#Mexican food delivery singapore
haldimexicana · 2 days
Boat Quay Restaurants in Singapore | Haldi Mexicana
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Dive into joy with heavenly Churros from the best boat quay  restaurant in singapore!
It's a flavorful fiesta for your taste buds.
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calirestaurantsg · 2 years
CALI Celebrates 10th Anniversary with No-Inflation Menu featuring prices from 10 Years ago.
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Cali celebrates their 10th anniversary with a No-Inflation menu that not only welcomes classic fan favorites served in its first year back but also charges diners the same prices as it did ten years ago.
Thank you SG Magazine for featuring
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purplesurveys · 3 months
I have traveled to:
More than three states in the US
A place that starts with the letter L I mean yeah I guess. No famous countries or cities or anything like that but I've traveled to local provinces with cities starting with L.
An island I live in an archipelago.
A big city Sure! Manila, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore.
Anywhere in Africa
Japan I've been to Fukuoka.
A place where English is not the main language That would be Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, and Indonesia for me.
Anywhere in the southern hemisphere If I'm not mistaken, Indonesia ticks that box.
I Have Read:
Any of the Bible I had to read it every single day in Catholic school for nearly 15 years. I had to read the four Gospels, mainly, but I also had this brief phase in like 6th grade where I wanted to challenge myself to read the Bible in its entirety (I didn't get to accomplish it).
At least two Harry Potter books I read a good part of it but stopped by the blue book(?) because the plots were starting to feel a little repetitive.
The entire Twilight series I've done this, but I've done more rewatches of the entire movie series moreso than the book.
Animal Farm
A Dr. Seuss book I'm sure I did as a kid. My favorite Dr. Seuss memory though was watching the Cat in the Hat movie over and over.
Instructions to a piece of Ikea information
A warning label that made me laugh
A biography/autobiography This is my favorite genre.
Dante’s Inferno
A Chuck Palahniuk book
A newspaper in the last week
Something that made me cry
I Like to Eat:
Spam I like spam, but when it's part of spamsilog. Spam on its own is on the salty side so I like to have other flavors to balance it out.
Mexican food It's not the 1st or 5th cuisine I'd look for but I like it nonetheless. I only have certain favorites though, like burritos.
Brussell sprouts
Onions Especially when they come as fried onion bits in burgers.
Vegan food I love trying out vegan meals whenever I can! Not a lot of vegan offerings where I live to begin with, so it's something I explore when I get the chance.
Bacon I might be in the minority but I love my bacon on the non-crispy side.
New things I'm very adventurous when it comes to food and am open to trying pretty much anything as long as they aren't made with fruit.
Escargot Love snail. We have a local dish where we cook them in coconut milk and it's one of my favorites.
Hummus Hummus is great! I discovered it in high school when I was attending college entrance review classes, and I haven't looked back since lol.
Indian food My favorite cuisine.
Home cooking Home-style meals always feel like a warm hug, especially when it's Filipino food.
Fast food Not too much of it but I do indulge myself from time to time.
My Favorite Actors Include:
Mark Wahlberg
Morgan Freeman
James Franco
Leonardo DiCaprio His acting skills are undeniable but I'm just a little 50-50 on him these days due to his dating choices, and that makes it difficult to vouch for him fully.
Robert DeNiro
Samuel L. Jackson
Chris Hemsworth
Elijah Wood
Johnny Depp
Steve Buscemi
Robin Williams His performance in Good Will Hunting changed me. I still hold on to his delivery of "It's not your fault."
Jack Black
Channing Tatum
I Have Listened to These Bands:
Taylor Swift Only because I have no choice. She's everywhere.
Jay-Z The Watch the Throne album raised me throughout my middle school years.
Frank Sinatra
Pink Floyd
Fall Out Boy Folie A Deux is my favorite album of theirs.
No Doubt
The White Stripes
Skrillex LOL yes. Dubstep was crazy popular when I was in high school and I'm more than ready to admit I had a big Skrillex phase at the time.
Tenacious D I was obsessed with playing Rock Band when I was younger and the game I played had a Tenacious D track in it, so that's how I came to know the band.
Metallica I must've listened to For Whom the Bell Tolls a million times after Triple H came out to it during one of the past Wrestlemanias.
Britney Spears She was huge on radio from 2008-2011 and I lovedddddd all the singles that came out at the time.
Ke$ha If you told me to summarize 2009 in one word I would answer with Ke$ha. Sis blew up overnight and Tik Tok was playing everywhere.
The Beatles I tried to like them because everyone had been listening to them, but I couldn't find myself becoming a fan of the music.
I Have/Had These Pets:
Dog I had Kimi for 14 years, and currently I have a 4-year-old and 2-year-old in Cooper and Agi.
