#Miri's Picture Journal
lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Omg, Rei’s smiling face! T0T <3 Miri’s Picture Journal #8
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Bold Text: きょうのできごと - What Happened Today
Japanese: れいパパのたんじょうびをおいわいしました。たのしかったです
English: We celebrated Papa Rei’s birthday. It was fun
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spacenutspod · 11 months
When the JWST activated its penetrating infrared eyes in July 2022, it faced a massive wish-list of targets compiled by an eager international astronomy community. Distant, early galaxies, nascent planets forming in dusty disks, and the end of the Universe’s dark ages and its first light were on the list. But exoplanets were also on the list, and there were thousands of them beckoning to be studied. But one distant solar system stood out: HR 8799, a system about 133 light-years away. Why this system over others? 15 years ago astronomers discovered three exoplanets orbiting the star. Not long after they announced a fourth, all detected with direct imaging. They’re all massive planets on wide orbits, which are rare. The HR 8799 system is also young, another important point. The fact that they were discovered 15 years ago is also important; it means we have observations of these planets that span a lengthy time. This type of data is critical to understanding other solar systems because the duration of the data paints a more complete picture. However, it also poses more questions and whets our appetite for more answers. That’s why the JWST observed the system recently. Its MIRI instrument and its coronagraph can perform the kind of high-contrast imaging needed to understand the system better. A new paper presents the results of these observations. It’s title is “Imaging detection of the inner dust belt and the four exoplanets in the HR 8799 system with JWST’s MIRI coronagraph.” It’ll appear in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics, and the lead author is Anthony Boccaletti from the LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, France. HR 8799 is 1.5 times more massive than the Sun and is almost five times more luminous. It’s also surrounded by a debris disk and is only about 30 million years old. Young solar systems are important because they can reveal the intricate details behind planet formation, one of the things the JWST was built to focus on. The four planets are HR 8799 b, c, d, and e. They’re all massive planets, between 5.7 and 9.1 Jupiter masses, barely below the point where deuterium fusion takes place, making them brown dwarfs. They range from 16 to 71 astronomical units away from the star, and have orbits from about 45 to about 460 years. All four of them have radii of about 1.2 Jupiter radii. A portrait of the HR8799 planetary system as imaged by the Hale Telescope. A fourth planet was eventually discovered. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Palomar Observatory. Massive giant planets that follow large orbits greater than 5 AU are rare. So every instance of these types of planets is important. MIRI’s high contrast imaging can open up a new window on these types of systems and allowing scientists to characterize them more fully. Mid-infrared observations of the system have been difficult up until now. Not only that, but the JWST’s angular resolution makes the observations even more powerful. What did the JWST find? “Overall, the MIRI images of the HR 8799 system yield a very different vision than in the near IR, with the clear detection of the four planets, together with a localized but extended central emission,” the authors write. The JWST was able to refine what we already know about some aspects of this system. The main objective of this work was to characterize the planetary atmospheres better. While there has been some uncertainty around the nature of the planets, and if they are brown dwarfs, the JWST observations put that idea to rest. “Their colors indicate that these four giant planets differ from field brown dwarfs,” the authors write. An artist’s depiction of the relative sizes of the Sun, a low-mass star, a brown dwarf, Jupiter, and the Earth. While there was some initial uncertainty over the nature of the planets around HR 8799, the JWST images confirmed them as planets rather than brown dwarfs. Image Credit: Jupiter: NASA,ESA,and A. Simon (NASA,GSFC); Sun and Low-Mass Star: NASA,SDO; Brown Dwarf: NASA,ESA,and JPL-Caltech; Earth: NASA; Infographic: NASA and E. Wheatley (STScI) Their temperatures range from 900 K to 1300 K, with HR 8799 b being fainter and cooler. The JWST measurement’s shows that planet b’s temperature is lower than previous observations showed, an indication of the telescope’s greater power. MIRI also identified two atmospheric chemicals unequivocally: H2O and CO. The authors say there’s a debatable detection of methane, and that’s additional evidence that they’re planets not brown dwarfs. Brown dwarfs always show the signature for methane at these temperatures. The JWST’s MIRI instrument was built with different filters. They were partly designed to investigate the presence of ammonia, which is a solid biosignature on terrestrial planets. Unfortunately, these four planets are a little too hot for ammonia to stand out. “As a result, the current data cannot conclude on the detectability of the ammonia feature in the HR 8799 planets,” the paper states. If it had detected ammonia, it would be headline news. This is one of the JWST’s MIRI images of HR 8799 and its four planets. It won’t grace the cover of a magazine; it’s a scientific image. Image Credit: Boccaletti et al. 2023. The HR 8799 system is also noteworthy for its debris disk. It’s unusual in that it has two belts. Researchers have wondered if the inner edge of the outer belt was caused by a fifth planet with a mass between Jupiter’s and Saturn’s. Others thought it might be a dust clump. But the JWST shows that it’s a background object, and seems to have ended the debate. “With a new data point, 4.44 years apart from the former detection, we can now safely conclude that this is a backgroundobject,” the authors write. The powerful filters on the JWST’s MIRI instrument ended the debate about a potential fifth planet at HR 8799. This MIRI image helped determine that the object is in fact a background object. Image Credit: Boccaletti et al. 2023. This was the JWST’s first look at a young exoplanetary system with its MIRI instrument, including its filters and its coronagraph. “The MIRI instrument onboard JWST is now offering high-contrast imaging capacity at mid-IR wavelengths, thereby opening a completely new field of investigation to characterize young exoplanetary systems,” the authors explain. As such, the main thrust of the work was to test the observations and different algorithms to determine how to best use it in future work, and how to interpret the results. For example, measuring a planet’s flux successfully means accounting for how the coronagraph attenuates the images, depending on a planet’s position. These observations contribute to using the instrument more effectively. Ironically, MIRI’s coronagraph can be so sensitive that understanding its images of young stellar systems can be challenging. The use of the instrument is only in its infancy, and the coronagraphs extreme sensitivity “can make the detection and the interpretation of young system observations very challenging, not mentioning the confusion related to background galaxies,” the authors write. The authors point out that there’s still room for improvement, and these results will only lead to improved future results. The post JWST Sees Four Exoplanets in a Single System appeared first on Universe Today.
