#Pffft Petty Jazz
Something Sweet {Part XI}
Author: Zoe
(A/N: So, uhhh, I normally end chapters at around 1000 words. This is 2000 words!)
Head Chef! Obi-Wan x Pastry Chef! Reader
Plot Summary: When Qui-Gon hires a new pastry chef for his dessert menu, Obi-Wan feels a slight sense of competition. Who do you think you are, just waltzing into his kitchen? He’s been running it for years, it doesn’t need to change. But, as time progresses, he realizes the sour beginning the two of you had is starting to turn into something sweet.
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Never in your life had you ever felt immediate stress over baking a cake before. But the anniversary cake for Chef Tarallo and Evie on the night of his proposal?
Yeah, you’re amazingly close to screaming. It’s a miracle that you haven’t screamed up to this point.
It’s a good thing Obi-Wan agreed to help you out with the cake, otherwise you would have melted. Birthday cakes were easy, it was wedding cakes that were tough. But an engagement cake for a good friend? It’s the personal interest that got to you.
This cake had to be perfect. Tarallo and his girlfriend (hopefully, after tonight, fiancé) deserve it. Obi-Wan knocked at your door, and you quickly ran to open it. “Thank god. I was beginning to think you wouldn’t make it!”
Obi-Wan smiled, hanging his coat up and putting his hand on your shoulder. “Of course, this is a big day. Now, tell me what progress you’ve made so far.”
“Cake’s in the oven, Need some help on the chocolate icing.”
He clapped his hands, rubbing them together as he made his way to the kitchen island. “Right, let’s not waste any more time then.” He rolled the sleeves of his grey sweater up, cracking his knuckles. You won’t lie to yourself here, but you did find that quite attractive. No matter! Tonight is a big night for your friends, no need to procrastinate. Obi-Wan scanned his surroundings quickly, before turning to you. “I’ve just remembered that I’ve never been in your apartment before. Looks very nice, by the way, but I need to know where everything is.”
You shook your head, still a bit frantic as you quickly ran around to show him where everything was. “Sorry! Right, okay, so, pots and pans are hanging above you, spatulas and spoons are on a rack on the stove wall. Cups are in the cabinets, utensils are in the drawer by the fridge, measuring spoons are-”
“Hey.” Obi-Wan stopped you in your tracks, his hands on your forearms. “Take some breaths, this isn’t dinner rush.” He chuckled, smiling down at you.
“I know, I just really want this one to be perfect, Obi. It’s a big day for Tarallo, everything should be flawless.”
“You’re starting to sound like me.” He smiled.
You shook your head, gasping overdramatically. “Even the notion!”
“Oh, don’t bring that back now.” Obi-Wan sighed. “We’ll do fine. You’ll do fine. You’re an amazing baker, and that should mean a lot coming from me, considering our first impressions.”
“Yeah… No offense, but you were fairly petty.”
“Excuse me, you were just as petty as I was!” He exclaimed, before you both laughed. “Well, come on, then. Let’s get to work.”
“Wait, hold on!” You ran over to your phone charging on the counter, being sure to play some music through the speaker next to it. “Alright, now!”
“Oh, music? Come on.” Obi-Wan groaned.
You laughed, grinning as the stereotypical sound of restaurant jazz echoed through your apartment. “What, you just cook with your thoughts alone?”
“I can focus better that way.” He sighed, but you definitely called him out when he began to instinctively hum.
“Obi, can you box the cake? I need to change into something a little more fitting.” You closed your bedroom door, making a beeline to your closet to search for a decent dress. Some were too colorful, others were too fanciful. You just wanted a calm, simple dress to wear to the party. Finally, you settled on a simple grey one with black flats, but a nice blue necklace for a pop of color. “Alright, I’m ready. Let’s go!”
“Grey, huh? I can’t believe you’re going to steal my thunder.” He raised his brows, gesturing to his own sweater before picking up the cake.
