#N'akani Azren
ffxivaltaholic · 14 days
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Prompt #10: Stable
"Aaaaand Done!" A delighted bristling of the Miqo'te's fluffy tail would accompany her pleased grin. "Now you look perfect for your date!" Taking a small mirror and bringing it to the Raen woman, N'akani beamed with pride at her handiwork. While the Seeker was a bit of a lazy freeloader, she had a talent with makeup and henna. Taking the Mirror and shifting to look at her face, the Raen woman offered a dazzling smile in response. "You are truly gifted." Ame examined her eyes, in awe of the color blending and flawless finish she'd been given. Standing with hands parked at her hips, N'akani gave the Aura a once over, checking her for any loose whisps of hair, and the makeup for anything out of place, down to a single lash. "You're going to look so pretty that he's going to be weak the moment you grace his presence!" She chirped and circled the regal blonde Raen for one final look, fixing a strand of hair. "Will you be back tonight?" Trying to hide her envy as she cleaned up her brushes and makeup. Sitting as if a lady in a painting, Ame folded her hands on her lap. "No, but we'll be back in the morning." The Seeker's ears immediately drooped, and it was obvious that her disappointment loomed over her. The Raen did her best to hide a little, knowing, smirk. "You should dress up as well, go out for the night." Not that N'akani needed to much encouragement to glam up, but she wanted to go out with them. Even though they both got their individual time with him, she wanted both of their attentions equally. "Yeah I suppose..." The energy had depleted and as Ame rose to start dressing, the Miqo'te sat in her place, applying her own makeup. Few words were exchanged and it was becoming increasingly difficult for Ame to stay quiet about the evening, but she had to pretend until the right moment. An hour passed before both were dressed and ready, looking as if they were going to a high-end restaurant or a fancy show. As expect, waiting out front the tall Raen man tried to be patient. He had learned that anything involving N'akani was never, ever, on time. "Kaze!" Ame waved to him, pulling N'akani along gently behind her. It was finally time and she could barely contain her excitement, coming to a halt in front of him. A small, knowing, nod was exchanged between the Aura and they both shifted their gaze to N'akani, the gloom hovering over her like a little storm cloud.
"N'akani." His voice smooth and gentle as he tried to coax her to look at him. It took a moment before those fluffy black ears would perk up and her attention shifted to Kaze's face. "You look lovely." Even though she was upset, the Seeker couldn't help but take the compliment with unbridled joy, her tail swishing back and forth. "I hope you two have fun tonight..." Trying her very best to be sincere and supportive, N'akani forced a small smile at her partners. In truth, this was the first time in her life she had truly been stable, with a consistent roof over her head, food on the table and trusted people... Safe people. A bit of guilt hit as she realized her mood was going to negatively impact the evening, after all they had done for her to ensure her happiness. It was only one night. Individual dates were not even unusual and he had taken her on one the previous week, but she wanted to spend time with them together. Finally Ame could not take waiting any longer and she nudged her partner, getting a slight look of 'what the fuck' from him, until it clicked a moment later and he muttered. "Right.. yes." Before shifting to grab a small container from a pocket. "Uh N'akani." He watched the Seeker perk up again, her face a mix of confusion and joy, thinking perhaps they would come back this evening instead of staying in Kugane. "You're coming too..." The truth of their little plan was revealed, the suggestion to go out on her own, a ruse by Ame to get her dressed up so they could take her out with them. There was a moment where silence reigned between the three as it seemed to process like slowly turning cogs for the Miqo'te. Then it clicked. "A-ah... Really?" Both ears perked right up, though her attention shifted from their faces to the small box Kaze held, confused but piqued. As he turned to look at Ame, she opened the container, with a small promise ring inside, bearing three colored stones in it, one black, one pink and the last a vibrant yellow. Stunned at the thoughtful gift, N'akani looked between them before her eyes welled up and a few tears fell. "Of course. We should get going though, we are on a timeline." Kaze chuckled and took hold of her hand, sliding the little gold ring on while Ame dabbed under her eyes to catch the tears and spare the makeup from smudging. Those gestures nearly brought more tears to the Seeker's eyes, but she managed to compose herself, for the sake of the makeup.