Cat My sister had Arlee for a few years, and I took care of her for a bit when Nina had to stay in her dorm for college.
Bird We owned a pair of lovebirds a little over a decade ago.
Guinea Pig
Fish Had several goldfish as a kid.
I Have Seen These Movies:
Fifth Element
Gone With the Wind I was introduced to classic Hollywood by an ex, and Gone with the Wind had been one of the first movies I got to watch. I owned the book and read the first few chapters, too, but ultimately never got to finish reading it.
Nightmare Before Christmas
High School Musical Pretty much took over my life in grade school. I had (and still have) the choreo to We're All In This Together memorized and I've lost count of the many birthday parties I was invited to that were High School Musical-themed.
Kickin’ It Old School
Casablanca I must've tried watching Casablanca more than ten times, but it always bored me.
White Men Can’t Jump
12 Years A Slave I've seen a few bits, but not the whole movie.
Saving Private Ryan
Mamma Mia!
Dark Shadows
Riding In Cars With Boys
If I Could Have A Super Power, I Would Choose:
Mind control Mostly for clients just so I can have things my way sometimes, lol.
Mind reading
Teleportation I'd love to have this, both so I can travel and so that I don't have to deal with the terrible traffic.
Invisibility Yeah, I mean as someone who hates being the center of attention and being seen in general, I could enjoy this.
X-Ray vision
Time traveling This would be my main superpower of choice.
I Am Scared of:
Open spaces
Small spaces
Needles No tattoos for me, ever. As much as I'd want them hahaha.
Michael Myers
Bugs They just freak me out. They have a lot of legs, some fly, some have that annoying buzz, they come in 47324723 different colors, you never know if it's going to sting you or bite you or fly straight to your ear... just no thanks.
Tiny holes
My Favorite Color Is:
Purple Borahae!
Pink I started liking pink in college, and I'm still here.
I Am Currently Wearing:
A t-shirt
A hoodie
A bra They're nipple tapes but I'm counting them.
Make-up I put on some BB cream, foundation, and concealer today since we had to head out for a bit of a get-together with extended family.
Deodorant I have it on daily.
Something with a superhero/symbol on it
Nail polish
I Would Describe My Best Friend As:
Intelligent She's both book smart and street smart.
Funny We share the same humor so naturally I find her funny, but even outside of that shared humor she tends to crack me up all the time.
Honest Yeah, I mean we're way past the age where we'd feel like giving white lies haha. We just tell each other it like it is at this point.
Reliable I wouldn't be friends with someone I can't find reliable...
Loyal ...Or loyal.
Adventurous Our trip to Thailand together was a shining example. She was always open to trying new things, new food, new spots, new plans...which I appreciated and was happy to ride alongwith.
Unique We all are.
Open-minded I wouldn't be able to be patient with, and much less be friends with, someone who prefers to be stuck in their own circle of thoughts and beliefs.
Well-read Hence her intelligence.
In the Last 24 Hours, I Have:
Drank alcohol I had a bottle of soju earlier.
Had sex
Eaten meat  I saw family earlier and we had a dinner spread that included Korean fried chicken, gimbap, and pork barbecue so there's that.
Danced in public
Went swimming
Changed my clothes more than once
Said something mean I didn't say anything that was mean but I was forced to deliver a few words to a younger cousin in a tone that was on the bitchy side because he was starting to get inebriated and I was starting to be unhappy with his tone.
Cleaned Yeah, I cleaned up my room earlier before we left because I wanted to come back to a room that was spotless.
Spent money on something pointless
Sang aloud I listened to Seventeen in the car with my sister and we were both singing along.
Met someone new
Played a game of some sort I have a game on my phone that I check in on at least once a day.
Things In the Room With Me Now Are:
A TV Which is also currently playing a YouTube video.
Another person
Something that belongs to a child
A pet
Food I have a cup of coffee...do we count that?
Bed And I'm SO excited to sleep in it later.
Art I do have a few art pieces in here, all made by my sister.
Clock not connected to a phone/computer
A mirror
Medicine I have a couple packs of Strepsils here if we're counting them.
Books Mostly books from my younger years since I haven't thrown any of them out, but I also have books I've owned in the last year or so.
Drugs or alcohol
The Last Person I Texted Is:
My significant other
Someone who sucks at spelling
A different race than me
A relative
Someone I don’t really like
Someone I went to high school with
My best friend
A person I work with Kind of. Not a workmate, but he's a work contact.
At home
In the room with me
Knows more than one language  Most Filipinos are at least bilingual.
Is female
Is under the age of 21
Someone I live with
I Am For:
Abortion Her body, her choice.
