#Scamcair's Saga is also in the post.
mrchaosman · 29 days
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????: Sup, fools.
Susie: Who the hell are you?.
????: Well, I'm known as Creative Evil Empirical Prideful Amazing Brand overall Tyrant.
You babies can call me.....
(Take a bite of the apple).
Creepa-bot (or creepa for short).
Susie: Like Hell we Gonna you that, Creative.......Empirical........
(More monitors with "Creepa" written on it).
Creepa: Creepa, remember that name well.
Susie: well, look "Creepa"
We are not babies.
Creepa: Teenagers are technically a babies but a bit intelligent (and Adults are even more intelligent Babies)
(Two monitors appears, one has "IDIOT" written in the screen and other has "LARGE IDIOT" written in the screen).
Susie: ......... isn't that make a baby too?.
Creepa: Hell Nah, I'm a computer (VERY SMART AND HANDSOME).
Susie:....Wait, WHAT?.
Creepa (flies away): Well, That's Cool and All but I have to go now (goodnight kids).
Susie: Wait, WAIT, Why'd You Captured Noelle?.
Creepa (returns to where he appeared): I also planned to capture you too but I ran out of cages (damn, that's sucks).
Susie: Angry, Why the CAPTURING-.
Creepa: so she become my loyal peon.
For my Plan to Taking Over The World.
Also, I might make her a "Creepafied".
Susie: WHAT, WHY???.
Creepa: Sounds cool.
Susie: well, Forgot it, Man.
No one is gonna turn anyone into a weird-looking robot.
Creepa: That Sound like a good peaceful way.
Susie: HUH??..
Creepa: Wanna a battle, Fatass?.
Creepa (flies away once again): ok, Goodbye.
Creepa: Sorry, I don't have time for that (I was about to kick Your Ass).
But maybe I have some guys who can play with you.
(The mind-control devices floating above two NPCs before taking over them).
(Battle begins).
Creepa: Have fun (Bye).
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Creepa: alright, Noelle, do you accept to be my faithful loyal peon?.
If you do, I'll free you.
Just press the correct answer button.
Noelle: I... I'm Scared.
Creepa: Did You even log in a form like this before (OMG XD).
Noelle: No, it's everything else that's scary.
Creepa: Please fill this list out of the following emotions.
I already told you that being a Peon is really AWSAOME.
Susie: Noelle.
Noelle: S... Susie!?.... Kris!?.
Susie: Don't Worry, We won't let you become robotfied.
Susie: Whoops, though. Uh, You Already know that.
Creepa: Well look at this, You Just Ruined the surprise.
Well Then.
(A rotor appears above the cage and flies away, taking Noelle with it).
Susie: W-Wait---!!.
Creepa: What a mess.
The peon must be "willing" to guide in the World Domination.
If only she had a fellow Peons to encourage her.
Creepa: So, You "fellas"
Are you like.
Doing anything now?.
Ralsei: We aren't going to help you.
Creepa: Understood (activating mind-changing protocols).
(A butler falls from the sky with a plate in his hand, he pulls the cover and reveals a giant game console and then leaves).
Susie: a giant game console.
Creepa: I decided to humiliating you in a simple Children's way.
With some striking to your ego.
And then, there will be no way but to Serve me (and only me).
Susie: The Hell?!?!, I never played one of these before.
Ralsei: But Kris is quite good at games.
Susie: oh yeah, Kris, Forgot you were a Nerd, show him.
(You tried to use the console, but you are not tall or strong enough to use the controller).
Creepa: Ego Striking complete.
Activating Laughing mode.
Ralsei: Uh... ummm... it's ok, kris... err... I'm short, too.
K... kris...!! Wait, I have an idea!.
Kris, if we combine our powers, then...
Look, I'll show what I've been participating.
(A light)
Ralsei: Magical Stool forme R.
Susie: now we're talking.
Alright Kris, Leave it to me.
Put your arms out.
Power Beast Forme S.
Move your arms and I'll move 'Em with You.
Let's go.