But by the twelve... It felt so wonderful to be loved.
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ffxivaltaholic · 6 months
Miqote March - Prompt 8 - Fav. Job
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Dancer and Machinist (Oocly)
Icly neither hold job stones. Jellal uses Magitek and good ol' regular guns. N'akani does not technically have a combat job and usually if she has to fight she uses a dagger and some very basic ninja training she received from an FC mate. Rarely does she ever need to use that skills set.
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ffxivaltaholic · 19 days
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Prompt #5: Stamp
"I don't wanna...." A familiar complaint to come from the Miqo'te woman at any moment she was asked to do anything remotely difficult or chore related.
Sprawled over the couch in nary her undergarments, it was nearing one in the afternoon and the Seeker had done none of her assigned chores, having spent the day lounging around and avoiding any responsibility. Standing a few feet away, with a rather perturbed expression was her partner, doing his very best to keep composed and calm. "As a Member of the Company, you have duties to complete and tasks assigned, as does everyone else. Ame is already almost finished all of hers." At the mention of their other partner, her fluffy ears perked up and N'akani rolled onto her back, letting her arms drape lazily over the edge of the couch. "But it's Tuesday..." As if this was somehow a special thing that voided all required chores. The excuse did not go far with the Raen and he held a particularly annoyed expression. "That is a pitiful excuse and you know it. Don't make me put my foot down." Why he had to resort to treating a woman in her twenties like a toddler, Kaze wasn't sure, but she had been getting noticeably lazy since most of the Company had expanded to Tural. For this reason, Kaze had returned to Shirogane to scold and coax the Seeker to make some effort.
"What if I do them tomorrow?" N'akani attempted a compromise, but it was met with an icy look. She even tried her most pitiful kitten eyes on him, as it sometimes worked. At this point she was about ready to try using seduction, but it seemed even that would not work today. A sigh left his lips and then the Raen smirked, a looked that heavily worried her. "Fine." He crossed his arms and she froze with concern. Kaze rarely gave in so easily, he had to be up to something. Little did she know, the foot was coming down, and hard. "You can push your chores to tomorrow but then... You're going to help my father on the fishing boat." It was the ultimate deterrent for her behavior, as N'akani and his father did not get along well on the best of days, and he made her work hard with the rest of his crew, something the Seeker hated as nothing she did worked on the elder Raen. Both pupils dilated slightly as the fear registered in her golden eyes. The. Foot. Was. Down. Then the begging started. "N-no need.. I can finish today... I'll just get dressed and..." She stuttered, rolling off the couch and zipping around the room, her little pitter-pats back and forth as N'akani dressed and combed her hair. "I am good to do my chores, happy even!" She wasn't the most convincing but the fear of worse chores had been enough to spring the Miqo'te into action. With a smug little grin Kaze simply nodded. "I suppose if you get everything done, then tomorrow you can relax a little." He wasn't cruel after all, and he loved her, but some lessons had to be a little tough or he knew N'akani would take advantage of the freedom. "Can we go on a date too? You me and Ame?" She pleaded, hands clasped in front of her chest. The request, mixed with her adorable face was enough to break down any resistance he had in the moment. A small huff as the Raen considered, letting her think he was debating it just to drive home the lesson that she had to pull her weight in order to get rewarded. Finally Kaze nodded. "ONLY, if you do all your chores, properly. No handing it off to the Namazu again." A little sound escaped her at being called out for her previous poor choices as it had not ended well and left more of a mess than before. "T-that's fair..." N'akani knew when she was beat, it would be to much effort now to argue and so the Seeker accepted her fate in the end... "I want dango and mochi..."
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ffxivaltaholic · 6 months
Miqote March - Prompt 9 - Flower
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Some sunflowers for a Suncatte!
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ffxivaltaholic · 2 days
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Prompt #22: (You Pick) Homecoming
"I think... That's the last one..." Dark fluffy ears perked up with delight as the Miqo'te woman tied off the bag she had been packing. Standing, hands on hips, N'akani was proud of her gifts, all wrapped and ready for the trip home. Almost a year had passed since the Seeker had seen her siblings, but it would be her nephew's first birthday tomorrow, and she was determined to attend.
