#SOA Collab Fic
~Welcome to the Neighborhood -- Ch.2~
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Moodboard made by me: @badwolf-in-the-impala. Pics aren’t mine but the editing is.
A/N: Here it is y’all! The second chapter of mine and @jacksonroth‘s SOA collab! I hope everyone enjoyed reading the first Chapter, and that you’re excited to keep following this story! As stated before, we will be alternating chapters, so previous chapter links will be linked below! New chapters will be posted EVERY Monday! Happy reading ^-^ 
Warnings: Shameless flirting
Word count: 4,406
Chapter 1 
Within the hour, Harper and Kacey were unpacking the van along with the guys into their garage. When Gemma began asking what rooms the boxes went to, they were quick to shut down her unspoken request. To compensate, Gemma invited the girls over for a little club party she was having at her house the next night. Once they agreed and got rid of Gemma, now they had to face the guys.
“You ladies sure we can’t help out anymore?” Tig asked with a smirk. Juice and Jax exchanged a look and snickered while Opie shook his head and smirked. Harper smirked as she sat on top of her dresser while Kacey stood from setting down the final box. She turned to him and smirked, after tossing a glance back to her sister.
“We’re sure. We can take it from here.” She said, taking a few steps closer, as she added, “But if we need anymore help with any, um, lifting? You’ll be our first call.”
Harper snickered and shook her head as Tig smirked at Kacey while she walked away, going to lean on the dresser next to Harper. “Seriously. We can finish. Thanks for helping us out though.” Harper said, jumping down from her spot and going to Jax as Opie rounded the guys up, back into the van. Jax smiled and slipped an arm around her neck as she and Kacey walked with him to the driver’s side.
“No problem, darlin’. It’s what we do.” He said, removing his arm as he opened the door. “Just think of us as your Friendly Neighborhood Biker Boys.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Harper said, closing the door after Jax got in. She leaned against the door, folding her arms over the window and said, “Let me know about that estimate ASAP? I’m gonna need to find a job quick.”
Jax chuckled and nodded as he started the car, then leaned back in his seat. “Oh, for sure. Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. Just get settled and I’ll give you a call.”
“Or we’ll see you at the club when you have to escape the clutches of Mama Gemma.” Tig said, piping up from the back as he leaned forward between Jax and Opie. Opie pushed him back and chuckled as Kacey giggled.
“Oh, come on. She’s not that bad.” Kacey glanced at her sister with a smirk and said, “We’ve endured worse.”
Harper shook her head and pushed off from the door, taking a step back. “See ya.” She said. Jax smirked as he put the car in gear, offering her a wink and a smile before they took off down the street. Harper sighed and followed Kacey back into the garage, closing it once they were both inside. Once the door shut, both sisters stood in place and looked at each other before sharing a groan, then began to haul boxes in.
“Let’s start with the kitchen.” Harper said, lifting a box labeled ‘Plates-Bowls’. Kacey nodded and grabbed another box, then followed her sister inside. They spent the better part of an hour and a half unpacking their kitchen and living room before they went to Harper’s room. When Kacey set down the last of Harper’s boxes, she stood, sighed, and said, “Do you really think we should be doing this?”
“Unpacking?” Harper asked, pulling out a few framed pictures and setting them on her dresser. She paused a moment, then looked at her sister and said, “Yeah.”
“Piss off.” Kacey said, annoyed, as she opened the box. “I meant with the club. Come on, Harper, you can’t tell me this is a smart thing to do.”
“Kay.” Harper sighed and turned to her, leaning against the dresser and watching as Kacey started hanging clothes in the closet. “I didn't know the Sons ran out of Charming. Nico never said anything about where they were. You know he didn't tell me everything about their business.”
“Yeah, but still.” Kacey sighed, shaking her head. She stood, facing the closet, and ran both her hands through her hair before turning to Harper. “This isn’t a good idea. If Nico and Bastien come looking for us...It won’t end well and we could end up getting everyone killed...Again.”
“That was not our fault!” Harper said, straightening and pointing a finger at her. “That little bitch Sara had it coming. This is her fault not ours. And besides, it was one guy, Kacey. Jesus. Stop being so dramatic.”
Harper turned and bent to open another box of clothes. As she leaned back to sit down and begin folding, Kacey said, “That doesn’t matter! I started the fight and you’re my sister! You retaliated for me and that’s when shit went-”
“Kacey, enough!” Harper shrieked, turning to her and glaring at her. “It happened, it’s over, no one else fucking died. Stop being dramatic about this. If they find out who we are, their feelings of kindness toward us can change real quick. We wanted a fresh start, Kay. This is it. We screw this up, and it’s fucking over.”
Kacey gave a small huff, but knew her sister was right. She finished putting the clothes in the closet and left her sister to her own devices as she stared on her room, slowly.
It was late the following morning when Kacey finally managed to drag herself out of bed and into the shower. Finding a note from Harper taped to the mirror letting her know that she had gone into town to start looking for a job, and that she would meet up with her later before the party at Gemma’s. Kacey groaned outwardly as she discarded the note into the trash, knowing she needed to do the same...job hunting easily falling into her category of least favorite things to do. Meaning this day was going to require coffee, and a lot of it. So after plugging her iPod into the living room stereo and cranking some old 80’s tunes, she fired up the coffee pot and jumped in the shower to begin getting ready for the day.
Kacey had just finished applying a little black eyeliner and mascara after throwing on her favorite jeans and a cropped Def Leppard tank-top. She was in the midst of brushing out her hair as she rocked out to ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’, when a sudden banging sound from the front door caught her attention; causing her to nearly jump out of her skin.
She waited a few seconds in hopes that maybe whoever it was would go away, but the knock sounded again; this time a little more aggressively. Her heart began to beat wildly in her chest by that point as she ducked out of the bathroom and into her room; grabbing her Colt .38 Super from under her pillow and making her way to the front door.
Kacey cocked the hammer back gently as she moved to peek through the curtain of the side window next to the door, breathing a small sigh of relief when she found Opie standing patiently on the front porch. His attention turning back to the door when he caught the faint sound of the deadbolt being unlocked, a small grin tugging at his lips as Kacey finally opened the door. His hazel eyes drifting briefly to catch sight of the pistol she still held in her in her left hand.
“Expecting company?” He arched a brow curiously as he nodded to weapon. Watching intently as she uncocked the hammer and clicked the safety back into place before tucking it into the back of her jeans.
“Always.” Kacey smirked, leaning inside to turn down the stereo before she leaned a shoulder against the door frame and crossed her arms over her chest; blue eyes studying him carefully.
“Sorry if I startled you.” He apologized. “Jax and I ran into your sister in town. She said you were still home, and probably in need of a lift.”
“No worries.” Kacey chuckled as she pushed away from the door and stepped aside, gesturing for him to come in. “Coffee?” She asked as they rounded the corner into the kitchen and she began searching for what cabinet they put the mugs in.
“Ain’t it a little late in the day for that?” Opie chuckled as he looked up at the clock above the stove that read 12:30pm.
“Ok, first off; it is never too late in the day for coffee...never.” Kacey replied as she finally found the mugs and pulled down two from the shelf before filling them both and handing one to Opie. “Secondly...you don’t like coffee, we can’t be friends.” She smirked.
“Fair enough.” Opie laughed as he accepted the mug from her and took a sip. Things falling silent between them for a moment before he cleared his throat and asked. “So, you almost ready?”
“Yeah.” Kacey nodded as she picked up her mug and started for the hallway. “Just let me grab my vest real quick. She said, disappearing into her bedroom to grab a red plaid over shirt; tugging it on before putting her black leather vest on over it. Slipping on her rings and leather bracelet before returning to the kitchen and finishing off her coffee, making sure to rinse out the empty mugs. Turning the stereo off and locking all the doors before finally heading out to Opie’s truck that sat in the driveway.
“‘85 Dodge Power Ram. Nice.” Kacey mused as they approached the cream and tan colored pick up truck, Opie stopping to open the door for her, a look of surprise on his face.
“You know trucks too?” He asked as he slid into the driver’s seat behind her, noting the sly smirk on her lips as she slid her aviators onto her face and settled into the middle seat.
“I know a thing or two.” She shrugged.
“I’m startin’ to think you know more than just a thing or two.” Opie chuckled as he turned the key, the engine roaring to life as he shifted it into reverse. Using the opportunity to slip his arm behind her as he turned to look over his shoulder while backing the truck out of the driveway.
“I’m full of surprises.” Kacey replied. “We’ll just leave it at that for now.”
“Alright then, Miss full of surprises; where we headed?” Opie asked as he glanced over at her from the corner of his eye.
“The responsible adult in me says to go look for a job...the not so responsible adult in me on the other hand, says to look for the nearest bar.” Kacey laughed. “But, if I don’t at least try and find a job today, Harper will probably kill me...soooo.”
“Responsibility it is.” Opie chuckled as he turned and headed towards town, where they spent the next couple of hours hitting up every place that had a ‘Help Wanted’ sign up in their window. Kacey finally calling it quits after the Sixth or Seventh place in row that declined before asking her to politely leave.
“No luck?” Opie asked as she climbed back into the truck, noting the redness that tinted her ears and slowly crept its way up her chest onto her neck as she struggled to keep her temper in check. Rolling down the passenger side window as she pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a much needed drag and relishing in the rush of nicotine that swept over her; calming her nerves a bit.
“Would you fuckin’ believe it that, ‘apparently’,” She spoke in a mocking tone, making quotation marks with her fingers before ashing her cigarette out the window. “I’m not a people person.”
“You don’t say?” Opie teased, wincing as her fist connected with his arm. “Ow.” He chuckled, rubbing his bicep as she smirked back at him before taking another drag and offering him her pack of smokes as a peace offering.
“Remind me never to piss you off.” He added, passing her smokes back to her. Lighting the cigarette between his lips before backing out of the parking space. Not even attempting to hide his grin as she scooted back across the bench seat into the middle and got comfortable. “So, to the Bar then?” He questioned.
“I thought you’d never ask.” She replied with a fake southern accent, hands flying up over her heart as she feigned a dreamy sigh, tipping her head back onto his shoulder as she batted her lashes up at him; erupting into a fit of giggles at his expression while she pushed her sunglasses back into place and sat up a little.
“Alright Miss Daisy. Calm your shit.” Opie chuckled as he draped his hand over her shoulder. Kacey’s own hand drifting to rest on his thigh in return for the rest of the drive back to the Clubhouse.
Things at the Clubhouse were still pretty laid back when Opie and Kacey pulled in. Most of the guys still getting cleaned up and ready for the party later at Gemma’s. But three shots of Jameson and a couple beers later, Kacey found herself behind the bar in a competition to out bartend Half-Sack. The room filled with hoops and hollers as the guys hounded on the poor kid, giving him a ration of shit as he struggled to keep up with her; it obvious that she had more experience behind a bar than he did.
“Oi! It look’s like y’er abou’ ta lose y’er position as Barmaid, there, Sacky mah boy!” Chibs howled with laughter as the rest of the guys following suit, all throwing in their own mix of comments. Kacey shook her head with a chuckle as she shed her plaid overshirt and vest, leaving her in the cropped tank that only gave a glimpse to the number of tattoos she had. Opie having a hard time keeping his gaze off of her as she worked.
“I swear to God, Brother, if you don’t hit that, I’m goin’ to.” Tig stated lowly as he took a seat beside Opie at the bar; blue eyes fixed to Kacey like a vulture that just spotted fresh roadkill. Opie all but shoving Tig off his barstool in return. Tig snickered and stood, straightening his Kutte as he said, “Hey, man. Easy, My Giant. I was only sayin’.”
Tig smirked and offered a playful punch to Opie’s shoulder before he walked away. While the competition continued, outside, Harper rolled into the lot on the back of Jax’s Harley. Harper swung her leg over the bike and removed her helmet as Jax did the same, hanging his off his handlebars before getting off the bike and taking the spare from Harper. She gave him a sweet smile and said, “Thanks for the ride. I did not want to have to get in another taxi.”
Jax chuckled and said, “No problem, darlin’. Your truck should be finished soon. Gemma made us put a rush on it.”
He snickered as Harper rolled her eyes while he slipped an arm around her neck, the both of them walking toward the clubhouse. “Please don’t? I don’t need our only car up and dying on us. We don’t know when our bikes are gonna be here, so we need something.” Harper said as Jax opened the door for her.
“That’s what we told her, but she’s still making it our top priority.” He said. Harper’s next polite decline was cut off as the roar from the guys grew as Kacey raced to stack the beer glasses under the bar, while Half-Sack struggled to pour all his shots before she was done. Kacey damn near broke the last glass as it slammed in place and she cried out, shooting her arms up in the air with a laugh. Cheering erupted from the guys as Half-Sack sighed and leaned against the wall, thankful it was over.
“Oh, dear God.” Harper said, pushing her glasses back into her hair, watching her sister get scooped up and twirled around by Opie before setting her down and the two of them passing out shots. “Tazzy. Sweetie.”
Kacey turned and beamed at her sister, taking a moment to down her shot and Opie’s before bouncing over to her. “Hi! Did you find a job?!” Kacey squeaked, her eyes already tinting red, the reek of whiskey on her breath. Harper scrunched up her nose and took her sister’ arm, leading her to a barstool before she keeled over.
“Jesus, Opie. I said give her a lift not get her lit.” Harper said, with a soft chuckle, as she asked Half-Sack for a glass of water.
“Hey, she said she was good. She’s in good hands here.” Opie said.
“Yeah, yours.” Jax teased. Kacey giggled and said with a hiccup, “Stop worrying, Harps. I’m f-fine.”
“Uh-huh. Did you find a job today?” Harper asked, giving her sister a look and pushing the water toward her as Half-Sack set it down. Chibs descended on the sisters, slipping an arm around Kacey’s neck and said, “Oh, I’m sure Clay woulna mind lettin’ her have a job ‘ere. Natural born barmaid, this one.”
Harper smirked and said, “Natural born? This whore has worked in four different bars. She knows what she’s doing.”
“Hey!...I’m not a whore…” Kacey said, pouting a little. Harper gripped her sister’s chin, lightly, and shook it as she said, “A bar whore. Barbacking for you is like...Well, riding for me. You love it, you’re good at it, and if I were to get paid, I’d make big bucks.”
