#Masami Yokosuka
garne--tt · 3 years
x japan iceberg explained;
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before i start, i probably didnt explain something right and if u want to correct me or add something, feel free and even dm me about it! + i will add trigger warnings for possible triggering content in this post
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formed in 1982 - x was formed in 1982 after toshis and yoshikis previous band disbanded
X --> X JAPAN - they changed their name from X to X JAPAN in 1992 in order to distinguish themselves from the american punk rock band X 
Saw IV - a horror movie from 2007, x japan did a theme song I.V. for the movie, it was their first song released since 1998
new album - an new x japan album that was supposed to be released lots of times over the 10+years but still (to this day) wasnt released
coachella 2018 - x japan performed at coachella 2018, many fans are saying how the sound was bad (usually blaming it on the sound production team?? or whatever its called) and apparently sugizo and yoshiki were seen arguing with the sound production team
we are x - a 2016 documentary about x japan (or rather yoshiki, because apparently it was mainly focusing on him)
psychidelic violence crime of visual shock - a slogan, mainly seen on the blue blood album cover, the term visual kei was derived from the slogan yoshiki, toshi, hide, pata, taiji - the most known lineup, from 1987 to 1992
2. tw// suicide mention
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violet uk - one of unfinished yoshikis projects, started in 2002, didnt even debut but was supposed to in 2012
V2 - unit of yoshiki and tetsuya komuro, was active in 1992, they released one single and did one concert
ra:in - patas band, active since 2002, members are - pata, michiaki, die (also former member of spread beaver), ryu
noise/dynamite - toshis and yoshikis first band, formed in 1977 as dynamite, then they changed the name to noise, noise disbanded in 1982
s.k.i.n. - superband (group) of yoshiki, gackt, miyavi and sugizo, their only activity was in 2007 and it was live, they announced more activities but they were stopped
xfreaks - an international xjapan fan forum created in 2006
dope headz - band that had heath and pata as members, active from 2000 to 2003
hide with spread beaver - hides live band, other members were kiyoshi, k.a.z, hiroshi watanabe, satoshi miyawaki, d.i.e, i.n.a
zilch - supergroup formed by hide in 1996, other members were ray mcveigh,paul raven, joey castillo and i.n.a
lynx - one of heaths band, active from 2004-?, the vocalist for this band was issay from der zibet
yokosuka saver tiger - hides former band, he was member from 1981 to 1986 sugizo - luna sea guitarist, he joined x japan in 2008
hides death - hide committed suicide in 1998 (he hanged himself) update: this is what authorities said and what is official
3. tw// suicide
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taijis death - in 2011 taiji was flying from japan to saipan, on the flight he got into fight with his manager (or flight attendant?), he was arrested after they landed in saipan and then he hanged himself with bedsheet in his cell
x japan translations - an site that had xjapan translations (like toshis book etc...), the site was active and up until 2018
taijis departure from X - taiji left X in 1992, but we dont know the exact reason why he left
toshi was in cult - toshi was member of cult known as home of heart from the late 90s (1998?)
