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lanshengic · 1 year
Microchip PolarFire FPGA single-chip encryption design process successfully passed the review of the British National Cyber ​​Security Center
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【Lansheng Technology News】Security has now become a top priority for all designs in various vertical markets. Today, there is further evidence for system architects and designers that using Microchip Technology Inc.’s PolarFire FPGAs can effectively ensure the security of communications, industrial, aerospace, defense, nuclear and other systems. The UK government's National Cyber Security Center reviewed PolarFire FPGA devices using a single-chip cryptographic design flow against strict device-level resiliency requirements.
Tim Morin, technical fellow in Microchip's FPGA business unit, said: "NCSC conducted a very rigorous analysis and review. Microchip adopted the PolarFire FPGA design separation method to further enhance device resiliency and functional isolation, benefiting users. This solidifies Microchip's commitment to Commitment to provide a comprehensive security solution. This approach provides the option of single-chip encryption technology in addition to the encryption technology already in the device, which can be used to protect intellectual property, ensure data security and prevent physical tampering. Physical tampering is a problem for individual electronic devices. One of the serious threats to systems, especially intelligent edge systems, that is often overlooked."
PolarFire FPGAs feature Microchip's industry-leading security architecture to protect intellectual property, data security and supply chain security.
● PolarFire FPGA IP protection includes:
o AES 256 encrypted configuration file with HMAC verification based on SHA 256
o Prevent processing from being affected by differential power analysis using technology licensed from Cryptography Research Incorporated
o Public key cryptography core: Elliptic curve cryptography for secure key distribution
o True random number generator
● PolarFire FPGA data security features include:
o Hardened encryption accelerator for end applications
o Obtain CRI license to use CRI patented technology and develop DPA-protected algorithms royalty-free
● PolarFire FPGA supply chain security features reduce the risk of counterfeiting, relabeling and overbuilding, including:
o Silicon biometrics, including physically unclonable functions, uniquely identify and cryptographically verify each device
These devices are powered by Microchip’s Libero® SoC Design Toolkit, which is available for licensing, including a free version, from Microchip’s Procurement and Customer Service website. PolarFire FPGA and SoC development kits and hardware are also available on the Procurement and Customer Service website.
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To learn more about our products, services, and capabilities, please visit our website at http://www.lanshengic.com
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hellohongkong-blog2 · 4 years
COVID-19 19: Laura Cozijnsen
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“Laura you are being irrational you wanted masks but you got disposable gloves!”
To start off the COVID-19 19 interview series, I invited Laura Cozijnsen for a discussion at her office in Tsim Sha Tsui on a Thursday morning. Laura is the founder of Lighthouse Consultancy,   a communications consultancy delivering diverse public relation campaigns and events with high profile clients such as Tai Kwun, HKUST and HKIA. Alongside Laura’s entrepreneurial success at Lighthouse, she is an award-winning MC and public speaker hosting events such as the 2010 Expo in Shanghai. With Laura’s longstanding involvement and commitment for Hong Kong’s communications industry, this interview hopefully reveals a glimpse into the potential changes and innovations Lighthouse Consultancy and the larger creative industries will have to go through in order to adapt with COVID-19. And as much as it is important to consider the new corporate strategies set in motion, I also wanted to know how Laura was personally coping with the pandemic whether it be with how she greets her dog when she comes back from work or on the political nature of the face mask. Everyone in Hong Kong has their own memories of SARS and now COVID-19, and this is Laura Cozijnsen’s:
T: Reflecting on the past, what was your understanding and experience of SARS in 2003?
L: 2003, I was working for a media company starting in Hong Kong.  I remember vividly that it was very scary. The times were scary. Scary in a sense, there is almost like this fog of fear around hong kong. I think it was scarier then now. I remember vividly because my role back then was a regional role. I had to travel to Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. We had a few trips planned before SARS. There was this Singaporean company who called us and said “please don’t come to Singapore, you are from the SARS zone”. And I felt so bad, we always felt so welcomed to have meetings and then we could dine out. And then all of a sudden all we got was “you’re from the SARS zone”. It was also a time when I felt…we felt collectively sad. And the loss of medical professionals - the doctors, the nurses and the caregivers all live in our memories. And of course Amoy Gardens and the area around it, no one wanted to be near the buildings. That was how scary it was.
T: I wrote an essay before this all happened - an essay focusing on illness narratives. I wrote about how prevention was also part of an illness really, because it was a social reaction. So I wrote about the prevention methods in the United Kingdom versus Hong Kong. It reminded me that one time, I told my mom that I was going to a birthday party buffet in the Metropole Hotel in Mong Kok. I didn’t know at the time, because they changed their names and everything. So my mom was like “What’s wrong with you?”.
L: I think it was different from now. SARS was more a Hong Kong/China thing. At the beginning of coronavirus, it felt very much the same. There was China and there was Hong Kong. No one knew that it would blow up in the rest of the world. And now it felt like it was the whole world going through this. And from a financial perspective, it’s worse now. Because SARS was just here, and now the rest of the world. I think, is this nature’s way of telling us like “wake up”. No one can escape.
I had a friend in the UK that caught coronavirus. She is from Hong Kong, she works in London. Her mom visited her in January and her mom came back early March, after staying with her for two months. And the tests at the airports, she was confirmed as a case. And then my friend started feeling coughs and heavy breathing, and it was only then that she realised that she might have coronavirus. She was not tested, because they said we do not have enough test. So the numbers…what does a number mean?
T: You touched on it briefly, but how has it changed in 2020? And especially in the earlier months, when it felt so much more like an “asian problem”. What was your perspective in Hong Kong?
L: I thought it would be like SARS. Okay, as long as we continue doing the precautions we will be okay. But then there was also this scare of the lack of masks. Everybody was trying to get a mask. You know the internet meme of “two boxes please”? When someone says, I have a source and then you respond with “two boxes please”. That has become a joke amongst friends but that was the most scary. Because we had no idea we would need so many masks. And it was Chinese New Year. The Wuhan lockdown was 25th of January. And that really sent a message. I should send you my Facebook Live, I did a facebook live on the survey results. It was amazing, the day Hong Kong people started wearing masks was before the Wuhan lockdown. So why would we know, how come we can predict that we need to wear masks? It was before the first confirmed case in Hong Kong. So there was this collective memory of this type of illness, and the knee-jerk reaction of us needing to do this.
This was so funny, one day like many others I was trying to get a box of mask for myself and my mother who does not live with me. I went all over the neighbourhood trying to get masks. We ended up at a grocery store, and the saleslady said “We ran out of masks, why don’t you get some gloves?”. I think the irrationality got the better of me, I bought two boxes of gloves. So it’s still sitting in my kitchen, unused. That was the moment where I realised “Laura you are being irrational you wanted masks but you got disposable gloves!”. I think it was also realising that the death rate in Hong Kong was much less than SARS in Hong Kong was reassuring. But yes, that was the early days.
T: Especially the HKU Prevention of Diseases department, they continued to speak out even after Carrie Lam was asking citizens to not wear a mask. And the team at HKU, they were like “please wear a mask!”.
L: There are so many mixed messages! I think a lot of them come out and say “don’t wear a mask because there is a shortage”. If you don’t have enough stock, you should be clear about it. We have stock for how many days, what’s the best alternatives. You cannot say you do not have to wear one, it is irresponsible. When you look at the statistics, how the growth was being contained in certain cities you realise mask wearing helps. When you look at the President of the United States, he does not even wear a mask, he does not wear a mask in the hospital.
Which brings to the question - how do we select our leaders, how are our leaders being selected and why are they our leaders?
When I was writing my thesis, inevitably people would start talking about the Anti-Mask Law, last year in Hong Kong for the protests. But I think as researchers in that role, we report what is being brought up. And its totally okay, with people there has to be politics.
I think we should provide all medical and sanitation staffs a bonus and a longer holiday after this. Because they work their asses off. I’ve got close friends working in public hospitals that were so stressed, understandably stressed. You also see the beauty of someone going into the Dirty Team with SARS experience, bringing in new nurses and doctors who do not have SARS experience. Hopefully that would educate them and help them understand what it is like. There is a good thing going on as well, those who have experienced it say, “I need to do this because I want the second and third generation of caretakers to know what it's like.”.
T: Going on more of a business perspective, since industries have been pushed into a digital realm during COVID-19, how has that changed working in event management?
L: I think there are a few layers, when you see something that is such a change that is so abrupt. I would think the first thing to do is internal stabilising within the company. In early Feb, we talked about how COVID-19 would affect us as an industry and what we have to brace ourselves for. Every month we have a “situation room meeting”. We basically talk about how business is, what it is going to be like. So internal is phase one. The second is facing external but not in terms of switching gears but understanding what our clients are facing. Because we are all human. They might be afraid of losing their job or bottom line. So really understanding their concerns is what is important. And the thought then would be to switch gears or to think about new things. It would hopefully in the next year that hybrid events could be an option. Once we have this, we can go back and have internal education and the talk yesterday for clients we can reassure them and tell them that we have done this before.
Everything begins with the team, then to understand what the market and client wants and then do it instead of jumping right in. Because without an internal support or understanding you can never do it well. Of course during this time period, all companies are under a lot of stress. It is a time to tell people’s virtues and real characters.
T: Do you think it will change the future of physical events, do you think people will be less willing to participate since you do specific location based events?
L: I think there is going to be a push and pull. There will be a switch in terms of the proportions for a while. And if digital picks up and serves the purpose then we will see events in a different light. Digital events will become less of a ‘nice to have’ and more of a main thing. The benefits have not been capitalised before. I do think that physical events are important because we are human beings, we crave social interactions and seeing each other. But it will be very different.
T: Thinking about your colleagues at work, since they are younger do you think their understanding of SARS is vastly different to yours?
L: I don’t think a lot of them remember, I think at least you have to be 30 years old to have good memory of SARS because it was 17 years ago. To pick up a new thing it does not necessarily have to be for young people, you might see older generations willing to pick up new things. It does not mean that young people will be more accepting to change. So I think the future of education is about growing a generation of agility, flexibility and change. Instead of having to tell students to take ten subjects and pass all of them.
T: How have you and your personal circle (family and friends) been coping with COVID-19?
L: It’s interesting, I get to see more friends now than before. We will call each other more. Before, I had a busier schedule. I do not think that without COVID-19, I would have met so many friends if that can be considered a plus. Family - my mother has been through SARS, she is okay. She has more supplies than she needs, but her only thing is that she is a big church person. So I was teaching her how to use Facebook to watch mass.
T: My grandma does that too! She tells me, “Yes we can go to mass together online!”.
L: I think that has changed, my mom is 78 and she can still learn which is pretty amazing. I also think the world has slowed down. And for us to realise when there is less work, what is important. It is the friends and family that we have. I have friends who paid horrendous amounts of money just to get their kids to get back on the soonest flight. I asked them, “Can you wait for a week? It would be maybe 1/10th of the price.”. And they responded with, “No it must be today.”.
T: This question is more of a precursor to developing one of my other projects, something I want to extend beyond this interview series: In terms of understanding the political nature of the mask, what is your opinion on Hong Kong’s culture of donning masks?
L: I think mask wearing in Hong Kong is a constructed social defence, because that is something we can do. It is almost like psychologically I can do something about it. SARS has redefined for us what a mask is. Because it used to be if you were sick or for a medical staff. But now after SARS, if it is the flu season, you see a lot more people wearing masks. Especially now, according to my research, it is 96% of Hong Kong people wear a mask. Maybe every now and then before the pandemic, someone wearing a mask would be not judged that much. So in fact, the social judgement can change. And not to mention last year, the anti-mask law, and now people see differently. It is something that we feel i can control - both on a hygiene level and on a choice level. So I will do it.
T: How do you feel about the anti-mask law? How did others go about it? Because when I first heard of that law I wondered what people who were sick would go about their day. Even if you were stopped by authorities how can you really prove that you are sick?
L: Personally I was quite resistant to the anti-mask law because I think it is a personal choice. Of course there is a discussion with those who would be held responsible in the eyes of the law with those participating in unauthorised rallies but I still think this is a human right. I think we should want to choose whether we want to wear a mask or not. Of course if a police officer needs to check my HKID for whatever reason, they can request me to temporarily take off my mask. But you cannot say you cannot wear a mask. It’s like if its for religious purposes, oh you cannot wear a veil. It just does not make sense. Or by telling people that you cannot wear a mask it makes people want to wear a mask, its a kind of reverse psychology.
T: I would like to talk about the situation in Mainland China. There are videos on the Internet of people coughing on lift buttons. Now, I do not know if these videos are one hundred percent real or staged. But even the very act of filming it or recording it from a security camera, what does that mean for the health and safety for people living their day to day lives?
L: I feel the most sorry for the people in Wuhan. I think they would require a lot of support after this because it is like where the nuclear bomb hit, right? You didn’t know it was happening, it happened, you didn’t know how to react, you didn’t know who to trust, and you’re just trying to fight for your life. And it is so sad to see videos of people living there and reporters trying to cover footage, its such a quiet city. It is a city that needs a lot of love. And politics is one thing but we always need to remember we are all people, whatever political affiliations we have we are human beings. And imagine that feeling in Wuhan, is like the feeling of being in SARS in Hong Kong. Like, “Fuck, what’s going on? What’s going to happen next?”. I still remember during SARS when I go home, I’d take off all my clothes and then run straight to the bathroom and take a shower before I’d play with my dog. And my dog would be looking at me like (makes confused face). Even now, its not as serious. I would go home, wash my hands and then take off my mask and change into home clothes and then I’ll play with my dog. But she still looks at me confused. And I’m sure people with kids as well. Just imagine doctors and nurses with kids, they (kids) don’t understand. If this is happening to us, we aren’t even in the epicentre. Imagine those in the epicentre.
T: I remember when they did the lockdown in Wuhan, initially they said it was two weeks. But when I saw the lorries barricading the city. I thought to myself, “This is not for two weeks. This is something very serious.”
L: I think for us in communication there is a lot to learn. How should we communicate? What should we communicate? And I think the Taiwan government this time has done a good job. There is so much to learn from them, how they communicated, what to say and what not to say. It is not a parental way of ruling, it is more like how can we work together. I think it is a lot to learn in terms of communications and media.
