#Merlyn bath screens
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benebathroomsonline · 3 years
Buy Bath Shower Screens Online here at Bene Bathrooms. Find the perfect fixed, hinged or sliding bath screen in a range of styles and materials. We stock a full range of Bath Shower Screens from Kudos, Merlyn showering and many other major brands from the UK.
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benebathroomsuk · 3 years
Buy Bath Shower Screens Online here at Bene Bathrooms. Find the perfect fixed, hinged or sliding bath screen in a range of styles and materials. We stock a full range of Bath Shower Screens from Kudos, Merlyn showering and many other major brands from the UK.
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Title: Stretch right up and touch the sky Chapter 4
Author: @blaineandsamevanderson
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow/Arrow/The Flash/Supergirl
Ship: Iris/Eddie, will have many more to come
Rating: G
Summary: Camp STAR is one of the North East’s most popular science camps.  Every year, young minds arrive to learn and explore.  Unfortunately, a few weeks before the camp was to open for the season, a large explosion in one of the labs and the ensuing fire made the camp uninhabitable.  Not wanting his campers to miss out on their summer, Owner Harrison Wells called up Joe West, Owner of Camp Superflarrow, who he knew was looking to expand the science discovery program at his own camp.
Author’s notes: There are a few random counselor names thrown in to fill out the lists.  They will not be of importance.
“Gimme a boost, boys!”
In a practiced motion, Barry grabbed one of Iris’s hands while Eddie took the other and they lifted her up onto a tall stump by the camp gates.  From there, all the counselors and CIT’s would be able to see her as she made a brief announcement.  After today, such announcements would be done by the head counselors, but as they had just arrived, Joe was letting Iris hand out cabin assignments this year.
“I know some of you have summered with us before,” she was saying and a cheer rose up from most of the returning campers.  Iris grinned back at them before continuing, “This season, we’ve got a lot of new faces joining us and we’ve also got lots of new programs and guest speakers available for all campers.  Dad and Dr. Wells will fill everyone in at the Welcome ceremony, but for now, I’m sure you all want to know where to store your gear.”
Cabin assignment time.
“First up, we have the Penobscot Cabins, which house our younger boys.  Cabin 1, Barry Allen and Eddie Thawne.”
Barry tossed an amused grin over at Eddie, who held out his hand for a fist bump.  “Joe wants you to keep an eye on me, right?” the blond joked, but Barry winced a little at the comment.  Eddie’s eyes widened.  “Oh God, that’s actually it!”
With a shrug, Barry admitted, “He may have muttered something about making sure you stay in the cabin at night….”
Eddie groaned as Iris continued to read off names.
“…Leonard Snart & Jefferson Jackson…Oliver Queen & Winn Schott…Mon-El Daxam & Tommy Merlyn…Bruce Wayne & Steve Trevor….”
After that, she moved on to assigning counselors to the Sequoia (Boys Middle Age) Cabins. “James Olsen & Ray Palmer to Cabin 1…Wally West & Nate Haywood…Cisco Ramon & Curtis Holt…John Diggle &Roy Harper…Rory Regan & Rene Ramirez…..”
Kennebagos (Older Boys) were next.  Clark Kent & Julian Albert, Mick Rory & Hartley Rathaway, Carter Hall & Rip Hunter were paired to watch over cabins while Lex Luthor was given a cabin of his own with fewer boys to manage.
“All of you, make sure to keep your boys out of the girl’s cabins, you hear me?”  Iris teased.  “Our younger girls are in the Acadia Cabins.  Cabin 1 is me, Iris West, & Caitlin Snow.  We’re gonna have fun!”
Barry tracked her wave to a pretty auburn haired girl of about their age.  The summer sun painted her curls in colors that reminded him of fall and Barry blinked before refocusing on the cabin assignments.  Not that he’d remember all of them, but it was good to be able to match unknown faces to names.  “…Sara Lance & Lisa Snart…Kara Danvers & Felicity Smoak…Diana Prince & Eve Teschmacher…Cindy Taylor & Lyra Strayd….”
