#Olinto Cristina
adeuspassado · 5 years
Nota sobre a literatura brasileira no século XX
A literatura brasileira no século passado pode ser dividida em quatro etapas: a primeira vai de 1900 a 1920, a segunda abrange as décadas de 20, 30 e 40, a terceira as décadas de 50, 60 e 70, e a última etapa os anos 80 e 90. Grosso modo, podemos falar de uma literatura pré-moderna ou pós-romântica na primeira etapa, uma literatura moderna na segunda e na terceira etapa, e uma literatura pós-moderna na última.
Os Sertões, de Euclides da Cunha, é talvez o grande feito literário do período 1900-1920. A prosa de feição polêmica, irônica ou de crítica social, porém temperada de patriotismo, aparece em Ruy Barbosa, Monteiro Lobato e Lima Barreto. Outros nomes relevantes da prosa foram Graça Aranha, João do Rio e Raul Pompeia. Na poesia lírica temos Alphonsus de Guimaraens, Vicente de Carvalho, Catulo da Paixão Cearense, Raul de Leoni, Augusto dos Anjos, Gilka Machado, Manuel Bandeira. A crítica literária atinge a sua maturidade com José Veríssimo, Afrânio Peixoto e a Pequena história da literatura brasileira, de Ronald de Carvalho (1919), resume toda a evolução crítica anterior. No campo filosófico ou humanístico, entre os clássicos de Joaquim Nabuco (Minha Formação, 1900) e Ruy Barbosa (Oração aos Moços, 1920), o destaque vai para Raimundo de Farias Brito, Jackson de Figueiredo e Alberto Torres.
A primeira onda do modernismo tem um marco histórico na Semana de Arte Moderna (São Paulo, 1922). Ao redor dessa aglutinam-se alguns nomes da geração anterior, como Manuel Bandeira e Ronald de Carvalho, e outros que encarnam com mais radicalismo a "idéia modernista", como Mário de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade e Raul Bopp. Temos ainda um grupo mais conservador, que continuará a tradição do nacionalismo romântico: Guilherme de Almeida, Menotti del Picchia, Cassiano Ricardo, Plinio Salgado (que do Verdeamarelismo passou para o Integralismo). Muito importante nessa etapa é a literatura de feição católica: Jackson de Figueiredo, Alceu Amoroso Lima, Tasso da Silveira, padre Leonel Franca, Leonardo Van Acker, Octávio de Faria, Gustavo Corção, Jorge de Lima e Murilo Mendes. A poesia terá ainda um Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Vinícius de Moraes, Augusto Frederico Schmidt, Cecília Meireles, Henriqueta Lisboa, João Cabral de Melo Neto, Mário Quintana e Lêdo Ivo. No ensaio figuram Sérgio Milliet, Paulo Prado, Graça Aranha, Prudente de Morais Neto, Afonso Arinos, Oliveira Viana. Temos ainda o ciclo do romance regionalista nordestino, com José Lins do Rego, Jorge Amado, Graciliano Ramos, Raquel de Queirós, José Américo de Almeida, Amando Fontes. A prosa de ficção se desenvolve também com Alcântara Machado, Érico Veríssimo, Dyonélio Machado (Os Ratos, 1935), Lúcio Cardoso, José Geraldo Vieira, Clarice Lispector (Perto do coração selvagem, 1944), além do teatro de Nelson Rodrigues. Nas humanidades, cabe destacar Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, Gilberto Freyre, Caio Prado Júnior, Câmara Cascudo, Josué de Castro, Fernando de Azevedo e Anísio Teixeira. A filosofia conta com Vicente Ferreira da Silva, João Cruz Costa, Pontes de Miranda, Miguel Reale (fundador do Instituto Brasileiro de Filosofia, 1949), Amoroso Costa, Renato Almeida (Fausto - Ensaio sobre o problema do ser, 1922).
