#National Professional House Cleaners Day
nationaldaycalendar · 2 years
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thesickpanda · 2 months
Breakdown After Breakdown
So interest rates have gone up, making paying our already HUGE mortgage even more difficult. Partner’s wages aren’t exactly rising. And the cost of food is so high the government is now investigating our two big chain supermarkets for adding to the cost of living stress on the populace.
All this is happening at a time when my partner and I are experiencing major burnout, enduring family drama, and I received some truly terrifying health news (my GI tract is very literally melting from off-the-charts inflammation and I am at high risk for colon cancer, among other things).
 We have been saddled with so much bad news and hardship that we feel we’re about to lose our minds, so we go fuck it, we NEED a break, and booked a cheap motel for two nights over Easter near a national park. We had the modest ambition of spending time in nature looking for orchids and birds.
Yeah, we got one day of that before our old second hand car (which we bought for a few thousand dollars from the side of the road last year) decided to break down for the umpteenth time, and we spent 12 hours of the second day of our 2 day vacation just trying to get home (eventually being towed). The SAME DAY my partner got a virus on his ancient laptop and my mobile phone started to fail. We purchased a new, bargain basement phone in town while waiting for the tow truck to arrive, and less than 2 weeks later I dropped it and smashed the camera on it. YAY.
So no break for us. Fine.
But then shit kept hitting the fan. When we got home, MY computer started to sputter out and die. We cannot afford a new computer right now, as we’re paying off a ton of medical expenses for me, so a week later my partner bought parts for it and rebuilt it himself.
And then there’s the car situation.
Since Easter, 3 mechanics have looked at the car, can identify there is a major problem, but cannot FIND it. So it remains broken. My car is also really old and sprung a leak in the boot and got soaked after a storm, so that now it stinks to high heaven from musty mold.  But we cannot afford another car, so OH WELL. I have a severe mold allergy and a sensitive nose but we cannot afford to valet it, and partner has sincerely had no time to clean it.
Then: our vacuum cleaner broke and the very next day the lawn mower broke, too. The mower repair shop would not even repair it because “that brand is such a cheap piece of shit it’ll just break on you in a few more days and I don’t wanna be held liable”. Wow.
And then this morning the towel rail broke after I hit my head onto it for the millionth time, and the wheel came off the laundry trolley for the second time before a huge load of towels finished in the washing machine. I am already disabled and currently have an inflamed nerve in my right foot, so the lack of a trolley is REALLY not helpful.
This is the week I have to spend an ungodly amount of money on three separate medical professionals and order a very expensive medical test to maaaaybe find the pathogen destroying my gut.
I recently watched a TLDR Global news video about the fertility crisis in South Korea and the world at large and it rightly points out house prices and cost of living being a deterrent for people to have babies. Under the video was a comment that I feel sums up what it is like to be alive in this 21st century:
“Long working hours. Low wages. High costs. No chance of ever owning a house. 0 work-life balance without a child, let alone with one. Layoffs left right and center. Hard if not impossible to get a job even with experience. Life is stressful as is already. Low standards of life. Nothing is family friendly - work, life, schools etc. A lot of the institutions still have the same mentality of - man works, woman stays at home, and it just doesn't fit how people want to live now.”
We are childless and partially own our own home (and only with assistance from the Bank of Mum And Dad as the boomers love to call it) and WE are struggling. How the HELL is humanity going to keep going like this? I am so worn down by the grind of everything, and relative to fellow millennials, we’re doing WELL. The only freedom is money, which the vast majority of us do not have in amounts that would actually afford us quality of life.
All I can say in the face of all this, is fuck capitalism.
And also fuck Australia, which appears to be its biggest bitch at the moment:
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Source: TLDR News Global
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vgrc-llc · 12 days
Soft Washing: The Beauty Salon for Spokane's Homes with The Roof Ninja & Kc from VGRC
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👋 Hello, Spokane County! The Roof Ninja, aka Fisk, here! 🌟 Along with Kc 👷‍♀️, we're excited to bring you the ultimate beauty treatment for your home: Soft Washing! 🏡✨ 
At Veracity Gutter And Roof Cleaning, LLC (VGRC, LLC), we believe every home deserves to shine like a star. 🌟
Soft Washing isn't just cleaning—it's like a day at the spa for your house! 🌼✨ It's gentle, thorough, and leaves your home looking fabulous without the harsh scrubbing. We specialize in house washing, roof washing, and gutter cleaning, making sure every inch of your home sparkles. ✨
Why Choose Soft Washing?