“Pffft, shut up. I’ve got my keys, let’s get going.” You held the door open for him so he could safely get through while holding the cake, locking your door behind you while Obi-Wan unlocked his car.
“You have the address?” He asked, holding the passenger door open for you while you nodded in thanks, showing him the GPS on your phone. “Good, let’s get going so we can get that cake there in time.” The car purred to life, pulling out of the parking space and onto the road.
“Make a left here.” You pointed out, the cake carrier sitting comfortably on your lap as you made sure it didn’t slide around.
Obi-Wan leaned back in his seat, looking over to you sat next to him, glancing to and fro from the cake, to your phone, to the street. He stopped looking when a glance came his way. “You know, sometimes I wonder what would we have been like.”
“What do you mean?” You asked, turning your gaze to meet his.
“If we didn’t fight before we made up. If we actively got along.”
“I dunno. But, it’s the past, isn’t it? Can’t change that.” You noted, leaning over to put your hand on his shoulder. “Besides, look at us now. I think we get along pretty well.”
He nodded, his throat closing up slightly when your touch lingered on his mind long after you removed your hand. “Well, this is his neighborhood. Tell me which house it is?”
“Most likely the one with the lights on in the backyard and the cars around the driveway.” You pointed out, ending the directions on your phone and putting it into your purse.
“Oh god, come on, go go go, he’s in the kitchen freaking out.” Anakin filtered the both of you inside, covering up the cake while the three of you ran, spotting Tarallo pacing back and forth. Anakin crossed his arms while you put the cake in the fridge. “It’s just like when I proposed to Padme. Just, less hyperventilating.”
“No you were… you were breathing fairly fast.” Obi-Wan interjected, watching you kneel next to Tarallo as he slid down the wall.
“What if she says no, Y/N? What if she says no?!” He groaned, holding the small velvet box in his palm.
“Hey, stop that. Look at me.” He didn’t look up, and you resorted to another method. “Alex Tarallo, look at me.”
He sighed, putting the ring box down. “What is it?”
“You love Evie, don’t you?”
“She loves you?”
“Yes.” He nodded, and you fixed your posture slightly.
“You love her. She loves you. She makes you happy, she makes you laugh, she makes you feel better when you’re sad. Even when you fight, all you can think about is her, and how you can make things better. Am I wrong?”
“No you're… you’re right. But, where are you going with this?” He stuffed the box in his pocket as you both stood up.
“Well, no matter what, you’re always thinking about her. And how you make each other happy.” You straightened his tie and dusted off your dress. “That’s the sign of someone who’s sure about spending his life with someone else, and I’m sure she feels the same way.”
Alex nodded, smiling to himself “You’re right. You’re right! I’m gonna do it, right when we do anniversary speeches!”
“Good! You’ve got this, chef!” You grinned, turning to face Obi-Wan, who looked lost in thought for once. “Hey… Obi? You good?”
“What? Yes, yes, I’m fine. Come on, party’s in the backyard, right, Alex?”
“Yeah, yeah, sure! I’ll meet you there, and I really appreciate you guys baking the cake for this!” The two of you left, leaving Anakin and Tarallo behind.
“…He got the look in his eyes again?”
“Y/N’s words probably started to hit a little too close to home for him.” Anakin noted, before they both chuckled.
“Well, Skywalker, wish me luck.” Tarallo sighed, tucking the ring box deeper into his pocket, and going out to the party in the backyard.
“Y/N, there you are!” Padme smiled, tugging you over while the music and chatter filled the backyard atmosphere. “Come on, Ahsoka and Josie are over with the kids! And I couldn’t help but notice you and Obi-Wan wearing matching colors!”
“Padme, come on!” You groaned.
“Oh, even a blue necklace! Matches his eyes.” She teased, pulling you into the direction of the others, as you waved to Obi-Wan.
He shrugged, waving back before he made his way over to the table for a bottle of beer. “Chef Kenobi, you made it!” Qui-Gon chuckled, while Windu was making himself a cocktail. “You came with Y/N, didn’t you?”