Harper giggled at her own joke and leaned against the bar. Chibs chuckled and said, “Well, once t’e boss hears about t’is, he’ll probably hire ye on t’e spot.”
“Hey, man, I tried!” Half-Sack called, from down the bar.
“Yeah, and she still creamed ye!” Chibs called, howling in laughter as he joined Juice and Tig at the other end of the bar. Harper held a polite smile and laugh until Chibs was out of earshot, Jax excusing himself to go talk to Opie. Once they were out of earshot, Harper’s smile faded and she leaned closer to Kacey, tugging on her arm and whispering harshly, “Are you fucking insane?!”
Kacey blinked at the sudden movement and looked at her. “What? I got a job.” She said. Harper shook her head.
“At the clubhouse? Are you serious? Did we not just have a discussion last night about the club?!” Harper whispered, glancing around to make sure there were no eavesdroppers. Kacey sighed and leaned her arms on the bar.
“Harper, I’m sorry. But...Harp I was refused at like 10 places today. They took one look at me and then Opie and made up some bullshit excuse about why I wasn’t a good fit.” Kacey said. Harper shook her head and sighed, pushing her hands through her hair in irritation. The last thing they needed was for Kacey to get the job and the club found out about their connections and toss them out on their ass. That was one thing Harper wasn’t willing to risk. “Harper, look. We need the money to pay for the truck and the house. Maybe I can talk to Clay about working on the truck myself that way we don’t have to pay labor, just parts? And I can put in a shit ton of hours here so it compensates.”
“Kace...I-I don’t know about this… What if-” Harper said, her features taking on an extremely worried look. Kacey put a hand on her sisters arm and said, “Harper. You’ve got to trust me. I won’t say anything about Nico and Bastien.”
“Yeah, unless you get too drunk.” Harper said, giving her a look. Kacey gave her one right back and said, “That was once and it was about my embarrassment so can we drop that please?! I’m not gonna fuck up again, Harps! I promise.”
Harper glanced down at Jax and the guys, then back to her sister. “You fuck up and you’re pushing that car, I don’t care how far, if it breaks down again…” She said, giving her a look. Kacey smiled and wrapped her arms around Harper’s neck with a squeal. Harper’s hard exterior cracked and she smiled, hugging her sister back. As they broke apart, Jax came back over to them with a charming smile and said, “Hey, did you girls want a lift back to your place? Me and Opie have to get to Gemma’s a little early to help set up for the party.”
Harper gave him a sweet smile and nodded. “Yeah. Sure, thanks.” She said. Jax smiled and nodded, calling for Opie and telling the girls he’d meet them outside. Kacey grabbed her overshirt and vest from behind the bar and they walked out with Opie to the bikes.
Kacey and Harper split off from Jax and Opie as they headed down the street to Gemma’s. Harper quickly jumped in the shower while Kacey changed. Once Harper pulled on her black boots and zipped them up, giving herself a once over in the mirror to make sure everything looked good, she called for Kacey and they both walked down to Gemma’s.
“Just don’t fuckin’ drop the thing, Jackson!” Gemma called as she opened the door. When she turned around and saw the sisters, she smiled and ushered them in. “Hey, you guys made it. How was the first night?”
“Good. I slept good at least.” Harper said with a chuckle. Kacey mimicked her sister, behind her back, and rolled her eyes with a smirk. Harper glanced back at her before turning back to Gemma and said, “Hey, thanks for all the help yesterday. We really appreciate it.”
“Oh, honey. It’s not a problem. If you girls ever run into trouble, just give us a call.” Gemma said, with a smile. “The guys are out back. You girls just make yourselves at home.” Gemma added before disappearing into the kitchen. Leaving the sisters to find their way out to the backyard.
“Aye! Parties ‘ere!” Chibs yelled as the girls stepped out into the backyard, giving it a once over and finding the guys were still in the process of setting up a few things. “C’mere an’ give us a hand, will ye?”
The girls ventured over without a second thought, helping Chibs pull some lawn chairs down from the shed and set them up around the yard and patio area. Kacey reaching up on her tiptoes to grab the last chair, struggling as it was just out of her reach. She was starting to get frustrated when a hand reached over her head and grabbed it. Turning around she found Opie who was smirking down at her, making Kacey glare back playfully in return.
“Don’t.Say.A.Word.” She warned.
“Wee bit sensitive abou’ our height, are we?” Chibs joked from behind him as he took the chair and stepped aside so that they could close up the shed. Kacey glowering at everyone who was now snickering quietly at the joke.
“Easy, Taz.” Harper chuckled as her sister moved passed on her way to the cooler. Muttering under her breath about not being that short as she grabbed a beer and took a seat up on the patio; pouting with a childish look on her face.  
“Hey, why do you call her Taz?” Jax asked, opening his beer as he took a seat across from Kacey. “I noticed you called her that a few times today.”
Harper snickered as she leaned against Jax’s chair. “Are you sure you wanna get into this now?” She asked, glancing down at him before looking to her sister. Jax smirked and took a sip, settling himself for a good story. Kacey rolled her eyes and took a sip before she said, “I get a little crazy when I get mad…”
“A little crazy? Sis, you’re not named after the Tasmanian Devil for fuckin’ nothing.” Harper chuckled. Jax snickered into his beer as he sat up.
“No shit?” He asked, looking from Kacey to Harper. She snickered as well and nodded.
“I believe it almost came to criminal mischief...What? 10 times?” Harper said. Jax laughed and looked at Kacey.
“Shit, how was it only almost? What did you do?” Jax asked.
“Hey, listen, if you don’t want your girlfriend getting a hold of your precious guns and using your precious ‘50’s El Camino, then why keep them in the same place, let alone piss off your girlfriend?” Kacey said, as Opie walked up to them.
“Ouch. Who pissed you off?” Opie said with a wince and a chuckle. Harper chuckled, but gave Kacey a warning look. Kacey shook her head and said, “An ex.”
“Jesus, is the car ok?” Opie joked. Everyone giving off an array of horrified expressions and sounds as Kacey mimicked an explosion with her hands before returning to her beer. Harper smirked and couldn’t help but add a ‘Ba-boom.’
“Guard your keys, boys.” Jax chuckled.
“Maybe just your valuables in general.” Kacey snorted. “And don’t piss off the Devil.” She added, casting a sideways glance and smirk in Opie’s direction as the group had a good laugh. Gemma walked out carrying a bowl of fruit salad, but stopped when she saw everyone gathered around the table.
“Hey. People are gonna start showing up here in a few minutes. I’d like to have this place set up before then?” Gemma said, squeezing between Jax and Harper to set down the bowl. She swiped the beer from Jax’s hand and gave him a look, but taking his beer was enough to get him out of his seat. Jax patted Opie on the back as he turned away to head back over to where Clay and Piney were setting up some more tables. Gemma chuckled and shook her head, taking a sip from the beer before setting it down. Harper took one last sip from her beer as well before setting it down and asking Gemma, “Did you need some help in the kitchen?”
Gemma smiled at her and said, “I’ve got a few of the girls in there. I’m okay.”
“Come on, Gem. We’re good cooks!” Kacey chimed in, standing up and moving to stand next to Harper.
“Gemma, it’s the least we can do.” Harper said with a smile. Gemma chuckled and crooked a finger at them as she started walking back to the house.
Taglist: @jacksonroth @stacie-marie-bloom @journeyrose @cole-winchester @spnhollis @omgbullslove @cococruzzzimagines @romanchronicles @captstefanbrandt @courtrae89 @tephi101 @shieldmaiden25 @staystrongsoa @imgoldielikehawn @annakay84 @laketaj24 @penny4yourthot
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jacksonroseroth · 6 years
Hey Y’all!!!!!
So me and @badwolf-in-the-impala are doing an SOA collab for Jax and Opie!
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We’re both super excited to post this for you guys to read and we hope you like it!
We’ll be posting every other chapter on our blogs and linking the previous post to the most recent chapter!
Also, we’d like to intro our faceclaims for our characters!
I’ll be writing for
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And my lovely Wolf will be writing for
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Credit for the moodboard goes to @badwolf-in-the-impala , none of the pics are ours.
I’ll be tagging those that I think would enjoy SOA fics, but I don’t know how many others would, so if you’re in my taglist or not and you’d like to be tagged for SOA, let me know! I’ll add you to the list and make sure Wolf tags you in hers as well! <3
@tephi101 @shieldmaiden25 @titty-teetee @captstefanbrandt @ivarslittlebadgirl @hail-kattegat @tgrrose @irishhiggins @i-war-s-boner  @readsalot73 @thisisparadisemylove @capitanostella @noaor @somethingdawn @lol-haha-joke  @meganjudee @tinypuppysoul  @lovelydreamer-2000 @littlepanda-love @moondustmemories @imconfused28 @ivaraddict  @kinzykittty @filthy-lil-thing @unicornbaby741 @thedevil-of-monterrey @chinduda @nomzcandi @ever-darkening @darling-nymph  @franzi201070 @colie87 @derzauberermitlilabademantel
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laketaj24 · 6 years
Queens of Odins Eye: Ch 45
Taglist: This is a collab fic with the lovely ladies: @grungyblonde @courtrae89 and @imgoldielikehawn
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I keep jumping clutching my stomach. Someone is in this damn house. Jax shakes his head looking out for the cops. “Kia…”
“Jax, you’re helping me! Stop bitching out. I should have brought Hap.” I step on the stone and can see a little more of the house but not enough. I know I can get in this fucking window. I look at my baby bump. I was growing like a fucking inhuman monster. What kind of beast was this in me? Fucking Ivar. This baby was going to come out threatening people and calling me annoying. “give me a boost.”
“jax! You’re strong, one boost.”
He growls setting down his phone. “You’re fucking insane.” He lifts me, and I can see a hand. Either they killed each other, or some freaky shit was going on.  
I wiggle down feeling his abs and smiling at him. He blushes turning away from me. “Let me pick the lock.”
“Pick the lock, Kia!” He follows me to the front door.
“Look, no one has heard from him in a few days.” I say to Jax. “If you want me to come with you to get them damn dogs you’ll shut it and hold these cookies while I’ll pick this lock.” I give Jax the plate of chocolate chip cookies and take out my kit. He gives me a strange look. “What! He won’t open the door.”
“He doesn’t want to be bothered.” Jax whispers to me. “Sweetheart you really need to learn how to stay out of other people’s business. You’re the prez’s old lady now.”
“Hey, Jax. Shut the fuck up.” I say listening to the lock. “When the hell did they upgrade the locks?” Finally, I hear it click and the door opens and I take the cookies back. The place is a perpetual mess, pictures of them as a couple thrown on the floor. “Kim need to clean this damn place. She know damn well this is nasty.”
Jax has his hand on his gun sifting his foot through the trash. “Hey is someone in here?”
I walk to the back hoping that Kimmie would peak her head out and we would leave but she doesn’t appear. The bedroom door is open so I walk in and I see, he’s face down in the carpet with his hair sprawled everywhere and eyes half open. “Hvit!”
“Kia, do you ever fucking knock.” He groans standing up. “Why is he here?”
“dude you smell like shit.” Jax says rolling his eyes.
“Hvitserk.” I sit on the bed hesitantly noticing the condom wrappers and the women’s panties that were for sure not Kim’s that bitch was basic. “Where’s Kim?”
“Ask your ex-husband.” He laughs. “Kia, you like literally never stopped being my sister in law.” He laughs standing up.
“What about Ubbe?”
“He picked her up at the airport, probably fucked her because he can’t keep it in his pants.”
Tell me something I don’t know Hvit. “Okay, why was she at the airport?”
“Because your husband planted these fucking photos. I know it was him.” He tossed the images of Hvitserk doing what he does, the women sprawled out and the fucking devious smile that turned me on but apparently scared the shit out of Kim. “Ivar didn’t do this. He wouldn’t be that cruel. You’re out. Why break you two up?”
“Because you married a psychopath? You don’t really have a type do you?” He asks.
“Look, drunk or not, you talk shit again I’m whipping you with this pistol.” I say throwing the bar of soap at him. He catches it. “come to the fair with us tonight. Everyone loves you member or not.”
“Kia,” Jax warns. “You’re overstepping.”
“Look sexy, stand your pretty ass over there and shut up. We about to leave. Why are you all in this?” I ask holding my hands up.
“I lifted your pregnant ass to the window Kia,” Jax’s jaw clenches. “You know what, we’re done here.” He starts walking over to me and I can’t stand as fast as I used to. He scoops me up from the bed. “We’re going to get these damn dogs. Hvitserk man, have some pride. Get dressed. Kia, I’m telling Ivar you attempted to climb in a window.”
“You damn snitch.” I growl.
 Ivar was mad. His eyes glaring at me like I done something wrong. Hvitserk needed cookies and a friend. He slams his hands down on the counter in attempt to get my attention.
“Ivar.” I look up from my Parenting Book. “Slam something else.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because, I don’t have to tell you everything. Ivar, it was my business.”
“No.” He points at me. “Our marriage is not yours and Ubbe’s. We don’t keep secrets. We tell each other everything! What’d we say?”
“Stop yelling at me!” I yell back. “I’m tired of it.” My voice cracks. “The way you yelled at me in front of everyone else, snapped at me, that’s not us either. You let the patch go to your head with everyone but me. I’m not them! I’m Kia. I’m your wife.”
“That keeps fucking secrets!”
I hated to sound like those women who used pregnancy as an excuse, but as soon as this baby drops from me, I’m fighting him. I glare at him and he glares back. Everyone was against me. “Uri!! Come on! We have to go!”
“you’re waiting for me, we have to meet Gemma at the damn bake sale part and deliver all these cookies. I am not delivering these cookies myself.”
“You’re not my dad Ivar, I will go whenever the hell I want to.”
“Oh,” he raises an eyebrow to me. “I’m not your daddy?” Damn freak.
Uri appears down stairs in his Pajamas, holding the game controller. There was no way in Hel he was leaving. “Mom, I’m winning the game.”
“Uri go get your shoes and stuff on big boy. We have to leave.” Ivar dismisses him and walks around the counter. Instinctively I back away from him and he takes my hand in his hand. “I need you stop acting like you’re not six months pregnant okay?”
Uri’s little fists hit Ivar and he pushes him away bravely stepping in front of me. “You watch it or my daddy will hit you again.” He warns with a little glare in his eye that resembled Ubbe but that threat fucking screamed Ivar, what a mess.
