alyssaandemma · 7 years
@whizzerbrowne hi pls follow me back xxx
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coffeecomicsgalore · 5 years
25 Days of Adrien (+6 of Marinette)
The class has a Secret Santa event.
Part of the MLHolidays2k19 prompts.
Chapter 11 – Secret Santa
A few days ago, the class decided and voted on participating in Secret Santa. They were all really excited to create or buy something special for one of their friends in the class. Everyone secretly hoped that Marinette would choose their name, knowing very well that she would hand craft the gift to fit their personality. 
Some of the boys, Nino being the worst of it, hoped that Adrien would choose their name knowing that he could gift something expensive. Never mind the fact that their exchange actually had a monetary cut off. But that didn’t stop them from hoping.
As the names were drawn out, there were moments of excitement from some selected people, while others held their head trying to figure out exactly what to buy for their chosen name.  
Marinette was holding her breath hoping that she didn’t end up with Chloe or Lila’s names. She slowly peaked at the name and let out a relieved sigh when she received Nathaniel’s name from the hat. She was already coming up with designs in her head for an apron, satchel, and pencil pouch combo for him in his favorite colors. She couldn’t wait to get home to design some concept art in her sketchbook.
She was worried on who got her name, but she wouldn’t try to dwell on it now.  
When Adrien retrieved his tag, he was excited to see the name. He smiled so bright, it actually dulled down his blonde locks. It was Marinette’s name! Sure, it probably wasn’t fair he got his own girlfriend’s name in the draw, but he was excited because he could do something for her. She has been making him feel so loved over the last few days that he knew he could pay her back somehow. But how?
“I can see you got someone good, dude.” Nino said jokingly. “Care to say who it is?”
“No man. It’s a secret! I mean it is Secret Santa, right?” he teased.
Alya came up behind Nino and propped her elbow on his shoulder. “If his smile says anything, then he probably got Marinette.”  
Marinette was too busy thinking of the designs to realize they were talking about her.
Trying to get her of his tail, he comes up with a witty response. “I like everyone in class, Alya. I am just really excited to buy for this person since I haven’t been able to repay them back for their kindness recently. And plus, Marinette is my girlfriend. I can buy her whatever I want every day if I wanted to!”
“Alright, lovebird. You’re good.” Alya said with a laugh.
Adrien headed home after school instead of going to Marinette’s house. He knew she wanted to get started on her Secret Santa gift so he took the opportunity to work on his.
She cherished the handmade lucky charm he made her for her 14th birthday. She still keeps it on her to this day. He knew a handmade gift was the perfect choice for this gift. But what?
He walked around his room, yelling out ideas before mentally scratching them off his list. Plagg was becoming increasingly annoyed at his chosen’s indecisiveness. A wedge of Camembert later and he was happily hiding in the trash can ignoring Adrien’s antics.
He was close to giving up when he heard his phone buzz. Looking down, he saw Marinette’s name with a text.
Marinette: I miss you, dork. I wish you were here with me.
Adrien: You miss me already? It’s only been three hours.
Marinette: Well, you didn’t walk me home today. :p
Marinette: I’ve just been enjoying our extra cuddles lately that I feel a bit lonely right now.
Adrien: Are you taking a break from creating your gift?
Marinette: I already designed everything and cut out all the fabric. I’m just taking a break before sewing it all.
Adrien: Lucky. I haven’t even started...
Marinette: Do you need help? Maybe I can help you come up with an idea?
Adrien: Sorry, sweet pea. I need to figure this one out on my own. I’ll get it.
Marinette: Oh, okay then. 😊
Marinette: Sorry Adrien, Maman is calling me down for dinner. I’ll call you later.
Adrien: Enjoy. I love you. :-*
Marinette: I love you too <3
As Adrien sat there looking over the texts, the idea hit him like when he gets hit to the side of a building during an akuma attack. Yeah, those hurt. He could make her one of those Remember Me bears! He remembered hearing about those when he was looking for comfort after his mom died. A bear made with the loved ones cherished clothing piece. It would help Marinette whenever she needed extra cuddles when he wasn’t around. She could hug the bear, smell him, and think of him. It was perfect!