1997 - the year x japan disbanded
yoshiki and queen elizabeth incident - in 2019 during royal windsor cup yoshikis scarf accidentally landed on queen elizabeth
yoshiki knows everyone - (not everyone ofc) but he met a lot of celebrities, politicians (barrack obama, johnny depp, prince phillip, bts etc,,)
art of life - a 29 minute song released released in 1993, it was was recorded only in english, the theme of the song are yoshikis suicidal tendencies, art of life was meant to be released in the jealousy album (1991)
yoshikis father - yoshikis father committed suicide when yoshiki was 10 years old
taijis cut off joint on finger - taiji when he was kid, showed his hand into a factory machine (his family owned factory) and cut off his first joint on his finger
yoshikis health problems - yoshiki has tons of health problem since he was child (asthma, he was always sick and spent most of the time in hospitals etc,,) and suffers from many of health problems even now
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toshis healing music - toshis music he made during the home of heart era
kaori moritani & masaya - kaori moritani is toshis ex wife, they met in around 1993 when they played in rock opera hamlet, they got married in 1997 and divorced in 2010, she introduced him to masaya (and got him, or rather manipulated him, into home of heart) 
masaya -  real name tōru kurabuchi - musician and leader of home of heart
-more about home of heart and the whole situation here: https://bloodydesertrose.tumblr.com/post/96662764536/support-toshi-dont-buy-or-listen-to-any-of-his-songs
debut in usa - x japan was supposed to debut in usa in the 90s (and even changed their name because of it, x-->xjapan)
extasy record - label formed by yoshiki in 1986, the first release under extasy records was x orgasm ep, the label had bands like xjapan, luna sea, glay, zi:kill tokyo yankees and more
yoshiki paid for taijis new teeth - after hides funeral yoshiki noticed that taijis some teeth were missing or chipped, so he handed him around 2 million yen (around 18 497 usd) to get his teeth fixed
l.o.x. - punk rock supergroup, yoshiki was drummer in this band, they also used to be named masami & l.o.x (masami was their vocalist), masami collapsed and fell into coma in 1989 and died in 1992 due to pneumonia in coma, l.o.x released one album with different vocalist (one of them which was toshi and yoshiki went by the alias shiratori rei here on the album) in 1990, l.o.x. released one song in 2002 in memory of masami
standing sex promotional shot & single cover - the promotional shot & single cover basically shows yoshiki nude (with his intimate parts covered of course + this wasnt the only time yoshiki has done something like this) 
rose & blood -indies of x- - an unofficial album with demos and unreleased x songs
unreleased & old songs - there are a lot unreleased songs + unreleased old songs or just old songs that dont get played anymore
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rosenfeld - crows in black - blue blood has similar guitar riff (i dont know how to say it) to this song (crows in black / b was firstly recorded on demo in 1986)
former members - x japan has big amount of former members - 11 former members (excluding taiji and hide from this)
terry - a former member of x, he was one of the original members (being a member from 1982 to 1985), terry died in 2002 in car accident
yoshiki got sued by hides brother - yoshiki got sued by headwax (hides company which hides brother owns) for using hides photos, apparently they had a contract but it expired and yoshiki still used hides photos even though the contract expired
x japan condoms - they were released in 1993 with the intent to help increase awareness and prevent the spread of AIDS. the reason why they probably did this is that toshis fan died at the age of 19 due to AIDS (toshi even dedicated a song to him - passion of love and became a active member and sponsor of association of struggle against AIDS)
heath cow story - when heath joined xjapan they celebrated it by drinking and then driving 2 hours to cow farm, then they drove to aquarium but it was already closed
heath leaving x japan - in 2009 there was a rumor that heath would leave x japan, apparently this was caused due to heaths contract problems (?) dementia - taijis former band, he was member from 1984 to 1985 and went under the name ray
pata was roadie for x - before joining x in 1987, he was roadie for x (or the member hally) around the time in 1986 (1985?)
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pink spider was a suicide note - this one is a rumor/theory that is circulating around, fans analysed the lyrics and came to conclusion that its suicide note
x stayed at different hotels than other bands - when x was on tour with other bands they were staying at different hotels than other bands, because one time (on tour with other bands and in hotel) hide got into drunk fight with juichi morishige (lead vocalist of ziggy) and sprayed the entire hotel lounge with fire extinguisher
taiji was homeless - taiji was homeless for around 2 years (1996-1998), due to financial issues + he got divorced at this time
heaths myspace account - there was heath myspace account, but it wasnt him, it was someone pretending to be him
weekend pv theory - (i dont know if i should have put this here to be honest) a theory that x members chose what their death would be in weekend pv (yoshiki - suicide, hide - suicide in drunken rage??, taiji - murder, pata - alcohol poisoning, toshi doesnt die in the pv)
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hide vocaloid - hides unreleased song co gal got finished via vocaloid (using his voice samples from various songs of his)
yoshiki lead singer - before toshi was chosen to be the lead vocalist for x, yoshiki was the vocalist (there is also a recording of stab me in the back with mostly yoshiki on vocals!)