Next came the Baxter (Middle Girls).  “Lyla Michaels & Jesse Wells…Lucy Lane & Amaya Jiwe…Megan Morse & Thea Queen…Cassandra Savage & Linda Park…Nyssa Al Ghul & Evelyn Sharp…Dinah Drake & Isabel Rochev….”
Finally, she reached the Kennebeck cabins, where the Older girls bunked.  “…Lena Luthor & Laurel Lance…Alex Danvers & Maggie Sawyer…Lois Lane & Kendra Saunders…Patty Spivot & Leslie Willis…Cindy Reynolds & Siobhan Smythe…Helena Bertinelli & Elena Vasquez….” Iris read off, then nodded to the crowd.  “See you all at the campfire in an hour.”
As Eddie helped her down off of the stump, Barry raised his voice to call out, “Wally, help any new Sequoia counselors find their way!  Rip, you got the Kennebagos!”  A happy wave from Wally and an annoyed eye roll from Rip said that they’d heard him.  “Lyla, take the Baxter?  Thanks! Laurel, Kennebecks?”
The two girls started leading their newbies as Iris called, “Acadia & Long Creek this way, Penobscots with Barry.”
Everyone gathered up their gear and began trooping off into the camp, splitting into smaller groups as they headed for their cabins.  As they made their way through the campground, Barry began pointing things out and rattling off bits of information.  Most of the boys in his group had been to camp before and were only listening with half an ear, but some of the newbies peered at the tennis courts, soccer fields and climbing towers with interest.
Once they reached their small cluster of cabins, each with a plaque bearing the name Penobscot and a number, they paired off, hauling their things into their bunks. The cabins were spacious log buildings with large windows that could be opened to allow airflow through the screens. Bunk beds filled the main room and there was a storage room to keep clothes and belongings in beside the small counselor’s room.  At the other end of the cabin was the shower and bathroom, all newly renovated and each cabin had a small, attached porch.
“You okay if I take bottom bunk?” Eddie asked as he and Barry entered the room they’d be sleeping in for the summer.
“Sure,” Barry agreed amiably as he opened the windows, letting the cross draft flow through the room.  He’d already brought most of his things over earlier, but he had a bag with bedding that he dug his sheets out of.
As they began to make their beds, Eddie said, “You were kidding about spying on me for your dad, right…Barry?”
He wasn’t planning on narcing on them, but it was fun to tease Eddie with the idea.  Maybe if he played his cards right, he could get Eddie to take care of the particularly messy criers in exchange for keeping quiet….
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“This is more like what I though camp would be like when Alex first started talking about going,” Kara enthused, grinning at Felicity as they entered their cabin.  “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I loved STAR, but I didn’t expect dorms and stuff like that.  Movie camps look like this!”
The dorms at STAR had been large and spacious, each room holding 2 campers, single beds, dressers, desks, chairs and closets.  Each room had a ¾ bath attached, air conditioning, a kitchenette and a tv.  It seemed more like a pre-college experience than a camp, and a pretty spiffy college at that.
Superflarrow was far more camp like, with cabins and many more outdoor activities.  Their cabin was neat and clean, rows of bunks taking up the main room, a large, shiny bathroom taking up one end of the building. The counselor’s room was at the other end and they had their own separate bath.
That was nice.
The bunk beds might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but they didn’t bother Kara.
“Do you mind if I take the bottom bunk?” Felicity asked a little sheepishly. “I’m not the biggest fan of heights.”
“Not a problem,” Kara assured the other girl.  Felicity was another transfer from STAR, so she was happy not to be rooming with a total stranger.  Not that she wasn’t eager to meet new people, but what if she didn’t get along with her roommate?  Alex seemed okay with bunking with Maggie, whom they had met on the bus, but she was glad for a familiar face.  “What did you pick for your specialty?”
