#On Relationship with Etwahl and Method of Communication
withperfecttempo · 4 years
// This post details my thoughts and headcanons on Sona’s lore update and her color story. Rather than separating them all into different posts, I think it’s sufficient enough to combine them into one rather than try to create separate posts and tack on my older headcanons from the previous lore.
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Relationship with etwahl and method of “communication”:
There is a combination of ways: through touch, seemingly intuitive; it’s hard to place a finger but it feels as though there is another presence working its thoughts in tandem with hers. 
Coping and adjusting to petricite effects:
Upon her arrival to Demacia, she definitely felt the effects quite immediately. She grew fatigued and her family had thought that she might be tired from her travels and that she would recuperate after spending a certain amount of time with them without overbearing travels. Over time with consistent exposure, she has learned to adjust herself and adapt to the effects to be able to mask them sufficiently. Sona’s awareness could also extend to her being able to take notice of details to be able to adapt to her situations. Given that she’s surrounded by petricite daily, it’s a consistent enough basis for her to be able to develop a tolerance for it as well as figuring out how to allot her energies to be able to carry herself smoothly. Bigger gatherings such as galas tend to be the most exhaustive for her, especially when she has been asked to perform at the event. As she grows older and stronger, she’s been much better to be able to mask its draining effects on her.
Returning to Ionia, she must have felt the effects from petricite much like how one would experience jet lag when traveling. There is a point when her equilibrium in terms of arcane energy which causes her to feel sick or exhausted. As such, she needs time to be able to recover and get her bearings.
Sona and her abilities adapted and grew stronger.. It’s possible that the spirit in the etwahl adjusted also given its longevity and persistence to be with Sona. Her abilities most likely have grown as she expanded and honed her music expertise as well. Much like bottled inspiration, it lingers for a time before overflowing or bursting.
Political dealings in Demacia:
Sona does not have much of a role in Demacia’s politics despite now taking on the Buvelle name upon her adoption.
Given Demacia’s strong repulsion for anything arcane and that Ionia is a land that’s flowing with it, there is little surprise that there would be a number of stereotypes that manifested towards Ionians within Demacia. I’m almost sure that Sona’s dealt with multiple instances of racism. Creating stereotypes working off of racism is an easier way to create scapegoats to avoid persecution by the mage seekers. With this being said, I don’t think it would be much of a stretch to see a possibility of witch-hunts among citizens every now and then.
Learning languages:
It’s difficult for Sona, in general, to learn a language in general. It’s even harder for Sona to learn a language that doesn’t follow similar syntax and grammar as, say, a language she has grown up with in Ionia. It’s hard for her to draw connections and be able to make comparisons to grasp the rules completely. 
She can only communicate so much through the rough sign-language that the Buvelles had developed specifically for her. She still tries to learn and employ other means of getting her message across other than music for practical means such as carrying paper and graphite in the event she comes across someone who doesn’t understand any form of sign. Since her form of sign is specialized for primarily her use, it’s more of a reason for her to be flexible in the event that her close friends or family aren’t able to help her at the moment she needs. 
I’m keeping the notion that Sona can use telepathy with those akin to magic. I believe that her wanting to be able to communicate is one of the bigger catalysts to make this happen. It also wouldn’t make much sense for her to keep all her voice lines to herself. If the etwahl is possessed by some spirit, I could imagine that Sona is also able to communicate through telepathic means with spiritual beings.
Manifestation of Sona’s ultimate:
Sona’s ultimate spell, “Crescendo”, is something that consists of accumulated magic and strong emotions. Emotions can boil over when kept repressed for too long similarly to overfilling a glass or when substances are subjected to tense factors in a closed environment. The contents will spill over or break out of its confines.
 She didn’t know it was something she, herself, is capable of ever doing. 
Most of her magic is more support oriented, aiming to empower and help an ally recover. As far as her more offensive spell, “Hymn of Valor”, I see it as something that acts to leave openings such as disarming a foe.
Violence in Sona’s magic and morals:
Sona did not want to kill the mage seekers. Her ultimate is made of built up emotions and energies that ended up becoming a last resort as a result of being cornered. 
Her being violent and actually wanting to kill goes completely against what she stands for as one who instills hope and comfort. Her strong opposition to Sylas’ approach is quite telling. All in all, she’s against hurting people, which includes murder, even if she inadvertently left the mage seekers in a ghastly state.
She was in panic mode so she probably didn’t think too much beyond the fact she just wanted to protect her friends and loved ones so she just wants to make sure the mage seekers are unable to go after them. Sona has seen too many innocent people being falsely accused and ripped of their livelihood so she wants to put a stop to it in any way she could. It also seems like they have suspected Sona for a time to approach her in an organized way. 
If there is a time when she has absolutely no choice but to kill, I firmly and forever believe that the first and last person she kills is Jhin.
Despite much that she has gone through, she still manages to be a kind and comforting presence. Sona must have come to realize that despite being placed in the most unfortunate situations, she still is able to take her life into her own hands and alleviate any pain anyone else has experienced by simply being a warm presence while providing good and relatable music.
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