Death penalty
Gun control Can people just, like, not own guns at all lol. I'm from a country where gun ownership is uncommon so I just really don't understand the frenzy around them.
Gay marriage Should've been legal everywhere to begin with.
Prayer in school
War in the middle east
Marijuana legalization I admittedly need to do more research on this since it's not a big topic where I'm from, but I know it has its medicinal benefits that I wouldn't want to kept from those who can really be helped by it.
Banning cigarettes in public places
Higher taxes Especially for the rich.
Higher minimum wage Because everyone deserves a livable/sustainable wage.
Standardized testing
Lowering the legal age for drinking
I Have Committed These Crimes:
Smoking weed
Shooting heroin
Breaking & entering
Public intoxication
Hit & Run Once, when I had been driving for like only two weeks. It's not something I'm proud of.
Speeding I'm pretty sure I have but no one ever gets pulled over here for speeding lol.
Opening someone else’s mail without their permission
Vehicular manslaughter
Lying under oath
I Took These Classes In High School/College:
Home Ec Yeah this one mandatory all throughout grade school and high school. Wasn't the biggest fan of it and it showed in my grades lol, but at the time it was hard for me to care any less.
Physics I had to take it in senior year high school, then again in my freshman year of college.
Criminal Justice
Journalism That's my college major, so journalism and I definitely had our dance for four whole years. Realized the fieldwork wasn't for me so I went for journalism's closest cousin instead as a career – PR.
Creative Writing
Art I took an art history elective if it counts? One of the classes I enjoyed a little more than others.
Music Theory
Philosophy I had to take it for a couple of years in high school and HATEDDDDD IT. Also in freshman year of college, where I was so close to failing the class because I just could not grasp whatever the fuck concepts were being talked about. The one thing that saved my final grade was the actual finals of the class since it turned out to be objective.
Psychology I took a psych elective since psychology was one of my dream courses and I figured taking a bunch of psych electives can let me be immersed in their world, but my prof wasn't the best and it put me off from taking any further psych electives. I ended up taking a bunch of history ones instead.
What I Watch On TV:
Reality shows about celebrities I don't religiously follow any per se but this is for sure an unguilty pleasure. I'll watch the Kardashians from time to time.
Game shows
News Yes, especially if my dad's home since he likes having the evening news on over dinner.
Reruns of classic shows I watch Friends regularly on Netflix.
Award shows
Modern Family
Doctor Who
Singing competitions
Cooking shows
Traveling shows
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delightsinfo · 7 months
Hola Mexico in Singapore A Celebration of Culture, Cuisine, and Color
Singapore, a bustling metropolis regarded for its vibrant fusion of cultures, has warmly embraced the rich tapestry of Mexico in a celebration that brings the flavors, colors, and spirit of this Latin American gem to the heart of Southeast Asia. "Hola Mexico" has end up extra than just a phrase; hola mexico it's a active embodiment of cultural change, fostering a deep grasp for Mexico's traditions inside the coronary heart of Singapore.
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At the forefront of this cultural fusion are the culinary delights that have captivated Singaporean flavor buds. From the fiery spices of Mexican delicacies to the zestful salsas and delectable tacos, eateries across Singapore have opened their doorways to real Mexican flavors. avenue meals gala's and culinary activities showcase the range of Mexican delicacies, introducing locals and site visitors alike to the complex balance of flavors and textures that outline dishes like mole, tamales, and ceviche.
yet, Hola Mexico is going beyond the palate. it's a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds that delivery Singaporeans into the coronary heart of Mexican festivities. The vibrant colorations of traditional dresses, the rhythmic beats of mariachi tune, and the active footwork of folkloric dances fill the streets and venues, inviting absolutely everyone to enroll in in the birthday celebration.Singaporeans have embraced this cultural change with open fingers, diving into workshops that train the art of traditional Mexican crafts like pottery and weaving. those workshops no longer only maintain age-vintage techniques however additionally offer a deeper grasp of Mexico's artistic history.
inside the realm of cinema and the arts, Hola Mexico has illuminated screens and galleries, showcasing the diverse narratives and creative prowess of Mexican filmmakers and artists. film gala's and art exhibitions have served hola mexico as home windows into Mexico's soul, portraying its history, struggles, and triumphs thru fascinating storytelling and visible artistry.The impact of Hola Mexico extends past just a cultural exchange; it is a bridge that connects human beings from specific corners of the arena. It fosters perception, grasp, and a shared sense of joy in celebrating diversity.
