... who hasn’t :/
literally only turned 18 like ... a few days ago ... she’s baby ...
wanted connections !!
god okay ... so like obv i would like some friends for her ... varying degrees of closeness.
idk somebody she has crushed on before / is crushing on currently .. but like, from afar, like she’d never talk to them but she can look !! and dream !! and write their names together in her diary
somebody use her b/c she’s so naive n like ... usable. idk what for but ! anything ! get her to steal shit ! get her to wreck shit or to lie for you or whatever !
like ... fake friends ... ppl who’ll throw her away once her purpose is done
alternately !! something pure n wholesome.
ALTERNATELY srsly though. wreck her shit. convince her you care for her n then betray her !!
conspiracy pals ... for the rare times she gets high ...
someone she flirted with once while drunk at like a party and now she’s embarrassed and avoids them :/
an ex-tutor b/c ... don’t think school’s in session anymore ...
ppl who genuinely want the best for her and like ... care for her as a living person.
someone who just cant stand ! that she’s so weak minded and malleable ! and rather than use her they just ... clash with her. cause arguments even tho maribel doesn’t rly... do that.
like someone just yell at her sdikfg
someone has to get her out of a sticky situation and they’re like ... Annoyed. might not wanna admit it but ! and she just feels bad
ppl who she’s definitely given a fake I.D. to
ppl who literally forgot she existed dkfmghg
someone for her to follow around like a lil puppy and sidekick !! b/c she doesn’t have a single independent thought !! someone she’s just rly trying to impress
someone found her diary and oh no ! it’s embarrassing !
c o r r u p t  h e r. idk how ! seduce her ! make her look at the world differently ! ruin her ! DESTROY HER !
literally ... anything ...pleathe ... i’ll give u a penny. 
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sf-re-post-heaven · 3 months
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Skittlez Cano says she's got family in Texas. After moving a few times after leaving her native Colorado, the mom of young children brought them to the Austin, TX area where they might be putting up roots. Wherever she's been, she's brought her smoking habit! Didn't forget to pack that up, along with her SF persona! Thank goodness!
From brand to brand, nearly all within the broader Marlboro Family, and from one locale to the next as home, moving East from Colorado, Skittlez Cano has embraced her smoking habit and her roles within the Greater SF World Community scene primarily as an SF Entrepreneur. She's been at it since the middle of last decade, in her early 20s and starting a family! Other aspects of life are more important to Skittlez than smoking cigarettes but precious few take up more of an impact in shaping who she is!
Dual-Media Single-Post, 12-Pack Megapost!
Plain and simple, with little room for objective disagreement ⏤ subjective discord, well, fine! ⏤ Ariel (Arielle) "Skittlez" Cano is a Smoking Fetish Hall of Famer and SF Goddess. Our Centerpiece video comes to us from lurkyjurky of tumblr, uploaded on January 19, 2024. This post serves as fodder for a post on King of SF Aficionados in production for a June 15, 2024 publication on our new network. Hope you enjoy! How can you not?
YouTube Videos of Skittlez Cano!
From YT's "Jerome Willis" webpage in 2016 . . .
From YT's "Jerome Willis" webpage in 2016 . . .
From YT's "Jerome Willis" webpage in 2016 . . .
From YT's "nibbi" webpage in 2023 (it cuts out/empty space at 8:09 into the video!) . . .
From YT's "smoking santa" webpage in January 2024 . . .
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Disclaimer: “Smoking is injurious to health. We do not promote smoking as a habit for those who are non-smokers. Some women smoke cigarettes and truly know how appealing they look while doing so. We wish all women smokers would quit their habits one day.” ⏤ King of SF Aficionados web-master/web producer
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