1. Gentle Yet Effective
Our soft washing method uses the right cleaning solutions 🌿, making it safe for all surfaces while effectively removing grime, algae, and moss. Say hello to a clean, happy home! #HappyHome #SoftWashingVGRC
2. Protects Your Home
Traditional pressure washing can be too rough, but soft washing is like a gentle facial for your home. It removes dirt and debris without damaging your surfaces. Protect your investment with our professional soft washing services. #NoRiskAllShine #VGRCHouseWashing
3. Long-Lasting Results
Soft washing not only cleans but also helps prevent future build-up. Enjoy a cleaner home for longer with our specialized techniques. #SoftWashing #Spokane
4. Solutions
Our industry-standard algaecide is tough on dirt but gentle on the environment. Keep your home and the planet happy! 🌍 #SoftWashingVGRC
Services We Offer
🌟 Gutter Cleaning
Keep your gutters flowing freely with our thorough cleaning services. Kc 👷‍♀️ ensures every leaf and debris is removed, preventing clogs and potential damage. #CleanGuttersVGRC
🌟 Roof Blow-Offs
Clear your roof of leaves and debris to maintain its integrity and appearance. Our monthly subscriptions for roof blow-offs ensure your home stays pristine all year round! 🌟 #RoofBlowOffs
🌟 Roof Washing
Our soft washing technique gently removes moss and algae from your roof, extending its life and enhancing its look. Protect your roof with our expert care. #RoofWashingVGRC
🌟 House Washing
Revitalize your home's exterior with our soft washing services. Remove stains, mold, and mildew for a fresh, clean look. #HouseWashingVGRC
Fun Fact About Spokane County, WA
Did you know Spokane County is home to the largest timed road race in the nation? The Lilac Bloomsday Run attracts thousands of participants every year! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ #SpokaneValleyWA
New Quote from VGRC
"Clean homes, happy hearts. At VGRC, we turn grime into shine!" 🌟 #HappyHome
New Joke from VGRC
Why did the algae apply for a job? Because it wanted to take on more "growth opportunities"! 😂 #VGRCByeByeMoss
Our mission is clear—remove the gunk and make your home shine! #VGRC #SoftWashing
Your safety is our priority. Let us handle the heights while you enjoy the results. 📞 509-530-1330
Visit Our Website and Social Media
Click below to learn more about our services:
Need immediate assistance? Give us a call!
📞 509-530-1330
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Fun and Unique Way to Share Our Post!
🌟 "Like what you see? Share our sparkle and help your friends shine too! Tag us and use #SoftWashingVGRC for a chance to win a free gutter cleaning! 🌟"
At VGRC, LLC, we are a true local company, licensed and insured to bring you the best in home care. LICENSE #VERACGC770LW. We're here to keep Spokane County's homes beautiful, one soft wash at a time. 🏡✨ #SpokaneCountyWA
Stay tuned for more tips, fun facts, and great services from The Roof Ninja, aka Fisk, and Kc 👷‍♀️! Let's keep Spokane shining bright! 🌟
#VGRCByeByeMoss #SoftWashingVGRC #VGRCHouseWashing #CleanGuttersVGRC #RoofBlowOffs #RoofWashingVGRC #HouseWashingVGRC #SpokaneValleyWA #HappyHome #NoRiskAllShine #VGRC
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vasolar · 3 months
Is Solar Right for You? A Comprehensive Look at Solar Panel Installation
As more and more people turn to sustainable alternatives, solar energy is starting to have a significant impact. But with so much information out there, it might be overwhelming to try to grasp the world of solar panel installation. Are you a good fit for solar energy? is the crucial topic that this comprehensive book aims to explore.
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Understanding the Benefits of Solar Power:
Solar panels convert sunlight into clean, renewable electricity, offering a multitude of benefits:
Diminished power expenses: Solar panels can help you save a lot of money on your power bills by lowering your dependency on the grid.
Increasing Property Value: Potential buyers typically find homes with solar panels to be more appealing, which might lead to an increase in the value of your house.
Reducing your carbon footprint and relying less on fossil fuels can help you make a cleaner environmental impact by utilizing solar energy.
Energy Independence: Having your own power and solar panels installed may provide you a sense of security and control over how much energy you use.
Financial incentives provided by governments: To promote the use of solar energy, several nations and regions provide alluring tax credits and refunds.
Factors to Consider Before Going Solar:
Before making the switch to solar, it’s essential to assess your situation:
sunshine Availability: For most of the day, your roof must get direct sunshine. Shade from trees or buildings may have a significant influence on the quantity of energy generated.
Roof Suitability: The kind of roof, including its size, pitch, and material, is very important. Roofs with a modest slant that faces south are ideal for solar panel performance.
Energy Consumption: Determine how much electricity you now consume to determine the size and capacity of the solar panel system you’ll require.
Financial Investment: It’s critical to weigh the initial cost of solar panel installation against the savings on electricity bills over the long term and any prospective government subsidies.
The Solar Installation Process:
If you decide solar is right for you, here’s a general overview of the installation process:
Consultation: A licensed solar installer will examine your roof, assess your power usage, and draft a customized proposal including the system’s dimensions, anticipated expenses, and energy production.
Permitting and System Design: The installer will create a solar power system specifically for you and secure the required licenses from regional authorities.
Installation: Skilled experts will mount the solar panels on your roof, making sure that the connections and electrical integration are correct.
System Inspection and Approval: To guarantee adherence to building and safety requirements, the installation will be examined by the local authorities.
Connection and Monitoring: A monitoring system will be installed to track the generation of electricity, and your solar system will be linked to the grid.
Finding the Right Solar Installer:
Choosing a reputable solar installer is paramount. Consider factors like:
Experience and Licensing: Select a company that has a history of success and hires qualified, licensed employees.
Make sure the contractor provides thorough warranties for the equipment and installation services.
Customer Testimonials: Examine internet reviews and comments from previous customers to see how they felt about the business.
Financial Stability: To guarantee enduring support and service, pick a financially sound business.
Vasolar: Your Trusted Partner in Solar Solutions
Vasolar is a leading solar installation company dedicated to providing homeowners with high-quality, customized solar solutions. Their team of experienced professionals offers:
Comprehensive Consultations: Vasolar conducts thorough consultations to understand your unique energy needs and suggest the optimal solution.
Custom System Design: They design solar power systems based on your specific roof, location, and energy consumption patterns.
Premium Equipment: Vasolar utilizes only high-quality, reliable solar panels and equipment from leading manufacturers.
Expert Installation: Their certified technicians ensure a smooth and efficient installation process.
