#Or maybe they'll just never mention SQ again and we can all riot
nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
Wait hold up I just noticed something about Curtain right before he gets kidnapped!
I was re-watching the flower delivery scene in Mysterious Benedict Society (because it's funny), and I realized something about the scene where Curtain is talking to himself in the mirror. At first I assumed he was practicing his speeches in the mirror again (like in season 1, because he’s a dork), but the happiness technique has worked pretty well so far so practice doesn't seem necessary. Then he starts getting frustrated, ok, so maybe the stuff about the freezing effect is really getting to him and he can't focus. Maybe he's actually worried about what he's done to SQ or Nicholas, he does seem to be slipping a lot, he really freaked out on Jackson and Jillson and didn't do much about Nicholas' questions and obvious suspicions other than blow him off.
Then I thought about what he was saying to his reflection: "It's not just for everyone else. You too can opt into joy and good feeling. You too can choose happiness. Use a joyful lens." And he gets progressively frustrated and keeps muttering "choose happiness" at his reflection. Was Curtain trying to use the happiness technique on himself before the society took him? Did he figure it was too late to correct his mistakes so he might as well make the pain go away? I'm just wondering how dark they are gonna go with this.
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