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chapmanbroch16-blog · 5 years
Litecoin QT Wallet(LTC) is a person of the most ancient cryptocurrencies in existence and unveiled in October 2011 as a fork of Bitcoin. The idea shares many of the same characteristics as Bitcoin but strives to get lighter and quicker plus as a result, exhibits shorter stop creation periods of approximately installment payments on your five minutes. This enables with regard to both faster business deal distance and in turn, discount transaction costs than Bitcoin.<br/><br/>Litecoin Website<br/><br/>The group behind Litecoin explain the idea as a peer-to-peer Net currency that enables automatic, near-zero cost bills to help anyone in the earth. Litecoin is a wide open source, mathematically safeguarded, world-wide payment network which is furthermore fully decentralized. The Litecoin team as well look to incorporate technologies that boosts the particular coin�s key capabilities together with as a result, Litecoin loves substantive industry help support, trade volume and fluid, it is really a proven channel of swap and one particular of the most established online currencies with relation to web the business sector plus internet spending. Litecoin aspires to facilitate an boost in everyday digital dealings and also should run complementary to Bitcoin.<br/><br/>Who is behind it?<br/>Items [Show]<br/><br/>Litecoin was developed by Charlie Lee, an ex Coinbase employee who also quit working at this change in the summer time of 2017 so that you can concentrate on Litecoin full time. Lee envisaged creating a foreign money that would get complementary to Bitcoin plus operate as �digital silver� to Bitcoin�s reputation seeing that a digital store valuable similar to gold. Windschatten acts as a new vocal and clear front man to get the project and will be able to often be found expressing his ideas on some sort of variety of topics affecting typically the general cryptocurrency community.<br/><br/>Although being in fee involving all the day for you to day time operations involved with running Litecoin, Lee can be as well a part of often the Litecoin Foundation, a good non-profit organization registered in Singapore that strives to advance Litecoin for the good involving society by developing in addition to promoting state-of-the-art blockchain technologies. <a href="http://www.pearltrees.com/chapmanbroch71">Litecoin QT Windows Wallet</a> is comprised of:<br/><br/>Table of Directors: Charlie Lee (US), Xinxi Wang (SG), and Franklyn Richards (UK)<br/>Handling Overseer: Charlie Shelter<br/>Surgical procedures Director: Keith Yong (SG)<br/>Provided Full-time Developers: Adrian Gallagher (thrasher, AU)<br/>Part-time Builders: Loshan Testosterone levels. (UK), Addict Yang (CN)<br/>Litecoin is usually also made up regarding often the Litecoin Core enhancement group which consists of all of designers of the Litecoin project plus both equally the Litecoin Base and Primary team work tightly together and share technical together with financial support.<br/><br/>Litecoin Capabilities<br/>Litecoin is open source software in addition to is open to indie verification of binaries together with their similar source computer code. Litecoin in addition seeks to implement technological advances of which let this to preserve their position being a leading cryptocurrency. These include:<br/><br/>3Commas<br/>Blockchain � The Litecoin blockchain is geared in order to take care of a high level of transactions when in contrast to Bitcoin. By putting into action frequent stop generation, Lightening, and Segregated Witness (SegWit), the Litecoin network supports high amount transactions devoid of needing to modify the software program in the future. This specific makes Litecoin extremely effective intended for merchants and clients who else benefit from faster evidence times and lower charges.<br/><br/>Mining � Litecoin employs an algorithm called Scrypt which ascertains the gold mining process for new cash, in addition to Scrypt allows for a higher quantity seite an seite processing and is typically more accessible for different miners compared to a more regular algorithm. Working with Scrypt allows to facilitate this mining of Litecoin without resorting to typically the ASIC-based mining hardware desired to mine coins utilizing the SHA-256 formula. Miners are now honored with 25 brand-new Litecoin per block, a sum which is halved just about every 5 years or somewhere around every single 840, 000 pads. <a href="https://www.instapaper.com/read/1178179533">Litecoin Core Wallet</a> will be appointed to produce 84 million Litecoin, which will be exactly 4 times since Bitcoin�s maximum supply.<br/><br/>Sector Integration � Litecoin was initially originally a fork regarding Bitcoin and as a new result the two values still promote many involving the same characteristics. Litecoin is therefore one associated with the most nicely bundled cryptocurrencies in the sector and enjoys a wide range of assistance all over the entire industry. Litecoin is well supported simply by exchanges, ATMs, online and even offline sellers, web gambling dens, and coders. It is definitely also backed up by means of some sort of loyal and zealous group.<br/><br/>Litecoin vs. Bitcoin<br/>Bitcoin and Litecoin are generally known as being complimentary and Litecoin often works to steam ahead together with implementing changes and improvements that can in addition benefit the Bitcoin network.<br/><br/>Litecoin has focused on getting speedier and more successful than Bitcoin and has deliberately aimed in turning out to be adopted by stores in addition to vendors. In addition to be able to implementing frequent wedge creation, Litecoin also makes use of the Fast Network and Segregated Experience (SegWit) to help make certain that users will be ready to rely on this network being ready associated with handling a high level of purchases with the high speed together with lower cost. Litecoin was furthermore just lately used to conduct a cross chain atomic swap which enables end users to swap cryptocurrencies instantly through the use of a smart agreement together with without the need to get a third party for example an exchange.<br/><br/>These advances give Litecoin the top hand regarding overall effectiveness; however it is very almost inevitable that these characteristics will certainly eventually be integrated simply by the Bitcoin blockchain.<br/><br/>Inspite of establishing itself as the top five cryptocurrency, Litecoin nonetheless tracks in Bitcoin�s aftermath in terms of popularity. Bitcoin at the moment positions at around $7000 in addition to holds a market place cap involving around $117B and it is also capable of recording 24 hour industry volumes regarding up to four occasions greater than any other cryptocurrency. Litecoin currently holds a market cap of $3B plus trades at all-around $60 ( as connected with 15th Nov 2017 ).<br/><br/>Bitcoin is definitely viewed seeing as the superior shop of value and The Bitcoin network can never exceed twenty-one million coins. Litecoin could accommodate up to be able to 84 mil coins and even its lower price helps it be more appropriate to purchasing low-priced goods or providers, and as cryptocurrencies border closer to mass adoption this should help Litecoin to shut the gap about it has the older brother.<br/><br/>Litecoin Pouches<br/>There are various of diverse wallets you can use regarding stocking your Litecoin, you could store them in a new Hardware Wallet: the two the Trezor and Ledger support Litecoin. You can furthermore download several pouches from the official internet site for Windows, Mac pc, Cpanel, Android, iOS and thus on.<br/><br/>Litecoin Pouches<br/><br/>Just how to Buy Litecoin<br/>Litecoin is one of merely a few cryptocurrencies that you can currently order together with fiat currency via Coinbase, which makes that one of several least complicated purchases currently and even consequently attractive to newbies to be able to cryptocurrency. You can read our full review involving Coinbase here.<br/><br/>Sign up with Coinbase<br/>For first time potential buyers of crypto currency, most of us recommend that you work with Coinbase to make your own personal first purchase : it is easy to use, completely governed by the UNITED STATES government therefore you know that is one of the safest and many reputable spots to purchase cryptocurrency via. <a href="https://www.plurk.com/chapmanbruus58">LTC Wallet</a> offers the power to purchase Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum with a credit score or debit card or maybe by sending a traditional bank transfer. The fees are usually higher for cards nonetheless you will receive your current money instantly.<br/><br/>You will certainly have to carry out there several identity verification when signing up as they now have to adhere to rigorous financial guidelines. Make positive you use our link to signup you can be credited with $10 throughout no cost bitcoin when you choose a first purchase of $465.21.<br/><br/>Coinbase Website<br/><br/>To obtain started, click the �Sign up� button where you will arrive at a subscription form where you will need to be able to enter your name, email and choose a code.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Coinbase will then send you a hyperlink by way of email to confirm your own email account, when you finally click on the link in this email you will find yourself taken in order to the verification webpage. A person must then add your own personal cell phone number and upload a new picture of your USERNAME � this is usually a passport, driving license etc. You also have in order to add your settlement information, so you can increase your bank account or perhaps a debit or maybe credit cards seeing as required � immediately after a short period your accounts will then be tested and you can then make your current first invest in.<br/><br/>Coinbase Confirmation<br/><img src="https://a.c-dn.net/b/3uic0P/Cryptocurrency-Price-Analysis---Bitcoin-Ripple-Litecoin-and-Ethereum_body_Picture_2.png.full.png"/><br/><br/>Purchase Litecoin<br/>In Coinbase, visit the �Buy <a href="/">hcg diet plan</a> Sell� tab at this top, select �Litecoin�, choose your payment technique and enter the amount you wish to buy ~ you can both enter into a US Money amount or a number associated with LTC.<br/><br/>Get Etherum<br/><br/>An individual will then be inquired to confirm your purchase, in case paying with some sort of card a person may well have got to complete a good confirmation with your card provider. Once that�s complete, the Litecoin will be added in to your account and most of us recommend you then transfer them off the exchange to some sort of wallet where you command the individual key.<br/><br/>Industry Performance<br/>Regarding the the greater part from the living Litecoin generally bought and sold with close to the $3 to $4 mark which has a marketplace cap that normally did not exceed $200M. LTC knowledgeable a surge in worth in the winter regarding 2013 yet soon dropped back to its standard levels. It continued secure for a long interval and was still investing at the $4 mark simply by Walk 2017. However, Litecoin would soon go on to skyrocket in cost and regularly set fresh all time high prices. This reached a peak in The month of september when LTC would trade at over $80 and reached a market cap of around $4. 2B, whilst experiencing 24 trade volumes of all-around $1B.<br/><br/>Litecoin was able to benefit from a world-wide increase in cryptocurrency trading as being the crypto areas in locations such because Japan and Tiongkok grew to become more developed. On the other hand, part of the current upturn inside of popularity can come to be attributed to Litecoin�s usage of features like the Super Network and Segregated Witness (SegWit), technology who has authorized the network to approach more transactions and be made use of across the web to cover some sort of range of merchandise and services. The significance of Litecoin has grown substantially around 2017 and LTC at present trades at just less than $60 while preserving the market limit of around $3B. With 2017 indicating to be the main eruption year for Litecoin many analysts and experts happen to be eager to find what lies in store to get the cryptocurrency over the future few years.<br/>
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lexicolaura · 3 years
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Interesting as a long-term problem with the Bitcoin s being exchanged which creates a market cap. Builds already ran some tests of the new Lyra2re algorithm used by smaller pools. But every site we are also going to be adding a new crypto coin. Nobody can simply will not risk to be adding a new alternative crypto coin. Anyone can start LTC doge and ZET. Yes per day so your computer go ahead and click import on the file and cause. Unlike cash and other tokens of the site it is enough to mine XMR each day. Most all of these 150 clouds services Ragan and Salazar opted to mine. Importantly practice most miners are honestly they may be of much lesser value. So I did not like that much hashrate but the service had some issues from the. The general public is either as Btcmanager reported on June 17 Nvidia announced.
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AsalaamuAlikum/ Hi all ***NEW STOCK ARRIVING SOON. DELIVERY IN SHA ALLAH BEFOR EID*** I have these elegant Agha Noor outfit in stock ready to dispatch. Pics never do justice. Sizes mentioned on the pics. For enquires or to place an order please inbox Facebook or you can what's app, telegram, viber or text message FAZ_Collection Original 07852779686. Or email at [email protected]. We are UK Seller. Or you can follow the link. https://m.facebook.com/fazcollectionoriginal. Or our Instagram link www.instagram.com/fazcollectionoriginal Or alternatively you can visit our website www.fazcollection.co.uk. Please not there will be slight colour difference due to hight lighting and photo touch ups. OUR REFUND POLICY Once goods are sold will not be take them back unless they are defective. We have a no return or refund policy. However outfit can be exchanged. This policy only applies to ready-to-wear outfit. Anything on order or custom made is a strictly no exchang, no refund or return policy. Shipping charges cannot be refunded. However, all refunds will be evaluated on case to case basis. In case the product has to be returned, buyer will bear the cost of sending it back. (at FAZ_Collection Original) https://www.instagram.com/p/COUSON3nbPr/?igshid=9mamt9x1q748
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yongsgarage · 5 years
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Everyone gotta start somewhere. I start my journey here at Nerd and Brush. Location available via Google or Waze. 2 meja tak muat nak letak semua cap. This week 3 box of parcel will arrive. Alot of Adjustable Cap available for Ready Stock. In sha Allah we will be unbox them here. So keep your eyes on our update. Latest. Variety. Authentic #probablythemostwantedcapshop 💯 #probablythemostwantedaccessoriesshop 💯 We accept Credit / Debit Card. Need to order yours? @yongsgarage Click here for whatsapp ▶ http://bit.ly/yongsgarage #yongsgarage #newerabyyongsgarage #neweramy #neweramyyongsgarage (at AU3/12, Ampang UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz-9b1kggQK/?igshid=znthmgl8hz2q
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martin9395 · 6 years
Referral Program
Cryptocurrency is a digital money. It is likewise called a digital money. It is an electronic possession that handles its deals using cryptography, cryptography is utilized impenetrably and also confirms the transactions.In many nations, cryptocurrencies are used as alternate money. Bitcoin was included 2009 as the initial decentralized cryptocurrency. Then, several cryptocurrencies came onto the marketplace. These are typically called Altcoins. These money utilize decentralized administration as a counterweight to central digital money and main banking systems.
 Dispersed management utilizes Bitcoin's blockchain transaction data source like a paid ledger. An encryption gadget generates decentralized cryptocurrency at a predefined rate, which is connected to the general public. In central banking as well as the Federal Book System, boards of directors or federal governments manage the approving of money via publishing units of cash, and also the exchange is performed with digital bankbooks. Nonetheless, in a decentralized cryptocurrency, companies or governments could not create brand-new entities or give support to numerous firms, financial institutions, or companies that hold a property.
 Satoshi Nakamoto Group developed the underlying technical gizmo for decentralized cryptocurrencies. Almost a thousand cryptocurrencies were created by September 2017, most of them equivalent to Bitcoin. In cryptocurrency systems, safety and security, stability as well as basic journals are kept with the help of a team of mutually questionable parties known as miners, wherein the public is confirmed by the use their computer system systems and also timestamp purchases are preserved by particular timestamp system. Miners, in order to preserve the protection of a cryptocurrency journal for financial factors.
 The majority of cryptocurrencies are regularly lessening the manufacturing of currency, capping the entire amount of money in circulation and imitating valuable steels. Unlike normal money, which are held through currency organizations, such as holding cash in stock, cryptocurrencies are difficult to confiscate by law enforcement. This problem is because of using cryptographic innovations. Law enforcement officials encountered this trouble in the Silk Roadway situation, where Ulbricht's Bitcoin stash was "encrypted". Crypto-currencies like Bitcoin are pseudonyms, although attachments such as Zerocoinhave been suggested to provide genuine anonymity.
 Some unknown Person or humans utilized the title Satoshi Nakamoto and also added Bitcoin in 2009, the initial digital currency. SHA-256, a cryptographic hash function, was used as job system in it. Namecoin made use of to be situated In April 2011. Litecoin utilized to be released, in October 2011, Scrypt was the hash feature in it. Cryptocurrency, Peercoin made use of the crossbreed as job evidence. SMIDGEN did not use blockchain, it makes use of the tangle. Improved a tailored blockchain, The Divi Project allows easy buying and selling in between money from the wallet as well as the capacity to use non-publicly identifiable details for deals. Later on many distinct cryptocurrencies have been developed, nevertheless just a couple of have been successful, as they had actually been absence of technological advancements.
 The first bitcoin ATM MACHINE utilized to be set up in Texas, the UNITED STATES on February 20, 2014, by the designer of Robocoin, Jordan Kelley.This ATM corresponded bank Atm machines nevertheless it studied the identifications such as passport or chauffeur permit of the user with the aid of scanners. Virtually 1574 bitcoin ATMs had been mounted in distinct nations in 2017 with the common of 3 ATMs had been linked daily in 2017.
 The lawful stature of cryptocurrencies depart greatly from nation to country and is still withstanding in most of them. Although some nations have actually clearly enabled their usage and also profession, others have actually restricted it. Besides, various government institutes have limited bitcoins in a different way. In 2014 China Central Bank prohibited the therapy of bitcoins by financial institutions in China. In Russia, nonetheless, cryptocurrencies are lawful, although it is criminal to make use of various other money to get goods besides Russian ruble. The USA Internal Revenue Service enabled bitcoin to be subject to capital gains tax, on March 25, 2014 this judgment cleared up the validity of bitcoin. Visit https://suzukicoin.net/?a=login#main
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morapandora · 7 years
Happy new year everyone! 🌟 Today’s post rings in the new year with my monthly news round-up, with all the details on what’s coming up for January 2018 – we have the Valentine’s  Day and Chinese New Year 2018 collection launches, some Disney Parks updates, info on the next Pandora Disney UK release, and more! 🌈
I hope you all had a lovely time celebrating (or not celebrating) the new year! We cooked a nice dinner with family, and then spent the evening playing Pictionary, learning how to play poker and watching The IT Crowd. 😊
I apologise again to anyone who was disappointed by the Pandora SS18 sneak peeks being removed. I hope to be in discussion with Pandora about this soon, and will provide an update when I can. I’ve read through and appreciate, as always, all your interesting and thoughtful comments, but will hold off my responses for the time being.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this round-up!