“Yes, we made the cake as well.” He noted, using a bottle opener on his keys for the beer. “It’s surprising, considering we actually became friends.”
“Yep. Friends.” Mace mumbled to himself with a light chuckle.
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, waving goodbye to them before settling the patio chair, watching you pick up Luke with a smile, Leia hugging your waist. He smiled to himself, before forcing himself to look away as he began to drink his beer.
“Hey, uh, everyone?” Tarallo called out, Evie at his side. “It’s uh, it’s almost time for the cake, graciously made by my coworkers Y/N and Obi-Wan, thank you both.” You made your way by Obi-Wan, holding up your wine glass in acknowledgement.
“But, yeah, I just wanted to thank all of you for coming out to celebrate Evie and I’s anniversary.”
Evie smiled, looking up to him. “Yeah, it’s just so wonderful that you all took your time to come to our party! God, it’s been six years now!”
“Uhhh, maybe twenty? I like counting when we met in kindergarten.” Tarallo smiled, his hand gravitating to his pocket. “That’s why I wanted to make this one extra special.”
He got down on one knee in front of her, holding out the velvet box. Evie gasped, backing up while covering her mouth. “Alex…?”
“Evie, I already spent twenty years of my life with you, and… God, Anakin made it sound so easy.” He chuckled nervously, while Padme smiled, Luke and Leia quietly chattering in front of her while Anakin slinked his arm around her waist.
“But, no, I’m gonna do this right. Evie, I love you. And, in these twenty years I’ve gotten to have, getting to know you, falling in love with you, building a life with you, I want to make sure it stays that way. So, Ms. Sonter, as my anniversary gift, I’m asking you if you’ll be my wife.” He finished, opening the box to reveal an engagement ring, simple in design, but beautifully crafted.
Evie didn’t even say anything to answer him. She just nodded, tears of joy breaking through her barrier as she knelt down to his level, kissing him while he slipped the ring onto her finger. The partygoers immediately cheered, their hearts swelling as Tarallo stood back up, jumping excitedly while Evie’s parents ran up to hug her.
“…I knew it.” You smiled, looking up at Obi-Wan, the lights over his head giving him a soft glow as he mirrored your expression.
Music played over the outside speakers, couples dancing on the grass, the newly-engaged right in the middle of it all. You were talking with Anakin and Leia about Leia’s ‘nemesis,’ Han, until you noticed Obi-Wan leaning against one of the patio’s wooden posts. “I’ll be back, I just need to take care of something.”
You walked over to Obi-Wan, taking the beer out of his hands and setting it down on the glass table. “Come on.”
“What are you doing?” Obi-Wan asked, his sleeve being pulled by you as you both got on the grass.
“No one gets left behind, and you have been drinking a lot of beer. Dance with me?” You smiled, taking his hands while he shook his head, a light laugh escaping him.
“Just the one dance.” He agreed, resting his hands on your hips while your hands were delicately placed on his shoulders once again.
“I’m glad she said yes. I’ve never seen him so over the moon.” You noted, blue eyes softly looking into your own.
“Me as well, the man deserves to be happy.” He sighed, the alcohol beginning to seep into his system.
“You deserve it too, you know. You’ve got to stop beating yourself up about how we first met.” You sighed, your arms wrapping around his neck. “I mean, look at us now.”
He nodded, thinking about what you’re both like now. You’re in his arms, wearing his colors, even blue, like his eyes. The smiles you exchanged, the jokes, the coffee and the gloves he gave you. Everything truly has changed since the beginning.
And even when he was barely understandable, impaired by the amount of alcohol in his system, he saw you, driving his car with the streetlamps making your face glow with every passing as you made your way home with him in tow, he was still sober enough to finally admit what he had been trying to keep away all this time.
He had fallen in love with you.
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myrskytuuli · 7 years
Holy hell, okay, this is not a drill. Goldie O’Gilt is making an appearance in a comic, and it’s not a cameo.
