#Ruite's crazed ramblings
ruitethewingedfox · 7 months
Theory; The Magnus Protocol has fear entities, just not the ones we're used to.
Think about it; humanity's fears are so vast (no pun intended), there HAS to be more than just the 15 entities, right? There's
agoraphobia (fear or large spaces or crowds),
anthropophobia (fear of people or society),
anthophobia (fear of flowers)
Aphenphosmphobia (fear of being touched)(wow wasn't expecting to get called out making this theory-)
Ataxophobia (fear of disorganization)
Atychiphobia (fear of failure)
Belonephobia (fear of pins and NEEDLES)
Botanophobia (fear of plants)
Bibliophobia (fear of books)
Chionophobia (fear of snow)
Catagelophobia (fear of ridicule)
Catoptrophobia (fear of mirrors)
Chronomentrophobia (fear of clocks) (HUHM HUNM Lore Ruite for a while after February 14th 2023)
Cyberphobia (fear of COMPUTERS)
Dendrophobia (fear of trees)
Haphephobia (fear of touch in general) (wow called out again)
Koumpounophobia (fear of buttons)
Pteridophobia (fear of ferns)
Sociophobia (fear of social evaluation)
Somniphobia (fear of sleep)
Selenophobia (fear of the moon)
Technophobia (fear of TECHNOLOGY)
(Note; I only listed fears that I feel like could be grouped together into entities or have already appeared in the magnus protocol in some way)
Now of this list there are 2 I believe have already 100% showed themselves
-Cyberphobia/technophobia: in the form of Freddie, can you imagine the existential horrors of being pulled from your home universe and put inside a computer? I believe Alice and/or Colin may end up avatars of this entity; Alice because she's shown the most affection towards The Computer Gaggle and Freddie itself, and Colin because he's the head I.T.
-Belonephobia/Koumpounophobia: the most recent episode, the needles part is quite obvious on the surface, but the more I think about it, the more connections I make; Needles specifically mentioned stabbing their victim in the eyes, and buttons in place of eyes are a common design trope; needles and buttons are both used in sewing.
Maybe there'll be more connections that I make trying to fall asleep tonight, but for now, that's all!
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ruitethewingedfox · 4 months
Don't know if it's because she's a family friend of the Bouchards, that Gwen's just adjusting rather quickly, or that she appears much less threatening then Bonzo but did anyone else find that Gwen seemed less nervous with Lady Mowbray? Given the way that she seemed to be able to influence people's behavior, I feel inclined to believe that maybe Mowbray had some sort of calming influence over Gwen...
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ruitethewingedfox · 5 months
The Blender Theory; a FULL explanation
so I've posted a couple times about this little theory of mine, so now I've finally decided it's time to explain it in full.
So it starts back all the way at The Change. You see, since The Change was an apocalypse, and since the Extinction-the fear of the apocalypse-was nearing it's emergence when The Change happened, I believe that since the universe of The Magnus Protocol is how it is now because of the reversal of The Change-a world that "rose from the ashes" and can fear another apocalypse-the Extinction is now the lead entity, taking the place of the Eye.
so that begs the question; if the Extinction is the top dog now, what happened to the Eye?
when the Entities were sent to the Protocol universe, they got mixed together (hence why they seem to blend together more now) and became new entities, i.e. the Deep. I may make a list of these theoretical new entities later, but I don't wanna keep y'all too long.
Now, of course, this situation caught the Extinction (aka Ex, which is what it'll be referred to as here on out) completely off-guard, it barely had a clue what it was supposed to do before, saw it's siblings get mixed together in a multiversal torrent, and now it's supposed to be the leader of these new guys who came from that???? So, distraught from survivor's guilt and clueless on what it's supposed to be doing, Ex holed itself up wherever it could find that gave it enough of a steady flow of fear so that it would never had to leave to feed, and began scouring everything it could find in an attempt to find a way to bring it's siblings back.
So, assuming you're reading this far because you've seen my last few posts about the theory and are curious about it, you must be wondering; when does this involve the OIAR???? What about Ink5oul being one of Ex's avatars?????
Well, at some point, Ink5oul managed to stumble into one of Ex's little hideaways, and the 2 of them became close friends, with Ex-going back to its cluelessness, believing that avatars were just humans that entities grew fond of and thus gave powers-making them it's avatar
Eventually, Ink5oul tells Ex about the OIAR, and it decides to check the place out. This is how it finds Freddie, and immediately recognizing Chester and Norris as John and Martin. Having finally found someone who could know what happened to it's siblings, the OIAR became Ex's main focus, with it moving it's nest to the attic.
And now, we arrive at the current events; Ink5oul collecting possible leads (which, seeing as that's their area of expertise, typically involve tattoos) which are very much not getting past the OIAR's watch, as Ex watches over the night shift, waiting for an opening to question Chester and Norris while avoiding detection.
Though, with [ERROR] most likely stalking Alice, the chances of that no longer being an option are growing higher, as it's only a matter of time until [ERROR] breaks in and Ex has to use it's power as lead entity to subdue them...
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ruitethewingedfox · 7 months
I have a theory about what might end up happening-or, given his absence, has already happened-to Colin.
so he's poking and prodding around Freddie again, right? As he's digging around, he stumbles upon a part that definitely should not be their, and tries to pull it out. Instead, a set of claws unfurl from it and latch onto his hand as Freddie starts up, ringing with a sharp static. Colin struggles against the claws in an attempt to free his hand, even as he feels his body begin to fade.
as his predicament reaches a crescendo, he suddenly...flickers out. Not quite blacked out (he was still completely conscious, he could tell that much) but floating in some senseless void. Senseless, except for hearing, as almost instantly a voice-the one Alice called "Norris"-shouted from the darkness.
Before long, Colin found out that "Chester", "Norris", and "Augustus" were not the voices actual names, but instead Jon, Martin, and Jonah. As well as-as he found out via his first time having to read out one of the incident reports-just how oblivious his coworkers could be.
Gwen was the one who put it together...
From there I'm not sure whether Colin would end up stuck inside Freddie forever, if someone would find a way to get him out, if he'd end up somewhere in between, etc. Bit I get the feeling either way he'd become an avatar of that Computer Entity I mentioned in my past theories (I think I called it The Network?)
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