Ivar cracks a smile. “I would never hurt your mom, I love her.”
“I’m watching you.” He says leaving.
“You keep messing with me and Uri will fuck you up.” I laugh and Ivar joins.
“Obviously.” He grins. “But seriously Kia. If I here about your spastic ass climbing in windows and picking locks again I will lock you in the house. You can’t keep waddling around here doing things that are a danger to you and the baby.”
“Who the fuck waddles!” I yell.
“Don’t even act as if you don’t waddle. It takes you fucking ten minutes to get off the couch.”
My mouth drops. “You take that shit back, or you will love the couch because it’ll be your fucking bed.”
“Oh, I’m not sleeping on that damn couch. But you do waddle.” He kisses my cheek. “Grab some cookies so we can go.”
 The fair is small full of bikers and their women. Looked like a damn double event. Uri ran around the fair like the small demon he was picking with Jax and his two kids. While Ivar kept an eye out on me like I was about to start scaling walls or something.
Court and Rollo were kin of making me sick, kissing each other nonstop then he swung her over on his back walking towards us. “The other newlyweds.” Rollo chides smiling. “Kia, you’re large.”
“You big as hell too Rollo.”
Ivar laughs. “What’s up Court?”
“It’s done.” She beamed.
“What’s done?”
“Nothing Kia?”
“Nah! We don’t keep secrets, we’re not me and Ubbe remember?” I stare at Ivar and he grins. “You bitch.” I say trying not to smile. “I can’t stand you.” My eyes well as they always do here lately and eh shakes his head.
“don’t cry.”
“No, you think it’s funny.” I start, my sobs hiccupping and Ivar hugs me then I feel my arm being pulled.
Court shakes me. “You need to get your fucking backbone back and quit all this fucking crying!” She yells and I stand shocked. “Your over emotional ass is annoying as fuck. “why do you think we don’t take you places anymore?”
Ivar’s eyes are huge. “Damn court.”
“She’s being honest, cut that out.” Rollo adds.
I stand quietly wanting to slap Court but Rollo scares me.
“Gemma has Uri with Abel and Thomas… you wanna get on the Ferris Wheel?”
“I don’t know her.” I scoff at him.
“Come on.” He smiles.  
We get on the ride and I can see Uri tackling Abel. Good boy. Then I see Brii with her two new puppies. It was the girliest I had ever seen her look holding them and kissing Jax. “When are you going to let me know what we are having?” Ivar asks.
“It’s a girl.” I say. “but I think she’s half demon because she keeps punching my damn ribs.”
“Yes a little Ivanna.”
“You have lost your whole fucking mind if you think I’m naming this baby after you.”
“Ivory?” He kisses my cheek.
“Ivar, shut up.”
“Iya?” Another peck on the lips.
“Shut up.” I laugh.
“I like that one.”
“Isla Lothbrok.” He pauses. “She’s gonna be a diva.”
“Of course?” I watch across the way, Ubbe wrapping his arms around Kim, then kisses her cheek. That damn bitch.
The ride ends and walk across the fair making my way to her. Ubbe stares at me with a small hint of terror. “Kim!” I call.
“Hey! I was about to call you!” She beams untangling her hand from his, “Want to go shoot darts?”
I don’t think, my hand connects with her face. There was a code you know. “Kia!” Ubbe says shocked to see me slap her. He doesn’t touch me because there were plenty times I scratched up his face. I had crazy tendencies. Apologies.
Kim’s mouth drops. “We’re just friends.”
I try to run at her and she flinches a little. Ivar lifts me from the ground. “You are fucking pregnant!” he growls as I try to break free. “Apologize!” He yells. “You don’t think she’s been through enough?”
“I’m not apologizing to her ass!!” I turn to leave and I hear Ivar apologize.
“Look at you waddling away!” He chides. “You’re going to apologize!”
“Ubbe,” I turn. “I’m gone fuck you up too.”
   Taglist: @ivarsshieldmadien @equalstrashflavoredtrash @whenimaunicorn@titty-teetee @sparklemichele @naaladareia @captstefanbrandt@therealcalicali @cinnabearice @readsalot73 @soaimagines @hallowed-heathen
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grungyblonde · 6 years
Queens Of Odin’s Eye
Chapter 48
An SOA/Vikings collab fic with the wild @imgoldielikehawn @courtrae89 and @laketaj24.
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Kimberly’s POV
I don’t normally curse, but lately I had no fucking idea what I was doing with my life. My best friends hated me. I couldn’t focus on my job and was currently using all my sick days to hide out in my new apartment. I had left the guy that I thought I was going to marry. And now I was sleeping with his bother. Fuck fuck fuck.
I missed the girls. Brii chose to ignore me most of the time. Courtney looked at me like she didn’t know me. And Kia...well my last interaction with her literally ended in physical violence.
I rolled over on my side to face Ubbe who was playing a game on his phone. “What the fuck are we doing?”
He raised an eyebrow up at me. “Well I’m playing Words with Friends and you’ve been staring moodily at the ceiling for the past twenty minutes.”
“You know what the fuck I mean.”
“Whoah,” Ubbe laughed as he sat his phone down and grabbed me playfully. “I don’t know if I like this new angry foul-mouthed Kim. I thought I was getting a good girl for once.”
“What are we doing? With us? How is this going to work?”
The cheerfulness faded from Ubbe’s eyes as he contemplated my question. “Everyone will cool down eventually. I don’t know why Kia is pissed anyways. She’s about to have my fucking brother’s baby.”
“Kia is emotional. She feels like I betrayed her. I get it. But Hvitserk...he got jumped out of the club for me and now I’ve left him...and I’m with you...”
Ubbe chuckled but it was void of any humor. “Yeah. That’s tough. But you had good reasons,” he touched my cheek gently and his expression was earnest, “We’ll figure this out though. I really do like you. I know I joke about you being so sweet but I happen to find that really attractive. I like how different you are from every other woman in my life. I need someone who isn’t always trying to challenge me, someone who might actually fucking listen to me for once.”
Before I could respond the obnoxious ringtone for work sounded. The caller ID showed it was Kalf so I groaned and answered it.
He didn’t wait for me to speak. “Kim. You need to get to the hospital. Now.”
“Kalf, I already took a sick day—“
“No you don’t understand. It’s Kia. There was an accident. She’s in a coma.”
Things were tense on the ride to Kattegat Memorial. Ubbe’s hands were gripping the steering wheel like he might rip it off and his words to me were short.
“Fucking speeding,” he growled. “How many times did I tell her...but she never fucking listened. About anything.” He punched the dash, making me jump. “Sorry.”
We were silent for a moment as we stared out at the dark stretch of empty highway, nothing in sight but the glowing yellow lines.
“It’s okay Ubbe.”
“What’s okay?”
I sighed but granted him a smile. “That your still in love with Kia. It’s okay.”
“No. I’m serious. I understand. I-I definitely still love Hvit. I just can’t be with him. But I can’t imagine how I would feel if something happened to him.”
Ubbe looked at me for a moment, almost as if he was trying to figure out what my angle was. I didn’t have one. He finally took one hand off the steering wheel. “You’re really great you know that?”
For all Ubbe’s ranting about his ex wife’s speeding, we made it to the hospital in record time. We raced through the waiting room doors to find the entire club huddled around talking.
“Court!” I ran over to a teary eyed Courtney as Ubbe went to talk to a pacing Ivar. “What are they saying? Is the baby okay?”
For a minute I thought she might turn her back on me and I think she really did consider it. But she surprised me by grabbing me suddenly and pulling me into a tight hug. “We’ve gotta quit meeting in hospitals,” she let out a shaky laugh. “I think they’re about to do an emergency c section. I just came from Charming with Gemma again so my mind is everywhere. Gods Kim, I feel like I’m being torn between two families. When did everything become so complicated?”
“Yeah. You’re preaching to the choir, girl.”
We finally pulled away from each other and I saw Ubbe and Ivar speaking to each other with their foreheads pressed together. I wanted to cry and scream that it was taking a tragedy like this to bring such a broken family together. I couldn’t keep my eyes from seeking out Hvitserk but he must have left when he saw Ubbe and me arrive. Obviously not all wounds could be healed so easily...
I did see Brii though, staring out the window with a blank look on her face. Her body was completely still but her fingers were twitching sporadically at her sides and I wondered if she was having a vision.
“Brii...” I approached her cautiously, not knowing how she felt about me right now. And also very aware of her unpredictable reactions. “Have you seen anything? Is she going to be okay?”
She didn’t look even look up but her next words sent chills through me. “That’s up to Kia now.”
@ivarsshieldmadien @titty-teetee @sparklemichele @captstefanbrandt @laketaj24 @imgoldielikehawn @courtrae89 @hallowed-heathen @readsalot73 @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla @whenimaunicorn
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princessmisery666 · 5 years
PS. my phone is downstairs so I'm gonna be MIA... (again). so SoA, and I wanna collab with my other fave gal Bee... if she'll have me...
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Hell yeah you can @firefly-in-darkness !! @negans-lucille-tblr do you take Daisy to be your challenge buddy? To fic and to smut? For angst or fluff? Until the challenge ends 😉
⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️Join The Fun⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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~Welcome to the Neighborhood - Ch.10|Finale Chapter~
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Moodboard made by me @badwolf-in-the-impala. None of the pictures are our, just the editing.
A/N: So, I suck and completely forgot to post on Monday! Big surprise there lol but that Holiday/three day weekend shit really threw me off XD Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy! Edited to add: I’m a dumby and forgot to include this is the final chapter XD I fail at life today lol!
Warnings: Angst....so much angst. Mentions of death/murder, non-major-ish(?) character death, explosion, mentions of pregnancy...Did I mention angst?
Word Count: 4,858
|| Previous Chapter ||
After Clay stormed out, Gemma went back home to check on him after making sure to clear Kacey’s room of any and all liquor, making sure to tell Half-Sack not to let her have anything harder than beer, and even there to cut her off after 2. Opie bailed, hopping down to the store to grab Kacey two pints of ice cream, as she’d cleared them out within the first few days of her downward spiral. The rest of the club went about their day, nothing much to do with their collective minds on how to get Harper safe without starting a feud between the Mayans again. Jax stuck around, mostly to keep an eye on Kacey. As he watched her wander around, play a solo game of pool, he found himself smirking to himself as he thought about how, if they managed to get her back, Harper would kill him if anything happened to Kacey.
After a while, he became increasingly restless and told Kacey and Half-Sack both that if she needed him to grab him from the garage, deciding to get a jump on Kacey’s engine mod that Harper had gotten for her birthday. With Jax gone and the clubhouse empty, Half-Sack sat around for a while, twiddling his thumbs before deciding to restock a few things. Everything was quiet until the sudden ringing filled the empty space. Kacey heard the sound, but kept cleaning up Opie’s room; At least it was something to keep her hands and mind busy so she didn't go completely insane. When it didn't stop she threw down the basket of clothes and all but stomped out and down the hall, but by the time she reached the corner, Half-Sack had picked it up. Before he could even say ‘Hello’, Harper began screaming at him, hysterically. He blinked and said, “Harper!? Hey, it’s Half-Sack, hold o-Jesus, Kacey, alright, alright!”
The second Half-Sack said her sister’s name, she rushed at him, punching his arm trying to get the phone from him. Once he passed it to her, she shouted, “Harper!? Is that really you!?”
When she heard the laughs between her sister’s sobs, Kacey’s eyes filled with tears, relieved to hear the sound of her voice as she said, “Yes! Yes! Kacey!?”
“Where are you, Harper?! We’ll come get you!” Kacey said. Harper gave a small whimper, accompanied by a sob.
“No, don’t. I mean not here. I’m at Nico’s. We-I have to get out first.” Harper said.
“Well, you have to get out of Oakland! Where can we meet you?!” Kacey asked. She turned to Half-Sack and all but shoved him out the door as she hissed, “Get Jax!”
Half-Sack took off across the lot as Kacey continued to speak with her sister.“I-I don’t know. I-I’ll find a way to get out. Um, what-what about Lodi? Have-have Jax reach out to the Bastards. Nowhere near LKQ. I-I told Marcus about Alejandro.” Harper said. Kacey was stunned. The first night after she caught Bastien with Sara, they hightailed it out of Oakland, getting as far as Lodi before they had to stop for the night. Once Harper told Kacey who Sara was, she realized the deep shit she’d just gotten them in and they ran. While hiding in the junkyard, Nico managed to track them down and sent one of his best men after them. Alejandro decided he’d try to get some sort of justice for his brothers and attempted to rape Kacey, but Harper was smart and brought her gun in case anyone gave them trouble along their escape. One shot to the head and Alejandro dropped dead. They thought they had gotten away with it, but weren’t confident enough to leave the junkyard just yet. Unfortunately for them, Alejandro had told Nico and Bastien both where he found the girls and within a matter of hours, the sisters were on the backs of their men’s bikes, heading back to Oakland. It took a week for Nico and Bastien to figure out how to cover up Alejandro’s death, most of that week was when Harper’s beatings took place.
“Kacey?” She hadn’t realized that her sister stopped speaking, and she was so stunned by the fact Harper told Marcus, she was left speechless for a moment.
“You-You told...N-Nico didn't hurt you?!” Kacey screamed.
“No! Marcus grabbed him and they just left. Kacey, I need to leave now.” Harper said, her voice beginning to shake.
“Okay, Harp-” Jax rushed in, Half-Sack behind him and said, “Is that Harper on the phone?!”
“Yeah.” Kacey said. A wave of relief washed over Jax’ face as he sighed and said, “She’s in Oakland? If she can get out, tell her to go to the Bastards clubhouse in Lodi! Get the number and text her the address! I’m gonna call T.O.”
He turned to Half-Sack and said, “Tell anyone where we’re going and you’re dead.” Half-Sack nodded and crossed his finger over his chest, holding up both hands as Jax rushed to get his guns. As he ran down the hall, he yelled to Kacey, “Tell her!”
“Yeah, I’ll tell her, Jax! Harper?” Kacey said, returning to her sister.
“I’m still here!”
“Okay, listen. I’m going to text you. Jax said to go to the Grim Bastards clubhouse in Lodi. Just go. I’ll text you. When you get somewhere safe, check it and meet us there!” She said.
