#Meniñ Qazaqstanım
korishisector · 4 years
Chapter 1 - EXECUTION
Before long, Miamikuma addressed the tense group of students with an almost giddy demeanor.
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“Alright! The time for goodbyes and last-minute questions is over! I don’t got all day, here. Just so you know, I’ve got an extra special punishment planned for each and everyone of you, but it seems such a shame that Chuck-E-Chizu got done so dirty, so early on.”
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“So, I think, instead of using your punishment, Shibe, I’m going to let you experience what her punishment would have looked like. Who knows, it might even give you one final glimpse into what her mind was like, since you seemed so keen on figuring her out! Without further ado, it’s punishment time!” 
A low rumbling sound emerged from the walls, as the concrete itself seemed to groan and shift with the effort of whatever mechanical interaction had been set off. The rumbling grew louder, sounding almost like a series of gears turning just out of your vision. Then, with a swift motion, a chain shot out from a sudden opening in the wall, wrapping itself around Mutsumi and lurching him off into the darkness beyond. The concrete wall slammed shut behind him, leaving the surviving students to stare at his now-empty podium. 
After a few moments, screens emerged from the floors in the center of the room, ensuring that no student would miss the footage of what was to come.
[TW: Uncleanliness, Blood/Gore Mention, Medical Procedures, Needle Mentions]
Dr. Madaraki's cure for the Murderous Mind!
Дәрігер Мадаракидің өлтіруші ақыл-ойының емі!
Mutsumi opens his eyes to find himself strapped tightly to a medical gurney, while a group of variously-designed bears similar to Miamikuma, in white medical suits and masks, hover around him. The designs of these bears, it seems, resemble the attire and aesthetics of the underclassmen. Before Mutsumi can speak a word or further react to the predicament, the wheels of his gurney begin to loudly squeal as his captors begin to speed the cart through a pristine white hallway akin to that of a hospital. 
Mutsumi, unable to even move his head, can only look to the walls and ceilings, as the lights slowly dim as he speeds further down the hallway. With each passing moment, the lights become dimmer, some even appearing, cracked, broken and flickering. Speeding by on the walls, Innocent posters full of health tips turn into distorted medical charts, gruesome images of humans suffering from all manner of teratological issues. The walls reverberate with echoes of pain and the creak of the gurney - but the bears push faster and faster. The walls begin to rust, covered in all matter of human fluid, blood, and gore. The gurney slips slightly as the wheels squish over the gruesome substances below. 
The hum of no doubt some large machine grows louder, it sounds almost like the groan of the tortured.
What was only a minute felt like hours in the face of it all, but soon the gurney burst through a door and into a pitch black room. The camera pans to the red glowing sign above it -- ОПЕРАЦИЯ БӨЛМЕСІ -- All noise stops.
A light flickers on, illuminating Mutsumi with his surprisingly composed expression. Now, he’s on a different medical table, this time even more restrained with even more belts holding back his every limb and extremity. The concerning realization that his “doctors,” the bears, are nowhere to be seen behind to sink in. No other noise permeates the room, aside from a slowly quickening heartbeat and the sound of Mutsumi’s own breathing - the only thing he can see is his own reflection in a dirty mirror above their head.
SNAP, a distinctly elastic noise shatters the silence within the room.
"---Who is it today." A flat, bored, voice breaks the silence. The voice is familiar... That's...
In the overhead mirror, you see her, Chizuru Madaraki. Or, at least, a convincing replica in the dim light. 
"There’s nothing left to do for this one, it’s already dead. But-- before we dispose of this, let us do some quick tests to be certain we’ve exhausted every option available...”
Chizuru snaps, and the room now fully alights… Revealing that the room was nothing like what it appeared to be. The operating room looked cartoonish, like a pediatricians version of an operating room less than the dingy run down hospital before. Gone is anything dark and rusty, only round, nonthreatening, pastel as far as the eyes can see. Happy posters dot the wall reminding the audience that ‘it’s flu season and you should be getting your annual shots’ plastered next to hearts and smiley faces. Even the belts holding Mutsumi down look comfortable and plush. Then, there was the mad doctor herself… donning an outfit you would have most definitely never seen her wear while she was alive, a puffy idol-esque nurse outfit. 