Each counselor had an area of focus that they would direct activities in.  The cabin pairings were probably assigned so at least one counselor from each cabin would be with their campers at any given time if the other had to go off and lead a sport or class.
“The Camp Radio Station,” Felicity told her with a smile.  “I know not as many campers will take an interest in that, but me and Cisco will be able to have fun with it, doing daily announcements and improving the camp’s audio systems.  I mean, did you see the old school, mega-phone looking speakers nestled in the trees?”
Kara nodded.  “I thought they blended in pretty well, considering someone went to the trouble of painting them green.”  
“I’ll give them points for that,” Felicity agreed, then asked, “Which program are you working in?”
“Voice,” Kara told her.  “Alex says I put the Kara in Kara-eoke.”
Felicity let out a giggle.  “That’s an awful joke.  I love it.”
Yeah, this rooming situation was going to work out just fine!
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1.      Waterski - The Ski Dock is home base to our fleet of 4 Mastercraft Pro Star Ski Boats. Campers love our ski program:  Waterskiing, wakeboarding, skurfing, slalom, trick and even barefoot with our experienced staff.
2.      Swimming - Crystal clear Echo Lake is home to our American Red Cross swim program. A hard-sand bottom and expansive dock system provides a natural area for swim lessons, snorkeling and a full recreational aquatics program.
3.      Small Crafts - Our fleet of more than 50 sailboats, windsurfers, canoes and kayaks eagerly awaits water-enthusiasts. From Hobie 16s to Vanguard 420s, Sunfish and more….our small crafts staff of 18 keeps close watch on our campers and our fleet.
4.     Camp Owner House - The home of camp owner Joe West.
5.      Dining Hall - One of Superflarrow’s original buildings, our Dining Hall sits at the base of camp, overlooking Echo Lake. Campers enjoy great camp dining in a beautiful atmosphere. Our chefs are proud of their homemade entrees, fresh fruit and salad bars and desserts.
6.      Discovery - Rabbits, frogs, snakes, turtles and other small animals await you at Discovery, located in an original camp building on the shore of the lake. Make your own ice cream, identify birds and plants and learn about different ecosystems on our 150 acres.
7.      Cove - The Cove is a camp gathering area where campers and counselors convene each morning and evening for announcements, birthday songs, intercamp scores and in-camp news-of-the-day. It’s a great place for our camp family to unite after breakfast and dinner. We sing songs and recognize the accomplishments and strides all campers are making.
8.      Archery - Ready…aim…fire!  Our archers learn the skills of the bow & arrow at our Archery range overlooking Echo Lake.
9.      S’Mores Site - A great camp-out area in the woods on Laurel’s grounds. The perfect place to learn about camping… just steps from your own cabin.
10.   All Camp Campfire - Weekly campfires are a wonderful Superflarrow tradition. Whether as a campus or as one camp family, we tell stories, sing songs and enjoy campfire folklore…a camp tradition since our founding in 1949. Superflarrow Family… you’re pretty good company!
11.    Acadia Girls - Our campus for girls having completed 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade.
12.  Science Buildings – Each lab is focused on a particular scientific focus.
13.  Metalsmithing/Woodworking - A growing and ever-popular camp program. Metalsmithing includes the design and crafting of bracelets, belt buckles, earrings, key chains and more in our Metals Studio. Real silver and copper come to life through campers’ creativity.
14.   Ceramics/Arts and Crafts/Studio Arts - A popular camp activity. Join our talented team of potters at Ceramics to learn to throw, build, paint, glaze and fire your clay projects.  Our new Arts and Crafts center is a hot-bed of all things related to sculptures, molds, weaves, tie-dyes, balsa wood airplanes, friendship bracelets, wax-resist paintings, paper-mache masks and much more. Join us down at the Crafts Center.  Painting, drawing and pastels await you in our beautiful Studio Art facility at the top of camp. Come here to illustrate, draw, paint, use charcoal, and try your hand at Comic Book Illustration.
