#Op you have no idea what you've awakened inside of me
gabessquishytum · 2 years
Bless you 🐈‍⬛ anon for going there and giving us all i d e a s. I’ve never seriously sat with sounding but uhhhh queue “I hope this doesn’t awaken something in me” meme (spoilers - it definitely woke something in me)
The thing about sounding is that it is pretty much the most direct prostate stimulation you can get. I’m gonna do a small school for a second here and assign some homework for the rest of this ask (because I don’t want OP here to get the tumblr hammer for a phallic infographic) If you’re not already very very familiar with anatomy I’m going to need you to image search a “transurethral resection of the prostate” aka a TURP procedure. Done that? Okay good, moving on. Mental pop quiz in a few paragraphs
Now I want you to imagine Hob on all fours. A sound previously inserted via the Corinthian. He’s frozen. His legs are burning and shaking from holding the position. But every movement jostles the sound along his prostate. Corinthian occasionally reaches out and flicks his cock on purpose to make Hob scream out and remind him who is in charge. Is it pleasure? Is it pain? Beats Hob. All he knows is that it’s like a live wire of sensation all at once and he wants more but he dares not move on his own.
And Dream comes back to this scene. He’s smirking at the picture the two of them make. But it’s missing something - complete fullness. And well — they’ve established that Dream owns his arse soooooo it’s no business of his if the Corinthian just happens to be using his cock at the same time. So Dream does what he does best - he fills Hob up.
Remember that image? Okay now I want you to picture each of Dream’s thrusts. Every time he is fully at the hilt his cock is pressing in on Hob’s prostate. But the sound is already there and dream can feel it massage him as he slides in and out. There is no room inside of Hob. Every thrust also moves the sound and his previous work to stay still has been thrown out with the bathwater.
And poor Hob is incoherent. This is beyond overstimulation. Hob is full in a way he never even knew he could be. He’s completely frozen clinging to Corinthian’s shoulders. The nightmare claiming his lips (biting and drawing an ever so slight amount of blood he can smear along Hob’s cheeks) and clutching his very full cock and Dream clawing marks into his hips and thrusting into his hole. If he didn’t know he couldn’t die he would swear that these two would kill him right here and now.
So uhh yeah. huh. Guess I’m into sounding now. Who knew
🫀 anon you are an actual gift from the gods. Somehow you have educated me and made me horny simultaneously. You've also awakened my latent love for sounding. And the words phallic infographic for some reason made my day.
Anyway, back to the porn. We're taking it as written that Hob loves being full of Dream. And this? This just makes it 1000x better. He’s crying and whining and drooling all over the Corinthian and he's totally reevaluating his idea of what heaven is. The Corinthian is whispering to him all about what a bad little slut he is, and Dream is fucking into him like it's going out of style, and his cock is possibly on fire, who knows, but its good. He's never done this before, and he gets to experience it for the first time with his favourite dommy bastards, and for some reason that makes him so happy inside. He probably passes out a couple of times and Dream just... keeps going. Maybe it keeps going so long he falls asleep and they both carry on fucking him up in the dreaming.
Maybe the Corinthian lets him cum, eventually. Then again, maybe he doesn't. The choice is yours 😏 it doesn't matter to Dream, bc he gets to use his favourite little cumdump either way <3
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