#OP u have blessed us (literally) with jesus and the kids
daehnii · 7 years
B.A.P party baby in D.C. Fanaccount
I wanna start this out by saying how much I adore B.A.P and how much this D.C. Concert means to me. I actually went to see them at this exact venue four years ago. Back then I was a sophomore in high school and now I’m a sophomore in college and I just idk it’s so important to me bc I’ve grown up as a person and B.A.P has really helped me do so and follow my dreams so lmao I’m emotional and my night couldn’t have been better. 
I just wanted to see them again with hi touch and photo op and I got so much more out of tonight god fuck
More info on my night underneath!!!!!
 Ok so b shoo is really good like he got some jams. It really got the venue even more hyped up and it was great. 
I can’t remember the exact order of the songs so I’m just gonna spew words lol HIMJAE was so cute I got a vid of it omg himchan stroked Jae’s face ahhahahaha in the beginning it was mainly bangdaeup on my side and it was GOOD god fuck their voices are so good and Zelo kept coming over to our side so I got many videos of him. Hearing B.A.P live is amazing like their voices are so pure and so beautiful? 
 Yongguk: So happy so so happy to see him on the stage again, he had a water gun and he was trying to use it but I think he didn’t know how hahahahahaha but he figured it out! And sprayed us all lollll he wore sunglasses most of the show and was on our side A LOT and he just looked so in his element and lifted his arms and swayed a lot like his calm kinda dancing, I cheered so much for his parts in skydive I just seeing skydive as ot6 really made me want to cry omg he just looked so comfy and happy also during be happy he lifted his shirt and showed his stomach and it was sorta not like abs but flat and I just seeing him fed is so good to me like you don’t need abs u beautiful man and his voice idk I just feel IT IN MY SOUL oh my god when he speaks and raps it just envelopes you I reallly love him so much 
 Himchan: he came over to our side near the end half and goddamn he slays, he was having such a good time and kept jumping up and down and he kept blowing kisses and looking up at the balcony, seeing him do his bunny smile is so good and pure and amazing and god his voice was amazing like jeez I’ve always been so in love with his speaking voice and laugh so hearing him speak and laugh love is just usgfjkglb He kept putting his arm around Jongup too hahahaha and gave him a rose as well and it was adorable
 Daehyun: HE WAS SO EXTRA like he ran up to so many phones and sang to people and high fived people and blew kisses and threw hearts and he threw me and my friend a heart and I just cry omg he really is such a sweetheart and joked a lot too and kept saying I love you to everyone, his solo was so good like he’s really improving so much and his dance jesus fuck I exploded, seeing him smile is so amazing and his vocals were so so so good and clean, he really did so well I’m so proud of him, and during some point he wiggled his butt in front of the crowd as his dance and LMAO why are you learning from junhong hahahahaha Daejae was prevalent oh my god, they ran forward during Spy I think, held onto each other and did that hella corny dance where they sway their hips oh my god and they held onto each other a lot it was so cute like I love seeing them have fun and mess around with each other
  Youngjae: JEEZ BALL OF ENERGY he didn’t come to our side that often but I tried to get as many vids of him omg he was going ham on the crowd and spraying so much water on the other side and like during the songs where they don’t do choreo watching youngjae jump and dance and just enjoy himself is literally the best thing to grace your eyes with, he’s so bubbly and amazing and such a ball of sunshine oh my god he also gave the cutest waves and he waved at my friend right next to me uahdjkfkvlb his voice was A++++ god frick he’s got such good vocals I cry 
  Jongup: As soon as the song starts he’s like HOT DAMN but when they did talks or their more free songs he was the softest bean omg, istg he kept looking in our direction but I don’t know if he actually saw people? Cause sometimes this boy forgets to wear his contacts lmao but hot damn his solo stage was on fire, I wanted to cry lava tears he’s really so amazing live and seeing the way his body moves when he does their choreo is so clean and crisp and he always has a little smirk on like ???? Pls pls calm my heart but he literally would give the shyest smiles and waves and ended his little speech with a half heart and I cry I love him so much
  Zelo: ok I can say with certainty that this boy came after me tonight like he was literally in front of us for almost the entire concert and I’ve always loved the way he dances BUT GODDAMN THE WAY HE DANCES and he was such a cheeky kid ahhahahaha he didn’t do much fanservice overall but he picked tonight! And he chose this cute girl and said bc of her tattoos on her arm ALSO I saw junhong’s tattoo when ever he jumped and his shirt rose up and I caught it on video bless, but also when the girl said her name was Jordan he literally pretended to jump and dump hoops I cry whys he like this, but the vid they made seemed to be super cute also this kid wiggled his butt so much at the crowd like pls calm down I cry, his solo was so amazing I’m literally Beaming at how good his voice sounded and how cute the lyrics were. I got a nice af fancam of it too hahahaha I love him so much god fuck 
Encore: y'all during encore I was near the stage and goddamn personal space was non existent lol and they did bang x2 and Himchan and Jongup were head banging on our side it was so good, Himchan was yelling so much and then held his throat and said ah it hurts I think he yelled too much he had the cutest pout oh my god, then him and Jongup just kept head banging and singing and it was amazing, and then they ran down and high fived us all I am blessed oh my god, before he high fived me Jongup gave the sweetest smile oh my god then Himchan came around and hi fived me too but I didn’t get to record any of it cause I forgot TO PRESS RECORD OH MY GOD but I got a video of Youngjae being such a cute excited bun I’m gonna post all of them fancams bc I have a new phone and it’s good quality!!!!! I think hahaha 
High touch!!! 
