#Miguele Almagro
miguelalmagro · 1 month
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lascitasdelashoras · 2 months
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Miguel Almagro - Cuando fuimos bárbaros
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docpiplup · 1 year
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New upcoming period drama: Operación Barrio Inglés
Co-produced by RTVE with Onza (El Ministerio del Tiempo, Parot, Hernán) and the Andalusian production company Emociona Media, filming begins for Operación Barrio Inglés, a new intrigue drama for the TV channel La 1.
Spies, Nazis, British and a risky love story set in Huelva in 1940, a city where the conflicts of World War II are reproduced on a smaller scale.
World War II has just broken out.
Although Spain is "neutral" under Franco's dictatorship, Huelva is a strategic enclave to control the ships of both sides that cross the strait. In addition, it has an important British colony. For this reason, the Germans send members of the Secret Service to control what happens in the city, especially in the mines in the province of Huelva, owned by the English, and which provide Great Britain with ore for weapons and artillery.
In this way, Huelva becomes a veritable nest of spies from both sides, among whom the young Lucía is forced to move. She has just turned 25 and has been hired by an English mining company to work in their offices as a secretary.
There she meets the company's manager, Peter, an attractive Englishman with a dark past who drags Lucía into an adventure in which she will be forced to take sides. When you're in the middle of a war, being neutral is not an option.
Data Sheet
Executive Producer: Gonzalo Crespo Gil, José María Irisarri, Pilar Crespo, Gonzalo Sagardía, Clara Almagro, Santiago de la Rica
RTVE executive production: Borja Gálvez
Production Director: Onil Ganguly Directed by: Chiqui Carabante José Ramón Ayerra
Plot direction: Manuel Ríos San Martín Screenwriters: Manuel Ríos San Martín, Victoria Dal Vera, José Ortuño, Virginia Yagüe, Pablo Tobías and Tatiana Rodríguez
Photo Direction: Dani Salo (A.E.C.) and Alejandro Espadero (A.E.C.)
Art Direction: Hector Bertrand
Casting Direction: Juana Martínez
Music: Pablo Cervantes
Wardrobe: Matías Martini
Makeup and hairdressing: Anabel Beato
The series will star Aria Bedmar (Lucía), Peter Vives (Peter) and Rubén Cortada (Francisco).
The cast is completed by Paco Tous (José), Juan Gea (Enrique), Bea Arjona (Amparo), María Morales (Cinta), Chiqui Fernández (Rocío), Kimberley Tell (Agatha), Aida Ballmann (Miss Eva), Silvia Hanneman (Hanna), Yan Tual (Victor), Sue Flack (Miss Parker), Marco Cáceres (Juan), Almagro San Miguel (Toni), Carla Nieto (Sylvia), Ángela Chica (Belén), Clara Navarro (Rebeca), Fran Cantos (Oskar), Stefan Weinert (Schneider), Kevin Brand (Kurt), Frank Feys (Edward), Craig Stevenson (Goodwill), Edu Rejón (Gianni), Gregor Acuña (Dieter), José Luis Rasero (Civil Guard Captain), Gonzalo Trujillo (German Consul), Ken Appledorn (English ambassador) and Carlos Olalla (Father Damián), among others.
Operation Barrio Inglés will have as its settings the old dock of the English mining company and the area of ​​Tinto River and its open-pit mines, as well as the Bellavista neighborhood in the town of Minas de Riotinto, the port of Punta Umbría and the Mazagón beach in Huelva. In Sevilla, among other locations, it will be shot at the Monsalves Palace, and in other areas of the city and province, and also in different parts of Jerez de la Frontera.
About the mines and their location:
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This is the Tinto river, its waters are red due to the high concentration of sulfur and iron oxides in the land (it happens the same with the red lagoon of Mazarrón's mines, Murcia), although it's duscussed if the mining activity has been increasing this characteristic, its water are very acid and are poluted with heavy metals.
The Tinto river (ancient name: Luxia) starts its flow in the Aracena Mountain Range and after 100 km joins the Odiel river (ancient name: Urium) at the height of the city of Huelva.
The mines have been exploited since pre-roman era, by Iberians and Tartessians, to obtein iron, copper, magnesium, silver and gold, which improved trading with the Phoenician, Carthaginian, and Greek colonies that were near to this site (in fact, the city of Huelva was founded by Phoenicians, and it was called Onuba), and eventually the Carthaginians took control of the mines after their expansion throughthe Iberian peninsula. Later, it became one of the most important mining areas of the Roman Empire.
By end of the 19th century, due to económico crisis the Spanish government sold several mines to English Companies, and one of them was the Riotinto mines, who were bought by the Rio Tinto Company Limited (RTC) in 1873, as they were looking for metals that were very demanded in the country due to its high industrialization (in contrast, in Spain the industrialization was scarce and the two main regions in which it was developed were Catalonia and Basque Country)
The RTC was the builder and owner of the railway line that connected the mines with the port of Huelva, where it built a mineral dock to facilitate the unloading and transport of the extracted material by sea to England.