Post-Installation Support: Vasolar provides ongoing service and maintenance to ensure your solar system operates at peak performance.
Making the Switch to Solar:
A big step in the direction of a sustainable future is solar energy. Through a thorough assessment of your requirements, comprehension of the procedure, and choice of a reliable vendor such as Vasolar, you may harness solar energy to illuminate your home and promote environmental cleanliness.
With careful planning and a trustworthy partner like Vasolar, you may benefit financially and environmentally from a solar panel system even if it is an investment.
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shinymaids · 8 months
Ultimate Guide to Residential Cleaning Services DC with ShinyMaids
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When it comes to maintaining a pristine and inviting home in the bustling heart of Washington, DC, finding the right residential cleaning service is key. In a city where time is a valuable commodity, and cleanliness is paramount, ShinyMaids emerges as a beacon of trust and excellence. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of Residential Cleaning Services in DC with a focus on what makes ShinyMaids the go-to choose for homeowners seeking top-notch cleaning solutions.
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1. The ShinyMaids Difference: Beyond Cleanliness
ShinyMaids isn't just about cleaning; it's about transforming your living space into a sanctuary. Beyond the meticulous dusting and scrubbing, ShinyMaids brings a commitment to excellence that extends to every corner of your home. From eco-friendly cleaning products to a team of highly trained professionals, ShinyMaids ensures your living space isn't just clean but also environmentally conscious.
2. Tailored Cleaning Packages for Every Need
One size doesn’t fit all, especially when it comes to residential cleaning or Commercial Cleaning Services Washington DC. ShinyMaids recognizes the unique needs of each home, offering customized cleaning packages that cater to your specific requirements. Whether it's a routine cleaning, a deep seasonal scrub, or a move-in/move-out cleanup, ShinyMaids has a solution designed just for you.
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3. Trusted Professionals at Your Service
Security and trust are paramount when inviting someone into your home. ShinyMaids understands this, and that's why each member of their cleaning team undergoes rigorous background checks and training. You can rest assured that your home is in the hands of trustworthy professionals who are passionate about delivering an unparalleled cleaning experience.
4. Transparent Pricing: No Hidden Surprises
The last thing you want is unexpected costs creeping up on your cleaning day. With ShinyMaids, transparency is a core value. The pricing is straightforward, with no hidden fees. You know exactly what you're paying for, ensuring peace of mind and a clean home without any financial surprises.
5. Elevating Green Cleaning in DC
For those environmentally conscious homeowners in the nation's capital, ShinyMaids leads the way in green cleaning practices. The use of eco-friendly products not only contributes to a healthier home environment but also aligns with the growing movement towards sustainable living in DC.
6. Customer-Centric Approach: Your Satisfaction Guaranteed
ShinyMaids stands by its commitment to customer satisfaction. A responsive customer support team ensures that your concerns are heard and addressed promptly. Your happiness is the measure of their success, making ShinyMaids a reliable partner in your journey towards a cleaner and healthier home.
7. Booking Made Easy: Convenience at Your Fingertips
In a city that never sleeps, time is of the essence. ShinyMaids understands this and has streamlined the booking process. With a user-friendly online platform, scheduling your Washington DC House Cleaning Services is as easy as a few clicks. Convenience meets cleanliness, making ShinyMaids the preferred choice for busy homeowners in DC.
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Conclusion: Shining Homes, Happy Hearts
In the dynamic landscape of residential cleaning services in DC, ShinyMaids stands out as a beacon of excellence with Maid Service Washington DC. From their commitment to eco-friendly practices to a customer-centric approach, ShinyMaids ensures that your home not only sparkles but also becomes a haven for you and your loved ones. Experience the ShinyMaids difference – where cleanliness meets perfection in the heart of Washington, DC. Your home deserves the best, and with ShinyMaids, the best is what you get. Call us Now at 703-555-5555. Check Out our latest Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgX6Tr45Df8&t=2s
Source: https://shinymaids.blogspot.com/2023/10/Ultimate-Guide-to-Residential-Cleaning-Services-DC-with-ShinyMaids.html
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brookston · 9 months
Holidays 9.17
Arbaeen of Hosseini (Iran) [40th Day after Ashura]
Australian Citizenship Day (Australia)
Battle Flag Day
Citizenship Day (f.k.a. "I Am An American" Day)
Constitution Day
Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala (Tonga)
Eleven Days of Global Unity, Day 7: Women
Empire Day (Emperor Norton)
Feast of the Pilgrims (Villers-Perwin, Belgium)
Fiestas Pátrias (Chile)
Fundación de Melilla (Melilla, Spain)
Guess Who Day (Winnipeg, Canada)
International Country Music Day
Linux Day
Love and Friendship Day (Colombia)
LP Record Unveiling Day
Marathwada Liberation Day (Maharashtra)
Naked Bicycle Race Day
National Female Civility Day
National Fox Day
National Heroes’ Day (Angola)
National Pet Carbon Dioxide Safety Day
National Professional House Cleaners Day
National Table Shuffleboard Day
New Dog Tricks Day
Operation Market Garden Day (Netherlands)
Pledge Across America Day [Sep 17 or nearest Monday]
Pompéia (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Sybirak’s Day (Poland)