Order was yongguk daehyun Jongup youngjae zelo and himchan (I think it was this order idk I’m so shaken up rn) 
 They’re really beautiful in person, I just can not explain how radiant and golden their skin is. And how beautiful their smiles are. 
 Yongguk was first and I told him I loved him and he smiled that slow gummy smile and I just melted, his smile is so calming like I felt like everything in my life was gonna go well like idk it was such a feeling 
 Daehyun was laughing bc the person in front of me made him smile so wide and I got to see it (bless you Kem) and I said I loved you and he was still smiling so wide, he looks like sunshine in a boy 
 Jongup is so soft and cute. Oh god I failed Cindy and forgot to tell him she’ll be in Chicago but I did tell him I loved him and thought he was beautiful and he smiled softly and I just wowowowow also Jongups got nice hands 
 Youngjae goddamn Youngjae has the nicest cheeks like when he smiles even slightly his apple cheeks rise and like they glowed???? I literally blurted “you’re cute I love you so much” Jesus I just idk his face is so perfect and I swear to you all he’s more beautiful in person, the camera literally does him no justice so watch out if you see him in person you’ll literally be out of breath 
 ZELO JUNHONG MY BOY I’m sorry im so shaken up at my interaction with him. He was sitting on the table and leaned on one arm as he high fived people and I just idk I approached him ready to say I love you and his eyes widened like how do I even describe this he looked a little taken aback, like not recoil cause it was only his eyes that sorta like flashed and widened when he first looked at me and literally everyone I’ve told is like “he thought you were cute” or “it’s a sign of attraction” and I just can’t breathe rn idk like fuck I’ll post some selfies and photos later idk man and I said I love so you and he just sorta looked at me and my ass chickened out and went on to himchan. Like I’m not ready to die of a heart failure. 
 Himchan, ok I said I wasn’t ready for heart failure and goddamn Himchan is so gorgeous, he’s got such nice eyes and I’m loving this soft brown hair on him. And we high fived and he’s got such soft hands and I said “I love you” and when you look at his eyes they glitter, like no matter where, his eyes catch the light and it’s amazing
Photo op!!! So line up was the same as high touch and I walked in and like was sorta walking straight at Daehyun and I smiled and nodded my head and he smiled back so sweetly and I looked at Youngjae and smiled and like didn’t see his reaction bc I went and SWERVED and stood in front of Junhong and god fuck he’s tall like I’m not that short I don’t think, I’m 5'7 and like the top of my head reaches his chin basically ahahaha and I turn around and I smile and say “Hi <3” like shiest I’ve ever been let me tell you and he looked down at me and I just. fuck my heart skipped a beat and I chickened out again at looking at his smile and turned around for the photo and I felt FELT his chuckle against my back and I’m just dying rn, his voice was soft and deep and I just wow I’m emotional, after the photos were taken (god I hoped I looked ok) I CHICKENED OUT and didn’t tell Junhong I loved him again, and then I looked straight at Himchan and said you’re beautiful and then held up my hand and said hi five and he did uahdjkglb bless himchan I got like 3 hi fives from him tonight 
all in all bap are tall and handsome and do not look at them unless you want heart failure and to fall in love so sososososoososo much more 
I stood outside waiting for my friend for a bit to find me and they came up to the doors and waved and it was adorable oh my god and we ended up seeing their van leave and we waved and someone inside the van waved back with their flashlight on I love them so much.
