#May have to delete this as I cannot decide if it is funny or insulting to all who have seen it
lantilles · 7 years
A Lament
A few evenings ago my name was brought up in a conversation about people toxic to the roleplay community. I was on an alt that I haven’t really named much, so I don’t think the person knew I was in the chat channel.
But they said it and you know, it’s true. I was a toxic person to the roleplay community, both Varendil and I were toxic people, and I don’t think we’ve ever really truly apologized for that.
We took a community that was full of creative and talented people and used it as a playground to make ourselves look better. We thought ourselves better than others and decided to be loud about our false superiority. We were wrong. We were immature and toxic to a group of people who we should have been celebrating and working with. Roleplayers already get a bad rap, and what we did may have made that rap even worse.
How many people were steered away from MG because of us? How many people decided to not even bother with roleplay, or give it up, because of us? The idea that we may have driven people away from the community terrifies us and makes us ashamed. We met on Moon Guard, we met through roleplay! We were helping to destroy the very thing that brought us together.
It’s been almost six years since we took rpl down, and shortly after, deleted nearly everything that dealt with it. Yet six years later, the taint of what we did still lingers. And that will never go away and we have to live with knowing that we’ve stuck in people’s minds for *that* long, for something we should have never done to begin with.
We’re sorry we used the community like that, insulted you while claiming to make things better. We should not have done that, we were wrong to do that. We should not have taken up a mantle of roleplay police, and we definitely shouldn’t have done it so publicly as well. We publicly shamed people who did not deserve it. We are sorry. No amount of words can really express how much we regret what we did to you.
For those who keep doing this, who keep bashing on roleplayers publicly (and heck, even in group chats, I know you’re still around): Stop. Just stop it. You aren’t better than the ERP alts in Goldshire, you aren’t better than the High Elves in Stormwind or any of the other people you insult. We are all the same people, doing the same exact thing. If you don’t care what other people think, then at least think about yourself. You surround yourself with negativity and eventually, you become that.  If all you’re doing is focusing on the bad and the stuff you dislike, you aren’t going to like anything. Stop being a pud.
In six years, Varendil and I have matured. We got married, got better jobs, and grew up. We are no longer the people we were back then. We’ve always been passionate about storytelling and characters, but we’ve learned to stick with our own stuff. What other people do is none of our business. It took us a while to get to where we are now, but we are happier for it. We urge anyone who was like us to do the same.
I know this is probably too little too late, and we aren’t expecting for people to just forgive and forget. In all honestly, no one should forget how toxic we were, and how destructive we were. Use us as an example for people who want to be roleplay police: in the end, you aren’t going to have fun. You’re being a jerk, you’re not funny, you should really just relax.
So, from Varendil and I, we are sorry. We cannot go back and change the things we did, and heal the wounds we caused to the community, but we can speak out against this type of behavior when it pops up, and I plan to do that. We cannot fix the damage we may have caused, but we can stand up against people who try to do the same thing.
We hurt people while trying to be cool and edgy, thinking we were better than others when we weren’t. We’ve taken strides to improve ourselves as people over the past few years, but improving ourselves will not fix the damage we’ve done to the community. We hurt people for our own enjoyment, and for those we hurt, we won’t ask for your forgiveness because we don’t truly deserve it. We did what we did knowing full well how scummy we were.
I just wanted to write this up, clear the air, and officially apologize for what we did. Thank you for reading.
-Courtney and Taylor
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hanzi83 · 6 years
About the Public Facebook Page
When I write these blogs, I normally don’t get much reaction to these, because most part no one reads them, or in my deluded mind, no one reads it but the trolls save it under their file to use against me when it becomes convenient, depending on how irrational I am and I am just spewing whatever the fuck that comes to my mind. But since I have had this public page created, which was by accident, but the strange part of it being created, almost immediately there were several thousand likes that were there. I wonder if that was by design, since I am delusional enough to think that my life is monitored because I am a test subject for the higher ups, and since I am living a more pathetic Truman show type of a life, I don’t think anything is a coincidence.