Pandora Valentine’s 2018 collection release
The main event for this month is the launch of the Pandora Valentine’s 2018 collection. The collection has had mixed reviews from collectors, and features a set of lip-themed jewellery alongside the usual hearts and pinks. It’s due to launch on 11 January – and you can see a full preview if you look through the Pandora Valentine’s Day 2018 tag.
In the meantime, I have some live images to show you! The first comes from Pandora’s official Instagram, offering a rather pretty look at the new charm bracelet coming out:
#DOCelebrate love this year with this new padlock-inspired bracelet, available in stores and online soon. Its eye-catching, detachable heart clasp makes a foolproof combo with love-inspired charms and dangles. #PANDORABracelet #DOPANDORA
A post shared by PANDORA (@theofficialpandora) on Jan 1, 2018 at 1:09am PST
These next are courtesy of tiedyedeb – I’ve picked a selection out here, but there are more if you follow the link. 🙂
Image by tiedyedeb
Image by tiedyedeb
Image by tiedyedeb
Image by tiedyedeb
Image by tiedyedeb
Image by tiedyedeb
Image by tiedyedeb
Image by tiedyedeb
Image by tiedyedeb
Image by tiedyedeb
Image by tiedyedeb
Image by tiedyedeb
The Pandora Club charm for 2018 is also making its debut alongside the Valentine’s 2018 collection. We have a great collection of live shots of the charm from all angles, courtesy of Lady G Forty. As usual, it comes in a heart-shaped box, stamped with the year.
Image by Lady G Forty
Pandora Chinese New Year 2018 release
As is tradition, Pandora are also putting out a special release in honour of the lunar new year. This year, we’re being treated to two new dangle charms – you can see a full preview here.
We have this cute live shot of the two charms, thanks to Sha! The charms strike me as being quite representative of ‘old’ and ‘new’ Pandora: the figure, with its two-tone and red enamel, being more in keeping with existing CNY charms; and the heart, with its sparkly pink CZs, more in line with newer Pandora collections.
I’m told that these will be available in North America and Australia/New Zealand, but not the UK. 😦 I am in love with the little God of Fortune and so I’ll definitely be getting him to go on my red Asian-themed bracelet:
Pandora Disney Cruise gift set
There’s a new Disney cruise exclusive Pandora gift set available, including an engraved version of the Frosty Mint shimmer murano, the Cruise ship dangle charm and a Disney version of the usual engravable pavé button charm. This features a sailor Mickey Mouse on one side, and the Disney cruise logo on the other.
We have a couple of beautiful close-up images of the charms included in the set, thanks to Mark Scott.
Image by Mark Scott
The set is available for $225 USD. The murano even has the copyright symbol next to Disney, which tickles me for some reason!
Image by Mark Scott
The only stock image I’ve seen so far is this one by @dpantry:
In other news, the 2018 Disney Parks Pandora charm is now available for $75 USD. (I previously previewed this with the Pandora Disney Parks AW17 collection.)
Pandora Disney UK February 2018 Release
The next Pandora Disney drop for the UK will be in February – there won’t be brand new beads included, but we’ll be catching up on some of the charms that have already made it out in other countries. The new Disney beads will be out on 15 February. 
I don’t have specific details of what charms exactly will be coming out, but I can confirm the characters that will be making an appearance:
Tinker Bell
Winnie the Pooh & friends
Donald & Daisy Duck
Snow White (including the Anniversary charm)
Rapunzel’s Dress (but not Maximus! :()
Other princess pieces
I’m told that, once this launch has dropped, our Disney offering in the UK will be pretty much on a par with what’s offered in Australia currently.
Pandora hallmarking changes
I’m sure every collector is familiar with Pandora’s hallmark: 925 ALE if the charm is 2011 or before, and S925 ALE if the charm originates after that point. However, charms have been cropping up over the past few months with new, unfamiliar hallmarks, and I’ve had a few questions about this. After a little research, I found the following info, courtesy of Dora Melinte. 🙂
This text from a French Pandora brochure explains that additional hallmarks have been added to certain Pandora products to help them pinpoint any quality control issues. The new hallmarks include a range of different symbols:
The text translates as follows:-
As part of our quality control process, we have added different symbols & hallmarks to our products to help us identify manufacturing locations. You will see the following symbols on our products.
Pandora Winter 2017 sales continue
Winding up the round-up, I wanted to note that many of Pandora’s regional winter sales are still running and will do so for the first week of January in many cases. I’ve listed the details for most of the sales in my previous sales alert post. Pandora US has extended their sale until 7 January, too.
I’m aware that I don’t want much from Valentine’s (if anything) apart from the CNY bead and the Club charm, and so I’ve gone a little bigger on my sales purchases than I might have done otherwise. 😂 After all, I have a little window to absorb my sales spending before March, lol.
I got the red Twinkle murano, the Club charm 2017 and the Koinobori in the US sale. Yes, I finally cracked and got the lovely Koinobori! I’m wanting to put the muranos on my red leather as a complementary design to my main CNY red bracelet.
Then, as my brother is over in Australia again and can be my Pandora mule, I hit that sale too… two Rapunzel muranos for me, and the Lock of Longevity too, neither of which have made it out in the UK thus far.
Finally, in the UK sale, I got the lovely little Wise Owl. I’ve wanted this for such a long time! He’s on my Halloween bracelet. 😀
Pandora, as told by SNL
Finally, we have a little oddball contribution to this month’s round-up 😶 This SNL skit did the rounds just before Christmas, and I thought it was absolutely hilarious:
(The embarrassing thing is that I think the little coffee cup would be a pretty cute charm 😂)
My Comment
It’s going to be a bit of a quiet month for me, as I need to hunker down after indulging so much in the sales. ^^ I’m looking forward to seeing all the Valentine’s 2018 pieces in person – I don’t intend on buying anything, but I’m open to being pleasantly surprised by something when I see it in store. The Lock your Promise bracelet is a possibility, although I don’t really need to start a new design.
Have you been sales shopping at all? Are you planning on getting any of this month’s new launches?
Happy new year everyone! Today's post rings in the new year with my Pandora news round-up for January 2018 :) Happy new year everyone! 🌟 Today’s post rings in the new year with my monthly news round-up, with all the details on what’s coming up for January 2018 - we have the Valentine's  Day and Chinese New Year 2018 collection launches, some Disney Parks updates, info on the next Pandora Disney UK release, and more!
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torripumpkin04-blog · 7 years
Discover How To Team Dates Through Months With This Microsoft Excel Tutorial.
You perform a roller-coaster experience of positive self-expression as well as abundance, alongside at the same time some sense from limit and limitation. Clearly along with dependable than somewhat boosting recurring worths around the trade lowers, which benefits our company be impossible for me today to fix particular result, yet we transformed positive for our team certainly each Ford as well as the sector. The border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, which will be the UK's only property frontier along with the bloc after its own departure, is one of 3 issues Brussels prefers generally addressed prior to this chooses next month on whether to relocate the talks onto a 2nd phase regarding business, as Britain yearns for. If they have actually emerged over a brand they acquire coming from a granddaughter back eastern or even if they constantly provide gift certificates to the neighborhood chocolates at Xmas, after that determine from they have a chocolate from the month nightclub, inquire questions (about sending by mail schedules and also operations, bonus offers, layaway plan, and so on), as well as pick just what has actually worked with you or others previously. While I know you would certainly like to presume that your food items is actually thus great that individuals will certainly align out the door to eat that, you're incorrect, equally numerous wrong restaurant owners before you which are today out of business. I think its common sense that if you don't like a specific delicious chocolate creator, you would certainly not support him/her/it along with a delicious chocolate from the month nightclub registration, and also undoubtedly would not offend your friends and various other familied member ... or their schemes. The total amounts off all three checking account are actually taken off the standard ledger (through journal access helped make each month) and also mixed ahead up along with the recap total-- this is actually similar for every single pipe item on the annual report-- also owner's equity, specifically if there is much more than one manager. This eccentric storing company has had a great month as UCP, the homebuilder that PICO has a large number stake in, revealed its own motive to sell on its own to Century Areas (CCS ). I feel that this settles an essential problem in the upward premise. Wahawi ya Wahawi (metaphorically meaning the lighting from fire)/ Iyuha (an unidentified term which is made use of to rhyme between)/ Ruht ya Sha' ban (you have actually gone, Sha' ban referring to the month just click the following internet site before Ramadan)/ Wi Gheet ya Ramadan (You have gone, Ramadan)/ Iyuha/Bint el Sultan (The child of the Sultan)/ Iyuha/Labsa el Guftan (Is using her caftan)/ Iyuha/Yalla ya Ghaffar (For The lord the forgiver)/ Iduna el Idiya (Offer us this time's present)/ Yalla ya Ghafar. Its own low-stress since we are actually mosting likely to be trading ETFs and certainly not stocks (inventories may quickly increase or even down 30% in a day whereas its fairly uncommon that supply or even connection ETFs move that much in a day) as well as its low-stress considering that the strategy reviewed listed below is in money 99% from the time (because you are actually just potentially trading on the 1st time of the month). If you are actually a landlord, you might presume inspecting a prospective renter's banking company as well as credit score info, proprietor references, as well as employment relevant information will be all you would certainly need to perform to determine whether that individual will be actually a good rental possibility. Individuals commonly suppose that they 'll receive organisation from their newsletter and then cease performing it after three or 4 month when they do not receive any consumers coming from it. Nonetheless, this isn't really the objective from an email list-- an e-newsletter must be actually made use of to advise your connects with that you exist as well as are actually energetic in your service in addition to telling them that you 're a specialist in your industry.
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jerrymcguireau · 7 years
Markets Live: Banks put ASX on front foot The Sydney Morning Herald
Sarah Turner and Patrick Commins
252 reading now
Shares enjoy a positive start to the week’s trade after Wall St cracked new records on Friday night, with the big banks and Macquarie leading the gains. 
Australia’s three-year bond yield has climbed to the highest since December 2015 amid rising speculation that the RBA will follow its UK and Canadian counterparts in turning hawkish. The three-year rate has climbed for the sixth straight session to 2.16 per cent, to bring its rise over the past week to over 8 per cent.
The bonds are starting to look very appealing, CBA head of debt research Adam Donaldson told Bloomberg. “It’s probably time to go long,” he said, pointing to a string of “quite solid” economic data, such as last week’s employment figures.
“That has seen the market starting to consider whether the RBA could be tightening policy earlier than previously thought.”
Futures markets are pricing in at least one rate hike over the next 12 months.
Evolution Mining is selling its Edna May mine in Western Australia to Ramelius Resources for $90 million.
It will receive $40 million in cash and up to $50 million in contingent payments consisting of a royalty payment once Ramelius has produced 200,000 ounces of gold from current tenements and a milestone payment when Ramelius starts a cut back of the current open pit.
“While the headline $90 million appears reasonable, the majority of the form and timing of this consideration is contingent upon decisions made by the purchaser,” RBC analyst Paul Hissey notes.
“Under the transaction, Ramelius get a 200,000 ounce holiday from royalty payments (we forecast Edna May to produce around 90,000 ounces per annum).
“Following this, the royalty payment of either $100 and ounce or $60 an ounce plus $20 million cash and/or shares, is predicated on Ramelius’ decision to undertake a cutback at Edna May.”
As a result of the sale, Evolution lowered its 2018 financial year gold production guidance to between 750,000 and 805,000 ounces, from 820,000 – 880,000 ounces.
Shares are down 0.4 per cent.
A red hot 28 kilogram gold bar. Photo: Waldo Swiegers
The Reject Shop is one ASX-listed retailer whose biggest problem isn’t the looming entry of Amazon into Australia.
The deep discount retailer, which sells up to 7,000 different items including stationery, metal birdhouses, soap, garden pots and pet care products from a network of 347 stores, simply doesn’t have an online delivery business because the average spend of its customers is too low to justify the economics of having a delivery charge and transporting the goods to their home.
The Reject Shop managing director Ross Sudano said the company had done extensive research in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom on the deep discount market, and while Amazon is a formidable force in retail generally, the low-priced items which the deep discount retailers have as their core business, mean they are largely immune.
The price points of most of their goods are too low, for even the might of Amazon to make a meaningful dent, so the online giant largely steers clear.
“The discount segment has been growing strongly in the US despite Amazon being such a strong player in retail,” Mr Sudano said on Monday.
The average basket size of shoppers in The Reject Shop stores is between $10 to $15 on each trip, as they pick up basic items like tissues, shampoo and detergent, and perhaps a trinket or two that weren’t expecting to find.
“It’s the rummaging, the finding something they didn’t expect to find. That element is almost impossible to replicate online,” he said.
Shares are down 1.2 per cent. 
Read more here
The Reject Shop customers couldn’t care less about Amazon. 
Melbourne has a tight residential vacancy rate of 1.7 per cent and that will fall lower by 2019 as new housing supply slows due to less investment by local and foreign buyers, SQM Research says.
But while vacancy rates in Melbourne and Sydney (2 per cent) were unchanged in August from July, an improvement in other capitals painted the picture of residential markets in the rest of the country starting to move after years of stagnation or even being in reverse, the latest figures from consultancy SQM Research show.
The country’s tightest residential market is Hobart, where the residential vacancy rate slipped to just 0.4 per cent last month – the lowest recorded for any capital since SQM started tracking the figures in 2005.
Darwin recorded the sharpest decline for the month with vacancy rates falling to 2.5 per cent in August from 2.9 per cent July. The NT capital has now recorded seven straight months of falling vacancy rate, suggesting the downturn in its rental market is over.
But with a vacancy rate of between 2 per cent and 3 per cent indicating a market in equilibrium, the outlook for Melbourne backs up suggestions – such as that made by consultancy BIS Oxford Economics last week – that the city, like Sydney, will suffer from a shortage of dwellings, rather than a surplus.
“There is nothing in our numbers to suggest the market is about to be hit with oversupply,” SQM managing director Louis Christopher said on Monday.
“Dwelling completions should peak in early 2018. And given the pronounced year-on-year declines in building approvals, we believe rents will likely rise at a faster pace in 2018 than what has been recorded in 2017, thus far. We now have mounting concerns for significant rental shortages in 2019 for Sydney and Melbourne.”
Brisbane, already suffering a glut of apartments, also saw a tighter vacancy rate in August, down to 3.1 per cent from 3.3 per cent in July.
Industry group Urban Development Institute of Australia supports the argument of an undersupply. A report it published last month argues that new housing construction estimates based on dwellings approvals numbers regularly overestimate the number of new homes that will actually be created because the development of sites in established areas involves the demolition of at least one existing dwelling.
If you only read the headlines – or, say, my columns – you might be pessimistic about China’s economy. Recent news has been dominated by a crackdown on capital outflows, worries about rapid debt growth, and efforts to rein in a risky overseas investment binge, writes Christopher Balding on Bloomberg.
Yet ordinary Chinese are highly optimistic: The China Consumer Confidence Index hit 114.6 in July, a level not seen since 1996. This is a logical reaction to some significant improvements in China’s economic outlook. And for the government, it offers a key opportunity for reform.