“Okay. I-I’m gonna leave now. T-T.O. knows I’m gonna be there? I’ll have to steal Nico’s bike!” Harper said.
“Harp, don’t worry! We’ll tell them! Just go!” Kacey jotted down the number for the burner she had and ripped the paper off the notepad, stuffing it into her back pocket. Reluctantly, Kacey hung up and called out, “Jax?!”
Before Jax could answer, Opie walked back in, bags in one hand and a 6 pack in the other. Looking between Half-Sack and Kacey, he said, “Um, did I miss something here?”
Kacey whirled around and said “Harper called, Jax and I are going to get her.”
Opie blinked and said, “What? Harper called? Where is she?!”
Kacey shook her head. “I can’t...I can’t tell you, it’ll be better that way for everyone in the long run.” She added.
Opie sighed and shoved the bags and 6 pack into Half-Sack’s hands, Half-Sack a little stunned before he dashed off to the kitchen to put it all away. “Kacey, you can’t just take off! What if Nico follows her? What if Bastien does?! They’ll have you both and Jax is outnumbered!”
“Just trust me, Ope!” Kacey snapped as she started for their room to grab her own pistol. “She has an opportunity, Nico is gone. We do this now, or we lose our chance, and I’m not about to let that happen!”
Opie groaned and rubbed his face as he followed her, snatching the pistol right out of her hand as she grabbed it off the desk. “Kacey. Think about this for a minute! You two going alone?! I won’t let you! We can call the Bastards to go over there, see if the Niners can get to her. You’re not going!”
“She’s going, Ope. Whether you want her to or not.” Jax said, adjusting his Kutte and holster, stepping into Opie’s room. Opie blinked at his best friend and gave a soft scoff.
“You’re okay with this? Just the two of you?” Opie asked.
“Harper has one shot at this, Opie. Either I go by myself and she trails along until she gets caught, again.” Jax said, giving Kacey a look. “Or she comes with me and I can protect her! Besides, we’re gonna put a call into T.O. I’ll make sure some of his men are on the lookout for Harper and can get her before Nico does. Ope, we’re gonna be fine.”
“He’s right, Ope, and you fuckin’ know it...Nothing anyone does is gonna stop me from getting my sister back. So you can either rat us out to Clay, or you can help by letting us take your truck...Please Opie. I’m begging you. Let me do this.” Kacey added, her expression pleading as she stared up at Opie. Opie sighed and ran a hand over his face before he cupped Kacey’s cheek and kissed her slowly. He gripped her waist, never wanting to let her go, and stared down at her, brushing her hair out of her face.
“You come back to me, Kacey. Do you hear me?” He said. Kacey smiled and nodded, pressing her forehead to his for a brief moment before Opie looked up at Jax, tossing him his keys and said, “Bring them both back, Jax. Alive, please?”
Jax caught the keys and smirked, taking a hold of Kacey’s upper arm and said, “You got it, brother.”
As he pulled Kacey out the door, she swiped her gun off the desk, sticking it in the back of her pants as they both rushed out the door, jumping into the car and flying down the street.
Harper managed to pick herself off the ground, next to Nico’s bike. When she realized the bike had run out of gas and it was still a ways from the Bastards clubhouse. Just up ahead was a gas station and when the bike stopped just on the other side of Interstate 5, Harper had the idea to push the bike along and gas the Softail back up. But when she realized she never stopped to swipe Nico’s cash or Sara’s credit card, everything hit her at once. The pain from her bruises and wounds slammed into her, making her legs give out. When she hit the dirt, she sobbed, every nightmare of a thought running through her mind; Nico would have found Sara by now, if she wasn’t dead, and would be hot on her tail. At any moment, headlights could come over the highway, headed right for her. She’d be taken back and there was no way Alvarez would let her live after this, especially if Sara died.
Once she let the waves upon waves of doubt and fear wash over her, she frantically text her sister; Double, triple texts, until Kacey finally wrote back.
‘We’re almost there, Harper! Hold on!’ Kacey wrote
‘Kacey, I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere! I can’t even make it to the gas station! Please hurry!’ Harper typed, her fingers flying over the buttons, hands shaking and making so many mistakes, she was afraid Kacey wouldn’t be able to read it. She leaned against the bike and steadied her breathing. Harper was never the one who was a mess. She always let Kacey be the one who became hysterical and frantic because Harper was always there to help her back up, even when she herself was afraid too. She was proud of her sister for being so strong and determined and she wanted nothing more than to have her sister by her side again and be in Jax’s arms.
Just as she let go of her fears, agreeing with herself to sit tight and wait, the revving of an engine followed by bouncing headlights came into her vision. Her eyes widened and she froze in fear. She had the thought, when she was in the midst of her fit, to just run as fast as she could and hide from whatever car pulled over. But she was in the middle of nowhere and she hadn’t passed any cars on her way there. She never thought one of her worst fears would come true and now she was frozen in place, a sitting duck for Nico, if that happened to be him. When the truck seemed like it would just fly past her, she was able to move as she sighed, relieved. But at the last second, the brakes squealed as the truck drifted into the empty field where she was. With the lights so bright in her eyes, she couldn’t see who was in the car and finally accepted her fate, positive this was Nico coming for her. She closed her eyes and waited, no doubt Nico would shoot her on sight and be done with it. As the tears streamed down her face, the lights turned off and the doors opened.
“Harper!?” Her eyes snapped open as Kacey ran to her sister, slamming herself into her, hugging her tight and sobbing. She was so stunned that she was holding her sister, that she fell apart, clinging to Kacey and sobbing along with her, slowly sliding off the bike and onto the ground. Kacey pulled away and took her sister’s damp face in her hands, looking over all the bruises that marked her face, neck, chest and arms. Kacey’s eyes welled to the point of blindness and she sobbed, “Harper, I’m so sorry…”
Harper shook her head and opened her mouth to say that it wasn’t her fault, but another hand grabbed her gently, pulling her up and holding her close, Jax’s lips finding hers in a deep kiss. Harper wrapped her arms around his neck, breaking the kiss with a sob that she couldn’t hold back. Jax pulled Kacey into the hug as the three of them stood there, holding each other as the sisters cried and Jax buried his face in Harper’s hair, silent tears trickling down his face.
Before they could break apart or do anything else, shots sounded in the air as another truck sped toward them, sliding in the dirt as it stopped. Jax pushed both girls behind him, reaching for his gun.
“Don’t even think about it, Teller!” They heard Nico shout as several other guns were cocked before they even saw the three other men get out of the truck, along with Nico.
“It’s over, Nico!” Jax shouted, holding out his arms, trying to shield the girls as best he could. Harper gripped his arm as she watched Nico get closer, his gun never leaving Jax. His men stayed near the truck. Nico laughed and said, “Not by a long shot.”
Flames soared through the air and collided with the windshield of Opie’s truck, shattering it. The trio quickly moved away, despite Nico’s orders for them to stay put. He fired a warning shot, the bullet narrowly missing Harper’s leg.
“Don’t fucking move again, Jax! Hand over the bitches and you walk out of here alive!” Nico shouted.
“Fuck you, Nico!” Kacey shouted, stepping out from behind Jax. Harper shushed her and pulled her back behind him.
“You’re not taking the girls, Nico. So forget it. Not Kacey, not Harper.” Jax said. As the men continued to argue, Jax taking a few steps away so if anything, he gets shot before the girls, Kacey secretly slipped her pistol into her sister’s hands. Harper looked at her and said, “What are you doing?”
Kacey gave her a smile, pressing the weapon into her hands and said, “One Shot.”
Harper inhaled, sharply, and nodded, biting her lip through her smile and cocked the pistol, raising it as she stepped away from her sister. When Nico’s gun shifted from Jax, he turned and said, “No! Harper, put it down!”
“No, Jax! This is so much less than he deserves!” She hissed at him. Nico laughed, bending backwards a little, he was so amused. When he finished, he sighed and said, ��Are we still playing this game, baby? You don’t have the nerve. You lost it all, One Shot. You didn't take the shot then, and you won’t take it now.”
“Do you want to fucking test me, Nico? I’ve had enough of your bullshit! This ends now!” Harper shouted. Jax had backed up, keeping an arm across Kacey. If he couldn’t bring back his woman, he was going to make sure he at least brought Kacey back. He’d keep at least one promise he’d made. Nico smirked and lowered his gun.
“Baby. It’s over. Accept it.” He said, in a sickening sweet taunt.
“Accept this, bitch.” Without hesitation, Harper fired. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the bullet left the gun and dug itself right between Nico’s eyes. His smile dropped, as did his gun, his eyes going dead before rolling into the back of his head and he slumped to the ground. Taking slow and steady breaths, Harper lowered the gun and went to him. She stared down at his body and said, “You didn't call me One Shot for nothing, my love.”
Harper looked at the other men, who stood in shock and awe that their leader laid dead before them. She raised the gun to them and said, “You all know I’m still capable to taking you out, one by one, before you even have a chance to lift your gun. Get the fuck out of here or join him.” They didn't need to be told twice. In a frenzied fury of terrified Spanish, the Mayans scrambled their way back into the truck taking off back toward Oakland. Once their tail lights were gone, with a harsh breath, Harper’s hands began to shake, the pistol dropping to the ground, and her knees buckled as she collapsed in the dirt. Jax rushed to her and pulled her away from Nico, hauling her up and holding her close. He couldn’t help but emit a light laugh as he looked down at her.
“Jesus Christ, Harper.” He breathed. Harper gave him a small smile as she struggled to breathe. All the adrenaline that went through her body within a matter of minutes left her drained and exhausted. Suddenly, 8 more shots were fired that made Jax and Harper flinch and move away, looking around. Breathing hard and standing over his body, Kacey had her gun pointed at him.
“That’s for my sister.” She spat. Kacey turned to the couple and smiled. “Can we go home now?”
Both Jax and Harper, with a mix of emotions, chuckled as Kacey headed over to them. Just before she reached them, Opie’s truck exploded, tossing the trio onto their backs. Kacey groaned and rolled onto her stomach before slowly raising up on all fours then standing. Jax gave a soft chuckle and said, “Well...This is gonna be hard to explain…”
He looked to Kacey, as she dusted herself off, and she gave him a look. Jax chuckled and sat up as he said, “At least we have you safe now, Harper...Harper?”
When Jax turned to look at her, she didn't move. Her eyes were closed and her body was limp as a ragdoll. Horrified, Jax gently laid her flat on the ground and gave her a soft shake. “Harper. Harper, look at me!” He shouted.
“Harper?!” Kacey rushed over to her as Jax quickly stood, ripping his phone out of his pocket to call T.O. “Harper? Harper, wake up! You can’t do this to me!” Kacey sobbed hysterically as she cupped her sisters face, searching for some sign that she would be ok. Her fingers drifted down to detect the faint pulse that still beat slowly.
“Listen, man, just get the fuck down here!” Jax shouted into his phone. “She’s unconscious and needs to get to a hospital!...Get down here, now, T.O.! We’re on the other side of 5 near the Love’s Gas Station! Now!”
Snapping his phone shut he turned to Kacey, hoping she’d gotten Harper to wake up.
The steady beeping woke Harper. She slowly opened her eyes and gave a small whimper as she tried to move. Her body felt like it had been hit with a ton of bricks as she looked around. There was rustling in the corner and a brief fear shot through her as her vision was still blurred. Her memories of that night came back slowly, so she knew Nico was dead, but that didn't mean Bastien or Alvarez hadn’t snuck into her room. But as a gentle, warm hand rested on her arm, she turned and smiled, tears welling in her eyes as she whispered in relief, “Gemma.”
Gemma smiled at her and kissed her cheek. “Welcome back, baby. We were afraid we were gonna lose you there for a minute.” She said, gently sitting on the edge of the bed. Harper whimpered as she shifted, still looking around as she asked, “Where-Where am I?”
“You’re at St. Thomas, sweetheart...You’re home.” Gemma said, gently. Harper closed her eyes and sighed, tears streaming down her face. Finally, feeling came back into her body and she felt her arms wrapped in bandages and bandages on the back of her head. There were so many IVs sticking out of her arm, she could hardly move it.
“Where-Where’s Kacey? And Jax?” She asked, the EKG machine she was hooked up to rising steadily. Gemma held up a hand, trying to calm her and said, “Easy, Harper. They’re both fine. Jax is getting some coffee and Kacey’s getting checked out. She’s okay, but they’re checking her for a concussion and she has a few scrapes.”
“What about Alvarez? Gem, I-I shot Nico.” Harper said. Gemma raised an eyebrow and tilted her head as Harper added, “I killed him.”
“No shit.” Gemma said with a laugh. “I didn't know you were one of us.”
Harper sighed and said, “Gemma-”
“Calm down, Harper.” Gemma said. “Clay got a call from Alvarez. He wants a sit down. He’s found out some things and he’s talking peace. Stop worrying. Everything is fine.”
Before Harper could ask even more questions to give Gemma even more gray hairs she’d have to dye, there was a knock on the door and it opened, the doctor walking in. She glanced at Gemma then smiled at Harper as she said, “Hi. Um, I’m Margaret Murphy, I’m one of the administrators here. Your doctor is caught up on his rounds and I’m gonna take over from here.”
Gemma stood and said, “How’s she lookin’, Doc?”
“Oh, um, I’m so sorry, but I need to speak with Miss Calhoun alone.” Margaret said, giving Gemma a polite smile. Gemma scoffed and said, “She’s my daughter-in-law. Whatever you have to say to her, you can say to me.”
“Gemma.” Harper said. She turned to Harper as she said, “Can-Can you give us a minute? Please?”
Gemma glanced at the redhead before scooping up her purse and saying, “Sure, Baby.” She looked down at Harper and smiled as she added, “I’ll go check on Kacey for you.”
Harper gave her a small smile, letting Gemma give her hand a soft squeeze before she walked out. Harper gave a broken sigh and shifted as Margaret came over to her bedside. “Okay, Doc. lay-Lay it on me.” She said, her voice shaking. She didn't know why she was afraid, but if she asked to speak to her alone? It couldn’t be anything good. Margaret gave her a warm smile and said, “Well, everything is looking good, you’re beginning to heal nicely. And, um...It looks like the baby didn't suffer any trauma.”
Harper’s stomach dropped as she stared at the redhead, stunned. “I-I-I-I’m sorry. The-The what?” She managed to squeak after a while. Margaret blinked and said, “Oh, dear. You-You weren’t aware you were pregnant?”