So, my drug dealer got me hooked with some 2017 Topolino, and I need to scream about it, because Goldie!
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That’s right, she is back, and looks absolutely stunning.
So, this is an Italian comic, and therefore it can be expected that the tragic romance™, that is more popular in the post-Rosa duck comic tradition, has been toned down a lot. Now full disclosure, I’m shipper trash and am fully committed to the tragic romance™. I wrote a 50 000+ words fanfic about it. I am also known sufferer of Brigitta MacBridge nonsense, so while this rant might be biased, I try to be biased in a gentle way. It’s not your fault Brigitta, that you have been written that way. Or that Scrooge and Goldie are soulmates. Ahem.
But to the comic itself. There are lots of things I love about it, and then there are some things that make me side-eye it in vaguely disapproving manner. I swear, not all of those reasons are shipping reasons. Okay yeah they pretty much are.
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(Quick, follow me to the kitchen, you can throw a coffeepot on my face, and we can roleplay our night together in White Agony Creek anew!)
The premise of the story is pretty much, what if Goldie and Brigitta properly met? It’s…not a lot. There is no plot beyond: what if Goldie and Brigitta had a girls’ day out. Which I guess is fine, because that is all it is supposed to be. It is a slice of life character study. Usually I’m all about those, but…well Goldie doesn’t really shine when you don’t give her anything to do. In Rosa/Barks stories (which are the only stories where we see Goldie as a character) the focus has never been solely on anyone’s feelings. They have been very action-packed stories with any hinted romance taking a firm backseat.  
What I’m trying to say is, that I’m disappointed that Goldie didn’t get to join in any of those silly Italian adventures. Not even little bit of shenanigans. Aww, and it could have been so fun too.  
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(You mean you didn’t come all this way just to ravish me against this discount-yard-sale table?)
Goldie is in Duckburg to collect a debt that Scrooge owes him. Solid beginning. Unfortunately, we never see her collecting this debt! The money issue is dropped from the story way too quickly for my tastes. Because while I 100% believe that Scrooge would avoid having to pay up any dubious debts, I do not believe that Goldie would give up that quickly.
And even more importantly, it would have been hilarious to see some actual petty shenanigans going on between these two. Note that it is mentioned that the original debt was 20$, which Goldie is trying to claim back with stupidly high compound interest. There is a story right there, nothing else needed. Just show me the ridiculous lengths these two are willing to go for 20$, while the rest of Duckburg watches in horror and bafflement. Also, hint that the real reason why these two keep the conflict going is that this way they can spend time together without actually talking about their feelings. Boom, story done. God, they should hire me to make scripts for these comics.
Okay fine, let’s see what the actual story is all about.  
Oh yes. Brigitta. This story was all about Brigitta.
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For no good reason whatsoever, Brigitta loses all of her cools over the situation.
1.Don’t call him your Scrooge. You don’t own him.
2.Don’t call Goldie a dusty memory, that’s rude.
3.Goldie had the receipts, she has a genuine claim for that 20$, she’s not doing anything wrong for you to start insulting her!
Yes, yes, she is jealous and all that jazz, but honestly. It’s pretty hypocritical of her to “protect” Scrooge and his 20$ when Brigitta herself so frequently is an antagonist against Scrooge.
The following temper tantrum from Goldie delights me to no end, not because it is aimed towards Brigitta, but because it lines up so perfectly with all of my headcanons for Goldie. Sure, she might act cool and dignified these days, but deep down she is still the hair-trigger tempered diva, that would stay inside a burning building just for the aesthetic.
This has nothing to do with Scrooge, and everything to do with the fact that you called her old. This primadonna will now destroy you mentally, because that’s how she rolls. You will not disrespect the original material girl without consequences.  
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(I am the only person who has ever conquered Scrooge. Wow okay there Goldie, maybe tone it down a bit. I mean, yeah girl you are…but maybe don’t overshare too much.)
