#Not tagging fandoms because I don't want randos harassing me for darkfic plot bunnies
rubberduckyrye · 3 months
Oh because of the scaradotter fic or the v3 fic
Okay gonna go into more detail about these dark fics so under the cut they go!
Note though: the way I see both of these fics is that if I were to write them, they would be horror. Keep that in mind for the V3 fic especially dnasjdnsjak
The DottoScara fic is on my to-do list, but I have to be in a VERY specific mood for that dsnfkjnsfjkds. To clarify: the fic is currently called "Diablo", and it explores Scaramouche's live from the very beginning of his life, through his "Three betrayals," through the meat of the fic (Dottore torturing him via experimentation) and up until his final confrontation with the Traveler where he fights in the big robot. The main reason it's DottoScara is because the meat of the fic will explore the potential tortures Scaramouche faced under Dottore. AKA It's torture porn. Also something something you could argue that any and all vivisections Scaramouche endures can be allegories to being sexually abused something something invading the body in a way that is a very unique experience something something not intended but I've definitely written Wrenn in RPs where he feels violated in his healing verses when he thinks of the vivisections so there's that?
Anyway. The V3 Darkfic. Um. Ho boy. This one might get people screaming at me.
(I say, literally describing that Scaramouche endures Vivisections... But the themes of the V3 fic are.... things people really love to harass people about. Ah. Oh well, Antis, eat your hearts out.)
The V3 fic.... Listen, it didn't start off as a darkfic but boy did it go there real fast. I don't even know if I want to write this one. But I'll tell you the concept for it--the idea is when there are 14 students left, the Motive Monokuma and the Monokubs give them is a collar around their necks and the Seven Deadly Sins. The collars inject a chemical that is supposed to make their respective hosts more and more likely to enact their respective sins, and there are two of each sin. Three doses from the collar will make the student go into a frenzy if they've been resisting their sin for the previous 2 doses.
Sounds pretty interesting--until you think of the consequences of that and the sin of Lust specifically. It accidentally went from "interesting them and motive" to "Oh this is literally 'Fuck or Die' combined with 'Sex Pollen'." fsdnjfjkfnsdk
Definitely not intentional on my part. Anyway guess what two "I'd rather die than be vulnerable with someone, especially if forced into intimacy" boys got the Lust Collars. If you guessed Oumota you'd be right.
Since I think the concept of being forced into lust is a very horrifying situation, I was drawn to the idea of writing it from Kaito's perspective and writing down the horrors from his perspective. The fact that him and Kokichi keep blacking out on the third dose does not Help his imagination. I don't think I'd write any of the sex scenes (been there, done that with "A Little Out of Order", not sure if I really wanna do smut again) but I think the blackouts/reading Kaito slip from coherent consciousness into darkness make it all the more horrifying. Just, they're both drugged and black out, who knows what could have happened to either of them when they black out. They both hate this.
I think at some point Kokichi concocts the idea of killing himself just to make the motive end for everyone, but also because he gets to be at his breaking point because. Well. You know. Pretty sure Kaito has to stop him.
I do know Miu gets a wrath collar and ends up breaking a lot of shit in her lab on dose 3. That or she beats up Kokichi. Probably the latter because you know. That or sloth if only because I can't tell which sin would make her feel her worst. It's about the despair, everyone!
This idea of far less plotted out though because I don't really know what to do with it, let alone do I even really want to do anything with it. Like I don't know how the motive ends, if there's a murder, if the ship can even really become a true ship after that kind of trauma, ectect. So for now it's staying as a plot bunny in my head that I occasionally remember and ponder on.
Anyway. Ehe. if I start getting hate anons I'm closing my ask box immediately. Juuust saying.
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