#Please Look Forward To Eleanor's CT Ranking Feat. Shotgun Memes
commander-frostii · 5 years
Today I got around to doing something I’ve meant to do for a really long time now, which is actually field-testing shotgun’s targeting and damage spread capabilities. 
You may or may not know that I love shotguns dearly and I love the idea of shotguns being used as primary DPS, so I have been workshopping different ways of building and fielding SGs trying to find a proper use for them. Their ability to target multiple enemies sounds really powerful, but I wasn’t able to find any resources or examples displaying exactly how it works, and have just kinda had to go on observation/intuition, which I kept revising to be more conservative. 
Going into this test I assumed that the “target 3 enemies” idea is within a group of linked enemies - that is, they deal damage 3 times to a single group of enemies if there are 3 enemies within that group, but they only do damage once to a group with one link. This would mean they’re not dramatically more powerful than other damage-oriented weapons even in the optimal case, because they can still only kill one linked enemy at a time. 
That is, uh, not the case. 
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It turns out that Shotguns being able to “target three enemies” means they break the targeting rules, and can shoot at three distinct enemy groups in one volley - dealing one hit of damage per dummy link to each of them. When SPAS’ skill is active this increases to 5 groups. If her FP is high enough and the enemy HP is low enough, she could kill 5 enemy groups in one volley. 
So. Now you know.
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