#Peter and Neai
thedevilsrain · 1 year
im queueing the posts to the led zep book and man i havent added bits of the interview because i dont wanna be unplasant but half of what neaI preston says is like "yeah they worked me to the bone and i slept 2 hours every night. yeah they would trash my room for no reason. yeah peter grant was batshit insane. yeah they treated themselves like a secret society. yeah we always had the "swan song girls" around us." lmao
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mcmusing · 3 years
It's often mentioned that Neal's weakness is his lady loves. Honestly, though, this was only true with Kate, his juvenile fixation. Sarah and Alex seemed more helpful than hindering while no one could have predicted how unhinged Rebecca turned out to be. The women mostly bring out his deep desire to put down roots, which seems to be his life goal way more than being a career criminal.
Like Johnny Storm with his older sister, Neal's emotional kryptonite is his surrogate father, Peter.
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It's as beautiful as it is engaging that Neal is a romantic, artistic, intellectual con with an awe-inspiring skill set. By the power of irony, it's the salt-of-the-Earth, classic blue collar, traditionally masculine lawman who can tear down all of his smiling facades. The writers had to be careful not to drift Neal over into gary stu territory and Peter fulfills that among many other aspects. The two are both so human around each other, especially during private moments between the two of them. They stay men yet their relationship features interactions normally associated with female friends. Such as Neal giving Peter fashion advice, talking so openly about their lady problems, Peter's eagerness to have another romantically committed guy he can relate to (Peter likely doesn't fit in so well among the bachelor bros), and of course, their physical affection.
Yes, Neal can be defiant with Peter, but that's typically for specific goals. He doesn't try to hack his anklet to party downtown or anything. I believe he's also aware of where the line is with Peter before an action results in punishment or potential lock-up again.
Look at the way Neal speaks to the marshals, non-white collar agents, new bosses, and the rest of law enforcement in general. At best, he regards them as playthings. *None* of that with Peter. They snark and argue, but even then Neal doesn't put up much of a fight. Those moments don't really occur until late season 4. Peter treats him like a partner, but the agent is the alpha.
Not only does Neal not enjoy lying to Peter, doing so makes him fairly stomach sick. It significantly throws off his hypnotic charisma and  persona as well. He has to outright avoid Peter at times because not only is tbe deceit uncomfortable, his father figure can see through his soul from a mile away. When he messes up, Neal is quick to bury himself in work to atone. Not because he's terrified of going back to prison, but because he hates being in disgrace with him. Notably, while Peter never directly apologizes, Neal frequently does.
While Neal loves and respects June and El, there's extra layers to his relationship with Peter. The reason is not the popular opinion of the current day, but it's no less true. There is no substitute for a strong male role model in a boy's life. Do all fatherless guys fail at life? Certainly not. But take a poll and most of them will admit to having a perpetual void because of it. Maternal figures can provide food, love, comfort, and instruction in etiquette, but we canNOT advise them through the difficult journey to manhood beyond how to treat a woman. Observing interactions between an unrelated adult and a younger male showcases this.The attentive awe on the boy's face as the man speaks about various subjects says it all.
Remember that Peter is not only his first real male elder, he's also the only adult to ever make him such a priority. Peter knows more about his CI (Child Informant) than Neal does himself at times.
Neal has Peter propped up on a high pedestal. He thought he could pull a fast one on him in early season 1, but very soon he realized Peter's full capabilities. Neal talks about him with so much reverence- in any context-, adoration, and occasionally intimidation. Even when it frustrates him, he knows Peter and his mean rules are only there to protect him. Compare this to Mike Ross, who adores Harvey Specter, but needs constant reassurance that his mentor cares about him despite all of the ample evidence.
Another reason, often overlooked in these types of discussions, is that Peter is not only his one male role model, but provides the bulk of his platonic affection. Definitely the only one capable of a feel-safe hug. Neal is so naturally affectionate yet he can probably barely remember receiving non-sexual human contact. On top of not wanting to lose his nice life in NY, Neal doesn't want to lose that.closeness. Even when he was on Goodnight Cinderella, Neal admitted to enjoying working with Peter and took his drugged up self straight to the Burkes' house. Seriously, one 'I'm here for you, precious' phone call is enough for anklet-attached Neal to say treasure-smeasure and stay with his fed father.
When Peter was at his angriest with Neal- no, not that irrational scene from No Good Deed- after El's kidnapping, he did the previously unimaginable. He forcefully shoved/pinned Neal and called him an SOB. On Suits, that's called Monday. On White Collar, stuff just got real! When he did it, Neal didn't try to fight back and he appeared more apologetic than afraid. If Peter had gone so far as to strike him- as in, jaw punch, not hand slap- Neal probably would have believed he deserved it.
Okay, now, I'm wondering if this was part of the reason for the boost in affection between them later in season 3. Peter had never gone that furiously far with Neal before and subconsciously wanted to make up for it. It's important to keep in mind how Divine their dynamic is, so it is a strong possibility.
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Don't kill yourself.
Do remember you were designed by the Divine 💓
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