henrikvanderswoon · 4 years
Imagine if someone at HeR finally thought: "You know what? Let's see what the people really think. I'm gonna go undercover with a Nancy Drew tumblr blog."
Pro #1: They'd finally get to see all the great ideas and input and criticism we have to offer.
Pro #2: They'd find all our memes.
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callmearcturus · 3 years
How to Read Whomstve in 2021
Hey Arc, what are you doing?
I'm getting into this thing called Whomstve—
You mean you're back into Homest—
SSSSSSHHHHH don't say its name!
It's Complicated.
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So if you don't know, here is the abbreviated version: I started reading Whomstve on the day it ended, the day of the final [S] Act 7 animation, because I watched it on a whim and said "man this music is fucking rad, I should finally try to read this," and then I did.
Then, a few years later, after the completion of the story, Hussie and their compatriots released The Home/stuck Epilogues, which were bad. They were very, very bad and in a specifically very hateful, vindictive way, and they essentially decimated the fandom. Many people left within a month. Most were gone in a year. And they were right to, in my opinion.
(You know how Game of Thrones was the cash cow Cultural Moment and then the finale happened and it fucking vanished from popular consciousness? It was like that, except imagine GOT had a decent ending and people kept enjoying it and then three years later they released a new ending that ruined the show. That's the Epilogues.)
Fast forward to about…. the end of September, 2021. A full 900 days after the Epilogues Happened, I was struck with a thought:
Man. I miss Jake English.
And now, three or four weeks later, I'm into Whomstve.
Okay why "whomstve" tho?
I think my friend Asherinn started this, it was our little way to bitch about the epilogues without winding up on the Tumblr search. Now, to me, Whomstve very specifically means "Home//stuck, before the (Not Actually) Post-Canon content." It's the story I loved.
What I found surprising is that… and this shocked me a lot, trust me: Whomstve is still good. I've done the relisten and it's good, actually. I'm stunned, actually.
When the Epilogues happened, one of the predominate emotions myself and others had was a sense of "were we wrong? was it always bad and we just didn't see it?"
Hi. I'm here. And no, it was good once. And that part still is.
Now you're gonna tell me how to get into """Whomstve"""" right?
Yeah, p much.
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I have a few thoughts on this. I'll try to be concise—
Actually I'm impatient, just tell me what to do.
Fine, the short version:
Read Acts 1 through 3, either on the Home//stuck website or using the Unofficial Home//stuck Collection.
Switch to Lets Read Home//stuck starting with Act 4, and continue on from there.
Switch back to the website or UHSC when you run out of LRHS. It'll get you most of the way to the end.
Stop at [S] Act 7 or [S] Credits. Do not read the Epilogues.
Hit me up for fic recs.
Now, the long version.
ONE: Whomstve is best read and understood in archival format, and anyone who tells you differently is incorrect.
For clarity: the "live read" is having read the comic as it was updating. The "archive read" is having read it as a complete, finished story.
I am 1000% certain that being in the fandom during the live update cycle of the story was very cool and very specific and frankly an experience that will never be repeated. I know and respect that.
However, if you have heard shit about how HS is difficult to understand or even impossible or that it doesn't make sense— this is because the Live Read is vastly inferior to the Archive Read when it comes to your reading comprehension. Many of the complaints people have about the story are solved by experiencing it as a complete story, when you set the pace of your read, and you don't have literally months of downtime between updates in which people spin so much conjecture and theorycraft that their actual understanding of canon is hampered.
So. To appreciate the story, forget all the memes and shit, all the fandom history around it, and just read the fucking story, and it will be great. I promise.
TWO: Okay but should I skip to the trolls.
Act One and Two are not very interesting, compared to the rest of the story.
There, said it.
Unless you imprint on the first hero of the story, John Egbert, you can feel free to just fucking speedread the first two acts of the story. Here, I'll summarize what happens:
It's John Egbert's birthday. He has three best friends, Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde (you'll love her), and Jade Harley. They are destined to play a video game named SBURB that unbeknownst to them will end the world. (Kinda, don't worry about it.) By playing the game, they ascend into the game's world. Each of them have to join the game, and the circumstances around them doing so become increasingly complicated. Through Acts One and Two, John enters the game, then Rose enters the game, whilst we learn about each of the kids and start to learn hints about the greater mythology of SBURB.
It's reading through Acts 1 to 3, but like. Briskly. Act 4 is where shit pops tf off.
(Hell there is an in-canon recap I can link you if you REALLY wanna go fast.)
Wait wait you want me to read THREE FUCKING ACTS before it gets good?
No. It's good. It just doesn't get great until Act 4, imo. You know how The Magnus Archives was never a bad show but that fucker took tf off in season three and four? Yeah, that.
Oh and this is important to understand.
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Yeah. Trust me, it'll go quick.
(oh and important to note: this isn't even accurate because pages have varying amounts of words. a page can be a 500 word conversation between characters, or it can be a two sentence joke, or it could be an animation. i looked for a word count chart and failed to find one. I strongly suspect Acts 1-3 are even smaller than this chart conveys. anyway.)
THREE: You mentioned that you "listen" to HS above.
I feel like this is extremely and useful, especially because I know a lot of my followers are into audio-media like podcasts.
I have properly read HS three times. I have listened to Lets Read Home//stuck probably about 7 times. It is my preferred way to experience the comic. I think starting with Act 4, you can and possibly should just put on LRHS and experience the story that way.
Why not Acts 1 thru 3? The production values and voice acting from Act 4 and onward are extremely fucking listenable, and occasionally they are even better than just reading the comic. There are no truly Bad performances, only about two I would call mediocre, and more than 15 I would call really goddamn fucking good, and about three I think deserve fucking acting accolades. Also the Hivebent Narrator's voice is hot, I'm sorry.
Isn't it a different experience than reading the comic on the site? Yes, but in a good way. A few years ago, HS as a property was acquired by Viz Media, and a lot of little things in the comic have been altered and lost due to this. Most of the comic was coded in specific languages, and to preserve them, Viz has uploaded a lot of shit to Youtube, which…. loses something very real to the story. So if you are gonna lose something, why not also gain something by listening to Lets Read Home//stuck?
(Hilarious aside: I just tried to run [S] Cascade on the official site to grab a screencap and the fucking embed crashed. GOOD JOB VIZ. God.)
Also if you have not experienced LRHS's Rose Lalonde from Act 4 onward, you are missing the fuck out bc that is an oscar-worthy performance of one of the best characters in the story. I'm not kidding.
But it's not complete! I would say LRHS has covered…… over 80% of the story. And they are still actively updating, actually. They fully plan on finishing the comic and I really believe they will do it someday.
Do you have another reason to use LRHS? Yes. The biggest reason:
The trolls.
The trolls are recurring characters. Several are major cast members. They all have Typing Quirks. Some are readable, like Karkat's:
Some are...
I cannot read this shit. When I read HS for the first time, I installed browser extensions to literally remove the quirks. But with LRHS, it's fucking read to you, and by people who know what they're doing.
I cannot recommend LRHS enough. I even have ripped MP3s of the whole thing and its in an audiobook on my phone. Yeah. Yep. That's sure a thing I just admitted to. (If you want 'em lemme know.)
FOUR: I don't want to listen to Whomstve, I want to read it, and I'm upset it's not well preserved.
Someone has Done The Fucking Work of archiving the entirety of Home//stuck.
Two downloads, and you will have a self-contained browser on your computer that will let you read all of it. It's very neat and clean, it has helpful configs to change how the font looks if you have issues reading it (however nothing to remove quirks, sorry) and it maintains the multiple games and special animations in the story.
To use it, you DL the main file, then you DL the asset file. It's easy, it's safe, I have a copy on my computer.
FIVE: Stop with either [S] Act 7 or [S] Credits.
This is a matter of opinion, which ending you prefer. Just, whatever you do, do not:
Read the Epilogues
Play the visual novels
Touch literally anything that says "meat" or "candy"
And that's Whomstve! Hit me up for fic recs when you're done.
SIX: Things to know going in.
Like with all media that was made over a decade ago, some shit has not aged well. There is frequent use of the r-slur, until very suddenly it vanishes from the entire comic because presumably Hussie realized it wasn't a funny word. There are a few characters with uncomfortable racial coding, and one that is literally just an fucking Moonspeak Asian joke. She's a minor character really deep in Act 6, I can tell you how to fully avoid her, just hmu. There is one unfunny use of the term "f*g", but the context is a mitigating factor imo. There is also the trouble of Home//stuck trying hard to be "aracial" as in none of the kids have a canon ethnicity. It's as much of a cop-out as you expect, but its something that imo is heavily explored in the fandom. That doesn't excuse it in the canon though, obviously.
The Ultimate Riddle: Why do you care about Whomstve?
That's difficult to answer.
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Let me explain one of my favorite things about it. Maybe that'll help.
In Act 5 Act 2 (yep) there is an animation called [S] Jade: Enter. It comes pretty deep in the story, and if you watched it without any context, it's impenetrable. What the fuck is that dog? What's that door? Why is there a meteor? What is fucking happening?
But if you have read Whomstve up to that point, you reach [S] Jade: Enter, and you are given a fucking clusterfuck of a story beat. There is a moment I fucking shrieked to myself because at that point, I understood the language of HS enough that the Thing that happened was simple, fast, thoughtless, but in that single instant explained everything that had gone wrong up to that point in the story. Suddenly I understood jack everything.
This is Whomstve's midterm exam. It's a story that slowly, lovingly, patiently teaches you an entire language of symbology and mythology and mechanics, all so it can show you a dog and a glowy thing, and it can make you shriek in terror because the ramifications are that. fucking. exquisite.
And then Act 5 ends with [S] Cascade, which is simultaneously your final exam and reward. You have been again slowly, patiently taught what feels like an entire language, and for your time and attention, the story gives you a spectacle that
I literally cannot even put into words for you. If I sat you down and showed you, the uninitiated, [S] Cascade, it would be just visual noise. (Honestly, wanna watch it? Go for it. You will not understand what is happening but the music fucks. Enjoy the spectacle.) But if you reached that point organically, it's a fucking present that genuinely, truly wants to reward you for your effort.
So my point is this: the time put into reading this fucking monstrosity of a story is rewarded in a way that no other piece of media has ever rewarded me. I have never so thoroughly felt like I was being given something by a story as thanks for my time.
Also its funny. Also the art can be incredible. Also the music is NOTHING BUT THE FUCKING HITS. Also the gay delight of Rose and Kanaya's conversations in Act 5 Act 2 is unprecedented. Also when you find out why Karkat is talking to John backwards you're going to die. Also Almost Everyone Is Queer and they are all really complex, deep characters, even many of the ones they tried to just make a joke. Also if you're a good person you deserve to experience [S] Synchronize/Unite. Also the slow slow slow slow fucking burn of the story of Dave Strider will fuck you up. Also Jake English is one of the greatest, most complicated, incredible characters ever rendered in fiction. Also you will want to know what your classpect is.
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Also there's a lesbian vampire alien who uses a chainsaw that turns into lipstick when not in use. She hooks up with a snooty, hilarious know it all witch girl who's handle is literally tentacleTherapist. Come on.
Whomstve is good. Give it a shot. I'll have fic for you after you're done.
Wait wait a minute wait, wtf does [S] mean?
Oh. Sound. It means the page has sound. Usually it means there's an animation.
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itlivesproject · 3 years
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Hello everyone! For people just discovering us, or for those of you who do know about us and would like a better summary of what’s to come, this is the right place! We are the It Lives Project, a fan team working in our free time to make the visual novel It Lives Within, the third and final book in the It Lives series. 
You're finally ready to leave your past behind and move on. But apparently, moving on means enrolling at a community college in a supernatural town overflowing with monsters and dark magic...
IT LIVES WITHIN fully released 🖤
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It Lives Within features:
✨A fresh MC customizable in all the ways you can think of. Customization includes appearance, gender, sexuality, and personality. Play as a diplomatic and gentle Rowan who’s kind to everyone, or a sarcastic Rowan who doesn’t take anything seriously and always has a witty quip at hand, or a hard-ass aggressive Rowan who isn’t afraid to stand up to anyone and everyone. To top it all off, you get to determine Rowan’s motivations and their attitudes regarding the book’s events.
💞 Four awesome LIs: Amalia de Leon (Rowan’s long-time best friend), Abel Flint (resident archaeology nerd), Jocelyn Wu (perpetually grumpy jock & former bully), and Lincoln McQuoid (mysterious newcomer).
👩🧑New characters and old characters coming together to create a new, exciting cast.
😱Chilling mysteries and good old fashioned horror
💫The opportunity to determine your choices from previous games—and have them affect the present. Who lived and who died matters, and who you romanced matters.
🌳Branching paths and meaningful choices. Your choices determine Rowan’s personality, motivations, relationships, romance, nerve, success in collecting artifacts and lore documents, who lives and who dies, how the climax plays out, the ending you receive… so choose wisely 😏
😳CONSEQUENCES! Want to romance two people at the same time? Do so at your own risk—because jealousy is alive and well and Abel might not like it if you declare your affection for him and hook up with Lincoln the following day…
🌶Optional mature scenes and heavy topics
🎵Original music and ambience alongside some old familiar tunes.
👻Haunting CGs and animations, around 10 total
📚 23 chapters, around 800,000 words, while individual play throughs will have closer to a third of the total projected word count.
💻Made with Ren’Py, uploaded to itch.io. Playable online or easily downloadable on the computer for best playing experience.
In-depth discussion:
When this project started, one of our main goals was to create a book where you actually feel like your choices matter and that your choices determine where the story goes. We also wanted there to not be “right” or “wrong” answers; different choices have both pros and cons. As part of that, something that was really important to me was the concept of replayability. We want It Lives Within to be the type of game that you’re excited to restart and play differently. In my experience, when I replay most Choices games I always play as the same MC and romance the same person and make the same choices. The reason is that besides choosing your LI, your choices don’t impact much. I always feel like I’m the same person in each playthrough, and so it feels weird to romance someone else. Even if your choices do impact things besides love interest, there’s generally a right or wrong answer, a good or bad ending.
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lgbtpopcult · 2 years
2021 Year in Review for WLW Entertainment
Lesbian movies really took a hit in 2021 COVID times. When in crisis, studios will always heroically sacrifice women and minorities! While last year's lesbian movie selection included big players like Ammonite, The World to Come, The Prom, Summerland, Happiest Season and New Mutants, this year's selections were more muted and many came from smaller studios as well as the international film scene. Still, we had some variety this year too. TV, on the other hand, had equal or even better offerings this year with some networks and streaming services stepping up their game with female lgbt+ characters.
Let's take a closer look at what 2021 has been like for wlw entertainment...
On the movie front, Lifetime finally gave us its first lesbian romance movie with Under the Christmas Tree and Hallmark gave us its first movie with a lesbian lead who found romance in Every Time the Bell Rings. These two were our lesbian Christmas movies of the year. The Novice gathered accolades as a queer sports drama done right while The Divide gathered them for being the "healthcare in the times of Covid" movie with a same sex couple at its center. Winner of Cannes film festival Titane also portrayed its protagonist as queer but what that means in a surreal fever dream of a movie that included doing sexual things with a car I don't know 🤷‍♀️
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There were, however, high profile projects as well. I Care a Lot gave us the mainstream lesbian comedy we deserve and threw in 2 big Hollywood names with amazing chemistry for good measure. No wonder it became an instant Netflix hit. Another instant hit was the Fear Street Trilogy, 3 movies that represent the best of the emerging lesbian horror movie genre. Smaller additions to the genre this year were The Retreat, Bloodthirsty and Seance. Australian coming of age romance My First Summer gave us the sweetest lesbian love story of the year. We also got our first queer protagonist in a major studio animated movie this year with The Mitchells vs the Machines. Saint Vincent made the lesbian mockumentary of the year, The Nowhere Inn.