In Riotinto, the luxurious and exclusive neighborhood of Bellavista was built for English personnel, it was a Victorian-style neighborhood that was endowed with tennis courts, golf courses, its own cemetery, a Social Club or even a Presbyterian church.
Huelva capital will also develop under the English influence. The numerous workshops and facilities built by the RTC that gave work to more than seven hundred workers, such as the railway station, changed the appearance of the city and contrasted with the rise of a new bourgeoisie of both Spaniards and foreigners who found themselves linked to the company. The power of the company became such in the city that civil buildings depended on the interests of the company.
Proof of this are the Reina Victoria neighborhood, as a garden city that welcomed part of its employees; the construction of Casa Colón, which ended up becoming the headquarters for the company's offices; the disappeared English Hospital; or the gigantic mineral pier located on the Odiel River. The English population introduced football, being the Huelva Football Club the first football team in Spain, founded in 1889.
In Punta Umbría, the British managers of the Rio Tinto Company Limited (RTC) erected rest areas for their employees. Since 1883 some constructions were carried out in the area, in wood and of the bungalow type, but it would not be until 1896 when the RTC was granted the possibility of establishing houses in this area, to which many RTC employees and their families went in summer to the beach through the Riotinto railway.
In 1943, the corpse of Glyndwr Michael, a Welsh homeless, disguised as a British Marine oficer called William Martin with information about a fake plan of the Allies to attack Greece was found drowned near the coast of Huelva, in Punta Umbría. This was part of the Operation Mincemeat to distract the Nazis and attack Sicily instead. Operation Mincemeat was a important plot in episode 3×02, Tiempo de Espías, from El Ministerio del tiempo. Well, although in the episode the original Operation is cancelled and a character named William Martin later takes the place of the original "William Martin", so the Operation success.
Years later, in 1954 the Riotinto mines returned to national property, under the CEMRT (Compañía Española de Minas de Río Tinto)
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artmialma · 1 year
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"Female nude" 1913
NIETO was halfway between realism and a vague idealistic and elegant sophistication, very much impregnated with literature.
Nieto is represented in the Museums of Fine Arts in Pontevedra and Oviedo, the National Theatre Museum in Almagro and the San Fernando Academy, as well as in important private collections in Spain and abroad.
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mr-e-gallery · 1 year
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miguel almagro
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Reading newspapers....Miguel Almagro, (b. 1967, Spain).Miguel Almagro is an artist who won first prize in a competition for amateur artists which publisher Toutain held in 1990. As a result he became a contributor to Toutain’s magazines.
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lillianeshaw24 · 5 months
Ayers, Susan, Daniel B. Wright, and Alexandra Thornton. 2018. “Development of a measure of postpartum PTSD: The city birth trauma scale.” Frontiers in Psychiatry 9. Retrieved July 24, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00409).
Benyamini, Yael, Maya L. Molcho, Uzi Dan, Miri Gozlan, and Heidi Preis. 2017. “Women’s attitudes towards the medicalization of childbirth and their associations with planned and actual modes of birth.” Women and Birth: Journal of the Australian College of Midwives 30(5). Retrieved August 6, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wombi.2017.03.007).
Campero, Lourdes, Cecilia García, Carmen Díaz, Olivia Ortiz, Sofía Reynoso, and Ana Langer. 1998. “'Alone, I wouldn't have known what to do': A qualitative study on social support during labor and delivery in Mexico.” Social Science & Medicine 47(3). Retrieved August 1, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0277-9536(98)00077-X).
Cohen Shabot, Sara. 2021. “‘You are Not Qualified—Leave it to us’: Obstetric Violence as Testimonial Injustice.” Human Studies 44(4). Retrieved July 19, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10746-021-09596-1).
Diaz-Tello, Farah J. D. 2016. “Invisible wounds: obstetric violence in the United States.” Reproductive Health Matters24(47). Retrieved July 13, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rhm.2016.04.004).
Jardim, Danúbia M. B. and Celina M. Modena. 2018. “Obstetric violence in the daily routine of care and its characteristics.” Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 26. Retrieved July 9, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1590/1518-8345.2450.3069).
Logan, Rachel G., Monica R. McLemore, Zoe Julian, Kathrin Stoll, Nisha Malhotra, and Saraswathi Vedam. 2022. “Coercion and non‐consent during birth and newborn care in the United States.” Birth (Berkeley, Calif.) 49(4). Retrieved July 13, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1111/birt.12641).
Lokugamage, A. U. and S. D. C. Pathberiya. 2017. “Human rights in childbirth, narratives and restorative justice: a review.” Reproductive Health 14(1). Retrieved August 5, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1186/s12978-016-0264-3). 