15.   The Grove - A beautiful spot near the Dining Hall for outdoor lunches and birthday celebrations. Our Acadia and Apache campers eat lunch at a cabin-specific table in this area. It is also a place where siblings can eat together and visit at lunch.
16.   Health Center - Our modern, fully-equipped Health Center staffed by a Nurse Practitioner and EMT.
17.   Moosetracks - Each night after evening activity and before bedtime, campers meet at Moosetracks for a quick “Nite-Bite."  Fresh fruit is available each evening…or a snack like milk and cookies.
18.   Kennebeck Girls - Our campus for girls having completed the 7th, 8th and 9th grade.
19.   Penobscot Boys - Our campus for boys having completed  the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade.
20.  Kennebago Boys - Our campus for boys having completed the 7th, 8th and 9th grade.
21.   Sequoia Boys - Our campus for boys having completed the 5th and 6th grade.
22.  Basketball Courts - Camp Superflarrow has 30 glass basketball goals, spread out over 5 regulation courts, 2 of which are lit.
23.  Baxter Girls - Our campus for girls having completed the 5th and 6th grade.
24.  Gaga - Campers love our two turf Gaga complexes with mini-stadium seating.
25.  Basketball Courts - Camp Superflarrow has 30 glass basketball goals, spread out over 5 regulation courts, 2 of which are lit.
26.  Gaga - Campers love our two turf Gaga complexes with mini-stadium seating.
27. Hockey - Our full-size, lighted arena for Street and Roller Hockey. Also home to the famous Sequoia Hockey League. Professional cages, penalty boxes, lights…we have it all for the hockey enthusiast.
28.  Equestrian Center - The Superflarrow Equestrian Center is home to our 22 camp horses, 2 barns, instructional rings, paddocks and 3-acre pasture.  A program well-equipped for the beginner to advanced rider.
29.  Soccer - Another signature Superflarrow sports program. Our two regulation fields are lit and home to soccer players of all abilities. Everyone who wants to play, plays soccer at Superflarrow… in age, gender and skill appropriate groups.
30.  Climbing Towers - Our Climbing Center features two Climbing Towers, connected by a wire bridge more than 50 feet in the air. Our bouldering pavilion is perfect for beginners, intermediate and expert climbers.
31.   Tennis - A signature program at Superflarrow.  15 all-weather courts and an electronic wall and backboard complement our program.
32.  Tennis - A signature program at Superflarrow.  15 all-weather courts and an electronic wall and backboard complement our program.
33.  Handball – A regulation Handball court nestled between the tennis courts for use by all campers
34.  Theatre – Superflarrow Theatre hums with activity. Campers may participate on stage in one of our musical productions (Grease, Annie, Bye Bye Birdie, Oliver, Willy Wonka, High School Musical… to name a few over the past few years) or work backstage. Lighting board operators, sound engineers, costuming, stage make-up, stage managers…we have it all in our professional theatre.
35.  Chef Camp - The Chef Camp facility is home to our extensive culinary arts program. Superflarrow is known for one of the most comprehensive cooking programs of any camp in the northeast.
36. Dance & Fitness Center - Our brand new Fitness center features all current equipment for a complete workout. Fitness is one of Superflarrow’s most popular programs. The Fitness Center boasts a Cardio and Strength Studio, tailored for campers from 2nd through 10th grades. Specialty Fitness programs for campers include, running, weight training, Superflarrow Abs, yoga, triathlon and the Camp SuperflarrowFit Trail. Our General Fitness and Junior Fitness programs provide an introduction to the "world” of health and fitness for all ages.  Our brand new Dance Center with moveable walls feature two separate mirrored studios and hardwood flooring. Campers love practicing their hip-hop, jazz, ballet, modern and tap routines.
37.  Fieldhouse - Ten glass basketball goals, a full court basketball court, professional indoor volleyball court and automatic bleacher seating for 500 make the Superflarrow Fieldhouse the place-to-be. It is the perfect rainy day activity center and all-weather building for hoops, volleyball, ga-ga and group games. It is also home to our big-screen movie center. The Fieldhouse also hosts many of our traditional all-camp events including College Days Closing Ceremony, Dance and Talent Shows & The Quest…to name a few.