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Surprisingly, Benedetta was our only high profile lesbian period piece this year and, considering how subpar it turned out to be, maybe that was for the best. Let's hope upcoming The Chambermaid (releasing at the beginning of next year) doesn't disappoint. We may criticize the lesbian period romance a lot and often(mostly because for a long time it was all we got) but we still love it. It just needs to be done right.
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Over on the TV landscape, some of last year's favourites continued to deliver while the variety we celebrated last year was a bright spot this year as well. Among the highlights: Legends of Tomorrow, that gave us a superheroic lesbian wedding only matched by the equally wonderful wedding episode of fire fighter show Station 19. Joining the Legends of Tomorrow lesbian/bi ladies on the superhero genre front, was our new Batwoman, Alex from Supergirl and Black lightning (that ended with its lgbt+ ladies married as well). Joining the fire fighter/medical drama of Station 19 were other traditional TV dramas with lesbian/bi women in lead roles like Law and Order Organized Crime, NCIS Hawai, New Amsterdam, Family Law and BBC gem Vigil. On the more hardcore cable/streaming scene one of the leads of The Morning Show came out, cop drama Hightown gave its lesbian lead a love interest, The Box gave us a surreal drama with a lesbian lead, in Dopesick a lesbian is at the center of the opium epidemic, Genera+ion gave us some interesting queer teen drama(before going the way of Everything Sucks! and Teenage Bounty Hunters) and The L Word Generation Q got slightly better at giving us couples with good chemistry (basically Dani and Gigi) even if it still, for the most part, failed to actually give interesting storylines to its lesbian characters. Network comedy gave us family sitcom Home Economics for a second season, Atypical gave us a happy ending for fan favourites Casey and Izzie, Dickinson gave us the comedy period romance we've been asking for, Queens gave us the black pop queen of our dreams, Disney+ gave us the first gay romance on the platform in Big Shot with a sweet lesbian teen couple, Saved by the Bell gave us a genuinely funny wlw couple, Spanish speaking production gave us Madre solo hay dos and Gentefied continued with the Latina lesbian representation.
Fantasy and Science Fiction was, as it often is, good grounds for gay women in 2021. This year we got a lesbian lead character and a lesbian romance of the week in Fantasy Island, a lesbian lead reunited with her love in Motherland Fort Salem, queer teens in The Girl in the Woods, our little detective that could in Nancy Drew, survival adventures in Yellowjackets and our lesbian astronauts in Invasion and For all Mankind. By far the best one of the year though was Amazon Prime blockbuster adaptation Wheel of Time. In the meantime, just like Adventure Time, Shera and Harley Quinn the animated series before it, The Owl House and Arcane dominated the gay animated scene this year. Reality and competition shows added to the mix with lesbian contestants on both The Circle and The Voice, JoJo Siwa on Dancing with the Stars for the show's first same sex pairing, a new lesbian reality show Tampa Baes on Amazon Prime and 12 Dates of Christmas on Hbomax.
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In the world of video games, selection wasn't as big but it did contain some real jewels. Life is Strange True Colors, a sequel to the popular graphic adventure game, dominated the conversation of course but fans of other genres had some choices too. Farming Simulator fans got a really fun game in Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town, fans of rogue dungeon crawlers got Sword of the Necromancer and Mass Effect fans finally got the remastered version for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows. Narrative adventure Lake gave gamers who like slow paced games a sweet lesbian romance to play, while life simulator Growing Up did the same in a different way. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous gave RPG fans another game to love and Unsighted gave everyone a great action 2D game to play. The surprise of the year? Mobile choice game Scripts that finally gave lgbt+ choice game fans the front and center lesbian romance stories apps like Episodes and Choices never put on the cover of their visual novels.
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One of the most important milestones of the year came from the world of comics when DC decided to dedicate an entire comic book title to the romantic relationship of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. A spinoff from the Harley Quinn animated series (season 3 coming in 2022), The eat, bang, kill Tour gave gay fans of the couple everything we wanted. A close second, the regular Harley Quinn comic title also gave importance to the relationship while other DC titles like DC Pride and the Batman comics also cemented that the relationship is canon all across the board. Comic book titles like America Chavez: Made in the USA completed the lesbian comic book mosaic.
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The gay girl music world seems to be having a pop renaissance brought on, in great part, by the popularity of online creators but some mainstream musicians also contributed. Lesbian music icons Hayley Kiyoko and Fletcher gave us a new song, "Cherry". Angele, Ladyhawke and Girl in Red gave us new albums. Internet popularity gave musicians like Dodie, Grace Gaustad, Rebecca Black, Marina Lin, Hollie Col and Zolita the chance to put their music out there. The very gay new music video of Maneskin for Mamma Mia cannot be ignored of course.
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Variety on the online entertainment creator scene started to stagnate. Still, we got some good content from iconic YouTube creators Rose & Rosie who had a baby this year. Some other YouTube highlights included content from beloved couple Paige and Holly, Colombian supercouple Calle and Poche, the return of Lilly Singh aka Superwoman and the wedding of the German lesbian super couple from Coupleontour. The Instagram and TikTok lesbian couple scene also grew and many couples came to have huge followings and popularity.
On a slightly different note, if you're a fan of TikTok episodic sketch comedy, one of the most popular TikTok creators in the world, kallmekris, has an ongoing lesbian romance of her own (and on her own 😌)...
Overall, in spite the set backs that COVID-19 brought upon us, 2021 wasn't a bad year for variety and diversity in lesbian entertainment. Here's hoping (and contributing so that) the upward trend continues. Happy New Year!
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1zukuz · 3 years
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INCLUDES: swearing, pregnancy talk for bokuto, just fluff <3
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"WHY'RE YOU CRYING?" kenma softly asks, wiping away tears with his sleeve. the light glow of the T.V illuminating both of your faces, his concerned one and your watery smile plastered on your lips. you sniffle and shrug, averting your eyes sheepishly. "i dunno...you were just really sweet just now." kenma gave you a blank look, blinking for what seems like eternity. was this how low the bar has gotten? "all i did was ask if you wanted the sims." "'n i do! you read my mind!" kenma stumbles back against the couch, your arms laced around him while sitting in his lap. his cheeks warm and he rubs circles in your back like always, the feeling familiar yet foreign to him. how you loved him so much to shed tears over him would never fail to make his heart pound. "love you, ken." "i love you too. i'll buy you anything you want."
"OH, SUNA, Y/N HAS TOLD ME SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!" surprisingly relaxed, suna grips your hand while eating a slice of pie, a lazy handsome smile adorning his face. you freeze, sending pleading looks to your mom who only grinned back mischievously. "really? what about?" he asks, but only looking at your cute embarrassed expression. he wished he could take a picture of it in his mind, save the memory forever. "oh, just the usual! 'mom, i'm in loveee~' or 'mom i'm gonna have his kidsss~" "MOTHER!" you yelp, releasing your boyfriends hand and covering your face. suna's quiet laughter followed. "or my favorite, 'mom, i don't ever wanna see him with anyone else, i've been in love with him since 5th grade: now he's all mine.'" had this woman kept transcripts of your conversations with her?! you spared a glance at your boyfriend with hands still covering your face. his chin rested in his hand as his eyes filled with love, laughing lightly. your mom only smiled, feeling satisfied.
"AH, HINATA, 'M SO PROUD!" the orange middle blocker hugged you tightly and smiled in your neck. he had just won another game, finally returning home. though his muscles and feet killed him, you both seemed to run on the adrenaline that was his latest victory. you pull away from his grasp, grabbing his cheeks, describing how well he played. "and then he tried to block you, but nope! my baby got through and-" stopping your rant mid sentence he kisses you, panting breaths and all. smiling gleefully he gripped your waist tighter as if you were going to float away. you pulled away after a few seconds, peppering his face in kisses. "c'mon, you don't wanna keep the food waiting!" "aw, sunshine, you shouldn't have! thanks!"
ATSUMU blinks, the mess of the kitchen making him snort and then immediately stops once he notices your small pout while seated on the ground. he drops his duffel bag at the door and sits next to you, a deformed red cake in front of you. putting his arm around you he stifles laughter and you pout more, leaning on his shoulder. "ya wanna talk about it or do ya just wanna sit here with flour on our asses." sighing, you rubbed your eyes. "i was trying to make you a cake...it was gonna be a heart with our initials... but then the fuckin' cake cutter broke, put too much frosting and-" atsumu's blood runs cold. shit. was it a special occasion? anniversary? holiday? "sorry to cut ya off, angel, but... what for? what's today?" he asks quietly, afraid of the backlash. you look up at him, a confused tilt of your head. "huh? no, todays nothing special. just wanted to do something for you. but it failed!" you wail, looking at the sad lump of cake. atsumu's infamous contagious smile graces his lips as he pulls you in a bone crushing hug. "yer gonna make my heart explode, y'know that? stop being so fuckin' cute, angel."
"BO, HOW MANY KIDS DO YOU WANT? WAIT, DO YOU EVEN WANT KIDS?" you ask, playing with his fingers while he laid your head in your lap. "of course i want kids! your kids, of course!" his pretty smile in the golden hour glow made your heart throb out of your chest. "mm... i've always dreamed about having four. maybe even fi-" "okay, i'm gonna be stretched out and butt-fuck ugly by the time we get two." bokuto shoots up from your lap, a frown on his usually enthusiatic face. "not true! take it back!" your smile only widens. "it is true." "is not." "is too!" "is not!" you laugh at his determination, his frown melting away at the sound. "you're too cute, kou. love you so much," suddenly feeling soft, you crawl into his lap instead, not letting go of him for the world. the worlds strongest people couldn't pull you away from him, not when the warm fuzzy feeling you get around koutarou, your koutarou, was much stronger. bokuto, confusingly looks down at your blissful face. "thought we were arguing..."
SLUMPING FURTHER INTO HIS FRAME, sakusa thinks his day can't get any worse. "spoke too soon," he gruffly mutters, coming home to an empty house. he knows it empty because none of the T.V's are on, nor is your sweet perfume gracing his nose while you call out 'omi!'. that was all he wanted. all he wanted, universe! why couldn't it grant him one simple thing for his shit day- "omi? sorry, i was pickin' up something to surprise you!" you happily say from behind him, his thoughts deafening him from the apparent door opening and you slipping inside. in one smooth motion, he drops his things and wraps his arms around you, breathing out against your shoulder. kiyoomi didn't even care if you hugged back or not, just finding your presence comforting. "hi, love." "hi, baby. but look, look at what i got!" pulling out of his grasp, you slide out a black MSBY jersey. it was an exact copy of his, though in your size. "we're gonna match at your next game! oh and," your smile dropped into a pleading look, looking in his eyes like he hung the moon, stars and sun himself. "i'm sorry i couldn't go to your last ones, felt guilty about it all day." stroking his cheek with your thumb, sakusa sighs and nods wordlessly. who knew his shit day could be fixed in the span of five minutes.
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taking requests ! ! :P
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n3rdybird · 3 years
Love Blossoms in the Spring
Criminal Minds One-Shot
Aaron Hotchner x Teacher!Reader
Rating: Teen
Prompt: “The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
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Screams filled the air and the BAU team was on alert.
“This is pure pandemonium,” Rossi said, his eyes wide.  The rest of the team nodded at the assessment.
Hotch chuckled and pushed the sleeves of his shirt up, ready to work.
“Too late to back out,” he said, leading the group onto the grounds.  They passed underneath a large banner declaring the entrance to the annual Spring Carnival.  Elementary-aged children ran around, their parents and guardians following their kids around.
Jack tugged on his father’s hand.
“Look, there’s Miss (L/N)!” he said, pointing into the crowd.  The team peered over the children to see a young woman, dressed casually in a cute cotton print dress with a soft cardigan over it.  The most eye-catching thing was the delicate flower crown nestled in her hair.
“Oh my god, she is adorable,” Garcia gushed.  “Is that Jack’s teacher?”
You gently pushed your way through the crowd, waving to students as you passed.  Jack released his dad’s hand and ran to you.  You kneeled down primly and hugged the young boy.  You knew as a teacher, you weren’t supposed to technically have favorites, but Jack was special.
As you stood, you took in the group that accompanied Jack.  Aside from Aaron Hotchner of course, you had never met the BAU team that your student called family.  But from all the stories Jack had told you, you felt as if you already knew them.  You recognized them for sure.
“I’m so glad to finally meet you all.  Of course, I know Mr. Hotchner, but it’s nice to finally put faces to the names,” you said, shaking the hands of the BAU team.  “I also wanted to personally thank you for volunteering on your day off to help out.”
“It’s no problem.  Helping to wrangle kids for a few hours is much easier than profiling,” Morgan said, dodging a small boy who nearly ran into his legs.
You grinned wryly, motioning to the chaos surrounding the group.
“You say that now, but you may change your mind in a few hours.  Several areas can use volunteers.  I didn’t want to overwork you guys, so you should only be working about two hours, and then you are free to enjoy the carnival.”
“I call face painting duty,” Garcia blurted out, pulling a rolling tote behind her.  “I have paint, glitter, and stickers out the wazoo.”  You glanced at the peppy blonde, taking in her eccentric and colorful outfit.
“You must be Penelope, the kids are gonna love you,” you said, shaking her hand.
“Like you I bet, you’re like a young adorable Ms. Frizzle,” Garcia said, admiring your daffodil print dress.
You laughed and referred to the clipboard tucked under your arm.  You turned to the dark handsome man that towered over the group.
“Agent Morgan, I had you down for the games, and surprise surprise, the only opening is for the dunk booth,” you said, fighting off a blush.  “I am so sorry,” you apologized.
Derek grinned, his pearly whites surely giving the nearby single mom’s heart attacks.
“No complaints here, anything I can do to help.  And Morgan is fine.”
Emily shoved Derek’s arm playfully, and Garcia fanned herself.
“Derek Morgan, in a pseudo-wet t-shirt contest?  Someone get pictures, please for all that is holy.”
You took in Dr. Spencer Reid’s attire, the sweeping cape affixed to his shoulders and the white gloves on his hands.
“The kids are excited for your magic show Dr. Reid.  According to Jack, you’re the best.”
“Well, David Copperfield is widely considered the best, but I’m not too shabby,” he said, pulling a deck of cards out of seemingly nowhere.  You clapped, amazed already at his skills.
“Mrs. Jarreau?” you said, turning to the other blonde of the group.  “Is your family coming as well?”
“Oh JJ is fine, and Will is bringing our son Henry a bit later on.”
“I’m glad to hear it.  I know you talk a lot for your job, but do you mind MC’ing the talent show?” you asked, handing her the list of sign-ups.
“Oh, that’s no problem at all,” she said, taking the list of contestants and glancing at the entries.
“Mr. Rossi, you have the story circle.  I figure a published author would be able to do the best voices,” you said.
“I’ll keep them on the edge of their seats,” he promised with a wink. 
“And best for last- Emily Prentiss, I presume?”  You looked to the final member of the group, the dark-haired agent stepped up and gave a little wave.
“If you could help judge the student art fair, I’d appreciate it.  It’s in the gym, and out of the sun,” you stage whispered.
“You are an angel,” Emily thanked you, her long black hair already sticking to her neck.  You handed all the agents maps of the carnival and lanyards with their names.
“Just ask the teachers on duty at each station and they’ll get you squared away,” you said.  The group disbanded to their posts.
“And what about me?” Hotch asked.
“Your job is to escort this handsome young man to our class booth and help with the caramel apples,” you said.  “We’re gonna get the most tickets, aren’t we Jack?”
“Yes ma’am,” he said resolutely.  You looked at the older Hotchner who watched as his son animatedly explained how each class had a booth, and whichever booth in each grade had the most tickets would get a pizza party.