By basic welfare measures, Chinese have every reason to be confident. The official unemployment rate has dropped below 4 per cent . Real estate prices are still rising, with broad gains even in so-called tier-2 or tier-3 cities.
Stock markets in Shenzhen and Shanghai are both up by about 9 per cent this year. Foreign-exchange reserves have been rising. The yuan has strengthened so much that the central bank is making it easier for traders to take short positions. Even non-performing loans are holding steady.
It’s no wonder China’s confidence seems to extend well into the future. The Consumer Expectation Index hit 117.4 in July, the highest reading since 1993, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. Indexes measuring confidence among stock investors and economists have also surged recently, thanks to a strong labor market, robust growth and rising asset prices.
Although such metrics are often imprecise, they matter enormously – because confidence can be self-reinforcing. As long as China’s investors have confidence in a market or asset, prices can diverge from fundamentals for a long time.
Real estate has reached $US858 ($1070) a square foot in Beijing not because of income fundamentals but because buyers are confident prices will continue rising by 10 per cent a year. Similarly, although China’s banking system is in bad shape, the government has propped up confidence – and staved off bank runs – by quashing rumours and reassuring anxious depositors.
Confidence is a fragile thing, however, and there are reasons to think the good times won’t last. 
Read more here
Canton Road in the Tsim Sha Tsui area of Hong Kong. Photo: Hong Kong Back to top
If only investors in shipping had the equivalent of a mariner’s tide tables. They can see where the low water mark in share prices lies, but must divine for themselves how high the waters might now rise, writes the FT’s Lex Column.
In this particular cycle, the ebb lasted a long time after container lines ordered too many ships and then struggled to fill them. The low point was probably last autumn, when Korean line Hanjin filed for bankruptcy.
The market has improved markedly since then. Industry volume growth is expected to hit 5 per cent this year, from 3.8 last year. Scrapping rates have picked up, while new capacity on order is finally falling.
Such newfound discipline might last longer than in previous cycles because consolidation has increased the market share of the top six operators to almost two-thirds, from two-fifths in 2013. Four alliances have become three. In other industries – airlines, for instance – concentration of this sort led to greater self control.
Such developments have not gone unnoticed. Antitrust regulators have raised concerns about the shrinking number of alliances and their control over certain routes. And the Dax global shipping index has risen 15 per cent (in dollar terms) since January.
Some individual shipping lines have risen more. Hapag-Lloyd, which recently posted a 80 per cent increase in earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation for the six months to June, is up 35 per cent.
That is considerably better than Maersk, the other major quoted European shipper. The number of analysts rating the Hamburg-based group’s shares a buy has doubled.
That partly reflects its merger with UASC, completed in May, which made the company less dependent on chartered ships and containers. Those savings, plus increased volumes, helped cancel out a 57 per cent rise in fuel costs. Travel group Tui sold its remaining stake in the company, removing an overhang.
Based on 2017 forecasts and its current market value, the group has a free cash flow yield of over 8 per cent. In Hamburg at least, high tide could still be some way off.
The shipping market has improved. Photo: Nicolo Filippo Rosso
China’s home prices rose in the fewest cities since January, adding to signs of a real estate industry slowdown as officials persist with curbs to limit the risk of bubbles.
New-home prices, excluding government-subsidised housing, in August gained in 46 of 70 cities tracked by the government, compared with 56 in July, the National Bureau of Statistics says. Prices fell in 18 cities from the previous month and were unchanged in six.
Average new home prices in China’s 70 major cities rose 0.2 per cent in August from a month ago, slowing from an 0.4 per cent gain in July, as policymakers battle to rein in an overheated market.
New home prices rose 8.3 per cent in August versus a year ago, slowing from a 9.7 per cent increase in July, Reuters calculated from the NBS data.
China’s almost two-year-long property boom hit fever pitch last August when prices jumped 1.5 percent in a month.
While regulators have intensified their crackdown on property speculation in more than 45 major cities, the buying frenzy came to smaller centres this year as local governments offered cheap credit and imposed few restrictions in the hope of clearing a housing glut.
But many analysts still expect the sector to gradually lose momentum over the rest of the year in the face of continuous policy tightening and an official financial deleveraging campaign.
Home sales increased last month at the slowest pace in almost three years, according to data released last week.
Chinese policymakers are trying to engineer a soft landing for the hot property market. Photo: AP
The under-pressure board of AGL Energy looks set to avoid an embarrassing “second strike” at next week’s annual shareholders meeting after two powerful proxy advisers recommended investors back the remuneration report.
But the proxy firms, ISS and CGI Glass Lewis, still voiced concerns about chief executive Andy Vesey‘s high pay, which has also been the subject of criticism in Canberra amid intense scrutiny of the utility’s plans to close its Liddell power station in NSW.
Pay for senior executives and directors in AGL, including Mr Vesey, “remains well above peers”, noted ISS, which is also critical of the company’s use of underlying profit to determine executive performance.
But ISS, which last year recommended investors reject the remuneration report, said AGL has made enough improvements to its pay structure to warrant supporting report this time.
“Overall the company paid more than its peers and performed about the same as its peers,” said CGI Glass Lewis.
It noted that Mr Vesey’s fixed pay is about 30 per cent higher than the median of peers and said it views high fixed pay “with scepticism” because it is not directly linked to performance “and may serve as a crutch when performance has fallen below expectations”.
However it noted the board had already determined Mr Vesey would not receive an increased in fixed pay this financial year and deemed his remuneration “appropriate at this time”.
“Whilst we’ve noted our concerns with the CEO’s fixed remuneration, given the company’s performance and growth since Mr Vesey’s appointment we do not believe this is a concern for shareholders at this time,” CGI Glass Lewis said. “We will however monitor an further changes to the CEO’s remuneration levels going forward”.
Shares in AGL have jumped close to 40 per cent in the past 12 months, making the stock by far the best performer in the benchmark utilities index.
Looks like AGL Andy Vesey has one fewer thing to worry about. Photo: Andrew Meares
Iron ore is facing renewed pressure and risks sliding back into the $US60s, as China’s economy shows signs of cooling and global mine supply increases, while planned steel capacity cuts in the world’s biggest consumer this winter could further cut demand.
Ore with 62 per cent content in Qingdao fell 2.5 per cent to $72.13 a dry tonne on Friday, the lowest level since July 28, extending the previous day’s 3.4 per cent loss, which was the most since May, according to Metal Bulletin. The commodity, which almost hit $US80 in August, posted the first back-to-back weekly decline since June.
Chinese iron ore futures are off another 0.7 per cent this morning, threatening to extend their losing streak to three days in a row.
Local iron ore miners are feeling the pressure this morning, with Fortescue off 2 per cent and (much) smaller peer Mt Gibson down 1.8 per cent. Rio Tinto is pretty flat, while BHP, which also moves with the energy sector, is ahead 0.6 per cent.
The steel-making raw material is in retreat after a slew of negative outlooks, with Barclays saying the commodity is “living on borrowed time”. Industrial output and retail reports from China this week suggested an unexpectedly slower pace of growth. While capacity cuts to curb pollution in Asia’s top economy are set to hurt consumption, a further expansion in mine supplies from Brazil and Australia also threatens prices.
Much of iron ore’s recent strength has been spurred by strong demand within China, but that’s about to change, according to a Sept. 13 report from Barclays, which said its economists see an “impending end” to macroeconomic support. While the bank didn’t give a price forecast, it has said previously it sees an average of $US50 by the fourth quarter.
But Australia’s major miners would still make healthy profits at $US60 a tonne because of the difference between that price and their production costs, as well as healthy prices for other commodities such as coal (metallurgical and thermal), and copper.
“Any price at $US55 and above you’re going to have Rio, BHP and Fortescue all generating very healthy levels of cash flow,” Morgans analyst Adrian Prendergast said.
Sydney’s outer suburbs recorded auction clearance rates below 50 per cent this week and more homes sold prior to auction as Australia’s biggest housing market showed further signs of cooling.
The weakness in Sydney’s mortgage belt suburbs delivered the fourth week out of five with an overall clearance rate below 70 per cent on a busy weekend with almost 2500 auctions held across the capital cities.
Sydney house prices have risen just 0.3 per cent over the past three months, according to research house CoreLogic, with some economists and analysts tipping up to a 10 per cent fall in prices after a five-year bull run. Last week ANZ forecast Melbourne house prices to rise 8.4 per cent compared with 5.4 per cent in Sydney.
Fairfax-owned Domain recorded a 67 per cent preliminary clearance rate in Sydney this week with almost 800 auctions scheduled. This was up on last week’s 63 per cent, but well below the 78 per cent clearance rate recorded at the same time last year when there were fewer than 600 auctions.
Adding to the picture of a weakening market, 148 homes in Sydney sold prior to auction, up from 145 last week and 109 the previous week, according to Domain, a sign that vendors have less confidence in achieving a higher price at auction.
Listed real estate agents McGrath sold 34 out of 66 homes this weekend prior to auction, achieving a clearance rate of 57 per cent, down from 63 per cent last weekend.
“We’re back to the underlying trend of lower clearance rates in a Sydney market that has run out of puff,” said Domain Group chief economist Dr Andrew Wilson.
“We had very low results in the Western suburbs, which have been a downward force on the market. Western Sydney, southwestern Sydney and the north-west all had clearance rates well under 50 per cent.
“It shows the two-speed nature of the market with the inner suburbs, where buyers are less discretionary, still very strong [with around 80 per cent clearance rates],” Dr Wilson said.
Auction clearance rates are signalling more weakness in some Sydney property markets. Photo: Sarah Keayes Back to top
Billionaire media mogul Bruce Gordon has lost a court bid aimed at thwarting the sale of Network Ten to America’s CBS after the NSW Supreme Court threw out his case against administrators of the free-to-air broadcaster.
Mr Gordon, through his companies WIN Corporation and Birketu, took urgent legal action on September 6 to prevent Ten’s administrator, KordaMentha, from holding a second creditors’ meeting last week to vote on the CBS proposal.
The meeting was delayed until tomorrow.
The administrator backs the sale of Ten to CBS.
Mr Gordon’s companies had also asked the court to make a range of orders and declarations, including that KordaMentha’s second report to creditors failed to include adequate information about the bid for Ten made by Birketu and Lachlan Murdoch’s Illyria Nominees.
The companies also sought orders that would either reduce or eliminate CBS’ voting rights on the takeover proposal.
CBS is Network Ten’s largest creditor, with Ten holding a $172 million debt to the US group.
This morning, NSW Supreme Court Justice Ashley Black said he was “not satisfied” that lawyers for Mr Gordon’s companies had established any deficiencies in the creditors’ report that would require orders to be made.
He was also not persuaded that CBS should have its voting rights reduced or removed.
Since the case was heard urgently last week, Birketu and Illyria have made a fresh bid for Ten.
A spokesman for KordaMentha said the creditors’ meeting would go ahead tomorrow.
Read more.
WIN television owner Bruce Gordon lost his court bid to thwart the sale of Ten to CBS.  Photo: Rob Homer
Shares are enjoying a solid start to the week’s trade, led by the major banks and inspired by Friday night’s gains on Wall Street. The Aussie is holding at 80 US cents.
The ASX 200 has reclaimed the heady heights of the 5700s, climbing 32 points or 0.6 per cento to 5727. As mentioned, the Big Four are driving the gains, with CBA and Westpac up 0.9 per cent, NAB up 1.1 per cent and ANZ advancing 0.7 per cent. Macquarie has climbed 1.5 per cent.
Miners are on the nose with iron ore off Friday night, although BHP is flat as energy stocks managed some gains. Rio is down 0.7 per cent, South32 0.5 per cent and Fortescue 1.8 per cent. Gold miners are also tracking lower amid the lift in general optimism.
Investors seem to like talk of Fairfax Media and Seven West Media hooking up, however tentative those plans may be, with Fairfax up 1.6 per cent and Seven West 1 per cent ahead.
Winners and losers in the ASX 200 this morning. Photo: Bloomberg
9:54am on 18 Sep 2017
Banks are wading back into the market for interest-only home loans, cutting fixed interest rates as the industry grows more comfortable with a regulatory cap on higher-risk lending.
Lenders including Commonwealth Bank, ANZ Bank and Suncorp last week cut some of their fixed interest rates, including for customers with interest-only loans, who have been targeted by regulators this year in a bid to cool the housing market.
The rate cuts, which come at a time that is traditionally strong for property sales, suggest banks want to lift their growth among property investor and interest-only customers after clamping down on these buyers earlier in the year.
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has this year forced banks to cut the proportion of new home lending that is interest-only to less than 30 per cent, which has led to tighter credit for these buyers in recent months including higher rates and tougher rules on deposits. 
However, there are signs some of this pressure is now easing. Interest rate comparison website Mozo said almost a third of the lenders in its database had cut one of their fixed rates since the start of August.
CBA, the nation’s biggest bank, last week cut four and five-year fixed rates by between 0.1 and 0.2 percentage points, including for interest-only customers, amid a flurry of similar cuts over the last month.
ANZ Bank also cut its two-year fixed loans rate for customers only paying interest on their loans by 0.1 percentage points, to 4.64 per cent. In contrast, it raised two-year principal and interest fixed rates by 0.31 percentage points, to 4.34 per cent – a move that narrows the premium interest-only customers are being charged.​
APRA chairman Wayne Byres noted the changes last week, saying these were a sign lenders were trying to lift their growth towards the limit imposed by APRA.
“There are some banks that have announced some shaving of certain fixed rates and other things—because they are clearly trying to recalibrate to get just inside what we would like to do, but no more,” Mr Byres said. 
Read more.
Have banks gone too far? The slowdown in interest-only lending is a likely reason why the property market has slowed. Photo: Louise Kennerley
9:43am on 18 Sep 2017
Markets are poised for an interesting ride over the coming months as investors reassess their expectations around how fast central banks will tighten policy, IG strategist Chris Weston says:
Developed markets central banks dominate the financial markets thought process and the debate last week centred on whether markets have been far too pessimistic on future rate hikes. The strong re-pricing suggests that was clearly the case and it promises to be an interesting couple of months with the market eyeing important announcements of monetary policy normalisation in this Thursday’s FOMC meeting [very early that morning], but also the 26 October ECB and the 2 November BoE meeting.
Arguably the most aggressive market moves have been seen front and centre in UK assets, with the UK 10-year gilt pushing up a further seven basis points (bp) on Friday to 1.3%, taking the increase on the week to a huge 31bp.
The hawkish Bank of England statement was given a second wind on Friday when BoE member Gertjan Vlieghe, widely considered the most dovish member of the central bank, detailed that “the evolution of the data is increasingly suggesting that we are approaching the moment when bank rate may need to rise”.
The British pound took another leg higher, notably against the JPY (GBP/JPY rallied 2% on the day), while GBP/USD has now reclaimed well over 50% of its Brexit losses.
The BoE have a delicate balancing act here, between guiding the market to a rate hike this year, while at the same having to deal with what has been a strong tightening of financial conditions and if they get this wrong it could be a large miscalculation.
The implied probability of a November hike from the BoE now sits at 64% and I suspect given the recent commentary that this pricing will gravitate towards 75% to 80% in the coming weeks, but it’s interesting to see how this is now firmly weighing on the FTSE 100 here. 
Unless GBP finds some decent profit taking the FTSE will be sold into rallies.
Read more.
Welcome to a world of ‘Quantitative Tightening’
Eyes of the world’s financial market fall, and firm plans to unwind its $4.47 billion balance sheet. This video was produced in commercial partnership between Fairfax Media and IG Markets.
