#Okay.. *Technically* this isn't starting off with action per se
feilien · 7 months
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{♚ x @thiefofcrows x}
 Stakeouts had never been Matt’s strong suit. They were boring, tedious and required far too much sitting still and being attentive for long periods of time. It wasn’t that he couldn’t do it, or that he wasn’t any good at it, he just simply hated them and had always pawned it off on someone else whenever possible. Which was easier said than done when working as the Reaper for the Dregs. It had essentially become part of his job description, and no whining and complaining ever seemed to change Kaz’s mind about it. Matt couldn’t count how many times he’d had to listen to the speech of just why exactly they were so important; all he knew was that it had been enough times for him to be able to recite it word for word if he had to listen to it again.
 Today, however, didn’t feel half as tedious as usual. Which probably had a lot to do with the fact that he wasn’t alone. No, Kaz was standing mere inches away from him as they both observed their mark’s movements. A lawyer with some seriously deep pockets, as well as a safe filled with kruge and all sorts of jewels. But the money was secondary. Apart from the kruge and jewels, he also had a list of names in that safe. Clients. But not just any clients — they all were affiliated with the Bronze Vipers. They wanted that list, and they were going to get it. All they had to do was establish his routine, then find a window of opportunity in which they could get in, get what they need, and get out. All unseen and unnoticed, of course.
 And while Matt was focused and on high alert, his gaze did tend to drift over to Kaz more often than not while he was distracted with the binoculars. Matt was highly aware of just how close they stood next to each other while they shared the window in one of the Dreg’s safehouses. They were so close that he could feel the body heat radiating off of Kaz and all he wanted to do was close the gap between them; an urge felt an awful lot lately. Most of the time he could resist, other times, however…
 Annoyed with anything and everything, including himself, Matt let out a sigh and stretched in an attempt to shake off whatever he was feeling. This wasn’t the time and place, and there were more important things that needed his damn attention. “He’s been in his fucking office for hours now. He has to be going to bed soon. If he doesn’t, I might just lose my saintsforsaken mind.”
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