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
🎶 my music taste is a fucking mess (god help me)
but if i had to choose like four songs that encapsulate my music taste as of recently they'd be king of my heart (taylor swift), hot patootie (meat loaf), spillways (ghost), satellite (the night flight orchestra), and another chapter (arielle jacobs) from the recently released between the lines musical!
oooh, this was a toughie…. OKAY, you have two categories, miri!!!
no. 1: polaroid pictures, writing in journals, sitting in a bay window overlooking the garden, dancing alone in your room, hanging in one of those novelty diners and listening to the jukebox! this tastes like milkshakes and cherries!
no 2: there’s a grit to it, riding your bike down the road at full speed, windows down in the car—lots of movement and intensity to it. it feels like digging your heels in before taking off. it smells a bit like bonfire smoke to me!! i feel like i’m going to look up and see trails left by jet planes in the sky!
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forlornmelody · 5 years
Traitor, Martyr, Spy--Chapter 4: What They Don’t Know Will Kill Them
Rating: Explicit (some chapters have smut)
Ship: Miranda Lawson x Femshep
AO3 Link: Here
Summary:  Miranda gathers information from her contacts about Oriana's disappearance. Each step she takes brings her closer to her past, and closer to danger.
With her liaison with Artemis out of the way, Miranda hopes she can focus more on the task at hand. She’s already dallied too long, and Oriana may already be out of her reach. But she must keep looking.
Her first contact meets her in a public restroom, tucked away from security cameras and C-Sec’s purview. Not everyone wants their whereabouts noticed by law enforcement. Miranda closes the bathroom stall behind her, locks it, and knocks on the wall three times. The person on the other side knocks twice in reply. Good. An imposter would imitate the number of knocks exactly.
Neither of them speaks, in case the room has been bugged. And they turn their omni-tools off in turn. Sometimes the best way to avoid an enemy interception to exchange their information on paper. An expensive act with so many of the galaxy’s forests protected by Council Law, but no one can hack paper.
Miranda has never been fond of contamination, though her immune system will fight off nearly anything without a single symptom--likely her father’s work. She just can’t stand the thought of sullying her tailored uniform, let alone her skin. The thought of sitting on a toilet makes her want to vomit, so Miranda squats instead, and reaches under the door for the slip of paper.
Synthetic gloves brush against hers, and Miranda reads a slip the size of a cookie fortune. The front has a date--the date Oriana was taken. The back has a name--her father’s. Before Miranda can ask why or where--her contact slams the door open and walks out of the restroom without washing their hands.
That night Miranda dreams of her father’s estate. The postmodern mansion nestled in Bellevue Hill had spaces most humans only dreamed off. Three floors, tennis courts, climbing walls, a heated mosaic swimming pool and alfresco patio just outside the home theater and library. Views of Sydney Harbour on the outside and crisp, clean black, white, and gold interiors within. Henry Lawson’s first floor served as yet another entertainment space with a grand open floor plan, carport, formal and informal living spaces with plush cushions and well-lit interiors. His second floor had a master suite, and three additional bedrooms. Miranda would have preferred to keep her bedroom as far from possible from her father, but he insisted she sleep in the room closest to the guest bathroom. So he could show her off to his guests, most likely. Her father always did enjoy parading her around like some sort of trophy.
That was what their guests saw. Henry never offered to show them where the car-sized elevator descended after they left. They assumed Henry Lawson had a private collection of luxury cars and didn’t care to reveal them to would-be gossipers and thieves. Or perhaps he stored proprietary information and projects down there. Surely all would come to light at the right time. Growing up, even Miranda wasn’t to take the vehicle elevator. The first time she tried--her father locked her in his walk-in closet for three days. The second time--when she had successfully moved from the ground floor to the basement only to be caught before she could open the doors--he forced her hand upon the stovetop burners until her skin had burned black. Much to his satisfaction, her skin healed within a week. It was then she started wearing black gloves to cover the bandages.
Miranda knows immediately where she has ended up in this nightmare. It’s the storage room--the room she finally breached on her third attempt. Goosebumps race down her skin and won’t go away no matter how much she tries to rub them off. Her legs carry her on auto pilot, and Miranda feels like a prisoner in her own skin. Glass vats lined the concrete, windowless walls, carrying humanoid shapes in various stages of development--from embryos to newborn. One vat, in the corner, has a form that matches her baby pictures. Ice shoots down Miranda’s spine.
She reads through his journal entries and listens to his audio logs. Miranda is Sample 37--Henry Lawson’s most successful attempt at creating a daughter. He had always told her mother had died in childbirth. Here she learns she has no mother--only cloned tissue with altered chromosomes. Some of Henry’s earlier attempts included sons--but he quickly decided girls were easier to influence and mold into his image. But what happened to her brothers and sisters?
The Illusive Man always welcomes additional specimens. He most highly prizes those with biotic abilities--paying double for those with the genetic markers. Perhaps he wants to fashion and train his own biotic army.
Henry must have loved the idea--an entire army of biotic soldiers who resemble his best features. It made Miranda want to throw up.
Miranda shows so much promise, but she asks too many questions. I will not be repeating the incident with Sample 25. As soon as Sample 38 is ready I will give the Illusive Man a call. I think I will call her Ariel.
“Miri? What are you doing down here?”
Jerking around, Miranda closes the Haptic Adaptive Interface behind her. Nicket looks at her wide-eyed, his face quickly turning green at the site of all the vats around him. “I need your help.”
Miranda wakes up in a cold sweat, still hearing the hum of her father’s machines in her ears as she takes a shower. Even the water can’t wash off the slimy feeling of the fluid behind the glass. It’s as if she’s still trapped in one of those vats herself. I won’t let you him hurt you, Ori. I promise.
