#Okay imagine if you were a guy and you were unwillingly the cause and hero of the same incident . and then some jackass decided
facelesswrittes · 2 years
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Summery: The story revolves around Kim y/n, a hardworking and honest teenager who unwillingly enters a to-the-death tournament called the oddinary season. where combatants fight with magic and Heroes from throughout history for a chance to have their wishes granted. Through this new experience she's pared up with a certain red hair boy who I may add has a thing for red apples.
Word count:
Paring: hwang hyunjin x f!reader
Warnings: cursing, death, fighting, blood, romance and grief?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
He had a Mohican cut and scythe-shaped eyebrows, almond shaped sea rover-blue eyes. defined cheekbones that went perfectly along with his sharp nose. His hair was a quite the odd color, red. Bloody red. He moved with a leopard-like grace that somehow send shivers down your spine. “So, I think it’s pretty safe to assume you’ll be my master for the time being.” His voice hadn’t been any different for what you had imagined. He had a deep voice. Not one that was to deep, but just right. An earthy scent swirled around him. And it took all your will not to stutter.
“Yes, that’s right.” You stood only a mare foot away from the taller male. And somehow his presence made you feel expose, as if he could read you like a book in a matter of seconds.
“Well, princess.” He stepped even closer, his hot breath now on your skin. “This is no child’s play. So don’t joke around and bring me my real master.” His plump lips turned up into what you assumed was a smirk. If it hadn’t been for his previous statement you would have found his behavior dangerously attractive.
“Well I’ll have you know that I am no child. You and me have been linked, and as your master you well, wether you like it or not, Fallow my rules and orders.” You confidently exclaim, putting up the hand in which the marking of your contract was made. As to prove your point, silencing any other doubts the man could possibly have.
His sharp gaze was fixed on the back of your hand which held the mark. Then he looked back at his own hand to find the same symbol written down. “You have to be kidding me… a little kid out of all people?” He mutter to himself, however you heard it clearly.
“I’m eighteen years old!!” You grit your teeth, practical shouting at the man before you. Although he didn’t bother caring, instead he stand up putting a hand to his chin.
“Okay we can make this work.” He began. “Just stay out of my way and I’ll make sure to win this war, easy right?”
This made your chest explode with anger, this guy has really been testing your patience. It didn’t take you long to know that he was the exact opposite of what you wanted. Might as well through out the whole list of “server must not.” Out the window.
How did a well behave student such as you end up in this situation anyways?
Born and raised in a family of maidens, you have had to experience far more things then any teenager should have. As though fate had wished the worst upon your innocent being.
You where there when grief had eaten your fathers soul away. You where there when your mother had fallen to bed. And you where there, shearing the feelings of your father as he took the gift from the gods to bring delicacy and luxury as well as health to your family’s lives. Saving a precious soul from being taken away from his grasp. But at what cause.
Your family had been stained, stained with blood that wasn’t yours. Trapped in an endless loop of participation in such a cruel event. And now it all came down to you. The day to come when you would turn 18, you would participate much like your father in this blood thirsty games.
When an envelope showed up at your front door a week after your birthday, on a much normal day, you hadn’t thought much of it. Until you saw your fathers horror while reading the small paper. You knew it was finally your time to participate.
And upon summoning a noble phantom to fight along side you, you were graced with the unfortunate luck of being pared up with probably the most arrogant cocky person you have ever come across with.
But being the natural heartwarming person you where you had a little spark of hope. “May I know what type of noble phantom do I have the pleasure to meet?”
This made his smirk return only this time it was double the size. “Caster.”
Suddenly everything clicked in. His behavior, how cocky he was, it all made sense now. Of course he had to be a caster.
“Right.” You clear your throat before continuing. “I’ll put it to you this way. Casters are know to be bad luck. There powers are a mystery, not to forget there behavior is unacceptable.”
The mans eyes widened before placing a hand to his chest in a dramatic attempt for you to feel bad.
