dealingdelaney-blog · 9 years
May I Help You? || Ophelia+
Small Boutique in Arcadia Square | Afternoon
Ophelia pulled the paper down from the windows of the small storefront that overlooked the Arcadia Square. As the light entered the completed boutique colours of designer clothing and accessories radiated out in prisms. European fashions adorned dress-forms and mannequins highlighting what it was that was in style the coming fall, many of the lines not even out for production yet, but Ophelia being who she was, had the connections.
She didn’t expect anyone to buy anything. It wasn’t as if this was New York or LA. These shops were things that Ophelia usually popped up and tore down as she settled and then moved from place to place. It gave a central location for those that needed to contact her for various pursuits, and as Ophelia knew, higher fashion brought in a certain type of cliental...usually gossipy young women, and gossip was a form of free information Ophelia indulged in often.
Stepping up to the register, she bent down, connecting all the devices to the power. The machines beeped and hummed as they were brought to life. Standing back up she was surprised to be facing someone, the sounds of the machines covering the entrance even to her vampiric hearing.
“Well hello there. How may I help you?”
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marinahowell · 11 years
A Little Bit Closer ♡ ‏Marina & Zachary
 Marina took a deep breath and turned on her side, feeling Zachary's hot breath on her ear. She bit her lip softly, shutting her eyes. "Second time's a charm, right?" She mumbled under her breath, looking over at Zachary, a half grin creeping on her face. She shook her head, turning on her back, It's going to be alright. Wait, what if you get pregnant again? Wait, how do you know you're having sex? All these thoughts jumbled in her mind at the same time, and she couldn't think straight. One half of  her mind was telling her to go for it, while the other told her she was making a mistake. Trust him, he's done it before. Without thinking, the wrong side of her mind took over, and her lips crashed onto his. "Zachary, get inside of me." She whispered in his ear, her fingers sliding down his back. "I think I'm ready." She persuaded him, but at the same time, the other side of her brain was trying to fight back. Don't do it.
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