38. Gymnastics - Our beautiful Gymnastics Building sits toward the top of camp. A full springboard floor and modern equipment make our 4000 square foot facility inviting for all levels, from beginner to advanced.
39. Library - A quiet area for camp meetings.
40. Camp Office - Behind the scenes, where our wonderful office administrators & staff make it all happen.
41.   Log Cabin - Our authentic Log Cabin is where our teenagers (Bec and Bago campers) enjoy snacks and a little recreational time (ping pong, foosball, pop-a-shot) at the end of a busy day. For you former campers, it’s like a “Canteen.” A supervised place for our teens to hang out at night.
42. Tennis - A signature program at Superflarrow.  15 all-weather courts and an electronic wall and backboard complement our program.
43. Tennis - A signature program at Superflarrow.  15 all-weather courts and an electronic wall and backboard complement our program.
44. Basketball Courts - Camp Superflarrow has 30 glass basketball goals, spread out over 5 regulation courts, 2 of which are lit.
45.  Basketball Courts - Camp Superflarrow has 30 glass basketball goals, spread out over 5 regulation courts, 2 of which are lit.
46. Soccer - Another signature Superflarrow sports program. Our two regulation fields are lit and home to soccer players of all abilities. Everyone who wants to play, plays soccer at Superflarrow… in age, gender and skill appropriate groups.
47.  Volleyball - A regulation lighted beach volleyball court is a favorite camp spot.
48. Baseball - Our regulation Little League Fields are busy with baseball and softball players all day. Batting cages and clinics complement our program. Under our head of baseball, our instructional staff of 5 exposes every camper to baseball (boys) or softball (girls). An exciting intercamp program awaits those desiring a competitive element to the game.
49. Lacrosse & Football - Our full size lacrosse and football fields are busy with action all day long. Great lax and flag football instruction, games, Sports Night Football under the lights and intercamps highlight these active programs.
50.  Camp Entrance - Welcome to Camp Laurel! Enjoy your tour around our facilities, and call us with any questions.
51.   Ropes Course – Multi-Level ropes courses and towers for adventure seakers of all skill levels.
52.  Camp Owner House - The summer home of camp owner Harrison Wells.
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cjjingram · 7 years
Ask me shit. Lol I've got some shit to ask. What is your opinion on Katie cassidy being black siren for another season? Cassidy was only in 4-6 epis this season and two of them barely amount ed a minute of screentime. She was in Tue finale for LoT in Sara vision so to speak where laurel just told Sara she would do the right thing, which was a waste of screentime as at this point in Sara's journey we know she would do the right thing. It was frankly unnecessary. Whats ur take on KC being BS?
Honestly, I have no idea. I haven’t watched any of season 5 at all. I’ll cop to downloading them and leaving them in a folder on my hard drive on the off chance someone gives me the all clear but I haven’t gotten it yet. All my trusted and best bitches can say is stay afraid of your shadow, little groundhog, because it’s gonna be a long fucking winter.
I will say that the people I know say that Black Siren suits KC a lot better than Laurel ever did probably because she lets KC be dramatic which is what she likes to do.
Listen, I despise Laurel’s character, not because she was a bad person, but because she was badly written. I’m a writer, first and foremost. I’m the real deal and bad writing makes my asshole itch. Bad professional writing, writing that people get paid good money for, makes me go apoplectic with rage.
I’m old school, okay? I view story telling as a noble pursuit. I believe in making the human connection and that writers have an obligation to present stories that need to be told and that uplift mankind. I’ve often said this but writers are guardians of the truth. Their job is to hold a mirror up to the world and say, ‘See? This is what you need to think about.’