The success of Hola Mexico in Singapore underscores the energy of cultural trade in fostering team spirit amidst diversity. it is a testament to the everyday language of art, food, and party that transcends geographical obstacles.because the colourful colors of Mexico preserve to weave themselves into the material of Singapore's cultural tapestry, Hola Mexico stands as a testament to the splendor and richness that emerge when cultures collide and celebrate their area of expertise collectively. in this union of 2 worlds, Singaporeans have determined a brand new realm of flavors, shades, and traditions, embracing Mexico with a heartfelt "¡Bienvenidos!" into their diverse and dynamic cityscape.know more
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allamericancdjr · 1 year
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royalindianrestro · 2 years
What Are The Most Famous North Indian Dishes
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North Indian food items are always very mouthwatering. If you're an Indian, you cannot help getting the cravings for your native land's food. But, eating your land's authentic food in a foreign country becomes often challenging.
 Therefore, you have to choose North Indian food in Singapore wisely. Know the ingredients of the food. The ingredients of food determine what benefits your health will gain from the dishes. Let's check out the most sold and famous North Indian food and its benefits to your health. 
Rajma chawal is one of the most famous Indian food items.  It consists of red kidney beans which are stewed in a rich gravy combined with numerous spices. The dish is usually prepared for festivities and special occasions when it is typically served alongside rice and pieces of bread such as roti. 
Though it has a close relationship with North Indian, where it's a staple food, red kidney bean was actually brought to the country from Central Mexico and Guatemala. The Mexican version of the dish is much different. Nutritious and hearty rajma is one of the most loved vegetarian curries in North India. 
Main ingredients
Garam masala
Kidney beans
Shahi Paneer
Originating from India's Moghul cuisine, shahi paneer is a cheese curry that is prepared with paneer cheese, onions, almond paste, and a rich, spicy tomato-cream sauce. The dish is typically accompanied by Indian pieces of bread such as naan, roti, or puri.  
It's often referred to as the Royal paneer, traditionally, it's prepared during special occasions and festivities as a vegetarian main course. The leading Indian food delivery in Jalan Besar serves rich, hearty, nutritious, shahi paneer is commonly garnished with coriander leaves. 
Main ingredients
Tomato Sauce
Rogan Josh
Rogan Josh is an automatic lamb curry that is believed to have a Persian origin, although presently it's more closely related to the Kashmir region of India. The stew is characterized by tender meat and a thick, fiery red sauce coming from deseeded Kashmir chilies. 
Lamb pieces are stewed in a gravy made with browned onions, garlic, yogurt, ginger, and aromatic herbs and spices. There is an interesting fact behind the name of the dish. Rogan means clarified butter and Josh is referred to as heat or passion.
Main ingredients
Order Indian food online in Jalan Besar after considering the food value and taste of these dishes. Go for an authentic online food delivery platform that's enough reputable for delicious food items. 
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amshrihari · 3 years
Cafe Market, by Café Type (Seating Cafés and Take Away Cafés), by Offerings (Food (Bakery (Breads, Cookies, Cakes, and Others), Confectionery (Chocolates, Premium Dry Fruits, and Others), Traditional Food (Italian, Mexican, Thai, and Others)) and Beverages (Hot and Cold)), by Ownership Type (Franchise and Local Cafés), and by Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa) - Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2019 - 2027
Cafés are a part of quick service restaurants that serve coffee, tea, and snacks. Cafés are increasingly gaining popularity as hangout place.
Changing lifestyle of consumer results in increasing beverage-based outlets such as Chocolate café, Juice/Smoothie cafe, and Liquor café. Increasing coffee consumption is driving growth of this market. According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), the global consumption of coffee was 151.7 million bags in 2014-2015 and it increased up to 158.9 million bags in 2017-2018.
Increasing use of e-commerce platforms such as online delivery apps for ordering food and beverages is further boosting growth of this market. According to the India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), in 2016, the gross merchandise value (GMV) of online food industry was US$ 300 million and grew at 150% year-on-year.
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Market Outlook:-
Among region, Europe is expected to generate significant market share in terms of revenue in the global café market, owing to increasing demand for coffee in the region. According to the Center for the Promotion of Imports (CBI) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Europe accounted for around 30% of the global coffee consumption market in 2016. Furthermore, increasing specialty coffee shops, owing to changing consumer preference towards specialty coffee, is expected to aid in the café market growth. According to the CBI and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, specialty coffee shops was the fastest growing category in 2016 in this region and increased to 9.1% from 2014 to 2015.
Key players in the café market are focusing on mergers & acquisitions, product launches, and partnerships and collaborations to gain strong foothold in the Europe Café market. For instance, in April 2019, Zorambo Hogareno restaurant announced investment of $50 million to set up 200 premium café outlets under Zorambo brand in the U.K., Germany, Ireland, Singapore, and India within four years. According to the company officials, the company has applied for caféteria, caftaurant, and restaurant format patent in the U.K.