A segunda onda do modernismo vai ter início na década de 50. É quando aparece a Poesia Concreta, dos Irmãos Campos e Décio Pignatari, ou a Filosofia Concreta de Mário Ferreira dos Santos. O Neoconcretismo, movimento sobretudo plástico, contará em sua origem com um poeta influente - Ferreira Gullar. Indo numa direção contrária dos concretos, mais ligado ao surrealismo ou ao movimento beat, aparece Roberto Piva, Sergio Lima, Jorge Mautner, Cláudio Willer, Waly Salomão e outros. Cabe ainda destacar, no lirismo, Paulo Mendes Campos, Hilda Hilst, Mário Faustino, Carlos Nejar, Álvaro Alves de Faria, Carlos Felipe Moisés, Eunice Arruda, Adélia Prado, Chacal e a coletânea 26 Poetas hoje, de Heloísa Buarque de Hollanda. Guimarães Rosa e Ariano Suassuna vão renovar a temática do "sertão". Transitando entre a poesia, o romance, a crítica e o ensaio, temos Mário Chamie, José Paulo Paes, Paulo Leminski, Glauber Rocha, Antônio Olinto, Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna. Augusto Boal cria o Teatro do oprimido, além de sua prosa teórica ou ensaística. Manoel de Barros, que estreara em 1937, começa a publicar com maior frequência e se torna um referencial da poesia até o fim do século. Pedro Nava renova o gênero autobiográfico, se tornando talvez o maior memorialista do século. No romance ou conto se destacam Antônio Callado, Campos de Carvalho, José Agrippino de Paula, José Candido (O coronel e o lobisomem, 1964), Carlos Heitor Cony, Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Fernando Sabino, Raduan Nassar (Lavoura Arcaica, 1975), Dalton Trevisan, Osman Lins, Murilo Rubião, Moacyr Scliar. A prosa de João Antônio, Plínio Marcos e Rubem Fonseca vai renovar a temática do submundo, da marginalidade e violência social. Na filosofia e ciências humanas, temos Vicente Ferreira da Silva, Vilém Flusser, Leandro Konder, Darcy Ribeiro, Florestan Fernandes, Celso Furtado, Paulo Freire, José Osvaldo de Meira Penna, Roberto Campos, José Guilherme Merquior, Antonio Paim, Paulo Mercadante, Hélio Jaguaribe, João de Scantimburgo, Raimundo Faoro. O conservadorismo católico é representado por Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, Gustavo Corção e Nelson Rodrigues. Na crítica destacam-se Otto Maria Carpeaux, Anatol Rosenfeld, Antonio Candido, Mário Pedrosa, Roberto Schwarz, Wilson Martins, Décio de Almeida Prado, Paulo Emílio Sales Gomes. Na crônica, Millôr Fernandes e Otto Lara Resende.
A última etapa, o fim do século, é um momento de declínio, mas temos obras ou autores importantes. Os melhores são autores que estrearam em décadas passadas, mas que publicam obras seminais no fim do século, como Bruno Tolentino (As horas de Katharina, 1994), Dora Ferreira da Silva (Poesia Reunida, 1999), Ângelo Monteiro, Alberto da Cunha Melo, Ivan Junqueira, Raimundo Carrero, J. J. Veiga, Caio Fernando Abreu (Os Dragões não conhecem o Paraíso, 1988). Mas há também novos nomes: Ana Cristina César, João Gilberto Noll, Milton Hatoum, Diogo Mainardi, José Roberto Torero. E aqueles autores de "sucesso", mas de valor duvidoso, ou que se lançaram em novos gêneros literários: Chico Buarque, Paulo Coelho, Márcio Souza, Luis Fernando Verissimo, João Silvério Trevisan, Drauzio Varella (Estação Carandiru, 1999). Na crônica ou crítica, o destaque é Paulo Francis, Nelson Brissac Peixoto (Cenários em Ruínas, 1987), Sábato Magaldi, Nelson Aguilar. Alberto Lins Caldas e o Madeirismo representa uma tentativa de reatar com o modernismo e as vanguardas do início do século. Já Olavo de Carvalho se destaca como polemista conservador (O Imbecil Coletivo, 1996). Na filosofia ou humanidades, temos Henrique Cláudio de Lima Vaz, Paulo Eduardo Arantes, Bento Prado Júnior, Sergio Paulo Rouanet, Gilberto de Mello Kujawski, Marcelo Gleiser (A Dança do Universo, 1997), Rubem Alves, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso, Gilberto Velho, Roberto DaMatta, livros sobre ou dos irmãos Villas-Bôas, o trabalho de mitologia grega de Junito de Souza Brandão etc.
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cryptodictation · 4 years
'Fine print': Griselda wins the lottery, but loses the ticket; check out
Griselda is going through difficult times (photo: Reproduo / TV Globo)
THE Spotlight this Friday (4/17) in the world of soap operas stay with the plot of Fine print. Things really aren't simple for Griselda (Lilia Cabral). After the discussion with Tereza Cristina (Christiane Torloni), the woman finds out that she won a jackpot in the lottery, but when it comes to picking up the prize, a small problem: the ticket was lost!
* Abstracts are the responsibility of broadcasters and changes may occur due to editing decisions.
Malhao – Live the Difference
Indicative rating 12 years
Ellen makes an appointment with Jota to solve the problem of the application on cell phones. Ellen tells her friends about the deal she has with Dris. Anderson dispenses with a delivery indicated by Moqueca. Ben charges Guto for the piano lesson, and Keyla explains how she should act with him. Roney and Josefina tease each other. Tato asks to date Keyla. Dris ventes to Bris and regrets the decision to expel Ellen from school.
New world
Indicative rating 12 years
Tibiri suggests that Anna is pregnant with Joaquim. Licurgo is surprised to see Germana taking care of Quinzinho. Thomas is distressed by Anna's lack of news. Tibiri, Ubirajara and Olinto prepare Joaquim for the wedding. Joaquim and Anna get married. Anna is touched by her wedding ceremony. Olinto advises Joaquim to tell Anna the truth. Chalaa tells Domitila that she can't take her to Rio de Janeiro. Anna and Joaquim return home. Sebastio tells Wolfgang that he cannot sell Idalina and his son and intrigues Diara and Matias. Leopoldina tries to convince Piat to get to know the Indians of the Joaquim tribe. Anna tells Leopoldina that she married Joaquim. Joaquim encourages Piat to get to know the Indians. Domitila does not find her children and despairs. Thomas tells Anna that he has an important revelation to make.