9:30am on 18 Sep 2017
Here’s AFR’s Karen Maley on the US Federal Reserve which may give the green light to start shrinking its $US4.2 trillion ($5.25 trillion) balance sheet as soon as this week:
Can the US central bank slash its massive balance sheet in half without triggering a fresh outbreak of turmoil in financial markets?
That’s the big question for investors ahead of the US Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meeting this week, at which the US central bank is expected to give the long-awaited green light to start shrinking its bloated balance sheet.
Investors are betting that the US central bank can pull off this risky manoeuvre without disruption and they demonstrated their optimism by pushing the US share market to a record high at the end of last week.
The Fed has already signalled that it will move at a glacial pace, with analysts expecting that its balance sheet will only shrink by $US10 billion in each of October, November and December, for a total $US30 billion by the end of the year.
This means that any tightening in financial market conditions caused by the Fed’s move will be more than offset by the European and Japanese central banks which are still buying bonds with gusto, and which are expected to inject around $US400 billion into financial markets in the final three months of the year.
But not everyone is confident that markets will enjoy a smooth ride as the Fed picks up the pace of its balance sheet shrinkage, which it expects will reach a peak of $US50 billion a month.
“There is a good chance it does not go well,” warns Deutsche Bank’s chief strategist, Dominic Konstam in his latest research note. He points out that when the Fed reduces its balance sheet, other buyers will have to step in and buy US bonds and mortgage-backed securities in its place.
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Janet Yellen of the US Federal Reserve. Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais Back to top
9:18am on 18 Sep 2017
Here’s all of Friday’s action in numbers: 
SPI futures up 16 points or 0.3% to 5708
AUD -0.1% to 80.01 US cents (Range: 79.87 – 80.35)
On Wall St: Dow +0.3%, S&P 500 +0.2%, Nasdaq +0.3%
In New York, BHP -1.8% Rio -0.7%
In Europe: Stoxx 50 -0.3%, FTSE -1.1%, CAC -0.2%, DAX -0.2%
Spot gold -0.7% to $US1320.76 an ounce
Brent crude +0.1% to $US55.54 a barrel
US oil flat at $US49.87 a barrel
Iron ore -2.5% to $US72.13 a tonne
Dalian iron ore -2% to 500 yuan
LME aluminium -0.6% to $US2085 a tonne
LME copper +0.1% to $US6508 a tonne
10-year bond yield: US 2.20%, Germany 0.43%, Australia 2.74%
On the economic calendar: 
New motor vehicle sales August
China property prices July
Euro zone CPI August
UK Rightmove house prices September
US NAHB housing market index September
Broker changes: 
Automotive Holdings cut to hold at Morningstar
F&P Healthcare cut to sell at UBS
Macquarie Atlas Raised to Add at Morgans Financial
9:13am on 18 Sep 2017
Local stocks are poised to lift to start the week after the Standard & Poor’s 500 topped 2500 for the first time as technology stocks recovered their upward momentum and as investors dismissed somewhat disappointing US retail sales and industrial output data.
ASX futures were up 16 points. Iron ore retreated and the Australian dollar ended flat.
The pound surged after an unexpected hawkish tilt at the Bank of England’s policy meeting last week, the most dovish member of the committee Gertjan Vlieghe said a rate hike could happen in the “coming months.”
In the coming days, there will be the release of the minutes from the Reserve Bank’s latest meeting on Tuesday, and speeches by RBA chief economist Luci Ellis on Wednesday and then governor Philip Lowe on Thursday.
Over the same time, US policymakers gather for a scheduled meeting at which they are expected to approve the paring back of the Federal Reserve’s $US4.5 trillion balance sheet.
The Fed’s balance sheet swelled over the last few years as the Fed bought bonds as part of its effort to keep lending costs low so that both businesses and individuals would be encouraged to help spend the US economy back to health.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.29 per cent on Friday to end at 22,268.34 points, while the S&P 500 gained 0.18 per cent to 2500.23, records for both. The Nasdaq Composite added 0.3 per cent to 6,448.47.
In Europe, the pan-European STOXX 600 and euro zone stocks both fell 0.3 per cent, while the export oriented FTSE slumped 1.1 per cent as the pound spiked higher.
In Hong Kong on Friday, the Hang Seng index rose 0.1 per cent, to 27,807.59 points, while the China Enterprises Index lost 0.3 per cent, to 11,067.55 points.
Shanghai stocks fell on Friday to end the week lower, as a slew of soft data suggested the world’s second-largest economy is starting to lose some momentum in the face of rising borrowing costs and government-mandated capacity cuts.
Traders work the floor at the New York Stock Exchange. Photo: MARK LENNIHAN
9:13am on 18 Sep 2017
Good morning and welcome to the Markets Live blog for Monday.
Your editors today are Sarah Turner and Patrick Commins.
This blog is not intended as investment advice.
Fairfax Media with wires.
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Markets Live: Banks put ASX on front foot – The Sydney Morning Herald
Sarah Turner and Patrick Commins
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Shares enjoy a positive start to the week’s trade after Wall St cracked new records on Friday night, with the big banks and Macquarie leading the gains. 
Australia’s three-year bond yield has climbed to the highest since December 2015 amid rising speculation that the RBA will follow its UK and Canadian counterparts in turning hawkish. The three-year rate has climbed for the sixth straight session to 2.16 per cent, to bring its rise over the past week to over 8 per cent.
The bonds are starting to look very appealing, CBA head of debt research Adam Donaldson told Bloomberg. “It’s probably time to go long,” he said, pointing to a string of “quite solid” economic data, such as last week’s employment figures.
“That has seen the market starting to consider whether the RBA could be tightening policy earlier than previously thought.”
Futures markets are pricing in at least one rate hike over the next 12 months.
Evolution Mining is selling its Edna May mine in Western Australia to Ramelius Resources for $90 million.
It will receive $40 million in cash and up to $50 million in contingent payments consisting of a royalty payment once Ramelius has produced 200,000 ounces of gold from current tenements and a milestone payment when Ramelius starts a cut back of the current open pit.
“While the headline $90 million appears reasonable, the majority of the form and timing of this consideration is contingent upon decisions made by the purchaser,” RBC analyst Paul Hissey notes.
“Under the transaction, Ramelius get a 200,000 ounce holiday from royalty payments (we forecast Edna May to produce around 90,000 ounces per annum).
“Following this, the royalty payment of either $100 and ounce or $60 an ounce plus $20 million cash and/or shares, is predicated on Ramelius’ decision to undertake a cutback at Edna May.”
As a result of the sale, Evolution lowered its 2018 financial year gold production guidance to between 750,000 and 805,000 ounces, from 820,000 – 880,000 ounces.
Shares are down 0.4 per cent.
A red hot 28 kilogram gold bar. Photo: Waldo Swiegers
The Reject Shop is one ASX-listed retailer whose biggest problem isn’t the looming entry of Amazon into Australia.
The deep discount retailer, which sells up to 7,000 different items including stationery, metal birdhouses, soap, garden pots and pet care products from a network of 347 stores, simply doesn’t have an online delivery business because the average spend of its customers is too low to justify the economics of having a delivery charge and transporting the goods to their home.
The Reject Shop managing director Ross Sudano said the company had done extensive research in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom on the deep discount market, and while Amazon is a formidable force in retail generally, the low-priced items which the deep discount retailers have as their core business, mean they are largely immune.
The price points of most of their goods are too low, for even the might of Amazon to make a meaningful dent, so the online giant largely steers clear.
“The discount segment has been growing strongly in the US despite Amazon being such a strong player in retail,” Mr Sudano said on Monday.
The average basket size of shoppers in The Reject Shop stores is between $10 to $15 on each trip, as they pick up basic items like tissues, shampoo and detergent, and perhaps a trinket or two that weren’t expecting to find.
“It’s the rummaging, the finding something they didn’t expect to find. That element is almost impossible to replicate online,” he said.
Shares are down 1.2 per cent. 
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The Reject Shop customers couldn’t care less about Amazon. 
Melbourne has a tight residential vacancy rate of 1.7 per cent and that will fall lower by 2019 as new housing supply slows due to less investment by local and foreign buyers, SQM Research says.
But while vacancy rates in Melbourne and Sydney (2 per cent) were unchanged in August from July, an improvement in other capitals painted the picture of residential markets in the rest of the country starting to move after years of stagnation or even being in reverse, the latest figures from consultancy SQM Research show.
The country’s tightest residential market is Hobart, where the residential vacancy rate slipped to just 0.4 per cent last month – the lowest recorded for any capital since SQM started tracking the figures in 2005.
Darwin recorded the sharpest decline for the month with vacancy rates falling to 2.5 per cent in August from 2.9 per cent July. The NT capital has now recorded seven straight months of falling vacancy rate, suggesting the downturn in its rental market is over.
But with a vacancy rate of between 2 per cent and 3 per cent indicating a market in equilibrium, the outlook for Melbourne backs up suggestions – such as that made by consultancy BIS Oxford Economics last week – that the city, like Sydney, will suffer from a shortage of dwellings, rather than a surplus.
“There is nothing in our numbers to suggest the market is about to be hit with oversupply,” SQM managing director Louis Christopher said on Monday.
“Dwelling completions should peak in early 2018. And given the pronounced year-on-year declines in building approvals, we believe rents will likely rise at a faster pace in 2018 than what has been recorded in 2017, thus far. We now have mounting concerns for significant rental shortages in 2019 for Sydney and Melbourne.”
Brisbane, already suffering a glut of apartments, also saw a tighter vacancy rate in August, down to 3.1 per cent from 3.3 per cent in July.
Industry group Urban Development Institute of Australia supports the argument of an undersupply. A report it published last month argues that new housing construction estimates based on dwellings approvals numbers regularly overestimate the number of new homes that will actually be created because the development of sites in established areas involves the demolition of at least one existing dwelling.
If you only read the headlines – or, say, my columns – you might be pessimistic about China’s economy. Recent news has been dominated by a crackdown on capital outflows, worries about rapid debt growth, and efforts to rein in a risky overseas investment binge, writes Christopher Balding on Bloomberg.
Yet ordinary Chinese are highly optimistic: The China Consumer Confidence Index hit 114.6 in July, a level not seen since 1996. This is a logical reaction to some significant improvements in China’s economic outlook. And for the government, it offers a key opportunity for reform.
By basic welfare measures, Chinese have every reason to be confident. The official unemployment rate has dropped below 4 per cent . Real estate prices are still rising, with broad gains even in so-called tier-2 or tier-3 cities.
Stock markets in Shenzhen and Shanghai are both up by about 9 per cent this year. Foreign-exchange reserves have been rising. The yuan has strengthened so much that the central bank is making it easier for traders to take short positions. Even non-performing loans are holding steady.
It’s no wonder China’s confidence seems to extend well into the future. The Consumer Expectation Index hit 117.4 in July, the highest reading since 1993, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. Indexes measuring confidence among stock investors and economists have also surged recently, thanks to a strong labor market, robust growth and rising asset prices.
Although such metrics are often imprecise, they matter enormously – because confidence can be self-reinforcing. As long as China’s investors have confidence in a market or asset, prices can diverge from fundamentals for a long time.
Real estate has reached $US858 ($1070) a square foot in Beijing not because of income fundamentals but because buyers are confident prices will continue rising by 10 per cent a year. Similarly, although China’s banking system is in bad shape, the government has propped up confidence – and staved off bank runs – by quashing rumours and reassuring anxious depositors.
Confidence is a fragile thing, however, and there are reasons to think the good times won’t last. 
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Canton Road in the Tsim Sha Tsui area of Hong Kong. Photo: Hong Kong Back to top
If only investors in shipping had the equivalent of a mariner’s tide tables. They can see where the low water mark in share prices lies, but must divine for themselves how high the waters might now rise, writes the FT’s Lex Column.
In this particular cycle, the ebb lasted a long time after container lines ordered too many ships and then struggled to fill them. The low point was probably last autumn, when Korean line Hanjin filed for bankruptcy.
The market has improved markedly since then. Industry volume growth is expected to hit 5 per cent this year, from 3.8 last year. Scrapping rates have picked up, while new capacity on order is finally falling.
Such newfound discipline might last longer than in previous cycles because consolidation has increased the market share of the top six operators to almost two-thirds, from two-fifths in 2013. Four alliances have become three. In other industries – airlines, for instance – concentration of this sort led to greater self control.
Such developments have not gone unnoticed. Antitrust regulators have raised concerns about the shrinking number of alliances and their control over certain routes. And the Dax global shipping index has risen 15 per cent (in dollar terms) since January.
Some individual shipping lines have risen more. Hapag-Lloyd, which recently posted a 80 per cent increase in earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation for the six months to June, is up 35 per cent.
That is considerably better than Maersk, the other major quoted European shipper. The number of analysts rating the Hamburg-based group’s shares a buy has doubled.
That partly reflects its merger with UASC, completed in May, which made the company less dependent on chartered ships and containers. Those savings, plus increased volumes, helped cancel out a 57 per cent rise in fuel costs. Travel group Tui sold its remaining stake in the company, removing an overhang.
Based on 2017 forecasts and its current market value, the group has a free cash flow yield of over 8 per cent. In Hamburg at least, high tide could still be some way off.
The shipping market has improved. Photo: Nicolo Filippo Rosso
China’s home prices rose in the fewest cities since January, adding to signs of a real estate industry slowdown as officials persist with curbs to limit the risk of bubbles.
New-home prices, excluding government-subsidised housing, in August gained in 46 of 70 cities tracked by the government, compared with 56 in July, the National Bureau of Statistics says. Prices fell in 18 cities from the previous month and were unchanged in six.
Average new home prices in China’s 70 major cities rose 0.2 per cent in August from a month ago, slowing from an 0.4 per cent gain in July, as policymakers battle to rein in an overheated market.
New home prices rose 8.3 per cent in August versus a year ago, slowing from a 9.7 per cent increase in July, Reuters calculated from the NBS data.
China’s almost two-year-long property boom hit fever pitch last August when prices jumped 1.5 percent in a month.
While regulators have intensified their crackdown on property speculation in more than 45 major cities, the buying frenzy came to smaller centres this year as local governments offered cheap credit and imposed few restrictions in the hope of clearing a housing glut.
But many analysts still expect the sector to gradually lose momentum over the rest of the year in the face of continuous policy tightening and an official financial deleveraging campaign.
Home sales increased last month at the slowest pace in almost three years, according to data released last week.
Chinese policymakers are trying to engineer a soft landing for the hot property market. Photo: AP
The under-pressure board of AGL Energy looks set to avoid an embarrassing “second strike” at next week’s annual shareholders meeting after two powerful proxy advisers recommended investors back the remuneration report.
But the proxy firms, ISS and CGI Glass Lewis, still voiced concerns about chief executive Andy Vesey‘s high pay, which has also been the subject of criticism in Canberra amid intense scrutiny of the utility’s plans to close its Liddell power station in NSW.
Pay for senior executives and directors in AGL, including Mr Vesey, “remains well above peers”, noted ISS, which is also critical of the company’s use of underlying profit to determine executive performance.
But ISS, which last year recommended investors reject the remuneration report, said AGL has made enough improvements to its pay structure to warrant supporting report this time.
“Overall the company paid more than its peers and performed about the same as its peers,” said CGI Glass Lewis.
It noted that Mr Vesey’s fixed pay is about 30 per cent higher than the median of peers and said it views high fixed pay “with scepticism” because it is not directly linked to performance “and may serve as a crutch when performance has fallen below expectations”.