(Susie jumps at Ralsei).
Creepa: amazing, your transformation is only left your Weak Points out.
Ego Striking Efficiency 600% and rising.
Activating Virtual Battle.
(After the virtual battle, the game console got destroyed).
Sueie: heh, though you could defeat us?.
Creepa: [robotic evil laugh].
Oh boy that was totally... amazing.
You Earthling(s) are powerful than I expected.
And for this, I'll offer you with a new good and easy-for-babies contract.
Sign in to my Digital-Army.
And there is only a fifty percent chance that I'll resprite you up.
Please pick your answer:
Perish in the pixel doomsday.
Accept me as the new leader (sexyman) to your world as well as Accepting the new regin.
(Perish accept).
(Perish❤️ accept).
Susie: (... The Hell did you say that so enthusiastically).
Ralsei: err. Creepa... aren't there any other options?.
Creepa: OF course, there is: Super-Perish.
Susie: yeah. Um, no perishing... bites.
Creepa: You can say it: Super-Bytes.
Susie: Would You get out of here already!?!?!?.
Creepa: got jt: set all settings to "Perish".
(Creepa leaves).
Susie: c'mon, let's go after him.
(After completing the "Accept2All" puzzle).
Creepa: You Just Typed: Accept 2 All.
And Thanks for agreeing 2 this peon release form.
With that being said: are three are officially my minions.
And I can use your likeness for cool sprites.
Susie: and what if we just...don't do what do you say?.
Creepa: in that situation, I'll have no choice but....
Use another guy I guess.
Susie: Uh. Better get started on that then.
Creepa: ok but I'll still going to use your Likeness.
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(The water roller thing idk).
Creepa: That’s end of the line, funny babies.
I been acting very nice that far but now it it time for:
Your awful impression (capture).
Drop the cages.
Ralsei: ...err. you missed.
Creepa: That isn't a miss it was a cyber calibration.
Susie:.. so, Uh, are you gonna try it again?.
Creepa: Nah I only have like 4 cages.
OK wait.
For I have a this little plot twist for you.
(Noelle came).
Noelle: u... um... s-sorry, I just couldn't say no.
Susie: Noelle!?!?.
Noelle: H... Hi, Susie. Umm, how are you?.
Susie: umm, okay, I guess?.
Noelle: your... um... roller coaster is, um... I like it.
Susie: uhh... Yours too?
Noelle: Th... Thanks.
Creepa: Welp that's useless, bring in the other one.
(Berdly comes in).
Berdly: Fear not, My Beloved Noelle.
This valiant warrior of brave intelligence.
Will be your knight in the glow in the dark armor.
Susie: Berdly, You Asked BERDLY to be in your team!?!?.
Creepa: nope i didn't.
Berdly: That’s LORD Berdly to you simpletons.
And soon... SUPER Lord Berdly.
Susie:... the hell does that mean?.
Creepa: I have no idea just play along y'all.
Berdly: You See, thanks to our POWERFUL King...
We... Will soon rule the WORLD.
and Turn this land of fools... into smartopia.
A true scientocracy, where the geniuses of the world, can bathe freely in pools of fresh fruit and ambrosia.
No Longer held back by Protozoans like YOU.
And the key to that? Is US. Noelle and I.
Our Power... the "Light Nerd's" power...
Ralsei: You mean... "Lightners?"
Berdly: Um No. Creepa said "Light Nerds"
Creepa (laugh): Sure I did.
Ralsei: Berdly, Creepa's just manipulating you.
Berdly: Heh... that's what he SAID you'd say to me
Creepa (laugh): Sure I did.
Berdly: Now kris.
I must admit l, I feel pity for you.
Unlike Susie, I always saw some potential in you.
Join our side, and I might let you scrub our royal toilet.
(Do Not join).
Berdly: ah, kris. I suppose I knew you would never amount to much.
Well, if You're dead-set on proving your inferiority...
(Pulls his weapon).
Berdly: Allow me to assist you.
(Fight begins).
(After the fight).
