bonefall · 11 months
If you flip the spade upside down and put it on Gorseclaw’s neck, it could kind of look like a tie
Hello anon with the most convenient ask in my inbox, you have been selected to receive a FLOOD OF SKETCHES
I had only drawn Gorseclaw and Ripplestar before, and I'm about to do a redesign of Larkstripe so that she has the "hearts" motif that her son gets. I did a bunch of sketches just to try and figure stuff out so, messy post
Gorseclaw and Spottedpelt
Birdflight, Marshscar
After I post this I'm gonna jump back into Clip to play with Cloudstar next
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[ID: A sketch of BB!Ripplestar. The text points out his major features and reads, "Heterochromia: Amber + Brown." Smooth scruff, with an arrow that points out the shape. Ginger on 1 side. Deer-eared. 3 layers with an arrow that points out the three stacks of fur on his chest. Wooly, kinda like a half-shorn sheep.]
I've actually drawn Ripplestar a lot in the margins of my notes and such, so this design's pretty solid.
I change the side the hearts are on, plus the number of hearts, literally every single time I've ever drawn him lmao. It dozen madder.
What DOES matter though is that there's a HEART over his BRIGHTER eye. I use it as a bit of a visual metaphor, if he's trying to size you up or negotiate with you, he keeps you in the bright eye. When he trusts you or becomes comfortable with you in some way, he turns the brown eye on you.
So in most scenes where he's not talking to family I imagine he's not fully looking at his conversational partner. Especially on the Highrock as leader of ShadowClan, because the layout makes the leaders sit side-by-side. Might as well play with that simple logistic fact, y'know?
He does this because I imagine this marking kind of intimidates people. It's like the ginger of his eye socket has set his iris ablaze with fire, while the other is as cold as rain-soaked peat.
The ear on the "colorful" side is also orange. All of his orange is on one side, except for his tail-tip.
He's actually distantly related to Nightcloud-- his Honor Sire (who was known but not involved) went on to have a mate. So he's the half-brother of one of her ancestors, and Nightcloud has inherited this thick, wooly fur texture.
Again, I draw him a lot so this was the easiest one. I didn't have to decide anything besides that I made his nose into a cute lil carebear heart.
The drawing I did for this synopsis of Ripplestar's Rot was actually the first time I drew him, for comparison! It's fun to see what's been streamlined.
FIRST sketches didn't feel right.
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[ID: BB!Gorseclaw and BB!Spottedpelt. They have long, curly tails, long claws, and bell-shaped heads. Gorseclaw has a sharp 'tie' on his chest, and Spottedpelt has a heart]
I feel like Gorseclaw's spades look too much like diamonds in this one, but I was really going for a tie.
I've been giving him those sideburns for months, so, they don't really fit the "shape theory" but I'm having a hard time removing them lmao.
And this is the first time I drew Spots which is a shame. I love a bad bitch.
If you look at my designs, you can notice that I have a few traits that cats from each Clan "tend" to have. They're all pretty genetically similar actually and there's a lot of crossings between the groups, secret or otherwise, but some traits just get selected for more than others, and StarClan is likely to toss them into kits. SkyClan has saggy skin (like a bear) and really bendy tails.
Don't think it's come through well here, though. In future drafts I'm going to try and make them saggier.
(Why? It actually helps them against insect stings and impact damage, like falling from trees and being hit by branches)
Then I went on to draft 2,
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[ID: Second draft of the characters above. Spottedpelt is fatter, with "dapples" on her back which are actually spades, and a distinctive spade-shaped mask. The ears of both siblings are now spade-shaped, and Gorseclaw's tie is different, along with Spottedpelt's heart with is now more of a medal.]
I like Spottedpelt a LOT more in this draft. That's probably going to be close to the final design I do, I'm really vibing with the dapple-spades.
I DON'T like Gorseclaw in this one though, the face shape reminds me waaay too much of Dustpelt's familial face-plate. Absolutely going to revise that, probably making it more mask-like akin to Spots'.
Also very proud of myself for the spade-shaped ears.
Hate Gorse's tie here though, that's not a tie that is a stinkhorn mushroom.
But Spots' medal is excellent. Absolutely keeping that. She is a distinguished little war crime kitty
Still not fat and saggy enough. Coming back to this. I need to learn how to draw a primordial pouch.
I'm trying to redesign her and I'm losing :/
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[ID: BB!Larkstripe. She's a very plain cat with a string of hearts from her eye down to her leg, with a heart-shaped nose, cutie marks, and a heart-shaped tail tip]
This was the FIRST first draft of the redesign and that heart chain is underwhelming.