“There also known for betraying there masters, I will not allow that from you.” You pointed an accusing finger. “If so I’ll take my own life and you well disappear.”
“Smart girl.” He chuckled stepping back from your figure. “I got you all wrong, maybe you are a proper mage.”
“Of course I am, who do you take me as?” Crossing your arms around your chest, you took a step back. Your eyebrows pulling together while your eyes scanned the male from the tips of his hair all the way down to his shoes, which where a pair of nice black leather boots. This man new how to dress. When it came to fashion he must really be on trends. His black jeans matched perfectly with his motorcycle black jacket with the letters H.J. Printed to the side of it.
That reminds you, you didn’t quite catch his name…
“So we agreed that your a caster, should I call you caster from now on or would you prefer your real name?” They say curiosity killed the cat, but you where too intrigued to find out more about him now.
Letting this opportunity go to waste would be a sin. Plus, this was just a normal step that would be necessary for your future bond as master and servant.
The man, who paid you barley a glance, was more then indeed gorgeous. Something frightening in your case. However the spark of genuine curiosity from you couldn’t be contained.
“Hyunjin.” He spoke clearly, not wanting to repeat himself with the little lack of patience he seems to have. “You can call me that or caster. I will be satisfied with whatever name my master decides to call me anyway.”
“I’m Kim y/n, but since you and me we’ll be stuck together for quite a while let’s break the formalities, you may call me y/n.” You finished, never breaking the eye contract with the male.
“As you wish, master.” He leaned over the wall just a few feet away from you, his attention openly driving to the door of your house.
“Should we get straight into business?”
He didn’t respond instead he focused on staring directly at the door.
It was odd. Very odd at that. But you decided not to question it.
A blink was all you received from the taller male.
His head snap towards your direction, his hand going to his mouth, placing his index finger straight on his lips, a motion to silence you. Which unquestionably worked.
It all stayed dead quiet. Way to quiet for your liking. All there was is your innocent self having a stare down with the older male. The tension that created was unbearable, but you figure this man had a reason for wanting the place as quiet as it is. The thought of that made your heart rate increase. Was there already someone after both of your tails?
After what seem like hours of pure silence you finally took it upon yourself to break it only to regret it in a matter of seconds. “Hyun-“
“Found you.”
An amused laugh fallowed as the, hidden figure emerged from the shadows. “I could sense your presence from a mile away.” It was a boy who spoke. A pair of beautiful light blue eyes connected to your gaze. He was surprisingly tall. His hair was a mix of both blond and white which suited his eyes perfectly, and there sharp shape. Cute freckles adorned his pale cheeks. He was adorable, completely throwing off how deep his voice truly was.
This has to be a joke…. Only a few minutes ago you summon your servant and your already getting attacked? Well… people did say casters where bad luck.
You refuse to believe this is any of your partners doing. Shaking your head from side to side to relive the thought.
“Y/n,” hyunjins voice had a nice ringing to your name, coming out so naturally from his lips as if he had said it millions of times. It almost impressed you how well it fell out of his throat. “Get out of here!”
Right. If something where to happen to you (god forbid) your death. Hyunjin would disappear as well. However if hyunjin was defeated you would have no protection against other mages. Both ways led to a dead end.
The most reasonable thing to do was to fallow what hyunjin said, if you knew what abilities and powers hyunjin has. But you don’t. So there’s absolutely no way that you we’ll leave him where there’s more then a hundred percent chance he we’ll get killed.
It could be a trap.
“I said run!”
If looks could kill you’d definitely be dead with the way hyunjin was staring at you.
For a moment you doubted yourself, Taking a step back. All it took for you to start a sprint was the blond male raveling his swords. He was a saber.
Before you even process it your legs where already taking you elsewhere. Sprinting out the door into the empty streets without a look behind. Being afraid that if you did you’d slow down into his reach.
But you where wrong. Terribly wrong.
There was no screaming, all there was is the smell of burning flesh. And the red warm liquid running down your partners back.
He had taken the hit for you. Wrapping his arms around your frame leaving his back exposed where now a deep cut was precent.