I also like to use the example of To Kill a Mockingbird when I talk about this stuff because that book and that movie came out at a time when segregation was the norm, interracial marriage was illegal, and blatant racism was acceptable. People who had never even questioned it suddenly got to see what racism looks like through the eyes of a little girl who didn’t see black or white as much as she saw right and wrong. We were allowed to be Scout for that one brief shining moment. We got to hear why she thought her father was a coward because he didn’t hunt like other fathers did or own a gun and we got to see how all that changed when she watched her father defend an innocent man whose only crime was that he was black. That story changed the lives of millions of people because it made them think and see things from a different perspective.
The reason I so vehemently dislike Laurel’s character is because they shoved her down our throats saying she was a strong, heroic, smart, feminist icon when she was the complete opposite of that. I grew up in the 70′s and 80′s when every time a strong female hero would come on the TV, even if she did have on red high heeled boots and a bathing suit, was something to celebrate. We were desperate for female heroes--I know I was. 
I grew up at a time when girls were just starting to be told that they were worth something. We fought hard for feminism because we’d never had it before. For me, as a feminist who grew up in one era and has seen the changes since, to be shown a ‘hero’ like Laurel was...well, it frustrated me.
I always ask someone, ‘If you had a daughter, would you want her to watch this show and want to be just like this person when they grow up?’ Do you want your daughter to wear a Laurel Lance costume for Halloween?
You know why? Because as much as we’re told she’s a hero we never get to see it. What we see is a woman who had no self-respect. Laurel is a woman, an educated women who is a lawyer, staying with a man who she’s caught cheating on her over a dozen times with women she considered her ‘friends’ (canon), who got another girl pregnant while they were together and never told her (canon), and who screwed her own sister (canon), and not only continually takes him back but tells him that he’s the love of her life on her deathbed.
What kind of role model is that?
Laurel is also a woman who, when she makes mistakes, instead of owning her mistakes and learning from them lashes out and blames others (canon). She turns to drugs and alcohol to escape her problems which doesn’t make her a bad person, but we’re never allowed to see her deal with those issues. Instead we’re told that she was an alcoholic with a pill problem and now she isn’t. We’re also shown that she drinks and drives, loses her job, but then suddenly is the DA so there were no long-lasting consequences. Would it have killed them to show her going to AA a few times? Couldn’t they have interrupted one of her grunt and sweat scenes to show her visiting Tommy’s grave and showing her making amends or talking to others about her struggle? 
I realize it’s ‘The Arrow’ show, I get that, but in season 3 during her ‘hero’s journey’, we spent 19 out of 23 episodes focused almost entirely on Laurel instead of focusing on Ra’s al Ghul and Oliver. We sacrificed so much storytelling there. I would’ve gladly not seen any Olicity, sacrificed the whole stupid Raylicity bullshit (which is another story altogether), just to have a glimpse of Ra’s talking to Oliver about his past like he did with Batman in the comics. We could’ve seen him tell the story of his wife Sora, about how she was raped and murdered by the noblemen’s son and how he was buried alive because he dared accuse the prince. We could’ve seen Ra’s escape death and lead his uncle’s clan into the city and raze it to the ground before killing the prince and his father. 
It would’ve been the origin story of the League of Assassins and, like it did with Batman, it would make Oliver question whether Ra’s is a hero or a villain because, truth is, he’s both. Ra’s is a vigilante, always has been, only he sees the big picture and believes the only way to destroy evil is to destroy it entirely.
Instead we got Laurel sweating and grunting.
We also never got to see any real growth from Laurel or acceptance of her mistakes. Laurel does things without thinking about the consequences. She continually puts her life and the lives of others in jeopardy because all she sees is what she wants to see, she never listens to what other people tell her, and when it backfires on her she always dredges up the past like some kind of shield then makes it the other person’s fault.
She raised her sister from the dead without a soul even after multiple people tell her not to? She takes Thea to Merlyn in Nanda Parbat to resurrect her sister, basically trading Thea’s already rocky mental stability for her sister’s resurrection, not because she loves and misses her sister, but because she doesn’t want her dad to be mad at her anymore and what happens when Oliver confronts her?