Teachers’ Day (Honduras)
Time’s Up Day
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Day
Vishwakarma Puja (Jharkhand & Uttarakhand, India)
Von Steuben Day
World Patient Safety Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Apple Dumpling Day
International Lambic Day
National Bakery Day
National Monte Cristo Day
3rd Sunday in September
Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer (Switzerland) [3rd Sunday]
International Day of Prayer & Action for Human Habitat [3rd Sunday]
Kaua’i Mokihana Festival begins (Hawaii) [3rd Sunday]
National Back to Church Sunday [3rd Sunday]
National Neighborhood Day [3rd Sunday]
National Women's Friendship Day [3rd Sunday]
Pig Face Sunday (Avening, UK) [3rd Sunday]
Swiss Federal Fast (Switzerland) [3rd Sunday]
Tolkein Week begins [Sunday in Week that includes 9.22]
Wife Appreciation Day [3rd Sunday]
World Peace Day [3rd Sunday]
Independence Days
Heist-op-den-Berg (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Scientopia (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Albert of Vercelli (Christian; Saint)
Ariadne of Phrygia (Christian; Saint)
Cecilia Eusepi (Christian; Blessed)
Columba (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Min Kyawzwa (Burmese God of Drinking)
François Marius Granet (Artology)
Ganesha Chaturthi (Festival to god of prosperity, Prudence & success; Hindu)
Hildegard of Bingen (Christian; Saint) [hop-growers] *
Lambert (Christian; Saint)
Media Aestas XI (Pagan)
Niketeria (Ancient Greece)
Robert Bellarmine (Christian; Saint)
Rouin (a.k.a. Rodingus or Chrodingus; Christian; Saint)
Samuel Prout (Artology)
Satyrus of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Shiku (Muppetism)
Socrates and Stephen (Christian; Martyrs)
Stanislaus Papczyński (Christian; Saint)
Stigmata of Francis (Christian; Saint)
Tirso (Positivist; Saint)
Wear Purple Day (Pastafarian)
William Shatner Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [37 of 53]
The Age of Innocence (Film; 1993)
Almost Perfect (TV Series; 1995)
Alpha and Omega (Animated Film; 2010)
Ænima, by Tool (Album; 1996)
Anna (Go to Him), by Arthur Alexander (Song; 1962)
Archer (Animated TV Series; 2009)
Battlestar Gallactica (TV Series; 1978)
The Berlin Stories, by Christopher Isherwood (Novel; 1945)
Bewitched (TV Series; 1964)
Blackadder the Third (UK TV Series; 1987)
Boris Godunov, by Alexander Pushkin (Play; 1870)
Community (TV Series; 2009)
Divine Madness (Concert Film; 1980)
Easy A (Film; 2010)
For Love of the Game (Film; 1999)
Ghost in the Sheep 2: Innocence (Anime Film; 2004)
Goldfinger premiered in London (1964) [James Bond #3]
Happy Days, by Samuel Beckett (Play; 1961)
Home Improvement (TV Series; 1991)
The Keeper of the Bees, by Gene Stratton-Porter (Novel; 1925)
Lord of the Flies, by William Golding (Novel; 1954)
M*A*S*H (TV Series; 1972)
Mike’s New Car (Pixar Cartoon; 2002)
Nona (Pixar Cartoon; 2021)
The Ocean Waves or Hi, Divers (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 213; 1963)
Pirates of Venus, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Novel; 1932) [Venus #1]
Ride Him, Bosko! (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1962)
Speedy Gonzales (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Spin City (TV Series; 1996)
Squid Game (TV Series; 2021)
Swing Ding Amigo (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
The Thin Red Line, by James Jones (Novel; 1962)
Topsy Turvy, Part 6 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 214; 1963)
Use Your Illusion, by Guns N’ Roses (Albums; 1991)
The Wall (Animated Film; 1982)
The Whoopee Party (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Wimbledon (Film; 2004)
The Wisdom of Insecurity, by Alan W. Watts (Spiritual Book; 1951)
Wise Up Ghost, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Lambert, Robert (Austria)
Lyuba, Lyuben, Lyubomir, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Nadya, Sevda, Sofiya, Vera, Vyara (Bulgaria)
Hildegarda, Kerubina, Robert (Croatia)
Naděžda (Czech Republic)
Lambertu (Denmark)
Hilda, Hildegard, Hille, Hilli, Ille, Illi (Estonia)
Aila, Aili (Finland)
Hildegarde, Lambert, Renaud (France)
Ariane, Hildegard, Robert (Germany)
Agape, Agapi, Elpida, Sofia, Sophia (Greece)
Zsófia (Hungary)
Benedetto, Ildegarda, Roberto (Italy)
Solvita, Vaira, Vairis, Vera (Latvia)
Pranas, Pranciškus, Sintautas, Sintautė (Lithuania)
Hildebj, Hildegunn (Norway)
Ariadna, Dezyderiusz, Drogosław, Franciszek, Hildegarda, Justyn, Justyna, Lambert, Lamberta, Narcyz, Teodora (Poland)
Olympia (Slovakia)
Ariadna, Ariana, Belarmino, Roberto (Spain)
Hildegard, Magnhild (Sweden)
Luba, Lubov, Nadia, Sonia, Soophia (Ukraine)
Ariadne, Ariana, Arianna, Hildegard, Hildegarde, Lambert, Lambertine (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 260 of 2024; 105 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 37 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 3 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 2 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 20 Aki; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 4 September 2023
Moon: 6%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 8 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Tirso]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 88 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 27 of 32)
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Holidays 9.17
Arbaeen of Hosseini (Iran) [40th Day after Ashura]
Australian Citizenship Day (Australia)
Battle Flag Day
Citizenship Day (f.k.a. "I Am An American" Day)
Constitution Day
Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala (Tonga)
Eleven Days of Global Unity, Day 7: Women
Empire Day (Emperor Norton)
Feast of the Pilgrims (Villers-Perwin, Belgium)
Fiestas Pátrias (Chile)
Fundación de Melilla (Melilla, Spain)
Guess Who Day (Winnipeg, Canada)
International Country Music Day
Linux Day
Love and Friendship Day (Colombia)
LP Record Unveiling Day