“Now Jack, can I trust you to keep your dad in line?  Don’t let him sneak any caramel,” you asked, raising a brow at the elder Hotchner.
Jack nodded resolutely and shook your hand to seal the deal.
“I’ll be on my best behavior.  I promise,” Hotch said, dropping his hands on his son’s shoulders.  Jack looked up at his dad with a wide excited smile, before pulling him towards his class’s booth.
You stood there, watching them walk away with a smile on your face.  You were so glad the father and son could have this time together.  Jack knew his father had an important job he was so proud to talk about how his dad caught bad guys.  
But you also knew exactly when Agent Hotchner was out of town on a cause because Jack would come to school a little diminished.  Those were the days you gave him a little extra attention, drawing him out of his shell.  All in all, Jack was a fairly well-adjusted kid for the circumstances.
It had been a good year for Jack, and you were glad to have been a part of it.  You’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t going to miss him when he graduated to the next grade.  He had a special place in your heart.
A few hours later, the sun was setting and the carnival was winding down.  The BAU team had done their volunteer hours and had joined in on the fun.  Morgan had won Garcia a huge stuffed unicorn at one of the booths.  Reid had somehow gotten tied up by his own rope of scarves by the kids, but luckily Emily and Rossi saved him.  JJ called Will to bring Henry and the family spent some quality time together eating junk food and taking photos.
And Hotch, well he was having the best time.  His work schedule wasn’t conducive to spending a lot of time with his son.  Luckily, Haley’s sister Jessica was always ready to help.  But any free time he had, he spent it with Jack.  And he found out readily that his son was quite serious about winning the booth contest.  By the end of the night, Hotch was sure Jack had caramel in his hair and that he had crushed peanuts in his shoes.
Hotch was attempting to help clean up by stacking chairs while Jack ate some ice cream with the team.  But it seemed every time he took a step, different women would come up and make conversation with him.
Across the patio area, his team watched with amusement.
“Ladies love a guy who’s good with kids,” Derek pointed out, as yet another woman approached their unit chief.
“It’s almost shameless,” Emily laughed, as one of the women touched his arm and smiled.
Jack, who was sitting quietly, spoke up.
“Miss (Y/L/N) is pretty.  And she’s really nice,” he said between bites of his sundae.  The team zeroed in on their boss’s son.
“Does your dad think Miss (Y/L/N) is pretty?” JJ asked, her eyebrow raised.
Jack shrugged as the team eagerly awaited his reply.
“Whenever Dad talks to her, he’s always smiling.”
Garcia squealed at the prospect of a match for Hotch.  After Haley, Hotch threw himself into work as usual, with only the team and Jack keeping him company.  Playing Cupid was one of the tech goddess’s favorite pastimes.
“Oh please tell me we are doing something about this?”
Morgan leaned over to look around the group.
“We may not have to, baby girl.  Look.”
They watched as you made your way to their Unit Chief.
Aaron Hotchner was too polite for his own good.  No, not polite, diplomatic.  Probably from all his years as an authority figure.  All the single moms (and not so single you noticed) were fluttering around him like chattering birds.  One of them, a PTA mom, Janet, whom you butted heads with before, was the leader of the group.
She placed a hand on Hotch’s arm, and you quickened your steps.
“Oh excuse me, Mr. Hotcher,” you called out, drawing his attention from the table he was currently cleaning.
“Can I help you, Ms (Y/L/N)?”
“I’m sorry to keep imposing on you for help, but can I ask you to help me with some of the decorations?”
“Of course, excuse me, ladies,” he said, tilting his head in apology to the PTA moms.  The leader of the group narrowed her eyes at you discreetly but flashed a toothy smile at Hotch.
“We just wanted to personally thank Mr. Hotchner for volunteering.  Please let me– us know if there is anything the PTA can do.”
You did your hardest to keep from rolling your eyes, but Aaron caught your expression.  He held in a laugh but nodded to the group of moms.
“That’s not necessary, but thank you.”
He touched your back gently and motioned for you to lead the way.  The two of you walked side by, away from the dispersing crowds.
“So, that was a lie I just told.  You seemed uncomfortable.”
Hotch smiled and let out a chuckle.  You felt your heart just a tad bit faster.  Getting him to smile was one of your favorite things to do.
“Are you the profiler now?”
“I don’t know, maybe.  Does the BAU need a teacher who can figure out which kid pulled pigtails or who stole whose glitter pencil?”
“Well, I have your number, in case I ever need a consult.”
The two of you made it to your classroom booth, already closed down for the night.
“Well hopefully you’ll use my number for more than that,” you said, pulling him into the booth away from prying eyes.
Aaron’s arms were around you instantly, his long fingers spanning your lower back.
“This was harder than I thought it was going to be,” you murmured against his chest.
“Oh? How so?”
“You, wearing that apron.  Very sexy,” you said tilting your head upwards to smile at him.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” his voice rumbled in your ear.  You stood up on your tiptoes and pressed your lips against his.  He responded in kind, slanting his mouth against yours.  Your legs started to shake from the strain and you pulled away reluctantly.
“So was all that for the apron?  Or the PTA moms?” he asked, thumbing the skin of your arm.
“A little bit of both?” you said sheepishly.  Hotch shook his head in amusement.
“I know, I know.  It’s my reasoning for keeping this under wraps.  I just don’t want the other kids to think Jack gets special treatment.”
Hotch raised a brow and you slapped his shoulder.
“Don’t you use those eyes on me, I confess nothing,” you sassed, causing Hotch to laugh.
“Okay, okay, Jack may get a bit of preferential treatment, but that’s more because he’s a great kid and less because I have a bit of a crush on his father,” you admitted with a smile.
“Is that so?”  He leaned down and brushed his lips against yours.
“A bit of a crush?” he asked, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses and tingling skin in its wake.  Your breath stuttered as he made his way down past your jawline and to your neck.
“More than a bit,” you amended as you crossed your arms around his neck.  Your nails scratched at the nape of his neck.
A knock outside of the booth caused the both of you to jump apart.
“Hate to break this up lovebirds, but Jack is almost done with his ice cream.  He’ll come looking for you in a minute,” Rossi’s voice broke the silence.
You felt your face flush in embarrassment from being caught.  Hotch was a bit better at concealing his emotions but he did have a faint smile as he straightened his shirt.  The two of you ducked out of the booth like a couple of teenagers.
Rossi raised a brow at the two of you, his eyes zeroing in on the lopsided flower crown on your head.  You quickly fixed it, making sure there were no other signs of your hurried make out session.
“Is this a new development?”
“We’re keeping it quiet until the end of the school year, with Jack being (Y/N)’s student.  We didn’t want to cause any friction at school,” Hotch explained.
Rossi held up his hands.
“I’m not judging.  I’m happy for you both,” the Italian man said with a smile.
“But you forget who you work with.  The team is taking bets right now,” he said, walking back towards the food court area.
Hotch took your hand in his, placing a kiss on your knuckles.
“They’ll keep it quiet until you are ready.”  You raised his hand with yours, rubbing your cheek against his hand.
“School is almost out.  Figure we can tell Jack then?” you said hesitantly.  You didn’t know if Hotch was ready to tell Jack either.  He sensed your uncertainty and kissed your temple.
“Agreed.  I’m sure Jack will be very happy to find out.”  
You kissed him again and stepped back, your hand feeling empty without his.  Giving the agent a beaming smile, you tilted your head, wondering out loud.
“So, do you think we can get in on this bet?”
“The beautiful spring came, and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.” – Harriet Ann Jacobs
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searidings · 3 years
this is what happens when @ekingston and i get our hands on the prompt “that's my wife!” and agree that she'll draw my idea for it and i'll write hers (aka hearing kara call it out as she watches lena being wheeled down a hospital corridor)
“Excuse me, you can't go through there!”
Kara growls. The woman blocking her path is short and gently rounded, the kind lines of her face drooping in disapproval above her nurse's scrubs. “No visitor access beyond this point, dear. Immediate family only.”
“Immediate— you're joking, right?” Kara cranes her head, peering through the closing doors to catch a last glimpse of Lena's gurney as it rounds the corner at the end of the hall. “That's my wife!”
The nurse gapes at her. “Your—?”
Kara growls again, louder. It's a good thing she'd blown out her powers twenty minutes ago, or she would not be held responsible for the Kryptonian-shaped hole in NC Memorial Hospital's expensive surgery doors. “Yes, my wi—”
Her snarl is cut off by a hand clamping down firmly over her mouth from behind. Kara's first instinct is to bite it. She resists, narrowly, as the familiar scent of shea butter moisturiser registers in her adrenaline-fogged brain.
“You sure about that?” Alex squeaks around a nervous laugh, voice pitched a half-octave too high. She removes her hand from Kara's mouth, wiping her damp palm on her pants with a wrinkled nose. “Get hit on the head during that fight, did you?”
Kara whirls on her sister, eyes blazing. “Am I sure?” she parrots incredulously. Alex cowers a little beneath the force of her stare. “Unless you're trying to tell me I hallucinated my entire wedding—”
“Supergirl isn't married,” Alex stage-whispers loud enough to be heard in Florida, glancing pointedly down at Kara's ash-caked body and oh yeah, she's still wearing her supersuit.
Right, right.
The nurse – Rosemary, her badge reads – finally picks her jaw up off the floor long enough to speak. Her eyes are wide, sparkling with sudden glee. “So Lena Luthor and Su—”
Kara's hackles rise at the suggestion in her tone. “Lena Luthor and Kara Danvers are happily married,” she interrupts sternly. “You might have seen the wedding photos in last month's Vogue.”
The nurse smirks. At her elbow, Alex drops her head into her hands.
“Kara Danvers, hm? Amazing what a pair of glasses do for you, dear.” Rosemary's brow quirks with impish satisfaction and, oh. Whoops. It would appear that in her haste to quash any potential rumours of Lena's infidelity behind the back of her very recent, very publicly human wife, she'd forgotten about the other delicate matter at hand.
Alex sighs so long and so heavy Kara legitimately marvels that she doesn't pass out from the strain. “I knew keeping a spare NDA in my back pocket would pay off,” her sister groans, thrusting an official-looking, if crumpled, contract beneath the nurse's nose.
“Sorry,” Kara murmurs sheepishly as Rosemary signs away page after page of her right to ever disclose Supergirl's identity in any capacity. “I wasn't thinking, I can't— Alex, it's Lena.”  
“I know, I know,” her sister soothes, frustration dissipating as she reaches out to pull Kara into her side, ignoring the soot and grit that smear across her jacket at the contact. “She's gonna be okay.”
“But what if she's not?” Kara asks and the sobs arrive then, the last remnants of the fight or flight response that had propelled her this far dissipating beneath the weight of her terror. “She stepped right in front of that bullet, Alex! Of all the stupid, reckless—”
“If I recall, she was pushing you back after you shoved her out of the way in the first place,” Alex hums thoughtfully. Kara's tear-filled eyes snap to her face, incredulous, and her sister grimaces. “Right, right. Not the time.”
“She has to be okay,” she gasps, clutching hard at her sister's jacket as her knees threaten to give out beneath her. “She has to, I can't— I feel like I can't breathe. Like my heart's been ripped out.”
Alex clicks her tongue in sympathy, wrapping a firm arm round Kara's waist and guiding her to a nearby row of chairs. Rosemary deposits the signed NDA wordlessly on the hard plastic beside them, reaching into her scrubs to produce a pack of tissues.
Alex accepts, extracting one to dab at Kara's snotty, tear-stained face with her free hand. “Welcome to married life, kid,” she chuckles, pressing a kiss to Kara's matted hair. “It can be a real bitch.”
It's a long night.  
It's a long night, a night of anxious waiting and barely-restrained nausea and vending machine coffee so bad even Nia won't drink it. Her family, their family, crowd the waiting room, dozing across the rows of seats as the hours drag on and on.
Alex tries her best, at varying intervals, to force her back to the Tower for a stint under the sun lamps. Every time without fail, Kara sets her jaw, then sets her feet in the middle of the surgical wing waiting room and refuses to budge.
This leads to several arguments, and a lot of impassioned shoving.  
“What if she needs me?” Kara laments tearily, pout activated and puppy dog eyes firmly in place. Alex, mid-football tackle with her arms and right shoulder braced against Kara's torso as she attempts to use her entire bodyweight to force her sister toward the exit, only grunts with exertion. Behind them, J’onn dozes in the corner. Brainy and Kelly and Nia continue their conversation without batting an eyelid.
“No, scratch that, she does need me,” Kara corrects, unaffected by her sister's NFL-worthy body slam. “She's been shot. I'm not going anywhere.”
Alex, perhaps finally sensing defeat after her fourth unsuccessful attempt, gives one final shove with all her strength. Kara doesn't so much as wobble, and her sister releases her with a huff. “Fine. But for the love of God, change your clothes before you start shouting about your wife again,” she pants, red-faced and sweating as she collapses into a nearby chair. “That was my last NDA.”
That's a compromise she can make. Kara accepts the bundle of clothes Nia presents her with, stripping out of her dirt-caked suit and re-donning her glasses. Thankfully, the only person around to witness Kara entering the bathroom as a superhero and re-emerging as a Catco reporter is Rosemary.  
The updates on Lena's condition are sporadic at best. By the time the first surgeon emerges to say the bullet has been removed from Lena's chest cavity Kara's accidentally cracked three plastic chairs, advanced all the way to Lollipop Land on Alex's Candy Crush, and worn a groove into the waiting room linoleum with her nervous pacing.
When another doctor emerges three hours later to tell them Lena had developed a tension pneumothorax and needs additional treatment, Kara's made it to Rainbow Reef and chewed her bottom lip bloody.
When, at five in the morning, yet another doctor appears to inform them that Lena is being placed on anti-radiation medication to counter the Kryptonite that had coated the bullet, Kara's finished all nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-five levels of the damn game. The doctor leaves, promising to be back with more news soon, and Kara squeezes her sister's hand so hard poor Nurse Rosemary has to be called to administer an ice pack for the bruising, solar flare be damned.
Dawn breaks to find Kara scratchy-eyed and grumpy, worn ragged with worry. The waiting room begins to fill up around them, new patients and their relatives coming and going, and still there's nothing new on Lena. Every time another scrub-clad surgeon pushes through the doors Kara's heart skips a beat, all of them sitting up straighter in their seats, but every time the doctor passes them by.
Kara's just wolfed down six cold breakfast sandwiches procured by Brainy on his sojourn to the hospital cafeteria and is debating the relative merits of starting Candy Crush over from scratch when another young doctor appears. Her scrub cap has avocados on it. Kara likes her already.
“Family of Ms Luthor?” she calls, looking around, and Kara pushes up hard from her chair to the resounding snap of cracking plastic. Whoops.
“It's Luthor-Danvers,” she gabbles as she bounds over to the surgeon, palms sweating. No matter how many times she hears it, it never loses its thrill. “I'm, I'm her wife.”
The young doctor's features soften. “Of course. I've come to let you know that it looks like Ms Luthor-Danvers is out of the woods. She's sedated and still on an anti-radiation drip, but she's through the worst of it.” She appraises Kara, gaze lingering on her chewed-raw lips and clenching fingers, then leans closer conspiratorially. “It's not general visiting hours yet, but you can see her, if you'd like.”
“Yes!” Kara's shouting almost before the surgeon has finished speaking. “Yes, please, yes.”
She hugs them all, Alex and Brainy and Nia and Kelly and J’onn, and leaves them in the waiting room as she follows the doctor's sunshine-yellow crocs down the hall.
They round corner after corner, an interminable maze. Powerless as she is, she can't hear Lena’s heartbeat, and the absence of the steady beat that has become the soundtrack to her existence sets her even more on edge.  
But at last they turn a corner, and there she is. She's pale and bandaged and her eyes are closed, creamy skin streaked with dirt and bruises, but she's there, she's alive, she's Lena.  