Her next contact agrees to meet with Miranda during an upcoming Hanar Enkindlers Rally. It seems an odd time to be hosting a religious event, but then again, perhaps not. With the Reapers destroying the known universe, perhaps some of Hanar are looking for answers in their ancestral religions. Miranda never considered herself particularly spiritual. The only religion her father raised in her is one of wealth and influence--like prosperity gospel and eugenics had an incestuous child.
And then there’s the surprise arrival of a real-live Prothean to the Citadel. Of course, Artemis is involved, why wouldn’t she be? Her Asari archeologist friend, Liara T’soni, must be over the moon.
Mixing in with the crowd, Miranda makes a move to activate the biolumincent translators in her ears, but she really activates a private communication channel instead. The Hanar light up in a gorgeous cascade of colors as the rally begins, and her contact steps up beside her, keeping her eyes forward to the stage. A once infamous Hanar preacher takes the stage as Miranda’s contact pings her coms.
He’s really moved up in the world, hasn’t he? Her contact’s mouth never opens. Instead, she ‘speaks’ by typing out a message on her thighs. Instantaneously cybernetic pads in her fingers relay the message to both their comms.
Miranda eyes the stage--a ceiling high banner displays what must be a photograph of the recently awakened Prothean. Though she’s never studied the facial expressions of that ancient race, she can’t help but think he looks unimpressed with the photographer. He sure has. The fearful masses must be funding this Hanar preacher’s rally--where else would he have secured the funds? How is my father? Is he well?
They don’t dare speak plainly. Hanar bioluminescence, when propagated in high numbers, does produce a sort of digital interference against most prying eyes and ears--especially those over long distances. But there’s still a chance someone else in the crowd will be trying to listen in.
More than well, I hear he landed a new project with his old friend Tim.
Alarms ring in Miranda’s mind so loudly she swears the Hanar surrounding them can hear. I’m sorry. Could you repeat that? Her father disavowed Cerberus after The Illusive Man took her in and refused to give her up. He was one of Cerberus’s largest supporters, and took some time (and a few assassinations) for the Illusive Man to replenish his resources.
Your father is working for Tim.
Before Miranda can argue, her contact has disappeared through the waves glowing tentacles. Miranda is about to go looking for them when the Hanar next to her suddenly goes dark. Their levitation pack still functions, and so the Hanar goes on floating, but its pink color quickly fades to gray. It happens so suddenly Miranda forgets to turn her translator back on. Instead of screams, she sees each of the surrounding members of the crowd flash red and black as they flee from the corpse.
Miranda heard no shot fired, nor impact of a bullet or laser. The dead hangar didn’t move, as if hit by a blast.
Stab wound?
No. No strangulation marks either.
She recalls the warning signs on the beaches back home. MARINE STINGERS ARE PRESENT IN THESE WATERS DURING SUMMER MONTHS. The first aid stations providing vinegar. Miranda scans the body and finds stingers lodged in the Hanar’s skin.
A rare Hanar assassin and Miranda is surrounded by suspects.
She can’t stay on the Citadel, not anymore. Running to the elevator she scans security feeds of her apartment to confirm what she already knows--someone has turned it upside down looking for her. Too bad for them--she never leaves anything behind.
It’s only later Miranda remembers that back on Earth--jellyfish never sting their own species. She hacks into the database of the nearest morgue and finds what she already suspects--the venom came from a Terran jellyfish, delivered with stingers made of steel, not flesh. A chill runs down her spine when she spots the scientific name: chironex fleckeri. It couldn’t be any sort of jellyfish venom, no. Whoever the assassin was--they chose the species from the shores of Sydney. Someone is trying to send her a message.
Too bad for them--I’m not listening. Not to Cerberus. Not to her father. Not to anyone.
Just after Miranda lands on Illium, all of Miranda’s contacts on the Citadel go dark. Reapers? No. Their access to the galaxy’s political center was cut off when Shepard battled Saren. That left Miranda only one possibility. Only one party who would have the interest and the resources to take over the Citadel to quickly and easily, with no warning.
Which meant Ori wasn’t there when it happened. Their father would never allow Ori that close to danger. Would he?
And Shepard was still on Tuchanka. Miranda had been following Artemis’s exploits on that barren, irradiated planet. On a lark, she looks up for Alliance News updates, and her heart plummets to her stomach.
Genophage Cured. Normandy Departs Arlak System and Krogan DMZ.
Her heart thunders inside her ribcage. Please not the Citadel. Please. Miranda hacks into Alliance Space Traffic Control, and finds the Normandy docked at the Citadel.
Artemis. With every comm dark, Miranda can’t even log into C-Sec’s cameras. It’s worse than when Artemis was under house arrest.
After several agonizing hours, Miranda’s contacts check in, or at least, some do. Shepard is alive. Thane Krios is in critical condition. Councilor Udina is dead, as he should be. Bastard.
Miranda sends Shepard a message, telling her to meet her on the Citadel. But she has no intention of going in person. Instead she hacks into Alliance QEC. Surely Shepard will understand.
QEC’s are hard to come by, especially in war, so Miranda finds one in an Illium high rise, belonging to a board member who serves as a de facto politician. The board member should have gone home for the day, leaving her office, and her Quantum Entanglement Communicator available for use.
The QEC shimmers as Artemis materializes in its hologram. She hasn’t showered--still covered in soot, dirt, bruises, and cuts. But she’s standing. And she’s breathing. Miranda lets out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “Thank God you’re alright.”
Artemis glowers at her in blue. “I’m fine.” Her eyes are puffy and would probably be red from crying if the QEC didn’t blue tint everything coming through its feeds.
“Miranda. You told me you’d meet me here. You lied.”
“The Citadel isn’t safe.”
“I know that, Miri,” Artemis spits. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I just fended off a fucking coup.”
Artemis never swears, except in cases of high emotion. Sometimes Miranda wonders if she does it on purpose so that her expletives carry more punch when she finally uses them. Miranda feels a jolt in her gut.
Before she can even open her mouth, Artemis continues. “You could have died, Miranda. And I wouldn’t know until I got here.”
