yuseirra · 5 months
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that opening sequence though
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kob131 · 5 years
Ah yes, because the guy who shat himself in rage because RWBY ended up in the same game as Persona is such a reliable source....
So with death battle’s upcoming Mitsuru vs Weiss match I wanted to talk about, mostly nerd out about mitsuru, look regardless on weather you like rwby or not weiss isn’t on mitsuru’s skill level.
Spoiler Alert: he uses numerous conflicting examples and sources to effectively inflate Mitsuru as a fighter.
(I mean she fought two gods and lived to tell about it.)
Neither of which she is confirmed to fight. That’s the issue with feats like these: they rely on possibility. And it's equally likely that Mitsuru did nothing. Only Makoto is canonically confirmed to fight the Nyx Avatar.
In fact, the closest thing to a canonical representation of the battle was the P3 movie Winter Of Rebirth...where Mitsuru is fighting Shadow hordes, not Nyx who is getting soloed by Makoto. And since Makoto is a Wild Card user. he would be VASTLY more powerful than Mitsuru.
As for Erebus: Again, only one person (Aegis) was required in the fight. So we don’t know.
So let’s talk about mitsuru and then weiss as combatants. Both women fight on teams and manipulate ice in some way. They both summon things That’s about all I can compare, why? cause I took a deep dive into both series, and I’ll be frank, mitsuru fighting gods and monsters that can cause nukes is a feat enough.
That was enough for ‘Yu Vs. Jotaro’...
And again: That’s not confirmed. The only god you could be talking about here is Erebus-
And you know what? I’m just gonna preemptively go full Autism on you.
here’s Erebus’ stats according to the Megami Tensei wiki:
STR: 80 MAG: 75 END: 90 AG: 60 LUC: 70
And here are the stats of all the party memebers in Persona 3 at Level 99:
Junpei: 82 44 69 56 53
Yukari: 50 91 55 55 53
Akihiko: 69 70 55 63 47
Mitsuru: 55 85 52 61 51
Aigis: 61 58 84 56 45
Ken: 55 66 58 70 55
Koromaru: 58 56 58 82 50
Notice something?
The so called ‘mountain crusher’s’ STR stat is LOWER than the best physical attacker and Junpei’s never seen cracking any mountains.
Not just that but Mitsuru also has average agility (which dictates speed and hit rate with physical attacks) and average luck (dictating the success of status attacks) alongside the LOWEST END stat in the game meaning she wouldn’t be able to keep up with Weiss, she’d most likely fail using status attacks since they have a base success rate of 25% and one solid physical hit would do serious damage.
So right there are reasons why Weiss would have a chance if we follow your apparent standards of using gameplay.
But mitsuru is the team’s tactician and well studied in her academics despite fighting monsters, she’s top of her grade, she’s a great fighter and when she returns in persona 4 arena/ultimax she’s kinda insane as a fighter. (going through the full story in both’s massive text walls would take ages But I played through both a few months back and the things they write them capable of doing is insane)
yeah, like saying a monster can crush mountains but is weaker than an above average baseball player?
Then we have a little issue of; she’s not the tactican. Makoto is. Mitsuru is just the boss.
Yeah and? Can see use it in the battlefield?
Most death battle fighters are great fighters.
Also so now we’re using Arena as an example? Does that mean you accept her moveset in that game as canon? Meaning No status moves and no Diarahan?
so I decided to come up with a post (originally a power point before it crapped out) as to why mitsuru at her current skill is just too much for weiss.
So we’re using gameplay as a basis with Mitsuru’s P3 stats and her P4A moveset, judging how you’re talking.
Let’s talk about mitsuru first
Mitsuru kirijo:
Mitsuru is top of her grade, she’s so good the school often ask her to make speeches for assemblies that rouse the school so much, the principal tried copying them word for word out of jealousy.
And? So is Weiss so which school has higher standards? Also speech giving ability Is not the same as tactical thinking.
