#Sam watching her sister point at a trash can: Um excuse me? I'm at LEAST a recycling bin.
smolmakerel · 1 year
Everyone absolutely puts Sam and Tara through the ringer with their trauma. Like, yeah, I still eat that content up, but I need to see some more posts about them being absolute menaces in general.
I have 2 siblings and they're pains in my ass. We could fist fight and then not speak for an hour, and then one of them comes to me like, "hey, wanna go to McDonald's" and I'd drive us there while we blast the music.
Sam and Tara, before all that shit with their family happened, most likely had some chaotic sister moments. They grew up as sisters (obviously) and know everything about each other. This leads to the Natural Sibling Chaos (tm).
Sam and Tara, watching their mom yell at them about the concerning amount of windows they broke:
Tara, trying not to laugh:
Sam: What?
Tara silently mocks Christina's angry mom face to Sam. Sam is trying not to laugh now because why the hell is Christina making that face.
Also in the future when Sam comes back and they have Trauma and Body Counts under their belts, they get more chaotic.
Tara: I have a solution to take care of our new Ghostface problem.
Sam, relieved: Gracias a Dios, what is it?
Tara: It involves fire.
Sam, slowly getting worried: Ok...
Tara: And the bomb I learned how to make at 3 am last night.
Sam: You made a WHAT?
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