Totally awesome
Indicative rating 12 years
Lili selects Eliza to be a candidate for the title Totally Awesome Girl. Pietro advises Carolina to give up the bet with Arthur. Arthur informs Eliza that she has been selected. Jonatas tells Arthur to accompany Eliza to a press conference. Adele asks Cassandra for secrecy until the shortlist is released to the press. Carolina gives Rafael a job opportunity. Rafael tells Lu that he was dating Sofia and reveals how the accident changed him. Lu tells Max to be friends with Rafael. Carolina decides to get pregnant by Arthur.
Fine print
Indicative rating 12 years
Patrcia firm when speaking to Antenor. Paulo dismisses Marcela. Ren can't speak to Griselda. Teodora looks at pictures of Quinzinho. Wallace collapses in front of Theodora. Guaracy tells Griselda that she won the lottery. Quinz looks for the winning voucher, but does not find it. Paulo threatens to separate from Esther. Griselda, Quinz, Amlia and Guaracy are looking for the ticket rewarding the house. ris goes to Tereza Cristina's house. Everyone sees Griselda on television saying that she won the lottery prize, but there is no way to prove it.
The adventures of Poliana
Indicative rating 10 years
Joo and Bento arrive home and Ruth is furious that they did not warn her. Yasmin is upset by her father's absence. Joana and Srgio decide to allow Mrio to play Vetherna. Fernanda and Afonso resume the romance and Dbora is uncomfortable. Vernica and Gleyce discover that Arlete and Lindomar were arrested and find the situation strange. Luigi ventes about Yasmin with his mother. Nancy tells Gleyce that Waldineusa kleptomanaca. Kessya sees a strange movement in the community, records everything and shows it to Gleyce. Vini discovers that his parents are in prison and runs to the police station.
My heart
Indicative rating 10 years
Ana wakes up frightened by the phone ringing, the call to tell her that the body found is not Leon's. Leon is actually in prison, because he was caught driving drunk, he calls Margarida, who is very happy that her son is alive. Fernando tells Diego that he doesn't want to find out from other people that he has a relationship with Isabela and asks his brother to be sincere. At the nursing home, Yolanda gets a new computer and explains to her friends how to use the device. Isabela goes to see Fernando and he is cold and sorry to have met her. Fernando asks security to remove Isabela from the company and she swears revenge. Fanny leaves a letter for Leon, so they can meet at the same place the day before. The meeting takes place, they settle all differences and resume the relationship. Ana and Fernando want to have a bad night, but the children won't let them, they end up sleeping with Luz. Fernando says goodbye to Nicolas and Bruno says that he is going to marry Manuela. Diego visits Isabela and cooks for her, Diego Nicolas cries and Isabela is fed up with the child, not even paying attention to her. Jennifer and Johnny are desperate to adopt Aura, but the girl's biological father arrives and asks to see her. Alicia is planning to go to a nightclub with Pablo, she makes up a story for Ana, who is astute, suspicious of the girl. Sebastio complains of a very strong pain in the belly, Ana and Fernando worry, Sebastio is very bad.
Cmplices of a rescue
Free indicative rating
Pedro goes to the city to tell Helena that he has decided to move to the city and work at the zoo to be close to her. Helena is happy. Fiorina needs to cook the dishes that Nina would prepare and vice versa. At the police station, the children of C1R try to tell the delegate that they saw Geraldo in the piracy shed and that he is innocent, but no one believes him. Fiorina is ahead in the sum of the points of the match, but Nina discovers that she was using a sprig of basil, which was not part of her ingredients. The judges decide to tie the two to decide who wins during the evaluation of the candy. Regina and Geraldo decide to denounce the Vaz brothers to justice to prevent them from reporting Geraldo for piracy. The evaluations of the sweets come to an end and Fiorina and Nina are considered excellent cooks.
Betty the ugly in New York
The broadcaster SBT requested the classification for 10 years and awaits a final decision by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Jlia suspects that her daughter has an affair with the boss. And, to clarify the matter, pressures Betty asking her if she is in love with Armando. Betty vehemently denies any involvement with the boss, but fails to convince her mother that she decides to seek out Armando for a conversation on the subject. Armando can't forget the night he spent with Betty. Marcela takes advantage that Armando is sleeping to check his cell phone and finds the photo of the model that Ricardo sent him so that he could be “inspired” to be with Betty. The next day, the photo a paparazzi took of Armando with a woman in a bar published on social media. Marcela is scandalized and Betty is devastated. Sofia wakes up in the hospital and Charlie is at her side. He asks her to start living together so she can get away from the problems that make her so bad. Sofia decides to divorce. Efrain criticizes Charlie for taking Sofia and his children to his home. He defends himself and punches Efrain. Romina returns to live in Hugo's apartment and Fbio threatens her.
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