#Old Xian is killing me and I'm addicted
pomme-fraise · 2 years
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silviakundera · 1 month
Joy of Life Episode 18 liveblogging
This is my first watch, so don't tell me secrets ;)
Big brother Lin gets super ominous and gives 🍗 a sword. She's appropriately creeped out
I appreciate how at first Fan Xian declared, my mom had outstanding goals but they got her killed and I just want to survive... But he's finding it very hard to live in this world and surpress the urge to demand better.
I agree with Sister Ruoruo that ML can't get his girl if he kills her brother. But idk if the brother is just a stooge following orders or the real culprit. Maybe confirm first, then decide. Though regardless he can still fight the system & get his vengeance by destroying the CP faction
Uncle Wu I can't believe u betrayed Marvolous Mom's principles like this?! Not you! ML is as shook as I am. But idk I guess he was always a robot.
Ok so Big Brother Lin has a random farmer killed just for seeing his face - just in case anyone was wavering on him being a villain. I still don't know if he's the real culprit we want, but he's definitely a baddie.
🍗's bestie: cool with murdering nobodies; draws the line at treason with war on the horizon
Uncle Wu?! So ok he's gonna obliterate Lin Gong's camp before ML even gets there
Second Prince offering to help. He's figured out ML enough that he just admits to selfish desires. And ML won't take the help but admits that he'd prefer our fanfic addict to be the crown prince... The Forbidden Bromance is back ON.
Lin Gong's vision is tragically narrow and he pays with his life. The man will never understand why pleading his status and promising the world to this blind man is just wasted breath. So yeah, I agree with Uncle Wu here. Just kill. The county and its inhabitants are better off with him gone.
Look ML and his 🍗 girl are cute and all but I trust Uncle Wu's judgment. And likely ML couldn't live with himself if he turned a blind eye. If a happy marriage is off... sucks for him but this would not be good in-laws to have
lmao did Uncle Wu just send Lord Zhu the location to pick up the bodies?
Huh?! Why is the Second Prince being framed? Now is ML going to have to rescue him?
Ahhhhhhhhhhh Uncle Wu, that totally wasn't fair of ML to ask where you were when he almost died. That's not his fault.
They have 2 places to look for the key to mom's indestructible box. Yes let's try the one that's not the palace first.
Dad totally suspects he's lying and won't direct him to mom's old house
I suspect that when he visits the Crown Prince, he's gonna be told the CP didn't actually order his murder - which is why he and Lin Gong were overhead arguing. But maybe I'm way off.
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