bufomancer · 8 months
You mentioned it a while ago, but can I ask how you do mite preventative for hamsters? I'm trying to gather info for a future robo hamster and mites are my worst nightmare.
I use selemectin monthly as a preventative. In the US it’s prescription only but I order mine from Pets Mega Store in Australia, it always gets through customs no problem.
I use the Neovela brand of selemectin and I get the one labeled for kittens and rabbits. It’s a pink box I believe!
Just one drop on their back each month!
I always make sure to treat new arrivals but I’ll be honest I sometimes forget to treat *every* month but you definitely want to do a treatment when you first get your robo in case he brings any in from wherever you get him from.
If there’s an active infestation you’ll want to re-treat 2 weeks after the first dose and then monthly for a while. And sanitize everything in the tank. Sarcoptic mites are more common, they’re microscopic so you’ll only notice them due to scratching or hair loss. They’re easiest to get rid of luckily. Tropical fur mites are the ones that are more difficult, you can see them with the naked eye. They only hang out on their host to feed, and don’t need to feed super often so they’re most common to find hanging out on the inside of your hamster’s favorite hide. They’re more annoying because they may leave the tank and then come back, so harder to get rid of. But I haven’t had any come back since my first infestation of them!
If you end up with tropical fur mites, I recommend lining the top of the enclosure with vaseline to limit them going in and out, and diatomaceous earth around the outside base of the enclosure for the same reason. You can also use flea and tick sprays from the pet store that are meant to be sprayed on furniture etc to kill any in the environment but don’t use them in the cage. Freezing, heat, and bleach can all kill mites inside the cage or on items.
Robos are the best so good luck and enjoy your lil hammy friend!!
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