“I want to be there, in person, but I can’t. Someone already tried to assassinate me.”
Artemis’s eyes widen, and her shoulders sag. “Kai Leng?”
“He tried to take out Councilor Valern.”
Miranda recalls the flames she trapped him in. The stench of burning flesh. Leng’s scream loud, then gradually muffled as she flees the scene. “That slippery bastard’s still alive?”
Artemis nods, and Miranda swears under her breath. “That complicates things. I’ll be on my guard.”
Her love continues to soften, unwilling to part in anger. “Miri. Be careful.”
If only. They both know nothing cared for is safe in war. “I can’t promise that. Could you?”
Artemis closes her eyes, and it’s hard to tell through the flickering projection, but Miranda swears she sees a glimmer of a tear. She hasn’t seen her cry since Aratoht. “Artemis, we’ll get through this.”
Her gaze hardens as she snaps back. “You can’t promise that either.”
“I know.” I wish I could. They talk about Ori, and Miranda tells her what she knows, which isn’t much. Artemis bristles at the mention of Cerberus, especially at the mention of Miranda’s father, but she doesn’t insist on helping. Maybe she trusts Miranda to take care of herself. Or perhaps, she’s tired of playing cat and mouse.
“I love you,” Miranda says, and she hears footsteps outside.
“Huh? Who’s in there?” the guard calls out, flashing a light inside the dark office Miranda’s borrowing.
“I’ve got to go.” Miranda closes the QEC before Artemis can reply.
Miranda knows when Oriana was taken, and who likely is involved, but where did they take her? Henry Lawson’s home stands only as a pile of rubble after the Reapers touched down. Where would that monster go after his original lair was destroyed? If he was working with the Illusive Man….
She wakes up several hours later, with her desk as her pillow, and her Haptic Adaptive Interface glowing into her eyeballs. Looking at the screen, Miranda searches for meaning in the jumble of letters across her screen, but the words might as well be written in Prothean. You’re no use to Oriana like this.
After showering, Miranda meanders through the stock exchange of Nos Astra, listening to everything and nothing while she tries to decide what to eat. One Asari is complaining about her boss, another is ranting about her partner, a volus insists on buying an attachment that clearly isn’t designed for their physiology. Miranda’s stomach growls. Do Asari make sushi? They are known for their seafood. Opening her omni tool, Miranda hears an advertisement blaring from a nearby terminal.
“If you’re not sure where to go, come to Sanctuary. We’ll keep you safe.” Maybe blaring is the wrong word. The words flow more like a soft whisper. Calming. Soothing. Beckoning. Just as the advertisement switches to the next slot, Miranda waves her omni-tool for more information, and a chill runs down her spine.
At first glance, Sanctuary seems innocuous enough, necessary even. A sort of refugee camp in the partially abandoned colony of Horizon. Miranda calls the information number and listens to the automated message.
Welcome to your new home, the voice over drips into her ears like honeyed wine. Sanctuary accepts one and all, providing safety and comfort to those who have lost their homes. We use state of the art technology to protect you and your loved ones. Let us be your Sanctuary.
It sounds less like a refugee camp, and more like a luxury resort.
As Miranda listens, she continues scrolling through Sanctuary’s Extranet site. She has no reason to suspect her father in this, and yet everything seems to have his fingerprints on it. The clean, crisp aesthetics, the terraced gardens, pristine, and entirely unnecessary water features. You couldn’t just build a refugee camp, could you, Father. You had to make it your mansion, too.
The touch-tone menu provides options for housing assistance, employment opportunities, directions and coordinates, and the resident directory. When Miranda selects the last option, she’s directed to an error message.
Due to the high volume of calls, the resident directory is unavailable at this time. Please check back later.
It’s not so much about what information line says, but what it doesn’t say. Even the news sources Miranda consults have little to say beyond the press releases provided. She has no proof, none, but her father must be involved. Or perhaps, it’s the sleep-deprivation talking.
All pomp and circumstance about his grand estate--until someone asks to go down the car elevator.
Miranda has no other leads. She could be completely off-base with this conspiracy theory, but what else can she do? She can’t give up on her sister. Opening her omni-tool, Miranda makes a few calls.
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rytfujgkuhhgmjgh · 6 years
modern au miri the only remaining member of a dying paper newspaper who doesn’t quite understand that the paper industry is disintegrating or at least refuses to understand it, lives in a shitty apartment with two other roommates whom she hates and a cat who she adores, is one of Those People who owns fifteen vintage cameras and has an artsy, staged instagram but also has a private insta where she posts pictures of her cat and memes and shit all the time, refuses to work for buzzfeed because it’s “not real journalism” and is that exact kind of snooty
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drangsaldrangsal · 4 years
Siblings of Kids With Intellectual Disabilities Score High in Empathy
A new study suggests that the sibling relationship between a typically-developing child and a brother or sister with an intellectual disability tends to be more supportive and empathetic than the relationship between two typically-developing siblings.
Using artwork and questionnaires, researchers from Tel Aviv University (TAU) and the University of Haifa examined the relationships of typically developing children and their siblings either with or without intellectual disabilities.
“Having a child with a disability in a family places unique demands on all family members, including typically developing siblings,” said Professor Zaidman-Zait from the Department of School Counseling and Special Education at TAU’s Constantiner School of Education.
“Although challenges exist, they are often accompanied by both short- and long-term positive contributions.”
“Through our research, we found that relationships among children with siblings with intellectual disabilities were even more supportive than those among typically developed siblings. Specifically, we found that children with siblings with intellectual disabilities scored higher on empathy, teaching and closeness and scored lower on conflict and rivalry than those with typically developing siblings.”
Previous studies on how having a sibling with a developmental disability affects children’s social-emotional and behavioral outcomes have shown mixed results. At times, the findings suggested that having a sibling with developmental disabilities led to greater variability in typically developing children’s behavior and adjustment.
“But these studies did little to tap into the inner worlds of children, which really can only be accessed through self-expression in the form of art or self-reporting, independent of parental intervention, which is the route we took in our study,” said Zaidman-Zait.