Giddy with excitement, the Seeker pranced around her room looking for any final items she might have missed the first few times around. After a lap or two N'akani was content that she had all that was needed. The opening creak of the room's door caught her attention and N'akani turned to greet the small Raen woman, adorned in pink and flowers, who had come to check in on her. "All packed up?" Inquiring as she approached the blonde woman fiddled with her skirt. "You'll be back in a few days right?" While Ame was sure her partner had told her the correct dates, she also knew how fickle the Miqo'te was and how quickly she changed her mind, and how often it happened without notice... "I am all set and will be home in like... three-ish days." The words were not spoken with much confidence but Ame trusted the Seeker to check in and at least let her know if plans changed. "I'm so excited to see little Ezra... He was so tiny when he was born, but now apparently he looks just like my brother did as a wee one." Listening with a lovely smile, the Raen nodded. "That is wonderful to hear. I hope the visit goes well and you have a lovely time with your siblings. Will they all be there?" Having only met the eldest brother and sister once, Ame had yet to meet the younger two siblings of her girlfriend's family. N'akani gave an enthusiastic nod and picked up the bag. "Everyone is coming out to celebrate. It would have been a big event regardless but since my brother is now the Nuhn, it's a tribe-wide event." Were it not for the amount of work Ame had left before their departure to Tural she would have considered joining, but this was good timing in itself as it would keep the Seeker busy and allow Ame to get the work done unhindered. "Don't let me keep you then, I just wanted to see you off." The Raen offered a sweet and loving smile. "If you need anything please let us know." Taking hold of N'akani's hand she would accompany the Seeker to the door before finally imparting upon her a little container full of homemade treats from the Tea House. "Be safe, I'll see you in a few days." Beaming at her, Ame simply kissed the Miqo'te's cheek and held the door, bidding her a safe trip.
"I promise I won't get into trouble or arrested again!" N'akani called out as she trotted through the door and down the hall. Somehow, Ame found it hard to believe her... "Again..." The Raen sighed and simply shook her head before locking up the room and continuing on her way. There were chores to be done.
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ffxivaltaholic · 11 months
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~ Inspired by the Twelve ~
N'akani | Patron Deity of Ul'Dah | Guardian of Coins and Coffers
I got really inspired by the new big raid and decided to do a themed series of my characters as members of the Twelve. This is an AU and non-canon representation.
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ffxivaltaholic · 2 months
Without taking new pics, post one of your OCs as:
Romanceable NPC
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Quest Giving NPC
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The Final Boss
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(The battle is managing to keep your Gil by the end)
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ffxivaltaholic · 7 months
Miqote March - Prompt 4 - Sun
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There is nothing the Seeker loves more than tanning and napping in the sun, and Costa Del Sol is her favorite place to do it!
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ffxivaltaholic · 6 months
Miqote March - Prompt 29 - Fav. Glamour
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These are my favorite Glamours for the cats, though N'akani's is more an OOC one. I just really love it for some reason.
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ffxivaltaholic · 6 months
Miqote March - Prompt 27 - Comfort
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Just some cuddles with the hubby.
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ffxivaltaholic · 6 months
Miqote March - Prompt 25 - Hot
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ffxivaltaholic · 6 months
Miqote March - Prompt 20 - Town
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A night out on the town.
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ffxivaltaholic · 6 months
Miqote March - Prompt 17 - Free Day
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ffxivaltaholic · 6 months
Miqote March - Prompt 16 - Twilight
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"Care to watch the sunset with me?"
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ffxivaltaholic · 6 months
Miqote March - Prompt 13 - Color
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"Why Gold? Because it's Opulence. It's the color of wealth and prosperity..."
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ffxivaltaholic · 6 months
Miqote March - Prompt 12 - Style
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N'akani has a very varied style of wardrobe. From elegant and formal to casual and punky, she will try any style and match it to her preference... So long as it comes in black or gold!
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