His scent remain the same. Intoxicating despite the metallic smell around the air.
Pain or joy, you doubt it felt it.
He was just numb.
There was no screams of agony nor tears of pain. It was all quiet.
For a moment you wonder if he was a human at all. But the way his eyes glued to yours, making sure you where still intact made your heart skip a beat.
Funny enough, after a while— he stood up. As if his back hadn’t just been pierced by a sharp blade. As if blood wasn’t running down his back.
Your voice was filled with worry, making him turn his head to you. But no words left his lips.
“I’m impressed, you are quite fast.” You where so worried about hyunjin you had completely forgotten about the enemy.
Hyunjin looks directly at his eyes, his hands clenched up making a fist. The blonde man swings his sword with intensity that it made a whistle sound.
Making Hyunjin immediately back away, then gives out a hard roundhouse kick to the saber’s face. The blonde man gets furious and stabs Hyunjin’s leg at an impossible speed. blood spilling out, but as this happens Hyunjin punches his side intensely. The saber doesn’t give out a flinch and pulls his sword up more towards his upper legs revealing Hyunjins open skin.
Hyunjin grabs the sword and pulls it out showing the sword with crimson red flowing down onto the saber’s hands. Hyunjin using his other hand grabs the saber’s arm and with barely movement swiftly pushed saber, Sending the saber back in his step.
You run towards Hyunjin, determine to help, but you where meet with his cold expression.”Y/N BACK OFF,” his eyes snapping towards yours. And you knew you had no choice but to do as he said. You’d only get on his way you told yourself. However the blood running down his body told you otherwise. Your inner self screaming for you to help him.
But before you could even get your body to move further, hyunjin was already caught up in an intense fight. Your eyes barely even being able to make out what was happening.
But you knew this was it. A fight between servants. What your father had been preparing you for over a decade. And you where standing there pathetically as your servant fought for your life and his own.
And as always, immediate regret followed suit.
You couldn’t just let what your fathers hard work go to waist. And with the recent found adrenaline you lunched yourself forward, taking a hold of the saber’s sword before he could use his deadly swing again.
Hyunjins voice rang in your ears, but you couldn’t understand what he was yelling. All you could think of was stoping the fight.
“Well aren't you a interesting sight?" There was a knowing smirk plastered on the blonde's face. shiver traveled through Your bones and you couldn't help but stare.
The stranger took a step forward, closing the already tiny gap between you. “I’m afraid my master is already calling for me, we’ll have to continue this another day.” A mere whisper and a smirk shouldn't be this alluring, but it was!
Before you knew it the man before you was already gone. Leaving nothing but the gust of wind and the flickering streetlight in the distance behind.
The only reminder that he was ever there was the bruises and cuts in Hyunjins pale body. Which brings you back to the real important thing.
His body felt heavy, heavier than usual. His weak body was infuriating to him. And there was nothing he wished more then to curse himself for what he was given. Though, should he really blame his body for this?
Maybe it was all merely an excuse to console himself. To not think about his true weakness. But, it didn't redirect his self-anger.
“Shit..” he cursed under his breath, your ears barley able to catch on it. You assumed his body was in a burning pain that you wished to relive. But it wasn’t in your hands.
With a sigh, hyunjin leaned on to your body. Having no strength to carry himself up. He thought of nothing else but how pathetic he must have looked
But seeing your unwavering face as you tried helping him, he doubted he had any saying.
More than anything, he hated being a burden or a charity-case. But having only been summoned he hadn’t quite adjusted to your aura. Which only meant his healing would take longer then it should have.
Only in times like these, did you truly notice From afar the hyunjin was gorgeous...and from up close, he was enchanting.
Even in the state he currently was his beauty remain.
Was it sad? That even knowing hyunjin was nothing but a noble phantom who would disappear when the war came to an end, you still took a moment to gaze at those soft lips?