The surgeon holds the door open for her with a smile and Kara's across the room in a heartbeat, smoothing a hand over Lena's warm cheek and pressing kiss after kiss to her forehead and hair.  
“I love you, I love you,” she whisper-cries against Lena's temple, tucking her matted curls behind her ears. The smell of blood and dirt and antiseptic is almost overwhelming, but beneath the dust and debris caught up in her hair Lena's scalp smells the same as always. Kara presses her face to the crown of her head and inhales deeply, soaking it in.  
“Why'd you have to be so damn brave?” she whispers, nuzzling her cheek against silky softness. “I love you so much. Please don't step in front of any more bullets. Please learn to be a coward, occasionally.”
The singular relief of having Lena living and breathing and in her arms again is so complete, so compounded by the fear and the adrenaline and the sleepless night and the solar flare, that she feels suddenly that she may crumple to the ground from the force of it all.
Unwilling to relinquish her hold for even a second she appraises the bandages covering Lena's right side, then crawls onto the hospital bed on her left, careful to avoid her many wires and monitors. She tucks herself in beside her on the wide mattress, chin hooked over Lena's shoulder and face pressed to the side of her neck, and lets the tears that haven't really stopped falling since that bullet had left its chamber fall for just a little longer.
Nothing matters outside of the two of them, outside of the warmth of Lena's body and the softness of her skin beneath Kara's lips and the steady thud of her heart beneath Kara's palm. Nothing else in the world exists, so when an unfamiliar male voice sounds from the doorway it takes her a moment to register the intrusion.
“Excuse me, ma’am, you really can't be on the bed with her,” the strange, disembodied voice calls from behind her and Kara frowns tiredly, unable and unwilling to acknowledge anything outside of the woman in her arms.
But before she's even managed to raise her head another voice sounds, the soft tones of a young surgeon in an avocado scrub cap.  
“Oh, honestly, Peter,” the kindly doctor says with gentle reproach, a quiet calm washing over the room as the door is pulled closed and she and Lena are left alone. “Leave them be. That's her wife.”
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partlystiles · 3 years
Reward - Remus Lupin
Reward - Remus Lupin
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remus lupin x she/they!reader (smut)
summary: after Remus Lupin’s wonderful girlfriend passes their test, Remus makes sure she gets the reward she deserves.
word count: 4423
warnings: NSFW, praise, thigh riding, rough!sex, use of pet names, hair pulling, swearing 
not proof-read!
so my favourite person in the world, @bibicyclee​ , passed summer school and because we’re oceans apart, i’m gifting them with smut for our favourite werewolf. enjoy, nico.
They’d been staring at the pile of stacked papers on Slughorn’s desk all period, watching and waiting for the man to take the pile in his hands and dispute them out to each student. But he hadn’t, not yet anyway and instead decided to drone on and on about how the class had done so well this year in both practical and theory lessons when in reality, the class probably didn’t care and just wanted him to hand out their final test scores.
Y/N was one of the students most eager for her theory test back, this was the grade that determined her year average. If she gets an Acceptable or below, her overall grade will be a Poor but if they got above an Acceptable, then their overall grade could be an Acceptable or even higher which would be a dream come true. They had studied hard for this and she pitied her boyfriend for having to spend countless nights awake with them helping her go over the things that Slughorn had hinted would be on the test.
And he had been right, somewhat, some topics were ones that she hadn’t revised and took a wild guess at but a lot of them were ones that Remus spent hours drilling into their mind with fun games where he would quiz her with a stupid, goofy smile on his face and if they got it right, he would feed them one piece of their favourite Honeydukes fudge and if they got it wrong, she’d have to watch him eat it.
The bastard made a show out of it, telling them how delicious it was after he had swallowed it as she stared at his fingers whilst he sucked the fudge remnants off of it before quirking his eyebrows at them and speaking the next question.
Endless studying with no games had been put in the night before the test and after it, Y/N had practically collapsed into Remus in the Great Hall with drooping eyes from their tiredness and he had laughed at her, kissing her forehead and letting them know they only had two lessons until they could go and sleep. She had mumbled something that he couldn’t hear but when they brought their head away from him and settled on stealing Sirius’ uneaten sandwich on his plate, Remus reckoned she was okay.
That was last week and now they could perfectly see the graded tests on Slughorn’s desk, waiting to be handed out. She wasn’t really paying attention so when her professors body blocked her view of the papers, they perked up when he picked them up and turned to the class with a beaming smile as he announced he was about to hand them.
It took a while for her own test to be settled on her desk and when it did, they were delighted to see a large O for Outstanding scrawled in the middle of a circle at the top of her paper. She was in some sort of happy, dumbfounded daze for a moment as they stared at the letter. They had passed, she had actually passed Potions and could carry on with it the next school year.
And as though it could hear her inner thoughts about being excited to tell Remus, the bell rung for the final time that day and Slughorn released the class with a kind farewell to them all. Y/N was out of their seat immediately, grabbing their bag in one hand and their essay in the other before she set off out of the classroom, sprinting to find her boyfriend. She knew that he had a free period when she had her Potions lessons so they expected to find him in the Gryffindor Common Room.
Luckily Marlene McKinnon was there to let them in by giving the password to the Fat Lady and waving as she ran through the portrait hole with an excited smile on her face whilst running towards the stairs up the boys dormitories and running until she found herself at the door to the sixth-year dorms and excitedly knocking over and over again.
Sirius was the one to answer the door, swinging it open with a cigarette in between his lips and he quirked  up a smile at the sight of them and their excited face. Y/N simply lifted the paper up with a happy squeal and Sirius snatched the cigarette out of his mouth before squealing with her and tackling her in a large hug before picking her up off of the floor and turning so they were both in the room.
He kicked the door shut behind him and placed them down on the floor as the door made a thud. James, Peter and Remus all looked up from their beds at the noise and up at the member of the opposite gender in their room. Remus smiled at the sight of his partner and smiled impossibly more at their flushed cheeks and wide grin.
“What’s up?” He swung his legs over the side of his bed, his feet hitting the floor as he stood and walked over to her, smiling down at their happy face. She lifted her paper up and squealed again, Sirius squealing in delight too as Peter and James laughed at him. “An O? What the...”
Remus took it from her with a smile of his own and ran a hand through his shaggy hair whilst he read it and Y/N stood before him and welcomed his tight embrace with a laugh as he twirled her around slightly with a laugh before setting them down again and connecting their lips in a kiss. Her hand cupped his cheek as they chuckled against his lips and he smiled before pressing their lips together again.
“I’m proud of you.” He mumbled against her lips, his hands that were circled around their waist pulling her tighter against him as she wrapped their arms around his neck and pulled him closer again. “So, so proud of you for passing.”
“I think this is where we make our swift exit.” Peter commented, met with laughs from everyone as he and James began to get up off of their beds.
“You guys don’t have to-”
Remus cut YN off with another kiss, moving his lips against hers softly as she hummed slightly in delight of the affection. His lips slowly moved away to her ear and they shivered as his hot breath hit their skin whilst he spoke the next words. “Let them go, baby.”
“See you later.” She turned their head with a smile to wave bye to the other boys who gave the couple looks before leaving as Remus chuckled lowly into her ear, sending another shiver down their spine
“Use protection.” James said and then made a motion to let them know he was watching them which made the couple raise their eyebrows at him. “James doesn’t want any babies.”
“Is James referring to himself in third person?” Remus asked the boy who stood nonchalant in the doorway, leaning against it with his arms crossed whilst Y/N glanced between her boyfriend and James with an amused smile.
“...No.” James hesitated for a second before he scrunched his nose up at Remus in denial of the claim before disappearing away from the door and letting it swing closed with a thud behind him. “Don’t forget the silencing spell!” 
“Muffliato.” Remus cast quickly, getting his wand from his pocket and pointing at the door before locking it with a non-verbal spell too. Y/N raised her eyebrows at him as he tossed his wand onto James’ bed before gripping at his partners hips and pulling them close to kiss them.
“You’re eager.” Y/N said in between kisses, though they didn’t actually mind how tightly Remus had her pressed against him whilst they kissed. 
“Just proud of my special girl.” He mumbled, deepening the kisses slowly whilst they stood in the middle of the dorm, lips connecting and parting when someone wanted to say something. “Wanna give her a well-deserved reward.”
“Reward, huh?” She chuckled, kissing back with fervour before parting to murmur again. “Someone's extremely horny today.”
“You’re lecturing me about being horny?” He pulled back, laughing lowly and they bit their lip up at him and his perfect face. His hands moved from around her waist towards her jumper he pulled off of them before starting to undo the tie around their neck. “Who was the one wanting me to take off a piece of clothing every time you got an answer right last week?”
“Can you blame me?” Y/N smirked, running their hands up his clothed chest as he slowly took her tie off and his fingers came to fiddle with the buttons of their shirt after her had dropped the tie to the floor. “I have the hottest and horniest boyfriend.”
“I’m not that horny.” He continued to undo the buttons on their shirt, enjoying how with every one that came loose, the more skin or piece of underwear he got to see. “I could resist.”
“Sure you can...” They looked at his face and how he stared down so lustfully at their unbuttoned shirt that was no longer tucked into their school skirt. His eyes trained to their bra and he glanced up at them every so often as he just stared at them. “You can resist, huh?”
“I just wanna reward you for getting a good score on your test, sweetheart.” He furrowed his eyebrows as he slowly took their shirt off and eyed her breasts hungrily, not even bothered by the way they had her eyebrows raised knowingly. “But yes...I can resist if I wanted.”
“I bet I couldn’t even get off on your thigh without you needing to fuck me.” Y/N shivered as his rough hands stroked up and down her sides, the feeling of his fingertips heavenly on their soft skin.
“I’ll take that action.” Remus grinned, his hands moving from her sides down to her ass which was covered by their skirt and he squeezed the flesh from over the garments. He then grabbed her hand and dragged her over to his bed whilst he sat on the end and put his hands on their hips.
“I was just joking...” Y/N trailed off as Remus smirked and unzipped her skirt from the back before licking his lips as he watched it fall down their legs into a pile on the floor. He leaned forward and began to kiss at their stomach, his open-mouth kisses leaving tingles everywhere he went.
“It was a good joke,” He said as his hands made their way back to her ass and he palmed it slowly. “So good that I reckon we should try it out if you think I’m so horny.”
“Rem-” They were cut off by Remus’ fingers plucking the top of her socks that were pulled up just below the knee. She looked down at him and all he did was raise an eyebrow which told them everything she needed to know. 
Slowly in order to tease him, she reached down to her first sock and bent down slightly to pull it off which gave him the perfect view of their breasts in the cups of her bra. He bit his lip as he watched them bounce as she went up before going back down to pull off the other sock; once they were off she moved closer to him again and his hands found home on her hips once more.
His thumbs smoothed over her skin a couple of soothing times as they ran a hand through his hair but he moved back from their hold until he lay against his headboard and with a smirk, he patted his thigh and watched as Y/N climbed onto the bed and crawled over to him to straddle her legs on either side of one of his thighs.
“Take your shirt off.” She said, smiling as they reached for the hem of his shirt. He lifted his arms lazily and let them pull it off before tossing it over her shoulder and across the room and turning her head back to press a soft kiss against his lips whilst their hands travelled up his chest and rested on his shoulders. “I’m gonna win this bet.”
“Sure you will.” Remus smirked, delivering a quick squeeze to their ass before nodding as a signal for them to start moving. 
She gave him a small smile and kept their eyes locked with his as she began to move back and forth along his thigh, the material of her knickers rubbing against the perfect spot slowly as they tortured them both with the steady pace she set. Remus’ eyes grew dark with lust at the slow pace as they held eye contact and Y/N dragged herself over his thigh still covered with his trousers.
They continued with the slow pace, sighing in content at the feeling of her knickers sliding over her clit every now and then when they reached the right point of going back and forth. The couple were challenging each other with their eyes, Remus was challenging Y/N to keep teasing him and Y/N was challenging him with the bet. He had underestimated how right she probably was but he didn’t want to give them any satisfaction so he just relaxed and held the eye contact to wait for her to break.
An idea formed in his head and his lips tipped up into a smirk, holding the eye contact as he bounced his leg up and in turn making her gasp at the friction of it against her. He bounced it again and they exhaled softly, dragging herself across his thigh in a slightly faster pace whilst he bounced his leg and watched as her mouth fell open slightly before they closed it at the look of satisfaction on his face.
“Don’t hold back, baby.” He chuckled lowly as they slowed down their ruts against his hip, sighing as his thigh kept bouncing up and rubbing the material against her clit. “Just let go and lose the bet.”
“Yeah, right.” She leaned forward and pressed a bruising kiss against his lips, one that made him groan at the roughness and stop his thigh for just a second whilst his hands gripped at her waist and their hands went to their back, unclipping the bra and letting it fall off of their shoulders so their breasts were exposed and the garment was hung loosely on her body.
When they pulled away from the kiss, Remus paused for a moment at the sight of her boobs suddenly out and right in front of him. To drive him crazy, Y/N began to bounce on his thigh herself, sending their tits bouncing too and Remus let out a fascinated groan at the sight and although the bouncing gave her pleasure too, the look behind Remus’ eyes was highly amusing.
His hands came off her hips to touch them and Y/N stopped their bouncing and just settled on a slow grind as she grasped his wrists before he could touch them and he glanced up at her dangerously as she held them away and even dared to push them up to hold him above his head. Despite the fact they were heavily teasing him now, he was smirking but she knew it was out of pure lust as the chuckle that followed was anything but teasing. 
It was a dangerous one. One that told them he found her attempts at taking control cute but it’d be back in his power soon enough. 
He allowed them to keep her soft grinding pace for a while as she held his hands above his head but he knew that she was going to let his hands go soon so she could try something else to make him break but as soon as the grip loosened the tightest bit, Remus pulled his wrists away and was met with a surprised gasp from them. But the gasp turned into a small whimper as his hands gripped at their hips and he started to rock her along his thigh himself, making the pace far quicker with the added bouncing thigh.
The friction of her knickers on her clit made them moan as their hand went up to clutch at his hair and the other stabilised her on the bed whilst Remus leant forward and away from the headboard to bury his head in their neck and begin kissing ferociously. His movements didn’t ever cease or slow as he continued to bounce them on him and his kisses travelled from her neck which he decorated with a hickey before he went down to her tits and started kissing at them too.
Y/N moaned as he continued his attack on all of her at once and when she felt her release approaching when he tensed up his thigh and it dragged against her clothed clit perfectly over and over and over. They tried to hold it in, even buried her head in his neck to try and stop the obvious moan coming out but as he moaned right in her ear when he pressed himself against them and their tits pressed against his chest, she couldn’t hold it anymore.
“Shit.” They cursed through a moan, moving faster at the start of their release but then stopping and letting the orgasm flow through them whilst their legs shook on either side of Remus’ thigh and he laughed into her ear as she breathed onto his neck.
“I win.” He whispered in their ear, kissing the skin underneath it as she caught her breath and her chest heaved up and down with heavy breaths. They took their head out of his neck and looked at him and the dangerous look in his eyes as he stared down at her.
“You really think you could restrain me?” He raised an eyebrow at them and she breathed out a laugh and climbed off of his lap; Remus licked his lips at the sight of her adjusting her knickers. “You should know better than to even try.”
Y/N ghosted her hand over his pants that definitely had his dick straining against them and he sighed heavily, tilting his head back for a  moment before looking back at them with a straight face. They smiled innocently and began to press their hand on the bulge and Remus’ gaze turned cold as her face lowered down towards it before she brought it back up and fiddled with his belt.
He was holding off on his impatience for now but when they had pulled the restraining on him, he was sure he might’ve flipped them over and fucked her right there and then but he didn’t want to lose the bet. He wanted to put her in her place but apparently they were still deciding to be a bit of brat.