However it noted the board had already determined Mr Vesey would not receive an increased in fixed pay this financial year and deemed his remuneration “appropriate at this time”.
“Whilst we’ve noted our concerns with the CEO’s fixed remuneration, given the company’s performance and growth since Mr Vesey’s appointment we do not believe this is a concern for shareholders at this time,” CGI Glass Lewis said. “We will however monitor an further changes to the CEO’s remuneration levels going forward”.
Shares in AGL have jumped close to 40 per cent in the past 12 months, making the stock by far the best performer in the benchmark utilities index.
Looks like AGL Andy Vesey has one fewer thing to worry about. Photo: Andrew Meares
Iron ore is facing renewed pressure and risks sliding back into the $US60s, as China’s economy shows signs of cooling and global mine supply increases, while planned steel capacity cuts in the world’s biggest consumer this winter could further cut demand.
Ore with 62 per cent content in Qingdao fell 2.5 per cent to $72.13 a dry tonne on Friday, the lowest level since July 28, extending the previous day’s 3.4 per cent loss, which was the most since May, according to Metal Bulletin. The commodity, which almost hit $US80 in August, posted the first back-to-back weekly decline since June.
Chinese iron ore futures are off another 0.7 per cent this morning, threatening to extend their losing streak to three days in a row.
Local iron ore miners are feeling the pressure this morning, with Fortescue off 2 per cent and (much) smaller peer Mt Gibson down 1.8 per cent. Rio Tinto is pretty flat, while BHP, which also moves with the energy sector, is ahead 0.6 per cent.
The steel-making raw material is in retreat after a slew of negative outlooks, with Barclays saying the commodity is “living on borrowed time”. Industrial output and retail reports from China this week suggested an unexpectedly slower pace of growth. While capacity cuts to curb pollution in Asia’s top economy are set to hurt consumption, a further expansion in mine supplies from Brazil and Australia also threatens prices.
Much of iron ore’s recent strength has been spurred by strong demand within China, but that’s about to change, according to a Sept. 13 report from Barclays, which said its economists see an “impending end” to macroeconomic support. While the bank didn’t give a price forecast, it has said previously it sees an average of $US50 by the fourth quarter.
But Australia’s major miners would still make healthy profits at $US60 a tonne because of the difference between that price and their production costs, as well as healthy prices for other commodities such as coal (metallurgical and thermal), and copper.
“Any price at $US55 and above you’re going to have Rio, BHP and Fortescue all generating very healthy levels of cash flow,” Morgans analyst Adrian Prendergast said.
Sydney’s outer suburbs recorded auction clearance rates below 50 per cent this week and more homes sold prior to auction as Australia’s biggest housing market showed further signs of cooling.
The weakness in Sydney’s mortgage belt suburbs delivered the fourth week out of five with an overall clearance rate below 70 per cent on a busy weekend with almost 2500 auctions held across the capital cities.
Sydney house prices have risen just 0.3 per cent over the past three months, according to research house CoreLogic, with some economists and analysts tipping up to a 10 per cent fall in prices after a five-year bull run. Last week ANZ forecast Melbourne house prices to rise 8.4 per cent compared with 5.4 per cent in Sydney.
Fairfax-owned Domain recorded a 67 per cent preliminary clearance rate in Sydney this week with almost 800 auctions scheduled. This was up on last week’s 63 per cent, but well below the 78 per cent clearance rate recorded at the same time last year when there were fewer than 600 auctions.
Adding to the picture of a weakening market, 148 homes in Sydney sold prior to auction, up from 145 last week and 109 the previous week, according to Domain, a sign that vendors have less confidence in achieving a higher price at auction.
Listed real estate agents McGrath sold 34 out of 66 homes this weekend prior to auction, achieving a clearance rate of 57 per cent, down from 63 per cent last weekend.
“We’re back to the underlying trend of lower clearance rates in a Sydney market that has run out of puff,” said Domain Group chief economist Dr Andrew Wilson.
“We had very low results in the Western suburbs, which have been a downward force on the market. Western Sydney, southwestern Sydney and the north-west all had clearance rates well under 50 per cent.
“It shows the two-speed nature of the market with the inner suburbs, where buyers are less discretionary, still very strong [with around 80 per cent clearance rates],” Dr Wilson said.
Auction clearance rates are signalling more weakness in some Sydney property markets. Photo: Sarah Keayes Back to top
Billionaire media mogul Bruce Gordon has lost a court bid aimed at thwarting the sale of Network Ten to America’s CBS after the NSW Supreme Court threw out his case against administrators of the free-to-air broadcaster.
Mr Gordon, through his companies WIN Corporation and Birketu, took urgent legal action on September 6 to prevent Ten’s administrator, KordaMentha, from holding a second creditors’ meeting last week to vote on the CBS proposal.
The meeting was delayed until tomorrow.
The administrator backs the sale of Ten to CBS.
Mr Gordon’s companies had also asked the court to make a range of orders and declarations, including that KordaMentha’s second report to creditors failed to include adequate information about the bid for Ten made by Birketu and Lachlan Murdoch’s Illyria Nominees.
The companies also sought orders that would either reduce or eliminate CBS’ voting rights on the takeover proposal.
CBS is Network Ten’s largest creditor, with Ten holding a $172 million debt to the US group.
This morning, NSW Supreme Court Justice Ashley Black said he was “not satisfied” that lawyers for Mr Gordon’s companies had established any deficiencies in the creditors’ report that would require orders to be made.
He was also not persuaded that CBS should have its voting rights reduced or removed.
Since the case was heard urgently last week, Birketu and Illyria have made a fresh bid for Ten.
A spokesman for KordaMentha said the creditors’ meeting would go ahead tomorrow.
Read more.
WIN television owner Bruce Gordon lost his court bid to thwart the sale of Ten to CBS.  Photo: Rob Homer
Shares are enjoying a solid start to the week’s trade, led by the major banks and inspired by Friday night’s gains on Wall Street. The Aussie is holding at 80 US cents.
The ASX 200 has reclaimed the heady heights of the 5700s, climbing 32 points or 0.6 per cento to 5727. As mentioned, the Big Four are driving the gains, with CBA and Westpac up 0.9 per cent, NAB up 1.1 per cent and ANZ advancing 0.7 per cent. Macquarie has climbed 1.5 per cent.
Miners are on the nose with iron ore off Friday night, although BHP is flat as energy stocks managed some gains. Rio is down 0.7 per cent, South32 0.5 per cent and Fortescue 1.8 per cent. Gold miners are also tracking lower amid the lift in general optimism.
Investors seem to like talk of Fairfax Media and Seven West Media hooking up, however tentative those plans may be, with Fairfax up 1.6 per cent and Seven West 1 per cent ahead.
Winners and losers in the ASX 200 this morning. Photo: Bloomberg
9:54am on 18 Sep 2017
Banks are wading back into the market for interest-only home loans, cutting fixed interest rates as the industry grows more comfortable with a regulatory cap on higher-risk lending.
Lenders including Commonwealth Bank, ANZ Bank and Suncorp last week cut some of their fixed interest rates, including for customers with interest-only loans, who have been targeted by regulators this year in a bid to cool the housing market.
The rate cuts, which come at a time that is traditionally strong for property sales, suggest banks want to lift their growth among property investor and interest-only customers after clamping down on these buyers earlier in the year.
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has this year forced banks to cut the proportion of new home lending that is interest-only to less than 30 per cent, which has led to tighter credit for these buyers in recent months including higher rates and tougher rules on deposits. 
However, there are signs some of this pressure is now easing. Interest rate comparison website Mozo said almost a third of the lenders in its database had cut one of their fixed rates since the start of August.
CBA, the nation’s biggest bank, last week cut four and five-year fixed rates by between 0.1 and 0.2 percentage points, including for interest-only customers, amid a flurry of similar cuts over the last month.
ANZ Bank also cut its two-year fixed loans rate for customers only paying interest on their loans by 0.1 percentage points, to 4.64 per cent. In contrast, it raised two-year principal and interest fixed rates by 0.31 percentage points, to 4.34 per cent – a move that narrows the premium interest-only customers are being charged.​
APRA chairman Wayne Byres noted the changes last week, saying these were a sign lenders were trying to lift their growth towards the limit imposed by APRA.
“There are some banks that have announced some shaving of certain fixed rates and other things—because they are clearly trying to recalibrate to get just inside what we would like to do, but no more,” Mr Byres said. 
Read more.
Have banks gone too far? The slowdown in interest-only lending is a likely reason why the property market has slowed. Photo: Louise Kennerley
9:43am on 18 Sep 2017
Markets are poised for an interesting ride over the coming months as investors reassess their expectations around how fast central banks will tighten policy, IG strategist Chris Weston says:
Developed markets central banks dominate the financial markets thought process and the debate last week centred on whether markets have been far too pessimistic on future rate hikes. The strong re-pricing suggests that was clearly the case and it promises to be an interesting couple of months with the market eyeing important announcements of monetary policy normalisation in this Thursday’s FOMC meeting [very early that morning], but also the 26 October ECB and the 2 November BoE meeting.
Arguably the most aggressive market moves have been seen front and centre in UK assets, with the UK 10-year gilt pushing up a further seven basis points (bp) on Friday to 1.3%, taking the increase on the week to a huge 31bp.
The hawkish Bank of England statement was given a second wind on Friday when BoE member Gertjan Vlieghe, widely considered the most dovish member of the central bank, detailed that “the evolution of the data is increasingly suggesting that we are approaching the moment when bank rate may need to rise”.
The British pound took another leg higher, notably against the JPY (GBP/JPY rallied 2% on the day), while GBP/USD has now reclaimed well over 50% of its Brexit losses.
The BoE have a delicate balancing act here, between guiding the market to a rate hike this year, while at the same having to deal with what has been a strong tightening of financial conditions and if they get this wrong it could be a large miscalculation.
The implied probability of a November hike from the BoE now sits at 64% and I suspect given the recent commentary that this pricing will gravitate towards 75% to 80% in the coming weeks, but it’s interesting to see how this is now firmly weighing on the FTSE 100 here. 
Unless GBP finds some decent profit taking the FTSE will be sold into rallies.
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Welcome to a world of ‘Quantitative Tightening’
Eyes of the world’s financial market fall, and firm plans to unwind its $4.47 billion balance sheet. This video was produced in commercial partnership between Fairfax Media and IG Markets.
9:30am on 18 Sep 2017
Here’s AFR’s Karen Maley on the US Federal Reserve which may give the green light to start shrinking its $US4.2 trillion ($5.25 trillion) balance sheet as soon as this week:
Can the US central bank slash its massive balance sheet in half without triggering a fresh outbreak of turmoil in financial markets?
That’s the big question for investors ahead of the US Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meeting this week, at which the US central bank is expected to give the long-awaited green light to start shrinking its bloated balance sheet.
Investors are betting that the US central bank can pull off this risky manoeuvre without disruption and they demonstrated their optimism by pushing the US share market to a record high at the end of last week.
The Fed has already signalled that it will move at a glacial pace, with analysts expecting that its balance sheet will only shrink by $US10 billion in each of October, November and December, for a total $US30 billion by the end of the year.
This means that any tightening in financial market conditions caused by the Fed’s move will be more than offset by the European and Japanese central banks which are still buying bonds with gusto, and which are expected to inject around $US400 billion into financial markets in the final three months of the year.
But not everyone is confident that markets will enjoy a smooth ride as the Fed picks up the pace of its balance sheet shrinkage, which it expects will reach a peak of $US50 billion a month.
“There is a good chance it does not go well,” warns Deutsche Bank’s chief strategist, Dominic Konstam in his latest research note. He points out that when the Fed reduces its balance sheet, other buyers will have to step in and buy US bonds and mortgage-backed securities in its place.
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Janet Yellen of the US Federal Reserve. Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais Back to top
9:18am on 18 Sep 2017
Here’s all of Friday’s action in numbers: 
SPI futures up 16 points or 0.3% to 5708
AUD -0.1% to 80.01 US cents (Range: 79.87 – 80.35)
On Wall St: Dow +0.3%, S&P 500 +0.2%, Nasdaq +0.3%
In New York, BHP -1.8% Rio -0.7%
In Europe: Stoxx 50 -0.3%, FTSE -1.1%, CAC -0.2%, DAX -0.2%
Spot gold -0.7% to $US1320.76 an ounce
Brent crude +0.1% to $US55.54 a barrel
US oil flat at $US49.87 a barrel
Iron ore -2.5% to $US72.13 a tonne
Dalian iron ore -2% to 500 yuan
LME aluminium -0.6% to $US2085 a tonne
LME copper +0.1% to $US6508 a tonne
10-year bond yield: US 2.20%, Germany 0.43%, Australia 2.74%
On the economic calendar: 
New motor vehicle sales August
China property prices July
Euro zone CPI August
UK Rightmove house prices September
US NAHB housing market index September
Broker changes: 
Automotive Holdings cut to hold at Morningstar
F&P Healthcare cut to sell at UBS
Macquarie Atlas Raised to Add at Morgans Financial
9:13am on 18 Sep 2017
Local stocks are poised to lift to start the week after the Standard & Poor’s 500 topped 2500 for the first time as technology stocks recovered their upward momentum and as investors dismissed somewhat disappointing US retail sales and industrial output data.
ASX futures were up 16 points. Iron ore retreated and the Australian dollar ended flat.
The pound surged after an unexpected hawkish tilt at the Bank of England’s policy meeting last week, the most dovish member of the committee Gertjan Vlieghe said a rate hike could happen in the “coming months.”
In the coming days, there will be the release of the minutes from the Reserve Bank’s latest meeting on Tuesday, and speeches by RBA chief economist Luci Ellis on Wednesday and then governor Philip Lowe on Thursday.
Over the same time, US policymakers gather for a scheduled meeting at which they are expected to approve the paring back of the Federal Reserve’s $US4.5 trillion balance sheet.
The Fed’s balance sheet swelled over the last few years as the Fed bought bonds as part of its effort to keep lending costs low so that both businesses and individuals would be encouraged to help spend the US economy back to health.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.29 per cent on Friday to end at 22,268.34 points, while the S&P 500 gained 0.18 per cent to 2500.23, records for both. The Nasdaq Composite added 0.3 per cent to 6,448.47.
In Europe, the pan-European STOXX 600 and euro zone stocks both fell 0.3 per cent, while the export oriented FTSE slumped 1.1 per cent as the pound spiked higher.
In Hong Kong on Friday, the Hang Seng index rose 0.1 per cent, to 27,807.59 points, while the China Enterprises Index lost 0.3 per cent, to 11,067.55 points.
Shanghai stocks fell on Friday to end the week lower, as a slew of soft data suggested the world’s second-largest economy is starting to lose some momentum in the face of rising borrowing costs and government-mandated capacity cuts.
Traders work the floor at the New York Stock Exchange. Photo: MARK LENNIHAN
9:13am on 18 Sep 2017
Good morning and welcome to the Markets Live blog for Monday.
Your editors today are Sarah Turner and Patrick Commins.
This blog is not intended as investment advice.
Fairfax Media with wires.
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tonyzekeau · 7 years
Markets Live: Banks put ASX on front foot – The Sydney Morning Herald
Sarah Turner and Patrick Commins
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Shares enjoy a positive start to the week’s trade after Wall St cracked new records on Friday night, with the big banks and Macquarie leading the gains. 
Australia’s three-year bond yield has climbed to the highest since December 2015 amid rising speculation that the RBA will follow its UK and Canadian counterparts in turning hawkish. The three-year rate has climbed for the sixth straight session to 2.16 per cent, to bring its rise over the past week to over 8 per cent.
