#Meito Kurasu
kuma829 · 3 years
Scout! Palace of the Ocean King Chapter Four
You. Do not walk another step closer to Anzu-dono. My blade will wear your blood.
Cast: Souma, Adonis, Kaoru, and Kanata
Author: Yuuki Yoshino
Season: Summer
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Chapter Four:
Souma: Hm... This aura that surrounds us…
Adonisu-dono, Anzu-dono, the road that awaits us is dangerous. We must take the longer route, but even with this detour let us journey out to the Marine Biology clubroom.
Kaoru: Aah~ My, why isn’t it Anzu-chan. I didn’t think I’d see you here, in a place like this...What a coincidence ♪
Perhaps, maybe, the gods of fate are pulling us together? Ahaha, you’re all cautious around me I can see it clearly right through you, it seriously pains me y’kno?
Souma: Stand back from Anzu-dono, you lech. 
Kaoru: Calling me a “lech,” ouch, that’s totally an outdated word isn’t it? Not a very high schooly-boy thing to say, no?
Well, it’s pretty weird to be carrying a Japanese sword anyway, completely last century if you ask me, honestly...
Now, come on, step aside from Anzu-chan. Souma-kun, I’m not here for you, my business lies with Anzu-chan, so shoo! 
Souma: …
Kaoru: Hey, I’d rather you not look at me with such a scary face, yeah? 
All I wanna do is get to know her and be on good terms, but you’re totally getting in the way here. What even are you to Anzu-chan? Acting like her boyfriend like that~?
Souma: Anzu-dono is my Kurasu Meito*. I can not bear to remain silent when I see her unhappiness with your arrival. You are the disgrace of the Marine Biology Club.
Kaoru: Really now, Souma-kyun, you've got no manners towards your seniors at all, do you?
Interfering in your own senior’s activities, you don’t have an ounce of cuteness in you, huh? Well, it’s not like I’m looking for cuteness in guys, so it’s not really a bother, is it?
Anzu-chan, you’d also prefer a nice guy like me than a guy who thrusts his sword at you whenever you meet up, right?
Eh? Why’re you hiding behind Adonis-kun? Is it that you’d prefer a wild type of guy like Adonis-kun?
Erm.. But I seriously don’t wanna bite off raw meat, y’kno?
Adonis: Hakaze-senpai, I think there may be a miscommunication, but I don’t do things like biting into raw meat either.
To eat meat without using proper grilling methods is dangerous. There is a risk of food poisoning, and in a worst case scenario you could even end up dead. Even in my home country, we eat meat after we’ve cooked it.
Kaoru: Haah? Should I thank you for explaining it to us so thoroughly?
I don’t really think Adonis-kun eats meat all raw, I was just using it as a way to exemplify  his wildness.
Souma-kun’s just like that too, both of you seriously can’t take a joke, can you~? Shouldn’t you let loose a bit more? Perhaps Oniisan will teach you?
Souma: I refuse. There is nothing there that you can teach me.
Kaoru: Aww, that’s not all that nice, is it~? Well, that’s alright, I don’t really want to waste my precious time with male company anyway.
Anzu-chan, d’ya wanna eat something sweet?
There’s this trendy cafe downtown, y’kno~? All the girls are chattering about how delightful the parfaits are.
I was thinking about this the whole time now, how I’d like to go with Anzu-chan and try the place out, yeah ♪
Or, maybe you’d like to go shopping? I’ll come with you and carry all your bags and whatever else you need me for.
And then when it’ll get dark, I’ll take you home and maybe even introduce myself to your parents while we’re at it, if that’s all right~♪
Adonis: Hakaze-senpai, it’s best if you stop it there. Anzu is really frightened by your behaviour.
Don’t worry Anzu, I won’t let Hakaze-senpai do as he pleases. I’ll protect you.
Kaoru: Haha, aren’t you so cool? What with Adonis-kun being so tall and having such a well built bod, it’s a bit scary, isn’t it?
And despite all that, you’re actually so kind, huh? Aren’t young maidens weak to that sort of gap~?
Adonis: I don’t understand what this gap is you’re talking about. I just want to protect Anzu from the threat Hakaze-senpai imposed on her.
There is a difference in strength between Hakaze-senpai and Anzu. If Hakaze-senpai used force, there’d be no way for Anzu to resist.
If it looks like you’re going to harm her right before me, I must step in. There’s no way I’d let you get away with that.
Souma: I share those views. Dastard, this is not your place, leave at once!
Kaoru: Hey now, c’mon, Souma-kun himself is troublesome, but with Adonis-kun joining alongside him now too, it’s just a real pain now isn’t it...?
But, isn’t Adonis-kun acting up? It’s like an act of betrayal isn’t it?
Adonis: Huh, what do you mean by that?
Kaoru: Adonis-kun’s part of the same unit as me… You’re in UNDEAD, just like me aren’t you?
And yet, you’re pairing up with the kid from AKATSUKI, I wonder what the other members would think if they saw this unfolding?
Anyhow, I’m a third year student too, so Adonis-kun, aren’t I your senior? It’d be bad for you to go against a senior wouldn’t it~? Now isn’t that food for thought?
If you acted impulsively, I may find it in my heart to forgive you. As a rule of thumb, I’m only nice to girls, but for you I’d make an exception.
Adonis: Then is it possible that I was… Wrong? All I want is to protect those who are weak, but I did not expect for this to lead into betrayal.
But, it doesn’t feel right to hand over Anzu to Hakaze-senpai… What’s the best thing to do…?
Kaoru: Ah, hah~ Did I seriously worry him that much? That wasn’t my plan, but I guess now everything I say to Adonis-kun now is useless, isn’t it?
But now I have an opening, with lowering Adonis-kuns walls and all. So c’mon Anzu-chan, don’t run away and come on a date with me won’t you?
Ah, it makes you all defensive when I call it a date, doesn’t it?
Er, then why not have some fun with me! I won’t hold your hand or make any moves on your or anything! Just imagine we’re going out as pals, just friends, that sort of image, yeah!?
If that’s the case, Anzu-chan will definitely want to hang out with me, right?
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Souma: You. Do not walk another step closer to Anzu-dono. My blade will wear your blood.
Kaoru: Ooh, hey now don’t be all serious, it’s dampening the mood isn’t it…?
Aah, seriously I just wanted to talk to Anzu-chan myself, just the two of us, why do things gotta spiral out of control like this?
Why not just give me a chance to redeem myself, huh?
I want Anzu-chan to know I’m not the type of filthy guy to ignore my partner’s feelings and go through with something without their consent.
This is going really sour isn’t it? I’m really tired of this.
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Kanata: puka, puka~♪
souma, kaoru, fighting’s no good. the two of you are both friends who “love” the “sea,” so why are you both fighting~?
no one gains anything with battling. it is sad when an understanding isn’t reached. i feel like i’m about to fall into a fit of tears. sniff, sniff…
tears are salty aren’t they? fufufu, it’s the taste of the “sea”...♪
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