“You gonna suck my dick or not?” He asked and they looked up at him as one pulled the belt out of his trouser loops and her other hand continued to palm the bulge in his pants.
“This is my reward.” Y/N stated and Remus’ eyes narrowed as they unzipped his trousers and pulled them down as much as they could before yanking his boxers down and taking his hard dick in their hand before spitting down on it and using the saliva as lubricant to rub up and down his dick before she let go and began to climb off of the bed. “So no maybe not.”
Remus sat stunned for a moment as she began to climb off of the bed, bra slipping off of their arms finally as his jaw clenched and he quickly scrambled up to grip her hips and pull them back to him harshly and start sucking on their neck again as they laughed. His hands went from her hips to their tits as they lay against him happily, he squeezed at them and sucked on the skin of her neck to quell some of his frustration.
“You think this is funny?” He whispered into her ear and kicked the jeans and boxers off of his feet before rolling them over so he was hovering on top of his girlfriend. Y/N bit her lip at him and he grinded his hip down onto her once in a quick second and he enjoyed how her mouth fell open slightly.
Remus nodded at her with a cocky smirk and sat back on his knees to admire his girlfriend lay out like they were, braless and only in soiled knickers whilst lay out on the bed in front of him all for his view. His fingers plucked at the waistband of her knickers and he took them off of her thighs slowly, holding them up by his finger and smiling at the sight of the glistening wetness inside before he threw them behind him across the room before redirecting his attention towards his naked partner below him.
“You think not sucking my dick is funny?” He asked, going up onto his knees and pumping his dick right in their face as she watched with dilated pupils and their mouth agape. “We’ll see what you find funny.”
And then he lowered himself down and began to push himself into their entrance with no warning; Y/N moaned out loud at the sudden intrusion and their breath hitched with every inch he put inside of her until he bottomed out and he groaned too whilst they started up at him. 
“So tight.” He grunted out as she shifted underneath him, crying out slightly as he stretched them but she quieted herself and looked up at him to respond to his last statement.
“That’s because you didn’t finger me first.” They panted and Remus quirked an eyebrow, a dangerous smile quirking up too before he pulled out completely and made her whine.
His hand gripped her face, squishing her cheeks together as he leaned in close and his lover tried to bring their lips closer and kiss him but he avoided it and shook his hand side to side to make them shake their head. “Are you done being a fucking brat?” He asked and they whimpered with a nod of their head. “Good girl. My good girl, aren’t you? Passing your test and now admitting to being bad. You think you deserve this?”
“Yes.” She said, muffled through his grasp on her face and he just smirked and dropped his hold from her cheeks, grabbing her hips and thrusting back into them quickly which made a moan on the border of pornographic fly out of her mouth.
He went in and out in a quick and rough rhythm, speaking through gritted teeth whilst slamming and thrusting into Y/N. Moans were spilling from her lips with no mercy and her tits were bouncing up and down over and over as Remus kept up his pace. His hands grabbed at her legs and he lifted them to link around his waist so he had more access to their vagina and Y/N moaned loudly at the new angle.
Remus was relentless, pulling out all the way and then slamming back in over and over and over again with praise and profanities spilling shamelessly from him. “Take it like my good girl, Y/N. Make me proud, let me hear those noises.”
At his words, they let out moans which were met with groans from Remus as he thrusted in and out relentlessly with his eyes on his girlfriends breasts which were bouncing for his view and Y/N propped herself up on her elbows with a screwed up face from the pleasure whilst she tried to peak down at where Remus was thrusting into them but she reached back and pulled their hair so they were looking up instead and he smirked down at her.
“Remus-” She cut herself off, their eyes rolling back in their head as Remus slammed into them relentlessly and laughed at their fucked out expression and went impossibly faster into her. The moan that ripped from her throat was worth it and he gave his own moan at the sound before she whimpered at Remus’ force and then moaned again.
“What’s wrong?” He asked with a smirk, tugging at their hair again and she moaned as they made eye contact again. “I’m just giving you your reward, princess. You’re taking it like such a good girl, well done baby, taking my dick so well.”
Y/N moaned at that and their eyes rolled back into their head again as Remus’ dick pushed up against her G-Spot and they nodded, rushing out moans and pleads and praise to Remus who sped up on that particular spot and worked his hips faster than ever as his girlfriend fell apart in his hands.
“Here, baby? Right here?” He asked mockingly as he thrusted, knowing full well he was where she wanted him as he could both feel it and her moans of confirmation were sending him close to his release much like she was. “You gonna be a good girl and cum for me, huh? Gonna make me proud again?”
“Yes, yes, yes, yes...” Y/N rushed and Remus smirked, hiking their legs further up him as he hit a new angle and she went speechless from underneath him, her mouth falling open, their eyes rolling back and silent moans coming out as her legs shook around him. “Fuck!”
“Good girl, good girl...” Remus grunted out as he soothed one of their thighs to help them through her second orgasm but also as he thrusted into her still to chase his own release which came with a burst of large pleasure. “Fuck, well done baby, well done.”
Y/N stayed panting, slowly coming back to reality after their mind-blowing orgasm and she looked up at Remus lovingly. “Thank you, Remus. I love you.”
“I love you too, my beautiful girl.” He grinned and slowly pulled out, eyeing his partners wince as he pulled out and he slowly went down to lie next to them. They turned their head to face him and he grinned charmingly at her like he hadn’t just made her see stars. “But you didn’t think that was all you were getting, did you?”
“No, my good girl gets everything they want today.” Remus smiled and kissed her nose lovingly, enjoying the cute smile they gave back. “I’m very proud.”
“Thank you, my love.”
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
has harry ever come before yn? and how did he react to it
warning: um this is straight up filth, sorry (not sorry)
“Baby, c’mon,” He huffs in frustration, his thumb slips once again because she’s just so wet for him.
“M’trying!” YN bites back, “You’re expecting me to come in two seconds all because you got yourself worked up by rubbing your dick on my tattoo.”
Harry can’t deny even after a few years of the ink being on his wife’s bum doesn’t make it any less hot to him.
It takes one more harsh pump of his hips before he’s groaning and coming, his fingers faltering on her bud once again.
YN is whining - these displeased, spoiled little noises that prickle the skin on the back of his neck and grit of his teeth.
“Y’sucha god damn brat,” Her husband spits out, not even enjoying his release because of his impatient, perfect wife.
“M’not,” YN retorts as she flips onto her back and lays down, not even disgusting her pout.
“Out of the hundreds and hundreds of times I’ve fucked you and made sure y’finished first - the one time y’dont you want to get all huffing and bent out of shape.”
YN squints at him, because he’s not wrong, she chooses to bite back with a bit of attitude, “Well you had some clumsy fingers tonight.”
Harry barks out a laugh, spreading her legs roughly, and muttering, “I’ll fuckin’ show clumsy fingers.”
Then continues on to make her come twice if his fingers along just because.
“Oh my god,” YN giggles loudly when Harry curses as he spills inside her - legitimately after only about three minutes of being in her.
“Shut up,” He whines, ego bruised a bit as he pulls out with a look of betrayal at his already softening cock, “Y’looked so good in m’jersey at the game tonight. Flauntin’ y’tits like tha’.”
YN smirks widely, turning around from where he had her bent over their bathroom counter, “I know, I saw how many times you had to ‘adjust’ yourself in your uniform.”
Harry hauls her up until her bum’s on the cold marble and her legs are spread to show him where she’s dripping from him.
“Can’t help it. It’s nearly impossible not to come the second I’m in you,” He pouts, it was the truth - usually he had amazing stamina but every once in a while his body was a traitor.
YN let’s out a quiet sigh when he tucks two fingers back inside her, twisting and curling in the way that make her toes crinkle.
“You amaze me. I’ve given you four babies and y’still as horny as ever,” YN giggles pleased and confident because of her husband’s constant want for her.
Harry pushes forward to lick into her warm, sweet mouth before he’s resting his forehead against hers and watching his fingers work into her perfect heat.
“Only horny f’you, mama. Course s’just for my wife, m’so fuckin’ in love with you. In love with your body, this beautiful thing has given us our babies - how could I not be obsessed?”
YN comes panting in his mouth and a smug smile on her face when he hardens back up against her thigh in the process.
Harry’s lips are bright pink and swollen, his narrow hips pushed against the tiny counter in the frat bathroom as YN kneels in front of him.
“Baby, baby, want to fuck you. If you blow me I’ll come,” He signs in warning, attempting to coerce her into standing up but she doesn’t budge.
Her hands are quick on his belt and skinny jeans, letting his thick length rest towards his tummy as she leans forward to lick at the head.
He wasn’t joking, right as she suckles harshly on the head with her hand stroking the rest - he flexes and released with a loud loud moan.
“Didn’t know my mouth was that good,” YN gestures as she stands up with a teasing lift to her lips, thumbing a lose drop.
“You know when you grind on me it gets me going,” He accuses to justify his short span, “Don’t act like you don’t come in a second when I have my mouth on your clit and three fingers up in you.”
YN swallows harshly at the dirty talk, startling when someone bangs on the door, stating the need to use the toilet.
“I’m totally telling Niall you came in legit two minutes,” YN signs before swinging up the door and disappearing into the crowd - leaving behind her flabbergasted boyfriend.
“My leg is cramping, H,” YN complains noisily as he keeps her leg lifted a she fucks in from behind as they lay on the bed.
Harry is so so close.
His annoying little creature wasn’t going to find her end because of a god damn leg cramp.
“Bat, just let me - oh fuck,” Harry snarls loudly as he can’t control himself any longer, fucking harshly into her a few more time before he comes.
Ad soon as he’s lowering her leg, he’s met by her displeased, grumpy whimpers that make him want to bite her until she’s limp or kiss her sweetly - sometimes he can’t tell which.
He drops her leg, planning to finish her off but she pushes his hand away which has him baring his fangs and snarling fiercely at her.
“No, I’ll finish myself,” She grunts, rolling onto her back and propping up her legs, one hooked over Harry’s thigh.
Every time he tries to reach over to help as she rubs quickly and precisely at her bud with short puffs of air - she smacks him off which makes him hiss angrily as he watches on.
“You’re like a million years older and you can’t control yourself still?” YN teases breathlessly as she feels a ball of fire start to pool in her stomach.
Her grin gets wider when his eyes blacken and his lip curls completely back to reveal his glimmering white canines.
“Pest, you are not doing it correctly. Let me make you come,” Harry demands with agitation, his hands clenching to not just grab her.
“Shut up,” She snaps back, two fingers rubbing in languid circles that have her hips bucking - it really shouldn’t turn her on that her vamp boyfriend is threatening her with his fangs.
“I rarely ever come before you. Please little human, you are annoying me and I wish to make you come now,” Harry tries to use a more gentle tone.
YN finally gives in, letting him take over with his own fingers, two tucking inside and his thumb right on her nerves.
His fangs ascend back into in gums as he admires his squirmy mate who is restless until she tense and releases on his hand.
It’s only a matter of second before she is coaxing his fangs back out - because she loves to torment him, “Better luck next time champ.”
“Enough,” He growls at an ear-shattering volume before he’s biting at her mating mark to get her to submit.
Works everyday.
Harry was getting himself overly worked up, as soon as YN pressed record for a little something that she could watch when she had to leave tour for two weeks.
“Honey bee, c’mon,” Harry rasps, voice as deep as it goes as he sits in the armchair in their hotel room - legs spread and feet planted on the floor.
“Hold on, just want a shot of this,” She replies, he was so fucking hot - couldn’t grasp that this man was her’s sometimes.
He had a firm, lazy grip on his cock - thumb circling his extremely sensitive tip every so often which made him shutter.
“Slower, tease yourself,” YN murmurs as she films him, watching raptly as he slows down his strokes but fucks up into his hand.
“Want t’be in you, bee,” Harry tells his with a wrinkle between his eyebrows as he twitches in his palm.
“Then listen to me,” She orders in a voice she rarely uses - a authorative voice that has Harry moaning as he squeezes himself.
“M’listenin’, I promise.”
“Stop,” YN replies, eyes following when he releases his grip and it sways before resting on his taut belly - pink and swollen.
She props the camera on the desk, shimmying down her underwear, and straddling him on the chair - letting herself sink down.
“Oh fuck - baby, m’gonna - bloody hell,” He moans as he comes within seconds, hand squeeze her plush hips.
His forehead is sweaty, lips puffy, and YN is so pleased with him, whispering that he’s so fucking good for her, she can’t wait to watch it when she’s away.
“Y’takin’ it so good, darlin’,” Harry grunts out, teeth gritted and hand grasping her jaw to keep her mouth against his.
YN was in a mood tonight.
“C’mon, we don’t have much time before Anna comes looking, H,” YN goads coyly, her plush hips digging into the counter where her bum is pressed against.
“Hush up, pup,” Harry scolds, biting at her swollen bottom lip before hiking her up a bit more to hit her spot right on.
“She’s gonna be so bummed, y’can’t get it up for her tonight after fucking me,” YN doesn’t stop with the filth.
“Y’act like I have ever fucked ‘er. I’ve only been givin’ it t’you for the past ten years,” He mutters, tongue licking into her mouth to shut her up.
When someone knocks on the door, they don’t stop, Harry determined as he pounds into her with hard, meaningful strokes.
“Harry, are you in there? Are you feeling alright?” Anna asks from the other side of the door - it was super loud because of the party.
He comes right then on the spot.
“You’re sick,” YN giggles, pleased as he pumps in a few more times to fill her up - claiming her as he always did.
It started with the god damn fucking teasing.
Rival gang members, the police, literally nobody gets under his skin - just his bloody nuisance of a wife and she took full advantage.
She got in these moods were she would fuck with him, tease him, wind him up until he had her pinned down with a sore arse.
He loved her so fucking much.
It started at the bar, she had leaned over with way too much cleavage on display as she fluttered her eyes to get men to buy her a drink.
Harry who was currently in the middle of a lucrative deal couldn’t concentrate as a man offered to buy her a glass of wine.
He didn’t care who saw, he excused himself and pushed her harshly into the bar until it would bruise her hips.
“Cut it the fuck out now, m’busy,” He hisses menacingly in her ear, ignoring the men who were staring wide eyes at the exchange.
Her hand comes back to subtly palm at his crotch before humming, “All these nice men are willing to pay attention to me.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Harry rumbles, gripping her wrist and moving it away from his groin with force.
“Whoa, man! You can’t talk to a lady like that!” A brunette gentleman squawks after watching the interaction.
Harry steps back, a sly smile rising the corner of his lips, and he purposefully lifts his shirt just a bit to flash a shining gold desert eagle tucked in his waistband.
The man’s eyes widen in horror which makes Harry chuckle darkly, “Don’t tell me how to treat m’fuckin’ brat of a wife, she fuckin’ loves it anyways.”
With that, Harry storms back to continue his meeting and YN grins, a little flushed as she sips on a glass of water - aroused beyond belief.
After a bit, YN disappears down the hallway to the restroom, and sends Harry a text that has him excusing herself.
Please help me. Woman’s bathroom, hurry.
Harry’s reaching back for his gun, not hesitation as he rushes down the hallway - heart pounding at the thought of his love in trouble.
He slams open the single stall bathroom, gun drawn but all he sees is his beautiful wife, on her knees with lust obvious in her body language.
“Y’tha’ fuckin’ desperate?” Harry scoffs, locking the door and placing his gun on the counter - already reaching for his belt and zipper.
“Please sir.”
It sends a harsh, electric zip down his spine as he hisses when his wet tip hits the cold air, he bends down first - forces her mouth open and spits.
But his words are soft and loving after, “Brat, love you s’much. Y’the love of m’life.”
Her eyes twinkle but she can’t speak because he’s guiding himself in her mouth with a long push that has her breathing heavily through her nose.
Harry surprises himself when he ends up spilling right after she pulls off for a breath and jerks him, rasping out, “I love living life with you.”