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blondtan · 7 years
PART TWO (a.u)
or’: in which dumb7 like to think they’re the new local gang and should be considered badass just because they got a bunch of bikes off ebay that were on sale and now they pretend to take beatdown requests. tip: don’t trust maknae line to be on their own. 
warnings: mentions of bars/paid violence/gangs, vulgar language, lots of crack actually 
○  | see more of my aus here |  ○ 
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• signature items: dentist voucher card 2 at the price of 1 for teeth whitening                              + smiley face fake earring 
• cutest biker you’ll ever meet w a smile so pure that u start to feel bad for that time you forgot to give a pencil back in 3rd grade that is the youngjae effect© • he lets little kids around the neighborhood  put cute stickers and flowers on his motorcycle and it’s the cutest thing he gets so happy when he sees a new lilly on the handle he actually has a flower chain all over the front and everyone envies him • and no the background sound you just heard wasn’t jackson screaming that little kids won’t come near him as they cling onto yj’s leg nope (that cursed honda...,,) • everyone loves him like this is certified u exist u love youngjae these are the rules but grannies are especially in love w him  • once said a bad word and the whole group panicked and put youngjae into quarantine bc they thought they were losing him to ~the plague~ • he goes to buy them bread every morning and delivers them w his bike and then in the afternoon they race each other yj with his motorcycle and the grannies w their scooters except poor so rin whose husband always goes to afternoon ‘strolls’ w it so he takes her on the back of his bike and ends up losing bc of that like 99% of the time  • sunday night it’s break from fight night bc he goes to play bingo with them and takes the rest of got7 and they are the most excited whenever someone yells bingo even tho it’s not their boy (tip: youngjae has no idea about bingo to this day) •  met the grannies at the dentist as he was getting his teeth whitened and they bonded over weird mumblings and random swallows and trying to communicate while having multiple people’s hands in their mouths at the same time and he just can’t let them go  • now he may look innocent & pure but listen up ok,,,,listen here,,,,,,,,,,he rly is •  except maybe that one time when he bumped into a stranger and didn’t apologize and jesus fucking christ it haunted him for weeks like he would decline when offered lucky charms bc he failed his #code and g o d so he’s not worthy of receiving happiness • he’s supposed to be the one who beats people up but he’s the poodle and the only infernal thing is other gangs’ desire to protect this flower man • wears fluffy socks bc he gets cold feet easily • every time a member is sad said member wakes up with a stuffed bear wearing a leather jacket next to him in bed but “no one” knows who puts them there cause stuffy’s mama didn’t raise a snitch
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• signature items:  puppy photos to appease the gods                              + shea butter hand cream 
• the whole city knows him like they hear the word ‘bam’ and this guy pops into their heads 5 mins later the streets are deserted • cue in confused baby bam coming up the street on his bike like ‘:( where is everyone i wanted to show them my new pastel pink mickey mouse socks i bet jihyo would’ve liked them’ so he just takes polaroids of them and puts them in everyone’s mailbox as tokens of his affection • has sometimes troubles with parking his motorcycle bc he can’t rlly hold it perfectly always to park it and yugyeom just jumps out of the bushes like ‘here i come to halp worry not my small noodle man’ • the first one to reject jaebum’s “infernal poodles” idea • ”hyung do you want us to be the laughingstock of the neighborhood we can’t name ourselves infernal poodles that’s so 3rd grade let’s go for malevolent west highland white terriers” - triggered bam 2k17 while holding his pinky up bc he has #class “don’t encourage him u nuthead”
• you’d think he would stop dabbing at some point but nope he’s a professional dabber born&raised™ nearly crashed his yamaha into jackson once while dabbing and the poor guy has never been the same     • like really he would literally get his collection of gold holy crosses out and start spewing latin exorcism chants whenever dumb bam raised his hands • once dabbed in a rly shabby bar bc the beat was lit and punched this shawn michaels wannabe in the face and started a bloody (literally) fight which ended up w/ yug dragging everyone to the hospital bc he was the only one who hadn’t fought (bless his tiny bladder) • PAW patrol enthusiast made everyone dress up as the characters during halloween (he nearly passed out after channeling his inner tarzan to fight mark bc i aM GONNA BE SKYE U PIECE OF PUP POOP-) then forced them to sing the op whilst searching for roaming ghosts bc he also wanted to be ray from ghostbusters (but like ~cooler~ and on a bike)       • sneak master from bangkok hides in the shadows to take aesthetic pics of these rly hipster looking guys (like, living in the sewerage bc we don’t believe in homes hipster) smoking bc he may be soft and squishy but his insta theme is #edgyweedaddictbiker even tho he freaks out whenever someone says ‘mary’ • wanted to decorate his bike w/ some rly cute & rly glittery & not badass at all baby animals stickers but jaebum caught him and confiscated them and now bambam goes all (๑´╹‸╹`๑) whenever they’re alone in a room
• (”but hyung, they fit our aesthetic!!!” 