Was that kind of a bitchy move? Yes. She is kind of a bitchy person.
My next grumble about this story, is the weird way it deals with Scrooge. I cannot say anything specific…but there is just a really weird vibe to how he is written in here. The weird inner monologue on how he might be able to use the two women against each other to get rid of both of them…was…um.  
While my first impression on Goldie’s, I am Scrooge’s number one love interest, speech seemed to be a bit beneath her, I then realised that she isn’t actually saying anything about her own regard for Scrooge. She is bragging about how Scrooge used to be bewitched by her, because that is the kind of thing that a dancehall girl would brag about. Pffft, yes it was Scrooge who was losing his mind over me back in Klondike, I was cool as a cucumber the whole time. Scrooge was nothing more than another notch on my bedpost. I have a heart made of ice, haven’t you heard.
Anyways, Scrooge decides to get rid of Brigitta by confirming everything Goldie just said. And I know that the story wants us to take Scrooge’s words with a grain of salt, because they are just a plan to get Brigitta to leave him alone….which does nothing to make me sympathise with Brigitta.
Putting my shipper heart on the side, pretending to be in love with someone else, to get rid of an admirer, does not create tension for ambiguous love triangle. It is what girls do in crowded bars when some drunk guy doesn’t leave them alone.
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(Sorry Brigitta, but can you please leave. I was hoping to get conquered tonight, if you know what I mean.) 
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(They look like mom and dad getting yelled at by their daughter.)
Once again! What exactly are you mad about!? Which part of, I’m in love with someone else, gives you reason to get angry at them???? Remember that Brigitta at least is supposed to believe Scrooge to be fully sincere in his statement.  
Back to Scrooge being a little shit. In a way, I want to be mad about this, but I’m not going to. Because lets not mystify Goldie too much, and pretty much all the rest of Scrooge’s family and loved ones have at least once been sent through that trap door.
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No, let me grumble a little bit after all. I would heartily endorse this, if this was actually about the 20$. But it’s not. The whole thing is framed so that Goldie can have the great epiphany, this is how Brigitta must always feel!
Oh please.
Also, I think that we are supposed to be angry at Scrooge for being so callous towards both of the ladies, so that we can root for them becoming friends later. Which, yeah fine, but do we really have to. One of the things I most despise in Brigitta centred stories is that they by default make Scrooge into a dick. They have to. The whole story has to be built on the idea that Scrooge is just afraid of girl cooties, and therefore has to be pushed a little, so that he will eventually play nice, even with a girl. It is the only way to make Brigitta’s advances feel somehow justified. And in this case the characterisation bleeds to include Goldie under the umbrella of women that I don’t want anywhere near me, because women cost money or whatever.
So, it mostly feels like Goldie has to be booted out of the office, so she doesn’t trick Scrooge into marriage or some other sneaky thing that women are always doing. Sighs eternally. 
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(Oh my god, she is a serial killer. No one else has this many pictures of one person on their walls.)
But this story isn’t even about Scrooge. It is about female friendship. Which is a beautiful thing, and really this story does manage to do lot of things right.
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(Hey, can I crash on your couch? Turns out that Scrooge didn’t like it how I called him my conquest in front of you and the staff. He’s always been a bit of a prude like that.)
I’m not really fan of the whole, we have lots in common thing, because they…don’t. And the whole, I now understand your perspective, because now I have been rejected too… doesn’t really work, because Goldie wasn’t proposing anything in the first place. Remember how she was here for that 20$! I do! Can we get back to that! Goldie wasn’t asking Scrooge out, wasn’t asking him to marry her, she was asking for money, and getting the cold shoulder for that should not come as some kind of an epiphany!
Nevermind. That’s cute as heck, I don’t even care how we got there.
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Goldie would make a good mentor for Brigitta. As would Scrooge. The world would be a better place if Brigitta was treated like an over-enthusiastic businesswoman who wants to learn all of Scrooge’s tricks, and Scrooge was treated like grumpy, slightly unwilling teacher.