The study involved around 60 children, ages 8-11, half of whom had typically developing siblings, and half with intellectually disabled siblings.
Both groups of children — those with and without siblings with intellectual disabilities — were asked to draw themselves and their siblings. Licensed art therapists then used several set criteria to “score” the illustrations: the physical distance between the figures; the presence or absence of a parent in the illustration; the amount of detail invested in either the self-portrait or the sibling representation; and the amount of support given to a sibling in the picture.
“We drew on the basic assumption that artistic creation allows internal content to be expressed visually and that children’s self-reports have special added value in studies measuring sibling relationship qualities, especially in areas where parents might have less insight,” said Zaidman-Zait
The children were then asked to complete the Sibling Relationship Questionnaire, which assessed the feelings of closeness, dominance, conflict and rivalry they felt for their siblings. Mothers of both sets of siblings were also asked to answer a questionnaire about their children’s sibling relationship quality.
Overall, the children with siblings with intellectual disabilities scored significantly higher on empathy, teaching and closeness in their sibling relationship and scored lower on conflict and rivalry in the relationships than those with typically developing siblings.
“Our study makes a valuable contribution to the literature by using an art-based data gathering task to shed new light on the unique aspects of the relationships of children with siblings with intellectual disabilities that are not revealed in verbal reports,” said Zaidman-Zait.
“We can argue that having a family member with a disability makes the rest of the family, including typically developing children, more attentive to the needs of others.”
Zaidman-Zait conducted the study with Dr. Dafna Regev and Miri Yechezkiely of the University of Haifa’s Graduate School of Creative Art Therapies.
The researchers hope their study, published in the journal Research in Developmental Disabilities, will serve as a basis for further research into art-based tools that elicit and document the subjective experience of children.
Source: American Friends of Tel Aviv University
from Psych Central News https://ift.tt/2NXbYu7 via IFTTT
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banalpal · 6 years
2018 Review
This is going to be pretty long, but I wanted to just go through my year month by month in a really candid way. 
I started out my year trying to re-invent myself. I had a quaint little apartment, and I wanted to start blogging (here) and vlogging (youtube). I wanted to be organized and on-trend. Early in the month, my band worked really hard on producing our single in preparation for its release on Valentine’s Day. 
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I ended a toxic relationship with a guy I really loved, and that was hard to do right off the bat in 2018, but I was determined to get better. I started spending a lot of time with my roommates and other friends. I wrote this reflection in my journal in January: 
“I’m so glad I spent time with Kendyl, Daria, Jacob and Kaleb. I’m very pleased with the amount of homework I’ve accomplished and that I have gone to my classes AND begun to exercise!”
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This is one of my favorite photos taken in January. I was really down about losing a close friend, and I went to an ice cream/live band karaoke event at my college. A few friends and I started spontaneously dancing to Miley Cyrus’s “Party in the USA,” and I had a ton of fun. 
Lucky me! In the span of a week, one of my close friends, Jacob, asked me to be his girlfriend, AND my best friend came to surprise visit from Kentucky. 
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This is my best friend, Connor! 
February was truly a bit of a mad-dash of always trying to rehearse for my upcoming senior recital, while balancing my schoolwork, 5 jobs (really!), my friendships, and navigating my new relationship. 
Somehow, I managed to pull through and make it to Daria (my roomate)’s birthday party, audition for commencement concert, introduce Jacob to my family, and I even took a trip down to St. Louis to visit my dear friends Luke and Alyssa, while also getting to see Jacob’s WGI competition. I was even on an intramural volleyball team!
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March taught me much about failure. I had been practicing night and day for my recital. It was supposed to be shared with my friend Nathan, on March 26th. I failed my recital hearing a week prior, and had to reschedule for April. You may be thinking, “big deal,” but I had never honestly put in the work for something and just failed. There were times in my life where I hadn’t put forward my best effort and then not accomplished my goal, but this was the first time I had really worked for something and then failed anyway. It was extremely disappointing, but even in the midst of my hard work and failure, there was time for smiles. I spent quite a bit of time in Michigan meeting Jacob’s family for the first time, I learned how to shoot a gun, and I performed in 4 concerts despite my recital being postponed. 
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If you thought March was wild, well hold onto your hats! In April, I was out of town the 1st-2nd, 6th-9th, 16th-17th, 20th-23rd, and 29th-30th. In that time, I also had to perform my senior recital, direct my drama class showcase, and take all of my finals. Here’s an excerpt from my planner that month:
“This was hands-down the most stressful month of my life. I was traveling nonstop. I truly don’t think I could’ve done it any differently, but I certainly don’t wish to repeat it.” 
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My sister Phoebe turned 3!
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The awesome group of students I got to travel with all those times!
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Some friends and I at our volunteer showcase!
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I got to go with my best friends to Senior Banquet.
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I surprised Jacob in Ohio for his birthday; he had no idea and it was a great day. Totally worth it to be there for him.
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I got to sing in chapel for the first time during our last week of school. It was such an amazing experience to do it with some of my best friends!
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My wonderful friends from praise team and I after my senior recital! It was so fun to get all dressed up and show everyone what I’ve been studying for 3 years! I wore the same dress to sing in commencement concert.
Ahh. May. Such an incredible release from the tension that had built up over the late winter/early spring. I opted out of my choir trip which was sad, but I needed to spend the money on some summer courses. I only traveled a little with the praise team. I was honored with the privilege of singing a solo at our Baccalaureate service. I got to spend so much time with family, too!
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My birthday!
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Some awesome friends at our senior class event! We released paper lanterns.
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Just before the Baccalaureate service. I had allergic conjunctivitis but my friends and family were so helpful with the eyedrops!
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My close friends from home celebrating my birthday!
June was bittersweet. A wonderful month with wonderful weather, but my dear Great Aunt Ann passed away. It was hard on my family, especially my grandmother. Ann was so positive until her last breath, and an inspiration for me to live my life to the fullest.