“how in the heavens do a bunch of black kittens represent us”
“...they mean bad luck??”) =>> jaeshook needed like 10 mins and an ear pull from jinyoung to compose himself  •  has noticed that jb lets youngjae have stickers on his motorcycle bc ‘the kids put it there’ so he tries that too but jaebum is like ‘oh yea and please tell me where do this kids find yellow glittery stickers with baby camels on them’  ‘it’s mustard goddammit hyung’)
• he’s the sacrificial lamb whenever the guys wanna get in a fight like rly they might lowkey want him to get beaten so that he’ll become T O U G H • and all he can do is stand in front of these big&buffed up men like ‘pls don’t hurt the child i can do the cooks they call me bambam bc my maple syrup pancakes are yumyum’ • insert housewife!bambam making muscly man breakfast for those big ass guys resulting in them being all friends!!amigos!!comrades!!! who are in love with bambam • bambam receiving black roses (bc red roses are for pussies) every 2 weeks from the dudes in return!!!! (also guess what’s the sole reason why nobody messes with his gang) •  always pretends that he hadn’t noticed that his instagram captions are my chemical romance lyrics added by jaebum,,, but,, he knows,, •  and now he might have welcome to the black parade saved to his phone but what jb doesn’t know won’t hurt him 
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• signature items: fur turtlenecks                             +  XL skinny jeans ( the xl stands for extra leggy) • wears heavy clothes so he thinks they make him look shorter (but rly they just turn him into this cheap & memey version of slenderman bc he just can’t get the tentacle part right) • the neighborhood kids start crying whenever they see him on his bike and yj has to spend like 5 hours trying to calm them down and then 5 more to console  • but rly he’s just an overgrown puppy in need of love and when he doesn’t receive enough he just wraps his arms and legs around someone like ‘hi it me the friendly octopus may our love prevail and may you never escape our - not gay at all what are you talking about we’re bros, bro - embrace~’ • he would write these super poetic poems about love & adoration and all that mushy mushy fluffy shit and then read them to the others (insert: distressed members trying to keep at least their sexuality straight bc they sure as hell can’t do that with their bikes) but then he adds ‘bro’ at the end and the magic dissipates and everyone is reminded that they keep him around just bc he looks rly ominous in the dark + he’s tall so he keeps other gangs away •  goes home complaining to his hyungs about him just lightly pushing a bad guy to set him off and then said guy punched him in the face and he feels extremely wronged • ‘yeah i started it but he didn’t have to hit me so hard’ • usually complains at the dinner table and uses the kitchen utensils in his hand gestures and knocks some plates down and that is where he really catches those hands from mark and jinyoung • the members sometimes call him daddy long legs so at night he pretends he’s the babadook and hides in their closets just to mess with them bc he can • and after he startles them he’s like ‘why did you -hyung stop screaming it’s just me- why did you think it was ok to put the cereal on the bottom shelf you know i never notice things that are below my arms’ ((lmao he never gets an answer bc jackson always faints)) • at first he didn’t want to join the gang because that meant buying a motorcycle and he couldn’t do that bc when he was 13 his parents bought him this rly snazzy™ bike for his bday - a few months later and he couldn’t use it anymore bc he’s grown out of it and he’s been scarred ever since so now he thinks that bikes make him grow taller & he fears that one day he might crush his smol friends while stepping on them • ok but like grannies love him tho bc he’s lean, strong & can carry things =>> he’s like perfect grandson material and when he’s not around they can’t stop gushing about him and yj is on the verge of crying every time bc this is so beautiful this is what he lives for and he sometimes records them and plays the recording when he’s sad and can’t sleep • has troubles with talking back to his hyungs and sometimes gets smacked without deserving it bc jb think’s he’s being sarcastic but that’s just his voice give the boy a break • during the winters he wears this weird ass fur coat that jb got him from the same dealer and he puts it on w a serious expression before the fights and acts like he’s jon snow and sometimes does it during jy’s negociations too but always gets the references wrong and told the barman during closing time that he shall not pass ((someone save him.mp3))
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