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(So, what was Scrooge like when he was young? Oh, you know, very conquerable.)
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Why is her hair silver, what is this travesty, colouring person you had one job!
Goldie tells Brigitta the story of sleeping pills, thievery, forced labour, kidnappings, and other general criminal activities that make up their tragic romance™.
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(Oh, so when you slip him a pill on a first date, it makes you morally complex, but if I did that it would be just creepy and weird!)
(Context Brigitta, it’s all about the context!)
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If I was Brigitta, I would feel a bit wary drinking anything with her, after the story she just told.
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And then I almost got my hopes up, that something amazing was going to happen! Brigitta started to self-reflect upon herself, and doubting the way her life is now constructed. She admitted that she doesn’t have a positive relationship with Scrooge, and that maybe she is wasting her life. For a moment there, I thought that Brigitta was going to develop as a character.
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There was a moment. A glorious moment, when I really thought that this was where the official policy concerning Brigitta was going to be changed, and she would stop trying to marry Scrooge. I did get my hopes up.
Aaaaaand, then this happened. 
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I guess it was inevitable, that Brigitta would get a cheerleading speech from Goldie, to bring back the status quo, but damn does it still feel weird. While I completely, 100% support Goldie’s you are a good and smart woman, if Scrooge doesn’t want that it’s his loss, that is where it should have ended.
Because the part about: because your feelings are painful it means that your love is real, and you shouldn’t give up on them, is complete nonsense. If a relationship is hurting you, it is not worth pursuing!!! Goldie implying that Brigitta’s hurt feelings are the reason she shouldn’t give up on Scrooge, I asdfghjkl, what the fuck!!!!
Secondly, that’s all well and dandy that Goldie now thinks that Brigitta’s love is real, but how exactly does that change anything?! You don’t think that maybe it should be Scrooge who gets to decide who is allowed to make romantic advances towards him!
Scrooge is not an object whose ownership you get to negotiate amongst yourselves!!
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more, or less direct translation: you have continued to beat on to conquer who you love.
That is not a good thing!!
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Yeah whatever. Goldie is his past, maybe Brigitta can be his future. Great. And I guess these two making a friendship with each other and admitting that both have the equal right to present themselves as options of romance for Scrooge is kind of mature and respectful towards everyone, if Brigitta wasn’t…you know Brigitta. She has not been known to respect Scrooge’s boundaries.
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Goldie makes some great faces in here, and I will fully enjoy them. Even if I at the same time roll my eyes at the mandatory, lets punish Scrooge part of any Brigitta comic. You do know that while maybe him booting you, Goldie, out of the office could be seen as mean, he did absolutely nothing disrespectful towards Brigitta. Scrooge owes her zero apologies, because he never even said a mean word towards her! Brigitta had her whole sulk, because she thought that you two were hooking up. That’s not a crime.
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In this continuity, I can understand that Scrooge would prefer to be married to his money. Because these women are written kind of unreasonable.
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The inevitable self-reflection. Scrooge admits that both women are important parts of his life, and that he does care for both of their well-being. Cute, believable, satisfying. Well done everyone. I still firmly believe that Scrooge sees Brigitta more as a younger sibling than potential lover. But that’s just a headcanon, so feel free to come to your own conclusions. 
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(That is a duck who feels uncomfortable.)
The ladies return to the money bin just in time to eavesdrop on Scrooge’s monologue, and find out that he cared for them both after all. And honestly, I think these pictures tell everything that needs to be said about how much Scrooge cares about Brigitta’s advances.  
God, she looks cute, I forgive this story for everything, Goldie is too adorable.
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Well, I guess that this was the first time that Goldie has made a proper appearance in the Italian duck universe, and all in all, not bad. Maybe I will get an entirely new look on the story, if it gets properly translated, and I don’t have to play the I’m pretty sure I know what this means, game.
Congrats if you made it all the way here, these ramblings were long.
Ankkaneito returns back to the hole, where she came from.
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