#Poor Sam vimes for real like his life isn't hard enough
nevertheless-moving · 4 months
hi! following you for the time-travel discworld AU, but i'm notoriously bad at checking interesting tumblrs. are you planning on posting it to AO3 (where I could subscribe to updates)?
hello! I'm glad you like the au! I've been deeply enjoying peoples tags/comments. Sorry if it wasn't clear from the tags in the original post but I'm extremely unlikely to write this fic out in full, definitely not anytime in the near/imaginable future.
[I sometimes finish a post and just keep writing in the tags. Like someone still talking who's being politely but firmly ushered out of the bar so they just get louder. Check the tags of this au and others for full rants]
Very much enjoyed @linya333's complimentary description of 'telling a story like we're all sitting in the room with you' because my feeling of writing this one is very much 'yelling while slightly drunk about some crazy fucked up stuff that happened to some guy I know, can you believe this shit'
Other people are MORE than welcome to play with the idea.
I've got a couple of drafted scraps of meta for aspects of this au im unwell about, some funny chat style dialogue possibly missing key context from what would be a good 300 pages into Night Thud! , other misc debris but like. To answer your question - No, sorry, not really enough of a coherent whole to put on ao3. Feel free to check back whenever, im pretty good about tagging so you can just look up Nightwatch au and see what , if anything I've added. No promises! Time is an illusion and all that!
And hey if other people have thoughts for this au please tag me/ send an ask so I can reblog. :)
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