It was…
You had done your best to take care of the male. His chest cover in soft bandages that you wrapped. However you had never took care of injuries this serious. You nearly felt embarrassed about the mess you had made trying to help him out. However he gave no comment on it.
Maybe his body was still tired from fighting saber. fighting saber truly took a toll on his body, you doubted the pain had gone away.
“I thought.. servants where able to heal themselves…” the question was stupid, however genuine curiosity took the best of you.
Bad move.
His head turn to your direction, his dark blue eyes forcing a glare. “I was just summoned, my body hasn’t quite adjusted to your aura master. It we’ll take a while for my body to get use to it.”
And there he goes, going back to calling you master when you thought you finally Brocken formalities.
“What about saber? He was pretty strong. You think it’s been a while since he was summoned?”
“I don’t think so, it didn’t give me that impression anyway. His master must have a an incredible amount of aura, He has yet to still reach his full potential.” Hyunjin leaned against the railing of the bed, his gaze locking on yours. “I don’t mean to offend you master, but your aura is a little lacking. So if we wanna defeat saber we’ll have to wait.”
Your cheeks heated up, a huff escaping your lips before crossing your arms. “Jerk.”
“Hear me out, your aura is quite strong. Stronger then any normal mage, maybe that’s the reason I find it hard to adjust to it. Nevertheless your my ideal type for a mage.”
This made your head shoot to his direction. Your cheeks turning radder then they should have.
“However…” he halted for a moment his gaze flickering from your figure to somewhere else. “I particularly dislike your way of thinking.” Waiting for a few moments, the servant expected a response.
But your confused state didn’t allow you to do so. You where unsure what he was referring to.
All you did was stare making him sigh further.
“To you we have already lost. I don’t know what the reason may be, if it’s Because I’m a caster or because saber scares you. But I don’t care. I despise it when people doubt my ability’s. I well win this war, and you well swallow all the discouraging thoughts you may have.” Determined, he pushed himself off the bed. Sending one of his infamous glares your way.
the cautious rays of the moon illuminated his frame. His skin practically glowing under the moons shine. It was a breathtaking sight. You’d be lying to say it hadn’t amazed you. You had almost lost what you had been conversing about, thankfully doe, you had been unconsciously listening. A habit you where forced to get into thanks to constantly having your head in the clouds.
Your lips turn up into a smile, not being able to hold it back with the confident stare he was sending you. “We’ll see about that, caster. Make me root my words.”
You lightly chuckled, pushing the male back to bed. "But for now rest up, we won't advance until your all healed up, so tomorrow I'll show you around the city."
With a hum, he let him self rest in the comfortable mattress. His eyelids growing heavier as a reminder of how tired he truly was. He had been pushing the feeling away as much as he could, but in the end he couldn't. Instead letting his eyes close driving him into a peaceful sleep. A much needed one at that.
Over the past three years, your father had prayed maybe even bagged for you to posses saber durning this season. Knowingly that saber was probably the most powerful and skilled between servants. And now you had taken a look to his power, surely they where no lies.
However.. for some reason, you weren't upset for what you had gotten. You had grown to accept it, seeing that your servant was pretty capable of providing you protection. You where an odd pair, anyone could see that. Polar opposites. But you felt that both your auras where dancing in harmony. That could only mean one thing. Your bond would grow to be strong.
You wonder if your father would be disappointed. Mad even. He had always said you had a much to kind heart. The last thing he ever wanted was the war to ruin that demeanor.
The old lady toma had said something similar. Convincing your father that your inner self would never allow you to win the war, surely leading you to your own death instead.
It wasn't that being kind was much of a problem. In fact it was the in capability of taking another's life.
You had always set your mind to something, a goal you so much wanted to achieve. For your father, for your mother and for everyone in the oddinary season.
You would win the oddinary season, with no blood stained in your hands, to wish upon the gods to end such an event. Saying it was rather simple, however actually achieving it was the tuff part.
Your eyes settle at the man before you. You weren't alone anymore, you where one step closer to your goal. Right now you felt pretty invincible, making a smile take over your lips.
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