#SO blake is not a 'person' bc well he was my sona and so is separate from
panther-asterisk · 9 months
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xenobladechronicles · 6 years
Animaz/ement, My Weekend and Overall Thoughts.
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under the cut bc god knows how long. i’m gonna go into details about my whole ass weekend. 
Thursday Precon:
This was pretty simple, I got there at around 8:30 to get my tickets with my friend, I wore my blake belladonna cosplay because i wanted to make sure that i could wear everything comfortably. overall the night was fun, a few people took pictures of and with me--that was nice! But that was pretty much all that Thursday had to bring me. 
I wore blake again this day, and from the start i got quite a few pictures taken of me ( i think i might also be in a video? i’m not 100% sure but if i am that’s super cool!! ) thank god for guidebook because i had my whole ass weekend planned out. the first thing on my personal agenda was mario kart with e jason liebrecht, which was hilarious. ( spoilers, he’s not the best at mario kart but he was having a lot of fun and that’s all that matters ). i was one of the first people to play the game and i got a fist bump from him which was uber cool. 
after the panel, i scoped out the artist alley for a m!robin / grima print to get signed for the bf, it took a lot of looking but i found one that was perfect to get signed by david vincent. i got her autograph myself last year when he came, so i didn’t need one for myself this year. vincent was over an hour late to the signing, but i was dedicated to get this autograph--so i waited it out. i heard he was late because he was working out? idk lol. but i got the autograph! nice. 
moving on, it was time to scope out the dealers room before i went to a q&a for david vincent. my first look around i didn’t see much that caught my eye but i did find an azura keychain from fire emblem, and i did a mimikyu lottery and got a cute little plate! the q&a was really fun, not much to really note from this. it was just a really enjoyable experience. well, i did find out that he (just as most all blaz/blue voice artists) is hoping for the english dub of bb/cf especially with cross tag getting a dub. 
i went back to the dealers room after and found a saber nero figure, and of course i bought that because she’s my favorite saber. and i bought some 2b and 9s keychains! i’m giving the 9s to my boyfriend so we match. after this i met up with my friend in the game room and we were there for a bit, my feet felt like they were on fire by this point so i headed home after this. ‘
The day i was most excited for. I was dressed up as zero two from darling in the franxx this day! a few people took pictures of me and got a lot of comments about zero two being waifu for laifu, which is True. the first panel i went to was a panel for tomohiko ito panel, where he talked about the new s/ao movie. i found out some things about it i never knew and it made me want to watch the movie again. along with some neat trivia. after the panel he had an autograph session, and i thankfully was able to get his autograph. he drew a little kirito and asuna with his signature it was very cute. 
After this, i looked around the dealers room for a bit only to find nothing--and then i went to wait in line for the liebrecht and elizabeth maxwell autograph session. this was hell cause i waited over two hours but it was honestly well worth it. liebrecht even remembered me from mario kart yesterday even though i was in a different cosplay! it made me really happy. due to all the waiting the signing was moved into the dealers room, so i decided to take another look around and was able to find a yuna figure from ordinal scale. she was the only one i saw and i jumped at the sight. 
Then came the david vincent voice acting tryouts panel. this was a lot of fun! i wasn’t able to participate, but learning voice about voice acting and voice overs made me want to try to do it myself. i’m gonna try to make my own demo reel and look into things for the future. There’s not much to really say about this panel though! 
After that, was probably one of my favorite panels. a cards against humanity panel with a large set of voice actors. the entire panel was hilarious! probably the funniest thing i’ve ever been to. and! it was my first 18+ panel! when the panel ended i was able to get a pciture with liebrecht and it was great. my bud wanted to stay for the jojo panel so i went to another ( hilarious ) 18+ panel with derek stephen price, i can’t really go into the details about the panel but man, was it funny. 
and that wraps it up for saturday. 
the last day of con, i was futaba from per/sona 5. there wasn’t many things i really wanted to do this day. i got the autograph of Shinichirō Watanabe and that was a pretty big highlight. i looked around the dealers room and artist alley again but nothing really jumped at me. but i did go to another panel! this was a q&a centered around voice acting that david vincent had. it was pretty insightful and really only made me wanna try voice acting even more. ( yes i’m aware it’s hard, but if you don’t try you won’t go anywhere yaknow? )
and that was pretty much all that really happened that day? it was still fun, but pretty lax compared to the previous two days. 
Overall I really enjoyed the convention, this is probably my second favorite time being at animaz/ement. nothing can really top the 2016 con though, simply because i was able to meet some of my best friends irl for the first time. But this year was a whole lot of fun, and i really look forward to next year. 
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