Now I was thinking of deleting the page because I can barely maintain it, and when these things happen, I then become even more flustered with the reality check that I am not tech savvy to organize some structure to this page. I just decided to post videos time to time, and maybe links to these blogs or something I am featured on. The initial response to my first video had several thousand views, which is nothing to most credible people in the system, but for someone who is not supposed to be relevant in the social eye, I am doing okay with the numbers.
As the time went on I cancelled the deletion of the page, which was in the process of deleting, and strangely enough it takes 14 days to do that. I don’t understand why. I mean I could understand 2 days or maybe even 3 but nope 14 days? I just settled with it and cancelled. I figure I am getting a lot more viewers on this thing so why not stay. In my deep insecurity I didn’t want to start a public fan page, because sometimes my status is not supposed to be given its props, so I figured I would not get many people following. So I was shocked that even over 4000 liked it and even over 6500 people follow it. I don’t get that either, I mean you will follow but you have your hill you want to die on with setting the record straight “Well sir I will certainly follow it, but to hell with the act if liking it” like it is showing me, nonetheless. I noticed that there had to be a catch to this existing, because sometimes people try to fuck with my pages, and if you read my blogs with the amount of targeted harassment I think I deal with and how much people in my life may be secretive with stuff that has to do with me and affect me, so when something good happens in the slightest, I feel amazing but then they have to get me angry. So sometimes people spreading rumors, or making my comments now show up and then have the trolls show up to repeat the same fucking regurgitated insults that are not original or even funny.
Oh I need meds do I? Great, tell me how much of a loser I am while you are taking a break from your spouse and kids because you don’t have the balls to say that you are not happy about your predicament, so you need to come towards my cyber direction and tell me how much of a loser I am. My loser status means more in the world than most of these trolls accomplishments. It is sad but it is true, and now that this public page will be around and will continue to be unorganized as my life is, you people will show up. I will post this blog, and I bet you even though you will troll me with comments of it being useless babble and drivel, you will be reading the whole thing. I hope my grammar and spelling is not up to par, because I hope it makes your head hurt to figure out what the fuck I am trying to say.
People keep messaging me, and maybe they are pulling my leg, but they are telling me that Face Book is messaging them asking if they are sure they actually meant to like my page, and it seems like people coming to my page are being monitored or maybe it is meant to be the narrative to show me that I am supposedly becoming more of a threat, because supposedly the system doesn’t want my views to increase and sometimes they will fuck with me on this. Now that certain people on my friend’s list for my personal page can’t troll me due to the fear of being taken off my list, and then worry about me not falling for their alternate accounts which they are desperate to friend me with, you know the irrelevant and delusional loser they insist has no fucking life, so they have their accounts all accumulated for this public page.
These people will claim I am censoring people from speaking their mind, and I can blow it off a lot of the time but there are certain people who just want to fuck with me and just take shot after shot, and I know they have other accounts so I block them, and I rather do that and inconvenience them with having to switch over to another account. Maybe they have a program, but if there is any chance of inconveniencing them in any matter for what they try to do to me, I have no qualms with shutting them up for a bit, especially if everything being said is meant to completely disrespect me and add to my mental illness.
These people want me to kill myself, and they want me to attempt it so I could fail. If I fail, it becomes even sadder and then I will be evaluated so as difficult as it is not to fucking succumb to the worst case scenario and do something to myself, I have to fight it and stay strong, no matter how much they want to trigger my PTSD and make me think the worst things about myself, but they don’t realize that I can essentially assess what kind of people they are, even with the limited knowledge of what is presented to me, and it scares them to have to troll me. When the trolling schedule comes out for them, they probably get their shift switched because it might not be worth it, sure they can get me to interact with others a lot more frequently than most people targeted, due to how much certain mentally ill targets of the system are beaten down and cannot retaliate at the online harassment, while protectors of the system are the ones who hide behind fake accounts to do it and then tell these people they are mental pussies and are not real men. They don’t like that no matter how much they try to break me down, I become mentally stronger and stronger and it is even worse because seemingly I am all by myself, while everyone has every perk and technological advancement at their disposal while I am sitting in my mother’s basement still being hell of a lot more entertaining eating food on camera, or the IPHONE microphone catching my weird breathing patterns from the cigarettes I am smoking, I wish these newer phones wouldn’t pick up those grotesque sounds, but whatever, add it to another one of my flaws on an already long list, that people will continuously read back to me, in case they didn’t already know that I am aware of it like I don’t tell myself while looking in the mirror. Your insults can’t harm me as much as you think, because there is nothing that you can tell me that I don’t say to myself so I can prepare myself to go at people who try purposely to get me to attempt something on myself.
