#OH ALSO THIS INSPIRED BY SOMEBODY ELSE'S POST it was this piece of the wiki with the caption 'gay wrath' and maybe some art I can't find it
sharpen-jadescythe · 4 years
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Some notes about Sharpy’s facial features
I meander for a while about drawing facial features, my novice sketching process, and the best drawn male eyes I’ve ever seen.
For fun, and because he is so adorable (sigh, I can’t trick anyone into thinking I’m not a girl gamer for five seconds--not that I want to but it’s pretty funny that I couldn’t for the life of me do it, oh well), I wanted to point out some things about this sketch (and a few Sharpen sketches I’ve done so far). I’m sure that others do this as well... To make Sharpen more unique and seem like an individual, I’ve placed some tell-tale features in every art of him that I do.
Curl in left eyebrow
“Elvis” curl at his hairline, helps make him seem playful and even himbo-ish, since that’s his personality
And I can’t explain it but the imperfect hair makes him seem more approachable, like any one of us
Tiny scar on his top lip on the left side. I haven’t decided headcanon for that scar yet; it’s just something that I really wanted to do. I think my pencil slipped once and I was like ‘Yaaaas, don’t change that!’
Square-ish forehead. You see the lines there as he turns his head
Some musculature over the eyes
Extremely careful little dots in specific places to indicate more musculature on face. Getting annoyed and erasing the dot and putting it back a milimeter further out is like... WHY do I do it? But I keep doing it, I want them
Lightly defined, high cheekbones (Trixany’s are so strong, I had to really train myself out of giving him super stand-out ones)
Boxier eyes... they do not at all resemble the original inspiration for these eyes when I started sketching him, but I maintained a little of the ‘mystery’ of unusual eyes and strong lashes on a guy (see more below)
Eyes set wide apart
Together, the larger, wide-set eyes give him a kind of baby face? That happened on its own, it wasn’t planned. Sometimes I can see the lil’ Gerber baby in there
A little divot at the top lining of his ears
What else... Well, Tumblr is here to let us indulge in our art and our creativity. I guess I just wanted to say I like how small details like these work together, almost as a unique fingerprint, to keep your character, especially their face, looking like... well, themselves.
Just curious--anyone out there want me to draw Sharpen in a specific setting? I’m getting better at it; I think I can take on a request, though I’m kind of intimidated. I don’t think I’ll do commissions at any point in time. But a prompt for sketching practice? Hell yeah.
These art pieces take me a really long time to do, but the way. I’ll outline something then get kind of exhausted or this uneasy feeling? Like I’m not sure if I really want this, or if it’s right? If it does feel right, then I’ll come back weeks later when I have free time, and at that point, sit for hours sketching and filling in everything else.
Then I get mad when all the little nuances I put on paper get lost when you scan... anyway.
Hope you guys are enjoying it!
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Image source: Basilisk Wiki
Okay so I almost forgot--these are the prettiest, coolest eyes I’ve ever seen on a male character, ever. EVER. Obviously, I didn’t re-create these all the way (and not really at all) for Sharpen, but I did go with a boxier style, rather than completely round almond eyes. Gennosuke’s eyes were actually central to the plot of Basilisk, I found out later. Here’s another great pic of Gennosuke--now this wallpaper is badass. I remember I had this one for a long time; it was too, too perfect.
Now that’s the power of detail. Yes, there’s a sword and it shines and it’s at the heart of the picture. But the only thing you need, the only thing that matters in this entire artwork are actually those eyes. Blue and white coloring throughout, but then wow, those golden eyes. And the gold isn’t what does it really, it’s the powerful dark lashes that encircle them more like calligraphy, the eyebrows that unite with those... less human, more wild. The man is practically a tiger. That’s the kind of ferocity you’re hit with, the kind of wonder you’re filled with here.
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Image source: hip wallpaper website
Someone also clearly sat down and thought about how breathtaking it is when you’re right across the table from a guy with eyelashes longer than yours and then you feel that stab of jealousy, along with admiration. Sounds odd, but I think some folks out there know exactly what I mean...
It’s that split second before the instant crush happens. I try to make Sharpy’s eyes do that penetrating ‘instant crush’ thing whenever I draw him. Less because it’s sexy, more because it’s... personal? This is hard to explain. But it feels like he’s having a conversation with you and it’s okay that you’re there with him. He expects you to respond and participate; he thinks he’s your friend. I believe I draw Trixany’s eyes the same way if she’s not posed doing something over-the-top. If she’s just relaxing and sharing herself with you, then it’s a friendly, loving gaze.
The gym t-shirt sketch is the first time I didn’t make Sharpy ‘penetrate the camera’ as they say. It was hard not to redraw it so that he was... decided he was looking in the mirror or something instead.
When I look at Sharpen’s sketch at the very top of this post, I keep wanting him to stop looking elsewhere and look right at me. Right at the viewer. What a cool effect that is. What is that? I don’t know if it’s the context of the other drawings or what. Well, it’s not some magical work of art, only something curious I noticed.
Okay, I could ramble forever. I like art and I like to write so that’s a super-intense combination. I’d love for other artists on here to talk about their process, actually write it out and blather on creatively like I just did. It’s fun. And you learn about somebody’s personality too.
Yes, it’s definitely nice to talk about sketching and the special rainbow of things that go into it sometimes.
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