hide and marilyn manson meet up story - im gonna just attach a screenshot of the story
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taiji was murdered - taiji committed suicide in 2011 in his cell on saipan, but there are some things that point to the possibility that he was murdered (his manager insisted on cremating his body and got cremated without autopsy, money got transfered on his account, information missing from the internet?? etc,,) 
juns tape - demo tape recorded in 1986 by at the time X guitarist jun, tape contains instrumental recordings of unreleased songs right now, only way, tune up and one unnamed song.
ill kill you single cover - cover of 1985 X single ill kill you, it contains photos of victims of the vietnam war
feel me tonight - demo tape from 1985/1986, it contains songs feel me tonight and stab me in the back (all of them are under one minute here) sung by their at the time guitarist hally (apparently there aslo should be yoshiki version of it, but i dont know how much we can trust metal archives)
8. tw// eating disorder mention
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yoshiki hired someone to kill taiji - this one is a rumor!!!, yoshiki was supposed to get/hire yakuza to kill taiji hide had an eating disorder - this one is unconfirmed!!! hide  suffered from bulimia (yoshiki walked on him purging - and this story was also apparently told by yoshiki???)
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newsintheshell · 5 years
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nzchao · 5 years
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今週末、本日から来週末の4日間にかけて京都ルーメンギャラリーで開催される、ヴィデオパーティーに初参加します。 自分は明日28日の15:00〜、プログラム3にて新作『Whole Globe Canaria』が上映されます。 関西方面の方、夏休みで京都方面に遊びに行ってる方はぜひとも足をお運びください。
第1期 2019年7月27日(土)〜28日(日) 第2期 2019年8月3日(土)〜4日(日)
7/27(土) 15:00〜 プログラム1 17:30〜 プログラム2
7/28(日) 15:00〜 プログラム3 17:30〜 プログラム4
8/3(土) 15:00〜 プログラム5 17:30〜 プログラム6
8/4(日) 15:00〜 プログラム7 17:30〜 プログラム8
■入場料 1プロ:一般1,000円/学生500円 4プロ:一般2,000円/学生1,000円 フリーパス:一般3,000円/学生1,500円
■会場 京都 Lumen Gallery http://www.lumen-gallery.com/ Mail: [email protected] Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/lumengallery.kyoto Twitter: @lumen_gallery https://twitter.com/lumen_gallery
〒600-8059 京都市下京区麩屋町通五条上る下鱗形町543 有隣文化会館2F
京都市営地下鉄「五条」駅1番出口より東へ7分 阪急電車「河原町」駅11番出口より南へ10分 京阪電車「清水五条」駅3番出口より西へ5分 京都市バス「河原町五条」停留所から西へ徒歩2分
------------------------------------------------------- 個人映像のアンデパンダン 
 個人によって創られた映像作品はストーリーが無いものもあり、一見すると内容が難解と思われがちですが、その可能性は無限であり、次々と新たなイメージが産み出されています。しかし残念ながら、そのジャンルを越えたバリエーションに触れる機会は、多いとは言えません。私たちは、確実に増殖する個人映像作品を上映し記録することで、個人映画公開の機会をさらに増やしていきたいと考えています。 VIDEO PARTYは京都を中心に、所属、立場、ジャンルを越えた、ドラマ、アニメーション、実験映像からドキュメンタリーまで内容も様々な、個人で作られた映像を発表する場として企画され、2013年より公募作品の上映活動をしています。