So I know this blog, since it will be on a public page, will make me anticipate the ridicule, but also maybe some of positive feedback. I pay too much attention to the negative, but like the negative assholes plan on doing, my mental illness buys into that and I start getting darker with my insults, and I feel I have to outdo myself with a limited vernacular and creativity and I have to come up with the most harsh things that I could think of that I can imagine.
So anyway, enjoy the public page. I don’t know how long people will stick around, but with blog posts like these, I don’t anticipate many to stick around and if they do, some will do it for the fandom they have for me, and a lot others will try to find more ways to drive me crazy and repeat the same questions they already have the answers to, but they need to distract me from commenting on shit and they need for me to lose my patience, so instead of the standard insults, they use distraction, and it is called “SEALIONING” for some odd reason, I could look up the entry on the internet about it, but I am already falling asleep writing this, just take my word for it, or don’t. I don’t fucking care. You are the ones reading this drivel, because you need to feel like you to take anything I do and use it for later as ammo etc. “Well he uses etc a lot, I think we may have found something to mock him with Chief” and those type of people would seem like the type of people who would say Chief, don’t fucking lie.
I don’t know where this blog is going, but let’s keep it going because you will keep reading and then pretend you didn’t read it, but then make a fake account about how horrible and delusional it is.
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recentnews18-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://shovelnews.com/the-love-song-of-dril-and-the-boys/
The Love Song Of Dril And The Boys
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I have not read dril’s book. I cannot read dril’s book. 
Dril Official “Mr. Ten Years” Anniversary Collection compiles 1,500 of the pseudonymous Twitter user’s greatest tweets, and it is simply too funny for me to read for more than a page or two at a time without laughing so hard, I feel physically ill. Ask my family if you don’t believe me. Ask the patrons of the West Babylon Public Library, who have been shooting me dirty looks since I began writing this essay. Every time I crack the book open, I’m seconds away from hitting something like this … 
“hello 911 I need a moat dug around my house immediately” “sir this line is for emergencies only” “Thuis is an emergency moat”
— wint (@dril) May 18, 2014
 … or this …
koko the talking ape.. has been living high on the hog, wasting our tax dollars on high capacity diapers. No more. i will suplex that beast,
— wint (@dril) September 7, 2014
… or this … 
where do girls live
— wint (@dril) October 20, 2010
… and that’s it. Show’s over. “Goodnight Irene,” as Gorilla Monsoon would say. (“I will suplex that beast.”)
Dril’s blend of fist-on-the-table bluster, abject confusion and burned-toast syntax — the style of humor he pioneered, which became the lingua franca of Funny/Weird Twitter in toto — has my number. Like Monty Python’s run-on sketches, non sequiturs and Terry Gilliam animation; like the endless awkward pauses, omnipresent electrical humming and recycled animation of “Space Ghost Coast to Coast”; like Tim and Eric’s garish colors, glitchy video and non-actor stars, dril’s tweets are a new way to be funny, with a rhythm and vocabulary all their own. I love it.
But dril? Dril loves the boys. 