It felt like too much of a downgrade from the diamond-pattern Larkstripe I did, and I'm worried that maybe it's because diamonds just look so much nicer in a "chain"
I feel like I see too many perfect hearts on chests in WC designs, so when I do them, I try to do something weird with them like what I did to Heartstar
So I turned hers into a little fur tuft splash. I like the idea tbh, I might repurpose it for another design.
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[ID: A version of the above sketch with bigger hearts on the chain and a single heart on the flank, followed by another sketch attempting to make the stripe more "blobbish"]
I'm beginning to think that maybe I don't like the sketches because Larkstripe is sad :( I like when I can draw her angry, before the strikebreaking broke her
And unfortunately she is the absolute most tragic character in BB. They took the fight out of her. I figure it would be symbolically fitting for the heart shape on her chest to "break" after Dalestar's decree.
For those asking questions, no, she never joins Skypelt. She is convinced she did the wrong thing and ended up unleashing an era of suffering on the Clans by having Ripplestar follow in her footsteps, though she had no control over him.
She's a character who would offer her life as an example during trials involving the Cleric's Vow, especially since I've gutted Moth Flight in BB. She argues about how important it is to avoid birthing cats who will claim their conquest is holy in the name of their parents.
She would also have something to say to Mudfur, admonishing him for breaking his Vow so openly, even saying that he's responsible for Leopardstar and all of her choices.
Basically, Larkstripe is beaten. She is a very tired, shameful spirit who repeats exactly what Silverpelt told her, during her own trial. She's so grateful to be here that she acts with devotion towards it.
Hurt people hurt people and all
But anyway, I still feel like it's a bit of a downgrade from the older design for Larkstripe, so I'm probably going to keep playing with it.
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[ID: BB!Birdflight. She's a tabby with the spades motif, long bases stretching up into hears on her shoulder, side, and flank.]
I want her to look old and tired. She's got that Leafpoolyness about her.
She's technically the very first member of the Tigerkin family, and has those characteristic long-claws.
I imagine in Clanmew her name is actually Yassgafba, "Raptor preparing to take flight." I have this really sad mental image of a majestic hawk that keeps spreading its wings, as if to take off and fly away, but never does.
Fitting, because she waited her whole life for Cloudstar to send word they'd found a new home, to come and fetch her and their children, but never did.
While I'm at the trivia, yes, Ripplestar and her were very close. Larkstripe argues in StarClan that Ripplestar started his war because of her, but it's not true. It was Birdflight who made him believe that Cloudstar would never abandon his family; if they hadn't heard from him, something was very wrong.
She died before he became leader, probably of a sickness outbreak. She likely didn't take the journey because she's immunocompromised in some way, plus the two newborns.
She was given a place in StarClan, but I'm not sure if she followed Ripplestar and Birdflight into the Dark Forest. She DID vote to accept them though.
I think she's practical about this. Leave for the Dark Forest, and you loose your voting power in StarClan.
She sees that there are very few SkyClan ancestors left here, hears Skystar scoff that the others are fools for leaving, that if more had remained then the rebels would not have been damned... and understands the value in his words.
If there's any reason for the Tigerkin Curse (which I hadn't really been working with until now, tbh, I just chalked it up to Bad Mojo on the night of Ripplestar's last stand), it's probably related to Birdflight in some way. Which is why no one knows what's causing it.
I don't know why, yet, though. Maybe it's an accident on her part. She could be crafting their litters, but every time she finishes a set, she can't help but cry about how much the fresh souls remind her of the newborns that stopped her from joining her mate, and her kits in the Dark Forest.
It's probably why the PROPER curse might stop abruptly after SkyClan's return. She joins Skypelt as soon as it's an option.
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[ID: BB!Marshscar. He's a scrawny, battle-scarred old tabby with a diamond motif.]
He doesn't have any markings in-canon so I tried to just make all of his scars diamond-shaped. I don't think it works, I'm going to give him some markings.
I like the ears though, that's staying. I might also borrow from the old Larkstripe design, give him those funky diamond-spikes on his chest.
I have barely talked about him, but he is actually very important to Ripplestar. They've been mates since they were young warriors.
I kinda want to make it so that Spottedpelt was Ripplestar's deputy before being killed that night, but it was always implicit that if something happened to them, Marshscar was next in charge.
This drawing is definitely when he's older and more worn-out, he lives a long life without Ripplestar, ruling ShadowClan reluctantly, half-heartedly doing the bare minimum.