“No.” Harper said, still trying to wrap her mind around it all. Margaret sighed and looked over her charts, double checking to see if she made a mistake. Finally, Harper said, “No, no, no, no, no. I-I can’t be pregnant. No. I-I can’t. I...I was only there for a week...And a half at most! No, I-I can’t have his baby. No, no, no, no-”
As the EKG began to beep wildly, Margaret tried her best to calm her down. “Okay, honey, shh. Miss Calhoun, I need to you relax.” She said, calmly. Harper whimpered and said, “Run-Run the tests again! I-I can’t be pregnant! You-You can’t tell this soon! It’s only been two weeks!”
“Okay, well, you can tell after two weeks, dear, but,” Margaret checked her clipboard again and said, “The tests show you’re about 8 weeks.”
Harper took a breath and looked up at her. She took a moment, trying to get her timeline straight and said, “I-I’m how far?”
Margaret smiled as she glanced at the EKG as the beeping got back to a steady pace. She looked at Harper and said, “8 weeks, dear.”
Margaret kept talking, but Harper didn't hear any of it. She was thankful she wasn’t having Nico’s child, but somehow, knowing she was carrying Jax’s made her worry even more. They had yet to have the sit down with Alvarez and that, in and of itself, was still up in the air. She just killed his nephew and stabbed his niece. Gemma said he wanted to talk peace, but for all Harper knew, it was all a ploy. Her fears had grown over the last two weeks and made her skeptical of everything. Finally, Harper resolved to at least get out of this damned hospital and she’d figure it all out then.
After two more days, Harper was discharged. She managed to dodge getting an ultrasound, not wanting to draw questions until she figured out how she felt about it all. Once she was back home, things soon fell back to normalcy for the next week, at least until the day came for the sit down. To the surprise of the club, Gemma and the sisters, Alvarez wanted the sit down to happen at the clubhouse. While the club was suspicious, Clay allowed it, everyone strapped and ready in case there was any funny business. Clay wouldn’t let Gemma into the Chapel, but when Alvarez requested that Harper and Kacey be present, while he was surprised, Clay obliged.
“First off, Clay, I want to say that I’m deeply sorry if any of this blew back on your club.” Alvarez started. “I’m aware that some of your members got hit during Nico and Bastien’s retaliation.”
Clay nodded, but otherwise stayed silent, letting the president speak. Alvarez looked at Harper and Kacey and continued, “Harper, I wanted to thank you.”
The comment took everyone by surprise while he said, “I believed Nico when he said that Alejandro was gunned down by a Niner. We took him at his word and we dealt out our retaliation. Had I known that you killed him trying to defend your sister and Nico covered it up, I would have been willing to let this whole thing go. And as far as what Nico, Bastien and Sara said about Sara’s assault, I believe it was mostly exaggerated because they wanted to hurt you both. I want you both to know that Bastien has been excommunicated and Sara has been disowned from my family. They both have a hit out on them if they were step foot in Oakland again, Mayan territory or not. And if they come to Charming or bother any Sons charter, Clay, let your men know that they are free to take them out, no retaliation.”
Alvarez continued, giving his apologies and making things right while the whole room sat in a stunned silence. Kacey was especially stunned as she sat beside her sister, not even sure what to say as she turned her attention to Alvarez after a minute or two as she cleared her throat awkwardly before saying, “Thank you, Marcus...really.”
Alvarez smiled and nodded his head. “It’s the least I can do. I know I’ve caused a lot of damage, especially to you, Harper. And if I had know what he was doing to you, I would have made sure you stayed with me instead.”
Harper nodded and bit her lip. “You couldn’t have know, Marcus. And even if we told you, he’s family. You don't just readily dismiss family without cause. I understand.” Harper said. Clay cleared his throat, ready to speak up and said, “We appreciate this, Marcus. We’ve been good for a while now and, hopefully, nothing will happen to change it again. And I think we all can agree that if it does, we get to the bottom of the issue, the whole truth, before any sort of punishment or retaliation is dealt out.”
“I agree. And if there’s any retaliation, on either side, unprovoked and not ordered, those who commit those crimes will be punished.” Marcus offered. Clay nodded and held his hand out to him, Alvarez shaking it. Clay banged his gavel and everyone filed out of the Chapel, a quick round of goodbyes taking place before Alvarez exited the clubhouse. Harper, Jax, Kacey and Opie following along outside. Watching as his bike pulled out of the lot and sped off, the sound of the engine fading off into the distance as the four stood there silently.
And for a brief moment, it seemed as though all their problems had faded from sight, even if only temporarily, it felt as though the weight of the world had lifted and they could breathe easy again. Breaking the silence, Opie said,“So...Who’s going to replace my truck?”
The girls snickered while Jax gave him a look, suddenly taking off through the lot, while Opie chased after him.
TAGLIST: @jacksonroth @romanchronicles @stacie-marie-bloom @captstefanbrandt @courtrae89 @tephi101 @shieldmaiden25 @staystrongsoa @imgoldielikehawn @laketaj24 @annakay84 @grungyblonde @crazyanonymous4u 
15 notes · View notes
~Welcome to the Neighborhood -- Ch.8~
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Moodboard made by me @badwolf-in-the-impala. None of the pictures are ours, just editing.
A/N: Sorry we suck and keep forgetting to post on Monday’s...Life has been crazy lately. But anywho, here’s chapter 8 of @jacksonroth and mines SOA Collab! I hope you guys are enjoying, and if you would like to be added to our taglists, just let us know! Happy reading!
Disclaimer: There is some Spanish used in this chapter. So we would also like to add that this is a second language for both of us; one that hasn’t been used since High School...So we did our best to do the research to make sure things we as close as possible to accurate. So if it’s not the best/correct, we do apologize. Any helpful pointers or tips would be appreciated. But please, no rude comments. <3
Warnings: Mentions of gunshot wounds, violence, angst, voluntary kidnapping? More angst...So much angst.
Word count: 5,651
|| Previous Chapter ||
While Chibs stitched Kacey up, Harper managed to calm down enough to be allowed back in to see her, as Chibs was finishing up with her leg. Kacey sat still as a statue now, completely void of any pain or emotion as she held onto the hands of her sister and Opie. Both positioned carefully, one on either side of her as they let Chibs work. The room falling into an uneasy silence as Kacey’s stomach tied itself up in knots, knowing fully what was about to come next as the door to the Chapel was thrown open and Clay stormed into the room; Jax, Tig, and Bobby following behind.
“Either one of you two care to tell me what the FUCK is goin’ on, here?!” Clay bellowed as he pointed between the two sisters who exchanged a brief glance. “Our shit with the Mayans has been good, straight, and then you two Wonder Twins show up -- actin’ all paranoid when Alvarez came around, and now this shit?!” He gestured out the Chapel door behind him in reference to what just went down.
“Clay, take it easy--” Jax tried to butt in, in an attempt to help, but Clay simply talked right over the top of him as he continued to address the sisters. “I want an explanation. Now...and it better be a Goddamn good one.”
Harper made a move to speak up as she stood, but stopped, her gaze falling to her sister’s when she felt Kacey’s grip tighten on her hand and pull her back. Harper’s eyes filled with concern as she watched her sister shake her head and say softly, “This is on me…”
“Care to elaborate?” Clay’s icy blue gaze was now fixed solely on Kacey as he waited for an answer.
“Before Charming...Before the Club.” Kacey gestured around the room at the guys who now listened carefully to what was about to unfold. “We were involved with the Mayans, and by involved, I mean romantically.”
“Jesus…” Clay ran a large hand over his face but stayed silent otherwise, as Kacey held up a hand of her own, gesturing to let her continue.
“It started out innocent. We were just a couple of hang arounds lookin’ for a good time, but after a while, Harp got together with Alvarez’s nephew, Nico, and I got involved with his best friend, Bastien...It wasn’t exactly the best situation, for either of us. But they aren’t the kind of people you just turn down an offer on being with…” Kacey winced a little as Chibs pulled another stitch through her arm. “We had no idea what the hell we were getting ourselves into at the time, but we rolled with the punches anyway. They said jump, we asked how high…”
“They treated us like fuckin’ shit most of the time, but it was roof over heads and hey; who were we to complain, right?…We put up with their shit for 3 years, until about 9 months ago when I walked in on my ex, Basiten, fuckin’ some other chicks brains out. And I just fuckin’ snapped. I was so tired of never being good enough for him, tired of him treating me like his Goddamn pet that I lost it. All I saw was red, and I beat that bitch without a second thought as to who she might be.”
“And lemme guess, she was someone you never should’a fucked with?” Tig chimed in briefly before Kacey continued; answering his question.
“Sara Alvarez...Nico’s sister--”
“And Alvarez’s niece…” Clay finished for her, Kacey nodding as a round of collective groans filled the room.
“I messed her up good...busted her fuckin’ jaw, put her in the hospital.” Kacey chewed her lip lightly as she glanced at Harper out of the corner of her eye. “That’s when shit got real bad...Not so much for me, but for Harp. Beatings from Bastien, while few and far between, were like second nature to me. I could fuckin’ take it, and most of the time I’d give it right back to him. Nico on the other hand? He had never laid a hand on Harper. But after what I did to his sister? That was my punishment. To watch him make my sister suffer for my fuckin’ mistake. Knowing she didn’t deserve any of it.”
Kacey drew in a shaky breath, wiping at her face quickly to catch a few stray tears that tried to escape as Opie gave her hand a reassuring squeeze; she continued. “It wasn’t long before I’d finally had enough of it, of everything...So Harper and I worked out a plan. It took us weeks to scrap together enough money -- along with some help from our cousin -- to get out. But not before I got the bright idea to try and make a point, by shooting up Bastien’s car; blowing it to shit. Marcus found out it was me that did it, thought Harper was involved too and basically exiled us from Mayan territory in Oakland...After that, Charming just so happened to be the one place far enough out of Mayan territory we could afford that we thought would be safe. But I promise you, we never intended to get involved like we have-- Please, Clay, this is my doing, this is all on me...Don’t take it out on Harper.” Kacey’s eyes were brimmed with tears as she looked up at her sister, who was trying to hold in her own emotions as she reached forward and pulled her into a gentle hug, being mindful of her arm that was almost done being stitched.
“Christ…” Clay sighed as he leaned his forearms onto the back of the nearest chair, pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head. “You didn’t think to maybe mention any of this, before now?”
“We didn’t know how we would be accepted if we told anyone...And we couldn’t afford at that point to be run out of town by another MC. Besides, we never actually intended on staying in the first place.” Kacey finished, biting her lip nervously as she glanced up at Ope who reached out to caress her cheek gently. “I know sorry doesn’t even begin to cover it, but it’s the best we have to offer...And you have to believe me when I say that we never intended for any of this to happen. We never wanted anyone else to get involved, or worse, to get hurt because of us.”
Clay sighed heavily as he straightened up, rubbing a hand across his chin as he paced back and forth, momentarily absorbed in thought before turning to Bobby and Jax. “Start makin’ calls, we’re goin’ on lockdown, effective immediately. Everyone in, no one fuckin’ leaves without an escort.” He stated firmly before turning his attention to Tig. “You, get Alvarez on the phone...this shit gets sorted, and it get sorted now.” ~  
As it was, there was no need to make any calls to Alvarez, because he was the one who called Clay directly in a matter of hours, once Kacey was stitched up and resting. He pulled everyone into chapel, making Opie and Jax leave the sisters, as they took the call. Once the doors were shut and everyone sat down, Clay put the call on speaker and set it on the table.
“Alright, Marcus. We’re all here…” Clay said, leaning on one arm of his chair, running a hand over his chin. Jax sat forward, arms resting on the table as he listened.
“Listen, Clay, I want you to know I didn't order that attack on you tonight. Nico and Bastien will get their punishment, but...Man, I can’t say they were wrong.” Marcus said. “Harper broke the rules. She was in Mayan territory after we threw them white girls out.”
Clay glanced over to Jax, who merely shrugged. It could have been true, but for all they knew, Nico and Bastien were lying to have some justification for the attack. When Jax shrugged, Clay sat forward and said, “And, uh, you saw Harper in Mayan territory?”
“Nico and Bastien said she was at some auto shop just outside. When she left, she crossed the line. Listen, Clay, I don’t care how far in she went, she still crossed into our territory, cabrón.” Marcus said. Clay sighed and rubbed his face. “If I had known they were runnin’ with you, I would have called and we could have talked it out. But now? Shit, ese, now they’ve gone too far. I’m sorry if anyone took a bullet, but we need to meet…”
“Why? What do you want?” Jax asked, unable to keep the disdain from his voice. There was a moment of silence and for a minute, the club thought Alvarez had hung up. But after a while, he spoke up and said, “We want the girls.”
Opie stood and started pacing, Piney trying to calm him down while Alvarez was still on the line. Jax covered his face and sighed.
“I’m afraid we can’t do that, Marcus.” Clay said. “They’re with us now and we’re not just gonna hand them over on your say so. Maybe...Nico pushed her into Mayan territory and used that as an excuse?”
“Are you calling my nephew a liar, Clay?! We’ve had a good thing going for a while now and these white bitches have screwed with my family one too many times! Either you meet us at LKQ in Lodi tomorrow and we talk terms, or this truce is over!”
With that, this time, the silence that filled chapel was accompanied by the monotone of the dial tone as Alvarez hung up. Jax sat back and sighed. He looked at Clay and before he could say anything, Opie did it for him.
“We’re not handing them over, Clay! I don’t care! We’re not doing it!” Opie shouted. Piney managed to get a good grip on the leather sleeve of Opie’s Kutte and yanked him down, back into his seat.
“Will you shut your goddamn mouth and sit down?!” Piney gruffed at him. Opie shrugged off his father’s hand, readjusting his Kutte as Clay said, “No one here is talking about handing them over, Opie. From what we heard from the girls,” Clay stopped and looked to Jax and added, pointing his finger at him, “By the way, I want full details on what the fuck happened in Oakland from Harper.”
Jax nodded as Clay continued, “From what we heard from the girls, Nico and Bastien are just out for blood. They’d do or say anything to get them on Marcus’ bad side so they can get what they want. Bobby, call T.O. and see if him and some of the Bastards can cover us. I don’t want any surprises.”