A recurring collective character in dril’s oeuvre, the boys occupy a unique place in his taxonomy, which, thanks to the book’s arrangement of tweets by topic, is easier than ever to get the hang of. For example, girls are mysterious sources of intermingled awe and terror, like the monoliths in “2001.”
ah, So u persecute Jared Fogle just because he has different beliefs? Do Tell. (girls get mad at me) Sorry. Im sorry. Im trying to remove it
— wint (@dril) November 1, 2015
Brands are icons of integrity, as admirable as they are untouchable.
just deleted 23,000 tweets at the request of Sbarro. feeling Purified
— wint (@dril) July 5, 2015
The trolls are contemptible pests, an implacable obstacle.
will no longer be livestreaming foreskin restoration process; the trolls who attempted to summon [インプ] (Imps) into the chatroom are to blame
— wint (@dril) February 3, 2012
And then there’s rival Twitter user @DigimonOtis, a class by himself: He is nemesis, the anti-dril.
(reading my latest death threat ) “from the desk of DigimonOtis…” this is bullshit. digimonotis has never owned a desk
— wint (@dril) November 6, 2014
But the boys are on dril’s level. The boys welcome dril with open arms. They share his hopes and fears, his loves and hates. He’s one of the boys.
Just met w/ Boys Lunch Club. Seems to me, That we are very pissed off that teen girls would rather kiss, “Soldier Boy,” than Actual Soldiers
— wint (@dril) May 16, 2016
pleased to report my custom beer tap that makes a dramatic diarrhea noise while filling the glass is a hit with the boys at the fondue club
— wint (@dril) October 16, 2014
best 90s memory is gathering around the old oak tree with the boys and passing around trading cards featuring all of our dads #DamnGood90s
— wint (@dril) April 30, 2013
Crucial to the boys’ appeal is their exclusivity. Like any clique, they’ve invested their aesthetic preferences with moral weight, and those who violate them do so at their peril.
darknet 2002: pics of dead guys in bath tubs, warez darknet 2017: discussions amongst the boys as to which of our acquaintances aren t funny
— wint (@dril) August 11, 2017
me & the booys are riffing on 78 hours of stolen walgreens security cam footage. this guy on here just bought a toilet brush. bitch!! bitch!
— wint (@dril) December 8, 2014
me and the boys have decided that the least gay way of wiping your ass is to dump a quarter bottle of Palmolive Spring Sensations back there
— wint (@dril) September 17, 2016
Dril may be a member in good standing, but membership brings responsibilities as well as privileges.
the boys held an intervention about me “Going hollywood” because i;ve been buying plastic toothpicks now
— wint (@dril) June 1, 2018
THE BOYS: were watching the mr bean episode where you can see his ass. get over here ME: cant. wifes making me watch mr beans holiday (2007)
— wint (@dril) June 14, 2017
If the boys function as dril’s superego, instilling and policing values, they are also his id — an embodiment of his most voracious physical drives.
pussy log 12.29.11: justin unscrewed the knob from the door to the ladies’ room and now the club boys all take turns cradling it
— wint (@dril) December 30, 2011
“Ah!! Lunchtime, Boys!” i snort several lines of Hamburger Helper, tilt my head back and shake with unbearable agony as my head turns purple
— wint (@dril) May 15, 2013
The comedy and tragedy of dril is that he is a man without ego, the mediating force that balances the needs of id and superego. He is perpetually out of balance, careening from excess to shame. He requires the intervention of the boys, the example they set, just to function.
This is why the saga of dril and the boys is a love story — conditional and occasionally unrequited though that love may be. It is poignant because it is impossible to imagine dril living without them any more than Juliet could live without Romeo.
When the lovers are in harmony — when the needs of id, ego and superego are aligned at last — the result is a thing of beauty.
going ape shit at the gym. rotating in full 360 degrees with the boys, flawlessly synchronized
— wint (@dril) November 28, 2017
The boys can be peers, contributing to the good posts for which dril is best known at a level beyond dril’s own imagining.
cant wiat to see what devilish thanksgiving scenarios me and the boys of twitter can conjure up. “The turkey was taken by spiders? ? Whua??”
