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Negritos of Philipiness Smallish Negro men can be found dotting all the coasts of East Africa and Arabia through India, the Isolated Mincopies of Andaman Islands, to Sakai of Malaysia, Thailand, Paupans of New Guinea, and Solomon Islands, and the Etaes of Philipines. The Portugese who were the first Europeans to come in contact with these people originally called them “Moors” because they looked like any other Moor (Blackamoor/Negro) that they had met either in Europe, Africa, Arabia, or India. Moor was the international designation of the African then. Later when the Moor was subjugated and “denigrated” his name was changed to Negros and Negritos by his oppressors. That is how come we have Negritos in Asia. The presence of Negritos over so large an area has especially attracted the attention of anthropologists who have taken generally one or the other of two theories advanced to explain it: First, that the entire oceanic region is a partly submerged continent, once connected with the Asiatic mainland and over which this aboriginal race spread prior to the subsidence. The second theory is that the peopling of the several archipelagoes by the Negritos has been a gradual page spread from island to island. Although they were originally sea faring people, they are for the most part inland dwellers these days. The fact that they live farther inland than the stronger peoples is also evidence that they were the first inhabitants, for it is not natural to suppose that a weaker race could enter territory occupied by a stronger and gain a permanent foothold there. https://www.africaresource.com/rasta/sesostris-the-great-the-egyptian-hercules/negritoes-of-philipines-moors-of-the-eastern-and-the-southern-seas-oguejiofo-annu/
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