Bobby nodded and stood, flipping open his phone as he dialed, going to the otherside of the room to talk. While Bobby laid down the plans with T.O., Clay looked to Juice and said, “Juice. LKQ. What do we know?”
Juice shrugged and said, “Lodi, neutral. From what I know it’s pretty deserted. I think the owner in on the Bastards payroll so...Throw some extra cash their way and they should be able to get the place cleared out for us.”
Clay nodded and picked up his gavel as he said, “Then it’s decided. Round up what cash we have and strap in, boys.” With a bang of his gavel, Opie shot out of his chair, bursting through the doors and down to his room to check on Kacey.
Unbeknownst to the club, when Jax left Harper in his room, she waited until she heard silence and quietly snuck out, being careful to avoid being seen through the blinds, and pressed her ear to the door to listen. Once she found out where they were meeting, she quickly rushed back to tell her sister.
“Kacey.” Harper said, softly, giving her uninjured arm a shake. Kacey stirred and turned to her sister, rubbing her eyes. Harper glanced over her shoulder, making sure neither of their men would walk in and she said, “Can you ride still?”
Kacey gave her sister an incredulous look. “I took two fucking bullets, Harper. No I can’t.” She said. Harper flicked her uninjured arm and gave her a look.
“Not today, smartass.” Harper said, lowering herself to sit on the bed next to her. Kacey shifted and sighed, pushing herself to sit up, being careful of her arm and leg. “Tomorrow. Marcus just called Clay and set a meeting at LKQ in Lodi.”
“That’s that junkyard right? Where…” Kacey’s eyes widened as Harper nodded. Kacey sighed and said, “This was Bastien’s doing…He wants them to find out and the club will let them take us!”
“Hey!” Harper hissed, gripping her hand. “I promised you no one would find out about that, and no one will...Even if they did, they wouldn’t hand us over on Marcus’ say so.”
“But they’re going to bring us with them, Harper! Of course, they’re going to hand us over!” Kacey squeaked. Harper shook her head.
“No. They aren’t. You really think they’re going to take us? Jax and Opie would never let Clay do that.” Harper said. “We’ll knock out Half-Sack, Juice, Tig, Gemma, who ever they leave to guard us. We’re going to be there and make sure Nico doesn’t rub our names out and turn us against the club.”
Kacey sighed and laid back against the pillows and said, “Harps, it’s not going to work. They’re gonna have us on lockdown. There’s no way-”
“Then we find a way.” Harper said, cutting her sister off. “We always find a way, Kace.”
Kacey chewed her lip and nodded as Opie stormed in, making them both jump. When Opie saw the girls, he stayed near the door, on the other side of the room, pacing and muttering to himself.
“Ope? What is it?” Kacey asked, chewing her lip, worried that Harper didn't get all the information. Opie shook his head and sighed.
“Nothing. Nothing. Just…” Opie stopped pacing and looked at Harper. “Harp, can you give us a minute alone?”
Harper gave him a soft smile and nodded, giving her sister a quick hug, she stood and left the room, walking out to find Jax walking back, no doubt to see her. She smiled at him as he approached and slid his arms around her, hugging her. Harper leaned into the touch and nuzzled his neck.
“Is everything okay?” She whispered softly. Jax gave a sigh and kissed her softly, trying to put out his best reassuring smile, but only ended up with a half smile before he led her back to his room and shut the door. Harper bit her lip so hard, she was sure she tasted blood, now having the same doubts Kacey had, that there was some piece that she missed. Harper sat down on the bed as Jax came over to her, squatting down in front of her.
“We got a call from Alvarez. He wants to meet.” Jax said. Harper took Jax’s hands as he continued, “He said he didn't tell Nico to shoot up the lot last night, but he heard about you crossing into Mayan territory so he doesn’t think what Nico did in retaliation was wrong.”
Harper’s eyes filled with tears as she pushed his hands away, moving around him as she stood. “So, it is all my fault…” She said, softly. Jax went to her, sliding his hands over her shoulders and down her arms.
“No. It’s not. Just-” Jax sighed and turned her around, continuing with, “Just tell me everything that happened. Did they push you across the street? Drag you? Force you in anyway?”
Jax cupped her face as Harper squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “No. No. Nothing like that. I-I mean...They had a hand in it, but...It was my fault.”
Jax took her hands and pulled her toward the bed, sitting her down. “Tell me, babe. Tell me everything. We need to know what to bring to Marcus tomorrow.” He said, reaching up a hand to wipe her tears. Harper sniffled and nodded, leaning into his touch. Finally, she took a breath and opened her eyes, looking at him.
“I-I went to Alvin’s to get a mod for Kacey for our birthday.” She started. “I know where Mayan territory is and I made sure to stay away from it. I thought Alvin’s was safe but...They must have had lookouts and someone told Nico and Bastien I was there.” She took a pause as she sighed, starting again with, “I was waiting for the guy to get my part and...They just walked in. Didn't buy anything...Nico started talking to me, saying I wasn’t supposed to be in Oakland and Marcus exiled us and shit. I told him I wasn’t in Mayan territory and I wasn’t breaking any rules.”
Harper swallowed, hard, and said, “They shook me up. Nico said they knew where we lived now and they could show up...I just wanted to get out of there and get someplace I knew was safe...I-I guess, I just got confused and my goto was always...Nico’s...So I started heading there and then I remembered where I was and I turned around, real quick, but...I guess they thought that was enough for them to have an excuse to run me off the road and threaten me.”
Jax sighed and pulled her closer, holding her tight as she sobbed softly. Through her sobs, her words muffled as she buried her face in his chest, she said, “Now I’ve gotten my sister shot and other members...It’s all my fault!”
Jax shook his head and kissed her cheek, lifting her chin to press a soft kiss to her lips. “Baby, it’s not your fault. Nico and Bastien pushed you to it. If they hadn’t shown up you never would have crossed.” He said, wiping his thumbs over her cheeks to wipe away her tears. “A few of the guys took a bullet but Chibs is working on them now. They’ll be fine. This isn’t your fault.”
Harper sniffled and rested her head on his chest for a while before they shifted, laying on the bed and Harper snuggled into his side, soon crying herself to sleep. ~ “Ope?” Kacey said softly as she scooted to the edge of the bed, her heart racing a million miles an hour as she watched him close the door and lean a hand against the wood for a moment, as the other reached up to rub at his forehead. Kacey’s worst possible fear flashed through her mind in that moment as she bit her lip to keep from crying...Having had just about enough of that for one day.  “Shit...Clay’s gonna hand us over...Isn’t he?”
Opie’s attention snapped around immediately at her words, watching as Kacey buried her face in hands to muffle a sob. “What? God, Kay, no. No one's gonna hand you over. No one's gonna take you from me. Got it?” Opie closed the distance between the door and his bed in a few strides, kneeling in front of Kacey as he moved her hands aside, replacing them with his own as he cupped her face gently and wiped away her tears with his thumbs; kissing her.
“We’re in deep shit, Ope.” Kacey whispered as he pulled away. “I don’t think we’re getting out of this one…”
“Hey,” Opie spoke up as he shifted to sit beside her on the bed, pulling her against his chest gently as he tried to comfort her the best he could. “Everything is gonna be ok...I promise.”
“You can’t promise that, Ope…” Kacey whispered softly. “Nico and Bastien will go to whatever lengths necessary to get their hands on us. It’ll be an all out war.”  
“Yeah? And they’ll have to go through me...I’m serious, Kay. I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” Opie stated as he pulled Kacey back a little to look down at her, his hazel eyes filled with nothing but sincerity and the love he felt for her. “I came so close to losing you today, and that feeling? It fuckin’ terrifies me.”
“I know…” Kacey said softly as she squeezed Opie’s hand. Opie kissed her temple, nuzzling her hair as he held her close, taking care not to put pressure on her wound. Kacey sniffed and wiped her face as she rested against Opie’s chest, his warm, strong arms around her helping her calm herself down. In a soft whisper, she asked, “What’s going to happen, Opie?”
Opie stared at his closed door, his mind working as he thought. He pressed his lips to her hair before he said, “I don’t know. But it’s going to be okay, Kacey. I promise you.” ~
For the rest of the night, everyone was on edge. Clay called Tacoma, SAMDINO, SAMTAZ and Indian Hills, making sure they were at least mobilized and would be there by the next night, if not there in a matter of hours. While Clay had what visiting members, who weren’t shot in the ambush, on patrol, just on the off chance Nico and Bastien wanted to come back for more, the girls managed to find sleep, Jax and Opie never leaving their sides. Gemma made sure the kitchen was stocked and made a list for the things they needed, making plans for a store run with Half-Sack, Tig and Bobby the next day. In chapel, Clay decided only he, Jax, Opie and Chibs would go meet Alvarez and Juice confirmed with T.O. that the Sons had back up from the Grim Bastards. Early the next morning, everyone started moving. Clay sent Gemma out with a few of the girls to the store, making sure Tig and Bobby knew he’d have their balls on display if anything happened to them, not needing to reiterate to Half-Sack.
By noon, SAMDINO was all set up on patrol, SAMTAZ and Indian Hills confirming they would be there by no later than 5, Tacoma there by that night. With all the protection, it made sneaking out a little harder for Harper and Kacey, especially when Clay laid down the law; Telling them they didn't go anywhere without an escort and didn't leave Charming, with or without one. After the patrol was set up, Clay and the rest headed out to meet Alvarez and Harper set her plan in motion. She managed to convince just Juice to take them home, following Harper’s truck. They made the excuse of wanting to pack some more things and once Juice took a piss break, they shot out to Harper’s bike, Kacey not being healed enough to ride on her own, making sure they were in the street before she started her bike, giving them more time to lose Juice as they got on the highway, speeding off to Lodi. ~
Clay, Jax, Opie and Chibs rolled into the empty junkyard around 3, making sure T.O. and his guys were well hidden and on patrol before Alvarez, Nico, Bastien and their VP rolled in. Jax cracked his knuckles while Opie glared at Bastien, flicking away his cigarette butt.
“Alright. Let’s all calm down and talk about this rationally.” Clay said as Alvarez and his crew turned off their bikes and made their way over. “They’re not getting the girls, so that’s not an issue.”
“Yeah, no shit. I’m not handing them over to get beaten again.” Opie snapped, itching to beat the smug little smirk that Bastien wore off his face. Jax patted his friends’ shoulder and said, “Easy, brother.”
He moved in front of Opie, half to block him and half to take his place next to Clay as Marcus and his men stopped a few feet from them.
“Where are the white bitches?” Nico asked, right off, earning a hand to the back of his head.
“Shut your mouth, ese. You’re the reason we’re even here.” Marcus hissed at him. Nico rubbed the back of his head and shuffled back a little.
“They’re not here, asshole.” Jax said, answering him anyway. “And you’re not gonna get them.”
Marcus turned back to the Sons and sighed, taking a step forward, Clay doing the same, and said, “Listen, Clay. Those sisters did a real number on this club. And they broke the rules. If I don’t punish them, I’m going to be seen as going soft on women, especially since they are involved with my nephew.”
“Well, your nephew’s a goddamn liar.” Opie said, stepping forward, Chibs jumping to him, ready to hold him back. Nico snickered and said, “Why would I lie?”
“Because if you hadn’t shown up, when she wasn’t even in Mayan territory, she wouldn’t have crossed the street, ese.” Jax said. He looked to Alvarez and said, “Alvin’s Auto is just this side of Mayan, yeah?”
When Alvarez nodded, Jax continued, “And that’s where she was. Nico and Bastien just showed up for no reason, other than she was there. If they hadn’t shaken her down, she wouldn’t have gotten mixed up and crossed the line.”
“That bitch is the goddamn liar!-” Before Nico could even get it all out, Alvarez turned to him, grabbing him by his Kutte and dragging him closer.
“What did I tell you about keeping your fuckin’ mouth shut?! I don’t give a shit if your my sister’s son, you’re gonna listen and shut the hell up! Am I clear?” Alvarez shouted, shoving Nico back, into Bastien. Nico righted himself, adjusting his Kutte and said, “Sí, Tío.”
Alvarez turned back to the Sons and said, “It doesn’t matter if it was a mistake or not. She shouldn’t have even come so close to Oakland if she didn't want to run into Nico.”
Before Jax or anyone else could say anything more, they turned as they heard Kacey cry out, being dragged along, into the lot, followed by Harper fighting off the Mayan that held her arms. Jax and Opie started for them, but Bastien and the VP both whipped out their guns, causing Clay and Chibs to do the same. The domino effect had everyone with their guns out and pointed at the opposite party. The two Mayans dragging the sisters in threw them down between Alvarez and the Sons. Harper immediately turned and spat at the man who threw her down, causing him to slap her.
“HEY!” Jax shouted, firing a warning shot between his legs. Jax took a step closer and said, “Next one goes in your fuckin’ head, dirtbag. Step back!”
While Harper’s cheek stung, she quickly scrambled over to Kacey, Opie already there, guns be damned, and helped her up. Opie held her close, tucking her into his side, as Chibs slid a protective arm around Harper’s front, keeping his gun fixed on one of the Mayans, ready to fire.
“You see? See what these bitches do?” Marcus said, pointing his gun to the sisters.
“If I’m not mistaken, amigo, it was your guys that started this. Why did they need to drag them in like that?” Clay cast a glance to the women and said, sternly, “Not that they were even supposed to be here…”
Harper gave Clay a look, turning into a brief glare, as she said, “This isn’t your fight, Clay. It’s not on you.”
“No, baby. It’s on you. You and that bitch-” Before Nico could finish, she grabbed Chibs’ gun and shot the Mayan that slapped her. He went down, screaming and clutching his leg. All at once, all Mayan guns were on her, cocked and ready to shoot.
“Say something else about my sister and the next one has you fuckin’ name on it.” Harper said, turning her gun on Nico. She gave a smirk and said, “One Shot, mi amor…”
“Alright!” Clay shouted. “Let’s put the fuckin’ guns away and talk about this!”
“No!” Harper shouted, glancing at Clay, tears in her eyes as she refused to lower the gun. “No, I’m fucking done talking!”
Harper lowered her gun and stepped forward in the empty space between the clubs. “You’re not touching Kacey ever again, Bastien. You’re going to leave her alone and forget any bad blood between the Mayans and the Sons. No resentments, no more ambushes. Truce as usual.”