— wint (@dril) November 24, 2014
Together they can be silent guardians, watchful protectors, dark knights, defending boys both within and outside the circle from the depredations of rival groups.
me & the boys will be holding hands., forming a Covenant Ring, to protest girls who only want to fuck the main pirate from the pirate movies
— wint (@dril) June 4, 2017
the epic shit of 2017; is the boys getting TheSegaPimp fired from his job at The Red Cross for not wishing me a “Happy Halloween”
— wint (@dril) January 2, 2018
the boys are enjoying their fave jukebox when ths sarge steps in SARGE: TURN OFF THE DAMN JUKE BOX! ITS WAR ME: Fuck u sarge. The armys crap
— wint (@dril) July 7, 2015
Not every tweet about the boys made it into the book. This is fitting, as when they’re operating at full force, nothing can contain them. 
thje opening riff of “Life In The Fast Lane” repeats over and over forever while me and the boys shoot at a septic tank with airsoft rifles
— wint (@dril) August 1, 2014
me N’ the boys eating messy sandiwches, sneaking around with big binoculars looking for girls & letting every one know who runs this TJ maxx
— wint (@dril) July 21, 2016
So we come to the crux of the matter. Dril and the boys are the great love story of our time because their insecurities, their mania, are our time’s prime motivators.
Dril and the boys wallow in the same miasma from which all our era’s reactionary movements have emerged — the MAGAs and Pepes, MRAs and incels, GamerGaters and ComicsGaters, Sad Puppies and Proud Boys and all the other doofuses with unwittingly infantilizing sobriquets.
With “the boys,” the humorist behind dril has tapped into the overall vibe in this country that there exists, somewhere out there ― perhaps in a TJ Maxx ― a lost masculine ideal. No one agrees on what it is, least of all dril, whose psyche is as piecemeal as his punctuation. It could be yelling at NFL protesters to stand for the national anthem or screaming at Disney for committing white genocide in the “Star Wars” films. It could be having sex all the time or having no sex at all. It could be respecting the majesty of the law or flouting it or both, depending on whom the law is meant to penalize. It’s the nightmare superego-id hybrid, 10 pounds of Blue Lives Matter shit in a five-pound “Live free or die” bag.
When men fail to live up to the puritanical amorality of the boys, they’re less than men, which is to say — as women have a lifetime to learn — they’re less than human. Such men earn sexualized insults like “betas” and “cucks.” They’re reduced to contemptuous acronyms like “SJWs” and “NPCs.” They make the soy face. They listen to dad rock. This blend of macho aggression and childlike vulnerability cannot be resolved in the real world, where it results in a racist, revanchist, minority party controlling all branches of government and installing sexual predators in every available position of power yet still acting like the David to the Goliath of Me Too, female gamers and the theoretical casting of Idris Elba as James Bond.
me and the boys watching james bond morph into a black guy before our very eyes , and braying at the movie screen like distressed cattle
— wint (@dril) September 4, 2018
Dril and the boys reside in this all-American astral plane where the Large Son–Libtard civil war rages, where misandry is real and must be guarded against with magic spells. We recognize our own reality in their incoherent but nevertheless militant search for reasons to hoot and holler. As such, their romance presents us with an opportunity to convert the problematic into the pleasurable, just as surely as antihero dramas or even halfway decent kink.
In the world of dril and the boys, all the pride and greed and wrath and lust and envy and sloth and gluttony of the movements that have fouled the entire adult lives of multiple generations of Americans can be boiled down to a gaggle of morons screaming about toilets. It’s a beautiful fantasy, and like all fantasies, it’s as romantic as it is remote.
Sean T. Collins has written for The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, Esquire and Vulture. He and his partner, the cartoonist Julia Gfrörer, are the co-editors of the art and comics anthology Mirror Mirror II. They live with their children on Long Island in New York.
Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dril-and-the-boys-twitter_us_5bb66529e4b028e1fe3bfd71
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Ghostman: The council calamity retrospective
Well christ, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I know literally nobody follows this blog, but as of this writing, i’m waiting on the steam direct fee i paid to be fully processed (Basically, in a week i’ll be able to publish the game)
I’d like to take a second and stroll down memory lane for a little bit, and why it took so fucking long to make this game, this is basically going to be a list of every time i tried and failed to make a game, so strap in, these aren’t in chronological order either, and i’ve kinda forgotten the proper order.