Well, you cheated on me with my sister and never respected me so there.
She is constantly ‘forgiving’ Oliver but whenever he calls her on her shit she throws it back in his face. That’s not what a hero does, sorry. 
I dislike Laurel because she shows the little girls watching the show that a hero is a woman who trades in her self-respect for a guy, who is supposed to be smart and powerful but who does pratfalls and hair flips instead. 
The reason I liked Sara in the role of Canary is because Sara started out in a bad place. She cheated with her sister’s boyfriend, she betrayed Oliver and the others to Ivo, she was an assassin who killed people, but she somehow also managed to confront her demons and become a hero. She redeemed herself because she showed genuine remorse and growth. 
Laurel...the impression I get from KC’s earliest performances tells me that she didn’t care for Laurel, probably because she couldn’t wrap her head around the idea of taking back a serial cheater like Ollie. Not only that but Laurel was boring. She was the designated damsel in distress and, while she had a few kick ass moments, she wasn’t the Black Canary; Sara was. Whenever KC would do interviews she’d talk about Dinah and the Black Canary but she rarely discussed Laurel as a character. I honestly think a lot of her lackluster and dead-eyed portrayal of Laurel was due to the fact that she wanted to just play Canary and skip Laurel altogether.
Black Siren gives her the opportunity to do just that so it might actually work out for her.
Laurel’s best performances in season 4 came when she was in the costume. Out of the costume she glowered at the screen with her arms crossed defensively over her chest. There was nothing there, no light in her eyes, no enthusiasm; that only came out in the costume because she was finally playing the character she signed up for. 
I think that if my friends are right (and, again, I haven’t watched any of the shows including Arrow this season) that she might actually do better with Black Siren because she connects to her more. Laurel would’ve taken an actress with a lot of range, someone who could play vulnerable and sympathetic like Caity did with Sara, but Black Siren is the kind of mean girl character KC loves to play.
Hope that answered your shit. ;p
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Browse Our Quality Merlyn Range Inc Shower Enclosures, Doors, Trays Etc. MERLYN Series is our signature collection of premium shower enclosures and combines luxury living with designer credentials. Merlyn collection of shower trays are beautifully crafted to above industry standard, and come with the MERLYN Guarantee. A choice of shape too. Our specially crafted range of shower enclosures is uniquely designed to cater to various spaces, tastes, and lifestyles, to help you create your ultimate bathroom experience. We have all the products of Merlyn including Shower Trays, Merlyn Quadrant Shower enclosures, Merlyn Offset Quadrant Shower Enclosures, shower doors, bath screens, Merlyn Black range, wetroom panels, etc.
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Are You Searching Best Shower enclosure?
When you are planning to change an old shower enclosure with a new customized one, or are using one for the very first time, you would be shocked at the wealth of option available on the market. Doesn’t matter you search online or hit the high streets, the plan of searching the best Merlyn shower enclosures for your bathroom can sometimes look daunting. Here I have provided some assistance when selecting your customized shower enclosure.
Customized Enclosures
Are you searching customized Merlyn shower cubicles or enclosure for your shower that will be the cake icing for your bathrooms brand new look? These days you are spoilt for option and there are a lot of customized shower enclosures online. You just need to do a careful search for online sellers and you can see a varied and full range of Merlyn shower screens. These bath tubs and enclosures can be made to your accurate needs and tailored to perfectly fit layout of any bathroom no issue how eccentric. Remember the overall feel and look you wish your bathroom to give off and take suggestion from shower makers because they will have lots of experience.
As suggested by its name, a customized Merlyn showering can be built to your exact requirements. Kindness must be made as to what would match and improve the décor that you previously have in your bathroom. So, enclosures blocked by glass are all the rage these days, but would it look good in your bathroom? To ease your maintenance responsibilities you could need to do away with stoneware tiles and use a brand new shower enclosure of fibre-glass. Would that match with your bathroom style? One more famous option at the moment is a customized Merlyn series 6 shower enclosure; these emit a refreshing logic of space in your room and will be a wonderful solution in a small region.