Nico snorted, not lowering his gun even though the others did, and said, “Why not?”
“Because you’re going to take me and be done with it.” Harper said. There was a mix of reactions, between Kacey screaming ‘No!’, Jax’s look of shock, and Clay shouting that there’s another way and he isn’t going to allow it. Nico seemed intrigued by the offer since he lowered his gun, stepping up to her and said, “You’d give yourself up to save that bitch?”
Before she responded, Harper’s fist connected to the center of Nico’s dumb snickering face, sending him flying backwards. “I warned you, Nico.” She said, taking a step close to the Mayans. Jax stepped forward and grabbed her arm, pulling her back as Harper turned toward him.
“No! No, you’re not doing this, Harper!” Jax shouted, eyes own eyes turning red, threatening tears. “We can figure something else out. You’re not leaving with them! I won’t let you!”
Harper ripped her arm out of Jax’s grasp and shot back, “I’m not your old lady, Jax! I can do what I want! And I want to save my sister! So if this is what it takes, then I’m doing it! No one can fuckin’ stop me!”
“Harper. Harper, no, please don’t do this.” Kacey said with a whimper, struggling against Opie to get closer. Opie didn't want Bastien anywhere near where he could lay his hands on Kacey, but he ultimately lost and Kacey rushed to her, throwing her arms around her sister’s neck and sobbing. Harper took a step back, wrapping her arms around her sister as well.
“Kacey, we don’t have any other choice.” She whispered to her, struggling with her tears. “It keeps you and the club safe. I’m doing it.”
Kacey sniffled and shook her head, letting go and wiping away her sisters tears, along with her own. “No. No. There’s-There’s another way. We always find another way!” Kacey said, gripping her arms. Alvarez stepped up and said, “We’re not walking away here empty handed, Taz. Either one or both of you comes with us, or we’re all leaving here in body bags.”
Kacey glanced at him, almost pleading as her eyes teared up even more, then looked back at Harper as she listened to him continue, “Not only did you disgrace the club, you disgraced my family. A sister for a sister is agreeable with me.”
Clay grabbed Alvarez by his Kutte and said, “There’s got to be another way here, Marcus! We’ll give you more guns, more guys to move your H, something. You can’t take her!”
Alvarez shoved Clay’s hand away and said, “Clay, this only concerns you because she’s with Jax. If she’s deciding to leave him, it doesn’t concern you anymore...Not that it even really mattered.”
He looked at Harper, as she turned to him, and said, “Harper, I promise you; If you leave with us, all things are equal, all beef is settled. Truce as usual, Me cae de Mi Familia.”
Harper let out a soft sigh, a light wave of relief passing over her, were he telling the truth. She looked back at Kacey, giving her hand a quick squeeze, before turning back to Marcus and saying, “I still want to be able to lay out any fine line I have so the club and Kacey are never to be bothered by a Mayan again. Give me your word on that, Marcus...And I’ll leave with you.”
“No!” Before Kacey could claw at her sister, ready to bring her down before she’d ever let her leave. Opie grabbed Kacey and pulled her away as she screamed and cried. Jax grabbed her arm again as she took a step forward. He pulled her closer and held her tight, kissing her so deep and passionately, Harper clung to him, giving a small, soft whimper. When the kiss broke, both their cheeks were wet as they stared at each other, Jax cupping her cheek.
“You’re not staying with them, Harper. We’ll get you back. I’ll get you back.” Jax said, softly. “You’re my girl. I love you.”
Harper sniffed and said, “I love you too, Jax. I love you too.”
Bastien had enough and grabbed Harper’s arm, tearing her away from Jax. Clay, Jax and Chibs all took a step forward, but stopped short as Nico, the VP, and the third Mayan held up their guns to stop them. The men held up their hands and stepped back as Marcus patted Clay on the back and said, “I’m very sorry about this, amigo. But I gave Harper my word. The Sons and the Mayans are good again.”
Clay let out a slow breath, giving Alvarez a look as he went back to his bike, where Harper sat waiting. He gave a whistle and Nico and the others lowered their guns and went back to their bikes. Jax watched in horror as Alvarez drove off, Harper looking back until they disappeared. Kacey collapsed in the dirt and sobbed, Opie slowly lowering her down, holding her in his arms.
“This wasn’t right, Clay!” Opie screamed at him. Clay looked to Jax, a hand closing around his shoulder and said, “I’m sorry, Son. We had no other choice.”
Jax shook his head and sighed, watching the cloud of dust dissipate before turning to go back to his bike, revving it and taking off before the others.
TAGLIST: @jacksonroth @stacie-marie-bloom @romanchronicles @captstefanbrandt @courtrae89 @tephi101 @shieldmaiden25 @staystrongsoa @imgoldielikehawn @laketaj24 @annakay84 @grungyblonde @crazyanonymous4u
17 notes · View notes
~Welcome to the Neighborhood -- Ch.4~
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Moodboard made by me @badwolf-in-the-impala, I do not own any of the photos used.
A/N: Chapter four! Whoop, whoop! I hope you guys are enjoying this fab collab that @jacksonroth and I are doing?! This chapter makes a bit of a time jump, but I believe we plan on typing up some ‘deleted scenes’ style chapters to help fill in gaps. Anywho, let us know if you would like a tag! Chapters posted every Monday!
Warnings: Anxiety, language, implied sexy time ;)
Word count: 4,714 
Previous Chapter
6 months passed and the sisters settled quite nicely in Charming and among the club. Gemma took them under her wing and showed them the ropes, not that they needed help there, but they let her anyway. Kacey and Clay were practically joined at the hip when she was working on Harper’s truck and then on other cars and bikes, and she got along nicely with Half-Sack when she worked the bar. Harper became a favorite at the diner, getting rather generous tips that helped pay off the truck and get their bikes down to them in record time. The minute the flat bed rolled onto the lot, Kacey and Harper got their bikes down and shot out of the lot, Jax, Opie and Juice laughing as they raced to their bikes to try and keep up with them.
As they settled to their new life and job, they also got rather close and comfy with Opie and Jax. While the sisters made a promise to only let it be a one time thing, neither sister could resist the bikers and began fooling and sneaking around with Jax and Opie. It all started out innocent enough in the beginning. No more than stolen moments here and there whenever the other sister wasn’t around or paying attention; but that quickly turned to little white lies and late nights of sneaking out. It was like they were teenagers all over again...Complete with several instances of Kacey having to shove Opie out her window and Jax hiding under Harper’s bed, before either sister walked in, or anyone else for that matter; The last thing Harper wanted was to get caught with Jax by Gemma.
Once Harper settled as a waitress, within the first few weeks, she was playing hostess when the other girls were out sick. She had grown into the role, well, and was now trusted with counting the registers after her shifts. As she counted the money made from breakfast and a few stragglers before the lunch rush, the familiar, unmistakable rumbling sound of two Softails met her ears and she looks up from the bills in her hand, watching in horror, as Alvarez and one of his cronies drove down Main St and parked just outside the diner. Harper quickly went through the money, scribbling down the numbers and slammed everything back in before taking off back to her locker. Her shift was long over and she only stayed later to do a thorough count of the money, so no one would have wondered why she wasn’t there. Her hands shook as she fumbled with her lock, grabbing her jacket and purse before hauling ass to the back and jumping into her car.
She didn't know if they were going into the diner or the corner store next door, but she wasn’t about to stick around and find out. She had to get to the clubhouse - Fast. She flew down the side streets she’d become so acquainted with, dialing her phone to call first the house, then the clubhouse. When no one answered, the panic began to set in. Hands shaking, she took a breath and called Jax. If anyone would pick up for her, it would be him.
“*Hey, darlin’. What’s up? You just get off work?*” Jax answered in a happy tone that made Harper smile, if only brief.
“Yeah. Yeah, I did. Um, i-is my sister working? Is she at the garage? I-I can’t get a hold of her…” Harper said, trying not to be too frantic and cause Jax to worry. But as she tried and failed, she heard the worry in his voice when he responded, “*Yeah, she’s in the clubhouse-Harper, is everything okay? Are you in trouble?*”
Harper sighed and shook her head. “No. No, we’re-I’m fine. I just need to know where she is. I’m on my way over now.” She didn't give Jax the opportunity to answer as she hung up. She was already speeding and didn't want to add more charges onto the ticket by being on her phone. She whipped into the lot and into a spot, not bothering to park correctly. When Harper jumped down from her truck, Opie strolled over, catching up to her quick pace in a matter of steps.
Fucking tree… Harper thought, rolling her eyes as she caught a glimpse of Opie approaching her.
“Hey. Is everything okay?” Opie asked, concerned.
“Fine. Fine. Where’s-Where’s Kacey?” Harper asked, glancing toward the garage in case she might be there. Opie raised an eyebrow, unconvinced, as he said, “Clubhouse.”
Without another word, Harper took off in a run, making Opie stop and watch her as he puffed on a dying cigarette. As Harper rushed inside the clubhouse, Jax appeared at Opie’s side, from the office.
“Was that Harper? Is she okay?” Jax asked. Opie nodded and glanced at him.
“I’m not sure, man. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her frazzled like that before.” Opie said. Jax sighed and patted Opie on the back, the both of them then headed for the clubhouse. Inside, Harper brushed off the greetings by the guys as she scanned the bar for her sister. Half-Sack came around the corner with a case of beers in his hands, Kacey soon following with a laugh. Harper sighed and shot over to her, grabbing her arm as she set the case down.
“Hey, Sis.” Kacey smiled as she looked up her sister. The corners of her mouth quickly turning down when she saw the look on Harper’s face. “Is everything ok?”
Harper glanced around the room before she whispered, “We need to leave. Now.”
“What? Why?!” Kacey asked as her sister tugged on her arm, pulling her around the corner. “Harper? What the hell is going on?”
“Alvarez, Kacey. Him and one of his guys. I was at the diner and I-” Kacey cut her off at the mention of Alvarez’s name. She tore off her half apron and tossed it onto the bar, grabbing her purse and vest before going back around the corner. All the color having drained out of her face by this point.
“You couldn’t have fucking lead with that?!” Kacey whispered in a harsh tone as she tugged on her over shirt and vest. “They find me here and I’m as good as fucking dead...or worse. They’ll drag it out to make a fucking point!” Kacey put a hand to her chest as her breathing became erratic; suddenly feeling like a deer in headlights with nowhere to go. Harper grabbed her arms and started breathing with her to avoid a panic attack. Once Kacey’s breathing regulated, Harper grabbed her hand and said, “I know. You think I wanted them to see me? They pulled up in front of the goddamn diner, Kay.”
Harper looked around the corner, then turned to her sister and said, “Listen. If anyone asks, we have a family emergency and need to get to the house.”
“But won’t Opie and Jax-”
“Tell them we’re fine and we have to go. But we don’t know why Alvarez is here, so we need to get home and stash the truck, okay?” Harper led Kacey through the bar, both of them ready to tell their lie walking if anyone asked after them. The second Harper set foot out the clubhouse door, she felt a death grip on her hand, soon hearing the sound that set Kacey on edge. Harper had her mind set on reaching her truck, but a few more steps and the bikes suddenly rolled onto the lot and into view, causing Harper to turn and push her sister back inside.
“Jesus, Harper! What the fuck?!” Kacey hissed as she narrowed her gaze at her sister. Trying her best to keep the panic that was building from spilling over.  “Are we leaving or not?!”   
“Can you shut up for 5 seconds?!” Harper hissed back. “They just pulled onto the fucking lot!”
Harper sighed and chewed her lip, trying to figure out how to get out to her truck. She glanced up to the tvs that transmitted the security footage and grabbed Kacey’s arm, again, as she saw Alvarez and his man being escorted toward the clubhouse by Clay and Jax. Kacey barely got a glance up, muttering an ‘Oh, shit’ before Harper yanked her down the hallway.
“Where are we going now?! We can’t stay here!” Kacey said. Harper tugged on the cord that dangled from the ceiling, unfolding the ladder and pushing her sister up the rungs. “Jesus H Christ, Harper. Are you serious?! What are we? 15, again?”
“When we were 15, we didn't have to run from bikers, just Aunt Polly and Uncle Joe. Go!” Harper demanded, hopping onto the ladder below her, ushering her on. Kacey sighed and raced up the ladder, her sister close behind, before Harper pulled the ladder up, closing the hatch once they were both up. “Just stay down until we hear them leave.”
Harper sat on the gravel covered rooftop, leaning back against the ledge of the roof. Kacey sighed and sat next to her, staring at her shoes in the gravel as he mind raced. After a while, with it being so quiet, Harper looked at her sister.
“Hey. Kacey.” She said, giving Kacey a small shake. Being drawn from her thoughts, Kacey looked up at her with a soft ‘Huh’. “Kace, it’s gonna be okay. I won’t let them take you and neither will the club. I mean, shit, we’re practically family at this point.”
“Harper, they don’t know us. They find out that we had something to do with the Mayans-”
“Well, then we just explain it to them. And if they can’t accept us still, then we pack up and go home.” Harper said, her face dropping slightly at the thought of going home. Kacey blinked and said, “Harper, Polly disowned us after Joe died…”
Harper sighed and looked at her sister. “That was never home.” Was the last thing spoken between the sisters. They hunkered down and waited in silence, until they heard the rumble of the bikes come to life and peered over the edge to watch the two Mayans ride off the lot. They waited until the sound faded to nothing before they climbed back down; Kacey still on edge as they made there way back out to the bar.  
“Hey, where’d you run off to?” Half-Sack asked with a confused look as they rounded the corner, Kacey glancing at her sister from the corner of her eye, the two sharing a brief, unspoken, conversation.
“Yeah, is everything alright?” Jax added from beside Opie as they approached the bar. Kacey was still notably shaken, but she did her best to force down her anxiety; burying it with a smile as she stepped away from Harper and stepped back behind the bar.
“Yeah...everything's cool.” Kacey reassured as she picked up the case of forgotten beers from earlier. “Just a random panic attack. Harp knows how to talk me out of ‘em...no big deal.” She shrugged it off, fetching a couple of cold beers for Jax and Opie before busying herself with restocking the beer cooler. Trying her best to ignore the skeptical looks the guys were exchanging behind her back, but thankfully, they didn’t press the issue any further than that.