Bill’s excellent adventure:
There’s incredibly little to say on this one, after reading a 4chan thread on games development i downloaded GM:S, tried making a platformer, saw my art, didn’t see any progress after trying a little bit, and gave up.
Mugman was the first time i tried making an adventure game, other than the main character, i had no ideas for the game and dropped it like a rock.
Radiation Seat:
Radiation Seat, for the more dedicated gamers in the audience, is just a synonym for nuclear throne, i tried messing around with random generation in GM:S, realised i’m not very good at coding and gave up, the game actually kinda works though, so theoretically if i’m a moron/psychopath i could try working on it again.
First real game i ever made, it’s an asteroids clone, but with a bunch of the stuff i saw in Vlambeer’s game feel talks crammed in, it’s essentially idenitcal to a tutorial on youtube except shooting takes away points and there’s a limit to the number of bullets on screen.
Poltergeist (Aka: Ghostman when he was a person)
I posted a lot about Poltergeist (the version of ghostman with good art and a completely different setting), the secret to this was having a good artist, Robert Thomas helping me out, we never finished it, and Bobby got caught up in school work, but that’s almost over so if he’s willing to pick up the pen again, i’m willing to do the coding and fix the reall weird bugs (randomly the game would massively lag for a reason i never figured out, i assume it had something to do with the way AGS handles characters over non walkable areas)
Grall and Foegart goto whitecastle:
I’d had the idea of wanting to make a high fantasy adventure game after reading a couple of discworld novels, these games didn’t get far, but it did have an interesting character switching mechnic similar to DOTT, this also appeared in a couple of other half finished games i’d made, why i thought it’d be funny to make a game based on it when i’d never seen Harold and Kumar go to whitecastle? Iunno.
H.E.L.L (Hyper Energetive Love Lab) was a shot at making a VN, i’m probably going to still do this, so i don’t know if putting here’s sensible but eh, fuck it, i’d had the idea of a reality show crossed with a death game for ages, and tried writing a short story about it, which went nowhere.
Gender Girl:
Gender Girl was the first video game i ever made, it was a scratch program with the cat repainted to be pink, moving left killed you by a spike, moving right displayed a message that gender girl had liberated herself (Hohoho, very ludonarratively insync, 12 year old me), i uploaded it to the scratch website, and it, containing swear words(such a rebel was i) it was deleted 5 seconds after publication, truly, a light gone from the world, what did it have to do with gender? If i remember literally nothing, or you were supposed to cut your dick off with the spikes.
Pagan was a pokemon rip off i was making, i didn’t get far beyond changing sprites and types, world design is hard, as of writing it’s still on my site, i ought to take it down buti just don’t have the heart, poor Pagan.
BORB (Ghostman 1)
Borb, as it’s affectionatly called in the files, is ghostman 1, it’s the source of the Alien King sprite, and the Ghostman sprite used in Ghostman: The council calamity, and was distributed amongst my friends for like, 5 seconds, it’s 4 screens and one “Puzzle”, which doesn’t actually work because the last time i did work on it, it’s fun to see how my humour changed, in GM1 we’ve got the classic line “It’s locked up tighter than a jewish bank” and a character named Snil, whose ribbing snarky asshole persona was basically every persona i used to write until i started playing dnd with my friends, and had to make more than 1 character, i don’t really like anything about GM1, but i find it oddly charming, it’s terrible perspective and total lack of story or theme (You’re kidnapped by bandits and the game ends in leaving on a spaceship having never seen a single bandit.) just makes it like lenny from of mice and men, it probably should die, but i can’t help shooting a game that thought the way to add taste was to remove the words “Fuck off” from a wall.
Rebet’s the first time we see the actual character “Rebut” appear, in some weird tron like backround, i remember wanting to make something that looked like tron, and failing, other than that Rebet remains a total mystery, even to me, andi made the fucking thing, looking at the code, i remember a little bit more about the game, the main gimmick was having a variety of ray guns that could effect peoples emotion, the example in the tutorial was a “calming ray” to prevent a drill seargeant from screaming at you, this didn’t go anywhere.
Wing Wang:
This is literally an empty ags game, there’s nothing in it, i don’t know why i haven’t deleted it.
