#PSHHHH phosphora can float it's FINEEEEEE
madeimpact ยท 28 days
โ…๐ŸŒฉ๏ธโ† โ I'm filing a complaint with Mistress Viridi HR about that time you threw me off the Lightning Chariot. Jerk. โž [[ A Phosphora for you :) ]]
Skill issue || @rage-reloaded
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โ You're still upset about that? โž Yes. Yes she is. Jeez, if there was one thing he would admit ( silently, to himself, never out loud ) that he envied about Pit, it was his roommate situation โ€” that being, not really having any besides Palutena herself.
โ You didn't get hurt when I did that, did you? Or would the whiplash of running into the Chaos Vortex have been better? โž Despite having the demeanor of a standoffish little brother, some of his true thinking seeps through into his words. โ If one of us was gonna go and do that, I wasn't about to be the one playing stablehand while Pit went off in there to have all the fun himself. โž
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