It's a downer story, and I think it really fits the theme here that Clan Culture is about to get a whole lot worse before it gets better... but still I love the fact that Ripplestar's Rot just ends with the entire cast like
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[ID: Spongebob sits at a diner with his hands folded, frowning slightly, disquieted and deep in thought]
Like there really isn't a happy camper in this one lmao. Nobody wins. Alexa play 'That's Not How The Story Goes'
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channoticedmeuwu · 3 years
𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬...𝐲𝐞𝐭 | 𝐥𝐢𝐮 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠
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p : yangyang × fem!reader | g : fluff, humor, love triangle!au, best friend!yangyang, love alarm!au | w : jealousy (duh), cursing, horrible inaccuracies bc I actually HAVENT watched love alarm so PLEASE BEAR W ME + this isn't proofread so,,,,
day 3 of the 500 milestone event !
requested by @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3 hi bb sorry it's a lil late :(
the school yard was filled with students, their voices hummed like the distant buzz of bees, talking to each other as they strolled upon the ground drizzled with fresh dew. some on their phones as others talked, some sat and some played. it seemed like a normal day. And the words that kept being thrown here and there like a baseball in a field.
"hey, have you checked out love alarm?"
y/n sat on a bench, swinging her legs and sipping on a box full of apple juice. Beside her, yangyang scribbled something on a piece of paper. he kept asking her questions, like, "what's 6 × 8?" and "ayo, 13 × 11 is 143, right?" and kept scribbling.
when she didn't respond to one question, he looked up, only to catch her staring at someone else.
"earth to y/n," he snapped his fingers in front of her eyes, "don't tell me you're staring at—"
"how is all I ask, yangyang, how can a person be so attractive?"
yangyang rolled his eyes as he felt y/n's head touch his shoulder as she leaned, "just look at him! Ugh, I genuinely hate him."
"you just wanted to kiss him not even three seconds ago."
"it's not my fault!"
he sighed, shaking his head. maybe people are really oblivious when they are in love. Especially, when they have other people who are in love with them, too.
"oh my god, yangyang," she slapped his arm repeatedly, "did you see that? He waved at me!"
"yeah," he groaned as y/n squeezed his fingers, "good for you."
"oh, he's coming right here!"
"fuck me."
y/n hastily fiddled with her skirt as yangyang watched, unimpressed. y/n's crush walked over, his perfect little hands in his perfect little crisp uniform trousers, giving her a perfect little smile with no flaws. Unlike yangyang's, who's dimples always showed or he'd sometimes smile too much, and his gums would be on full display. he put his head down in embarrassment as y/n looked up and beamed, avoiding his eyes.
"hey, jae!" yangyang could hear her voice crack as she tried to remain calm, "what's, uh, what's up?"
"oh, nothing," he bent down and took a seat right next to her, squeezing her between yangyang and him, "just checking this new app everyone's talking about."
y/n's curios eyes shone, "oh? What app?"
"love alarm," yangyang muttered under his breath, too low for any of them to hear.
"it's called love alarm," jae spoke over him, "you should download it, y/n, you never know who may like you!"
"oh?" y/n fished her phone out and leaned over to jae's side, completely ignoring yangyang and his sulking figure.
"oh, what now?"
"just click this, yeah."
"ohhh, this seems cool."
yangyang rolled his eyes, inching a little closer to get a glimpse at the screen. If this app can tell you who likes you within a close radar, then that means....
"oh, looks like someone likes me!" y/n glanced around, narrowing who it could be. yangyang squeezed his fingers together, his little toes vibrated in his shoes.
"huh, what's that?" Jae asked, and all three narrowed their eyes.
"two people!?"
y/n shrugged, sighing, "two people? I'm surprised there was one!"
but yangyang and jae had their eyes glued to each other, their piercing gazes never left each other, the particles in the air didn't even need to transfer the unspoken words. y/n didn't even notice them, and stood up, stretching as the bell rang. "come on, boys, we'll be late to class. We can check my secret admirers later."
but neither stood, staring daggers into each other's piercing skin. yangyang gave him a look, a daring one, eyes ready to pop out of their sockets as he stood and followed y/n, leaving jae on the bench alone and glancing behind, as if to say,
“she's mine.”
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wayv : masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) : @heephoria @navyhyuck @allegxdly @stayctday  @yunntext  @neotism  @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3  @bluejaem  @leetaeyonglover  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou  @coffeevddict @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @reinjunn @sicluvz @hyuckefi @your-local--trashcan
I'd appreciate if you'd give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it's an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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sansy-fresh · 6 years
Four Times the Fun
this is why you don’t test the Fresh
Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Mild Insanity, BB is an overworked mom and no one can convince me any different
Blackberry started his morning as he did every day; greeting the sun with a smile. His bedroom window looked out into the rising sun, waking him, thankfully, before his brothers were fully ready to start their days. Well, Twist was usually out on his morning run by this point, possibly even with Edge, but the other three would be in various stages of wakefulness. Shaking his head, he finished pulling a sweater over his head, smoothing out the wrinkles before fixing his bandana.