Marathwada Liberation Day (Maharashtra)
Naked Bicycle Race Day
National Female Civility Day
National Fox Day
National Heroes’ Day (Angola)
National Pet Carbon Dioxide Safety Day
National Professional House Cleaners Day
National Table Shuffleboard Day
New Dog Tricks Day
Operation Market Garden Day (Netherlands)
Pledge Across America Day [Sep 17 or nearest Monday]
Pompéia (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Sybirak’s Day (Poland)
Teachers’ Day (Honduras)
Time’s Up Day
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Day
Vishwakarma Puja (Jharkhand & Uttarakhand, India)
Von Steuben Day
World Patient Safety Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Apple Dumpling Day
International Lambic Day
National Bakery Day
National Monte Cristo Day
3rd Sunday in September
Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer (Switzerland) [3rd Sunday]
International Day of Prayer & Action for Human Habitat [3rd Sunday]
Kaua’i Mokihana Festival begins (Hawaii) [3rd Sunday]
National Back to Church Sunday [3rd Sunday]
National Neighborhood Day [3rd Sunday]
National Women's Friendship Day [3rd Sunday]
Pig Face Sunday (Avening, UK) [3rd Sunday]
Swiss Federal Fast (Switzerland) [3rd Sunday]
Tolkein Week begins [Sunday in Week that includes 9.22]
Wife Appreciation Day [3rd Sunday]
World Peace Day [3rd Sunday]
Independence Days
Heist-op-den-Berg (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Scientopia (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Albert of Vercelli (Christian; Saint)
Ariadne of Phrygia (Christian; Saint)
Cecilia Eusepi (Christian; Blessed)
Columba (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Min Kyawzwa (Burmese God of Drinking)
François Marius Granet (Artology)
Ganesha Chaturthi (Festival to god of prosperity, Prudence & success; Hindu)
Hildegard of Bingen (Christian; Saint) [hop-growers] *
Lambert (Christian; Saint)
Media Aestas XI (Pagan)
Niketeria (Ancient Greece)
Robert Bellarmine (Christian; Saint)
Rouin (a.k.a. Rodingus or Chrodingus; Christian; Saint)
Samuel Prout (Artology)
Satyrus of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Shiku (Muppetism)
Socrates and Stephen (Christian; Martyrs)
Stanislaus Papczyński (Christian; Saint)
Stigmata of Francis (Christian; Saint)
Tirso (Positivist; Saint)
Wear Purple Day (Pastafarian)
William Shatner Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [37 of 53]
The Age of Innocence (Film; 1993)
Almost Perfect (TV Series; 1995)
Alpha and Omega (Animated Film; 2010)
Ænima, by Tool (Album; 1996)
Anna (Go to Him), by Arthur Alexander (Song; 1962)
Archer (Animated TV Series; 2009)
Battlestar Gallactica (TV Series; 1978)
The Berlin Stories, by Christopher Isherwood (Novel; 1945)
Bewitched (TV Series; 1964)
Blackadder the Third (UK TV Series; 1987)
Boris Godunov, by Alexander Pushkin (Play; 1870)
Community (TV Series; 2009)
Divine Madness (Concert Film; 1980)
Easy A (Film; 2010)
For Love of the Game (Film; 1999)
Ghost in the Sheep 2: Innocence (Anime Film; 2004)
Goldfinger premiered in London (1964) [James Bond #3]
Happy Days, by Samuel Beckett (Play; 1961)
Home Improvement (TV Series; 1991)
The Keeper of the Bees, by Gene Stratton-Porter (Novel; 1925)
Lord of the Flies, by William Golding (Novel; 1954)
M*A*S*H (TV Series; 1972)
Mike’s New Car (Pixar Cartoon; 2002)
Nona (Pixar Cartoon; 2021)
The Ocean Waves or Hi, Divers (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 213; 1963)
Pirates of Venus, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Novel; 1932) [Venus #1]
Ride Him, Bosko! (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1962)
Speedy Gonzales (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Spin City (TV Series; 1996)
Squid Game (TV Series; 2021)
Swing Ding Amigo (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
The Thin Red Line, by James Jones (Novel; 1962)
Topsy Turvy, Part 6 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 214; 1963)
Use Your Illusion, by Guns N’ Roses (Albums; 1991)
The Wall (Animated Film; 1982)
The Whoopee Party (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Wimbledon (Film; 2004)
The Wisdom of Insecurity, by Alan W. Watts (Spiritual Book; 1951)
Wise Up Ghost, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Lambert, Robert (Austria)
Lyuba, Lyuben, Lyubomir, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Nadya, Sevda, Sofiya, Vera, Vyara (Bulgaria)
Hildegarda, Kerubina, Robert (Croatia)
Naděžda (Czech Republic)
Lambertu (Denmark)
Hilda, Hildegard, Hille, Hilli, Ille, Illi (Estonia)
Aila, Aili (Finland)
Hildegarde, Lambert, Renaud (France)
Ariane, Hildegard, Robert (Germany)
Agape, Agapi, Elpida, Sofia, Sophia (Greece)
Zsófia (Hungary)
Benedetto, Ildegarda, Roberto (Italy)
Solvita, Vaira, Vairis, Vera (Latvia)
Pranas, Pranciškus, Sintautas, Sintautė (Lithuania)
Hildebj, Hildegunn (Norway)
Ariadna, Dezyderiusz, Drogosław, Franciszek, Hildegarda, Justyn, Justyna, Lambert, Lamberta, Narcyz, Teodora (Poland)
Olympia (Slovakia)
Ariadna, Ariana, Belarmino, Roberto (Spain)
Hildegard, Magnhild (Sweden)
Luba, Lubov, Nadia, Sonia, Soophia (Ukraine)
Ariadne, Ariana, Arianna, Hildegard, Hildegarde, Lambert, Lambertine (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 260 of 2024; 105 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 37 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 3 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 2 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 20 Aki; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 4 September 2023
Moon: 6%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 8 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Tirso]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 88 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 27 of 32)
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jamieroxxartist · 9 months
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Today, Sept 17, 2023 is National #ProfessionalHouseCleanersDay!