Yeah he comes at words and he isn’t fucking ashamed.
It has him pushing her up against the wall and licking her out until she’s teary from sensitivity and legs quivering pathetically.
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sugarylawliet · 3 years
remember when L and light were chained together for a while ? well, bear with me, what if Light’s gf (the reader) wanted to have sex with Light during that period of time which leads to somewhat of a threesome?
i love this idea omfg
> warnings: nsfw/smut, threesome, spit kink (i couldn’t help myself idk how i manage to fit this into every fic i write), i’ve never written a three person nsfw fic before so..,, bare with me. why did this develop lowkey lawlight undertones as i wrote it idk. also i didn’t proof read so if there are mistakes i’ll fix them later LMAO
> tag list: @deidarascumdumpster  @v3inbunny @ygm1slt @dracomalfoys-wh0re
“Ryuzaki, tell me again how long this’ll be for?” You fiddle with the long chain of the handcuffs, one end connected to your boyfriend’s wrist and the other to L’s. Tonight was supposed to be a movie night between you and Light, maybe something more, but of course, like always, some aspect of the investigation got in the way; this time being the raven-haired man who sat on the other side of you. 
“Well Y/N, like I said, until I can be 100% sure Light is not Kira, the handcuffs will stay on for monitoring purposes. I’m sorry, really, I know you’d like some alone time, but you can just pretend I’m not even here.”
“Pretend you’re not here?”
L nods innocently, apparently oblivious to how fucking weird it would be for him to just sit on the side lines while you have alone time with Light. 
“Ryuzaki...no offence, but it’s pretty creepy to just have you sit there and watch while Light and I...Especially since you guys can’t really even move much without the other moving too.”
“Well, we’ll figure that out when the time comes, I suppose,” L sighs, “but I’m afraid I can’t take the handcuffs off. You’ll have to think of a solution- Light is a very smart man, I’m sure he can think of something.”
You sigh deeply, turning your attention towards Light, who’s fingers began dancing up your jaw, pulling you into a short kiss.
“Light, c’mon...”
“Ryuzaki is right here...”
“Shh, it’s fine. You don’t mind, Ryuzaki, do you?” He looks at the man who sat quietly next to you.
“Me? Oh no, I don’t mind at all. Please, continue.”
Light moved his lips down to your neck, licking and sucking at the soft flesh. The chain around his wrist clatters against itself as he moves his hand to tightly grip your jaw, roughly moving your face to bring your ear close to his mouth.
His breath is hot against your ear as he whispers, “You know Y/N...don’t think I haven’t noticed you have a little thing for Ryuzaki...”
“Don’t think I don’t notice, the way you’re always touching his arm or lingering around him too long, bending over in front of him when you drop something. Is it to get my attention? To make me jealous, hmm?” You could practically hear his smirk through his words.
“N-no Light, I promise.”
“God, you’re such an attention whore. Wouldn’t you say, Ryuzaki?”
“Oh, well...” L purrs, throwing his arm on the back of the couch behind to you move closer, “I’d say I’d be flattered, if that were the case.”
“Well, if she’s so desperate for attention, maybe we’ll give her some attention, hm?” Light traces his pointer finger along your body, moving from your neck down to your collarbones, your stomach, and inching closer to the place you wanted him most. He gently rubs your inner thigh, not daring to touch you as a means of teasing.
“Mmm, I think we found the solution to our little handcuff problem...” L dances his fingers along your collarbone, softly making their way to your cheek and gently pulling you into a kiss. L was attractive, you’ll admit, but something inside your chest still felt a bit weary at L kissing you so tenderly right in front of Light. It’s not that you didn’t want it, no- you wanted this more than anything. Perhaps it was the prospect that Light would be dripping with jealousy, his ego hurt yet again by the detective; that the two of them would treat this as another pride game.
Light’s hands finally make their way under your skirt, pulling your panties aside and dipping a long slender finger inside you. You gasp, arching your back and picking up your hips slightly at the sudden pleasure. L places his free hand on your hips, guiding them back down as he hums in your ear- his lips were so close to your ear you could practically feel his smirk and his silent breathy laughs tickled the side of your head.
L slides his hand up your shirt, cupping your breasts for a moment before moving his fingers to the clip in the back. “May I?” He purrs. You nodd, allowing L to unclip your bra and push your shirt up- you help him pull it over your head so you sit bare chested before the two men.
You inhale sharply as L attaches his lips to your chest, swirling his tongue around your nipple. The touches from both of the men already began overwhelming you, as Light quickly slipped a second finger inside you and L stimulated your breasts. You rake your fingers through L’s thick charcoal hair, bucking your hips in pleasure as Light picked up his pace. “Mm, fuck, Light...”
L brings one of his hands down to rub your clit with his middle finger, his speed not showing any mercy or hesitancy. Your moans grew louder and louder, Light maneuvering his fingers to twist and curl inside of you to hit your sweet spot.
Yes, there was no doubt, the two enemies saw this as yet another competition for pride.
Your breath hitches in your throat as your hips buck higher. The two men notice your approaching climax and quicken the movement of their fingers. You release before getting the chance to even say anything or restrain yourself- you hoped Light wouldn’t be upset.
Light pulls his fingers from you, scissoring them together to watch the stickiness string together and pull apart. “Open up”, he commands, pushing his fingers into L’s mouth. L swirls his tongue around Light’s fingers, the brunette pushing them further down the detective’s throat before promptly pulling them out. 
“Y/N, be a good girl and get on all fours.” You obey, placing yourself on your hands and knees on the couch. 
“Ryuzaki,” Light states blankly, looking at the dark-haired man in front of him. L stares in Light’s eyes back, nodding. L then moves in front of you as Light moves behind you. Somehow, the two men always knew exactly what the other was thinking verbatim- you guessed it comes in handy in times like these.
You hear the clicking of Light’s belt behind you as he unbuckles it, folding it in half and smacking your backside with it, causing you to yelp. Light chuckles,  “Mm, I love those pretty little sounds from you...”
Both L and Light pull their pants down slightly to pull themselves out, releasing the strain against their pants. L runs a few fingers through your hair, gently cohearsing you to look up at him as he gazes in your eyes with a slight smile. “Open that pretty little mouth for me...”
You flatten your tongue against L, slightly sucking on the tip of his cock before he pulls your head up slightly by your hair, spitting on you. “Don’t tease.” He says sternly. You nod meekly, allowing L to bottom out your mouth as he begins to thrust his hips into you.
Behind you, Light teases your entrance, slightly putting the tip of him inside you before bringing it back out in a agonizingly teasing manner. You whine around L loudly, desperate for Light. The vibrations from your sounds cause L to throw his head back with a throaty groan, moaning your name. 
After enough teasing, Light finally pushed inside of you. He rocks into you, the sensations from both men overwhelming your senses. Your moans grow louder and the echo of your whines and the other mens’ heavy breaths and pants filling the room.
“Mm, fuck, Light...Ryuzaki...” 
L pets your hair, smiling as he watches you, “You know my name, Y/N, say it...”
“L....fuck, L....” You cry, feeling your second orgasam approaching. 
L pulls out from your mouth, releasing on your face with a deep sigh as you stick your tongue out. Mouth now free to talk, you moan Light’s name, “Light, I’m gonna...”
“Do it, Y/N. Cum for me and Ryuzaki like the little attention whore you are. God, you’re such a fucking slut. Getting off on two guys, such a bad girl....”
Light’s words only egged your climax on, and soon you came with a loud moan of both mens’ names- Light finishing soon after.
You collapse onto the couch, the three of you breathing heavily. L pulls you into his arms, your back against his chest, and holds you caringly. It’s a type of loving touch you never felt from Light, but it felt nice nonetheless.
“Light, be a darling and bring some towels?”
Light nods, leaving the room to fetch a few towels to clean up. You’re left in L’s arms on the couch, your eyes fluttering closed in comfort as he strokes your hair.
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jobean12-blog · 3 years
The Story of Us
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,142
Summary: Bucky is broody muffin unless you’re around- then he’s just a soft muffin of love :)
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club cleanup the archive challenge and the super cute and sweet prompt below from my lovely friend @randomfandompenguin Thank you love! I hope you like this! You know I adore our beefy Bucky! Thank you all for reading and much love always! ❤❤❤ My beautiful divider is by @imerdwarf
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Warnings: Soft and sweet fluff, Bucky’s read Henley, some friendly teasing and fun
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“Hey Buck, Sam and I are going for a run. Want to join us?” Steve asks.
Bucky looks up from his cereal and shakes his head. “Nah, I don’t feel like going out now. Thanks.”
Steve shrugs and claps him on the back. “See ya later Pal.”
Bucky finishes eating his breakfast and washes the bowl before grabbing his Henley and heading back to his room. He hears the soft padding of feet and immediately knows it’s you, his smile hard to hold back when you round the corner.
“Morning Bucky!” you chime, smiling brightly and brushing your hand over his arm. He doesn’t flinch or pull back and you’re grateful for it. In the time since he’s been here you’ve learned that he is ok with a soft touch here or there and you have never pushed for more, letting him lead.
“Hi doll,” he answers sweetly, turning back around and following you. “What are you up to?”
“Well, I started doing some cleaning, so I opened the windows in my room to you know just air it out but then I noticed how beautiful it is, so I decided to go for a walk instead,” you explain with a giggle. “Want to come?”
Bucky pulls his Henley over his head and grabs his hat. “I’d love to!” he says.
The two of you walk out into the warm sunshine and start down the street toward the nearest park. Conversation flows easily and you’re just about to finish your latest funny story when your shoe gets caught in one of the metal grates on the street and you start to fall forward with a screech.
Bucky’s metal hand reaches out and grabs yours, easily stopping your fall and gently pulling you upright again.
“Woah! You ok there doll face?” he asks, giving you a squeeze.
You let out a shaky breath. “Yea, I think so! Thanks for saving me! That isn’t the first time I’ve tripped over those things!” you tell him.
“No problem,” he replies, giving you a moment to gather yourself.
When you start walking again neither of your release your hands and you can’t help but feel the butterflies start to flutter in your stomach.
Bucky looks down between your bodies at your entwined fingers and when you catch him you brush your thumb over his. His lopsided grin makes the heat rise in your cheeks.
“Now I don’t have to worry about you face planting again,” he teases lightly.
You’re just about to make a snarky remark when you hear yelling. Both you and Bucky turn your heads to see Sam and Steve on the other side of the path, waving and pointing. They jog over and Bucky rolls his eyes.
“I thought you weren’t feeling like a run, Buck,” Steve chides playfully, Sam standing beside him with a goofy grin.
“Do I look like I’m running punk?” Bucky questions plainly, clearly not in the mood for them. “I’m enjoying a walk in this beautiful weather.”
Sam zeroes in on your clasped hands and mumbles something under this breath. Bucky shoots him a death glare and starts pulling you away.
“Alright, well have a nice walk. See you guys later,” Steve says, elbowing Sam so he starts running again.
When you get back to the compound you reluctantly leave Bucky’s company to go finish cleaning, but you promise to come find him later.
He makes a sandwich and grabs his book, sitting in the quiet common room to read. Nat, Clint and Wanda come in shortly after, bickering over what to have for lunch. They all greet Bucky, and he looks up with a wave.
“Do you want something to eat Bucky?” Wanda asks. “I’m making Paprikash.”
“I already ate thanks,” he answers and gets up.
“Well, there will be plenty of leftovers if you want,” Wanda shouts at his retreating form.
On the way back to his room Bucky considers stopping by to see how you’re cleaning is going but he decides to shower first. Afterwards he walks down the hall and lightly knocks. Waiting a minute, he still doesn’t hear anything and figures you aren’t in there, so he goes back to the kitchen.
Wanda, Nat and Clint are still there cleaning up from lunch.
“We’re going to play Pictionary when Steve and Sam get back. You should join us,” Nat says, looking at Bucky.
For a second it looks like he might agree to it but then he scrunches up his nose.
“I think I’ll sit this one out,” he says, settling on a chair at the far end of the room.
Nat doesn’t push and grabs her phone. “Watch this guys,” she whispers to Wanda and Clint with a sly smirk.
A few minutes later you burst into the room.
“Where are Steve and Sam?! I want to play!” you nearly shout.
You feel a pair of eyes on you and look over at Bucky. You go to him and sit on the edge of his chair.
“HI! I was hoping I would catch you in here. I went by your room just before but clearly you weren’t there,” you giggle.
“I did the same thing about a half hour ago,” he admits shyly.
“I must have been in the shower!” you explain as you tuck a strand of hair behind his ear.
It takes you both a moment to notice that all the chatter in the room has stopped and it’s strangely quiet. You glance over at Nat, Clint and Wanda, now joined by Steve and Sam and raise your brows. They are all staring and smiling.
“Who’s ready to play Pictionary!” Steve finally yells, breaking the silence.
“Want to play Buck?” you ask hopefully. “We can be teammates!”
He stands and reaches for your hand. “I would love that.”
You all pile onto the couches by the coffee table and Bucky pulls you down next to him, his arm falling over your shoulder. When you suddenly sit up you can see the worry etched across his features and you quickly reassure him.
“I just want to go grab my sweater. It’s always so cold in here,” you explain with a soft smile.
Bucky nods but then stops you.
“You could just take my Henley if you want?” he asks in a whisper. “I definitely don’t need it.”
“Yes please!” you tell him excitedly.
He stands and pulls it off, helping you get it over your head before you both sit down again.
You snuggle into his Henley and then under his arm as the two of you continue to talk while Steve sets up the game.
Sam leans Steve’s way, not bothering to keep his voice quiet when he says, “I can’t wait until the wedding when I can tell everyone what a broody bastard he was until she came along.”
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@addikted-2-dopamine @bugsbucky @book-dragon-13​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes @eurynome827 @fxckbuckyscoming @hiddles-rose​ @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @loricameback​ @lizette50 @lookiamtrying @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @cherryblossomskye @tuiccim @whatrambles @white-wolf1940
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I want to address a growing trend in our community that is becoming quite concerning.
At the end of each tourist season, we see at least one person who has taken on far more hermit crabs than they can handle because a vendor, shop, or carnival told them they were going to put the crabs in the trash or turn them loose. While that individual’s heart is in the right place, we (as a group) are being taken advantage of and overloading our adoption program.
LHCOS aims to end the wild capture of hermit crabs for the pet trade. Our approach has always been to educate the public so they don’t buy a hermit crab in the first place. Decades of imploring stores to change or improve their practices has proven fruitless, there is a demand and stores want the money from meeting that demand. However, if no one is buying hermit crabs, and they sit in the shop for months, the store will not order more. Stores don’t stock products that don’t sell well and stores don’t restock products that are still on the shelves. These stores see animals as a product just like food or bowls. When they can’t move a product any longer they stop carrying it. It doesn’t happen overnight but it does happen. They don’t care HOW the hermit crab leaves the store, only that it moves off the shelf and now there is room for more.
Boardwalk shops, vendors, and carnivals are now engaging in what I see as destructive and predatory behavior. When they encounter someone who clearly cares about hermit crabs they use that to their advantage. They know you are a kindhearted person and they tell you they are going to put their unsold crabs in the trash or set them free, knowing full well you won’t stand by and let this animal that you so clearly love die. Now they’ve solved their problem this year, you have taken on the burden for them. Next year will they order fewer crabs? Nope. Why would they? You happily took the unwanted crabs off their hands this year and you or someone else will do the same next year. Problem solved―for them anyway. They are using our caring natures against us, causing us to bear the burden of dealing with dozens of hermit crabs. Hermit crabs that were taken from the wild but cannot be returned there. Hermit crabs they will have forgotten all about when next summer arrives and it is time to order more crabs for the season.