He quickly dove to his computer, opening up the search engine looking for templates to cut out the design. Once he found the exact size and design he was looking for, he printed everything out and went straight into his closet.
Searching around for a shirt suitable for the bear was a little harder than he thought. He wanted to find the perfect item, one that will scream Adrien when she sees it. That’s when he found it. Discarded in the way back corner of the closet, almost never to be found again, was one of his shirts from when they first met.  
“Wow. I’m surprised this was even back here. But it’s perfect!”
Not wanting to mess this up, he decided to see Nathalie. Maybe she could give him pointers or direct him to someone who could help. He gathered the shirt and template and head out his room.
But instead of bumping into Nathalie, he bumped into his Father.
“What’s this Adrien?” Gabriel asked curiously as he saw the items in his hands.
“Our school is participating in Secret Santa and I received Marinette’s name. I tried to think of what I could make her since she makes me so many wonderful things. Today, she mentioned she missed me and I thought I could make her a teddy bear with one of my shirts. This way if I am unavailable, she could always have a piece of me whenever she needs me.”
Gabriel looked at his son before smirking his lips up into a smile. “That is a lovely gesture, Adrien. Do you need some help with creating this gift?”
Adrien beamed. He couldn’t believe his father was being nice, praised his idea, and offered his assistance. Was this a Christmas miracle? He wasn’t even going to question it. He was going to just take it and run with it. “Yes, Father. I would love the help!”
On the day of the exchange, everyone was conversing around the classroom, giddy and delighted over the party they were having this morning. As students flurried in, they placed their presents on their desks, hovering over the pastries and punch that sat on Mlle. Bussier’s desk.  
Once the teacher called the class and the chatter died down, Mlle. Bussier took attendance and discussed how their day would go. Scurries of excited feet could be heard in the otherwise quiet classroom, eagerly waiting for her to start the gift exchange.  
“Okay, okay, students. We can start. I will choose one student who will then give their gift to their Secret Santa. Then that person will move on to the next, then to the next, until everyone has received their present. Once everyone receives their gift, you are then free to open them. Ready?”
Everyone nodded in excitement.  
“Mylene, could you please start?”
Mylene handed her gift to Juleka. Juleka gave a bag to Max, who then gave a box to Kim. Kim had a package for Alya and Alya had a bag for Alix. Alix gave a box to Rose, who then gave a bag to Lila. Lila handed Ivan a small envelope, who then gave Sabrina a large box. Sabrina, of course, had an obnoxiously large gift for Chloe, and Chloe had a small gift for Nino. Nino then gave his gift to Mylene.  
“Did anyone not receive or exchange their gifts yet?” Mlle. Bussier asked.
Marinette, Adrien, and Nathaniel raised their hands. Mlle. Bussier called to Marinette to restart the flow.
Marinette handed Nathaniel his wrapped box, who then gave Adrien a square box. This allowed Adrien to turn around and hand Marinette her bag.
“I knew it! Lover boy had his girlfriend.” Alya pointed a finger at Adrien with a sarcastic grin.
“Hey I needed you off my tail.” Adrien crossed his arms.
As soon as the teacher allowed them to, the students ripped through their gifts, oohing and aweing at the items. Marinette smiled sweetly at Adrien before opening up the bag. Her eyes welled up with tears. As she pulled out the bear, she tried to form the words. “Is this- is this the shirt you had worn when we first met? And you made him into a cuddle bear for me?”
Adrien could only nod before Marinette jumped to her feet to hug him. “I love it! I now have you with me whenever I need you!” She sniffed the bear. “It even smells like you!”
“You seriously win in the romance department, lover boy.” Alya said deadpanned.
“Merry Christmas, Marinette.” Adrien smiled to her lovingly.
She kissed his cheek. “Merry Christmas, Adrien.”
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