a Custom #Commissioned #Painting I painted a few years ago:
‘#FrenchMaid #Pop!’ 2005 acrylic and oil blend on canvas 36"x48" by @ArtistJamieRoxx #JamieRoxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) This Sold Painting is Not Available.
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bestmessage · 9 months
National Professional House Cleaners Day Messages and Quotes
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This day is all about supporting and celebrating the professional house cleaners who are responsible for keeping our houses clean all the time. With the newest collection of National Professional House Cleaners Day messages and wishes to share, make sure that you wish these professionals on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.
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manvandublin · 9 months
House Movers Dublin - Make Sure You Aren’t Shipping These Restricted Items
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Are you preparing to move? Verify that none of these banned products are being shipped. The most crucial step in organizing a home move is choosing a House Movers Dublin that fits your needs. The second step is properly packing all of your household items.
Professional House Movers Dublin will almost certainly provide you with a list of items you can't carry if you've hired their services. It is best to inquire if you are still unsure.
When packing, you should take additional care, especially if you're relocating far away. On your first day in a new nation, you don't want to get into trouble, right?
Deodorant Bottles
Cans of deodorant are loaded with a highly combustible gas. It's also a good idea to keep these cans out of the sun. These are transported with specialized packing materials before being sold. It might catch fire or possibly explode if you pack it normally and ship it with other household items.
Matchboxes, Charcoal, And Incense Sticks
These are items that are used to start a fire. These are the most prone to catch fire because of the heat in the moving truck. Additionally, because they are flammable, the fire can quickly spread.
Motor Oil and Automobile Batteries
Gas and acid are found in car batteries. These must be properly and with additional padding shipped. An explosion or gas leak could result from even a little dent or scratch in the battery. The fact that the gas is colourless, exceedingly deadly, and easily ignited just makes the situation worse. Fire is also fuelled by motor oil. Therefore, movers Dublin do not permit shipping of these.
Cleaning Agents and Chemicals
Large amounts of acids are typically present in cleaning solutions. In the event of a fire in the moving truck, this may not only spread the fire but also result in significant harm to both people and property.
Additionally, several nations forbid travellers from carrying strong acidic liquids. Moving firms forbid their employees from transporting chemicals and cleaning solutions including paint thinner, pool chemicals, kitchen and bathroom cleaners, and paint in order to prevent accidents.
Asking your man and van Dublin company is the best course of action if you are unclear about how to pack something.
You can contact your personal move consultant whenever you have a question about relocating your home if you hire movers from ManVan.
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nationaldaycalendar · 9 months
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basawards · 1 year
Now that summer is coming up quickly, you will certainly be engaging your ACs a lot, and therefore, to honor the men and women who work hard to repair and keep the ACs working, the National HVAC Tech Day is in place. In the brutal summer heat (especially around the equator), it is crucial to keep your AC functioning well. At times, as we enjoy the luxury offered by the ACs, we need to sit back and imagine how it looked when air conditioning never existed so that we may appreciate the local HVAC tech. Remember that your HVAC professional helps reduce your carbon footprint when they help you select and maintain efficient heating and cooling systems.
ARS/Rescue Rooter, a national provider of home services, founded the National HVAC Tech Day in 2016 to appreciate all HVAC technicians in the industry as we explore the history behind the development of air conditioning.
Romans were the first to have a central heating system that channeled hot air from a furnace through pipes inside walls and beneath floors. Early Korea also had a similar system of heating the air using excess heat from cooking stoves. Moreover, Muslim architects have constructed underground pipes to warm the entire building.
On cooling, Ancient Egyptians hung cold towels in the windows to let air come into contact with them and cool off inside residents. China invented fans near water fountains in 200CE that blew cold air through the room. In the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin advanced this when experimenting with chemical evaporation by discovering how to frozen surfaces. Immediately after the turn of the century, Chromel (an alloy of Chromium and Nickel), 300 times stronger than other similar materials at the time, was discovered by Albert Marsh, regarded as “the father of the electrical heating industry.” Finally, Willis Carrier invented the first modern air conditioning unit by reversing the heating process.
Cold Theaters
Cinema throughout all theaters was the first industry ever to use air conditioning.
Air Conditioned White House
Ironically, the first president to use air conditioning in the Oval Office was Herbert Hoover, who invented the first vacuum cleaner that sucks air rather than blows it.
Cash Unit
Over 1 million AC units were sold in the US in 1953.
The Cost of Keeping Cool
The average family today spends $2,000 annually on energy bills, with half spent on keeping the house warm or cool.
Weakened Humans
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Brave Techs
These techs crawl spaces, attics, and all places in between.
Extreme Conditions
Working in the heat daily is a harrowing experience, but our techs must work through such harsh conditions to fix our Ac.