If you are told by a seller that they plan to release or dump hermit crabs you should calmly gather some information. Their name, business name, contact information etc. If you can get video footage or audio of them threatening to dispose of the hermit crabs that would be helpful. Don’t engage them or tip them off to your intentions, simply feign interest and collect the information you would need to get back in touch with them.
Now, contact your local Game Warden or Dept of Natural Resources and report this vendor.
Putting live animals in the trash is illegal.
Releasing non native animals is illegal.
Releasing an animal in a habitat in which it can’t survive is illegal in many places.
Encourage them to please go and speak to the person about the fate of these hermit crabs. Your local police department may not want to deal with this but the Dept of Game and Fish or Natural Resources WILL care. A visit from the local authorities or local news will be far more effective than you taking home 40 hermit crabs. Now they will be under scrutiny. Now they may think twice about ordering so many hermit crabs next year if they are forced to ethically deal with dozens of leftovers from this year.
No one person in our community has the ability to rescue large numbers of hermit crabs year after year. Our adoption program is not equipped to process that many crabs, nor will we devote our time and resources to aiding distributors and wholesalers of wild-caught hermit crabs. I cannot tell you what YOU should or should not do, but if you bring home dozens of hermit crabs, please do not do so with the impression that our adoption program will take on the burden of rehoming them all. Our program exists to help hermit crab owners, not wholesalers and distributors.
We must stand fast and be resolute in our convictions and our mission. We must stay focused on the larger mission.
I know it is SO HARD. SO VERY HARD to say no, I will not ‘rescue’ these crabs to help you. I will not feed the cycle of abuse.
LHCOS will not—and logistically cannot—serve as a dumping ground for masses of unwanted seasonal, carnival, or kiosk hermit crabs. That undermines all of our hard work spent educating the public and reducing sales. Why bother reducing sales of hermit crabs if we are just going to swoop in at the final hour and take all the crabs anyway? That just makes us an accessory to abuse and neglect and gives these irresponsible vendors an easy way out.
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agtteam · 3 years
Vampire Knight DS English Patch Released!
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Vampire Knight DS (ヴァンパイア騎士DS ) patch by the Anime Game Translations Team
At the prestigious Cross Academy exists a dark secret. A secret which is up to you to protect.
12 years after its original release, the Vampire Knight DS game is finally available to play in English thanks to the release of a new translation patch!
With fully-voiced main characters, a gallery of lush CGs, and 21 endings to unlock, what adventures await you under the gentle twilight sky…?
Download the Patch (Mega Backup)
Game Trailer
Beginner’s Guide to NDS Patching
Want to get in touch? Join our discord server to send us your questions, check out our other projects or even lend a hand in our mission to bring more anime games to the English-speaking fandom!
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baeshijima · 3 years
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫!𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐲/𝐧
A/N : i have nothing to say other than the fact there will be an excessive amount of twitch slang bc why tf not + just,,, heavy streamer!albedo brainrot ;-;
streamer albedo
so before we get into him being whipped for u, let’s go over the type of strimmer mr Kreideprinz is
fun fact that’s his twitch name—
albedo would be the type to do lots of variety streams of different games, but also the occasional art one if he wants to have a chill stream with his chat !!
speaking of chat… they’re an odd mix of wholesome supporters, KAPPA + POGGERS + catJAM (bc he always has some bangers on in the bg like yes u bless our ears my guy) + KEKW + EZ Clap + his own emotes spammers, mr albedo’s very own shrimps (me, ahEm—), and ppl who just appreciate his voice + gameplay
if there’s a troll he just bans them OMEGALUL
omg he has lots of emotes (which he made in some of his art streams so his viewers could choose some) for every scenario but we’ll get into the popular ones in a bit 👁👁
he’s most definitely one of the bigger, well-known streamers but with a smaller group of friends
his discord server has,,, a lot of ppl,,, 70k+ ppl big,,, rip notifs if ur in it ;-;
he has it muted tho 🐥 like, sir, that’s ur server pay the goddamn price smh
wait i forgot to mention this but he has his webcam on when streaming
so u can bet ur chickens that when ppl come to visit his stream bc of whatever category he has on, they stay for his visuals and voice <33
his twt 🤡 mans gets 1k+ likes, rts, comments within the first 5-10 mins
omg he gets soft when he receives sm support from his community 🥺🥺
gifts so many subs when hitting milestones, chat is wholesome or just whenever really HJKSDHKL 
also doesn’t swear much unless he gets played by his own game and/or someone is being incredibly annoying <//3
he also just,,, eats on stream
albedo straight up takes his webcam with him to show him cooking if his viewers ask for it
or he just orders food then and there and eats while chatting to everyone or watching youtube with his chat 🥺
this AR55 man 👩‍🦯
he can literally produce content from anything
from artifact farming, to spiral abyss, to running around mindlessly, to building characters he would normally never build, to him seeing how high up is considered too high to dive
and everyone eats it up bc it’s albedo <3
also !! he’s the type who includes the story quests in his streams so his reaction and thoughts on everything is just,,, there
now when u were first introduced in the prologue (yes ur one of the ogs + involved in the dvalin fight <33) he blanked and all his viewers could see was u on screen with him staring blankly in the bottom right of the screen
this man straight up saw u in a cutscene for one second and fell in love
his chat went wild omfg
he immediately made an emote for u and that’s his most popular one 😌
but i kid u not, the moment u appeared in that cutscene (one in which he will forever treasure in the crevices of his heart) was the moment he asked this exact question ;
“ so (y/n) banner when? ” 
and mihoyo heard his pleas and answered with ur event banner 
except it was like,, 4 months later 
at least ur finally here tho :’)
now he can have his lil science-y moments with ur voicelines ;-;
yes, ur the chief alchemist but ✨ 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 ✨
. . .
shut up
n e who
when he saw the notification from mihoyo’s official forums that u will be a playable character in the new update — along with new characters, region, events & a domain — i shit u not he did a rt, his own tweet, an announcement on the community feature on youtube, and made constant reminders to his viewers on twitch abt how he will be a (y/n) haver no matter what
he even added future (y/n) haver in his twt display name
what a shrimp—
the 1.2 update stream 🐥 he was there waiting for it to go live with like,,, 19k viewers spamming his chat abt predictions and obv ur official release + showcase
and when i say this man fell even more in love while watching ur trailer and character showcase 🥺 he wouldn’t stop smiling or being in awe bc ur just??? so stunning???
mihoyo clearly has a favourite child and it’s u
chat was spamming ur exclusive emote like crazy oml
u can bet it was also flooded with lots of POGs and POGGERS 
overall it was a very fun, chaotic stream filled with lots of (y/n) appreciation and love <33
also a very memorable stream for all his viewers bc of the side of albedo they rarely see unless ur involved
the day ur banner was to go live tho 🐥
the streams leading up to the fateful day consisted of him farming ur mats 
that’s it
boss runs, local specialties, hero wits, talent books, the mats needed for ur weapon he was inevitably going to pull for (only the best for the best, afterall) and many domain runs
many painful domain runs
all of it was worth it tho bc ur worth everything :’)
an actual quote said by him—
at least he can get u and ur weapon to lvl 90 right off the bat with all the artifacts tailored for u ;-;
and get u to that point he did HJSDKJF
once ur banner dropped? immediately started wishing
2 multis in and he gets u 😣
albedo nearly cried and was the literal embodiment of head in hands
modCheck has left the chat
everyone’s rooting for him :’)
pulled for ur weapon and got it in 1 multi
sir give me ur luck pls and ty
but yes he nearly choked on the gASP he let out while chat screamed even more
he blanked for a bit, i won’t lie ;-;
but when he realised this was real, he immediately went to his party set up and put u in
can we all get an f in the chat for his lvl 10 tartaglia 😔💔👊
his chat usually rages at him to build him but if he’s being honest, he cba
ur vl when he put u in the party tho <333
now he’s just spent half an hour running around with u, letting u do ur idle animations (will always be grateful for mihoyo creating u like this), reading ur very limited (for now—) character story and going through ur voicelines 
ur morning & about us (when he unlocks it) voiceline >>>>> his heart be running laps rn i swear
eventually he does begin to build u after much admiration on his end and at lvl 1 with lvl 20 artifacts, u already have 1.6k atk 🐥
now after he levels u and ur weapon to lvl 90, u have 2.8k atk 🐥
rip mobs <//3
he now plays u as his main dps 😌
the kit initially designed for u is meant to be more for support?? kinda like the whole ganyu or zhongli debate abt them being a dps or a support/sub dps ;-;
except ur more utility like venti or bennett
and even though the majority said at the beginning (aka, mihoyo, pretty much any other streamer and the larger part of the fanbase) that ur meant for support, he said fuck that and built u as his main dps
and i won’t lie, u do more damage than any of his characters, and ppl who co op with him
ur his pride and joy :’)
he went to take a look at ur consts to see if they were worth the rng suffering and, lo-and-behold,
they were
so now he’s using all his saved primos for u to try and get ur c6 const, along with making ur weapon r5 :’)
his chat gets a free view of him internally suffering when the gold light doesn’t come, and his external suffering when he loses the 50/50
in the end, he decided to whale for u <33
after nearly an hour, he has u to c6 and ur weapon to r5 ;-;
now all he’s been doing the whole stream is running around with u in open world, doing his daily farming, doing more domain and boss runs, exploring the new region (dragonspine) + ur story quest
he’s saving the event quest for another stream bc ✨content✨ 
in ur quest, he had multiple heart attacks and now has many, many screenshots <3
he now has a zoomed in pic of ur face as his twt pfp <33
okay so i also feel like he’s not all that bothered abt getting characters to friendship level 10 immediately and would rather let it happen through time
but obv ur not any other character *proceeds to debby ryan at u*
even if ur not fit for a particular domain or boss, he still puts u in the party so when collecting the blossom/rewards, u can get the friendship exp ;-;
he just wants ur name card so he can show off okay 🥺
when he lets his viewers pick out the playlist, 98% of the songs are from ur character demo theme 
they just know him so well 😩
they also just wanna see the way he smiles when he hears it play but shhhhhh
now he just has his in-game avatar as u, and ur namecard too <33
also his signature is just ;
“ (y/n)’s favourite streamer ”
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
I’ve Told You Now - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where alpha!Bucky fucks you in front of the other avengers
Warnings: smut, a/b/o dynamics, public sex, oral (f), p in v, possessiveness
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: Thank you to my lovely @wakingbeauty​ for giving this a read for me! This is strictly the product of mine and @navybrat817​‘s belief that public sex should be more common in A/B/O dynamics, so there you have it 😊 Also, I used a prompt the sweet @jbreenr​ gave me ages ago for a headcanon and I asked to save it for this story since it made such perfect sense! Hope you guys like it! I might write more public sex A/B/O smut in the very near future!
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
Everyday was the same. I’d wake up and join the rest of the team for breakfast to find out that despite the fact that someone had saved me a seat, that same someone had thought of a new joke to make at my expense.
If I thought Tony’s nicknames were bad, this was a whole new level. It’s like she wanted to find all the little ways to annoy me, while still remaining mindful of my recovery process and triggers.
I’d never met an omega like that before. Back in my time, omegas were mostly prim and proper, almost shy around alphas, even if they were starting to show a little more skin and entertain the possibility of staying closer to us for longer periods of time.
I wasn’t used to someone who felt so comfortable with my intimidating aura, and the alpha in me definitely couldn’t grow used to seeing so much of her skin all the time. By now, I was sure she was doing it on purpose.
She knew how it affected me, she could smell it - every omega was able to identify when a nearby alpha was aroused. And I knew it turned her on in return. I was also biologically wired to sense that.
It was basically a game of who would break first. And I knew she thought she would win, but my resolve still wasn’t broken.
“Ah… What a lovely day. So full of possibilities… if you’re not a hundred years old,” she quickly added, throwing me a glance that had me rolling my eyes. “What do you say, grandpa? Feel like going out for a run?”
Who knows what I would have answered if she hadn’t decided to pull her hair up right at the second Wanda opened the window to look out into the field? The smile that had been on my face quickly dropped when I was hit with a heavy wave of her scent and my knees buckled as I tried to hold myself back from just jumping on top of her.
Unfortunately, because awareness was not something she seemed capable of having, she did not realize my struggle. “What’s wrong, old man? Can’t even keep up anymore?” The growl that escaped my chest at her joke was all the warning she needed to finally understand what was going on.
“I’ll show you what I can keep up.” I was on her in a second, my consciousness of our surroundings reduced to absolutely nothing. It was only her and me, and the way our lips moved as I guided her back to the couch, until we both fell on top of it.
“Is this what you wanted, huh?” I asked as I tore her shirt with a simple flick of my wrist. “Is this how you wanted it to happen? For me to lose all control and just take you right here?” All that left her was a garbled sound, her hands clawing at my back as I easily got rid of her jeans until they were nothing but scraps on the floor and then exposed her pussy to the tower’s living room.
“Fuck yes,” I growled, immediately leaning down to get a taste of her. Sweet and wet and mine, all mine. I had no idea where that possessive instinct had come from, but I would be crazy to ignore it - especially since it felt like I’d kill and die for her at that very second.
Her hips jerked up, instinctively searching for my tongue, but a breeze of clarity seemed to brush over her and make her sit up on her elbows, looking down at me. I knew what was running through her mind before she said it, and I wasn’t having any of it.
“You better lay back down and let me savor my meal,” I warned, knowing the rest of the team had gathered around to watch the show. I didn’t have to take my eyes off her debauched state to know it, but her gaze was on them, even if the rest of her body was still spread open for anyone to see, uncaring of the fact that we were being watched.
“You poked the beast, now you’ll entertain it,” Steve warned, shaking his head as if to scold us, but when I met his eyes, I could see the glint of desire in them. He wanted to be in my position, he wanted to have his own tongue shoved deep inside my girl’s pussy, and it only made me eat her more hungrily.
“Eyes on me, ‘mega,” I called out to her once I saw her eyes linger on Steve. “Let them watch, that’ll keep them away from you.” She groaned at the possessiveness in my words, but it was the sounds of someone who was relishing in it. And I was relishing in her juices.
“Fuck!” She cursed when I buried my tongue as far as it could go in her, something deep inside of me desperate to be drowning in her scent. “Should have gotten you mad before.”
The thought was amusing to me. Did she really think this was only the result of pent-up anger, and not months of desire and lust that had finally spilled from my weakened resolve?
“Well…” I started, pushing two fingers inside of her to scissor her open for me, although my scent had already made her body as prepared for an Alpha an Omega could get.
I was a bit larger than usual Alphas, though - courtesy of the serum - so I wanted to make sure she wouldn’t go through any pain whatsoever. “You keep me mad all the fucking time, kitten.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“With desire or anger, it doesn’t really care,” he continued, like it was any ordinary day and we were chatting in the living room, our usual teasing banter taking over the conversation, instead of him eating me out on the couch in front of all of our teammates while I was spread out for their eyes to take in.
“You’re always a tease to me, in one way or another.” His huge hands massaged the inside of my thighs as he finally lowered himself to suck on my nub again, making me instinctively buck my hips up in search of his tongue.
“Stay…” he ordered in his Alpha tone, and the whine that broke free from my chest was more animal than human now. The way he used his mouth was nothing short of sinful, licking me from ass to clit with an eagerness I had never expected the former Winter Soldier to have.
But I guess today I was discovering all of my fantasies about Bucky had been a bit misplaced. For one, I never thought he’d be the type of Alpha to take me in such a public environment.
In every dirty dream I’d had, Bucky was far too possessive to allow anyone to explore what was his - even if it was only visually - but what I’d come to learn was that while he was definitely dominating, there was a hint of exhibitionism in his craving.
He liked to have people see him break me into a million pieces only to glue me back together with a lick of his tongue. He liked that they were seeing his talent - and I had to admit, by what I saw in his friend’s stare, that they were also admiring me too.
