#Ren: I'll promise to protect you for all of eternity if you take this pain away :)
14dayswithyou · 2 months
Sending [REDACTED] a kiss! ^^
but what if i gave u a kiss on da cheek instead /p
Did you happen to have any demon [REDACTED] thoughts to go with demon Ren? 👉👈 Or were they meant to be the same?
this is very out of season hehe
But!! [REDACTED] was Angel!Ren before he turned into Demon!Ren hehe :3c
[REDACTED] was once an angel alongside his mother and sister, but they all fell from grace when the pantheon of gods discovered that Ichika had been associating with a demon... and gave life to his children.
Now given the name "Ren", he was forced to live in the mortal world with his father for most of his childhood — and witnessing him do horrific acts to humans, his mother, and even himself was what inevitably triggered Ren into transforming into a demon.
Babey was so full of wickedness at the tender age of ten that his horns and tail started to grow early, so he fled into the forest and cried from all of da searing pain underneath his skin :(
But luckily a benevolent angel came and made a deal with him to take the pain away!! Unluckily, though, they didn't know he was a demon and that it was wrong for their kind to even touch one
But hey!! At least they had the unyielding protection of a demon until their time in the mortal world was up!
It wasn't until hundreds of years later that the pantheon of gods found out about this and punished the angel by making them fall from grace as well :(
They woke up in a strange village near the ocean and were taken in by a familiar stranger with pink hair and sleek, black horns... Now they live in his lil stone house that overlooks the sea — all while having this demon help regain their memories :3
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