Berdly: w-what...?
My coaster, it's...!
Wh... what!? That's not fair.
M... my king... save me...!!!
Creepa: just in a second, bud.
Hello guys, I have a massive update.
You see.
This roller coaster you in it Right now.
It's not totally.
"Completed" yet.
Creepa: "Suffering"
(Creepa laugh and flies away as the roller coaster are about to fall).
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Noelle: K-Kris!! What are you---
Creepa: ohhh Nooeeeeeeeellle.
Noelle: (Don't let him find me...).
Creepa: Noelle, Where are you (kiddo).
Did ya forget that we are (officially) are team?.
And still have to be my willing and (official) minion.
(Notice Kris).
Creepa:... kris.
Been spotted.
It seems to me that our teammates have dodged on us
... so I see that it has came into this...
In order to find our team(inions)...
We have to form (unofficial) truce...
(Suddenly, Berdly comes in).
Berdly: Creepa, my greatest king, where are you??.
Creepa: oh crap don't let him find me
(Turns himself into a box near to Noelle).
Berdly: ah. Kris... not the being I was looking for.
... hmm? Where's the rest of the C+ Squad?
Don't yell me you got abandoned!?, HA.
HAHA!! That's what you get for trusting Susie, HA.
H... huh?, Noelle? Creepa?.
They're just... busy retro gaming somewhere!!.
I bet they're waiting for me on the player select screen.
Listening to strangely groovy music!! HAHA, HA, HA.
So it come to this.
In order to find our respective teams...
we must form an uneasy truce...
Creepa What... The
Who the (Whoops) said you could double trucies?
Berdly: HUH?, did you hear something?.
Creepa: No No don't worry, that's just aahhhhhh...
The sounds from the city.
Berdly: oh okay.
Hmph. Well I'll be ahead. Don't be LATE.
(Berdly leaves).
(Creepa returns to his original appearance).
Creepa: Kris as a part of our truce (you and I just).
Keep Berdly out of our sight and find Noelle.
For you see...
Berdly... He's...
Alright there's no problems with him other than he just annoying as hell.
(Creepa leaves).
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Creepa (drunk): oh.
You arrived.
I'm sorry kris while I've been looking for Noelle.
I eat like 4 of those weird funny apples.
They are made out of JPNG.
(Laughing and throw the apple).
Don't worry about that, it was safe-to-throw apple.
Look kris.
(The entity spotted got applesauce).
And now, that we are trucies, I start feeling that we both are quite the same.
(Crazy mode activating).
(Creepa held Kris from their head and they are upside down).
Creepa: You got that kris.
You don't have something so ridiculous as "having an opinions".
Or yelling while I kick Your Ass.
Or telling me some stupid-Ass plans for a "smartboys"-themed city and reality.
why everyone else is so... Sad.
(Throws another, however this explodes).
Creepa: Sorry, I forgot this one is my BLOWING APPLE.
All I want is to make everyone happy.
Even if that means i have to destroy everything in my way to accomplish it.
Isn't that bad?.
It's fine.
No Need to Answer.
You'll answer incorrectly anyway.
But hey Kris... while we're still trucies.
Probably we can sort it out?.
(Another game console fall appears, this one is smaller).
By PLAYING it Out.
Isn't that... cool, Kris?.
Just You and me.
Playing just like brothers (in a neutral way for you).
And best of it: No one can interrupt this (...hopefully).
(Suddenly, a golden statue of Berdly and Creepa's statue looks so small next to it).
(Berdly falls from the sky).
Berdly: King Creepa, I've been looking everywhere to show you this.
A monument to our greatness... together.
Creepa (confused): Wow.
Um, that, wow, ah, what, hahah, ohh, hehe, mhh..
How I can put it straight.
It looks very...
So amazing and great you are.
I love it so much.
Berdly; HAHA, I KNEW you'd be enamored. Such perfect taste.
Creepa: Yeah, they are cool.
As I know, specie(s) like don't have... nipples.
Berdly: haha... I will SOON...