Among region, Asia Pacific is expected to be a lucrative market for cafés over the forecast period. This is attributed to increasing expansion by established brands in India. For instance, in February 2019, Tata Starbucks, a joint venture between Starbucks Coffee (U.S.) and Tata Global Beverages, planned to open more 10 café stores by the end of the year in India.
Key Players:-
Key players operating in the café market include Dunkin Donuts, LLC, McCafé, Barista Coffee Shop, Whitbread plc, Restaurant Brands International Inc., Costa Coffee, Vogue Café, Café Florian, and others
Market Taxonomy:-
On the basis of café type, the global cafés market is segmented into:
Seating Cafés
Take Away Cafés
On the basis of offerings, the global cafés market is segmented into:
Bakery (Breads, Cookies, Cakes, and Others)
Confectionery (Chocolates, Premium Dry Fruits, and Others )
Traditional foods (Italian, Mexican, Thai, and Others )
On the basis of ownership, the global cafés market is segmented into:
Local Cafés
On the basis of region, the global cafés market is segmented into:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East
Rest of Latin America
Rest of Europe
New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
Rest of Middle East
Northern Africa
South Africa
Central Africa
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Coherent Market Insights is a global market intelligence and consulting organization focused on assisting our plethora of clients achieve transformational growth by helping them make critical business decisions.
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olko71 · 3 years
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2020/12/doordashs-ipo-delivers-as-shares-surge-in-market-debut
DoorDash's IPO Delivers as Shares Surge in Market Debut
The New York Stock Exchange welcomed executives and guests of DoorDash via vidoeconference in celebration of DoorDash’s IPO Wednesday.
Photo: NYSE
Micah Maidenberg
Micah Maidenberg
Updated Dec. 9, 2020 4:40 pm ET
DoorDash Inc. DASH 85.79% delivered for investors.
The market leader in U.S. food delivery was greeted with strong investor enthusiasm Wednesday, giving the seven-year-old company a value surpassing many of the restaurant companies that depend on its couriers to deliver their food.
DoorDash has never turned an annual profit, but a surge in demand during the Covid-19 pandemic has helped to transform the San Francisco company. Revenue and orders at DoorDash more than tripled this summer and fall, compared with the year before, as consumers tired of prepping food at home and ordered more meals for delivery.
The result led the company’s valuation to jump to roughly $71.8 billion, as of the close Wednesday, from $15 billion earlier in the year.
Founded in 2013 by Tony Xu, who emigrated from China with his parents when he was five years old, DoorDash now must defend its nearly 50% U.S, market share in the competitive food-delivery industry and stoke further growth to satisfy heightened shareholder expectations. The company believes the ease by which diners can get food delivered won’t be a fad, but demand could slow as vaccines for the coronavirus are distributed and patrons return to restaurant dining rooms they have been avoiding.
“Once people get used to a habit, they tend to stick with it. We saw this with e-commerce, we saw this with booking travel over the internet,” Mr. Xu, a 36-year-old who earned an M.B.A. from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, said in an interview.
DoorDash’s shares opened Wednesday afternoon at $182 on the New York Stock Exchange, 78% above its higher-than-expected initial public offering price. The stock ended trading Wednesday at $189.51, giving it a market value that surpasses the combined worth of Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc., Domino’s Pizza Inc. and Dunkin’ Brands Group Inc.
DoorDash has trained its efforts on suburban areas, allowing the company to benefit in part because families there tend to place larger orders. The company controlled almost half of the U.S. food-delivery market as of mid-October, up from one-third the year earlier, giving it a lead over Uber Technologies Inc.’s UBER 1.47% Eats service, Grubhub Inc. and other rivals.
Ghost kitchens are popping up all over the U.S. as food delivery soars and dining at restaurants plummets amid the pandemic. These businesses, which can host food preparation for multiple restaurants at a single location, are attracting interest from investors and restaurateurs. Photo: Adam Falk/The Wall Street Journal (Originally Published December 3, 2020)
The company will be the only public stand-alone U.S. food-delivery company after Grubhub agreed to be acquired in June. Uber Technologies recently bought rival Postmates Inc. for $2.65 billion, in a move aimed at helping it in delivery.
DoorDash has focused on boosting the number of restaurants consumers can choose from its app and expanded into grocery deliveries during the pandemic. Mr. Xu said deliveries became faster during the health crisis, in part because of less traffic on streets and because DoorDash became more efficient.
The pandemic also has resulted in stronger demand for food-delivery companies. Both chain and independent operators have tapped delivery companies to reach customers as they closed dining rooms or limited seating indoors.
Some restaurant companies have pushed back on the fees and costs that delivery companies charge them. Others, such as Domino’s Pizza, don’t use third-party delivery firms, citing those costs and other factors. Those battles could intensify in the future. Uber, for example, said merchants deserved transparency on pricing when it completed its acquisition of Postmates in December.
