#Meanwhile Moth and Rosy just kinda quietly bounce off each other he's quietly there to dust her off as Maple worries and to talk Maple down
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Wanted to write about the gang, still tryna work out character dynamics ect lmao, Maple belongs to the lovely @cinnatwo and again Moth is our lovely joint son
"Where in the Reverse world could she have gotten to?! We only looked away from her for like, 5 seconds!!!" Maple flew through the dense foliage weaving around trees expertly as she whipped her head back and forth scanning the surroundings for any shades of pink.
"Dunno what you're askin' me for, you're the smart one," Moth glided easily and casually parallel to her, his moves more sluggish brushing past the bark of trees with little acknowledgement and yet keeping pace with Maple, his tails swayed behind him as he flew through some low hanging leaves making them scatter from their branch, a leaf stuck to his face covering his eyes as he drifted along.
"Tsk, I was talking to myself actually!" Maple glanced over a bit frustrated by the other, his flying style was lazy and casual like a blimp just floating along while she was actively trying to go as fast as she could muster yet he kept up. It was slightly infuriating watching him take the leaf from his face, "don't eat that," and put it in his mouth, "urrgghh, Moth you're disgusting."
"Eh, can't help it, brain remembers being a Burmy," he shrugged casually as he chewed the leaf in his mouth rolling slightly to his side as he flew to show his back patterns to her before rolling into his back to fly upside down.
Maple stared at him….
"YOU WERE NEVER A BURMY WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT?!" He simply chuckled at her outburst, "If you're going to be like this just go back to the meadow while I actually look for our friend! I'm already stressed enough as is, those,! Disgusting bipedal creatures like to lurk in this place!"
"That's not very nice, they're only Aipom,"
"Ooohh, oddish?"
"Of course Bellsprout."
"Yeaaa? That's ma name?" he rolled over again onto his front.
"I'm on about humans!!! You know the furless clothes wearing creeps who put Pokemon like us into little balls like trinkets to show off!?!?"
"Aren't some of your friends human."
"That's different!"
"Yuh huh, sure Maple aple apple pie."
Maple groaned in frustration at him as he grinned simply bits of green leaf stuck to his teeth as she made a disgusted noise at him. Moth simply laughed before stopping ears flicking upwards, twisting turning listening, they twitched before he flew off to the side.
"This way."
Maple would've usually argued with him further but he always did seem to have the better hearing, probably because his ears were so big.
Moth lurked behind a tree peering past it towards a small dirt pathway that has been roughly created through the years as people and trainers used the same trail over and over again, Maple slowed stopping besides him peering out from the other side of the tree and nearly lurched forward from their watching spot had Moth not grabbed at her scruff to restrain her.
Two young humans were before them and a very familiar pink hued mew, Rosys tail swished and she looked slightly roughed up, her curly front had a few wisps loose and there were dirt scruffs on her arms and legs. She was floating in front of the slightly older kid, their face was red as big fat tears rolled down their cheeks as they held a slumped weak looking charmander in one arm, and held the smaller kids hand who was ducking behind them also crying with the other. The charmander had a purple hue along it's forehead and snout, it's tail flame was dim as it remained slumped in the child's arm, poisoned by the look of it.
Moth pulled Maple back as he could feel her vibrating with rage and for growling, "they're just kits Maple,"
"Don't you, 'they're just kids', me!" she hissed at him pointing an accusing digit at him as he blinked slowly at her. "One of them has a pokemon that they clearly aren't caring for which means they have pokeballs which means Rosy is in danger."
"Tell me I'm wrong."
"You're wrong-"
"Shut up," he put his paw over her mouth to stop her talking, "there's plenty of poison type Pokemon in this forest, the kid's too young to be a real trainer, they probably wandered off the beaten path and got into trouble, Rosys a capable mew she can handle two kits." Maple growled around his paw, emptily biting him so he pulled his paw away calling her a meany.
He kept hold of her scruff as they watched, Rosys paw was on the charmander forehead with waves of glistening green energy flowing from her over the sickly Pokemon. When she pulled her paw back the purple hue was gone, the charmander tail tip burst with anew flames as the Pokemon lifted it's head becoming incredibly more active and alive. The older kid slowly crumpled to their knees wrapping both their arms around their Pokemon and sobbing again loudly as the younger one also joined the hug while also crying as the charmander cooed softly rubbing it's cheek against them both chirping and cooing comfortingly. Maple made a soft sneer.
The older kid wiped their face with their hand and arm wiping away their tears as they slowly stood, they looked at Rosy their mouth moving in repeated thanks as they grabbed Rosys paws in their own, Moth wrapped his other arm around Maple holding her back as she lurched forward again in aggression. The younger kid searched their pockets taking out a glistening shiny stone, likely one they found and pocketed for themselves and offered it to Rosy as a quiet thank you gift, while it was just a stone it clearly had had value to the young child and she accepted it with gratitude.