Kris, Feel free to admire our artisanship.
Creepa and I have plans to consider.
Creepa: Yup, that so awesome, I can't wait for it (what the hell am I doing with my life now, bro?).
It's Time go, Buttly.
(Berdly leaves).
Creepa: Keep moving I have to do something... alone (without you you little stinkass).
(Creepa backs to kris).
Creepa: I'm sorry about that, I must plan the hell out of here.
(Creepa leaves, as there is someone wearing a bucket on their head with a funny drawing on it).
Creepa: Cool face.
Creepa: Noelle, Where are you (kiddo).
Noelle: (Oh No, Here he comes...)
Creepa: Noelle, please come back home, I have made a delicious PNG Cake.
(Notice Kris).
Creepa: OH, Kris, nice.
(Throw the cake to the ground).
Now kris, did you seen--.
Berdly: My great Crrrreeeeeeeeeeppaa.
Creepa: OH hell no.
Everyone, get into the Creepamobile.
(They got into the car).
Berdly: King Creepa, where did you go??.
I have baked you a gamer's delight.
Hmm... he's not here...
(Berdly leaves)
(Everyone get outside of the car).
Creepa: phew, that one was close.
Hey kris.
Who is the fella behind you?.
My identifying systems dose not able to identify them.
...and yet.
There is something about them that fells
Creepatic Even.
Noelle: (...).
Creepa: Kris, we have to drive find Noelle.
Everyone, get in the Creepamobile.
Creepa: ok, kris, press directions to steer.
But watch out, we don't want hit any cars, don't we?.
(You hit a car).
Creepa: Y'know what?, suck it, hit 'Em all.
So much fun, right kris.
You lightners love traffic, don't you.
You look it up all the time.
Unfortunately for Noelle, She'll love hitting all these cars.
Noelle (in Disguise): umm, Actually, I... she, um, might not, um...
Kris, catch the apple.
(You catched the apple).
Creepa: Vitamin.
Wait, what, stop the car.
Holy (Whoops) it's so much traffic for today.
It's seems that Dog/cat thing has back selling the flakes on road again.
Kris, be a good child and go press the walk button.
It's over the the other side of the road.
Noelle (in Disguise): umm... I'll go, too...
Creepa: No, You gonna stay here...
Noelle (in Disguise): !?.
Creepa: So we can listen to all my CDs.
Noelle: o-okay.
(Kris... hurry up, please...).
(Here is the part where we met everyone's most wasted [[silly dude who makes fantracks and Arts since 1998]]
I'll link it here, so you guys can read both of Creepa's Saga and Scamcair's Saga).
(Anyway, after Scamcair's first encounter and Fight).
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Creepa: Come in.
(You got into the car).
Creepa: Kris, Remember, we HAVE to find Noelle.
(Creepa's signal activating).
(A signal that looks like Creepa's face appeared on the sky).
Creepa: When she see THE CREEPA SIGNAL, She'll came here, sooner or later.
Noelle (in Disguise): W... why do you... need to find Noelle so badly?.
Creepa: What are you even talking about?, this city is dangerous.
Poor, alone in the dark, and very scared and confused.
And suffering from the lack of vitamin.
Noelle (in Disguise): y... you're actually worried about her?.
Creepa: why do you think I'm wasting my time to find her.
Noelle (in Disguise):...
B... but why her?.
Wait, let me guess... is it because...
She's weak enough to make into your peon?.
Creepa: (audience laughs) Nah.
It's completely the opposite.
Because she's damn strong.
Noelle (in Disguise): h... huh? What do you--
Creepa: kris, can you please stop the car?.
Noelle (in Disguise): what's... wrong with it?.
Creepa: Phew.
One more minute and we three will be a dead-bytes (ohhhhhh spooky).
It seems that we have we have to split again...
On foot...
No more cool Creepamobile (crying).
Kris, just for reminder, if you saw Noelle
Tell her my ratings of her dancing in ballet is total.
Ohh, and if she asked for evidence.
Use this.