Martinez-Vázquez, Sergio, Julián Rodríguez-Almagro, Antonio Hernández-Martínez, and Juan Miguel Martínez-Galiano. 2021. “Factors associated with postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder (Ptsd) following obstetric violence: A cross-sectional study.” Journal of Personalized Medicine 11(5). Retrieved July 24, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.3390/jpm11050338).
Plummer, Marilyn and Lynne E. Young. 2010. “Grounded Theory and Feminist Inquiry: Revitalizing Links to the Past.” Western Journal of Nursing Research 32(3). Retrieved September 28, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1177/0193945909351298). 
Sadler, Michelle, Mário J. Santos, Dolores Ruiz-Berdún, Gonzalo L. Rojas, Elena Skoko, Patricia Gillen, and Jette A. Clausen. 2016. “Moving beyond disrespect and abuse: addressing the structural dimensions of obstetric violence.” Reproductive Health Matters 24(47). Retrieved August 5, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rhm.2016.04.002). 
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miguelalmagro · 1 year
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Lovecraft forever
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lascitasdelashoras · 5 months
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Miguel Almagro
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amrinderhallal · 1 day
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Almagro Interior Development, Spain design by Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociados
23 May 2016
New York Burger Restaurant in Almagro, Madrid Design: Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociados
www.e-arechitect.com code kps9 Location: Miguel Angel 16, Almagro, Madrid, Spain Popular eatery New York Burger opened a new branch of its restaurant chain in the Almagro neighborhood of Madrid, known for its aristocratic topansa1.com recicle residences, which nowadays are mainly public buildings and offices. The new location was considered strategically a good bet for the profile of New York Burger’s clients.
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donesshravanthi · 1 day
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New York Burger Restaurant in Madrid
Almagro Interior Development, Spain design by Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociados
23 May 2016
New York Burger Restaurant in Almagro, Madrid Design: Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociados
www.e-arechitect.com code kps9 Location: Miguel Angel 16, Almagro, Madrid, Spain Popular eatery New York Burger opened a new branch of its restaurant chain in the Almagro neighborhood of Madrid, known for its aristocratic manymoons.com recicle residences, which nowadays are mainly public buildings and offices. The new location was considered strategically a good bet for the profile of New York Burger’s clients.
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anzarharrowven · 2 days
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New York Burger Restaurant in Madrid
Almagro Interior Development, Spain design by Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociados 23 May 2016 New York Burger Restaurant in Almagro, Madrid Design: Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociados www.e-arechitect.com code kps9 Location: Miguel Angel 16, Almagro, Madrid, Spain Popular eatery New York Burger opened a new branch of its restaurant chain in the Almagro neighborhood of Madrid, known for its aristocratic topansa1.com recicle residences, which nowadays are mainly public buildings and offices. The new location was considered strategically a good bet for the profile of New York Burger’s clients.
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miguelalmagro · 9 months
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Wish you were here...
Felices fiestas.
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lilianszumlewicz · 2 days
New York Burger Restaurant in Madrid
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Almagro Interior Development, Spain design by Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociados 23 May 2016 New York Burger Restaurant in Almagro, Madrid Design: Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociados www.e-arechitect.com code kps9 Location: Miguel Angel 16, Almagro, Madrid, Spain Popular eatery New York Burger opened a new branch of its restaurant chain in the Almagro neighborhood of Madrid, known for its aristocratic topansa1.com recicle residences, which nowadays are mainly public buildings and offices. The new location was considered strategically a good bet for the profile of New York Burger’s clients.
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kushbahluffy418 · 2 days
New York Burger Restaurant in Madrid
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Almagro Interior Development, Spain design by Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociados23 May 2016New York Burger Restaurant in Almagro, MadridDesign: Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociadoswww.e-arechitect.com code kps9Location: Miguel Angel 16, Almagro, Madrid, SpainPopular eatery New York Burger opened a new branch of its restaurant chain in the Almagro neighborhood of Madrid,known for its aristocratic topansa1.com recicle residences, which nowadays are mainly public buildings and offices.The new location was considered strategically a good bet for the profile of New York Burger’s clients.
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piryankabeat704 · 2 days
New York Burger Restaurant in Madrid
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Almagro Interior Development, Spain design by Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociados23 May 2016New York Burger Restaurant in Almagro, MadridDesign: Isabel Lopez Vilata + Asociadoswww.e-arechitect.com code kps9Location: Miguel Angel 16, Almagro, Madrid, SpainPopular eatery New York Burger opened a new branch of its restaurant chain in the Almagro neighborhood of Madrid,known for its aristocratic topansa1.com recicle residences, which nowadays are mainly public buildings and offices.The new location was considered strategically a good bet for the profile of New York Burger’s clients.
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