DoorDash faced criticism last year from advocates about how its couriers were compensated, a situation that led it to tweak how it handles tips that diners leave for them. The company joined with other on-demand companies to fight a California law that sought to reclassify contract workers as full-time employees.
DoorDash’s public offering occurred amid a surging stock market and robust gains among technology companies listing their stocks for the first time. So far in 2020, more than $140 billion has been raised on U.S. exchanges, far exceeding the previous full-year record set at the height of the dot-com boom in 1999, according to Dealogic data that date to 1995.
Home-rental startup Airbnb Inc. is expected to price its shares above its already increased targeted range later Wednesday, according to people familiar with the matter, in yet another sign of exuberance in the IPO market.
DoorDash’s co-founders, like those from other tech startups, have sought to shore up voting control of their company. Mr. Xu will own a special class of stock through which he will have roughly 69% of the voting control of the company. Mr. Xu said potential investors didn’t ask questions about his voting control.
Major owners of DoorDash stock include entities affiliated with SoftBank Group Corp. , Sequoia Capital and the government of Singapore, according to the company’s prospectus for the public offering.
For the quarter ended Sept. 30, DoorDash reported a net loss of $43 million on $879 million in revenue, compared with a loss of $152 million on $239 million in revenue for the year-earlier period.
—Preetika Rana and Maureen Farrell contributed to this article.
Write to Micah Maidenberg at [email protected]
Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
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milkytejero · 4 years
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jeniferava19 · 4 years
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Choosing the proper catering Services for Your Events
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One of the foremost responsibilities of the organizers is to rent knowledgeable company catering service. The two obvious decisions for doing this could be to either rent a service you've got already tried before; otherwise you may seek for various line companies who would do an equally wise job, even higher. The only drawback once finding out a fresh service is that the thanks to certify they're reaching to deliver as secure.
Buffet Singapore best offers your guests tons of decisions. With plated line, your guests can entirely take the foremost dish, and in most cases, have only one of those main dishes. No seconds! With a buffet, your guests can take entirely what they like. This typically lands up in less food consumption conjointly as less waste. Your guests conjointly won't be cursed side dishes they're doing not relish. Instead, they're going to decide slightly of everything and leave the event feeling satisfied!
If conducting a food based business, you will finally be subject to rigorous health inspections by the native health authorities to create certain everything is set-up and run to a high-standard. A health department may examine a line service for issues that relate to the quality of the area, instrumentality used for food preparation, and conjointly the power for vehicles to manoeuvre food safety.
Party halal buffet Singapore are valuable once you're coming up with a happening. It’s nearly inconceivable organizing a colossal party whereas not the help of a line company. Even with the help of your friends, you still ought to be compelled to pay several hours getting ready the venue, the tables, chairs, covers, decorations, foods, beverages and everything which is able to place your guests throughout a partying mood.
Everyone loves an honest taco or fajita, so your guests and workers will invariably be happy to ascertain one issue all completely different from lunch throughout a box, and conjointly the boss are reaching to be happy too by cutting costs. Mexican line is viewed as a win-win choice as a results of terribly, once it comes all the approach right down to it - people would take an honest taco dish over ham and cheese any day.
Once you're aware of the prices which are able to be associated with your event, you'll come upon everything else. If you're on a good budget, it'll be in your best interest to amass these services before you produce the payment for the entire globe else. Before you produce a payment, certify that you just simply have a clear understanding of the services that the worth includes. This is often the best due to certify that there don't appear to be any misunderstandings.
With luxurious meals baked fully, the satisfaction of the business people is that the priority. Time is incredibly vital for those inside the sector; it's therefore valued by providing a line of merchandise service that's fast and economical. The growing shopper satisfaction makes the business of line of merchandise grow large.
A best halal caterer in Singapore company will would really like myriad men. You will ought to be compelled to rent several cooks, waiters, delivery boys and drivers. You’ll be able to not cook all the food yourself and you'd like facilitate to be tons of economical. Some events need myriad waiters and you beyond any doubt ought to be compelled to speculate on them. You will together would really like people to carry all of your provides and equipments to and off the truck and a driver for the van. However, your staffs are in the main instrument and conjointly the entirely permanent workers are your chefs.
Catering for a tiny low or large crowd is sort of thorough amount of labor, but by swing some thought into your higher psychological feature method you'll check that that your guests will leave on a positive note.