Less Money
By helping you to select and maintain efficient heating and cooling systems, HVAC techs also help you reduce your carbon footprint.
HVAC Industry Statistics
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Are you a small business operating in the HVAC Industry?
It’s time to get the recognition you deserve. For years most business awards have been focused on celebrating big corporations, but the Best of America Small Business Awards is the only business award for small businesses. Small businesses make up 99% of U.S. companies; this shows how big small companies are for our economy.
BASA is the real deal, as it is prestigiously independent and was created with an unwavering love for small businesses. The award aims to showcase the best small businesses’ notable efforts in growing and building economies, communities, and a better working world while encouraging more small businesses to get excited about new opportunities.
With over 100+ categories to choose from, the award is not influenced by big corporations and has no nepotism, vetting process, or big guys, always winning nature. BASA’s independent council of judges only cares about one thing- your work!
The BASA statuette is a hand-made work of art uniquely created in Italy by the internationally acclaimed artist Ithaca. Learn more at www.bbsawards.com.
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ultra-maha-us · 1 year
Commercial Cleaning Companies for Businesses
A commercial cleaning company can be a cost-effective investment for businesses. A work environment that is properly maintained by a professional company can have a positive effect, not only on the appearance of a business, but also the work environment and the image of the business.
Many businesses can benefit from hiring a cleaning or janitorial company. The cost to hire a commercial company may appear to be a higher investment, but having an in-house cleaning staff can have hidden fees. According to the National Contract Cleaners Association there are several hidden costs involved with having an in-house cleaning staff. Some of the costs with having this done in-house may include employee wages and benefits, materials, equipment, training, and time to oversee and manage the cleaning staff. Professionally trained companies may also have the knowledge about specialty cleaning services compagnie de menage that in-house cleaning staff do not have. Hiring a commercial cleaning company may be much more cost-effective for a business than their in-house staff.
There are several reasons why a business should invest in a commercial company. Having a work environment that is professional and clean can improve the appearance and the environment of the business. A well-maintained and clean work environment can help improve employee work performance and motivation. Having a commercial cleaning company remove the dust, mold, allergens and other substances that can diminish air quality can improve employees' health. A clean, well-maintained business environment can improve the image employees have about the company they work for. This can also improve the image customers have of a business.
Some businesses can benefit from the professional services of a company like this beyond their offices. For example real estate agencies may benefit by hiring a professional commercial cleaning company as part of their staging design. Hiring a company can help improve the interior and exterior look of a home or business for sale. These professionals are trained to get rid of issues where regular cleaning isn't enough such as smells caused by pets or smokers, and mold & mildew issues. For older houses with that musty older home smell, or homes that have been closed up, hiring a commercial cleaning company can get rid of those issues. A professionally cleaned piece of real estate is much more attractive to potential buyers.
A company that is already doing scheduled cleaning of your business can be a wise investment in case of emergencies. Commercial cleaning companies often offer 24 hour emergency cleaning services seven days a week. These services may include clean-up due to water damage from flooding or leaks, fire and smoke damage, and post crime scene clean-ups. A commercial cleaning company that already has cleaning maintenance services with your business will already understand your post emergency clean-up needs.
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proservicensw · 1 year
Cleaning Services NDIS
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for eligible people and their families. The scheme covers most of the costs associated with living in your own home. It may also help to cover the cost of routine repairs or maintenance. There are a range of other support services available, from home modifications to help with everyday tasks. A NDIS cleaning service is just one such example.
Cleaning Services NDIS has a wide selection of professionals to choose from. Some of the more popular ones include carpet and floor cleaning, housekeeping and garden maintenance. Although a lot of these services are covered by the fund, they may not be the most appropriate option for all recipients. Despite this, they can be an excellent option for those who have a special need.
While the NDIS does not directly fund specialist cleaning services, the core support funds that go towards this type of assistance are a good option. Of course, this doesn't mean you should just hire anyone for the job. Ensure you get a reputable company and find out if they are certified in NDIS cleaning services. This will ensure you get the best service and the highest quality.
Another useful thing about the NDIS is the fact that it can be used to fund some of the most basic cleaning jobs. However, some tasks require more complex equipment, such as carpet cleaning. If you need some help getting your carpets looking their best, you'll want to take advantage of this program.
The NDIS cleaning service is a great choice for both individuals and businesses alike. Their professional cleaners have years of experience in the field. They provide a variety of cleansing services, from home and garden to commercial building cleaning and painting. You don't need to worry about bringing in your own cleaning equipment, as the NDIS has all the tools for the job.
In addition to providing cleaning services, the NDIS can also assist with a range of other assistance programs and products. For instance, if you need help with your mobility, the NDIS might be able to fund an electric wheelchair for you. Likewise, if you have a serious health condition, the program might help you pay for an expensive medical bill. Also, if you need someone to drive you around, the scheme might be able to cover the cost.
One of the most important things you can do to make sure your home is safe and functional is to have a clean home. Not only will you enjoy a healthier environment, but you can also spend more time with your family. Many of the cleaning services NDIS has to offer can be customized to your needs. Take the time to explore the options, and you may even be able to use these services on a regular basis!
While the NDIS might not have everything you need to enjoy your day-to-day life, the organisation can still help you on your way to a healthier and more productive lifestyle.
Pro Service in NSW is a professional cleaning service. Our fully insured cleaners can assist you with commercial & house cleaning services.
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ozcarpetcleanig · 1 year
Carpet Cleaning Mount Waverley
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OZ Carpet Cleaning is one of Mount Waverley's leading expert carpet cleaning companies. With 100% customer satisfaction, excellent service, promptness, and compliance with the best procedures, we provide same-day carpet cleaning.