 また、2014年より海外映像祭や教育機関、上映団体等と連携し作品の交換上映も進めています。2016年は台湾、韓国、マカオ、中国、札幌での上映をし、VIDEO PARTYの参加作品を各地で紹介しています。  個人の眼差しによって紡がれる映像の行く末と更なる可能性を探る〈場〉へのご参加をお待ちしております。 2019年は7月27日(土)〜28日(日)8月3日(土)〜4日(日)の4日間、京都のLumen galleryにて開催します。
Announcement for VIDEO PARTY in KYOTO 2019 There are many video works created by various independent artists these days, many of which seem to have no storylines and contents hard to comprehend. But the potential of this media is limitless and there are many fresh imageries being created continuously. Unfortunately, we do not have enough occasions in which we can come in contact with borderless variations of the genre. It is for this reason we assemble this VIDEO PARTY, where we can screen and make records of these ever-growing works of independent artists, as well as to simply increase the opportunity for Indies video works to be seen. Based in Kyoto, the VIDEO PARTY has been organized for independent artists to exhibit their works, regardless of their nationality, affiliation, standpoint and genre - ranging from drama, animation, experimental and documentary - and has been screening publicly offered works, since 2013. For this year, the PARTY will be held in July (provisional), at the “Lumen Gallery”, a video-specialized gallery established in Kyoto. We have also started the work exchange program since 2014, in cooperation with several overseas film festivals, educational establishments and Indies film screening organizations. In 2016, we had successful screenings in Taiwan, South Korea and Macau and China, to introduce participating works of the VIDEO PARTY. We plan to expand the interaction and create more opportunities to screen in more locations this year. We anticipate your joining to this opportunity of witnessing the future and exploring the potentials of video works, woven by various independent artists. Hence, we would like to invite everybody to subscribe your works. This year's event will be held at Lumen gallery in Kyoto on July 27 (Sat)-28 (Sun) and August 3 (Sat)-4 (Sun) for 4days.
■主催 Lumen gallery + AF PLAN ■協力 新視角・株式会社電気蜻蛉・ファインダーズビューロ・光束舎
AF PLAN http://www.af-plan.com/ Twitter: @AF_Plan_info https://twitter.com/AF_Plan_info
●プログラム1(14作品103分) 7/27(土)15:00〜
區 諾言 / AU NOK IN はなび / Hanabi Jiang Tingxuan 甘 梓熊,胡 燕婷 / Kam Chi Hong,Wu In Teng 山田 香凜 / Karin Yamada 柳瀬 昇 / Noboru Yanase 小野 ハナ / Onohana 西田 知司 / Satoshi Nishida 伊藤 早耶 / Saya Ito 大原 とき緒 / Tokio Ohara Yüiho Umeoka 小林 優美子 / Yumiko Kobayashi 三ツ星レストランの残飯 / ZANPANO
●プログラム2(18作品94分) 7/27(土)17:30〜