(Creepa's CDplayer was thrown to your KEY ITEMS).
Creepa: See ya.
(Creepa leaves)
(Later, in the carnival).
Noelle: O-oh no, he's coming back this way.
I'll hide in that stall.
Creepa hey you.
Yeah you.
Look at this.
(Throws the ball at the pens, causing them to explodes).
Creepa: Epic, right?.
And now, where is my hard-earned prize.
Noelle (in Disguise): oh! Um...
(Giving Creepa a prize).
Creepa: Nice (hopefully it's a pony).
(Before he leaves).
Wait a sac, I actually don't it.
(Creepa give it to kris and then leaves).
(After the gang goes to Creepa's Mansion).
Creepa: Kris, I can't believe it, you brought Noelle right in front of me.
I knew that our trucies was good.
But I'm sorry kris, you found your teammates and mine, that means that our truce is over.
Noelle, come over here, NOW.
Noelle: but I... I...
Creepa: Noelle, I'll say this one time (for infinity)
Get back here Get back here Get back here
Get back here
Get back here
Get back here
Get back here.
Noelle: I... I...
Creepa: are you for real?.
I guess I have no other choice.
How about if you didn't listen to me.
A little lonely bird will take a shower in the lava.
Noelle: b... Berdly.
(That’s right, he was just with us...).
(Creepa must have Captured him while are not looking...).
(I... I'm sorry kris, Susie... I...).
(I wish I could have stayed with you but...)
(I... I can't let Berdly gets hurt, Y'know?).
Creepa: aww, don't be sad, Noelle
For the remaining parts is the final step.
(Suddenly, Berdly comes in).
Berdly: the amazing Creepa, there you are.
Sorry, I thought I saw in a used game store.
Oh, Noelle, Are you okay?, you look a little funny.
Creepa: Plan B activate.
(A cage appears and captures Noelle and Flies away).
Berdly: h-huh?.
What are you doing!?.
Creepa: I saw how her will must be released by force.
Maybe by making her a Creepafied...?.
Berdly: B-but... you said you wouldn't do that if I...
Creepa: Lie detection is off.
Berdly: We were going to be smart together!!! That's not fair!!!.
Creepa: you want something fair?
Then have it your way.
(Three cages appears and captures Berdly, Susie and Kris).
Susie: H-HEY.
Creepa: Good thing that I have fully updated these cages.
Berdly: You... you said I could trust you.
You said that you were a gamer.
Creepa: Berdly.
Did You know that I hates games?.
Creepa: one of you buffoons is gonna help me in my Plan and it's gonna be Noelle.
And the rest of you.
Go to your rooms.
(The camera then points at Ralsei as Creepa victoriously laugh).
Ralsei: wh... what are you going to do with me?.
(Creepa realise that he didn't capture Ralsei).
Creepa: ohh (Whoops)
And you are here... still.
I only have like 4 cages bro.
I totally didn't know that.
(In the top).
Susie: Here he is.
Creepa, STOP right there.
Creepa: Cool, my not-too-much-favourite babies.
Just in time to witness my new regin.
And with Noelle under my control.
This is only a matter of time before Turns this world
And release her true power.
Covering the whole world with darkness.
Susie: Too late dumbass.
Noelle's with Berdly.
Creepa: Ohh really?.
Then who is that?.
(Berdly falls from the sky, this time with a bucket on his head).
Ralsei: b... Berdly?! But he's been...
Creepa: With Noelle.
After I discovered about the bucket mask thing, I decided to "update" it a bit to my advantage.
Making them from just a Disguise to a mind-controlling devices.
Now everyone can enjoy watching this.
(Evil laugh mode activating).
Susie: Wait, then... where is Noelle?!.
(Evil laugh mode overdrive).
I don't know (I know everything).
(The fun gang pulls their weapons)
Susie: enough already.
Creepa: Ohh boy.
To be honest, I liked you three.
It's gonna be a shame to force you to Serve me.
I'll enjoy it to the last.
(Creepa laugh).
(Battle starts).
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