Ye Men of Valour:
Ye Men of Valour was a weird idea, i’d read a book called “The decline and fall of the British Empire” (Based upon the work, the decline and fall of the roman empire) and decided to make a game based upon a variety of British figures from across time entering into a house they must escape, only to be killed by Aliens, the goal of the game was to get players to reload the game with the knowledge that following the puzzles as they were laid out would kill them, and use a different method to escape, Ye Men of Valour really ended up going nowhere because i was in a pretty dark place and wasn’t motivated, like at all, i’m gonna put this in the “Might come back to it” pile.
Ghostman 2:
Ghostman 2, like Grall and Foegart, had a character switching thing, this ended up breaking the game, so i scrapped it, Ghostman 2 was when the idea of Ghostman being a space adventure comes from, following from Ghostman 1, where you leave on a ufo with an alien, it’s what i thought would happen next, if i remember there was literally no story, just the characters, and switching gimmick.
I.A.C.M was a project i worked on with Bobby very breifly, the idea was to make an adventure game set inside a mentally disturbed girls mind, this basically didn’t pan out due to AGS engine limitations, the sprites sent in were too big and ended up looking kind of lame squashed down.
You cannot name this file, insect.:
This wasn’t a game, this was shit poetry at a time in my life where i knew my poetry was godawful, there was no story here, just a Shodan like figure who’d insult me, like personally, i’d write insults about myself into a script and then play it.
Robot Initation:
Adventure game, starring “some random guy named mike”, drew the first character sprites, hated them, didn’t want to improve them, gave up.
Assault and Battery/BatteryMan:
This was a go at 3d platformers made in unity, fell apart because the models i’d made in blender weren’t done properly at all, breaking practically everything.
Sounds exactly like what it is, never got a single line down for this.
Shield Slide:
A rip off of free ski based on the idea of riding a shield i think i saw i a lotr movie? Never got to prototype.
AAAH (Aimless aeronautical adveture, huzzah!) was an experiment i wanted to make, an adventure game that was procedudrely generated, every game would involve a one minute timer, which upon reaching zero, would result in the player dying, the story was the player had just survived a plane colliding with another plane in midair, and had to find a way to live without a parachute just using debris, lessons learned: Random generation is hard, i also ripped off the title from AAAAAAAAAAAAh for the awesome.
Sweet Goodnight:
Sweet goodnight was an rpg i planned to make about dying alone in a spaceship, it never got far beyond idle doodles and some game design docs that i’ve since lost, may go back to this in future.
Spaceman and Woodboy:
A mario and luigi superstar saga ripoff, never got to properly playable state, GM:S is hard.
Quest of Halden:
Shit rpg.
Ghostman: CNC :
Ghostman: CNC (Caverns and creatures) was a weird idea, i wanted to make an Rpg based on my dnd campaign, but for some reason i felt the need to justify it with a weird ghostman shell, may go back to this one.
Legend of Negro:
I don’t know why the fuck this is on my computer, i tried pissing around with a legend of zelda game maker thing.
Generic Units:
Supposed to be an xcom like, fell apart.
Airman/Pacifist run:
Something i still want to do, an fps with non violent weapons and stage hazards that you have to use to defeat enemies, got as far as modeling a single gun.
Sepsis man:
A 3d platformer starring a drinks machine, modeled main character, gave up.
Slime Game (actual title, again.)
Slime game (Or Slime Quest) was going to be an incredibly clever subversive take on the Rpg genre by having the grand villain actually be a low level mook, think cave rats and dungeon bosses, that kind of thing, stopped making it because i thought “Woah, that’s dumb, and lame, and i really don’t like making art for ideas that are dumb and lame!”
Zug’s Glorious road trip for the glory of the party and wealth of the nation:
ZGRTFTGOTPAWOTN for short, this was a text adventure based on wormhole shenanigans and Soviet propaganda films, never really got that far, fun little fact, Zug’s the name of the alien in my twitter profile pic.
Ghostman: The council calamity:
I didn’t quit, i made the game.
0 notes