Her head cranes and it’s as if she’s looking right at you all through the screen.
“I see we have viewers at home, how splendid.” A cheesy sound effect of a group of children cheering plays as a banner flashes beneath her face announces that you’ve tuned into “Dr. Madaraki’s Fun Scientifically Accurate Corner”.
"This week, you'll all be witnessing this state of the art procedure, perfected by none other than yours truly! What will we be curing?” Chizuru her chin. “Ohoho-- Only mankind's most poignant problem. Shall you guess? I'll give you one hint! There would be no suffering, no pain, and we would all live in a utopia if this procedure was only standardized----" She holds a hand up to her ear, expectant on a round of astute guesses - oh, could they know? Would they be so smart as to call it out?
"--Quiet, as expected. But my generosity is overflowing today so I shall share with you... It's the vaccine which removes our capacity for MURDER! Can you believe Kazakhstan -- greatest country in the world -- has become the first to produce such a thing? Hahaha- of course, not without my sweat and blood going into it-- Quite literally!!"
"But now, the main event! In less than two minutes, watch as this unfortunate pile of waste will be reformed - born anew - finally of use to society!" The face of your classmate who’d almost never smiled once broke out into a blissful grin, pleased with her own work.
“--NURSES!” Chizuru called, and a gaggle of multicolored bears scrambled into the room played to cartoon sound effects as they pushed in carts with medical trays containing operating tools that look right out of a play-pretend kit.
“It’s operation time.” 
Before you had time to brace yourself, Chizuru now gripped in her hands those same plastic medical tools of varying purpose, stained bright with no doubt her previous patients blood as she loomed over Mutsumi.
"-Anya" Brr Brrp "-Play my favorite." Brr Brrp. "Playing Your Favorite, Anara!"
[PLAYING: Meniñ Qazaqstanım - Kazakh National Anthem]
Chizuru raises her hands, and at this angle all you can see are her deft, quick, chaotic ministrations onto her victim, timed perfectly to the orchestral epic highs and lows of her motherland’s anthem. Rather than a display of guts and gore, bright colorful fluids splash about and all noise is replaced by cartoonish bonks and slams - the feed peppered with more strange and upbeat overlays like stickers in a coloring book. The longer you look the more things seem to warp into a stylized and oversaturated version of reality all up until the feed warps.
What you thought was the live video, becomes a small square at the side of the screen, and now you’re greeted with a small white room where another Chizuru sits. A normal, regular, at least for now, Chizuru Madaraki sitting in a small black medical chair with a clipboard as if she’s about to answer a press conference.
“Forgive me for the superfluous lies earlier. I’m a woman of my word, so it should be known that for all intents and purposes, no vaccine exists which cures humanity of it’s darkest problem. However, there is a barbaric, yet highly effective alternative treatment…” Chizuru tilts her head, and another video feed appears beneath the chaotic and colorful mess you’d been focused on.
It’s another Mutsumi… But strapped into an electric chair. “What you’re seeing now is the product of excess activity in the frontal lobe caused by generous over-stimulation by shocks. Interesting how the patient's own biases come into play here, isn’t it?” She leaves you with a moment of silence before her final words. “This, is the only known cure for a murderer.”
The switch flips, the sound of machinery whirring to life, a moment of tension from Mutsumi, an electric buzzing, and then, as you watch the heart monitor and brain reader spike erratically--
--the feed seems to cut out, turning black for a moment before displaying a final message.
“Medical Disclaimer: The research of Anara Ibrayeva is highly disputed, untested, and unproven. Any advice given on this program should be held with scepticism and is not guaranteed fact. We do not recommend that patients looking to rid themselves of unpleasant thoughts apply shock to any region of their body. If you’re feeling as if you’re a danger to yourself or others, please call a medical professional.”
Mutsumi Morishibe has been Executed.
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Here’s the actual national anthem, in actual Kazakh, but with English subtitles.
Dr. Levin
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