#PO10-2nd Year
scholarlygrace · 1 year
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For this program outcome, I included photos such as my pre-operative FDAR, correct medication calculation, and post-op of my D&C. In nursing, it is essential to follow laws and principles because we care for someone's health and body. One error can cause a ripple of problems ranging from discomfort and pain to possible death. We have a heavy set of responsibilities on our shoulders. Before every surgery, we are required to do the pre-operative checklist. Jewelry, contact lenses, and dentures should be removed by the time the surgery starts; we are responsible for ensuring it happens. If dentures aren't removed, they will be removed during surgery, and it might get thrown away afterward. It can frustrate the patient because dentures aren't cheap and can range from 5,000 pesos to 20,000 pesos depending on the type. Jewelry can cause burns on the patient's skin during surgery, especially when an electric current is used. It also harbors pathogens that will compromise the sterile field. Additionally, an NPO patient before surgery should be asked when their last meal was because they might aspirate on stomach contents during surgery if they secretly ate during their NPO time. If they ate despite being NPO, we could immediately inform the team for surgery to be delayed.  All these can be avoided by going through the procedure of doing the pre-operative checklist and FDAR. Not only does it help with the patient's safety, but it also ensures that we prevent any legal complications for the team. In addition to mandated checklists, we must follow nursing principles such as autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence. What I've done to prevent harming my patient (non-maleficence) was 1) doing the pre-operative checklist, 2) keeping myself and my field sterile, and 3) knowing all my responsibilities outside and inside the OR. I also did not take any unnecessary actions that could compromise the surgery. Additionally, we respected the client's autonomy by listening to her wishes to maintain a happy attitude and not making too much noise when going to her room. In addition to the nursing principles, I also followed the principles of privacy and confidentiality by not disclosing any personal info of my patient to anyone who is not involved in her care, nor did I try to pry into her personal life. Lastly, when preparing medications, I did my best to follow the patient's rights, such as correct dosage, correct time, correct medication, educating the patient on the drug, and many more. During my first rotations, I would still make mistakes, especially regarding the proper dosage. But with the help of my CIs, I've improved throughout the semester.  I plan to improve myself further by practicing my calculations, memorizing my formulas, always being aware of my responsibility, especially in the OR, and always making sure to do any checklist to prevent complications.
Trevisani , J. P. (n.d.). Jewelry is not safe practice during surgery. Jon Paul Trevisani, MD. Retrieved April 10, 2023, from https://www.jptrev.com/frequently-asked-questions/reasons-why-jewelry-is-not-safe-during-surger/
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scholarlygrace · 1 year
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scholarlygrace · 1 year
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It's important that before we administer any type of drug, we must always check the medication, its dosage, and how much should we give to the patient. It is very important that the amount you give to the patient is correct to prevent any unwanted side-effects. Their safety is our priority.
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scholarlygrace · 1 year
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