The bonds are starting to look very appealing, CBA head of debt research Adam Donaldson told Bloomberg. “It’s probably time to go long,” he said, pointing to a string of “quite solid” economic data, such as last week’s employment figures.
“That has seen the market starting to consider whether the RBA could be tightening policy earlier than previously thought.”
Futures markets are pricing in at least one rate hike over the next 12 months.
Evolution Mining is selling its Edna May mine in Western Australia to Ramelius Resources for $90 million.
It will receive $40 million in cash and up to $50 million in contingent payments consisting of a royalty payment once Ramelius has produced 200,000 ounces of gold from current tenements and a milestone payment when Ramelius starts a cut back of the current open pit.
“While the headline $90 million appears reasonable, the majority of the form and timing of this consideration is contingent upon decisions made by the purchaser,” RBC analyst Paul Hissey notes.
“Under the transaction, Ramelius get a 200,000 ounce holiday from royalty payments (we forecast Edna May to produce around 90,000 ounces per annum).
“Following this, the royalty payment of either $100 and ounce or $60 an ounce plus $20 million cash and/or shares, is predicated on Ramelius’ decision to undertake a cutback at Edna May.”
As a result of the sale, Evolution lowered its 2018 financial year gold production guidance to between 750,000 and 805,000 ounces, from 820,000 – 880,000 ounces.
Shares are down 0.4 per cent.
A red hot 28 kilogram gold bar. Photo: Waldo Swiegers
The Reject Shop is one ASX-listed retailer whose biggest problem isn’t the looming entry of Amazon into Australia.
The deep discount retailer, which sells up to 7,000 different items including stationery, metal birdhouses, soap, garden pots and pet care products from a network of 347 stores, simply doesn’t have an online delivery business because the average spend of its customers is too low to justify the economics of having a delivery charge and transporting the goods to their home.
The Reject Shop managing director Ross Sudano said the company had done extensive research in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom on the deep discount market, and while Amazon is a formidable force in retail generally, the low-priced items which the deep discount retailers have as their core business, mean they are largely immune.
The price points of most of their goods are too low, for even the might of Amazon to make a meaningful dent, so the online giant largely steers clear.
“The discount segment has been growing strongly in the US despite Amazon being such a strong player in retail,” Mr Sudano said on Monday.
The average basket size of shoppers in The Reject Shop stores is between $10 to $15 on each trip, as they pick up basic items like tissues, shampoo and detergent, and perhaps a trinket or two that weren’t expecting to find.
“It’s the rummaging, the finding something they didn’t expect to find. That element is almost impossible to replicate online,” he said.
Shares are down 1.2 per cent. 
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The Reject Shop customers couldn’t care less about Amazon. 
Melbourne has a tight residential vacancy rate of 1.7 per cent and that will fall lower by 2019 as new housing supply slows due to less investment by local and foreign buyers, SQM Research says.
But while vacancy rates in Melbourne and Sydney (2 per cent) were unchanged in August from July, an improvement in other capitals painted the picture of residential markets in the rest of the country starting to move after years of stagnation or even being in reverse, the latest figures from consultancy SQM Research show.
The country’s tightest residential market is Hobart, where the residential vacancy rate slipped to just 0.4 per cent last month – the lowest recorded for any capital since SQM started tracking the figures in 2005.
Darwin recorded the sharpest decline for the month with vacancy rates falling to 2.5 per cent in August from 2.9 per cent July. The NT capital has now recorded seven straight months of falling vacancy rate, suggesting the downturn in its rental market is over.
But with a vacancy rate of between 2 per cent and 3 per cent indicating a market in equilibrium, the outlook for Melbourne backs up suggestions – such as that made by consultancy BIS Oxford Economics last week – that the city, like Sydney, will suffer from a shortage of dwellings, rather than a surplus.
“There is nothing in our numbers to suggest the market is about to be hit with oversupply,” SQM managing director Louis Christopher said on Monday.
“Dwelling completions should peak in early 2018. And given the pronounced year-on-year declines in building approvals, we believe rents will likely rise at a faster pace in 2018 than what has been recorded in 2017, thus far. We now have mounting concerns for significant rental shortages in 2019 for Sydney and Melbourne.”
Brisbane, already suffering a glut of apartments, also saw a tighter vacancy rate in August, down to 3.1 per cent from 3.3 per cent in July.
Industry group Urban Development Institute of Australia supports the argument of an undersupply. A report it published last month argues that new housing construction estimates based on dwellings approvals numbers regularly overestimate the number of new homes that will actually be created because the development of sites in established areas involves the demolition of at least one existing dwelling.
If you only read the headlines – or, say, my columns – you might be pessimistic about China’s economy. Recent news has been dominated by a crackdown on capital outflows, worries about rapid debt growth, and efforts to rein in a risky overseas investment binge, writes Christopher Balding on Bloomberg.
Yet ordinary Chinese are highly optimistic: The China Consumer Confidence Index hit 114.6 in July, a level not seen since 1996. This is a logical reaction to some significant improvements in China’s economic outlook. And for the government, it offers a key opportunity for reform.
By basic welfare measures, Chinese have every reason to be confident. The official unemployment rate has dropped below 4 per cent . Real estate prices are still rising, with broad gains even in so-called tier-2 or tier-3 cities.
Stock markets in Shenzhen and Shanghai are both up by about 9 per cent this year. Foreign-exchange reserves have been rising. The yuan has strengthened so much that the central bank is making it easier for traders to take short positions. Even non-performing loans are holding steady.
It’s no wonder China’s confidence seems to extend well into the future. The Consumer Expectation Index hit 117.4 in July, the highest reading since 1993, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. Indexes measuring confidence among stock investors and economists have also surged recently, thanks to a strong labor market, robust growth and rising asset prices.
Although such metrics are often imprecise, they matter enormously – because confidence can be self-reinforcing. As long as China’s investors have confidence in a market or asset, prices can diverge from fundamentals for a long time.
Real estate has reached $US858 ($1070) a square foot in Beijing not because of income fundamentals but because buyers are confident prices will continue rising by 10 per cent a year. Similarly, although China’s banking system is in bad shape, the government has propped up confidence – and staved off bank runs – by quashing rumours and reassuring anxious depositors.
Confidence is a fragile thing, however, and there are reasons to think the good times won’t last. 
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Canton Road in the Tsim Sha Tsui area of Hong Kong. Photo: Hong Kong Back to top
If only investors in shipping had the equivalent of a mariner’s tide tables. They can see where the low water mark in share prices lies, but must divine for themselves how high the waters might now rise, writes the FT’s Lex Column.
In this particular cycle, the ebb lasted a long time after container lines ordered too many ships and then struggled to fill them. The low point was probably last autumn, when Korean line Hanjin filed for bankruptcy.
The market has improved markedly since then. Industry volume growth is expected to hit 5 per cent this year, from 3.8 last year. Scrapping rates have picked up, while new capacity on order is finally falling.
Such newfound discipline might last longer than in previous cycles because consolidation has increased the market share of the top six operators to almost two-thirds, from two-fifths in 2013. Four alliances have become three. In other industries – airlines, for instance – concentration of this sort led to greater self control.
Such developments have not gone unnoticed. Antitrust regulators have raised concerns about the shrinking number of alliances and their control over certain routes. And the Dax global shipping index has risen 15 per cent (in dollar terms) since January.
Some individual shipping lines have risen more. Hapag-Lloyd, which recently posted a 80 per cent increase in earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation for the six months to June, is up 35 per cent.
That is considerably better than Maersk, the other major quoted European shipper. The number of analysts rating the Hamburg-based group’s shares a buy has doubled.
That partly reflects its merger with UASC, completed in May, which made the company less dependent on chartered ships and containers. Those savings, plus increased volumes, helped cancel out a 57 per cent rise in fuel costs. Travel group Tui sold its remaining stake in the company, removing an overhang.
Based on 2017 forecasts and its current market value, the group has a free cash flow yield of over 8 per cent. In Hamburg at least, high tide could still be some way off.
The shipping market has improved. Photo: Nicolo Filippo Rosso
China’s home prices rose in the fewest cities since January, adding to signs of a real estate industry slowdown as officials persist with curbs to limit the risk of bubbles.
New-home prices, excluding government-subsidised housing, in August gained in 46 of 70 cities tracked by the government, compared with 56 in July, the National Bureau of Statistics says. Prices fell in 18 cities from the previous month and were unchanged in six.
Average new home prices in China’s 70 major cities rose 0.2 per cent in August from a month ago, slowing from an 0.4 per cent gain in July, as policymakers battle to rein in an overheated market.
New home prices rose 8.3 per cent in August versus a year ago, slowing from a 9.7 per cent increase in July, Reuters calculated from the NBS data.
China’s almost two-year-long property boom hit fever pitch last August when prices jumped 1.5 percent in a month.
While regulators have intensified their crackdown on property speculation in more than 45 major cities, the buying frenzy came to smaller centres this year as local governments offered cheap credit and imposed few restrictions in the hope of clearing a housing glut.
But many analysts still expect the sector to gradually lose momentum over the rest of the year in the face of continuous policy tightening and an official financial deleveraging campaign.
Home sales increased last month at the slowest pace in almost three years, according to data released last week.
Chinese policymakers are trying to engineer a soft landing for the hot property market. Photo: AP
The under-pressure board of AGL Energy looks set to avoid an embarrassing “second strike” at next week’s annual shareholders meeting after two powerful proxy advisers recommended investors back the remuneration report.
But the proxy firms, ISS and CGI Glass Lewis, still voiced concerns about chief executive Andy Vesey‘s high pay, which has also been the subject of criticism in Canberra amid intense scrutiny of the utility’s plans to close its Liddell power station in NSW.
Pay for senior executives and directors in AGL, including Mr Vesey, “remains well above peers”, noted ISS, which is also critical of the company’s use of underlying profit to determine executive performance.
But ISS, which last year recommended investors reject the remuneration report, said AGL has made enough improvements to its pay structure to warrant supporting report this time.
“Overall the company paid more than its peers and performed about the same as its peers,” said CGI Glass Lewis.
It noted that Mr Vesey’s fixed pay is about 30 per cent higher than the median of peers and said it views high fixed pay “with scepticism” because it is not directly linked to performance “and may serve as a crutch when performance has fallen below expectations”.
However it noted the board had already determined Mr Vesey would not receive an increased in fixed pay this financial year and deemed his remuneration “appropriate at this time”.
“Whilst we’ve noted our concerns with the CEO’s fixed remuneration, given the company’s performance and growth since Mr Vesey’s appointment we do not believe this is a concern for shareholders at this time,” CGI Glass Lewis said. “We will however monitor an further changes to the CEO’s remuneration levels going forward”.
Shares in AGL have jumped close to 40 per cent in the past 12 months, making the stock by far the best performer in the benchmark utilities index.
Looks like AGL Andy Vesey has one fewer thing to worry about. Photo: Andrew Meares
Iron ore is facing renewed pressure and risks sliding back into the $US60s, as China’s economy shows signs of cooling and global mine supply increases, while planned steel capacity cuts in the world’s biggest consumer this winter could further cut demand.
Ore with 62 per cent content in Qingdao fell 2.5 per cent to $72.13 a dry tonne on Friday, the lowest level since July 28, extending the previous day’s 3.4 per cent loss, which was the most since May, according to Metal Bulletin. The commodity, which almost hit $US80 in August, posted the first back-to-back weekly decline since June.
Chinese iron ore futures are off another 0.7 per cent this morning, threatening to extend their losing streak to three days in a row.
Local iron ore miners are feeling the pressure this morning, with Fortescue off 2 per cent and (much) smaller peer Mt Gibson down 1.8 per cent. Rio Tinto is pretty flat, while BHP, which also moves with the energy sector, is ahead 0.6 per cent.
The steel-making raw material is in retreat after a slew of negative outlooks, with Barclays saying the commodity is “living on borrowed time”. Industrial output and retail reports from China this week suggested an unexpectedly slower pace of growth. While capacity cuts to curb pollution in Asia’s top economy are set to hurt consumption, a further expansion in mine supplies from Brazil and Australia also threatens prices.
Much of iron ore’s recent strength has been spurred by strong demand within China, but that’s about to change, according to a Sept. 13 report from Barclays, which said its economists see an “impending end” to macroeconomic support. While the bank didn’t give a price forecast, it has said previously it sees an average of $US50 by the fourth quarter.
But Australia’s major miners would still make healthy profits at $US60 a tonne because of the difference between that price and their production costs, as well as healthy prices for other commodities such as coal (metallurgical and thermal), and copper.
“Any price at $US55 and above you’re going to have Rio, BHP and Fortescue all generating very healthy levels of cash flow,” Morgans analyst Adrian Prendergast said.
Sydney’s outer suburbs recorded auction clearance rates below 50 per cent this week and more homes sold prior to auction as Australia’s biggest housing market showed further signs of cooling.
The weakness in Sydney’s mortgage belt suburbs delivered the fourth week out of five with an overall clearance rate below 70 per cent on a busy weekend with almost 2500 auctions held across the capital cities.
Sydney house prices have risen just 0.3 per cent over the past three months, according to research house CoreLogic, with some economists and analysts tipping up to a 10 per cent fall in prices after a five-year bull run. Last week ANZ forecast Melbourne house prices to rise 8.4 per cent compared with 5.4 per cent in Sydney.
Fairfax-owned Domain recorded a 67 per cent preliminary clearance rate in Sydney this week with almost 800 auctions scheduled. This was up on last week’s 63 per cent, but well below the 78 per cent clearance rate recorded at the same time last year when there were fewer than 600 auctions.
Adding to the picture of a weakening market, 148 homes in Sydney sold prior to auction, up from 145 last week and 109 the previous week, according to Domain, a sign that vendors have less confidence in achieving a higher price at auction.
Listed real estate agents McGrath sold 34 out of 66 homes this weekend prior to auction, achieving a clearance rate of 57 per cent, down from 63 per cent last weekend.
“We’re back to the underlying trend of lower clearance rates in a Sydney market that has run out of puff,” said Domain Group chief economist Dr Andrew Wilson.
“We had very low results in the Western suburbs, which have been a downward force on the market. Western Sydney, southwestern Sydney and the north-west all had clearance rates well under 50 per cent.
“It shows the two-speed nature of the market with the inner suburbs, where buyers are less discretionary, still very strong [with around 80 per cent clearance rates],” Dr Wilson said.
Auction clearance rates are signalling more weakness in some Sydney property markets. Photo: Sarah Keayes Back to top
Billionaire media mogul Bruce Gordon has lost a court bid aimed at thwarting the sale of Network Ten to America’s CBS after the NSW Supreme Court threw out his case against administrators of the free-to-air broadcaster.
Mr Gordon, through his companies WIN Corporation and Birketu, took urgent legal action on September 6 to prevent Ten’s administrator, KordaMentha, from holding a second creditors’ meeting last week to vote on the CBS proposal.
The meeting was delayed until tomorrow.
The administrator backs the sale of Ten to CBS.
Mr Gordon’s companies had also asked the court to make a range of orders and declarations, including that KordaMentha’s second report to creditors failed to include adequate information about the bid for Ten made by Birketu and Lachlan Murdoch’s Illyria Nominees.
The companies also sought orders that would either reduce or eliminate CBS’ voting rights on the takeover proposal.
CBS is Network Ten’s largest creditor, with Ten holding a $172 million debt to the US group.
