#Maybe this answer might snap some bisexual women's biphobia wide open who knows?
rantingcrocodile · 3 years
idk what anon's perspective is or whatever, but i am so tired of people who don't know jack shit about bisexuality always talking about it. That's what im assuming, it's about anyway. Yesterday on a post defending homosexuality, specifically lesbianism, from qu*** politics (non-men loving non-men) BY a bisexual girl, i saw like weird anti-bisexual sentiment bc some dumbass bi dude hopped on and was talking shit. And it was like it gave people the excuse to lowkey shit on bisexuals in general, yk, and they never once considered OP was bi, just because she said something they agreed with. "you bisexuals are the worse" lmao shut upppp
It's because bisexuals are always the first to have good deeds forgotten and also first to be blamed as a whole when an individual behaves badly.
We have no idea what it's like to be only attracted to one sex. They have no idea what it's like to be attracted to both sexes. Monosexuals then refuse point blank to even attempt to understand anything from our perspective and shove us into biphobic boxes because they are desperate to use us as boogeymen for any issue they have.
It was a widely known phenomenon in the 90s that a lot of straight women pretended to be bisexual for male attention and to feel "special." That hasn't gone away, but every single time there's a woman that fakes being a lesbian? Must be a bisexual because the bisexuals are at it again.
Bisexuals, particularly bisexual women, are so conditioned to be punching bags for other groups that we're the first to denigrate bisexuality and criticise bisexuality, and then because we're bisexual, we get spat in the face for existing. We're automatically traitors because we don't pick a side. If you even begin to think along the lines of, "Could there be monosexual privilege...?" as nothing but a thought experiment then you're automatically attacked and bisexuality is erased as a sexuality in its own right and redefined as "who you're in a relationship with."
I'm a feminist. I care about all women. I want liberation for all women. I won't stop fighting for all women. I'm also not naive and I know that straight and lesbian women do not care about us and to never expect or even hope that straight or lesbian women will try to understand us. There are wonderful exceptions and I'm particularly grateful to a lesbian woman who I've talked to in private here who knows who she is, but in general? No. I've been through the stages of grief for that and I've accepted it.
Did you know that in studies regarding smoking when it comes to straight, lesbian, gay and bisexual people, the largest cohort of smokers are bisexual, with bisexual women even more likely to smoke? I'm one of those, too.
Bisexual culture is being so stamped down by everyone that we end up internalising it, hating ourselves even more and caring less about our health to the point that we don't care if we're slowly killing ourselves if we get a few minutes of harmful destressing.
What's worse is that we don't even have each other, because female socialisation has so many bisexual women internalising even more harmful biphobia to rake themselves over the coals for some personal acceptance. Not even that, just some avoidance of outright, personal biphobic attacks and abuse. Abuse that they end up supporting to beg and say, "I'm one of the good ones and won't ever talk about bisexuality, I'll only support you, I know I'm not worthy and not important and all the other bisexuals are disgusting, I promise!"
There's not really anything that we can do at this point. It's going to take more bisexuals, particularly bisexual women, speaking up and refusing to take it anymore. But I doubt that's going to happen.
Fuck us, am I right?
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