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
South Korea – A Roadmap to COVID-19 Economic Recovery, Everyday Distancing, Restaurants, Cafes, and Bars (1) added to Google Docs
South Korea – A Roadmap to COVID-19 Economic Recovery, Everyday Distancing, Restaurants, Cafes, and Bars (1)
by Don Southerton
Founder and CEO, Bridging Culture Worldwide
People Culture Strategy
Offices: Golden, Colorado, and South Korea
South Korea appears to have reined in the outbreak without some of the strict lockdown strategies deployed elsewhere in the world.
As much of the world is beginning to ease restrictions, Stay at Home and closure of businesses, South Korea as a first mover is tackling one sector highly impacted worldwide – the Food and Beverage industry.
Everyday Distancing
Amid concerns for the second wave of infection, South Korea has set recommendations for ways the country can practice “everyday distancing” that would introduce more sustainable lifestyle changes rather than temporary campaigns.
As part of the guidelines, it recommends that people minimize time spent in restaurants and cafes, sit at least 1 meter from other patrons, and be seated in a row or in a zig-zag to avoid directly facing each other.
Still, the economy and businesses like restaurants, coffee shops, and bars have suffered. Although Korea never experienced mandated widespread closures, Koreans pro-actively stayed away from eateries, bars, and Starbucks. The restaurants and bars did remain open, eagerly waiting for customers who seldom came.
Fast forward, in Korea everyday life today is now resembling something closer to normal. There are lines outside restaurants during lunchtime; malls are bustling, and the streets are busier.
As pointed out by Robert E. Kelly, a professor at Busan National University, many are returning to pre-COVID-19 practices, much the result of corona-fatigue.
As everywhere else, there is pressure to re-open. Everyone is bored and frustrated at home. Businesses are struggling. Families are frazzled at having the kids at home all day every day. People are putting on weight because they are watching too much TV and over-eating. All the same sort of complaints accumulating on social media in Western countries exist here too.
Indeed, corona fatigue set in earlier here. Korea’s clampdown began in mid-March, and one can already see the edges fraying. I see fewer masks on the subways. The lines to pick up government-distributed masks are shorter. Bars and restaurants are filling. 
Pent Up Demand
Along with corona-fatigue, in response to pent up demand we are also seeing consumers back shopping—malls again busy. And, as a result in the past weekend, it was not uncommon at top shopping centers like Shinsegae Department Store, to see food courts with few empty tables.
Likewise, at the Starbucks in the Starfield Mall in Goyang, the baristas were busy working through a backlog of 33 orders with those in line waiting more than 20 minutes to get an iced coffee.
Looking to the Future
In addition to customers returning, we also see some positive signs as the major Korean food groups look to the future.
Korea’s largest food company, the SPC Group, just announced that its affiliate SPC Samlip has acquired the exclusive Korea rights for Eggslut, a popular California egg sandwich franchise. Looking outside Korea, too, SPC also secured the license for Singapore.
The company said it will introduce the first Korean Eggslut in the popular Starfield Coex Mall located in Seoul’s Gangnam District in June 2020.
SPC, which in 2016 had launched US burger chain Shake Shack in Korea, said it will also expand further into the “fine-casual” dining market with brands like Eggslut.
Not alone in moving forward post-COVID-19, Yum Brand’s Taco Bell and their local partner KALISCO, too, just opened their newest fast food restaurant. Located on the 1st floor of the Seoul Express Terminal building, the site is one of the nation’s leading commuter transportation hubs.
One side benefit in the wake of the pandemic experienced by the casual Mexican food franchise is a 56 percent growth in delivery sales in February and March over January.
Likewise, SPC and other franchise restaurants are jumping on the bandwagon, some via their own individual delivery platforms or delivery service apps.
A takeaway, as everyday life moves closer to normal in South Korea, it seems best practices will include new ways to attract customers wary of coming into contact with others while dining out and adopting “everyday distancing.” This will lead to a more routine and sustainable lifestyle—one that will allow restaurants, cafes, and bars to again operate profitably.
As businesses return to normal, it will also allow the potential for new brands to enter the market and current brands to grow.
Don Southerton is a long time C-suite advisor providing strategy, consulting and mentoring to Korea-based global businesses.  Over the past decades he has supported Fortune 500 firms including the Hyundai Motor Company, Yum Brands, Bristol Myers Squibb, the SK Group, and media giant Omnicom – to name but a few.
He writes and speaks frequently on business related topics and the Korean Food and Beverage contributing to The Economist, the BBC, CNN Fortune, Korea Times, Yonhap, Korea Herald, tbs eFM, Wall Street Journal, Branding in Asia, and Forbes.
