#Raquel and Raffaello
siripedra · 1 year
Well I did not understand the assignment and made the shittiest description as possible surrounded by well written things and forgot to rewrite mine (I usually give my life with the descriptions). This is probably more a correction because I hate what I wrote seeing the rest now but let's go.
(hi now that i finished this is absolutely not 'just a correction'. anyway.) @group-oc-tournament
I actually don't know how to explain it properly bear with me. Long story short (for Raquel), Raquel had a fucked up childhood, made her way into earning a student exchange, was a very dedicated student, until 2nd year (11th? Idk it's the 2nd here) hits in and she stops caring about it, fails the year, and now decided to be a complete rebel. Somewhere around her second time doing the 2nd a random kid on the class AKA Raffaello decided he could fix the totally closed up troublemaker of the class who did the bare minimum to survive. How he did it? Insisting in talking to her daily. Everytime. Between classes. Recess. End of school. Everything he actually earned was a nickname with the sole intention to mock his name who is literally a candy. Did he mind it? Absolutely not, actually liked it and completely ignored why she did it. He kept doing the same thing for the rest of the year and I guess it eventually worked. Might have took the whole of the next year too though.
Jumping some years, they actually never stopped being friends. Rafa had some relationship troubles around late 2019 and Raquel has there to call him dumb. As much as Raffaello's a social butterfly, he's not really that close to a lot of people and Raquel is like one the only people he can call a close friend, meanwhile Raquel literally has no other friends besides him. Rafa refuses to open up to anyone else and bottles everything (I mean EVERYTHING) up and the only one who will (rarely) be able to forcibly open it is Raquel. She's the only reason that man hasn't gone fully insane yet and he's the reason Raquel isn't in prison (she's literally a sheriff). He's also one of her daily reasons to want to punch something because he forces her to go to every party he finds.
That's everything I can think of, making justice for my lack of decent desc. Have a great day!
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