“Hey, look, if you need to go home it’s no--” Jax started; Kacey quickly dismissing the offer with a shake of her head.
“No, no...I’m fine. Promise.” Kacey stated, casting a brief, uneasy glance at the monitors above the bar. “Besides, I only have a couple hours left on my shift anyway...it’ll keep my mind busy”
“So long as your sure?” Jax asked as he turned his attention to Harper for reassurance. Seeming somewhat convinced when Harper nodded in agreement; reassuring that her sister was fine. “Alright.” He shrugged as he and Opie picked up their beers and started for the Chapel to meet with the rest of the guys.
“Hey, Ope?” Kacey called out before they disappeared. “Give me a ride later? My bikes due for a service, so I think I’ll leave here at the garage for the night.”
“Yeah. Sure.” Opie turned with a half grin and a nod. “Just let me know when you’re ready to go.” Kacey nodded as she watched them disappear into the Chapel and shut the door, leaving herself and Harper alone to their own thoughts. Kacey’s stomach quickly twisting into knots again as she glanced up at the monitors one more time before turning back to her sister, the look on her face saying it all…
‘What the hell are we gonna do now?’
After Kacey’s shift, the sisters had a brief discussion on whether or not to go home. They agreed, with Kacey’s unmistakable bike here at the shop, all closed off, Harper would go home, stowing her car and bike in the garage, and Kacey would play it cool with Opie. They could tell from the looks on their faces, neither man was convinced it was just a panic attack. They reverted back to one of their old white lies, that could have been more or less true, in the hopes they would believe them this time. Harper watched Kacey ride off on the back of Opie’s bike, jumping at his offer of ‘the good stuff’ at his house. Harper knew Kacey had her own stash of some good stuff herself, but it gave her an excuse to be around Opie, should Alvarez come back calling.
With a sigh, Harper leaned against her truck and rubbed her face, pushing her hands through her hair before digging out her keys and hopping into her truck. Jax appeared at the passenger window and flashed her a quick smile.
“Hey. You headin’ home?” He asked, folding his arms over the open window. Harper glanced at him as she started her car and gave him a small smile.
“Yeah. Not that helping my sister through a panic attack wasn’t fun,” Harper said making them both chuckle. “My shift today also wasn’t too great...At least at the end.”
Jax glanced around and smirked, leaning a little more into the car, he said, “Well...would you like some company maybe?”
Harper looked at him, unable to keep the smirk from her face, seeing the sly one on his. Harper rolled her eyes and motioned for him to get in, which Jax did, and took off out of the lot.
When Harper pulled up to the house, she pulled straight into the garage and quickly hopped out, pushing her bike in as well. Jax leaned against the truck, lighting a cigarette, as he watched her. Huffing out a puff of smoke he said, “Harper, are you sure everything is okay?”
Harper sighed as she kicked the kickstand of her bike out, leaning it away from her truck. She looked up at him and smiled. “Yeah. Promise.” She said.
“Then why are you bringing in your bike? You always leave it out.” Jax asked, noting the change. Harper shook her head and said, “Uh, well...Kacey gets a little paranoid after her panic attacks. I just go along with it cause otherwise it might cause another one.”
Jax chuckled and shook his head, slipping an arm around Harper’s waist as she passed him, heading for the door. “You two are just full of odd surprises, aren’t you?” He teased, nipping at her ear, gently. Harper giggled, pushing the button to lower the garage door, then turned to him as he pressed her against the door to the kitchen. She tapped his nose twice and said, “Honey, you have no idea.”
Jax chuckled and kissed her slowly. As Harper kissed him back, she felt around for the lock, pushing the key in and turning it, twisting the knob at the same time. At the sound of the lock, Jax broke the kiss and a coy smirk came over his face. Harper giggled, rushing inside and away from him, but Jax was faster and caught her waist as she tried to maneuver around the kitchen table. Harper squealed and laughed as he wrapped both arms around her, burying his face in her hair. Harper bit her lip as Jax laid soft kisses along her neck, peeling her out of her jacket and tugging off her half apron from work, dropping them both on the table. Harper turned to him and pushed off his Kutte and hoodie as he sealed his lips against hers. Once the clothing dropped to the floor, Jax quickly pulled off his flannel and the plain white T that was underneath.
Harper giggled and slowly made her way to her room, wiggling out of her work clothes along the way. Jax smirked and followed her, taking her hips and pulling her back toward him, nuzzling her neck. Harper smirked and tilted her head back, turning her head to face him as she ran he fingers through his hair. Jax’s hands slid down her stomach and unbuttoned her shorts, pushing them down. As Harper let out a soft chuckle, she pulled away from him, turning as she did, and walked back until the back of her legs hit the bed and she sat down, scooting back on the mattress. Jax smirked and made quick work of his pants before he rushed to her, hovering over her and sliding an arm around her to hold her close.
“Someone is impatient.” Harper teased, her voice soft and sensual, as she trailed a finger over his lower lip. Jax smirked and said, “We had a 3 day run and you couldn’t come. I missed my woman.”
Harper giggled as he claimed her lips once more. As much as she wanted to tease him, she couldn’t deny that she missed him too. A soft moan escaped her lips as Jax dug his fingers into the waistband of her panties, tugging them down. She broke the kiss and quickly unhooked her bra, ripping it off as Jax tossed her panties away. Harper giggled and let her bra drop onto the floor as Jax kicked off his boxers.
“If you missed me so much, prove it.” She teased. She gripped the dog tags that hung around his neck and gently pulled him back down, whispering against his lips, “Take me.” Just before she crushed her lips to his.
Jax slowly blew out the hit he’d taken and laid back on Harper’s bed as she started lighting incense on her dresser. Jax smirked and looked her over; Wrapped up in just the sheet, he still eyed the outline of her curves before gazing down at her legs. He loved her legs. He wasn’t too sure what it was about them, but he loved to have his hands on them at all times. Though most times, she smacked his hands away when he got a little too adoring of them, especially when they were around the club or Kacey. With a soft sigh, Harper stretched and let the sheet fall to the ground as she dug through her drawers for a clean pair of panties and a bra. As she hooked the bra and got it in place, she made her way back to the bed, flopping down and plucking the joint from Jax’s fingers as he offered it to her. She smirked and took a hit, holding it in a little longer before exhaling a smooth line of smoke. She smirked and cuddled up to Jax, his arm sliding around her waist to pull her closer. He kissed her, softly at first, then a little deeper, taking care to remember the lit joint in her hand. He broke the kiss and smiled down at her.
“I still don’t get it, Harp.” Jax said with a chuckle, taking the joint from her for another few puffs. “If Kacey knows, why do you have to cover up whenever I’m here for no reason?”
Harper shrugged, taking another hit before handing it to him, as she laid her head on his chest, though inside she was screaming. “Dunno. Kind of used to hiding? We had to hide our boyfriends from our Aunt and Uncle growing up. Just habit, I guess.” She said with a chuckle. It wasn’t a complete lie, but it was enough to keep Jax in the dark about Kacey not knowing they were together. Jax chuckled and pressed a kiss to her temple before he handed her the joint. She took it and puffed on it for a while as Jax got up and pulled on his boxers and jeans. Harper rolled over, reaching for the ashtray on her nightstand. She snubbed out the joint then set it on the side, sitting up.
“You’re not leaving already, are you?” She asked, with a fake pout. Jax looked at her and chuckled, half crawling onto the bed to kiss her slowly. Harper giggled and cupped his face, pulling him back onto the bed. Jax gave a soft groan when she pulled him too far and he jumped, a little, to land properly on the bed, making Harper squeak as he hovered over her. She looked up at him and giggled, sliding her nails down his chest, lightly.
“I’ve gotta go sometime, babe.” He said with a chuckle. Harper nodded with a soft sigh, slowly dragging her gaze up to meet his. “We’ve got chapel at 8 but I can come back if it’s not too late.”
He kissed her again, quickly, then got off the bed to grab his shirt and tug it on. Harper sighed and sat up, crossing her legs under her as she watched him. When he shrugged his Kutte on, he turned back to her and smiled. Jax went back to her, Harper shifting to sit on the edge of the bed. Jax came down, bracing a hand on either side of her and said, “Leave the window open for me?”
“If I must.” She teased as he leaned closer, invading her space to give her a final kiss goodbye. Harper sighed as she watched him walk out of the bedroom. Finally, Harper stood and rooted through her closet to pull out a black and yellow patterned sundress and pulled it on, slipping into her sandals as she did. She swiped her sunglasses from the dresser and followed Jax to the kitchen. “Do you want me to take you back? Kacey might be back soon. Opie could give you a ride.”
Jax chuckled as he lit a cigarette and shook his head. “The day I ride bitch seat on a bike is when I go out with my girl.” He said, gripping the side of her dress and pulling her closer. Harper laughed and slid her arms around his neck, kissing him softly.
“So is that a yes?” She asked. Jax nodded and let her go as she moved to the table digging around in her purse for her keys. Jax opened the garage door and waited in the driveway while Harper started her car and backed out. Jax climbed in and slid in next to her, sliding a hand over her thigh. Harper gave him a look to which he responded with a smirk. She shook her head and started down the road, heading back to TM. When she got close, she pulled over so none of the members would see Jax kiss her goodbye and slip out of the truck. She waited until Jax disappeared behind the gate and turned around, headed back home to wait for her sister.
Kacey was silent the whole ride over to Opie’s place; which he found unusual, as she was usually trying to talk to him about something. But given the afternoon she’d had, it wasn’t something he pushed to ask about until they rolled up in the driveway. Kacey seeming to be rooted to her spot on the back of his bike, which was most definitely not normal. Opie shifted to look over his shoulder at her as he placed a hand over her wrist, giving it a squeeze to get her attention, a frown tugging down the corners of his lips as her blue eyes snapped up to meet his; panicked for a brief moment before it faded and she forced a smile.
“You sure you’re alright?” Opie asked for what was probably the millionth time since they’d left the Clubhouse, feeling there was something she wasn’t telling him, but not wanting to overstep her boundaries...after all, they had originally agreed that this was just a casual arrangement. No strings attached, no feelings.
“I’m fine, Ope.” Kacey rolled her eyes as she climbed off the back of his bike finally and removed her helmet. She paused for moment, fidgeting with the chin strap, before clearing her throat and adding, “It’s just been a while...since I’ve had an attack like that. I’m just still a little on edge I guess.” Kacey averted her gaze as Opie climbed off of his bike and approached her carefully.
“Hey,” He started as he took her chin lightly, tilting it upward and forcing her to look at him. “I got you...and you know if you ever wanted to talk about it I’d listen. No judgements.” Kacey smirked lightly as she wrapped her arms around his waist and stared up at him. She appreciated the offer, she really did, but she knew in her heart that if she ever told him the full truth of what was going on...that no judgements bullshit would go right out the window. So instead Kacey settled for reaching up on her tiptoes to press her lips against his in a fairly heated kiss; not caring that they were still standing in his driveway putting on a display for all the neighbors to see.
“I swear. To. God, Woman…” Opie groaned as Kacey pulled away, biting her lip as she hooked her finger behind his belt buckle and tugged forward lightly. “One of these days…”
“You’ll what?” Kacey teased back as she arched a brow, letting out a squeal as Opie scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder as he made a break for the front door, all but kicking it open when he struggled to get the key in the lock. Kacey was back on her feet and pressed against the wall before the door had even fully closed behind them; Opie’s lips back against hers as she pushed his Kutte off and tossed it over the back of the nearest chair as his own hands stripped her over her over shirt and vest, followed by her tank top, before undoing the button on her jeans.
“Eager much?” Kacey giggled as she stood up on her tiptoes, trying to get his shirt off. The only response she got out of him was a low growl as he removed his shirt for her, Kacey managing to get as far as undoing his belt buckle before his hands were gripping her ass and her legs were around his waist as Opie hoisted her up; lips locked as he fumbled blindly through the house trying to get to the bedroom. Not even caring if they knocked over or destroyed half his house in the process.
Kacey’s back collided with his mattress roughly as they finally made it to the bedroom, panting as she tried to catch her breath while Opie stripped off her jeans and boots before removing his own. The mattress dipping under his weight as he crawled over the top of her, his lips finding their way to her throat as she tangled her hands in his hair, tugging lightly as a moan escaped past her lips.
Kacey gave a soft chuckle then said, “Hmm, I guess your little butt buddies weren’t enough for you on your run?” A small yelp left her lips soon after as Opie nipped at the sensitive flesh of her neck in response. His fingers hooked into the waistband of her panties as he pulled away for a moment to look up her as he replied, “You’re about to fuckin’ find out.” Kacey letting out a loud squeal as Opie latched onto her neck, his hands traveling down her sides to grip her hips.
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Taglist:  @jacksonroth @stacie-marie-bloom @journeyrose @cole-winchester @spnhollis @omgbullslove @cococruzzzimagines @romanchronicles @captstefanbrandt @courtrae89 @tephi101 @shieldmaiden25 @staystrongsoa @imgoldielikehawn @annakay84 @laketaj24 @penny4yourthot
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~Coming Soon~
Hey guys! Exciting announcement here!
The lovely @jacksonroth and I recently decided to collab on an SOA fic for Opie and Jax! AND I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!!! 
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We’re both ecstatic and can’t wait to start posting this for y’all! We’re seriously having the best time writing this thing and hope you guys enjoy reading it just as much!
We will be posting every other chapter on our blogs and link the previous post to the most recent chapter!
But first and foremost as a little teaser/sneak peek, we would like to intro our faceclaims/characters! 
I will be writing as:
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And the lovely @jacksonroth will be writing for:
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Moodboard Credit goes to myself @badwolf-in-the-impala, Faceclaim pic editing goes to @jacksonroth. None of the pics are ours of course.
I’ll be tagging everyone in my SOA tags, as well as anyone I think might be interested in reading! If you’re on my blog but NOT on my SOA taglist, just let me know and I will add you. Whether it be just for this fic or for everything! 
Also, don’t forget to get on @jacksonroth‘s taglist as well for this, so that you don’t miss any updates! Happy reading y’all and stay tuned ;)
TAGLIST: @stacie-marie-bloom @spnhollis @journeyrose @penny4yourthot @rosepetalsandfandoms-deactivate @omgbullslove @samcroslut @cole-winchester @captstefanbrandt @irishhiggins @jade770 @that-goodgirl
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