You can visit him on the web at: www.bridgingculture.com
via RestaurantNews.com http://www.restaurantnews.com/south-korea-a-roadmap-to-covid-19-economic-recovery-everyday-distancing-restaurants-cafes-and-bars-050620/ Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created May 6, 2020 at 10:36PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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hviral · 5 years
Philippine fast food specialist Jollibee hungry to expand in U.S.,
MANILA – Jollibee Foods Corp (JFC.PS), the Philippine fast food specialist known for fried ‘Chickenjoy’ and chopped hotdogs in sweet spaghetti sauce, is doubling down on expansion plans in the United States and China that are likely to include more M&A.
Helped by the purchase of California-based Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in July and having taken full control of Denver-based Smashburger in 2018, it wants to earn 30% of its revenue in the United States in a decade’s time, executives told Reuters.
It is also aiming to lift revenue in China to 30% of overall sales, while the Philippines would fall to 30%.
That would represent a major rejig of revenue streams for Jollibee, which ranks No. 4 among Asia’s listed quick service restaurant firms, and would build upon plans to cut its reliance on its domestic market to 50% of sales in the “medium term”.
Prior to its acquisition of Coffee Bean, the Philippines accounted for 73% of sales while the United States represented 15% and China 12%.
“We want to spread our portfolio and risk,” Jollibee CEO Ernesto Tanmantiong said in an interview. “There’s huge opportunity out there.”
Jollibee, which is valued at $4.8 billion and has 16 brands or franchises to its name, aims to have six brands each in the United States and China, just as it does in the Philippines.
In the U.S. market, it currently has five including its namesake Jollibee restaurant chain and a minority investment in Tortas Frontera, run by Michelin-starred chef Rick Bayless and which offers Mexican-inspired sandwiches at just three outlets in Chicago’s O’Hare airport.
It has three brands in China – the Dunkin Donuts franchise, as well as the Yonghe King noodle and Hong Zhuang Yuan congee restaurant chains.
Jollibee likes to acquire quite small, loss-making firms at low prices and turn them around. It receives business proposals frequently but acquisitions are more often stumbled upon during one of Chairman’s Tony Tan Caktiong long food tasting trips than sought out through bankers.
“Most of the acquisitions resulted from Tan Caktiong eating in a restaurant, liking the food and asking ‘who runs the place?’,” said Erwin Elechicon, former chief of Jollibee’s international operations.
That was the case with Tortas Frontera. Tan, also founder of the company and brother of CEO Tanmantiong, had eaten one of its sandwiches at the airport.
While noting they tend to buy small, Jollibee executives say they are open to any type of acquisition if the food is good.
But they acknowledge their immediate focus is on turning around Smashburger and Coffee Bean – both loss-making and bigger than Jollibee’s usual acquisitions with $210 million spent on Smashburger and Coffee Bean costing $350 million including debt.
Investor concerns that Jollibee is overextended were exacerbated by first-half profit sliding by a third to 2.66 billion pesos ($51 million) due to losses at Smashburger and deliveries problems with its Red Ribbon Bakeshop. Its stock has lost 18% since late July when it announced its purchase of Coffee Bean.
“It would be better for them not to do another acquisition at least of this scale until Smashburger and CBTL become profitable,” said Renzo Louie Candano, analyst at DBP-Daiwa Capital Markets in Manila.
Jollibee believes, however, that it has not overreached. Nor is it concerned that any of its targeted markets are saturated or that it might not be able to compete with the likes of Starbucks (SBUX.O).
“Every restaurant in the Philippines has fried chicken, in Vietnam there are maybe 10 coffee shops on every block. In the midst of all of this competition, there’s always a standout one or two,” said Chief Financial Officer Ysmael Baysa.
“How are you going to do it? Our formula is very simple. Offer the best tasting food at the right price and you’re going to make it.”
He noted that Coffee Bean had a strong presence in Southeast Asia and the Middle East, regions where coffee culture still has a lot of room to grow and that its Highlands Coffee stores in Vietnam logged revenue growth of around 32% last year.
It has also taken on big chains before.
Not long after Jollibee, originally an ice cream parlor, started selling burgers in 1978, friends advised Tan Caktiong and his brothers to quit, warning the imminent arrival of U.S. giant McDonald’s (MCD.N) in Philippines would decimate Jollibee’s six branches.
Undeterred, the firm took on McDonald’s by surrounding each big branch with smaller Jollibee outlets, and measuring the U.S firm’s sales by counting trash outside its branches. Since 1984, Jollibee has outsold McDonald’s domestically.
Outside the Philippines, Jollibee restaurant locations tend to be in areas with large expat Filipino populations. But executives point to its growing popularity with non-Filipinos, particularly in Vietnam, Singapore and Hong Kong.
It also has big plans to expand the Jollibee chain in North America, aiming for 150 U.S. stores and 100 in Canada over five years, up from 37 and 4 respectively.
The post Philippine fast food specialist Jollibee hungry to expand in U.S., appeared first on HviRAL.
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