ALL THE FALL QUESTIONS (but you can skip the ones someone else asked you if that happens)
omgoodness so many lol
1. pumpkin pie or apple pie? I hate pumpkin and my Grama’s sour cream apple pie is the only apple pie I like!!
2. favourite fall song? idk??? I don’t really have one I don’t think.
3. favourite Halloween song? Again, I don’t really have one.
4. favorite fall drink? Ummm, I pretty much only drink water all the time lol. 
5. favourite fall food? The ham and stuffing I get for Thanksgiving! And those Halloween Pillsbury cookies omgggg 😍
6. Favourite Halloween/fall movie? THE HALLOWEENTOWN SERIES, NOBODY TOUCH ME. Ignoring the fact that this is TV not movie related, I also totally don’t re-watch the Charmed Halloween episodes near Halloween 😏 And not gonna lie when I was a kid September was kinda the time I would always start my Charmed whole series re-watch anyway lmao. 
7. favourite fall colour? Red and orange with a dash of brown (but not like gross brown)!
8. favourite Halloween candy?I like almost all the chocolate bars except like the coffee one and a few others I can’t think of rn.
9. leggings or jeans? Jeans.
10. favourite fall blogs? I don’t think I follow any strictly fall blogs so idk??? 
11. 10 mini pumpkins or 1 big pumpkin?This is difficult because we always got two big ones (one for me and one for my sister) but I also think mini pumpkins are cute and always wanted them soooo both?? 
12. favorite book to read in the fall?If I’m feeling nostalgic I may read one of my old Charmed novels or my Charmed comics but other than that I don’t really have anything I read only at fall.
13. favorite candle scent(s)? Apple is the only one that comes to mind. I’m not huge into candles and I’m really picky with my scents lol. 
14. coffee or tea? tbh it’s really neither but I do once in a blue moon drink some chamomile tea so I guess tea.
15. favourite fall activity? I always loved jumping in the leaves as a kid, carving the pumpkins, decorating for Fall as well as Halloween and obviously dressing up for to go trick or treating! Not to mention most of the tv shows come back and there are all the new ones to check out too!
16. caramel apple or candy apple?neither, I dislike apples when they’re not in something.
17. favourite fall outfit?I’m gonna be honest here and say I usually wear shorts all year round when I’m at home. Butttt if I’m going out I guess I’d pick some nice skinny jeans/capris, my emus/boots/running shoes, a light scarf, plaid button down with a tank, my fall jacket or one of my pink sweaters with a tank underneath and no jacket.  
18. sweaters or jackets?Both! As long as I can take it off when I’m inside because I’m always hot. 
19. mittens or gloves?both!
20. favourite tree?willow trees are cool and the cherry blossom ones but yeah I don’t really think about trees much so idk for fall haha. 
21. Halloween or Thanksgiving?Halloween!!!
22. sweet treats or salty treats?Both!
23. what do you have for Thanksgiving?A DELICIOUS HAM (also turkey but I hate turkey and don’t eat that), my coleslaw, Grama’s sour cream apple pie as well as her stuffing, homemade biscuits, caesar salad, sometimes blueberry cheesecake! I don’t like a lot of the traditional “Thanksgiving” food stuff so that’s basically all I care about/know about. 
24. corn maze or haunted house? Haunted house!
25. would you have a fall themed wedding?Er no but that’s mostly because I’m never getting married so therefore will never have a wedding lol.
26. traditional jack-o-lanterns or artistic jack-o-lanterns?Mine look like they’ve been butchered lmaaao so traditional I guess. But the fancy ones are cool too I just can’t do them.
27. zombies or vampires?Neither! Because witches are where it’s at. 
28. scarves or hats?My first instinct was to say scarves but I’ve gotten into hats recently too so both. 
29. do you like baking?Yes!
30. favourite thing about fall?the cool weather, the changing leaves, decorations, Halloween, my Charmed re-watch!
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Run Run Rudolph aka Lessons Learned
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I learned some important lessons last Saturday at the Run Run Rudolph 5k. Simply put:
Prepare - Double Check - Backup 
Some of this I did well. Others, not so much. 
Weather is always a factor before a race. In Georgia, in December, the weather can be unpredictable. Case in point: We had a real cold snap the week before this race, temps in the 30’s. Two days before, warm weather decided it was coming back and we were up in the 60’s. The result of those competing temps is, of course, rain. The forecast for race day Saturday morning was 50’s and 100% rain. My deduction was, OK raining but at least it won’t be cold. 
Prepare: Saturday morning I put on my capri tights, short socks, tank & light weight rain jacket. At least I thought I was prepared!
Double Check: Before leaving & spending a little time outside, I realized it was  chillier than I expected. I added a long sleeve shirt over my tank and changed to a medium weight rain jacket with hood. I added my visor to keep the rain off my face.
Backup: OMGoodness! I was so happy I had my running bag with me! In it I had my leg warmers and gloves that I put on at the last minute. The rain was torrential and despite the warmer temp I expected, it was SOOOO cold! In retrospect, I should have worn long tights to begin with and added my scarf and my Five Star moisture wicking cap.
After the Race
What I did well: I had a towel and blanket in the car. The towel dried me off some and the blanket protected my car seat and warmed me up.
What I didn’t do well: I didn’t have anything warm & dry to change into. I was literally soaking wet from top to bottom. My socks and shoes were soaked and my feet were freezing. I should have had at least a pair of dry socks and shoes to change into. Getting out of the wet clothes would have been nice too. Lesson learned!
Bottom Line
Dress warmer than you think. (You can always take things off.)
Have a bag of even warmer stuff with you. (Just in case.)
Keep a towel or blanket in your car. (Good idea anyway.)
Bring dry clothes/socks/shoes to change into. (Just do it.)
I have another race this Saturday morning (Five Star’s Reindeer Run). The weather forecast is 40 degrees and raining. Seriously? You can bet your bottom dollar I will be taking my own advice. As my mama used to say: I may be dumb but I ain’t stupid!
Happy Running!
CuteOldChick aka Kerry
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My view from the car before the race. So much rain.
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Soaked, freezing and very happy to cross that Finish Line!
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shesaluckybutterfly · 7 years
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Omgoodness how adorable is @taymahijazi and how cute is this Canadian flag scarf in perfect time for upcoming Canada Day on July 1st!! You need to contact her to get one in time but this is definitely a piece you'll want to have - to use year round. One is cute and sporty, the other is more subtle and elegant. But the best part is that part proceeds go to help Syrian Refugee Families. Check out her account to find out more. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
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