野田 ちか子 / Chikako Noda 和島 ひかり / Hikari Wajima ないとう日和 / Hiyori Naito 赤堀 香菜 / Kana Akahori 桑田 真帆 / kuwatamaho 丸山 真貴子 / Makiko Maruyama 陳 美齡 / Mei-Ling Chen ライオンズ マイケル / Michael Lyons ラランブザツブ ナリアンザ ブルルニアイナ / Ralambozatovo Narianja Vololoniaina 高山 隆一 / Ryuichi Takayama 蘇 茵 / Su Yin 片岡 拓海 / Takumi Kataoka 岡松トモキ / Tomoki Okamatsu 冼 永昇 / Vincent Sin Weng Seng さとうゆか / Yuka Sato 前原 佑柾 / Yuma Maehara 三木 由也 / Yuya Miki
●プログラム3(12作品99分) 7/28(日)15:00〜
山中 千尋 / Chihiro Yamanaka 大西 宏志 / Hiroshi Onishi Hosomi Omaki I-hui Lee / I-hui Lee 荒木 優光 / Masamitsu Araki 加藤 菜々子 / Nanako Kato 横須賀 令子 / Reiko Yokosuka ムラカミロキ / MurakamiLoki 聖和学園高校3年生 / Seiwagakuen High School 伊奈 新祐 / Shinsuke Ina うえだしょうた / Syota Ueda 岡澤 侑希 / Yuki Okazaki
●プログラム4(12作品93分) 7/28(日)17:30〜
笠原 明枝 / Akie Kasahara 三宅 章介 / Akiyoshi Miyake ARCHIVES PAY / ARCHIVES PAY しゅ げいぜん / Zhu Yiran 相内 啓司 / Keiji Aiuchi Kimberly Quah 聖和学園高校3年生 / Seiwagakuen High School 河原 雪花 / Setsuko Kawahara 宮崎 渉大 / Takahiro Miyazaki 吉田 孝行 / Takayuki Yoshida 映像基礎1チーム+相内 啓司 / Team Video basis1+Keiji Aiuchi 由良 泰人 / Yasuto Yura
●プログラム5(17作品99分) 8/3(土)15:00〜
KUAD情デ・アニメーション基礎受講生 / Animation basics students of KUAD Information Design 三木 はるか / Haruka Miki 景 燁 / Jing Ye K.Kotani 丁 凱馨 / Kaixin Ding 奥野 邦利 / Kunitoshi Okuno 小野寺 海香 / Mika Onodera 吳 嘉恩 / NG KA IAN/Hsu, Yun Ting 林 紗綾香 / Sayaka Hayashi 聖和学園高校3年生 / Seiwagakuen High School 半田 泰一 / Taichi Handa 三輪 隆 / Takashi Miwa 大谷 たらふ / Tarafu Otani Tomo & Ryota Younghee Shin Zoyeon / Zoyeon
●プログラム6(14作品103分) 8/3(土)17:30〜
iY0Yi (Atsushi Hashimoto) 豊田 がく / Gaku Toyota はなび / Hanabi 万城目 純 / Jun Manjome 馮 祉穎 / Kasee Fong 林 恭平 / Kyohei Hayashi Kyu Nyun Kim 伊藤 仁美 / Masami Ito もりなか みく / Miku Morinaga おりえ / Orie Nakamura 伊東 哲哉 / Tetsuya Ito 冼 永昇 / Vincent Sin Weng Seng 黃 榮俊 / WONG WENG CHON 昼間 行雄 / Yukio Hiruma
●プログラム7(17作品91分) 8/4(日)15:00〜
櫻井 篤史 / Atsushi Sakurai 楠本 博登 / Hiroto Kusumoto 長田 華音 / Kanon Nagata 高橋 幸太郎 / Kotaro Takahashi 中村 古都子 / Kotoko Nakamura Mahzoun Maryam 橘 雅也 / Masaya Tachibana MATSUMO 陳 美齡 & 鄭 宇翰 / Mei-Ling Chen & Yu-Han Cheng Plan B Workgroup Rikako Kamomae 高橋 良太 / Ryota Takahashi 吳 俊 / Steven 小池 照男 / Teruo Koike tschoe one うずしむ / uzushimu 後藤 由香里 / Yukari Goto
●プログラム8(15作品97分) 8/4(日)17:30〜
相馬 あかり / Akari Soma 鈴木 杏奈 / Anna Suzuki 林 展揚,湛 穎深 / Cecilia Cham, Lam Chin Ieong 鍾 俊彥 / Chong Chon In FMCイラスト工房 / FMC illustration Factory 中島 楽人 / Gakuto Nakajima ミタニハルカ / Haruka Mitani 張 翛慧 / Hui swift Zhang 近藤 利洋 / Kazuhiro Kondo 金井 啓太 / Keita Kanai 張 焯敏 / Kobe Cheong 呂 昕揚 / Lyu Xinyang 岡 むつみ / Mutsumi Oka 渡井 登紀子 / Tokiko Watai tschoe one
WebSite http://lumen-gallery.com/vp/ Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/video.party.kyoto/ Twitter: @VIDEOPARTYKYOTO https://twitter.com/VIDEOPARTYKYOTO
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