This morning, NSW Supreme Court Justice Ashley Black said he was “not satisfied” that lawyers for Mr Gordon’s companies had established any deficiencies in the creditors’ report that would require orders to be made.
He was also not persuaded that CBS should have its voting rights reduced or removed.
Since the case was heard urgently last week, Birketu and Illyria have made a fresh bid for Ten.
A spokesman for KordaMentha said the creditors’ meeting would go ahead tomorrow.
Read more.
WIN television owner Bruce Gordon lost his court bid to thwart the sale of Ten to CBS.  Photo: Rob Homer
Shares are enjoying a solid start to the week’s trade, led by the major banks and inspired by Friday night’s gains on Wall Street. The Aussie is holding at 80 US cents.
The ASX 200 has reclaimed the heady heights of the 5700s, climbing 32 points or 0.6 per cento to 5727. As mentioned, the Big Four are driving the gains, with CBA and Westpac up 0.9 per cent, NAB up 1.1 per cent and ANZ advancing 0.7 per cent. Macquarie has climbed 1.5 per cent.
Miners are on the nose with iron ore off Friday night, although BHP is flat as energy stocks managed some gains. Rio is down 0.7 per cent, South32 0.5 per cent and Fortescue 1.8 per cent. Gold miners are also tracking lower amid the lift in general optimism.
Investors seem to like talk of Fairfax Media and Seven West Media hooking up, however tentative those plans may be, with Fairfax up 1.6 per cent and Seven West 1 per cent ahead.
Winners and losers in the ASX 200 this morning. Photo: Bloomberg
9:54am on 18 Sep 2017
Banks are wading back into the market for interest-only home loans, cutting fixed interest rates as the industry grows more comfortable with a regulatory cap on higher-risk lending.
Lenders including Commonwealth Bank, ANZ Bank and Suncorp last week cut some of their fixed interest rates, including for customers with interest-only loans, who have been targeted by regulators this year in a bid to cool the housing market.
The rate cuts, which come at a time that is traditionally strong for property sales, suggest banks want to lift their growth among property investor and interest-only customers after clamping down on these buyers earlier in the year.
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has this year forced banks to cut the proportion of new home lending that is interest-only to less than 30 per cent, which has led to tighter credit for these buyers in recent months including higher rates and tougher rules on deposits. 
However, there are signs some of this pressure is now easing. Interest rate comparison website Mozo said almost a third of the lenders in its database had cut one of their fixed rates since the start of August.
CBA, the nation’s biggest bank, last week cut four and five-year fixed rates by between 0.1 and 0.2 percentage points, including for interest-only customers, amid a flurry of similar cuts over the last month.
ANZ Bank also cut its two-year fixed loans rate for customers only paying interest on their loans by 0.1 percentage points, to 4.64 per cent. In contrast, it raised two-year principal and interest fixed rates by 0.31 percentage points, to 4.34 per cent – a move that narrows the premium interest-only customers are being charged.​
APRA chairman Wayne Byres noted the changes last week, saying these were a sign lenders were trying to lift their growth towards the limit imposed by APRA.
“There are some banks that have announced some shaving of certain fixed rates and other things—because they are clearly trying to recalibrate to get just inside what we would like to do, but no more,” Mr Byres said. 
Read more.
Have banks gone too far? The slowdown in interest-only lending is a likely reason why the property market has slowed. Photo: Louise Kennerley
9:43am on 18 Sep 2017
Markets are poised for an interesting ride over the coming months as investors reassess their expectations around how fast central banks will tighten policy, IG strategist Chris Weston says:
Developed markets central banks dominate the financial markets thought process and the debate last week centred on whether markets have been far too pessimistic on future rate hikes. The strong re-pricing suggests that was clearly the case and it promises to be an interesting couple of months with the market eyeing important announcements of monetary policy normalisation in this Thursday’s FOMC meeting [very early that morning], but also the 26 October ECB and the 2 November BoE meeting.
Arguably the most aggressive market moves have been seen front and centre in UK assets, with the UK 10-year gilt pushing up a further seven basis points (bp) on Friday to 1.3%, taking the increase on the week to a huge 31bp.
The hawkish Bank of England statement was given a second wind on Friday when BoE member Gertjan Vlieghe, widely considered the most dovish member of the central bank, detailed that “the evolution of the data is increasingly suggesting that we are approaching the moment when bank rate may need to rise”.
The British pound took another leg higher, notably against the JPY (GBP/JPY rallied 2% on the day), while GBP/USD has now reclaimed well over 50% of its Brexit losses.
The BoE have a delicate balancing act here, between guiding the market to a rate hike this year, while at the same having to deal with what has been a strong tightening of financial conditions and if they get this wrong it could be a large miscalculation.
The implied probability of a November hike from the BoE now sits at 64% and I suspect given the recent commentary that this pricing will gravitate towards 75% to 80% in the coming weeks, but it’s interesting to see how this is now firmly weighing on the FTSE 100 here. 
Unless GBP finds some decent profit taking the FTSE will be sold into rallies.
Read more.
Welcome to a world of ‘Quantitative Tightening’
Eyes of the world’s financial market fall, and firm plans to unwind its $4.47 billion balance sheet. This video was produced in commercial partnership between Fairfax Media and IG Markets.
9:30am on 18 Sep 2017
Here’s AFR’s Karen Maley on the US Federal Reserve which may give the green light to start shrinking its $US4.2 trillion ($5.25 trillion) balance sheet as soon as this week:
Can the US central bank slash its massive balance sheet in half without triggering a fresh outbreak of turmoil in financial markets?
That’s the big question for investors ahead of the US Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meeting this week, at which the US central bank is expected to give the long-awaited green light to start shrinking its bloated balance sheet.
Investors are betting that the US central bank can pull off this risky manoeuvre without disruption and they demonstrated their optimism by pushing the US share market to a record high at the end of last week.
The Fed has already signalled that it will move at a glacial pace, with analysts expecting that its balance sheet will only shrink by $US10 billion in each of October, November and December, for a total $US30 billion by the end of the year.
This means that any tightening in financial market conditions caused by the Fed’s move will be more than offset by the European and Japanese central banks which are still buying bonds with gusto, and which are expected to inject around $US400 billion into financial markets in the final three months of the year.
But not everyone is confident that markets will enjoy a smooth ride as the Fed picks up the pace of its balance sheet shrinkage, which it expects will reach a peak of $US50 billion a month.
“There is a good chance it does not go well,” warns Deutsche Bank’s chief strategist, Dominic Konstam in his latest research note. He points out that when the Fed reduces its balance sheet, other buyers will have to step in and buy US bonds and mortgage-backed securities in its place.
Read more here
Janet Yellen of the US Federal Reserve. Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais Back to top
9:18am on 18 Sep 2017
Here’s all of Friday’s action in numbers: 
SPI futures up 16 points or 0.3% to 5708
AUD -0.1% to 80.01 US cents (Range: 79.87 – 80.35)
On Wall St: Dow +0.3%, S&P 500 +0.2%, Nasdaq +0.3%
In New York, BHP -1.8% Rio -0.7%
In Europe: Stoxx 50 -0.3%, FTSE -1.1%, CAC -0.2%, DAX -0.2%
Spot gold -0.7% to $US1320.76 an ounce
Brent crude +0.1% to $US55.54 a barrel
US oil flat at $US49.87 a barrel
Iron ore -2.5% to $US72.13 a tonne
Dalian iron ore -2% to 500 yuan
LME aluminium -0.6% to $US2085 a tonne
LME copper +0.1% to $US6508 a tonne
10-year bond yield: US 2.20%, Germany 0.43%, Australia 2.74%
On the economic calendar: 
New motor vehicle sales August
China property prices July
Euro zone CPI August
UK Rightmove house prices September
US NAHB housing market index September
Broker changes: 
Automotive Holdings cut to hold at Morningstar
F&P Healthcare cut to sell at UBS
Macquarie Atlas Raised to Add at Morgans Financial
9:13am on 18 Sep 2017
Local stocks are poised to lift to start the week after the Standard & Poor’s 500 topped 2500 for the first time as technology stocks recovered their upward momentum and as investors dismissed somewhat disappointing US retail sales and industrial output data.
ASX futures were up 16 points. Iron ore retreated and the Australian dollar ended flat.
The pound surged after an unexpected hawkish tilt at the Bank of England’s policy meeting last week, the most dovish member of the committee Gertjan Vlieghe said a rate hike could happen in the “coming months.”
In the coming days, there will be the release of the minutes from the Reserve Bank’s latest meeting on Tuesday, and speeches by RBA chief economist Luci Ellis on Wednesday and then governor Philip Lowe on Thursday.
Over the same time, US policymakers gather for a scheduled meeting at which they are expected to approve the paring back of the Federal Reserve’s $US4.5 trillion balance sheet.
The Fed’s balance sheet swelled over the last few years as the Fed bought bonds as part of its effort to keep lending costs low so that both businesses and individuals would be encouraged to help spend the US economy back to health.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.29 per cent on Friday to end at 22,268.34 points, while the S&P 500 gained 0.18 per cent to 2500.23, records for both. The Nasdaq Composite added 0.3 per cent to 6,448.47.
In Europe, the pan-European STOXX 600 and euro zone stocks both fell 0.3 per cent, while the export oriented FTSE slumped 1.1 per cent as the pound spiked higher.
In Hong Kong on Friday, the Hang Seng index rose 0.1 per cent, to 27,807.59 points, while the China Enterprises Index lost 0.3 per cent, to 11,067.55 points.
Shanghai stocks fell on Friday to end the week lower, as a slew of soft data suggested the world’s second-largest economy is starting to lose some momentum in the face of rising borrowing costs and government-mandated capacity cuts.
Traders work the floor at the New York Stock Exchange. Photo: MARK LENNIHAN
9:13am on 18 Sep 2017
Good morning and welcome to the Markets Live blog for Monday.
Your editors today are Sarah Turner and Patrick Commins.
This blog is not intended as investment advice.
Fairfax Media with wires.
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Source: https://highpowerclean.com.au/markets-live-banks-put-asx-on-front-foot-the-sydney-morning-herald/
from High Power Cleaning Melbourne https://highpowercleanau.wordpress.com/2017/09/18/markets-live-banks-put-asx-on-front-foot-the-sydney-morning-herald/
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acousticsoup · 7 years
‘Ogden’s Nut-Gone Flake ‘ - an amazing album by #TheSmallFaces ...and why were they called The Small Faces?
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Creating an album cover that replicates a tobacco tin produced by Thomas Ogden’s of Liverpool around 1899 might not be what you’d associate with one of the most influential Mod and psychedelic groups of the 1960′s!  But The Small Faces created an incredible work of art with the cover alone for the album Ogden’s Nut-Gone Flake.  With music described at it’s 1968 release as ‘...incredibly, unbelievably irresistible - just groovy, and indescribable’ read on to learn about this amazing album and cover, and group ...
Only together in the original line up for four years (1965-69) and producing only four albums and a handful of singles during this time, The Small Faces still produced some incredible music that reverberated down through the years to influence major bands like Oasis, BritPop during the ‘90′s, and even influencing groups like the Kaiser Chiefs into the 21st century.
But why were they called The Small Faces?  Believe it or not, because they were small, and a person of high-standing/recognisable within the Mod community was known as ‘a Face’ ...therefore they became The Small Faces!
Most well known for tracks like ‘Itchycoo Park’, ‘Lazy Sunday’ and ‘Sha-La-La-La-Lee’ amongst others, the group suffered turbulent relationships and ultimately sad endings for several of the original line-up.  After the break-up, Kenney Jones, Ronnie Lane and Ian McLagan (who had replaced Jimmy Winston) set up with Ronnie Wood and Rod Stewart as The Faces in 1969, whilst Steve Marriott moved on to ‘Humble Pie’ with Peter Frampton.
 Ogden’s Nut-Gone Flake was a studio album raved about by the critics but with many feeling it was so complex it would be impossible to reproduce live - a viewpoint that possibly contributed to the break-up in terms of how they felt they were viewed as a serious group.  The album contained ‘Lazy Sunday’, ‘Rene’, and the track that was to become their final single, ‘Afterglow of your love’.  Side 2 is more fairytalesque and is a Mod Sgt Pepper, being a series of psychedelic tracks telling the story of a boy called Stan and his search for the missing half of the moon - critics of the time absolutely raved about the music but some found the story hard to take!
The album cover is a pure work of art:  initially designed to be sold in a tin with a paper roundel insert, this caused albums to roll off shelves!  (*Although later CD versions were issued in a tin).  Therefore, the sleeve became a thicker card of four joined roundels that folded up to make the album sleeve.  The front cover shows the brilliant coloured graphics of the ‘tin lid’, opening to show on the right an image of loose tobacco and cigarette papers, with the left roundel showing a graphic of an elf-type character smoking a pipe whilst resting on leaves amongst flowers, birds, butterflies and what looks like a queen bee.  These two roundels open further to show four circular black&white photographs of the group.
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Small Faces reformed briefly in 1975 in their original four and produced two further albums, following on from The Autumn Stone released after the original 1969 breakup.  But almost immediately problems began between Steve Marriott and Ronnie Lane - Lane had developed the onset on MS, but Marriott interpreted his behaviour as due to alcohol.  Lane left the group and didn’t appear on either of the albums produced.  The group lasted another 3 years.
Despite being acclaimed in the UK with this album reaching No1 for 6 weeks, Small Faces never broke the US market; and yet such is the recognition for the influence of their work now, they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012.
Very sadly, Steve Marriott died in a fire at his home in 1991 at the young age of 44; the Fire Crews who went in to rescue him were very deeply affected at finding him, feeling a huge influence on their lives had been lost.  Ronnie Lane died from his MS in 1997 adding the final full-stop to The Small Faces career.  
Although The Small Faces themselves claimed they hated Lazy Sunday and it had just been a joke, it’s one of the most recognisable tracks even to this day and was covered by the Kaiser Chiefs on French radio in 2008.  But there was a great deal of truth in the track’s lyrics ‘Wouldn’t it be nice, to get on with me neighbours ...’ because Steve Marriott was described as having no off-switch. Continually on the go requiring only about an hour’s sleep, this was exhausting for other members of the band when they lived together in the same house - so much so that Kenney Jones used to be at the house during the day and go and sleep at his Mum’s house at night!  If you want a trip down memory lane click the YouTube link at the bottom of the post to reminisce!
In terms of value, if you have this in your collection the original 1968 edition was issued as both Mono and Stereo on lilac coloured labels - these editions (with vinyl and sleeve in Mint condition) have a book-price of around £250 for the Mono and £200 for the Stereo. However, copies in true Mint condition have achieved significantly higher prices at auction.  It was also reissued quickly (again both Mono and Stereo versions) on pink labels and these are worth less - approx half the value of the original lilac versions.  In the 1980s it came out again on the NEMS/Immediate label copying the original lilac label (*so if you think you have an original, if NEMS is on the label it’s sadly a 1980′s version!) and this retails around the £40-50 mark but is still a nice item to have.
Our original copy recently sold (a certain person in the Acousticsoup household mourned terribly!), but we still have a nod of respect to the memory of The Small Faces and this incredible album/cover on the banner photo we currently use, so we can keep what is great in prominent memory!
As always, if you’ve enjoyed reading this we love sharing our love of rare records with you also.  Please don’t hesitate to get in touch at [email protected] if you have any particular wants, and find our current stock listings online at MusicStack and CDandLP if you want to Shop. Please also Like/Share our Facebook page and Follow us on Twitter to keep up with our news.  Our new online store is hopefully about to start the Testing phase soon, so keep in touch.
YouTube:  Lazy Sunday - Small Faces
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