He shouted a quick good morning down the hall before moving to the main part of the house, snickering to himself as a loud yelp came from the farthest door. Warp must have fallen out of bed again. Passing through the living room (and wrinkling his nose at the pile of horseradish bottles that littered the table), he made his way into the kitchen, sighing in happiness as he took his favorite apron off the hook. Nothing woke his brothers up better than a warm, home cooked breakfast!
Footsteps shuffled into the room just as he’d begun pouring  fresh batter into the waffle maker, Blackberry glancing back with a grin before adding chocolate chips to the first batch. “Good morning brother! How did you sleep?” He checked the oven quickly, just to make sure his muffins were rising well, before looking back to his brother.
Warp stared emptily at the table for a moment before he seemed to realize Blackberry had spoken to him, his skull jerking up as he grinned sheepishly. “Slept alright, bro. Fell outta bed again.” He chuckled, the sound self deprecating as he rubbed the back of his neck. Blackberry shook his head, shutting the top half of the machine before flipping it, brushing his hands on his apron as he turned back to his brother.
“There’s nothing wrong with that, brother! Unless you were to actually hurt yourself one of these times.” He looked up from where he’d been hugging the other, sockets narrowing. “You haven’t, have you?”
Warp looked down at him for a moment before blinking, shaking his head. “Naw, not really. Bumped my funny bone real good, heh.” The two smiled at each other, Blackberry snuggling him close before a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind.
“Aw, don’ I get a hug, lil bro?”
Blackberry sighed as he reluctantly let Warp go, turning into the other’s chest with a grunt of affection. “You know I give you all an equal amount of hugs in this house, mister!”
Coil laughed, pulling him close before just fully plucking him up and off the floor, walking over to the ingredients placed on the counter. Blackberry relaxed in his grip, watching in mirth as Coil looked over the more sweet ingredients with a tinge of disgust in his expression, his eyelights lighting up at the sight of freshly harvested strawberries set out. Plopping one in his mouth, he set his brother down, grabbing up a couple more before heading over to the table, giving Warp a slight cuff to the back of the head with a snicker.
Blackberry ignored the argument and slight scuffle that occured after, finishing up the first batch of waffles for Warp before going on to the fruity ones for Coil. It was peaceful for a bit after that, the two seemingly having ended their fighting in order to relax a bit before breakfast. Blackberry hummed to himself as he finished the second batch, and went to start the third, more bitter batch, when he found the bowl and spoon gone from his side. Looking around, he turned, only to find Radish sitting on the counter, eating spoonful after spoonful of the mixture.
Radish startled, almost dropping the bowl into Blackberry’s hands as he plucked it away, setting it on the counter before putting his hands on his hips. Before he could begin his lecture of waiting for the batter to actually be cooked, we are not animals, his was hugged once again from behind, this time the arms softened by a thick hoody.
“Think he knows not ta do it again bro. ‘Sides, I think yer muffins er burnin.”
“Oh stars!”
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trashfruits · 6 years
johnny zest for the townie ask :) (also do your course work bb lmao)
johnny zest: tell us a story about one of the craziest/funniest things you've ever done.
one time there was a street fight/argument (i’m that kind of british) and it was amongst the parents of the streets “kids” u kno
one lil shit was bullying another lil shit who was bullying my lil shit of a sister, v fun to wake up to after an afternoon nap. ANYWAYS, i can hear the first lil shit giving cheek’ to my neighbour who was pregnant, and the mum was getting really upset bc hormones are a bitch and she’s got a crying child inside and she’s trying to understand whats going on. 
so i heard my gran start to get involved, which meant things were going downhill (srry nan) and i can’t remember but the kid said something kind of threatening to my pregante neighbour (the kids like 13 ok) and
ok i’m in a tiny room w/ a loftbed so me, trying to get down as fast as i could to stop an escalating argument decided - for some unknown reason - to forgo the steps on the ladder and come down w/ a thud.
my fucking fat foot had made contact w/ one of those plug-in things that has other plug outlets on it and as i went down, i took the plug w/ me and cracked the actual, in the wall, attached to wiring socket.
my granddad didn’t even say anything when i told him, he just stared - like he couldn’t understand what made me the way i am and, honestly? same
the fight fizzled out anyways, but my sister sometimes brings it up to mock me
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