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I ran my first race ever, a 5k, in honor of my friend Cheyenne who passed away from osteosarcoma. 
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I went to Cedar Point for the first time! It was rainy, but we had so much fun!
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We had a great Father’s Day weekend.
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Jacob surprised me with tickets to my first ever baseball game! We had seats right above the dugout for the opposing team. There were peanuts everywhere, but I lived!
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Gus and I had a great time at Prairiefest!
Not pictured: applied for and accepted a position as music teacher at Parkview Christian (more on that later)!
More summer shenanagins!
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I took my final trip with Praise! 
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Independence Day was spent with close friends!
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My great uncle retired and we got to sing “Yesterday” by the Beatles together.
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We had some family visit from Florida and we got to go to the Field Museum in Chicago. It was my first time (that I can remember).
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The lovely Jen Heim did our family portraits and they turned out absolutely beautiful!
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Here’s me doing... yep, you guessed it! goat yoga.
August is where the rubber really met the road for me. I had to grow up so quickly. It was like life just smacked me in the face, and I had to decide what kind of person I was going to be moving forward. So, I decided to be the best version of me I could possibly be. I didn’t get there, and I’m still not there, but I’m sure as heck trying.
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I started my first full-time job as a music teacher. I way underestimated how difficult it would be. I’m so thankful for the job and for the opportunity, but I won’t lie, it’s been a scary and difficult transition. I feel I was very underprepared for the job and very overwhelmed by it, but I made it through the month alive, with a lot of things learned. 
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I got to see my first DCI competition with some friends from Olivet!
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Through the hardship, I was so thankful to be leading worship 5 times a week at that point. I needed the constant lyrical reminders of God’s faithfulness in all situations.
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I got a haircut to make myself feel good. It worked.
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I got to sing at my lovely friend Alyssa’s wedding!
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My car was totaled in an accident that wasn’t my fault. Just another thing in the dumpster fire that was my life!
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I got one relaxing trip to SBR with my highschool students. It was so needed!
When life gives you lemons, sometimes making lemonade takes too long and you need to just eat them plain.
I lost a lot in September. My identity was no longer as a worship leader, a college student, a singer/performer, a girlfriend, and probably half a dozen other things I’ve forgotten about. I had to start finding another identity: one marked by my traits alone, and not my circumstances.
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I lost a lot of weight. It was time to take control of my situation and my health! I didn’t want to wait for the new year to have a new me.
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I paid cash for a new (to me) car! It sucked that I had this expense out of nowhere, but it felt great to be able to afford it.
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My favorite thing about myself in hardships is how inspiring it is. Whenever life gets me down, God gives me a song to sing. It reminds me of one of my favorite Psalms:
“I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry. He lifted me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay; He set my feet upon a rock, and made my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.”
I’m so glad for all the creativity He gave me that month.
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My best friend had a murder themed birthday party, of course! I was Courtney Love because... duh. She totally killed Kurt Cobain.
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My brother, the soccer star.
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Spending time with old friends at the Sandwich Fair!
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Unfortunately, it was time for me to give up my position at First Baptist of Kankakee. I loved my church so much, and I still adore the people there, but I knew it was time for me to move on and meet other Christians in my area. I still hold them so dearly in my heart!
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It felt so good to start gigging again, too! I played with my band, Vinyl Fox, twice, and with another combo with some friends from college. 
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I got to go back down to Olivet for Homecoming weekend! 
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My friend Ricky and I went to a banquet (for my friend from THE CHURCH I JOINED)!
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My family at Halloween!
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Pumpkin patch with the kiddos!
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Luckily, my job became easier with time. I also started grad school! 
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Gus, being a star.
A total blast. I spent so much time improving myself and becoming the person I want to be! It feels GREAT!
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I got to spend so much time climbing at First Ascent. My climbing partner and I started actually leading routes this month and we progressed so much! I conquered a lot of fear in that area. I also met my friend Celeste! (The girl in the picture with me).
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Alex Molica did a makeup demonstration on me, and I was thriving.
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My family had the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving in DISNEY WORLD!! So cool!! 
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I spent so much time in the city! I kind of fell in love with the train rides home at night. I visited friends (and Sophie, my sister), participated in my first beginner comp (The Humblodt Rumble), did the Sendsgiving challenge (and WON a prize!), and even got to bring my cousin climbing with me!
DECEMBER. How could the year have come to a close so quickly? Well, I’m certainly not where I thought I’d end up. My vision for my life and for my future has gone through incredibly major shifts over and over again this year. But then I finally realized, I don’t know what the future holds, and I can’t know. So I need to just stop trying to know. It’s time to let go. I had been holding onto some things so tightly in my life this year - things that were really precious to me - and by doing so, I choked them out. This month I feel I’ve finally settled more into my adult life. It’s truly surreal to have just released songs (that will get its own blog post later), for real this time. I got to see one of my favorite bands, WALKTHEMOON. I celebrated a close friend’s wedding! I even directed all of the Christmas programs at school (while incredibly sick) and they went well! 
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Gus’ first Ninja Warrior competition!
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Yes, I changed my hair again. What can I say? I get a rush from surprising people.
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MY NEW MUSIC!!! (Thanks to Elijah Svoboda and Scott Miller! The best producers and musicians in the WORLD!)
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Oh yeah, and I’m dog sitting for the holiday.
To wrap it all up and stick it under a tree, 
New year: better me. 
I can’t wait to keep learning and growing and changing in 2019. I’m so ready for whatever God brings my way! 
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rrbondgalleries · 7 years
A guide to Shows and local art galleries Oct. 22-29 at Louisville
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The faces of famous people now appear in artworks in the exhibition “Pop Stars! Popular Culture and Contemporary Art” opening in Louisville’s 21c Museum Resort. June 20, 2017 Kathryn Gregory/CJ
Artwork fatty paints and paint(Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
A guide to local art galleries and shows Oct. 22-29 in the Louisville area   
849 Gallery in the Kentucky College of Art + Design.  849 S. Third St. “Charge! ,” an exploration of the consumer-dominated civilization, featuring the work of photographer Brian Ulrich. Ends Nov. 17. 