Customized Glass Shower Enclosures
In case you are in the custom glass enclosure market you would be offered a range of contrasting glazed touches. Glass showering doors have etching on them are very adored nowadays. A wonderful example of this will be a family arms coat or even a crest of football clubs. In case you will like to boast your brand new stylish patterned tiles then a clear Merlyn series six enclosure can be the good answer. Molded or colored glass finishes are even available. To get stimulated take a careful look online, you will be inspired and surprised by what you find.
Customized Merlyn series 8 enclosures let you the chance to select from a range of different frame finishes, these would comprise gold or brass plated as well as brushed nickel. Or you can choose for a without frame enclosure. In this specific case the handles and extras would be fitted direct onto the panels of glass. One more important consideration will be the doors action, will you wish it to shut like a normal door or slide open? Obviously it may completely depend on the space available. 
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markknowlesuk-blog · 6 years
Find Your best Shower Enclosure
In case you are looking to make an arresting statement in the bathroom or just want somewhat to fit into a small size shower room you will surely be able to search a Merlyn series eight shower enclosure to completely match your requirements and tastes. There are a broad selection of Iconic shower enclosures available varying from quadrant shower enclosures, walk in showers, bi-fold shower doors, sliding shower doors to hinged shower doors as well as smooth wet room glass panels thus you can confirm you will find out a shower enclosure to perfectly fit with the space you have.
A famous option of shower enclosure and Shower trays uk is the hinged shower door, this specific style has the opening door outwards that permits you to simply get out and in of the shower, but only be conscious that you do want more bathroom space to allow for the door to fully open, it can even limit where you wish to install the shower enclosures uk. If talking about hinged shower doors then they are available with a semi-frameless and framed design that will give a minimalistic look in the bathroom. These hinged doors can be united with a good quality side panel or installed into an indentation that seems fantastic as the just door’s glass panel.
On the other hand, bi-fold shower door enclosures and shower screens uk are best for small size bathrooms as the door effectively folds back on itself indicating that you don’t want any additional flooring space in the bathroom. These good looking bi-fold shower doors let for simple access out and in of the shower and can be utilized with a fitted into a recess or side panel.
A corner bathscreen uk or shower enclosure is even best for where space is inadequate in the bathroom and have the doors situated on the front side corner, usually the doors are sliding but there are even versions of hinged door available too.
If talking about sliding shower door enclosures and Merlyn bathscreens feature two glass panels with one sliding back into some other; it indicates that you do not want any additional space to allow for the door to open. You should know that sliding shower doors can give the bathroom space with a smooth look and the more recent styles feature a semi-frameless design with highly effective chrome rollers at the top side of the sliding doors for an avant-garde look.
You should understand that quadrant shower bath screens and enclosures are a really famous choice for a compact bathroom because they assist to maximize the vacant space but still give you with lots of space for showering in. There are two major styles of quadrant shower enclosures together with a standard quadrant that differs in size from 1000x1000mm to 800x800mm and the counterbalance quadrant style that varies in size from more spacious 1200x900mm to 900x760mm.
In case you wish to add some attractive style to the bathroom select a walk in shower. These showers are best for those people that lead hectic lifestyles and for those people who are less transportable. 
Merlyn shower screens
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Browse Our Quality Merlyn Range Inc Shower Enclosures, Doors, Trays Etc. MERLYN Series is our signature collection of premium shower enclosures and combines luxury living with designer credentials. Merlyn collection of shower trays are beautifully crafted to above industry standard, and come with the MERLYN Guarantee. A choice of shape too. Our specially crafted range of shower enclosures is uniquely designed to cater to various spaces, tastes, and lifestyles, to help you create your ultimate bathroom experience. We have all the products of Merlyn including Shower Trays, Merlyn Quadrant Shower enclosures, Merlyn Offset Quadrant Shower Enclosures, shower doors, bath screens, Merlyn Black range, wetroom panels, etc.
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