And he got off on that. I didn’t expect it would make me get off too.
“Delicious,” he hummed when he finally pulled away from my cunt, having brought me to my release and licked it off of me. Still, an overwhelming amount of wetness covered the lower part of his face, prompting me to raise myself to my elbows and lick my own juices off of his lips, the omega in me begging to scent him as mine.
“You’re a nasty little bitch, aren’t you?” He chuckled once the surprise faded away, easily manhandling me onto my stomach, the sound of a zipper being opened denouncing that he had undressed.
“Keep fucking me and you’ll find out.” I heard him spitting behind me, a shiver running up my spine as I realized he was playing with himself while looking at me presenting for him.
“Oh, I’ll do much better than that.” That was all the warning I got before I felt the head of his member poking my entrance, slowly but surely sliding in until he had bottomed out.
My whines became intensified when he pulled me up by my hair, his free hand covering my breast to rub my nipple as he whispered, “I’m gonna claim you, sweetheart. You think you’re ready for that? Think you’ll be able to take it?”
I was quickly realizing I had severely underestimated the man inside of me, even if not to the extent he thought I had. I was not ready for that. I don’t think I ever would be, but fuck if I wasn’t gonna take it anyway.
Because it was so much better than I ever imagined it to be.
“No more playing hard-to-get,” Bucky continued, finally starting to move and immediately settling on a punishing pace. “No more teasing me with your short skirts and tempting scent. You’ll be mine now, ‘mega. Forever. How does that sound?”
God, I wanted him to do it. I wanted him to keep exercising this complete control over my body that he had so easily managed to take. His cock was stretching me in ways I’d never been stretched before, his inflated knot slamming against my opening with each thrust.
“Always mocking me… Am I too old for you now?” I shivered as he licked a stripe up my neck. I knew he wouldn’t actually bite me in front of everyone - a claiming ritual was a sacred ritual, even the most feral of Alphas respected the intimacy of that. But the way he was taunting me was all too arousing, I couldn’t deny it. “Tell me.”
His hand squeezed my hip, looking for an answer. I tried to open my mouth, but nothing came out. His palm slipped further down, finding my clit, and as two fingers rubbed my own juices, around it, I screamed.
“N-No!” Bucky chuckled against my neck, body continuing his onslaught against mine as he nuzzled my scent gland. “Y-you’re not too old for me. Take me, take me please.” His coos were too provoking, making me cry out loud at the mocking sound.
“Aw, kitten…” His warm mouth breathed the next words against my ear, “I already did.” He turned my face towards his with his fingers tangled in my hair, engulfing my mouth with his.
“Alright.” A familiar voice spoke from not too far, startling me for a second as I once again was reminded that we were still very much surrounded by our team. “You two might just be the sexiest mates I’ve ever seen fuck.”
A growl escaped Bucky’s chest at hearing someone refer to us as mates for the first time, and I panted in need, desperate to cum, desperate for him. “Seen a lot of mates fuck, Romanoff?” He nibbled at my ear, hands roaming over my body as if to make it very clear to every person watching that they could look all they wanted, I was still his.
“You have no idea.” Looking over a bit to the side from where she was seated, there rested Sam’s almost limp body, a hand curled over his boner as his eyes never wavered from the place I was connected to the man behind me.
“Well, I know what I’m gonna think about tonight.” Something between a laugh and a moan escaped me, making Bucky growl again, hands pushing me back down onto the couch as his hips picked up the pace with which they’d ruin me.
To say I was soaked was the understatement of the century. I could feel it, running down my thighs, drenching the couch underneath me. I don’t know how we’d be able to use it again, but that was the least of my concerns in the moment.
“I am begging you to let me lick her pussy after you guys are done,” came Tony’s voice, and I knew Bucky would growl in his direction just from the way his fingers pressed tightly on the flesh of my hips. “Not that type of Alpha, sorry, I got it.”
I heard his footsteps retreating quickly, probably scared of what Bucky would do to him once we were done, but in the Alpha’s defense, Tony seemed to disappear from his mind the second he left the room, all of his senses directed to me and his goal of making me cum around his cock.
“C’mon, kitten,” he whispered, fingers easily locating my clit to play with me as he pulled me up to rest against his chest one more. “Come for me, milk me dry.” That was all I needed to give him what he wanted, and although I was anticipating to moan loudly as I creamed his knot, his mouth covered mine to swallow all of my sounds in a deep kiss, hands protectively covering me while pawing at my breasts at the same time.
“Steve,” Bucky called after he managed to catch his breath, having fallen on top of me on the couch once his knot popped open. “I won’t be able to work out with you today.”
I looked up as best as I could to find Steve already staring at us, although red from head to toe. “That’s understandable,” he spoke in a thick, rough voice that I barely recognized as his. “You seem to have worked out enough already.”
Bucky stopped running his nose against my cheek at his friend’s attempt at teasing, a slow smirk taking over his face as he joined me and stared at his friend. “Oh, I’m not nearly done,” he warned. “You’re more than welcome to join us for some cardio, if you want to.”
The soft smile Steve sent our way told us everything we needed to know about his plans for the evening.
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oh captain ~ jack sparrow;pirates of the caribbean
word count: 2488
request?: yes!
“Can you do a Captain Jack Sparrow smut where the reader has a kink of calling Jack her captain”
description: in which she loves to call him her captain, even in the most intimate of situations
pairing: jack sparrow x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
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It all started as a joke.
I came aboard the Black Pearl in search of my sister, Elizabeth Swann, and her secret lover, Will Turner. It was no secret that they were travelling with notorious Captain Jack Sparrow and, although my parents did not exactly like Will Turner, they had sent me as a way to tell Elizabeth that they were giving her their blessing to marry Will.
Of course, the moment I - a single, young maiden that had often been described as “beautiful” by my suitors - stepped on to the ship, the captain himself couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. There was many a moment in which Elizabeth had to actually tell Jack that he was being too forward or too crass with me. I liked to play along with his games as well and would tease him back. My favorite way of teasing him was to call him “Captain” in a sarcastic manner.
The first time I said it was in response to Jack’s very bossy tone as he told Elizabeth and I to do something. “Oh, of course, Captain.”
I could see a fire light in his eyes even then as he looked at me. “What did you say?”
“Well, you insist that we on the boat here refer to you as your supposed title,” I had told him. “I was just saying it. I thought you would like that.”
“The way you said it,” he pointed out. “It wasn’t very...crewman like.”
“Oh, my apologies, Captain.”
The fire ignited in his eyes again, but he decided to leave it be this time and to go on to yell commands at his other crewmates.
That’s how it all started. It was just a joke, a way to poke fun at Jack without being too harsh. I used the nickname almost every time I saw him, and almost every time I could see a look on his face that was hard to understand.
That was, until I found myself bent over his desk moaning the original teasing nickname repeatedly.
I never expected to find myself falling for Captain Jack Sparrow. Elizabeth had told me many a story about his attempts at courting beautiful maidens, including herself despite her love for Will. The stories led me to believing that Jack was just a man who wanted to use then leave a woman. I wrote him off as nothing more than a scoundrel, a pirate captain. Oh, what a fool I was.
No one on the ship knew of our love affair, especially not Elizabeth. I loved my sister dearly and I knew she would never judge me for who I had fallen in love with, however I also knew she couldn’t keep a secret from our parents for the life of her, and the last thing I needed was to break my parents hearts by telling them that their youngest daughter had fallen in love with a pirate.
That’s why I continued to use the teasing nickname in such fashion in front of my sister, but every time I used it, I could see that spark of desire in Jack’s eyes.
There was one day that we were on course for some sort of treasure that Jack was dying to find.
“It’s been lost for hundreds of years,” he was explaining to Will. Elizabeth and I were trying to help some of the crewmen and overheard the conversation that both men were refusing to tell us. “Wealth and riches beyond your wildest dreams. You could buy over Elizabeth’s parents with that sort of money.”
“I don’t think anything could buy over Elizabeth’s parents at this rate,” Will joked. “But do you really believe it to be truth? I��ve heard it’s nothing but a - ”
“A pirate’s tale,” Jack finished. “A way to lead pirates to their deaths? I’ve heard those stories, too. But there’s only one way to find out.”
“Mad man is going to get us killed,” Elizabeth whispered to me. “He only cares for the riches he may get, he doesn’t think of the countless lives he’s risking.”
“Of course he doesn’t,” I responded. “Anything that will shower him in gold and recognition is his top priority.”
“What are you two talking about down there?” Jack called from his perch at the steering wheel.
Elizabeth and I shared a teasing glance before Elizabeth responded, “Just about how smart you are, my dear captain! This journey can only go right!”
Jack raised an eyebrow at the obvious sarcasm in Elizabeth’s voice before his eyes landed on me.
“We were discussing how much recognition you will get once you find this totally real treasure you’re looking for,” I said. I paused a moment before giving Jack a brief smirk as I added, “Captain.”
He shuffled a little, trying to make his lust seem like he was just annoyed with me and Elizabeth. I couldn’t help but smirk triumphantly at him before turning back to Elizabeth, who was also giggling.
“You both doubt me,” he finally said after a long stretch of silence, “but I’ll show you both, and this whole boat, that I am right and this treasure is real.”
He came down from his perch and walked into the room that was designated as “his office”, his eyes meeting mine for a split moment. “I’m going to study the map for some time, please do not disturb me.”
What he really meant was, No one else come disturb me, I will be fucking (Y/N)’s brains out.
I felt myself becoming tingly between my legs, a regular sensation that Jack was able to get out of me. I tried to keep a light look on my face, but it was hard to do so when all I wanted was to follow him into that room.
“You two should be kinder to him,” Will said, although he, too, was laughing. “He’s been kind enough to let us travel with him.”
“After trying to get under mine and (Y/N)’s skirts for a few months,” Elizabeth added. “He knows that we like him and that we are grateful for him. It’s just so easy to tease him sometimes.”
Tell me about it, I thought to myself.
“Maybe we should leave the captain alone to his mapping for a while,” Will said, wrapping an arm around Elizabeth’s waist. It was his only silent way of asking Elizabeth for what Jack was trying to get from me.
“Perhaps we should,” she responded and gave her husband to be a light kiss on his lips.
The two left without another word to me, which was alright by me. It meant that I didn’t have to make up an excuse as to why I was “disturbing” Jack when he asked me not to.
Once I was sure they were too busy with one another to notice me, I turned and raced for the door. I hastily did mine and Jack’s secret knock before shoving the door open. I was shocked to see that the room before me was empty - the desk where Jack usually sat waiting for me was empty, and there was almost no sight of him at all.
Before I could even consider why this had happened, the door slammed behind me and I felt someone take hold of my throat and shove me against the closed door. Jack’s lips met mine and I felt the familiar explosive feeling I had whenever we kissed. His hands were already roughly pulling at my skirt, trying to pull it up around my hips.
“Someone is impatient,” I breathed against his lips. “You told everyone not to disturb you, remember? You don’t have to be so fast and so rough.”
“But if I take you quickly once, I can take you again before anyone notices that we’re even gone.”
His dirty words ignited a fire in me. I giggled as he picked me up in his arms and laid me down on his desk. The poor thing had seen more of our action than any actual work that Jack had ever done. I was surprised that it was still standing after all this time.
I took hold of the back of Jack’s neck and pulled him in for another kiss. Our lips moved so perfectly with one another as his hands trailed up my bare legs, his cold rings leaving shivers where they trailed. I pulled at his pants, trying desperately to get them off. He chuckled against my lips, the vibrations running through my entire body.
“Who is the impatient one now?” he asked.
“Not like the great Captain to leave a girl waiting in her desire,” I teased, hoping the nickname would be used to my advantage.
Lucky for me, I knew that was the one thing that could break Jack. He roughly pulled at the strings around the back of my dress, causing it to loosen and fall off my body completely. Once my dress was a heap on the floor, Jack pushed me onto the desk so I was laying on my back. I watched as he undid his pants and pulled them down just far enough for his hard member to pop free. Just seeing how hard he was from the little amount of teasing we had been doing was enough to make me start dripping in anticipation.
I gasped as I felt him pushing himself into me. No matter how many times we had sex, I still continued to be shocked by how big he was. He made my eyes roll into the back of my head just by filling me with his hard cock.
His hand found my hair and he roughly pulled me up so my body was pressed against his. “What’s my name, love?”
“Captain,” I breathed, dying to move my hips against his to get some sort of friction between us. But I knew that would only result in him punishing me for being naughty.
My response earned me a few slow thrusts. I bit my lip as to not moan too loud, but it was hard to keep quiet during one of our rendezvous. They were often few and far between, leaving the two of us very pent up and needing of release when the time came.
“Say it again for me my pet,” he purred.
“Captain,” I moaned, wrapping my legs around his waist to pull him as closely as I could. “Oh, Captain.”
The grip he had on my hair tightened as he began to thrust into me more, now going at a quicker and more steady pace. I pressed my lips to his to try and muffle my moans, which were now starting to become loud enough for anyone who would be passing by to hear.
I moaned out the name a few more times, which led to me being laid back over the desk yet again with Jack leaning over me, his thrusts so rough now that the desk was being moved. I arched my back against him, trying to get him as far into me as he could go. One of his hands was gripping my thigh while the other was wrapped around my throat, pressing slightly against the sides every now and then, and causing me to feel lightheaded.
Jack was always able to hit a spot in me that made my brain turn to mush and my eyes roll back into my head. I could barley think straight when he was pounding that spot relentlessly inside of me, especially at that moment when the only thing I could feel was waves of pleasure rippling through my body.
I managed to pull my thoughts together enough to utter out a sentence, “I’m so close, Captain.”
“Let me feel you come undone around me, my pet,” he said. I could feel him twitching inside of me, indicating that he was close to finishing himself.
My fingers curled into the desk as I felt myself hitting my climax. My entire body seemed to curl in some way as I felt myself contracting around Jack. His hands slipped under my arched back, pulling my body up to press against him as he did his final thrusts and finished inside of me.
The aftermath of our love making rarely lasted long in fear of being caught. Jack held me for a short amount of time, kissing the top of my head and whispering sweet nothings into my ear, before he finally had to pull away from me and begin to redress himself. I pulled my dress back up.
“You mind tying me back up?” I asked him, turning around to present my still bare back to him.
He laced the strings through their proper holes and tied it tight enough that it would stay up, but not too tight to cause discomfort.
“Do you really think you’ll find that treasure you’re on route for?” I asked him once he was finished. “Do you think it’s real?”
“I choose to believe every treasure is real until proven otherwise,” he responded. “I know everyone on the ship thinks that I’m leading us to our deaths, but I truly believe there is something waiting for us at our destination.”
“Well, if you believe it then I believe you,” I said. “What do you plan on doing with your riches once you get them?”
“I’ll share them amongst the crew,” he started. “There’s supposedly enough to keep a dozen men from having to work for the rest of their lives, and I have just a little over a dozen men on this ship. What I keep for myself I’m going to use to get a better ship. The old Black Pearl is starting to see her end I’m afraid. And, with whatever is left, I intend to buy you a rock so big and so stunning that any royal woman would be jealous of it.”
He lifted my hand to his lips and gave my knuckles a soft kiss.
“You intend to marry me?” I asked him.
“Of course I do. Why do you seem shocked to hear that?”
I chuckled. “Well, the stories I’ve heard about the great Captain Jack Sparrow, none of them made it sound like he would ever settle down with a woman.”
Jack smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, looking lovingly into my eyes. I could get lost staring into those beautiful eyes of his.
“A man must know when the right woman has come along,” he told me. “Especially a pirate. And the moment you stepped foot on my ship, I knew you were the right woman.”
“You sweet talker,” I said before pressing my lips to his. “When you do get me that ring, just know that I will say yes.”
“Of course, my love. And I cannot wait to have you to sail the seas with for the rest of my life.”
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