Rosy offered her paw to the oldest who took it, offering their hand to the younger one who grabbed hold in turn offering their hand to the charmander. Slowly Rosy moved, floating along and guiding them along the path as they followed behind in single file, she made sure to go slow for their little legs. Moth followed after securely wrapping both his arms around Maple essentially carrying her as she dangled in his arms angrily. As the trees cleared and the bright light of the outside was drawing closer Rosy slowly released her hand from the older child who blinked as Rosy gently motioned towards the end of the forest pathway. They nodded in understanding, thanking her again before proclaiming "Race you!" to the smaller child as they and the charmander ran towards the sunlight back out into their home town to no doubt excitedly tell anyone who will listen of the strange pink cat like creature they all saw.
Maple teleported from Moths grip and promptly air tackled Rosy, who made a startled mew, wrapping her arms and legs around her to quickly drag her away from being so close to the edge of the forest pulling her further and further back until she seemed it safe to stop.
"Maple!? Don't go scaring me like that darling!"
"Don't go scaring you? Don't go scaring YOU?! What were you doing around those humans!! You could've been captured!" Maple circled her looking her over lifting her arm checking her legs her tail, "put in a little ball and shown off as a prize! Given to or stolen by even worse humans! Do you not consider the danger you were in?!"
Rosy blinked as Maple grabbed her shoulders and shook her slightly for emphasis. Moth lazily swished over and brushed his paw carefully down Rosys arm dusting off the dirt and sending a small heal pulse through her to handle the small scrapes she had. He nodded his head as she thanked him as Maple made a frustrated sigh knowing she wasn't getting through to Rosy in the slightest. Rosy fluffed the curls on her chest sorting her slightly disheveled fur.
"I'm not blind to the evils of humanity Maple, I know a lot of humans are bad, but I also know a lot of the small humans are good. Those kids had good hearts, I could tell, they were lost, scared and in danger so I helped. You gotta have more faith in me."
Maple made an uncomfortable vocalization as she moved her head to avoid eye contact, "I do have faith in you.." she mumbled, Rosy sighed softly moving to nuzzle into her cheek making her make a mock "gah" sound, Maple pouted pretending to be mad as Rosy nuzzled her playfully. "Oh go away your nose is cold."
"oh is it?" Rosy grinned pretending to try to nuzzle her supposedly cold nose deeper into Maples fur who again made a "gah" moving her paws to lightly playfully shove her away, "You stop that! I mean it! I'll get ya back!" Rosy beamed as Maple moved forward to attempt to get Rosy as she flew backwards to avoid her.
"Hey! Get back here! You can't just shove your cold nose on me and flee!"
"Yes I can!"
With that Rosy started to run away flying and weaving through the trees as Maple eagerly gave chase, honestly just glad to be getting further away from the human town. Moths ears twitched outwards before he followed casually with the girls attempting to, well, do something he wasn't sure could've been sky tag by how Rosy was ducking and dodging. He grabbed a leaf from a passing tree and started to eat it.
#My writing#Rosy the mew#Maple the mew#Moth the mew#I made Maple a bit snippy in this because she's very stressed over Rosy just going missing#And because moth is very lmao annoying for her so she's a spicy attitude mew#Moth meanwhile has this very casual air headed if intentional winding up kind of attitude while also being very calm and knowledgeable#So when they're left alone together if Maples stressed he tends to lmao annoy her more big wind up because he knows he can take her#But again she's not mad at him for real hence her only empty biting she doesn't actually wanna harm him#And knows he could just tuck her under his arm lmao and restrain her because I hc moff is bigger than them both and physically stronger#Meanwhile Maple has this really protective streak for Rosy because Rosy tends to get in situations and Maple has probably seen her be hurt#Maple has probably felt her scars when in a cuddle puddle and it worries and scares her (and she attributes it to people)#So she's very overprotective of Rosy but also knows Rosy is incredibly capable so it's this weird inner struggle of I must protect her#But also knowing Rosy doesn't like Maple doing that cause Rosy can hold her own easily hence her discomfort at the faith question#Wants to protect but also wants to respect friends boundaries and requests but also girl you be in SITUATIONS#Meanwhile Moth and Rosy just kinda quietly bounce off each other he's quietly there to dust her off as Maple worries and to talk Maple down#They just vibe#Also moth casually probably being the fastest and strongest probably because he's bigger but never using it so there's never an imbalance#And also moth just being annoying on purpose like hoohoo I was a burmy once *shows off mothim patterns*#Driving Maple up the fucking wall XD he's the annoying big brother to her protective spicy sister to Rosys Rosy.#I do kinda hc tho that Rosy is the oldest (this also technically works as I've had her since I made Mud) and Moth being the youngest#Which would make Maple the spicy middle child.#Also Maple aple apple pie#I just thought it was very funny and very cute he is tormenting her baby brother activity right there XD#If Rosy is the oldest it would also play into her not wanting Maple protecting her because she should be protecting Maple instead#There is dynamics and it's interesting and I love them very much your honor#Actually ages/sibling placement are lmao up to interpretation tho really
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