Despite also studying for school, she leads and runs S.E.E.S as a tactician (a chairman actually has the final say on everything but she leads them in battle) Her persona is both good for combat and sensory support (meaning she can sense her allies and other people, persona and non persona users)
On and off mind you as you’re only required to go into Tartarus occasionally and extended time in Tartarus will wear out a Persona user.
Meanwhile, Weiss’ studies ARE fighting since she needed to qualify for Beacon so her life has been revolving around being a good fighter.
Mitsuru’s persona can conjure ice in an instant and is completely unaffected but any ice type attacks done to her, she doesn’t even react at all.
She can also heal and is a pretty good healer in battle (When she isn’t casting marin karin! Regardless there’s no rule in death battle that says they can’t heal, the only rule was outside help and with the last handful of death battles some of them had healing factors) 
She can also charm her enemy or cause them to go into panic
Yeah and she’s super weak to fire.
And-wait a minute. Why are you referencing Diarahan and status attacks in the same post as the one where you try citing feats from Arena? Are you just picking choosing what Mitsuru gets?
Mitsuru doesn’t need to use her evoker and can actively summon her persona in the real world. (This is also mentioned in persona 4 arena and shown in battle as mitsuru states she only uses it out of habit.) This is also stated by when she calls her persona in both the game and manga she doesn’t use her evoker.
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This is from Mitsuru’s first battle in Persona 4 Arena. 
And even IF she does summon her Persona without her Envoker here: She’s in a different world. Same in Ultimax.
You’re just lying at this point.
Also: That ice spear doesn’t look very impressive when you remember Weiss summoned an ice WALL that fast in Volume 1. Yeah, if you’re gonna use outlier feats, so will I.
She is able to again as I said snap second conjure ice within seconds in any shape she deems necessary 
Proof and no, the ice mirror from P4A doesn’t count.
Non persona users can’t see persona (one guy remakes on how he sees a silhouette but only cause he’s standing next to her, another character natsuki walks into a battle and can’t see the others persona from the distant she’s at.
And yet in Persona 4 Yosuke reacts to seeing Yu’s Persona awakening.
Her persona Artemisia has a whip that can reach long distances and instantly freeze her opponents, she can also make floating and homing projectiles.
A. That whip thing: proof
And B. Only in Arena which you pick and choose which to use.
Mitsuru herself is remarked as moving faster than the eye can react when others watch her fight her shadow, this is also reflected in her normal combots where she moves faster than the eye can see and can hit a person over 15 times (don’t believe me? watch her combo video)
Pretty sure the same thing happened in CTB with Weiss-Point is?
And at one point while fighting naoto a person with a gun who is also a persona user is able to disarm and disable in two fluid motions.
Disarm who? When? under what circumstances? Also a gun shoulding matter if Mitsuru can tank nukes right?
Need I stress mitsuru is incredibly smart, she has to run a magic C.I.A and outsmart a bunch of idiotic men in suits who think she can’t handle it, and had to at one point outsmart detective naoto, which is a feat in itself.
A. She runs it with help
B. You said ‘idiotic’
and C. Your post proves nothing
Fire is mitsuru’s weakness and while that sounds like an easy solution remember when weiss’s weapon starts burning with fire, mitsuru is either gonna back off, or disarm her.
That being said it’s her only weakness.
She also has average agility, less versatility, unreliable versatility, no debuffs or buffs aside from Mind Charge, limited mobility, a reliance on her Persona for big attacks and Mitsuru is never shown disarming someone so thee fire weakness is still major point. Especially by P3 standards which would cause her to be dazed and buy Weiss time.
That might seem bogus as being it but mitsuru has a lot of “human” weaknesses that won’t come into the death battle.
as a fight she is the superior, not just because I prefer her but because she’s been doing this longer and has to manage a fighting lifestyle and being a normal woman dealing with people who probably think she’s breaking the law for speaking out of turn with them.
Like what? Are you afraid they’re gonna bring up how Mitsuru and other Persona users tire out in places where they can use their Personas?
Also most of what you said doesn't pertain to Death Battle.
(this here is the things each fighter has against the other in terms of the fight.)