Art Council of Southern Indiana.  820 East Market St., New Albany. “Photo Mix.” Ends Nov. 11.
B. Deemer Gallery.  2650 Frankfort Ave. “Passages,” paintings by Carolyn Hisel. Ends Nov. 7.
Barr Gallery.  Indiana University Southeast, 4201 Grant Line Road, New Albany. “Hook, Line and Singer,” by Miri Phelps. Ends Oct. 29.
Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest.  2499 Forest Hill Drive, Clermont, “Beneficial Insects,” by Joanne Price.  Ends Oct 31.
Chestnuts and Watches Gallery.   157 E. Main St., New Albany. “On the Street,” by Bussert Photography; and “Rhythms and Flows,” by Kristen Warning. Ends Nov. 11.
Corner Café Gallery.  9307 New Lagrange Road. Don Burchett. Ends Nov. 15. 
Craft(s) Gallery & Mercantile.   572 South 4th St. “Italia Con Amore,” photographic mosaics in Umbria, Tuscany and Le Marche by Dobree Adams. Ends Oct. 27.
Cressman Center for Visual Arts.  100 E. Main St. “Overshadowed,” a collaborative, experimental exhibition which examines the assembly point between pictures, landscape and astronomy. Ends Oct. 28.
The Filson Historical Society.  1310 S. 3rd St. “Recognizing the Indescribable: Paintings by Gloucester Caliman Coxe.” Ends Dec. 15.
Flame Run Glass Studio and Gallery.  815 W. Market St. Sculptures and glass creations by Ann Klem. Ends Nov. 11. 
Gallery 104.  104 E. Main St., La Grange. Louisville Photo Biennial “Oldham County, A Perspective in Black & White,” Ends Nov. 12. 502-222-3822, . 
Garner Narrative Contemporary Fine Art.  642 E. Market St. “Home Sweet Home,” photography and installation. Ends Oct. 27.
Harrison County Discovery Center.  233 N. Capitol Ave., Corydon. “Auto Indiana.” Ends Nov. 27.
Huff Gallery.  Spalding University, 853 Library Lane. “Comics: Jay Leisten and Friends” by Marvel and DC comic book artist Jay Leisten along with many others. Ends Oct. 29. 502-273-4436.
Hyland Glass Gallery.  721 E. Washington St. “False Light,” by Laurie Blayney, combined imagery from observations in protests, rallies and gatherings. Ends Nov. 30.
Jane Morgan Gallery.  4838 Brownsboro Center. “Alla Prima.” Ends Nov. 11.
Kaviar Forge & Gallery.  147 Stevenson Ave. Opening Oct. 27, “Artists in Their Midst.” Reception, Oct. 27, 6-8 p.m. Ends Dec. 30.
Kentucky College of Art + Design.  Spalding University, 845 S. Third St. “Pep Boys,” by Brian Ulrich. Ends Nov. 9.
Kentucky Derby Museum.  704 Central Ave. “Winner’s Circle,” featuring this season’s Kentucky Derby winner, Always Dreaming; “It’s My Derby,” featuring hats and fashion of the Kentucky Derby and also “The best Race, a 360°,” immersive media experience which takes you into the heart of the Kentucky Derby. “Person o’War: The Legacy.” Ends Dec. 31. D. Wayne Lukas exhibit, featuring items in the Hall of Fame Trainer’s series, four Kentucky Derby decorations and four Kentucky Oaks decorations will be on display. Ends Oct. 2018. .
Kentucky Fine Art Gallery.  Leslie H. Spetz Custom Framing, 2400-C Lime Kiln Lane. Photographs of the Louisville Ballet, Sam English. Ends Oct. 31. 
Kentucky Museum of Art & Craft.  715 West Main St. “Victory Over the Sun: Poetics and Politics of Eclipse.” Ends Dec. 3.
Kentucky Watercolor Society Gallery.  Brownsboro Center Arcade. “Celebrate the Holidays.” End Jan. 5.
Kore Gallery.  Mellwood Art Center, 1860 Mellwood Ave. “Made You Look” by Karen Terhune, Mike McCarthy and William M. Duffy; “Light, Shadows, and Color” by Anil Vinayakan. Both finish October 29.
Lenihan Sotheby International.  3803 Brownsboro Road. “Summertime.” Ends Oct. 31.
Moremen Moloney Contemporary.  939 E. Washington St. “Gold of Africa” by international photographer Adam Shulman. Ends Nov. 18. 
Muhammad Ali Center.  144 N. Sixth St. “In the Shadows,” photography exhibition by Howard Bingham. Ends Jan. 21, 2018. “Grandmother Power: A Global Phenomenon.” Ends Jan. 8, 2018. “Available Light: Louisville Through the Lens of Bud Dorsey ” Ends Jan. 2, 2018.
Paul Ogle Art Center.  Indiana University Southeast, 4201 Grantline Road. Collection of artwork by artists of this Wonderland Way Circa 1920-1937. Ends Jan. 2020.
Paul Paletti Gallery.  713 E. Market St. “Finding Heaven in a Holler,” by Shelby Lee Adams. Ends Dec. 31. 
PYRO Gallery.  1006 E. Washington St. Opening Oct. 26, “…and afterwards…, an Exhibition of Reminiscence,” by fabric artist Bette Levy. Reception, Oct. 27, 6-9 p.m. Ends Dec. 9. 
Swanson Contemporary. 636 E Market St. “Aluminature,” by Jenny Zeller. Ends Oct. 28. 
Tim Faulkner Gallery.  1512 Portland Ave. “In Tens: A Single Century into Live,” paintings by Margaret Archambault. Ends Nov. 4.
Zephyr Gallery.  610 E. Market St. “PROJECT 19: The Extended Gaze,” by Nhat Tran, Vian Sora along with Tiffany Calvert. Ends today, Oct. 22. “PRHBTN,” works by local musicians who utilize styles, procedures, and content explored in public art, street art, graffiti, pop-art, social networking, graphic arts and much more. Ends Nov. 19. 