The carpets in your house have the ability to enhance or detract from your reputation when people enter. Additionally, it uses up much of the investment in your house. Therefore, you need to engage a regular cleaning service to maintain your carpets lovely and clean for many years to come.
Dust, dirt, and stains that are regularly gathered in carpets can cause skin irritation in addition to a range of other health problems. We at OZ Carpet Cleaning care about your loved ones' security and general well-being.
If you choose light or dark materials, stains can conceal themselves wherever the naked eye cannot see them. Our professionals at Carpet cleaners in Mount Waverley can remove even the most difficult stains from any location with the help of our top-notch cleaning services and steam cleaning in Rowville. With the help of our efficient professional carpet steam cleaners, your carpet will look as clean as new.
Dust mites and bacteria may settle anywhere in your carpets, making it easier for conditions like bronchitis, asthma, and coughing to worsen. By eliminating the dust with OZ Cleaning Solutions, we lessen the chance that your loved ones may have irritating allergies as a result of residing in unhygienic surroundings.
Best Carpet Cleaning in Mount Waverley 
At OZ Cleaning Solutions, we put a lot of effort into locating the most skilled carpet cleaners who are also polite and productive. We use state-of-the-art equipment and excellent cleaning techniques. Our gear is of the finest calibre and complies with all national standards. We want our cleaners to use the top deep cleaning equipment, supplies, and ingredients with your health and safety in mind. We thus hire them, train them, and check their effectiveness using our pricey cleaning equipment.
Give your carpets a fresh start with OZ Carpet Cleaning Services in Mount Waverley in addition to complete cleaning.
What Do We Offer?
Hot water extraction for deep steam cleaning.
Stain removal
Sanitised / Deodorised
Rapid dry cleaning is available.
Rotary scrub for a superior clean
Tile and grout cleaning
Upholstery Cleaning
End of Lease Cleaning Services
Emergency 24*7 Cleaning Services in Mount Waverly
When damage to your home happens and you are unclear of what to do, we are aware of how stressful it may be. For an emergency same day carpet cleaning in Mount Waverley and the nearby regions, OZ Carpet Cleaning is delighted to help. Thanks to our skilled carpet cleaners, you will appreciate using all of our carpet cleaning services.
OZ Cleaning Solutions will regularly arrive at your home on time, saving you time. There is nothing more essential to us than your complete satisfaction, therefore our expert cleaners deliver high-quality carpet cleaning in Mount Waverley and gain your trust by providing you with a carpet that is stain-free and fits your demands.
Do you have any inquiries about your service or complaint? Feel Free to call us on (03) 8712 1886
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Carpet Cleaning Mount Waverley
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OZ Carpet Cleaning is one of Mount Waverley's leading expert carpet cleaning companies. With 100% customer satisfaction, excellent service, promptness, and compliance with the best procedures, we provide same-day carpet cleaning.
The carpets in your house have the ability to enhance or detract from your reputation when people enter. Additionally, it uses up much of the investment in your house. Therefore, you need to engage a regular cleaning service to maintain your carpets lovely and clean for many years to come.
Dust, dirt, and stains that are regularly gathered in carpets can cause skin irritation in addition to a range of other health problems. We at OZ Carpet Cleaning care about your loved ones' security and general well-being.
If you choose light or dark materials, stains can conceal themselves wherever the naked eye cannot see them. Our professionals at Carpet cleaners in Mount Waverley can remove even the most difficult stains from any location with the help of our top-notch cleaning services and steam cleaning in Rowville. With the help of our efficient professional carpet steam cleaners, your carpet will look as clean as new.
Dust mites and bacteria may settle anywhere in your carpets, making it easier for conditions like bronchitis, asthma, and coughing to worsen. By eliminating the dust with OZ Cleaning Solutions, we lessen the chance that your loved ones may have irritating allergies as a result of residing in unhygienic surroundings.
Best Carpet Cleaning in Mount Waverley 
At OZ Cleaning Solutions, we put a lot of effort into locating the most skilled carpet cleaners who are also polite and productive. We use state-of-the-art equipment and excellent cleaning techniques. Our gear is of the finest calibre and complies with all national standards. We want our cleaners to use the top deep cleaning equipment, supplies, and ingredients with your health and safety in mind. We thus hire them, train them, and check their effectiveness using our pricey cleaning equipment.
Give your carpets a fresh start with OZ Carpet Cleaning Services in Mount Waverley in addition to complete cleaning.
What Do We Offer?
Hot water extraction for deep steam cleaning.
Stain removal
Sanitised / Deodorised
Rapid dry cleaning is available.
Rotary scrub for a superior clean
Tile and grout cleaning
Upholstery Cleaning
End of Lease Cleaning Services
Emergency 24*7 Cleaning Services in Mount Waverly
When damage to your home happens and you are unclear of what to do, we are aware of how stressful it may be. For an emergency same day carpet cleaning in Mount Waverley and the nearby regions, OZ Carpet Cleaning is delighted to help. Thanks to our skilled carpet cleaners, you will appreciate using all of our carpet cleaning services.
OZ Cleaning Solutions will regularly arrive at your home on time, saving you time. There is nothing more essential to us than your complete satisfaction, therefore our expert cleaners deliver high-quality carpet cleaning in Mount Waverley and gain your trust by providing you with a carpet that is stain-free and fits your demands.
Do you have any inquiries about your service or complaint? Feel Free to call us on (03) 8712 1886
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