Persona is invisible to weiss
Persona and her ice magic have the superior reach
Mitsuru is older and more experienced
Mitsuru is smarter as she was the tactician of a team while also juggling high school.
Unsubstainated and unreliable
Great upsides
Weiss schnee:
Weiss on the other hand doesn’t have much going for her. (let’s list these first)
Weiss’s semblance
Weiss’s fire dust (albeit finite)
Weiss’s speed glyph
Ignored how her glyphs can be used to leap and jump in air
Ignored how fast her glyphs can make her (stunning Flynt)
Ignored her Wind, Ice and Earth dusts
Ignored her Time Glyph which gave Blake the ability to slice lazer beams in order to cut down missiles in mid flight (outlier feat I know but has that stopped Soku?)
Ignored her Armor Gigas which is shown to be incredibly durable and powerful, slicing apart a Grimm that tanked several boxes of Dust exploding on it without a scratch
Ignored her Queen Lancer giving her projectile attacks, aerial mobility and backup
Ignored her Ice Wall which historically held the stringer of a complex sized scorpion in place for several minutes.
Wow you ignored a lot.
Weiss drops her weapon, alot, it happens often.
When weiss is surprised, she freezes up
weiss doesn’t have the experience to fight off mitsuru.
weiss hasn’t fought against opponents on mitsuru’s level or fought against gods/god tier monsters.
Neither has Mitsuru
Fire dust
Speed glyph
Summon size change.
And the stunning coming from Fire Dust
And The ice wall giving her a time borrowing option
And the Armor Gigas being stronger physically
And The Queen Lancer being agile, flying and having built inprojectiles
And her Time Glyph giving her a powerful ranged option
And her glyphs giving her far greater mobility
And her speed glyphs giving her a blitz option.
Funny how if you explain shit and pay attention, you see things are actually very even. But hey, Soku’s never been honest when it comes to RWBY so why start now?
Real talk?
Weiss in her one on one fights has lost to all her opponents. White fang lieutenant, Flynt, And Vernal.
All powerful close range combatants. Something Mitsuru is not.
The third whom I must stress is a normal bandit, she doesn’t summon things herself, use magic, she’s not a god trapped in a human body, she’s just a normal woman, and she beats weiss down, while weiss struggles to get afoot and she loses this bout as well.
Let's just ignore how vernal is technically stronger than a complex sized scorpion and was posing as a demigod at the time....
Now I know it seems like I’m only glossing over negatives, which I must stress I’m not doing out of dislike, I took a deep dive-
Bullshit. One look at Persona then RWBY shows you doing the bare minimum for RWBY while giving Mitsuru the best versions of all her elements.
For example super and goku one which has insane feats that the other will never reach, hench each one literally ending with clark winning.
superman just has feats that are too insane.
Superman lifted infinity. Mitsuru help weaken one giant Shadow that was aid to be strong enough to destroy a mountain and yet it's strength stat is weaker than Junpeis. (And before you complain about me using gameplay on a supposed non gameplay feat-Erebus HAS NO non gameplay feats.)
They are nowhere compatible, even in the comparison range.
Weiss can kick some grimm ass, but we’ve yet to see her have a decisive victory against an opponent single combat.
where as we get to see/play (depending on weather you read the manga or play both arena/ultimax (both are canon because it’s the same thing but contextualized as a comic) mitsuru fights people with the same skill as her and comes out on top.
A. By the same standards, Mitsuru is in the same boat as Weiss
B. You’re using Arena as your line for feats but not moveset (or even consistently as feats since you still quote P3)/
And C. Np she didn’t. The investigation team is LESS experienced than Weiss so logically they’d be easier if we accepted your interpretation.
The winner should be Mitsuru with all due respect.
And yet you feel the need to lie about Mitsuru and completely gloss over and lowball Weiss.
God, now i’m scared because not only does this scream ‘Ben and Chad, do as I say or else’ but since you’re lying, it makes it seem like Weiss will WIN in a fair fight.
Word of warning Soku: I will tear you verbally into shreds if you so much as glare at Ben and Chad. And god help you if Dudeblade recognizes your bullshit.
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