Send information about arts events to listings@courier-journal. com.
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from galleries http://www.rrbondgalleries.com/a-guide-to-shows-and-local-art-galleries-oct-22-29-at-louisville/
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Miri’s Picture Journal - Week 11- EN Translation - SPOILERS!!
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Bold Text: きょうのでき��と - What Happened Today
Japanese: ママとハンバーグをたべました。でもいつもとちがった。
English: I ate Hamburg steak with Mama. But it was different from usual.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Miri’s Last Picture Journal: Buddy Daddies SPOILERS! - Translation
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This last one is quite interesting. Miri mentions that they had a Christmas Party and that Santa was there. But her picture is of Kazuki and Rei in their Santa suits. In the episode, we know that Miri knows that neither of them is Santa. But, after she hugs Kazuki she does look upwards and shout a big thank you to Santa. She ends her journal by writing that [Santa’s] invite is a secret. 
In Episode 1, Miri was just barely 4 years old (since her birthday is in November. In that Episode, she took Kazuki to be Santa Claus. She still thought of him and viewed him as a real person. But, now a year later, it seems like she might be viewing Santa less as a real person, but maybe as a bigger concept or presence. 
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Miri’s Picture Journal - Week 10 - Buddy Daddies E10 - SPOILERS!
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Bold Text: きょうのできごと - What Happened Today
Japanese: さんにんでおでかけしました。またいきたいです。
English: We hit the town. I want to go again.
The English subs translated おでかける (odekakeru) as “hitting the town,” so I kept that here. Also, something to note about both this week’s Picture Journal and last week’s is that Miri used さんにん (sannin), which means “three people.” It can be translated to “the three of us,” but that seems a little too complex, grammatically, for a four to five year old (generally speaking). So I went with “we” instead, but, thinking about it now “Us three” would be good too.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
OMG! The Buddy Daddies website has up Daily Journal Entries by Miri. Kids in Japan do these all the time. Basically, they just write about something that happened in their life that week and draw a picture. So let's look at Miri's Journals! 🤗
Week One:
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Bold Black Text (Right): きょうのできごと - What Happened Today
Japanese Text: パパとおにごっこをしました。おいしかったです。
English Translation: I played tag with Papa. It was yummy.
*Note: In the Japanese, she never mentions "it," either, just "was yummy," with the subject being implied. But the issue here, of course, is that she never mentions the implied subject of the second sentence, cake, in writing. Just drew a picture of it, lol. So her two sentences are a bit disconnected subject-wise.
Week Two:
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Bold Black Text (Right): きょうのできごと - What Happened Today
Japanese Text: パパたちとかくれんぼをしまし。た。たしかったです。
English Translation: I. Played. Hide-and-seek with my papas. It was fan.
*Note: Miri placed an extra, unnecessary, period between し (shi) and た (ta), so I carried that grammar mistake over with "I. Played." She also spelt the word "fun" wrong. She wrote たしかった (tashikatta) instead of たのしかった (tanoshikatta), though, it looks like she may have combined た (ta) and の (no), lol, so I wrote "fan," instead of fun.
Week Three:
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Bold Black Text (Right): きょうのできごと - What Happened Today
Japanese Text: みんなでハンバーグをたべました。おいしかったです。
English Translation: We ate hamburg steak together. It was yummy.
*Note: Miri spelt everything right and had correct grammar! 🎉🎉🎉 Since she is only 4 though, she writes everything in either hiragana or katakana. She hasn't learned any kanji yet.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Miri’s Picture Journal - Week 6 - English Translation
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Bolded Text - What Happened Today
Japanese: みんなでどうぶつえんにいきました。うさぎさんとあるぱかさんがかっこよかったです。
English: Everyone went to the zoo. Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Alpaca were cool.
(I am dying over the fact that the Alpaca, aka Rei, is huge, while the Rabbit, aka Kazuki, is so small, lmao! Also, I bet Kazuki overreacted to Miri drawing Taiga in her picture with her. u.u)
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Miri’s Picture Journal - Week 5
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Bold Text: きょうのできごと - What Happened Today
Japanese: ぱぱたちこれからもおしごとがんばってね。
English: Work hard at your jobs, Papas.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Miri’s Picture Journal - Week 7 - English Translation
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Bold Text: きょうのできごと - What Happened Today
Japanese: ふれんちとーすとをつくりました。たいへんだった。
English: I made French toast. It was hard.
I love how Kazuki is just a disembodied head in the top left hand corner watching over both Miri and Rei as they make French toast, lol. Also, something fun to note is that sometimes Miri can write katakana (the writing system used for foreign words), but she mostly still sticks to just using hiragana (the writing system used for phonetic sound and grammar aspects of Japanese). 
In the “It was hard” sentence, she used だった (datta) instead of でした (deshita), for what we would essentially translate as “was.” だった (datta) is less formal and more common in spoken language vs. でした (deshita) which is the normal polite-ness level you would see and hear in Japanese and more common in written language (though, you will still hear people speak it too, of course).
It’s similar to something like “gonna” vs “going to” in English. Or any kind of contraction usage (can’t vs cannot), can’t is great for speaking, but you shouldn’t use it in an essay, etc. Of course, since Miri is only 4 and hasn’t been taught these writing rules yet, and these are more like personal journals anyway, Miss Anna doesn’t correct these things.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Miri's Daily Picture Journal
Week Four:
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Bold Text on the Right: きょうのできこと - What Happened Today
Japanese Text: ともだちができました。うれしか゛ったです。
English Translation: I made friends. I was happpy.
Note: In the Japanese it looks like she wrote うれしがった (ureshigatta) instead of うれしかった (ureshikatta), at first, but then realized her mistake and scibbled it out. Since the ten-ten mark there (゛) isn't as cleanly made as the others are. I tried to use the strikeout function for the tenten mark in the Japanese transcription to replicate that, but it doesn't quite work. For the English, I put an extra "p" in happy, and then striked it out to replicate that particular spelling mistake.
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