#Mel thinks that that is a Wintersday outfit
wintersdayzine-blog · 7 years
hi do we have to make it entirely about wintersday? what else can it be about? any guidelines?
Thank you for asking! We’ve actually been asked that a few times now (I assume it’s partially because it’s August and we’re talking about snow and… yeah, totally understand). I actually wrote out a little blurb for the invited contributors because some of them were talking about it, if it helps! I hope it answers your questions!
The theme is of course Wintersday (or Wintersday+PoF), but the pieces don’t have to be overtly focused on it. If they are, great! We’ve had some fantastic sketches that have been pointedly about the festivities, but we also welcome some that are more subtle as well.
For example:
Think about the weather - not all portions of Tyria will be covered in snow, but some could be. What would it be like to introduce the holiday to a place that doesn’t regularly celebrate it?
Alternatively, my sources say that the Shiverpeaks will retain their snow this year. Tyrian Global Warming hasn’t quite happened yet.
Think subtle: Maybe you have a bar scene - think outfits, labels on mugs, things on the wall, lighting effects!
Alternatively, feel free to think grandly: Wintersday banners, lights, snow piles, dolyaks (like Divinity’s Reach).
Think festive or quiet - what do people do in the Wintersday season? It’s not just about celebrating Christmas, but an entire season.
Think about the articles of clothing that happen in that time of year (Mel has a scarf obsession)
Maybe find a creative way to illustrate something - something like an elementalist holding a flame that turns into a scene of children throwing snowballs at each other (weird idea, sorry - first thing that popped into my head)
Tl;dr: Tell us a story and be creative with it. Our goal is to spread the cheer with your masterpieces, and I don’t want to limit you with being too focused on a Christmas-y atmosphere (since it’s more than just that)!
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